HIFTV.TV | Ep.02 | Movement On Fuerteventura

HIFTV.TV |  Ep.02 | Movement On Fuerteventura

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[Music] the return has begun [Music] after 18 months of eerie quietness there's a sense of movement a feeling of freedom an air of excitement people are coming back their love for this precious island stronger than ever it's been a long time coming which makes it extra special to welcome you back home in fuerteventura [Music] since the pandemic many resorts in the canary islands have been sleepier than usual [Music] but in the late summer of 2021 locals are waking up to a flurry of feet across fort ventura [Music] i would say the last three four weeks it is even fun to just sit in a car and i said oh i'm going to just take my son and go for 10 minutes to collect hawaii there's people again it's just nice to see people around business is busy again and people finally get their head out of the water and can start living their life again obviously we're getting a lot of traffic from the uk now what we're seeing over the last really over the last couple of months has been uh has been positive you know i mean it's more people lots of buyers about you know and it's looking good it's fantastic to see the island starting to buzz again and it will buzz again in this episode we'll be looking at the art of moving things on and off forta ventura and we'll be exploring opportunities in el cortio one of the island's most diverse resorts for surfers and families alike before that a new feature for home in puerto ventura dot tv that we like to call off the beaten track brought to you rough and ready from one of the island's more isolated spots hi folks this is a short little video from posenegro i have very little gear with me right now just my phone and a little stand for it but it just goes to show any budding filmmakers what can be achieved with minimal equipment i've just been for a swim it's beautiful out there crystal clear there's a guy out there windsurfing which is practically unheard of with this beach because normally the the wind blows from the north and there's a massive great cliff in the way of the wind here normally but of course the very day that i didn't bring all my sailing gear it's absolutely perfect but there you go lesson learned positive is one of those spots where if you know how to work it it's a brilliant place there are bits of sandy beach depending on the tide here it's been high tide while i've been here so not a lot of sand about if you don't have hobbit feet made of iron like mine then it's not so comfortable we have these totems now on the beaches across the municipality of antigua now these are very helpful and very important life-saving devices basically like an inflatable sausage that you throw into the water if someone's in trouble if you do see someone in trouble in the water or you're not sure don't hesitate just go ahead follow the instructions also upon breaking the glass and picking one of the one ups out of the totem you activate an alarm there's also a flare in there it automatically notifies the emergency services so they'll already be on their way anyway the sun's about to go down i better get back home wherever you are i hope you're enjoying the videos i hope you're enjoying being part of home info to ventura.tv if you're not a member of the website do sign up to be a member of the website because we tend to put everything up there first before we release it to the general public and you'll find a few extra goodies on there as well you're seeing the outtakes you know [Music] home in fuerteventura dot tv is more than just a tv series it's a community of people who love fuerteventura we'd like to take a quick moment to thank these companies for coming on board for this episode and helping to grow our cherished community together we're all backing fue to ventura's future by encouraging investment in the island we all love if you're in business on the island we've got great publicity opportunities to suit everyone so tell us if you'd like to join these fantastic businesses with us in backing fort ventura's future the main roads that cut through the mountains of fuerteventura make for some spectacular drives especially for wannabe truckers like myself who find the whole concept of moving things from a to b a fascinating mystery [Music] imagine my excitement then when woodside cargo a long-established haulage company invited me to their offices in el matarel for a behind-the-scenes look at their international logistics operation [Music] we're here in the warehouse with the main man james from woodside cargo good afternoon good afternoon how you doing fine fine as you can see it's rather hectic in here at the moment i was going to say it looks like you've been busy we have extremely it's like seeing what happens to your baggage when you go to the airport and it goes through those flappy things on the front desk so this is kind of this is like the bit that nobody ever normally sees ever sees it here they see it when it's at their house or when it leaves their house in the uk or france or wherever it's come from it's all secure and safe for them and it's also making an awesome set for us here as well how long have you been doing this 18 years we started from our house and now we're here yeah even though we came here to semi-retire that didn't happen did it no that didn't happen at all is it a fun thing to do yes but it can get very very stressful you've moved some of my equipment over from the uk lots of my musical equipment funnily enough when you say boxes must be numbered everything has to be itemized and you think well you know it's just going to go in a van clearly it doesn't if it comes in one of our groupage containers where there might be six seven eight clients in there yeah everything has to be marked with your name and a number because it could get mixed up with other people's things especially now brexit has come it's affected us uh not business-wise but paperwork-wise how many people have you got on your workforce we have wrong man who's german but he speaks several languages so he looks after our german clients i arrived in lanzarote 2008 and was supposed to do a six weeks entertainment crash course earn a bit pocket money and 14 and a half years later i'm still here english wave league there are two kids of super mega heavy as well and then we've got annette who oversees everything who's the ultimate boss or she likes to think she is but she is valessa when we started the business up obviously we had a lot of background research to do trading here as opposed to the uk is totally different then we have claudia who's spanish mi trabajo is a and then we have stacey i deal with a lot of the clients after roman's done the sale and then i collect all the information get the documents through all the authorizations that we need and then pass it on to claudia or annette for involves him then we have graham who looks after the warehouse and is the number one driver yeah and then there's our son tyler tyler grew up over here didn't he he was six when we came here so he knows the language he knows the system yes and he knows lots of people here we've just now integrated into the system now where we can bring clients items in with no input tax that not a lot of companies can do you've been trading for 18 years so i'm guessing you've almost seen everything we bought a water slide for one of the members of def leppard on lanzarote that's a rock and roll story that really is a rock and roll story and i mean do you still do it by volume we still do it by volume we do virtual house tours right where the client walks around with their phone and from what they show us we can work out the volume and of course all this has come about because of code when you couldn't do stuff do you still like driving yeah yeah yeah it gets me out of this place so what happens is our people in the uk will go and do all the collections take it to our warehouse and shelter them where i'll just drive to there i'll unload there reload and come back again and then it'll get distributed from our guys in the uk very simple you know make it sound simple but i mean you've got a very long ferry crossing at 31 hours how do you do that how do i do that i sit and watch netflix items aren't the only things that you move you also move animals and what got you into that uh well it's solely because we've seen some of the states that some of the animals come off the airplanes so we decided to get a license pets can go either way can they go either way they're nicely they're happy they're not stressed in any way that's obviously the animal being looked after the animal being looked after all the time and everything the vans are all air conditioned they're in their own cages dogs get walks do they every couple of hours so have you had a holiday since the pandemic no are you hoping to have one soon every day is a holiday here it's been wonderful to see the inner workings of woodside cargo i feel very privileged thank you very much james time to ship out to the northeast coast of fuerteventura where more and more beach lovers are discovering the area's appeal to adventurers of all ages joining me to discuss the area's growing potential is john goldacre from gold acre estates today we're in el cacio one of my favorite places on fort ventura and one of yours as well i'm gathering el catiere is just a fabulous little place and i think it's something that's really missed off of some people's list el cacio has been here since the early 1700s really and its original name was uh portadel rocky and it's where they had the trading routes between here and madeira it was a port of rocks was it and you'll see some of that when we go in there plenty of sand as well plenty plenty of sand and some of the most gorgeous gorgeous places that you'll find anywhere in fort ventura this is the main road coming in we've got a supermarket across the road which is really your entrance to el catio here it's open seven days a week behind us is one of the properties that gold acre estates has for uh for sale you'll find that most of the properties here in el cateau are apartments and it's a really coastal little place really at the end of the day so you know there isn't really the space to have big villas and things like that there so they've sort of built up a little bit rather than actually spread them uh spread them out everything is about convenience here in alcatel because everywhere is in walking distance just here we've got some fabulous restaurants where you sit down and for me this is my sunday afternoon i come here sit late in the afternoon watch the sun go down because it goes down over this way behind us here in the west the little fishing boats here because this is where all the fresh fish comes in it's a really really just cool little uh cool little spot yeah i love it here and this view here is amazing as well let's take a look here this view here is incredible well john this is very romantic absolutely steve as always on the cliff side in front of the sea sun behind us so fabulous yeah i just need a glass of champagne now to go exactly that's for later i did quite a bit of learning to surf on that beach over there fond memories is great for beginners on a day like this where it's it's just kind of gentle other days it can be a little bit more adventurous so it's a bit of a climb isn't it a little bit of a climb and uh really not somewhere where you would take the family to be quite frank with you but the incredible thing is is that people are here right until the sun's gone down off of this beach here it's amazing yeah and then for the families of course you've got the lagoons around the corner which we'll go and have a look at shortly you've got the safety of the lagoons which are just fabulous for children there's no waves or anything like that there behind us we've got the tostan tower can you tell us a little bit about that yeah the tuston tower has been here it was built to obviously protect the little port area here it's part of the history of uh cortillo it's a it's a little museum and you can actually just imagine just what it was like in those olden days protecting a little area like like this so john this is one of my favorite places in the el cartillo this beautiful harbour that we have here you look at what's going on here and you think the pandemic never happened absolutely being in el cajo like this with the backdrop that we've got you could be anywhere in any mediterranean country and yeah you've got the weather all year round oh you've got the weather all year round here and that's the most important uh the most important thing and we're just surrounded here by some fabulous apartments overlooking the ocean fabulous restaurants i mean we've got uh restaurants with strange names we've got behind us just over here uh vaca azul which in translated means blue cow but it's a fish restaurant so how that works i don't know [Music] we're a little bit further towards the lagoons now aren't we this is where it's more family orientated we're getting a little bit more towards the lagoons i mean you've got little streets just behind us over here steve you've got children's play areas and play parks again with restaurants around and and this is the whole thing about fort ventura it's very much children orientated kids certainly having fun over there jumping off the edge it's quite accessible as well there's like plenty of ramps and you know so if you do have to be in a wheelchair or you're you know you have limited mobility you can you can still get around can't you yes you're right i mean it's uh this is the whole thing when when you're here nothing really is out of touch for you so much to do so little time exactly as always as always [Music] it's perfect afternoon isn't it and i'm here and it is pretty much every day out here even midwinter i mean this is a this is a typical day yeah family playing on the beach and you've got beer coffee flying freely and the odd fish floating around on your table as well [Music] john this landscape behind us shouts forward to ventura doesn't it steve this is absolutely everything for ventura i mean you've got absolutely everything here sea sand mountains here it's a little bit wild because we're out by the rocks by the lighthouse but of course you go into these sandy bits here and you've just got some nice bays tucked away there for the family aren't you super little bays i mean absolutely amazing and behind us here where you see all of this this is the unmade road that goes all the way to corolla and it is such a fabulous drive if you can make it yeah absolutely you need the right type of vehicle so we've we've done it in a van and uh it's a little bit hairy in a van but it's still it's still passable on a windy day this is where you'll see lots of people kite surfing and windsurfing the sea is coming in from all different directions it really is pretty amazing to watch and see i've said this before but i wish viewers could smell what it's like here is that that lovely kind of salty seaside smell that you associate with the holiday you breathe i mean the air is just so clean it's incredible well this is the end of the maid road this is the end of the main road absolutely and then we're on to a dirt tracker which we're not going to do today we haven't got time to do it today we're going to move on from our lighthouse in florida ventura to some more homes in florida ventura that you've got lined up for us spectacular homes now to go and see i mean it's right on the edge of the beach it's called denebola and we're going to have alexander and carlos who present that to you this afternoon and let me tell you now i think it's going to be a real treat always a treat with alexander and always a treat with yourself thanks again john [Music] if you have a home in fort ventura that you'd like featured on our website or indeed the tv series remember that the platform is open to private sellers and all licensed estate agents subject to terms and conditions we cater for a range of budgets so contact us through our website to get your home in puerto ventura on tv [Music] well it's this complex looks very nice where are we exactly that's a lovely complex steve we are in edificio de nebula what are the properties like here when you're looking for an investment property you know you cannot beat frontline and here everything is frontline yeah you know i mean we've got one bedrooms which are generally situated on the top floor um i mean again they're big properties i mean they're 65 square meters and then you actually have duplex properties uh which they're kind of dual aspect so one faces the external part of the development and one faces the internal part development ie the pool here what sort of people are we talking who might be interested in these kind of properties well really i mean they're great to live in i mean the people that have bought here so far there have been people to live full-time there have been holiday rental investments and generally just holiday properties for themselves you know where they're just going to keep it clean and tidy all year round and it's ready for them to come out too another great thing with denebola is that they do come with garage spaces as well you know they're 3 600 euros extra which actually includes a garage space and a store room brilliant and that's all underground does it that's all underground post pandemic are you busy i'll tell you something steve we are absolutely flat out it is non-stop at the moment we do actually live walk through videos for people so we'll phone you live on on whatsapp you know video wise will take you into the property as well and that's how a lot of people have been buying without being able to get to the island now like you say people are actually getting back to the island so it is it's just like the floodgates have opened and now they're just coming and seeing their properties for the first time and what's the reaction like definitely well so far we don't have a bad reaction which is good what sort of condition are these properties in that we're looking at today so i mean these these are actually bank repossessions right so what the bank are actually doing is they're getting everything repainted inside getting it prepped for sale that's why what you'll see with this development here is properties coming on bit by bit you know you'll have different positions coming on later but of course prices do change i have to be honest um but they are prepped and they're ready they're cleanly painted um anything you know if there's any broken tiles originally they're all fixed so it is kind of literally all you have to do is put your furniture in uh your electric domestics and you're good to go you've got a kitchen i have to say with bank repossessions sometimes it is hit and miss so some have hobs others don't have hobs but it's kind of a lucky dip kind of thing it is that's the same across the whole market though isn't it absolutely and this is what we do you know we won't just come here and show you one property you know we will literally take you through if you're looking at a one bed we'll show you all the one bedroom options so you can actually go in and see okay well that one doesn't have you know an oven let's say that one does and you just weigh up the values of them so with regards to getting the best bargains it's really his first come first serve that's the thing we're going to take a look at a couple now aren't we so you're taking us through one and you're going head-to-head with your colleague carlos i am i am so we'll have to have a vote on who's best afterwards right coming up from the garages as you can see we do have lift access here that goes right from the bottom bottom floor all the way up to the top so makes life nice and easy really really nice kind of communal hallways you have here uh in denebola super light because you have a lot of light access from two portal entrances one on the street side and one on the communal pool side as well and what we're going to do now is we're going to head to one of the duplexes my personal favorite so let's check it out this particular type you can actually change so you could actually have two one bed apartments in one or you could have two bedrooms with two lounges or you could have a three bed property so there's lots of different things you can do here it does come with a fitted kitchen as you can see extractor hob oven but the real nice thing about these properties is the amount of light that you get through here at the moment we're just standing in the lounge straight from the lounge you actually go straight out and you have a really nice terrace area out here on the terrace area literally this particular unit looks out towards the coast which is really nice and then the lower level actually looks onto the onto the communal pool area as well so best of both worlds here coming from the lounge area you walk into the the upper bedroom here we have really nice built-in wardrobes and the materials that they've used throughout the whole of the property are excellent to be fair really nice floor tiles neutral color and you know the wood that they've used throughout is really high quality just off of the bedroom we do have the top floor bathroom here again really nice wall tiles wash hand base and wc and fast shower combo so coming from the top floor here we're actually going to move down the stairs and the nice thing about this staircase is there's actually a concrete staircase with a really nice wood covering usually with these duplex properties you have spiral staircases to come but this is a real nice wide proper staircase so this is going to lead us down into the second bedroom potentially second lounge and another bathroom here in the lower level yeah you say the lower level it actually is the ground level of the pool area so that's the beauty about these you know you really don't feel like you're in a downstairs level which is nice we have got a shower room just here again nice nice walk-in shower again wash hand basin wc moving out of the shower room again you've got a lot of space here just for storage and everything like that so that's another good point about these properties there's a lot of space here as well coming through this room here we actually hit the second bedroom and again you can just see how bright this second bedroom is because you have huge terrace doors that will take us straight out onto the pool area so coming out of the bedroom here we walk into what could be a third bedroom like i said could be a second lounge area and for me it would be a second lounge area for me i would buy one of these properties as a rental investment you know have your top floor apartment and have your lower floor apartment here because as you can see it's actually all pre-plumbed for uh all your waste all your water so everything's ready to go and it is a really really nice sized room here coming out from both the lounge and the bedroom area you come on to this really really nice sized terrace and for me it's perfect because if you did have this as two one bedroom apartments one of these doors is actually your main entrance into the property as well so it just works perfectly and the best thing is from this terrace we go straight to the pool and here again just where we started right by the pool area fantastic sea views i mean really what more can you want you know we're bathed in sunshine el cotillo de nebula best option today [Music] carlos wonderful to have you on the program you've grown up in a spanish environment a okay so carlos you're going to take us through this property in spanish but we're going to have english subtitles for our english viewers let's do it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] el cote [Music] in recent years more people are choosing fuerteventura for their holidays and more people are coming to live here for those who make the move there are a wealth of choices the island is moving with the times while keeping its natural charm now that a global recovery seems well underway the dream gets more and more real we love exploring that dream with the friends we make along the way so thank you for joining us on this exciting ride our shared journey to a home in fuerteventura continues [Music] we hope you enjoyed this episode remember that our website is a great place to look for all things fuerteventura and becoming a free member unlocks even more fun features thank you to everyone who has already signed up and got on board with the project our door is always open to comments requests and suggestions so please do let us know what you'd like to see on future programs our next episode will be along soon with even more great guests and interesting information about finding your home in fuerteventura until then take care and adios [Music] you

2021-09-17 06:49

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