Hiking in Japan: Takatoriyama & Jinmuji Temple - Kanagawa

Hiking in Japan: Takatoriyama & Jinmuji Temple - Kanagawa

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in 1590 a massive army of toyotomi hideyoshi  surrounded odawara castle in a campaign to   eliminate the hojo clan a group of miners  dug under the castle walls allowing the   armies to enter in a skirmish ensued over the  following days pojo samurai warriors retreated   under the moonlight into the forests  and sought refuge at jimmunji temple   located in what today is miura peninsula  hideyoshi's forces pursued the retreating   samurais into the forest and ultimately destroyed  the buddhist temple complex subsequently rebuilt   after the rebellion today the temple stands in a  lush forest surrounded by nature and rolling hills   inconspicuously located on a hiking path for  outdoors enthusiasts of any skill level to enjoy   come along and today we'll explore the expanse  of ancient forest hiking trails which today is   a playground for hikers bird watchers  rock climbers and nature lovers alike   we are in kanagawa prefecture in the heart of the  miura peninsula and i walked the same stretch of   earth ancient samurai once stood my name is rock  eastwood and i am on assignment to enjoy a simple   freedom this is hiking in japan all right bros  i'm back on the trail after being on quarantine   for 16 days and a few work days i wasn't able  to get outside but now boo yeah we're outside finally stoked for the simple freedoms  today we're hiking from jummunji station   area we're going to come up on jummuji temple  as before mentioned and we're going to hike to   takatori yama takatoriyama where they do rock  climbing and then it's a giant buddha statue   i've been there before those of you have been on  my channel for a long time that video is really   old it's not good and it's since been deleted so  it's a good day to get out here and hike close to   my house i'm really not allowed to travel far from  my house right now but just for exercise we're out   here and yeah let's see what the day brings first  stop jummuji temple let's explore baby good to be   back wherever that trail goes this way says  jummuji temple so that's where we're gonna go i'm using some new equipment today i've got the   gopro go wireless go the lav mic which you might  see here which i've never used before so let's   give it a shot let's see how it is it's i  got it hooked up to the uh gopro media mod this is not about equipment but i just want to  tell you what i'm using just case you're curious   i also have the canon here for pictures and whatnot and hopefully we'll get some good footage so  peaceful out here i've only seen one person   so far today the og it's really beautiful it's  a little bit colder than i expected today but   that's okay we're gonna warm up here on the  trail i am walking in the same exact footsteps   as samurai have sept hojo clan or many  other different clans samurai over the years it's always a good feeling to step back in  history and look at a place that your eyes   are seeing the exact same thing that they  saw maybe the brush is more overgrown or   less grown or the trail is a little different but  basically what i see is the same as they saw and   that's something special that is something special  that's freedom that's cross cultures that's cross   centuries i could stand in this spot it could  be any century the 1500s it looks like this   be the 1600s it looks like this 1700s it looks  like this and it's 2021 and it looks like this next stop jimmuji temple climb up these temple gates   climb up these temple gates climb up  these temple steps don't sound the bell i like that the bell's got this like leather   i don't know if it's leather  but bangs into this part cool and get a good shot here  instagramable shot maybe maybe that's pretty sweet pretty sweet i don't even  know if this lav mic is picking me up i hope so   and if so it's totally worth it to to get  one of these mics but that's the whole   reason i bought it to do this to be able  to walk away from the walk away from the camera i'll show you what it looks like so this is  what we're doing we got the gopro setup with the   road and i got the thing on my pocket and then  it's on this gold pole onto a little manfrotto that's how i'm doing it today oh it's  got these uh little guardian guys out   front probably not gonna be able to see this  guy right now because the sun is here but guardian i forgot what it was but  there's something special about this tree   it's uh one of the oldest trees  in this prefecture or something   400 years old i don't know i just made  that up giant tree so cool so so cool there's somebody praying over there i don't want  to be disrespectful this is a buddhist temple   and as you know most a lot of Japanese  are buddhists or claim to be buddhists so   let them do their thing and i'll explore  around a little bit over here till she's   done with her little prayers i don't know  what this is just another buddhist thing   i said just another buddhist thing i don't mean  it disrespectfully i just don't know what it is who's calling my phone no time for love dr, jones don't call me  on my day off another little complex here she's got these stickers up on the roof i  don't know what those are for i'm not sure what that's for maybe the history of it 1209 maybe it was established  1590 we already spoke about   that's when this place was attacked and burned  down when they were chasing the hojo clan and this looks like it's the main complex  so there's the gate we went through no   actually i didn't go through that gate  yet did i but here's the main building this is pretty cool you're supposed to pray and then throw money in  this thing but i don't have no coins right now   unfortunately sorry i love temples and shrines  that are in the mountains   the most that's the best part of  being in japan to me that i love i want to be respectful to the buddhist culture i'm not religious myself but  i tend to lean more towards   the believing of buddhism more than anything else i don't know if it's possible  to be enlightened but i do believe if you are going to  be enlightened it happens in nature look at that oh man i don't even remember that i don't remember  this at all i've been here a couple times   that's an awesome painting and over here  i got this guy that's so good so sweet   look at his feet man that's cool let  me just face the detail on his face tiger white tiger i don't know what's  the meaning behind that i don't know man that's awesome people wonder why we  want to live overseas or live in japan   or live in foreign countries for stuff like that man i missed these ones earlier look at this it's  like a turtle with a snake wrapped around it it's   so dope and then this one's a dragon how did  i miss these i didn't see these at all earlier   man that's so cool that turtle's flack'd turtle soup over here we have those god damn i love that freaking  tattoo right there so is this man i love it i love it i love being out here  all right let's get back on the trail and   head towards takitoriyama i remember  being this steep it feels kind of hard well not really because i'm  out of shape because i've been sitting for 16 straight days   just sitting like a mushroom not even a human just  a freaking mold piece of mold growing on the couch trying to get my legs back under me somebody  must he didn't probably the ocean's right   there like sushi out there nice very nice  great views great views that's why we hike i don't know if i'm gonna be able to get  it there's mount fuji in the distance   this is the viewpoint for mount fuji  takatoriyama area not that great it's pretty far   but for my eyes it's clear   all right another viewpoint but i don't think  it's going to beat the one where i just saw   i believe this one's pointing to the bottom of  miura peninsula which is like mirua kaigon area   and jogashima but right now we'll head  back down and head to takatoriyama   and turn out to be a beautiful day man it was  going to be a beautiful day regardless because i'm   outdoors but the weather is really great right  now it's probably in the 50s it's in the 50s   all right out there in the distance you can see  the tower that's at the top of takatoriyama and   then the mountain climbing wall where people climb  so i'm on my way this is not a long hike this is   maybe four kilometers or something out there this  yoko-yoko which i drive on every day to go to work   yoko highway i don't remember seeing  that last time but that's cool   those poor bastards going to work that could  have been me today i got the day off and i'm here what a difference in life sitting in a  cubicle standing at a computer screen or yeah baby exercise for your eyes baby i was going  to say a different word that started with a bee   but i didn't is a half a kilometer  and that's where we'll chill out we'll chill out for a little bit enjoy a little  lunch just a little snack on onigiri have a drink   get some fresh air looks like there's a cool  rock formation here here to climb through can i fit my fat ass through there i believe so i believe so i believe so jackpot i scratch my backpack but that's okay backpacks are meant to be scratched walk through that little rock thing  right there just keep it moving   oh man just bang my camera on  the wall i guess that's the   the downfall of carrying the camera on the  peak design clip i just got to be careful   but i do have the the cage around  it so uh you know atama-ey ne that's how smart i am huh genius   rocky geez take another another turn or two  we'll be at takatoriyama okay this is steep they got this chain here to help you along  but uh i don't know that miss covid khan is   still around so i'm not going to touch that horse  let's just go bare hand raw dog there's raw doggy i'm not touching you chain i'm touching near  you but i'm not touching you freaking horse. hey ah i just touched the chain i did i did see  it shaking i touched the chain i called it a horse   and it drew me in like a magnet hopefully you can  hear me holla if you can hear me comment below just kidding i hate that youtube stuff. i  love youtube but i hate the dork youtube stuff   you want to comment give me a  comment if you don't want to   that's okay you don't have to like it you can  dislike it i don't care i'm making this video for   that one person that does care most people hike  down there but i'm up here because i'm a rebel   so rebel Bob MARLEY baby you don't know about  that oh man okay tucker toriyama's right up here   i don't know if you can see it on the gopro  but that's like the tower you can climb up   to and get a viewpoint there's so many  trails that lead to this miura peninsula   there's a lot of mountain bike trails too  that run through here oh man see i don't know   if i'm going the right way the trail splits  you can go down that way and go up this way   and i said the magic word didn't i and go up you  can go you can go up and go up this way we go up   although that might have been  the wrong decision this time because what the hell okay that doesn't look like a trail this might  be a trail but that's some rock climbing stuff hmm should i go for it well follow my home rule always go up i don't  know if i made the right decision this time   because i know you can get to the  viewpoint tower from down below   there's some stairs but that's not  adventurous stairs aren't adventurous   let's climb the rocks huh let's do the rocks  gamble scandal let's do the rock scramble ah   okay okay this is cool i never went this way this is cool a little bit dangerous but danger  is my shut your mouth no it's not okay let's see if i can  get to the top of this rock normally it wouldn't be a problem but since  i'm holding this camera these multiple cameras and we'll go up here oh there's people up there this is just  the rebel way of go making it up there   oh we're climbing up here we're climbing up here yes son i did it i didn't do it yet but  about to hey hey hey that's how we do that's a view jesus oh it says it probably says don't be up here hey someone's rock climbing there  let me get out of here oh shoot.  

gotta hop the fence all right i'm  supposed to be up here ah damn it how embarrassing i'm gonna go  around i'm too fat to hop that fence pretty sure i'm not supposed to be on this ledge try to find the way in on the other side that was cool though that was totally worth it  even though i may have broke the rule a little bit it's totally cool when i looked down i saw people  climbing up that wall rock climbers   yeah they really don't want you to be up here damn okay i am going to have to hop the fence all right shoot. wait okay i'm  definitely too old for that hey i made it let's check out this viewpoint  he didn't the rock climbing walls over there here's another test for the microphone i don't  know if you could pick me up in this wind   somebody climbing up right there pretty sure i wasn't supposed  to be over there that's okay john looks like there's a  school out here in the distance   and then there's tokyo bay oh tokyo  bay and on the other side is chiba chiba prefecture then way out there in  the distance is yokohama city where i live you're not going to be able to see on  the gopro but yokohama is out there   yokosuka navy base is over there you can see a warship in the water out there pie  not on the gopro let me bust out my other camera   today out here is the Yokosuka navy base and  the japanese self defense force base i don't   know if you're gonna see there's a some warships  out in the water which we see every day at work but yeah this is where we work this  is where i work opens up to tokyo bay opens up the tokyo bay out here and then as i tried to show you out there  tokyo is out there in the distance   rainbow bridge i could see skytree there's no way  you can see it on the camera and then yokohama is   on this side where i live just a little bit  probably like uh 40 kilometers from tokyo   yeah that out there is tokyo that out  there is tokyo i don't know what you   can see right now because i can't see my my  uh my monitor i hope you can see something all right let me switch back to the gopro  all right all right let's head down there to   the rock climbing wall and check  it out climb down to this rock wall and watch the rock climbers oh man check out you  got to see this rock wall though it's really cool you got this huge rock wall sweet sweet sweet sweet that's  where i was up there you can see it this is up there let's go up this way let's check out this practice climbing wall yosh yo i'm up here usually the rock climbers are here oh yes oh yes very cool seems like they're doing uh training today i don't want to bother them  because it seemed like the guy was a rookie   and he's probably already nervous so i'm not  going to sit there and photograph them film them   be respectful just head on down the  trail there's some other parts to   see let me find a spot to chill out the sunshine   a little park is usually where the ocean hang  out and play mahjong drink their one cup sakes so i won't go over there i don't want to fringe  on their territory this doesn't look too bad but   no it's not perfection let's find perfection hey  this looks cool get some sunshine have a snack   i got my colorado bushcraft ground sheet  today so let's set that up to them at check out this ground cloth here that i got  from mitchell beautiful piece of artistry just tied this uh leather rope around it like this look at this check this baby  out look at that's got wool heavy canvas hey got this wasabi sandwich so spicy my mouth's on fire let me  finish this sandwich drink some water   you might head over to the buddha  statue what a day what a beautiful day i fed these guys now they want more  you guys are greedy you're selfish   i give you a whole big piece of bread you  fat bastards get out of here out of here   i gave you some all right let's pack up i love  this ground cloth by colorado bushcraft so awesome put it back in my bag like this i'll see what i got in my bag that's  where i keep it i got the drone here   i got a peak designs case with the a  lot of batteries and stuff like that   cords i usually keep extra lenses in here but i  don't need it for this hike since i'm using the uh   gopro mostly and then i got my peak design  tripod here which i haven't even used today   so yeah let's close it up let's hit the road  all right i'm all packed up got the camera here   soak it in one last uh breathe in the  fresh nature not that this hike is over yet   we still got some more to do but we'll leave this  spot which is takatoriyama i guess it's been about   five years since i've been here last but check this out boys how dope is this hmm how dope is this hell yeah i don't know if you can  see the scale of this it is giant   let's take some pictures with the cannon that's  why i brought it got some shots of the buddha   check me out my instagram rock used to  it on instagram you want to see those man it's not something you run  into every day on your hikes   so super dope super super dope damn that's cool i think the last time i was here it was summertime  when i went back up in here there were so many   mosquitoes but look how the walls are cut  this is nuts this is crazy the way it is look how that is i don't know how  they do that or why they do that that's pretty insane pretty insane if you ask me  it's super cool super dope   yeah this is the uh yakuza rock quarry i don't  have that much information about it i'm sorry but it's still pretty cool yeah   what a day what a day it was a good day hiking out  here in uh yokosuka japan on the mira peninsula   i enjoyed it got some sunshine some vitamin  b some vitamin b some vitamin d d's nuts   and you know what that ladies  and gentlemen is simple freedom

2021-02-24 22:39

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