Hiking pack and Hammock Camping Setup

Hiking pack and Hammock Camping Setup

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beautiful all right so this is my  short trip pack go lay down this is the pack that i take on short trips um  i do have an 80 liter osprey pack if we go more   than three nights that one is the one that's  coming um but most of our trips around here   we're gonna do one or two  overnights so uh i like this pack um   i've had it for a couple years now  it's been on many many many trips and   still looks almost brand new uh it washes up  really well it cleans up really well and it holds   up really well um this is an rei pack i think it  is called the ruck pack and it's a 40 liter pack um the thing i like the most about it is still has   a waistband or a belt so you can transfer some  of the weight out of the pack onto your hips   which is what you want to do when you're  hiking you don't want to just have straps   you don't want all that weight on your shoulders  it's going to make you tired really fast   shoulder straps and the waist belt are  all fully adjustable for ride height and for different builds um the other thing  that's really cool about this pack   is i can fold all of this up and unzip a cover  underneath here and completely cover this up   and use it like a duffel bag for the handle so   if i travel for work or something along those  lines i'll usually take this but i won't use it in   backpack form i'll carry it like a duffel bag and  stick it in the overhead bin on the plank plane so multiple uses and it  serves my needs really well so we're gonna go through the pack   and i think maverick is gonna watch  my back i'll start with the outside so this is an msr water filter we use it i like  it holds up well filters last for a while no issues with it a little bit of food grade  silicone for lubrication and she's good to go   um so on the other side of the pack is empty  because if i don't run a water bladder i'll   use a regular water bottle they fit really  nice right on the side not carry it easy the only thing that's not  actually in this pack right now   is food and a change of clothes um we usually  eat those camp ready meals or freeze dried meals   when we're hiking so we'll put the food in the  main compartment or kerala will carry it um   i'll put a change of clothes up here underwear  socks another pair of shorts and a wicking t-shirt   so all of the clothes that we take it's not  cotton it's all like rib stuff nylon like   hiking hiking gear hiking clothes um that all  packs down really nice can all fit right here   and if we're expecting rain i'll have my rain gear  up here as well so that's why this is empty so now i can open up the main compartment and up here and the uh little organizer is where i  will put the miscellaneous items like our car keys   um i have tent stakes up here uh cell  phone all that will go right here   and in the main compartment up  top um is a two-person cook kit   so i showed this on the last video this is the  same one that we take with us uh car camping   um real efficient so we have a pot two  bowls and then our coffee cups in here   we can store more stuff inside of it so that all packs up nice kind of locks in does make noise but when we have it  all packed in it makes less noise so i've got a sip pad and this is a blow up pillow   i always bring these two things because they're  super light super small and uh pretty versatile next up is my camp bag i went over this  in the last video for car camping but   same concept applies it's right on top it's  really quick to access it usually this is one   of the first things that comes out of the pack  because we use everything in here to set up camp   so that's always with us up top so going further down the next thing in are the  lights that i use inside my hammock um if we get   to a campsite later at night my headlamp is in the  camp bag and then these lights are right here up   top really quick to access and kind of string out  so we can have a lit area to set up camp and then   right after that is my brain tarp for my hammock  so when you're setting up camp and if it's you're   setting it up in the rain you want to put your  rain fly or your your rain tarp if your hammock   camping on top and you want to set that up first  so that gives you a nice dry place to set up camp then of course we have my actual hammock we've  got a top quilt and an underquilt so if we are   summer camping and it's going to be really  hot i usually won't bring the top quilt um   the only time i bring it i think  is if the temperature is going   uh to a to a level that i think is going  to be uncomfortable for me at night so   the under quilt the bottom quilt always comes 100  of the time because i can hang it loosely around   the hammock and not get as much heat insulation  but it stops the wind and the wind is is the   killer the important thing so you want to stop  the wind it's not necessarily about stopping cold   from creeping in but if you can stop wind you  won't cool off the hammock will keep you warm and that is everything that's in the  back really really simple quick setup um   no it doesn't seem like much but really the most  important thing is your sleep system and your food   and your water and you have all that covered here  now on the 80 liter packs obviously the larger   pack that i have i might do another video on that  but more gear comes with us you know hiking poles   we have our cold weather gear so we have  extra jackets uh extra base layers um   rain gear toboggans hats you know beanies that  kind of stuff so all that takes up room not all   of that is compressible so the other cool  feature about this pack is let's say i do   have to pack up in a hurry and i throw my camp  bag in the bottom and then i throw everything   else in and i'm in a hurry and we get to the  next campsite i can actually unzip the side oh i forgot about that whoops got a tree saw   and then that looks like that might actually be  careless i can't pillow but i can unzip the side right here and i can actually  access the entire pack and i can pull stuff on the bottom  without unpacking everything else so   it's one of the other reasons  why i really like this pack   but that's it that's my camping  setup that's my hiking setup um i can go through this stuff again if you want but   sorry so next i'm going to show you  how i set up my rain shelter my hammock   my under quilt and then i'll show you what the top  quilt looks like once it's all in it's warming up   out here today so i'll probably start sweating  as soon as i uh lay down in the hammock but   i'll get set up and we can do that step one's done our tarp set up now we've got a dry place to move  our gear it's not getting rained on   and we can finish setting up camp  i've got to run a couple errands   so i'll be back and when i get back i'll  show you how i do the rest of my setup   um for you guys it's gonna be instant for me it's  gonna be a couple hours so i'll see you then all   right so we're back we have our rain shelter set  up this is going to help block some of the wind really simple a-frame style out to stakes the  center ridge line supporting the weight and   now what we're gonna do is hang our hammock  up underneath this so we can stay dry   and my hammock let's get started all right so these hammocks that i make  have bug nets integrated into them and   an internal ridgeline to support  that so whoopi slings are on the end   and now we are going to go ahead throw our lights  in and work on our under quilt and top quilt ah oh easy now we've got our hammock set  up our top quilts expanding inside   we got our wind and cold protection on  the bottom which is our under quilt here   and we have our rain protection so what  i like to do is give the rain away to   run down this line and drop to the ground  so usually i'll just tie a knot here i'll let it drip down this outside same on  the other side so that is pretty much our   sleep system that's the most important part at  least uh for me as soon as i get into camp i   want to make sure i can get some shelter up and  my sleep system up and then everything else we   can unpack put headlamps on if it's dark get some  firewood get food going um whatever we need so i've had some questions by folks over the years  that say that you don't get as much privacy   with these tarps as you would uh if you had a  tent um that's not true because what you can do   is remove the end for the four  corners and leave the middle stake   and you can close these two edges like a door  so i'm going to show you what that looks like all right so let's see what both of  those look like i'm gonna take you   underneath the tarp just so you can get an  idea of how much privacy you actually get so it's pretty walled off yes it's a little  there's gaps underneath but what you can do   is hang your hammock lower and then bring the tarp  lower as well if you want it touching the ground   i don't recommend that but that is what it is um  obviously you can do the same on the other side   and then leave one flap where you can lift it up  and get in and then close it again so that's that and that is how i set up my sleep system every  trip every time um the only thing that changes is   what i'm actually connected to so it'll either  be a tree or a tree in a jeep or two jeeps whatever we can get our hands on at the time do good little nap now we got  to take everything back down i'll show you guys how i wind these cords  that way they don't get tangled up on me lay it across your hand come through your  pinky around your thumb just crisscross like so what are you good about right here grab the bunch and just twist around the  middle here pull your tail up through there   and you can slide everything down some i'm  going to tighten it up i can just undo that   and it'll fall out it'll never not it'll never  end up in a knot i should say at this point   uh the tarp is done i just draped it over to  one side normally it would be the last thing   i take down but for simplicity's sake trying  to film this i'm just going to drape it over we're going to do our under quilt inside  quilt pack all that up get the lights   out and then we'll pack i'll show you how the  hammock packs up pretty quick so stay with me all right we got the top cool down  the underquilt done now i'm going   to show you how quick this hammock packs up wow all right i've got the back  side of the tarp finished up um   it's ready to be taken down  so we're gonna do that now so all right let's go for a hike

2021-06-30 22:04

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