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Hi everybody this is guys again with another review and i hope you are doing, well. This time it is a review of a pair of gloves it is the estra, ergo, grip glove, and if you are a little bit like me and you like chopping wood with an x or cutting, a spoon with a knife, or just want to protect your hands when it is a little bit cold, then you should definitely, watch this review, because i've been wearing these for over three years now, enjoy the. Review. And welcome back to the review of the hestra, ego, grip, glove. Now in, if you are a returning, visitor, then welcome back to my channel i'm so happy to have you here although i cannot see you which is a bit stupid. But because of you guys who are regularly watching my videos, and following, me subscribing, me and liking my videos and commenting. And that's what the main reason is why i'm doing this. If this, is the first time that you watch, this video, one of my videos. Then welcome to my channel and i want you to know that i am a 100. Independent, reviewer. So manufacturers. Are not paying me for my reviews, and that's something that you really should know because there are so many different guys out there who do it totally, different. And if you like what i do at the end of the video of course then please subscribe to my channel. Like the video, and also, leave a comment, below. I always respond. Because, with your support i can make more, videos, now let's continue, with the estra, ergo, grip glove. The glove, i, bought it i think about three to five years ago, in sweden i couldn't find the receipt anymore. But since that moment i'm really in love with this glove yes that saw something about this whole review, already. Um. Why did i buy it well basically, because in, 2015. I think it was, i was at the scandinavian. Outdoor, academy, which is organized by scandinavian. Outdoor. Group. And it's a way of training. Basically, people who are in the outdoor, selling business who work, in shops. To get more acquaintance. To, stuff that they, sell and scandinavia. Is a really good testing ground, and a really good place to learn stuff. One of the guides. Was. Not wearing them but they were on his, belt, just. Dangling, around it. And i had a quick look at him, and then. During that, couple of days of training. I noticed, this that he was, taking the gloves, for, almost everything that he had to do with his bare hands. Now you should know that i am a journalist, by heart, i'm trained as that one, so i use my fingers, for typing a lot, and. If i have a scratch, or if i, might miss a finger in the end. Basically i'm jobless, at the moment in this is also a corona. Video. I don't have that much of work of course but. Maybe when things, pass by again i will have some work in that respect again, but i'm very very. Fond of both of my hands and my fingers and i can't do without them. Um. So i watched this guy and then, i think it was, a year two years later i was in scandinavia. On holiday with my family. And. I passed a couple of shops and these were in the shops they're everywhere for sale. But i didn't buy them because they are pretty expensive. And i have another pair of working gloves. But then. At a certain point i they also didn't have the right size to be honest. Then at a certain point i came. Up way in the northern part of sweden, almost, hitting, the border with finland. There was one shop that had, only one pair. It was 90. Euros, if you, count it into euros. Which was probably about 900, kroner, i think. And it was my size. So, i took them. I bought them and i've been carrying, them with me forever, since. And i never made this review. Until last week i thought. I'm using these, so many times it's a good product, why am i not doing a review on, this. Ergo, grip, glove, well. That is what i'm doing now. Now to cut a long shore restored, i'm always, testing and i always. Wait, um. What a product the weight of a product, and with the hashtag gloves they don't state it on the website of hasta, but i weighted them on my precise scale at. 120.3. Grams. And. In case you don't put them next to your belt and you're interested, if you roll them into a sort of a toilet roll tube. It has a peg size, of, six centimeters, in diameter, and it's about 12 centimeters, long. So that's not really a. Point to be honest because i've got them always on my belt and sometimes in the top of my backpack. Now that was a little bit of the history in the background on these gloves. Now let's continue. With the. Materials. The gloves they are made out of a combination.

And I will have to show you this, the inside. And a part on the outside. It is made out of, goat. Leather. And gold leather, if you're, not familiar, to lettuce. Kinds. Then there's a big difference, between cow leather and goat leather and sheepskin. But gold leather it has got this really, nice. Fine, graining, in it and that's how you basically, recognize, goat's skin, and goatskin. Is a bit like the animals themselves. It is a very, tough material. And when it's. Basically, manufactured. It is also a material that is really, well. Subtle, i said the right word it's really comfortable, to the skin if it's well done, the goat skin on the inside it's about 80 percent, of the whole glove and the rest is a soft shell material, and in this case it is a gore-tex. Windstopper, material. And you can see it by the nice, little, red. Logo on there more on this later because something has changed, there. And this soft shell material. It is like it says wind stopper, so it blocks, the wind. It is also, a little bit stretchy. It is, soft. It's not waterproof. But the whole, cloth. The goat ladder has been treated. With a material with a wax, so it is a sort of water resistant, it doesn't absorb, a lot of water. The outside the soft shell material, there is a durable water repellent, coating on top of it and water repellent, coating is like what it says, when you got a drop of water or a little bit of rain it will basically. Drip off the material, itself, but again it's not 100. Waterproof. And it's also on the thumb. Which is a good. Part because it's soft if you are glasses, like i do, that if you want to wipe the glasses, that's possible, as well, and it is also very, nice that if you are a little bit. Sniffy, that you can wipe your nose with it it's a soft material, doesn't look too good to be honest when it is full of. Nosy stuff, now then we've got the cuff itself. The cuff itself it is also, stretchy, there is a little bit of extra, stretch fabric, here. And of course it's got a velcro. Thingy. The. Cuff itself, it is made, out of neoprene. And also neoprene, it's a little bit warm it's stretchy, and it's very comfortable to the skin, one final part that i should make about the construction. Is that both the gloves, they have got this. Loop. It's a. Triangle. Attached to a piece of gold leather, and i've got a carabiner, on there a small one and with the triangles, i can attach it to basically, my belt or my backpack, or wherever. The little loops they are also there because for some, um. Gloves, it's very convenient. That you have well basically what a lot of kids have they've got these in the winter time they've got these little. Elasti, bends around their. Wrists. With a little rope, that is attached, to the glove. Basically, so that way you take them off they will just dangle, next to the jacket and you won't lose them it's like i don't know how you guys did this but my parents always had a. Rope, going. From one glove to the other but passing through my whole jacket behind my neck into this way that's how they, do it, and that's what this triangle, is there for as well but for me, like the guide in scandinavia. It is just to dangle it from my belt and it really really works, very very nicely. Now that's. All that i wanted to tell about the materials, itself and now there's something i should say also about the construction. Because. In my, previous, life about. I don't know 20 years ago, i used to work for a motorcycle. Magazine here in the netherlands. And at that motorcycle, magazines, i did not only, review motorbikes. But i also, reviewed. Gear. And one of the stuff that we always reviewed was of course motorcycle. Gloves and one of the things that is really important in motorcycle, gloves is of course that they are sturdy, because, if you have a crash what you do is like this and you. Touch the, tarmac, so it should be very very abrasive, resistant, but one other thing that is very very important, is that the, gloves, like this one, they are pre-shaped. So the shape of your, hand basically. If you rest your hand, it's almost, always, in this position, it's curved. Now if you've got gloves that are really curved. Then, your fingers don't have to do any effort, to get the gloves, into this natural position.

Which Is absolutely, how gloves, should be made well cheaper, cheaper gloves they are mainly made like two flat layers on top of each other, you got a glove like this and then you have to do a quite a lot of efforts, basically, to get the shape of the glove in there, and also. When you do this. Because, the, the material, on the top is the same as on the inside. There is a material. Over, residue. In the inside, is that how, to say it i'm not really sure about the correct english word in this case. But when you hold something, you've got all these wrinkles and that is just not comfortable, it's not comfortable, on a motorbike, but as you can see i use my, nordic focus, quite a lot with the gloves, my axe and of course. My. Mora neef knife, and, whatever, you're holding, this kind of stuff or something around, you don't want extra material, in the inside so this one the gloves they are very very strongly. Pre-shaped. Which is i think absolutely, how they should be made, and it is getting a little bit chilly to be honest so i'm going to wear them now. What i also do like is that the way how the leather is manufactured. And how it's connected, to the soft shell and to the material, way, if you look at the stitches, and i'll put a close-up, now. The stitches, are done absolutely. Superb. And, the, layers. Of leather, especially. On the inside of the fingers. They are made in a way that the layers on top of each other together. They are not really feelable they're not thick and also the stitching, it's a zigzag, stitch on the fingers. You don't feel it whatsoever, so in that respect it is a very comfortable, glove. And also if you look at all the other seams, onto the neoprene. And onto the softshell material, it's very well done it's. Absolutely, superbly. Made. Okay next to being a, really nerdy guy on materials. And on how the glove is constructed. That's one thing that i should really point out and, that is this nice, little. Red. That's a bit fainted red by now but i really love this color. Piece of goat's leather on top of my, index finger, or basically on the side of my index finger. There is a reason for. That part being there and that's what i like about manufacturers. Who really think about, a, product. The thing is, this is originally. Designed. For people, who do ski touring. And, snowshoeing. Because when you've got your. Snowshoes. Or your, skis. Then you've got those, bindings. And you need to get them loose, from the back of your shoe, and this part is actually to reinforce. Basically the index finger, for. This purpose. Now i've noticed, as well that, because, it's on both of course, when you use trekking poles, that have a little bit of a curvy top on top of them like a mushroom, shape on top. This also helps, on. Preventing, the. Index finger from getting damaged, but it's also, when you take a knife or when you take a piece of, wood, it is really a nice piece, of, protection, of the whole glove itself it's really. Purposeful. And i also like the detail that there is this little notch in there, so that when you, bend your finger you still, you don't have this extra material that's going to be. Inside the glove or bothering, you, so that is what i like a lot about the construction. And about the materials, one thing that i did not mention, is that on the inside. The material. It is a polyester. And, it is a, well, brushed polyester, so it feels really, nice and soft to the skin, so when you put them on, you don't get any, resistance. Whatsoever. So i think that is really a cool feature of this glove. Now let me talk a little bit about sizing, when i mentioned, that the, gloves that were in the shop up north to the finnish border, were my size it's actually not true. Because, i have small hands, and normally i have a size, 8.. And. It's pretty funny, but this is a size 9, and it absolutely. Fits, perfectly. So when you buy gloves. Go into the hester website, and search for your sizing, because they've got a very nice way of measuring, this with the tape measure around your hand and that will give a good index, on what gloves you should buy, now there's one remark i should make for the ladies regarding, this glove because, the air go grip is a unisex, glove. If you are a, ladies. Size, 8 if you wear, ladies, size, gloves, size 8.

Then You should buy a unisex. 7 from hester so if you want to order this online. Be aware of this. Now let's continue, about the durability. Of the hestra, ergo, grip glove well i've been using them now for more than three years very very, intense. And i, think they're absolutely, the business, i've been using them with chopping wood cutting down trees. Carving. Spoons. And cups, i've been using it with my, nordic pocket saw i've been using it with the grill, because it's metal, it doesn't have sharp edges but it's more comfortable. If you're in sort of a haste and when it's a little bit colder, to do stuff with gloves. Just to protect your hands, and reminding. When now i mentioned, the cold as well. I've noticed also. That they are pretty good winter. Gloves. When the temperatures, get about minus, five degrees. And you're doing a active. Activity. Like snowshoeing. Where you need. Poles. Like chopping wood, like hiking. With a backpack. I think, these gloves, are really, really. Well, pretty good isolating, gloves, as well they're not winter gloves they're not designed, in that way, to keep. Basically, real cold out of your hands, but when you're active i think to minus five degrees these gloves and with a lot of wind, they are absolutely. Fine, now. Talking sustainability. And durability, one of the things that also gloves, like shoes, need is maintenance, and especially. The leather. And now they look, pretty, sort of, dry, so they need some maintenance. What i've been using, for the last couple of years. Is, basically, and i'll have to grab it. Is. The, lundhax. Leather, grease. It's a grease that i really really love. I use them for my luntag boots of course lundhax, boots of course, and. It's so. It's such a shame that we don't do smell television. Yet, or smell. Youtube, videos yet, because. This. This smells. Like, really. Tarry. And i love this smell. I love it when i put it on my boots but also with a little, cloth. I put it on the hester gloves as well. What you should be aware of of course i've, also tried, this is the granger's, g-walks, wax that works as well. But. Hestra, i've been talking to essa about, what i did with the luntax gloves. Lundhax, wax especially. They say nice that it works out for you but we've not tested, it of course on our products, so. If you buy the gloves, maybe you should buy a special, hesta. Wax as well. Because then you know for sure that the guarantee, is still there it's just a small tip but i didn't notice anything, different, from the granger stuff and also not from the lundhax, box. Now there is one final remark, i should make on the, basically the red, gore attacks, windstopper. Logo on the inside of the glove. And also of course on the outside, material. And that is that since. Early, this year. No i think it was last year even. Gore has changed, their branding, a bit, and now it is, not known as gore windstopper, anymore it is still a windstopper. But it is labeled, gore, infinium. And what you should know is that gore infinium. It's the whole, brand idea, on, the products, that will protect, you will will not keep you dry. While gore, tex, is guaranteed, to keep you dry so that's where the big difference is, so you will find on the new gloves, a, new logo that says it's gore infinium, but the gloves they will still be the same, so if you plan buying them. Just, to let you know this. And now it's time to head on to, my verdict. How do i rate the estra, ego, grip glove. Well if you've listened, very carefully to my story. You might understand, that. After three or four years of use, i cannot find really a bad thing to say about, these, gloves that have been so loyal to me. The only remark that i can make which is. Negative. But i think it's absolutely, normal, is the fact that if you buy them out of the shop yes they are comfortable. But you will need a couple of days, with a lot of activities. To get them really. Going for you it takes some. Riding in basically. But that's all, um. I like the materials, i like the comfort, i like the amount, of. Protection, they give to my hands and above all and maybe that's the best thing i like the durability. Of them, they are absolutely. Built, to last a very long time and that you can maintain them with bugs, i think that only makes it better. Then, the price, they retail, in europe, for, 100. Euros. Which is. 89. Pounds, and is, 110. Which i think that if you are wearing gloves, a lot. On activities, and they protect your hands so well like these do, i think, they are worth, every penny, and therefore, i rate the hester, eggo, grip glove. At. 9.5. Points, out of 10, total. I hope you liked this review and that it was useful to you and if it was please give it a like and leave a comment below. And also if you've got any questions, remarks. Suggestions. Use the comment section that's what it's for and i'm more than happy to answer, everything that you can throw at me, now, if you've seen this video, and you liked it then also please subscribe, to my youtube channel because that helps me.

Making, More videos, in the future and i'm planning to do one or two every week but with more followers, this only gets, easier. Now um, if you're not totally convinced, yet then please continue, watching on my channel because there are so much more reviews. To see if you are a outdoor, type. I made a review on the hulterforce. X i did a review on the nordic, pokesaw. A really nice cool tool, i did a review, on the camper, gluck. Which is a german word, um, foldable, steel, camping, grill. And i did a review, of course on the heli knox chair, and on the 10tp. Olive in 2cp. And i'll make a special playlist, of all these videos, so you can have a, look at them and just watch them all in one, go, if you continue, watching enjoy, the reviews. And if you're done for the moment, then, enjoy the outdoors, and stay safe. Ciao. Bam. Just in time because, now i don't know if you can hear this, but there is a guy, with a, blower, to get all the leaves off this campsite. I don't get it.

2020-11-09 22:40

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