HIKI NŌ Episode # 912 - Top Story: Inspirational teacher Emma Erwin | Program

HIKI NŌ Episode # 912 - Top Story: Inspirational teacher Emma Erwin | Program

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Broadcasts. Of hiki no are made possible by the support, of viewers like you Mahalo. And by, Bank, of Hawaii foundation. Investing. In Hawaii's future by promoting collaboration, critical. Thinking and other 21st, century skills through hiki no. Next. On hiki no stories. From across our island chain I. Think. That I wanted to prove that like. I was in charge of what happened to my body like I was in charge of like how far I could push my body I was in charge of like how much it hurt this Big Island teacher goes on a. 2650. Mile journey to heal her body and soul following. A traumatic experience, see, how a rescue, dog named rascal, and other critters on Hawaii are teaching, young campers how to take care of animals come, into the kitchen at a popular, Hanapepe, restaurant, to see how this chef prefers, local, food that draws diners, to uncle's kitchen, year after year learn, along with students, from Lahaina Intermediate, School the, lost art of sewing on a button find. Out how students, from three countries have become ambassadors. Of peace for a new generation meet. A man who emigrated from the Philippines, to make a new life for himself and his family on, kawaii and find. Out how a Maui family, discovered, the blessing and their baby's disability and how they are sharing their experience, to inspire their community. Stay, tuned for these stories, and see. How the schools with stories, in this show to find the geographic, boundaries of their school districts, Oh on, this episode of hiki, no can, do. We. Are here on the campus at Konawaena High School in, the town of Calca kueh on the leeward side of Hawaii Island, the, Konawaena complex, serves students, from the South Kona region grades, K, through 12, students. Travel, from Kona and as far south from, the town of ocean view to attend our school situated. In the Fertile slopes of mount Aloha our. District, is mostly rural was, small historically, rich towns nestled, in between coffee. Plantations. Also. Located, near the school is Captain, Cook monument in Kealakekua Bay, in which, Captain, Cook lost his life in 1779. The. Following, story by students, at Konawaena high school is about a high school teacher that, walked the Pacific Crest Trail to, overcome, a traumatic.

Event In her life. At. 21, Miss, Emma, Irwin challenged, herself to walk. 2,650. Miles along. The Pacific, Crest Trail by. Herself. But. Across the board the majority people do in trails like that are, kind of like scruffy, bearded men and. So been like a young, blonde woman was pretty rare I, think. It definitely made the, experience. Different for me than it would for someone, of a different gender or, have a different ain't or. Mr. win the, trail wasn't just a physical challenge it, was a journey to overcome, the emotional trauma, of being sexually, assaulted. But. I think for me I was trying to prove that, like. My body was mine again and I think like that came from the experiences, that happened before in college and. I think that I wanted to prove that like. I was in charge of what happened to my body like I was in charge of like how far I could push my body I could I was in charge of like how much it hurt and like, I was in charge of where. I was going and what I was doing because I think a lot of that control gets lost when you go on undergo, a traumatic. Experience it. Took mr. wijn 102. Days to hike from the border of Mexico to. The border of Canada, nearly. Three and a half months, to sort out her conflicting, emotions, and, so. Rather. Than having it be like, some isolated. Person, who I had no history with that. Would be terrible, but it was also this like very very. Heartbreaking. Situation. Where I lost someone very close to me in my life because they did something terrible to me and so that compounded. The trust issues and compounded. Like. The difficulty, in recovering because I was worried about him too which is weird you don't think about that you don't think about worrying about your assaulter but. That was like a huge part of my process as well as, mr. Urwin pushed her body and mind to the brink of exhaustion, she. Also completed, her journey from victim, to survivor I think in my process. In. The aftermath, of what happened to me I. Think like a big huge part of it was hiking the PCT by, myself, like clear to me and clear to those around me who are close to me in my life felt like that was kind of a major chef. Mr.. Urwin no teaches, at Konawaena high school that. Hopes her experience, can help others struggling, with abuse, it's. Like terrible that it's like this one act can like cause this huge trauma for not. Just the victim but the aggressor as well and. Unfortunately. Like the statistic, is more. Often than not when, something, like sexual assault happens, it's, not, uncommon not at someone that you know or that you believe, cares about you miss. Irwin says the road to recovery does, not require a cross-country, trail just.

Being Open, and honest, is a great first step I, mean. People like openly, declare like yes this actually happened to me and yes, it was this person's fault not mine. Can. Be really helpful, for, other people who have experienced, similar situations. Mr.. Irwin's lessons, are going beyond, the classroom by. Sharing what it is like to walk in someone else's shoes. This. Is Carmona Manzano from Konawaena high schools for hiki no and. Now. We go to Lihue I'm kawaii where students from chiefess kamakahelei middle. School bring. Us the camp with some friendly critters who need love attention, and protection. When. He just a four month old puppy Roscoe, is rescued, by the Kauai Humane Society. He, had been attacked by another dog we assume and his, face was practically, bitten off and he. Lost one of the eyes because, it was no longer savable, but. The most important, thing to save was the hole in a skull here, because. There was a tooth. Had penetrated his, head and it, was quite. Infected. And it, needed a lot of antibiotics Rascals. Injuries, required, three, different surgeries, he, pulled through with the help and care of the Humane Society employee. Capturing. The hearts of many rascal, became a kawaii made society ambassador, and now plays a key role in an educational, keiki program, called, cooter camp Oh rascals. Are part of a critter camp because he kind of boots the whole group we used him as examples, to how, surgery. Helps animals because, he had a big gash in his head and how the vet can help at, cooter can't kids take part in arts and crafts in different animal related activities, we, get to go see the kittens, and the cats and, the dogs we, also get to take, animals on perimeter walks like, rascal and we, get to make treats for them anything. - making bird toys -. Playing. With animals by, connecting, with animals, kids also learn about the impact animals, can have on people's lives so. They learn how to socialize with the animals, they, learn how to be kind and caring and gentle with them they learn about marine. Animals, and they learn about service. Dogs like the canine rescue units, I also, have the SOS, bird ladies come in and also. The forest bird people come in so it's not just only cats and dogs sometimes, the most important, lessons can't be taught by books at the Kauai Humane Society.

They're Found in animals like rascal. I like rascal, cuz he learned how to survive with only one eye Krita, cats pretty. Important. And special because it allows. Kids to interact with the animals and, learn about how. To take care of them and what, to do and it's, just fun, for everyone people, gain, great, insight, for, watching, animal. Socializing. With animals, just. Like people it's it's a great human, skill lessons. Like empathy, and caring for others whether, they're animals, or people are what make critter capsule special, this is jazz Maurice from chiefess kamakahelei middle. School for, hiki no, he, quino's on Instagram or show updates and a peek behind the scenes follow, us on instagram at hiki, no can, do. We're. Here on the campus of Waimea high school in the town of Waimea, on the west side of Kauai our, school serves students, grade, 9 through 12 from a large proportion, of la, la but, also including. Kalaheo, ke kaha and my mayor a famous. Tourist attraction. On the west side is the breathtaking, Waimea. Canyon also. Known as the Grand Canyon, of the Pacific. The. Following story by students at Waimea high school is about a local restaurant business, sharing, its homestyle, cooking, if, you're. On the island of kauai and looking, for a family restaurant full, of aloha, uncle's. Kitchen, in the small town of Hanapepe, is a place for you we. Sat down with Mannie Cabral better, known as uncle mano so, that he could share with us more. About his business. Started. Around 1986. And. I really interested in cooking by, cooking with other people there. Was a much older than I am and, my idea was to, gain as much knowledge as, I could before. This type, of cooker would fade, away over. Time uncle Nino has worked out recipes that were made from the heart to serve at his restaurant my. Menu items are basic, home-cooked. Meals that the, local people enjoy, throughout the years. And, they often, enjoy that type of cookie so we decided to cook the same way so we're not really cooking.

What, We would call the. Razor. You'll, be taught by he was going to a culinary school, so we cook totally differently the home stuff cooking not, only does he get his inspiration. From his family his greatest motivation, was, to continue, his cooking style, well. We're not we're, not like some of the other business where most of the things. That they cook are pre-measured. Pre-made we just do everything by flavor being. The uncle mano cooks from the heart he continues, to update his menu and serve the dishes he thinks are the best oh you, just depends on popularity what, people really like what. Most commonly, locals, love to eat we. Add that to our menu public. Foods are beef, stew with mac, salad and rice we. Also have a hunter's special which is four eggs four. G sausage, spam, smoothly. And, to scoop the rice uncle. Manos takes with the traditions, and how he learned to cook his menu items well, I can't say that our food in in all our kitchen, is like. Food that was prepared some. You, know at, least 30 40 years ago. Can't, no plantation style plantation. Style of cooking and. We, just kind of carry that right through, to. Now so. People are kind of looking for that what they were growing up as a young keister fantasy, camps, so, we kind of copy that and serve out the server food that way. This. Is dance rap yo from Miami high school for hiki no. Next. Students, from Lahaina Intermediate, School teaches. How to keep our favorite clothes ready to wear with, this simple task many of us still don't know how to tackle. Hey. You, don't have to throw your clothes just because he lost the button why, throw it away when you can fix it within a few minutes all. You will need is a sewing needle thread. Scissors. And, a button the. First step is to grab your needle and thread you, will need to cut a piece of thread about 8 inches long to fully fix your button next, is to pull the thread do the eye of the needle this. Might be tricky at first but, you will get the hang of it then, you tie a knot at the end of the thread as shown, next. To position, the new button on the spot where the previous button, was push. It a needle, up through the bottom of the fabric and to one hole over the button make. Sure to pull all the way through on each stitch, then. Push needle down to the next hole through, the fabric and pull all the way through repeat. The process two times then, your up the thread three or four times around the base of the button to strengthen it the, next step is to weave three or four stitches to the fabric, to secure the thread the, final step is to cut off the extra thread now, you can enjoy your fix clothing this. Is Christian Clarion from Lahaina intermediate, school for hiki no. We're. Here on the campus of aliamanu middle school in the salt lake district of oahu our school. Is surrounded by many outstanding features, we are located, in an area of extinct, volcano craters such as aliamanu for which we are named to the west of us is Joint Base pearl harbor-hickam home. Of the US Pacific Fleet and the headquarters of Pacific Air Forces and the, Hawaii Air National Guard, if you travel then you're most likely familiar with Daniel K Inouye International. Airport, finally. Our school, lies within an area providing. Educational. Services that. Includes aliamanu elementary school. And the Salt Lake Manalo Public Library the, following. Story by students at aliamanu middle school is about three student ambassadors, from countries around the Pacific, they, traveled, to Hawaii to spread the message of peace. Yesterday. December. 7th. 1941. A. Date. Which will live, in. Infamy. So. Where'd the President, Franklin D Roosevelt remind, us of the devastation of war but. Now a date which will live in infamy also. Inspires a message of peace three. Students from Japan Australia, and, California carried. That message when they came together from. One week on Oahu their. Visit was sponsored by the Australian, National Maritime Museum for. A project celebrating. Peace in the Pacific.

They. Had to write a speech saying why. They thought being an investor would be important, and why they. Would make a good ambassador so what personal qualities, they possessed, the ambassadors, met for the first time when they arrived in Hawaii with, the common goal in mind they quickly bonded with each other they. Had a busy schedule that included, a visit to aliamanu middle school where, they met students of various cultures and backgrounds, they. Also were able to hear the first-hand accounts of the Pearl Harbor attack through. A presentation by mr. Jimmy Lee who, was an eyewitness to the event as a child the. Ambassador's, also had a chance to share their viewpoints, on peace. We. Need to focus on peace because, you, know anything. Other than peace ends with people getting hurt or dying and the, only thing that matters in this world is taking care of each other the. Next day they attended a youth peace symposium, where, Japanese citizens. And veterans from World War two shared, their thoughts so. Their stories, were really really. Just. Something different and something that. I can really take back to Australia, and tell. Other teachers, and friends about I really, like, to, hear. The other, perspective. From. From. Other people, like other, countries people. So it was good. They. Began the following day by participating. In commemoration, ceremonies. Of the December 7th Pearl Harbor attacks later. They returned to the Pacific Aviation Museum. Exhibits. And interactive, activities, gave the students and ambassadors, perspectives, from both sides of the war, finally. The hallmark of their entire visit, was, the signing of the peace document, on board the USS Missouri, it, took place in the exact spot where more, than 70 years ago assigning. By Japan the, United States and its allies officially. Ended the Pacific phase of World War two it, was she in life two students in Australia. My. Heart as a young global, citizen, is that a few which make those life-changing, decisions, act, with integrity and responsibility to, consider, the effects, of conflict. On the many and to, act with truth and honesty, so. That the tragedies, of the past are never repeated. On. Those in attendance. After. Seeing all of this and after going through today peace, the word peace means to me, when. People. Come together and, instead, of fighting and arguing they. Become. Friends. What's, lessons from the past and present generations. These, young ambassadors are ready to carry on the, mission of peace for generations to, come, this. Is Gershon Joe Montgomery from aliamanu middle school for hiki no. The. Following, story about, a Filipino, immigrants, experience moving. To Hawaii was, produced by students at Kauai High School in Lihue, I. Originally. Produced the story about my father's, immigrant, experience for. The PBS Newshour. Student, reporting labs. How. Is a very, beautiful place. Scenery. Is perfect. There's. A lot of green mountains. Nice. People. Clean. Air. Cleaner. Than. Where, I came from I. Emigrated. From, the. Philippines, and. That. Was, about, 17. Years ago. Immigrating. To Hawaii was not as, easy you. Need. To have a lot of sacrifices. My. Wife, came. Back to the Philippines to marry me but. After. He went back to the US I, was. Not able to come or, follow. But that, process, takes four, or five years for me to even come to the US 16, years ago my, father began working as a civil, engineer for. The Hawaii State Department. Of Transportation. My. Job right now is easier. For me to support, my family, but. It's. Not, easy in the beginning. Me. And my wife needed, two jobs it's, just. To rent, a house or. Buy. A car and. Have. Anything, that's a necessity. Our. Family. Has grown in the u.s.. My. Parents, and my sisters. Legally. Emigrated after me and my, sisters, are now married, and have. Their own family. Everybody. Is, now citizens. Of the United States. I'm. Glad, that I am. Immigrated. To Hawaii. Life. Is a lot better now this. Is Brandon, Marco's from Kauai high school for, hiki no. Here. We are in the campus of Maui high school home, of the saber is located, in Kahului the heart of central Maui Maui.

High School serves students in grades nine through 12 who reside in Kahului which is a business, retail, and transportation, center Molly students, also commute, from the beach line tourists and driven South Maori communities, of Kihei Wilaya and McKenna there, is we serve are mainly comprised, of growing suburban neighborhoods, and also feature key elements, of Maui's activity, and economy, such as our Islands International, Airport, seaport, main, shopping venues restaurants. And beachfront, resort the. Following story by students at Maui high school is about a family enjoying the birth of their baby and, their business. And. We do strawberry, lilikoi, lychee, for. The past three years Pukalani. Residents. Elias and Stephanie Garcia spread, their love for popcorn and people with their Aloha kettle corn food truck. But. When they are not working, Elias and Stephanie enjoy life with their 9 month-old baby Eliana the, moments they share as a family, are especially cherish, due to their long journey, to Parenthood, we, tried six. Years to, have a baby and. It was a struggle but. When we found out that she was pregnant he was all excited. Everything. Was going good I'm setting, up my baby shower and I got a call from the physician, and he said. Just. No warning, that. My babies. Scream. Screening. Test for Down syndrome came, back positive, and, at. That moment, I. Felt. Like. A. Hundred. Boulder just come down on me it, was a scary, scary, time for us you, know you kind of get through that and then all, these, other things keep, piling, on more than 50 percent of babies, with Down syndrome have, heart, conditions and they. Were, concerned that Bay we wouldn't need, open-heart. Surgery, they, did an ultrasound on. Baby. And found two holes in her heart, the Garcias spent 24, days in the NICU, hoping. And praying. But. We knew this was our miracle. Baby. After. Long intense, days of waiting the Garcias, are finally able to return home after Eliana's. Holes heal themselves -. More. Than we could have imagined. She brings so much joy and. So much life, and. It's. The, greatest blessing of, my life. When. People tell me I'm so sorry about your baby or, I'm sorry about this condition not. Knowing, that it's not something to be sorry about. We. We got information on our own and when. We found out that kids. It. Has Down syndrome gets. Terminated, we get hurt because, they, are. A big, part of. What. We don't know which, is love Down, syndrome to me. Is, a. Gift, from God. It's. That extra chromosome. That no, other person has and. That. Extra. Chromosome. Is a, gift, that was given just to them. For. The Garcias, their babies served not just as a blessing, but also a new way of looking at their situation. It's. Opened our perspective. And our, broadened. Our, ways. Of thinking and. Seeing disability. In a new light the, Garcias decided to share this love with the Maui community, Aloha. Kettle corn is. Our. Pride. And joy and. It's. Such. A blessing because we're able to use our company to share and educate the community we. Did an event in October, which is Down, syndrome Awareness Month and we didn't, even at Kula Country Farms, where. We provided, education. We, awareness, with. Down syndrome, awareness. For us is important, so that the people Hawaii, and all, over know that on these children. Just. Because they have Down syndrome and they're labeled, they can do great, things they, just want to be loved and they just want to show love I. Have. Dreams, that she can share her story, that, she'd be a. Advocate. And. Be. An inspiration to, children with Down syndrome to, communities. To the world this, is hunter Niharika, from Maui high school for, hiki no. Stay. Tuned after the show to see what the students who produced this story learned, from their experience. Well. We've come to the end of this episode of Hickey no remember. All these stories are written shot, and edited, by students.

Like Us we. Hope you've enjoyed watching them as much as we've enjoyed sharing them with you stay. Tuned after the show to find out what some students learned working, on this episode more. Proof the Hawaii city's hiki no can. Do. Stay, tuned after the credits to, see what students, from Maui high school learned, from their hiki no experience. In. Maui, high schools Garcia, story I was the, camera and co-writer. I was. Camera, editor. And co-writer. I was. Camera and co-writer, the. Garcias, story is about a couple that lives in Pukalani, Stefanie. And Elias, Garcia and they. Tried. To get pregnant they, finally, ended, up getting pregnant but, their baby was diagnosed with Down syndrome we. Decided. That it would be a good start, to share with the community for, this hiki no story we really worked well as a team for. Most of us this is our first hiki no story, but, yasha was actually, the only one that was experienced, with filming, these stories and knowing how they lay out being. Mentored, by Joshua was overall good because, she's, so experienced. And it really helped me become, a better videographer. When. She was just like getting, up and close with the baby I wasn't very comfortable doing that but. Seeing. Her do that really made, me not think I'm overstepping, boundaries, into, their life and, gave me confidence I. Am. Definitely proud of the outcome especially, since it is Hunter Josiah and April's, first time making, a hiki no story, and the, video turned out really really well, for, my next hiki no sorry I want to further develop. My connection, with people because I feel like that's the most important, thing in film production and, being professional when you can interact with others. Broadcast. Of hiki no are made possible by the support, of viewers like you, Mahalo, and by, Bank, of Hawaii foundation. Investing. In Hawaii's future by promoting collaboration, critical. Thinking and other 21st, century skills, through hiki, no.

2018-02-24 01:20

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