Here & Now Wednesday January 23 2019

Here & Now Wednesday January 23 2019

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You. You. You. This. Is CBC. Here and now. Come. From away arrives, in st. John's. That's. A real tension between the ethics of justice. In terms of. Repatriating. Remains. And the ethics. Of, increasing. Our knowledge with. The author Cremeans returning, to Canada from Scotland, what will happen to the remains already, stored, here at Munn science. Or burial. What's the right thing to do, good. Evening and welcome to here and now I'm Carolyn, Stokes and I'm Anthony romaine and we start tonight with that ethical, discussion, over the biopic remains, as officials. Prepare for the return of the sacred bones from the National Museum in Scotland, there's no clearer picture, of what, will happen to the remains stored, in museums, here, here, now is Bailey white has been looking into this story and joins us now live from our newsroom so, Bailey how many sets of remains are we talking about well. The rooms tells us that in its collection there are the full or partial remains, of 21, individual. Biopic people, as well. There are partial remains connected to 10 individuals. At the Canadian Museum of History in gatineau. Not. So long ago museums. Displayed, the bones of the extinct, biotic people they, don't do that anymore but samples, are used for research to, better understand, who the be off the people were the. Obligate first nation chief Meisel Joe went to see the remains in st. John's some years ago. To. Say goodbye those. People have been long. Gone some, in some case have been brutally murdered like the ones he Scotland and it leaves you as a different feeling and I've asked that they. Have the room some. Sacred that's about the room something really, cloth. The. 21 sets of human remains in, the provinces, collection, are stored here at Queens College on, Memorial, University campus. They're, stored in cabinets, in a room that only has human remains and as, per chief Joe's request, they're shrouded, in red fabric, the, question, is should, they stay here the, local, injured his communities, share very much a similar, history in terms of colonization, at the medical, ethicist, Darrell Pullman says there are two competing issues, when it comes to the remains most. If not all biotic. Remains were taken without permission, so they should be given back to indigenous people, but. While Pullman, says scientists, have learned everything, they can from dimas' DeWitt and known a Sabbath suit in Scotland, other, remains, might still offer insight. Don't we have a an ethical. Responsibility to increase our knowledge not, just about native. Heritage, and, where they came from you, know their, their biological. History but how does that relate to other. Groups. And so forth. The. Canadian, Museum of History was, not able to conduct, an interview with me today but the rooms tells, me that any, repatriation. Effort would have to be led by indigenous, groups and no, request has been made just yet but. You know a lot of academics, believe that the bioptics didn't bury their dead at least not, in a way that would be familiar to us so finding. An appropriate and respectful, way to commit. These remains is not, going to be easy and it's going to take a lot of cooperation, Carolyn. Thanks. Bailey that's here in aus Bayley white reporting, live from the newsroom a few.

Hundred Lucky, people were the first to see come from away live, in st. John's today, the hit Broadway musical is, in town for one week and one, week only here, and as Ryan Cook joins us live from holy, Hart theatre so Ryan, what's happening there now. Well. It's pretty quiet here right now but in about an hour's time this, theater will be filling up again. The the second performance, in this series kicks off tonight at 7:30 now, we had a crew stationed, outside the debut, this afternoon, to ask people what they thought and for, some it was an emotional, experience I. Don't. Want to cry but I am. I feel. Not that we. We, were faking but, to now be in Newfoundland. To. Be on the rock and when I say I am an Islander, tonight today. I really. It kind of hit me hard because in. The few days we've been here I I I, feel, like I've, learned. At least that much about what it really does mean to be a new Philander and I know it's. Overwhelming, it's fantastic, they came here I'm from Gander so it's nice to hear all the bits and parts of people I would have known growing up there Gander. Sir you're a pretty big guy but it looks like you got a little tear in your eye did you tear up it was, it was mostly for sure you're, just walking out you're all smiles, how, was come from morning good, what's. Good what was your favorite part now don't give anything away but what, was your favorite part. The. Singing, part the, singing part do you remember any of the songs. The. Way those, fabulist I've seen shows on Broadway in London, other places equally. As good equally. As good is this the first time you saw come from Assad and touch. Emotional, at times as well you know makes you proud. Well. If you're hoping to snag tickets, for any of these shows you're far too late they actually sold out almost immediately after, they went on sale the demand was. A real drain on the box office's website crashed, it for a little while this, is a scaled back version of. The musical, it's essentially, the Toronto cast performing. The songs from the show but, as you heard there it's, still a very enjoyable experience, reporting. Live for hear now in st. John's I'm Ryan Cooke. Well. If you're driving to the show from west of Badger you're in for a very rough, crossing, truck, driver Tony Power tweeted, this video from the trans-canada, highway bridge, in badger earlier. This morning and he says crumbling. Pavement, deep potholes, and protruding. Metal maze crossing, the bridge dangerous, and, frustrating. Traffic has to inch across carefully, power says drivers and small cars wouldn't, survive if they, went the speed limit the Department of Transportation work says the bridge is structurally. Sound it, blames frost and fluctuating. Weather for the crumbling conditions, and it says crews are working to fix things a. Large-scale. Cleanup, began this afternoon along pits Memorial, Drive where, a pickup went off the road this. Was the scene eastbound, near, the manuel's intersection, shortly after 3 o'clock a pickup, truck towing, a trailer went. Off the road and into the median flipping, in the process, police, say one man was sent to hospital, with minor injuries, debris. Was left scattered, along, the side of the highway the trailer, shattered, during the crash emergency. Crews cordoned, off the area and traffic, was reduced to one lane no. Word on the, cause of the crash. Well. What a beautiful, day, across, most of the province, today if we take a look at the current satellite and radar you can see not, a whole lot of cloud coverage is starting to see some push on for, the southwestern, portions, of the island if, we zoom out though this, mess over Ontario right now is headed, our way it'll, start to affect parts, of the southwest, coast as we head through the overnight tonight. Temperatures. Significantly. Climbing, through Thursday, even into Friday up through, Labrador, we could see temperatures reaching, the double or rather the single digits on the plus side of the mercury by Friday which, could lead to some, flooding potential. But I'll have all those details all the rainfall and snowfall amounts, when I come back in a little bit Carolyn Anthony. Weather. Meteorologist. Like. They keep out over weather right they, love it and, our Ashley, is no exception these great six students are using a 3d, printer to get creative, in the classroom, and today's school, project, is us, more. On that a little later. The. City of st. John's is apologizing.

For A privacy, breach the city accidentally. Outed, people with overdue, taxes, online the, city's document, looked like this, some. Sensitive, information was. Blacked out like it should have been but when that information, was copied, and pasted, from the city's website into a Word document, the original, text could be seen the, names and addresses of more than 2,200. Property owners who were more than ten thousand, dollars behind on their taxes, well those were available some. Names even showed up in Google searches linking, to that document, even though the, names were blacked out online. The CBC flagged this problem to the city and it took action it took down all access to information requests, from its website in response, it, now plans to review a sensitive, documents, that it has and contact, everyone, who's, affected. The. Establishment, of an Atlantic Canadian, energy, corridor, was one of the issues up for discussion today, at a meeting of Atlantic, premiers in PEI all, four, premiers, spoke with enthusiasm. About the idea including, Dwight ball he, says there, are now two underwater. Cables, ready to transfer, energy around, or out of the province one, that connects Labrador, to Newfoundland and another that connects the island to, Nova, Scotia he, says there needs to be a look at energy inventory. To see what's available and, how it can be moved around so. Isolated, communities, and all for Atlantic, provinces can, get access to clean, affordable, energy. So. Part of the work that we'll see coming out of this I would think is that we. You know looking at options, around transmission. Look at a cooperation, from for Atlantic provinces including, the federal government of course, make sure that. We can actually have. A, reliable. Energy, available. To people that live in Atlantic, Canada people that want to come here as, we tracked investment, as well and to, just not leave. Resources. Stranded, when we were able to use that either, create. Revenues so we can export or we can use it internally, within Atlantic Canada for economic development a, video. Of the provinces, tourism, minister is coming under scrutiny on, social, media in the, wake of the latest Newfoundland. And Labrador tourism. Commercial Christopher, Mitchell Mort made a video of his own one, that shows him reading from a book and talking about our one-of-a-kind, culture. But, the quirky video has critics saying the minister missed the mark, including. This PR strategist, in Waterloo, Ontario, it. Looks uncomfortable, awkward, dare. I say a little bit creepy, in in, in how it's staged and. And and so it's it's at best, it. Is lacking authenticity, at, worst, it. Really, kind of looks like a cross, between mr.. Rogers and like, an sctv, skit with John Candy, or something like that it's really. Kitschy I have. More from my conversation, with Conway Fraser including. What he thinks Christopher, Mitchell more should have done that's coming up in about 20 minutes. We. All look up to him because. He's a great leader for, indigenous, people, not just teenagers ice, time with their Idol Jordin, Tootoo is, in Labrador, teaching players who want to follow in his skates it's, coming up. You. You. This, weather forecast, is brought to you by Newfoundland. And Labrador tourism. 5,000. Kilometers of groomed trails are waiting, to be explored embrace, winter today. Crisp. Cool day in st. John's today yes, and we have some, video to show you of Leary's, Brook, just to see how lovely. In the day it was right, near here not too far from our, headquarters here and, it. Was a nice sunny day mm-hmm. Sunshine. Wonder where the birds usually get birds floating around in there.

I've. Had probably. The sense to fly so, I. See. Today actually a nice calming, sea. View. Your Zen pose yeah. Yeah. Well this calm isn't, going to last very long, I know you. Did talk about how is a crisp day today temperatures, sitting. In the - single digits right across the board's cooler up towards, the northern peninsula -, 12 and st. Anthony and then, temperatures in the - teens across Labrador, as well that's, actually around seasonal, for this time of year now, taking. A look at the satellite and radar not. A whole lot happening as I mentioned we are starting to see some cloud cover move. In though and that's because, the next system is on. Its way and, we're. Gonna see some snow by the time tomorrow morning rolls around especially. For the. West coast and the south coast the rest of the, island looks like it'll be clear, for, most of the night before we start to see some cloud cover move in temperatures, are gonna dip as well down to the minus double digits in lower. Lying areas we could see these numbers reaching, the -, teens. Through, the overnight mid, teens -, 7 the story for Mary's town and then up through Labrador. We're gonna see that potential for some flurries for lab City - 24, winds not too bad just around, 15 kilometres per hour tonight otherwise, temperatures in the - teens for happy valley-goose Bay with, partly, cloudy skies and similar winds, through, the night tonight now taking. A look at that Future tracker we can see that, system starts to make its way in we're going to change to a more southerly flow through. The Oh overnight tonight and, then continue to see that snow track across most, of the island and in through Labrador, as well by noon tomorrow by, mid, afternoon or, rather early afternoon, tomorrow we're, gonna start to see a changeover for. The south coast Biren Peninsula as well and, then. Continue, to track further north, as that warm front lifts with, some extended. Periods of freezing rain likely. North, of grouse Moor and up through the northern peninsula parts, of the North East Coast as well and then, through Thursday most of this will stay as snow, for, a Labrador, so here's a look at the forecast we can see those temperatures climbing, three, degrees for porta bask two, degrees for Mary's town and then eventually, going, to see those temperatures climbing, into the evening, and overnight period. For, the, Avalon and up through the northern peninsula so st. Anthony sitting around minus three tomorrow rain. Just or rather snow to start changing, through to freezing rain potential. Ice pellets as well and then over terrain so up through Labrador. Similar. As far as snow, go so - 13 for lab City - 11, for, happy valley-goose Bay and then you see as towards the coast those temperatures, are climbing, into the - single digits so I already have a couple of warnings. In place out, ahead of this system so wind warnings along the west coast rainfall, warning from Porter Basques as well as Burgi oh so this, is going, to happen Thursday. Night or tomorrow night rather we could see as much as 20. To 30 millimeters, so here's what I'm thinking as far as snow goes all, snow, for western Labrador a changeover. From snow to rain for, happy valley-goose Bay towards, the coast and then, the same thing for the west coast and south coast including Buuren and the southern avalon tomorrow as we. Start to see that snow changeover, to heavy rain so as far as snowfall, goes though 5 to 10 centimeters so the most looks like it will be along. The south coast and the west coast but a swath of 20 to 30 centimeters. Is possible, as well this will fall tonight, through. To Friday, morning, and then as far as those rainfall, totals go as I mentioned most of that rain will, fall between Porter, Basque and burr. Geo and that's between 20 to 30 millimeters, so that's a look briefly, at the forecast will nail down a little bit more detail when I come back. Thanks. You a big story in the big lens especially for some young people retired, NHL player, Jordin Tootoo is making his first visit to Labrador, first visit ever this week to twos from Rankin Inlet Nunavut, is the first-ever enough player to play in the National Hockey League and yesterday, he was in Cheshire she as a keynote, speaker, at their second, annual suicide, prevention conference, and, some lucky, young hockey players got, to play alongside, the, superstar, player Jacob, Barker has that story. If. You, were playing for the shishi, Eagles Tuesday, night the gameplan pass, it to the right winger watching.

Their Kids spend, a bit of time with NHL, or Jordin Tootoo on the bench exciting. For parents in the crowd they're, getting the experience, of playing with a high caliber First. Nations person. You. Know what this is gonna give them the drive to succeed, inspiring. For the players. We. All look up to him because. He's a great leader for, indigenous, people, not just teenagers it, shows that if he can do it we can do it, this, is the first stop for two two in Labrador, a way, of following through on his promise to enhance, lives for youth and indigenous, communities after his retirement last October, a lot of these kids can relate to my story so, you know if I can help one or two two. Kids and you. Know. On these reserves. It's. A bonus. He. Told the hard parts, of that story in a very different, kind of talk earlier, in the day he gave it at the second annual suicide. Prevention conference, the, reserve is hosted he, spoke of his battles with sobriety, and the loss of his brother Terrence, to suicide. Everyone. Can watch you fight playing. Hockey, you. Know the, toughest. Fight is your, own your. Own self, Melvin, Michelle from Shesha she also got a chance to share the stage with tutu he told the story of losing his best friend bob aston martin to suicide. It. Can affect, everyone when, I share that share. That podium with Jordan. Today. That's. When I. That's. When I thought to myself, I'm. Gonna I'm. Gonna share the story with many. People. A. Shared, story and a shared experience, to. To will continue, to share his story up, the coast of Labrador for, the rest of the week. Jakob. Barker CBC, News Shesha. She. Wow. Places pack is a very very big deal for Labradors, first trip there role, model, and plus also just for the sign that you know guy was successful in NHL but he also had his own battles. And brother I mean it's a big big deal yeah and I like the young, men saying if he can do it we can do exactly. Turning. The imagination. Into reality we'll. Find out how 3d, printing is being used in this grade 6 class room, and let's invent, invent something new it's, a step up from loosely say, the least. You. Now. We continue our series tonight waves, of change looking. At single-use, plastics, a Prince, Edward Island watershed, group wants the aquaculture, industry to, do more to keep plastic, off of, beaches for. One it would like fishermen, to stop using foam boys the, CBC's Nancy Russell has that story. Every. Time she comes to the beach Sarah Wheatley takes home a reminder, of PE eyes plastic, waste problem, sometimes. Even a truckload of old, foam buoys, for, the last two summers the winter river track Adeeb a watershed Association. Has cleaned up this Beach on track at eBay with, help from a federal funding program, the, first summer they collected, two tons, of material, another, ton in year two. 99%. Of it plastic, most, of the material we do pick, up on our shoreline cleanups is aquaculture. Or fishing, related, weasely would like to see polystyrene. Foam buoys. Band or an, eco fee put on them to discourage, their use and raise money to help with the cleanup she, says some growers have already made the switch but. They have these massive stock piles of old styrofoam, ones and nobody, seems to know. What to do with them weasley. Says fishermen, could also make some other changes like, the way they dispose of their plastic waste especially. Plastic. Rope they. Look like there, was a knot in the rope or it got frayed off at the end and somebody just cut the. Very end piece off of the rope and then just chucked it the, PEI aquaculture. Alliance, says it has an environmental code, of practice that, encourages, members to purchase materials with a long life span or are reusable, or recyclable it also organizes, its own island-wide. Shoreline, Cleanup, here, in Morrell Atlantic. Shellfish is already changing the way it thinks about plastic, making, them move away from foam, buoys to hard plastic, ones instead, the, company has also changed, its packaging, switching. From cardboard boxes, that couldn't, be composted, because, of the waxy, coating inside them to recyclable. Plastic it's. Not necessarily. The most, environmentally. Friendly, option but when. Used correctly and recycled, correctly, it's it's. Still your better option, for packaging, even.

Better Dakin Dorf says are these wooden, boxes that the company has just started, to use a throwback. To the way Easter's used to be packed if, you, know that you can make some small, change to to. Make things better than, it it's. Just kind of a no-brainer for, for us at that point it's. The kind of decision Sarah, Wheatley, hopes more, aquaculture, operations will. Make to, help keep plastic, off PEI, beaches, nancy. Russell cbc news truck, Adeeb a. While. Back in this province Elizabeth, Park Elementary School, in Paradise, is using a 3d, printer to help students, get their creative juices, flowing, inventing. And designing using, technology, we, visited Jamie powers, grade 6 class to, see the process in action and, found ourselves part, of the project have a look. 3d. Printing I know it's been around for a little while but. For, elementary, school it's, new it's cutting age for us two, years ago when I taught some, of these units we did a flight unit and I use loose leaf paper to, make gliders, and. Which. Was fine it's a great way to do it it's one way we can do it now they, designed their gliders based on Bernoulli's. Principle based. On lift and we, print them and fly them it's. It's, a step up from loosely say, the least so these, are all student designs and eventually. We, are going to put them in our, handmade. Glider. Launcher, and. Send. Them gliding. Hopefully, with lift and we're, actually gonna measure and see which, glider got the most lift and why because, then we can look back and say, well this these, wings were designed in a way that created lift my. Parents were a kid they didn't have like all this stuff probably. And like I hope we can do more stuff with it later on in the year school, that you can make shapes with it if you could design anything, in a 3d printer what would you design okay, I, really like cars I'm, in, the middle of making the. CBC. Logo. I'm. Sure I'd be at it like all day every day making. Things it's really cool cuz, you could make, like, anything. We, have to find out about our, hosts, what, they like what. They're into, and then, we're going to 3d. Print them a little gift. Who's. This guy who's. This handsome, man. What's. Anthony into. Fishing, all, right let's see what Ashley's into oh. Yeah. Most. Weather. Meteorologists. Like they, geek out over weather, right they love it what's, caroling, into I wonder, let's. See, she. Had 40,000. Bees in her house yep that's exactly right and she couldn't give him away she kept every one so we, just got their imaginations. Going by asking them how well they know their hosts and. We, came up with some pretty cool ideas by. Showing them pictures. Of you with bees pictures. Of Anthony with salmon. And pictures. Of Ashley in storms, and they, take it from there I'm designing, a, keychain for, the. Weather girl, Ashley and, she. In her, thing. She said that she likes I'm like outdoors, so, I decided, to do a butterfly. It. May be hard to engage the students, because, of all the things that they have outside of school so there's gaming.

And The, social media they're tech they're they're in the tech world and when. They come to school if we're, not joining, along this tech world we, lost them so. Just. By introducing. A 3d printer it's not pressing. Print down to 3d printer it's. Not a point. Of having a 3d printer it's the whole engagement, than the learning and the processes, where, do you see this, kind of technology going, in the future the, classroom, I think that, instead of maybe. Drawing. A scene, from, a book or, something. They have written we, can 3d, print the scene like a diorama if, a, character has something, special that they have in the book we can print it and pass it around and feel it it's endless, on what we could do with that we can print instruments, from different parts of the world if we learn about those in social studies musical. Instrument, solutely you could print if we learned about instruments. That they Columba's. That they use in Africa we, can print the kalimba it, limitless. It's, an amazing piece of technology keeps. Them engaged allows. For deeper learning and, anything. They can come up with they. Can print it they, can actually see the final product. Speaking. Of final, product, great story yep gift. For. You guys which. Is like their final, product so, Anthony for you they. Made a. Change. We all get keychains, oops, here we go, so. That's it go with your salmon. Fishing, excellence, and for Ashley, the cute they. Made you a son. And. For me I got this keychain that says be. Mom. What's. Fantastic thank, you. Insight. They're tuned to learning. As you're actually doing stuff also. Great to see a guy elementary. Students, because it's so it's the feels dominated by so many female teachers of. Stories. About the sea the, land and, the air and, everything. In between, miss. Lamor misses the mark the. Tourism Minister stages, a strange social, media video. Teasing. Our latest tourism, ad. You. One. Fortune Bay fishing couples crusade, against. Green crab we. Have a very, very, big problem, Sunday. At noon and Monday, at 7:00. Welcome. Back to here and now well, this provinces Tourism Minister has taken down a video from, his department's, Twitter account although if you still want to see this it's on his Facebook, page now, Christopher Mitchell more he made a video of himself this week and it was to promote Newfoundland. And Labrador latest. Tourism, video which was released, on Monday. Now the new ad is doing quite well and we've got some info on that for you in just a moment but, first Krystal Christopher Mitchell more as he can tell very comfortable, when it comes to social media often, posting, selfies from various locations both. When he's on the job and on vacation itself I just, got a tweet actually from Sarah McBee in gander and she said she really likes following, Christopher Mitchell more wherever he goes but it's this storytelling. Video that sort of got a lot of attention and it was a video about well. Storytelling. And has prompted something, of a backlash on, social media. Influenced. By our history, built. Upon isolation. And remoteness, shaped. By, our way of life our, province. Is defined, by a culture, that, is one of a kind now, it's a video that has left many people asking just what was Mitchell Moore trying to achieve. Many. Communication, experts here are reluctant to offer their expertise, on this subject because they rely on a fair bit of government work so, we're going out of promise now to reach communication, specialist, Conway Fraser he, advises politicians. And business people about, communications, and PR strategies. Are welcome to hear now hi. Anthony mr, Fraser you've seen Mitchell, Moore's video what's your assessment. You. Know he seems, like a lovely, gentleman, and when I look at how, he's done in elections, Who am I to to. Critique, someone, who won the last election with 89%. That. Being said from a communications, perspective this. Is a video that, I, would never let, a client post. Online and there's a number of reasons for it but first. And foremost I mean anybody who's who's, watched this video it. Really detracts, from you. Know his video his social media really detracts from the. The advertisement.

Video The promotional. Video that Newton is done and I have, to tell you Newfoundland, Labrador is, known globally. As you, know for, its promotional, videos there's a stunning. They work, you. Know I know that I've done work in the tourism sector and, governments. That I've worked with them said we want to do what Newfoundland, and Labrador is doing and I'm like well that's a challenge, because this place doesn't look like that place but all that being said when I look at the video that, that, the minister put on social media, it just doesn't jibe with the professionalism. And the authenticity of, the, actual. Video. That was that's being put up for promotional purposes it, lacks authenticity. I mean clearly it's scripted, it looks uncomfortable, awkward, dare. I say a little bit creepy, in how. It's staged and. And and so it's it's at best, it. Is lacking, authenticity at, worst, it. Really kind of looks like a cross, between mr.. Rogers, and like, an SC TV skit with John Candy, or something well it's really, kitschy, you're. In the business now and. Politicians. Modern-day politicians, and he's a young politician they certainly, embrace social media what, could, he or should, he have done if anything. Well. I mean that's the point right social media, and and and I'm not a social media expert but, in communications. It's, about knowing your audience and, knowing your platform, and social, media is all about being. Authentic, and being credible, and so being, in an, office sitting, in a high-back chair, with, lights and all set up doesn't. Match what, people expect, on social media dare I suggest people almost expect, a little bit of edginess a little bit of roughness they don't need perfect lighting I would. Have if I were working with the minister I would have got him out of that office, I would have got him in a place that is. A place where people tell stories whether that's a pub, or a coffee, shop or, a restaurant and, shot, it may be hand held on a camera a little more authentic I mean, I find it ironic that, his entire message is about Newfoundlanders. And their storytelling, and, we know the, tradition, of storytelling in new flam and his, entire message is like about a minute 10 minute 20, second, and he doesn't tell, a single, story himself I would have had him open his bit by saying you know something along the lines of you, know I was down at the coffee shop the other day and I heard two tourists, talking blah blah blah blah blah you know like tell, me a story the, whole purpose of the videos about storytelling and yet he failed to tell a single story well, a final question for as you know in this era politicians, are encouraged, to interact, with their constituents, and voters that were in an election period here what, what advice would you give politicians in general about when they want to take risks, on social media or when.

They Want to take risks and make videos, in which they are the star. Yeah. It's difficult when you're. Trying to be the messenger, I mean to come back to your earlier point what would I have done differently I might have thought about a, different. Messenger, I mean I I looked at some of the ministers previous, communications, on YouTube and it seems to be on point with him he's not necessarily the most confident. The. Most authentic kind, of speaker everything is always scripted, and kind of soft-spoken but. You, know when you look at how. This is conveyed in social. Media and what people expect, you, know they expect on, social, media something completely, different and when, you're taking risks in government, and politics, anybody. Who's worked in political communications, knows that taking. Risks, in politics, can can be a little bit challenging your, government, they're in in, Newfoundland, Labrador is, facing, an election the polls are very close I would, necessarily say, this is the time to take risks, this is not the time to be, taking big risks I think this is time to you. Know to play, it safe and in a situation, like this why does the Minister even need to do the video that. The actual, campaign, ad is so brilliant, it really is beautiful, I saw it that I'm just you know I'm just in awe and so jealous of how gorgeous, it is why. Do you even need the minister to do something like this to promote it just put the video out there and let it speak for itself all. Right Conway Fraser it's good to have some, outside eyes take a look at what's going on in this province appreciate that very much and thank you for your time my, pleasure. So. Putting aside mr.. Mitchell Moors you've seen the actual video because we had it on right and, you could see a lot of it there that was gorgeous, yeah it's hard, to be right well in a statement that we received mr. Mitchell says that, that 90 second video is, airing, the the, I was gonna say the good one the one advertising, that tours over the province he's, taken down his mansion the introduction, but here's the good news Facebook, views of that video advertising. Our province 150,000. Views on Facebook. 25,000. Views on Twitter so whatever, you think of the other video the, main one which he actually says in fairness to mr. Mitchel Mort was the purpose he was trying to do was launch it that one's doing very. Well. Well. If winters got you down. Proof that spring, is out there yes in BC victoria's, famed cherry, blossom, trees are already blooming. A month, ahead, of schedule. Look. At that, spring, is officially just. 57, days. Away look. At Ashley's forecast, just ahead. You. This, weather update is brought to you by Bell tone helping. The world hear better. Looking. Ahead now to the, forecast another, warm-up, coming, later, this week we are definitely in for another warm-ups gonna feel, like spring again, on Friday, so we take a look at the Future tracker we. Mentioned, that snow. Transitioning. To rain, so, that's going to happen for sure by. The time Thursday, night rolls around for the island now up through Labrador, you, can see overnight. Thursday things, are going to stay is snow and then, through the day we're, going to see that transition through to rain now. This model not showing too much rain up through Labrador we could pick up between, 2 to 5 millimeters. Of rain and then. Stay, quite strong, or rather. Winds. Are gonna stay quite strong for most. Of the island, in that southerly flow but, it's the rain. Again we're looking at more rain heavier, amounts, of rain moving through Eastern. Newfoundland through, the day on Friday, so in, behind that though things will eventually clear out into, the evening hours as we start, to roll into more high pressure again, on Friday. Evening, and then more cloud cover moves in towards the early morning hours on Saturday, so here's a look at the forecast these temperatures, staying quite. Warm so anywhere between 6. To 9 degrees for, most of the island up through the Straits in the single digits happy, valley-goose Bay I have 5 degrees as, the forecasted. High right, now we could see temperatures even creep up closer, to 7, or even 8 degrees depending on the track of this system it is still a couple of days away so definitely, keeping my eye on that but with a hundred and sixty-seven, centimeters.

Of Snow currently, on the ground this, could melt quite quickly so lab, City sitting at minus 9 through. The day on Friday we're gonna stay as snow there but, then again we'll see that transition through to freezing rain and rain from happy valley-goose Bay towards. The coastal Labrador through the afternoon and again those winds will stay strong out of the south so. Looking ahead Friday. Overnight into Saturday we'll, start to see that cold front push through so, everything will change more, into, a southwesterly. Flow and, then we'll see temperatures dipping down again, we're looking at that risk of flurries along the west coast and out, through Labrador again, into the afternoon on Saturday Sunday. Not too bad either maybe some few flurries down through the south coast otherwise it, looks like a mix of Sun and clouds so a relatively, quiet weekend, then looking into Monday another system. Rolls around this time we're. Gonna see that transition to rain mainly. Just for likely, the Burin peninsula and the avalon with, snow for, the rest of the province through, the day on Monday. So taking a look at your five-day, forecast here's, that rollercoaster again, 9, degrees by the time Friday rolls around Saturday. Either rain or snow and then jumping right back up again on Monday, with those windy conditions, continuing, for. Central. Generally. Seeing, snow. As we head towards the weekend and then, again on Monday, could pick up some, more snow there and then through western portions of the province, rather. Of newfoundland -1. By the time saturday rolls around minus 6 on Sunday and then again that warm up on Monday, up through Labrador, 5, degrees as I mentioned on Friday your normal should be around minus 13, and then we get into that colder pattern 15, and 19 minus 15 to minus 19 and then western Labrador same. Thing but 10 to 20 centimeters on the way for Thursday and. Then heading towards, Saturday. That's, when things dip back down so when I come back I'll have your weather photo. Thanks. Ashley prime, minister justin trudeau was in lala Saskatchewan, today announcing, new federal, funding, for the community it's. Been three years since, the town was rocked by a deadly, mass shooting, we're. Investing, in new programs, and resources, for Denny high school funding. Cultural. And language based, programs, on, the land activities. And mental. Health services for, students, in, January. 2016. A 17. Year old boy killed, two other teens in a home with, a shotgun he. Then went to the local high school and opened, fire killing two. Teachers seven. Other people were wounded. This. June will marked the 75th, anniversary, of d-day when, Allied soldiers including. 14,000. Canadians, launched, the campaign to liberate France, from Nazi, control. Mark the day the Canadian Mint has released a new coin one, that uses an image of a d-day soldier, whose identity, was never known until. Now private. George Baker was from Nova Scotia he survived the war and lived to the age of 80, he died in 2003. And now there's, a new reason for his family, to be proud preston. Mulligan with that story this. Is June 6th. 1944. Where a group of soldiers from the North Shore New Brunswick regiment wait, in line to run off the landing craft and storm, the beach at Normandy, as one, soldier Pat's him on the back private. George Baker looks back nervously, before. It's his turn and here is your father. Who. Was now on a coin by the Royal Canadian. Let. Me take it over to you can have a closer, look at it the. Mint used that image for its commemorative, coin and presented, it to Baker's, daughter Karen, MacLeod she'd, never seen the grainy video of her father or the coin showing him looking nervously behind, him as his friend reassures. Him she. Can imagine though what he was thinking I think he would have been scared, and anxious, and, but. He would went for it because that was his job MacLeod says her father never spoke of d-day or his service in World War two he, wasn't a man for celebration, or ceremony. Like this one but. She says he always remembered, his friends. Yes. Very. Proud he was very proud to be in that regiment, I know the, regiment's, commanding, officer, leftenant Colonel Rinaldi. For says the coin is a tribute, to every Canadian soldier, who was on the beach that day the, fact that the mint produced. This high-quality coin. It is, a remarkable. And world-class act, that's a tribute are basically. Members that fought during the Second World War for MacLeod, it's a sign of her father she says she didn't know until, now.

Picture. A whole new discovery, of my father yes, you, know like my. Father in a different, life right it's a whole new discovery, of him, George. Baker survived, the war he, died in 2003. Preston. Mulligan cbc news liverpool. While. Staying in Nova Scotia a, halifax, retirement. Home has a very popular, new resident. He's temperamental. And doesn't make much noise but, he's one of a kind CBC's, richard wood brewery explains, John. Madison, has a routine she follows every day three. Times a day she goes and looks for her friend Clayton a red-billed, Partridge, who is named after his new community, she. Feeds him bird seeds and he's especially fond, of sunflower, seeds if she's, wearing her red coat Clayton, recognizes, her if I wear my black coat because of the snowing, and raining he's. Reluctant to come to me so. You, know I'll have to talk to him and Leigh whistle, you know he recognizes, me true cars are the national, bird of Iraq and Pakistan they can also be found in some arid parts of the western US, Clayton. Can usually be found in the courtyard that is at the center of the complexes, buildings, while. Clayton, may be a long way from home he's being treated with Nova Scotian hospitality. At his new home as. Winter approached there was concern Clayton wouldn't fare well so a call was made to hope for wildlife about housing him the, only issue was he needed to be captured, he's, been very difficult to catch we've had people running around this property on more, than one occasion trying, to catch him and it, turns out that he seems to be doing okay so far in the winter so we decided that if he wants to stay we'll, let him stay and we'll continue to feed him and look after him and give. Him places to take refuge, Clayton's. Become such a beloved, part of life at the complex, that they even have a home forum so we bought him a small dog house, and. So. It has a nice opening, just his size and, we put some nice hay bedding, in there and some, pine chips with some birdseed and, not. Sure if he's gone in yet but, we're just trying to find the right place for it and, then, hoping, that he'll find some refuge there when the weather gets really cold, Clayton, is welcome to stay at the facility as long as he wants he makes the residents happy Richard, Woodbury CBC, News Halifax. Sports. Now the Edmonton, Oilers have fired the team's general manager Peter. Farrelly took the hit last night after, a crushing season, that saw the team lose 12, of its last 16 games and, today, the Oilers defended, that decision, at a news conference CEO. Bob Nicholson, had this to say some. Of the moves that we've made have not worked and I, felt that Peter. Had. Done everything that he could to make this team better and so we needed a new direction shurelya, had been heavily criticized, for many of his trade choices, and for failing to boost the team's performance, even. With one of the league's top young stars Connor McDavid, on that roster the, Oilers have gone through eight head, coaches, in the last 11, years some. Described the team atmosphere as, toxic. Toxic. Video. At all look at this picture absolutely. Stunning. Morning. I believe. Or. Sunset, one or the other somebody either has a nice view or that's, a cemetery, which you could still have a nice view. Is. It on the island, yes. Okay. May. Roberts, no. I'll. Tell you where this wonderful. Photo is taken when we come back after the break. You. Welcome. Back to here now okay. Animal, time Caroline you got a pair, of your big dog personal you're not tending to your bees. Here's. A nifty idea for you to watch a way to keep dogs entertained, in the cold winter months so. This. Is Winnipeg and Brian, Anderson created. This winter playground. For. Legged, friends. He. Says Tito Sadie and Loki, love, this, snow. Maze perfect. For shaking. Off some, cabin, fever yeah. And I'm gonna say it probably helps that treats have been scattered around to you. Never. Hurts, if. You're gonna work on that and it looks like it wow how amazing is that but they're very interested, one of my dogs would be all over the other, one.

Well. Here's another beautiful, winter scene this. Photo was actually, taken, at. Late. Cove, West West yeah all right the other side. Out. Enjoying the snow before, the rain that's gonna happen that's what Karen said thank. You so much for sending that photo in if you have any weather photos you'd like to share with us send them to and I'll photos thanks Karen see ya and we'll see you tomorrow good night good night. You. You.

2019-01-30 07:38

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