Heidelberg, Germany, the Complete Tour

Heidelberg, Germany,  the Complete Tour

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Heidelberg. Is one of the prettiest, and best-preserved towns, in all of Germany seven, picture, postcard. Perfection, alongside the, Necker river with. A classic, castle, towering, above filled. With old-world charm it's, almost like, a fantasy, version of, an ancient German, town or something, dreamed up by Disney, but this is the real thing, Heidelberg historic. Center of picturesque, early, 18th, century, buildings about. One mile long and four blocks wide is, an ideal sized, pedestrian. Zone to explore, on foot in. This detailed, movie we are taking, you in depth, for a complete. Look at Heidelberg, of course, we'll take you to the most historic. Landmark, of Heidelberg. The castle, up on the hill one, of the most famous and beautiful in, Europe we'll show you how to get up there and then we'll take a walk in the gardens, and show you how to get down but. First we're going to explore, the city itself, it has an amazing pedestrian. Zone filled, with restaurants shops, historic. Structures, and always, busy with lots of people we'll. Go for a walk along the main street of town the hop Strasse then. We'll explore the little side streets as well and we'll. Take a stroll on the philosopher's. Walk up, on the hill overlooking. The city with great views, looking, back at the town we'll. Take a boat ride on the nikah River all the way up to that car Steiner came back with, many practical, tips including, a survey, of the, restaurants, of town and will, visit the University. Of Heidelberg the oldest, in Germany, let's. Get started with a walk along the main pedestrian Lane, and a good look at the city's Market, Square this. Is one of the first pedestrian zones, created in, modern Europe always. Busy throughout the day and into the evening with, locals, as well as visitors we'll, take you on the main stretch, from the market place square and a, side visit to the University campus, continuing. To the modern downtown, distance. Of just over, one kilometer with. Shops, and restaurants and. Lots of people out the entire, Lane while, most, European, cities have lovely, pedestrian. Zone the, one in Heidelberg, seems, especially, charming. It's. Just the right size where, you could see most of it in a few hours but. There's so much there to explore. You could spend a few days walking, up and down and in and out of all the shops and, bars, cafes, and, restaurants from. Breakfast, till midnight, making. This one, of Europe's greatest streets for walking, a. Good. Place to get started is at the marketplace square, called, the muck Platz standing. In the middle of the mark Platz gives you a fine, perspective, on the heart of town with the old city hall on one side and the, Holy Ghost Church the highly Geist Kisha on the, other in between, the outdoor cafes, usually, have their tables, set up for, food, and beer, this. Is the good life sit. Down make yourself comfortable and, you'll be served right at your table the, marketplace, has, always been, the main square, hosting. A variety of activities, from food sales to, public, executions. People, are still drawn here to the outdoor table set up for eating drinking beer and watching other people, has a, many small, or a medium sized, European, cities the marketplace, is the center of town, usually, nestled right next to the Cathedral as we have here and with, City Hall on the other side of the square it's. One of those important. And fun, community, spaces, where. You have a lot of activity, all around the edges with the restaurants. And the waiter service, and the takeaway service, with, an imposing gothic Church, towering, high above and, all, the tables in the middle where people can gather and, have, a meal or a drink or just talk there's. Even a restaurant and a crepper e snack, bar sheltered. By, the walls, of the church and the, church has, shop stalls most of the way around the outside of it between the buttresses, in a tradition, that has been carried on here since, the Middle Ages and typical. Of many other churches throughout, the region be stall sell tourist items so it's a good place to look for postcards t-shirts. And anything. That says Heidelberg on it, in the Middle Ages the church was not just about religion. It was the center, of community, life. Merchants. Had shops around the square and farmers. Would sell their produce in, the main square which still happens today in this mark plots on Wednesdays. And Saturdays if, you're in town then be sure to catch that open market, it's. A fine opportunity to. Take some pictures or just hang out even, if you're not buying any of the foods just press around and have a look I'm. Using three screens occasionally. To recreate.

That Feeling of actually being, there you're surrounded, by images, as you walk along in front to the sides and behind you packing, in more pictures in less time fun. Stimulation. For your eyes and brain but. If it's too much just look at the main screen this. Gothic Church was built in the early 15th, century with, the pretty red sandstone, so, typical, of Heidelberg construction. You. Get great views of the castle, and, conveniently. Located here, is the tourist, information office, which, can help you out with some activities tell. You what, concerts, are coming up help you find a hotel even and, you'll, notice this statue up on the column, in the middle of the market plots it's. A statue of Hercules. Carr, from that characteristic. Red. Sandstone. You. Can, climb the church tower for, a small fee and also, listen to concerts, here many evenings during, the summer check. The schedule posted outside the front door and, you might even run into a free, rehearsal, during the afternoon. We'll, go up on the roof for that view in just a moment but first a quick look around inside the church while, listening to their big organ. It's. Built in the late Gothic, style so, there is plenty of light, coming in through the large colorful. Stained glass windows, and a great feeling of spaciousness with. The high, ceiling, and the central, nave with two aisles and, big columns, holding up the roof, it's. Really not that difficult to climb, up to the top of the church tower there's. The inevitable, spiral, staircase, that will take you right up to the top it's. Easy, it just takes five or ten minutes it's, not a strain at all you. Arrive at the top of the observation, platform then. You are able to walk all the way around the tower and get views, looking, out in every, direction from, the top of the Holy Ghost Church, you're. Nearly at the level of the castle, providing, an especially, good view also a nice look, down at the Jesuit Church built. In Baroque style also with a tall tower, from. Here you can see all the clay tile rooftops, of the city, picturesque. Beyond imagination. This. Is as good as it gets and looking into the heart of an Old Town ironically. The well-preserved historic. Town centre is a result, of extensive, war damage from much earlier times the, city was rebuilt in the 18th century too. In this harmonious, design. With. A uniform, overall, appearance and, yet a great diversity of detail. Then, nicely, preserved with few changes over the last couple, of centuries, come. Back down the same way that you went up then out the door and you're back in the marketplace.

Facing. The church you'll notice a building with a unique, style of the Renaissance. It's the zum Ritter which had been an old palace. But now it's a hotel with, the restaurant, when the French invaded in the 17th, century they. Leveled, the entire city except, for this one building, and the, churches, some. Of the best restaurants, in town are tucked away inside. Of the main hotels, zum. Ritter's excellent, restaurant, has gourmet, food equal, to, any of the other great, restaurants, of town offering, the highest, level of service with. A European. Flair to the presentation. And. A, historic, setting because it's the oldest, non-religious. Building in town dating. From, 1592. Zoomreader. Is, located. On the southwest corner of the marketplace, square at the corner, with the help Strasse that's the main, pedestrian. Lane of the city you. Will be drawn irresistibly, down. The alluring help, Strasse the, high street with one shop after another and, a lineup of historic, buildings that continues. For about a mile. This. Street goes from the marketplace all, the way to Bismarck. Platz and we are going to show you the whole thing this, is one of Europe's greatest streets, for walking, and will, be your main focus, of activity along. With the castle the. Hub Strasse was one of the first, pedestrian. Streets. Created. In all of europe of course. Earlier it was a Street for cars that would be a narrow street but it would have had busy. Automobile, traffic but. Many decades, ago the town. Decided they, wanted, to create, this wonderful ambience. A pedestrian. Mall that. Stretches, about, a mile from the, main square into. The more, modern downtown and. Of. Course since then in the, last 30 40 years throughout, Europe you find many streets, in the downtown's, have been converted, from automobile, streets to. Pedestrian, malls and then. The city's continued expanding. Their pedestrian, zones into, the side streets, and into the back streets and it. Just keeps on going the cities have discovered, that. By. Keeping the cars out you, bring people in and it's better for business this. Is very much a street used by the local, population as. Well as by the visitors, you, might see groups of kids, out for a walk after getting out of school. The. Mix of locals, and visitors on. The street is typical, of many of the small, old European, cities with their historic centers containing. Well-preserved. Original, buildings. Visitors. Love to experience, that feeling, of authenticity that, they're, in a real place not just a tourist, shopping. Mall or some, kind of, newly. Created, attraction. Pop. Strasse is certainly, the most popular. Destination. For hungry. Tourists, looking for, some food and there. Are many fine, possibilities. Along, this street but throughout the movie will be showing you other restaurant, locations. To encourage you to get out away, from the main popular, drag and then to the side streets where you might find a little bit more of the local cuisine and.

Perhaps, Higher quality, however, hop Strasse also, has a lot of great, food to offer it's, a wonderful, street it's one of the great pedestrian, lanes of the world no doubt and has. A lot of good eating choices, and. Sometimes. You'll get lucky and get some free food in this, case it was some delicious. Dried, Apple crisps, Wow. They, were tasty, healthy. And, free, you'll. Find some real food, bargains, here as well you, can get a, simple, meal like a kebab Turkish, or Greek in. Origin the, Goo dos the, revolving, meat going around on a spit, and the locals also shop, and eat here so the prices, are going to be fair. The. Wine atrium. On top strasse is not. Only a wine, shop it's, a wine bar you. Can sit down in their cozy cellar or out, in their garden and enjoy a glass sample, it before you buy a bottle don't. Think that main street the hub Strasse is just, for tourists, take a closer, look and, you'll see that there are some, marvellous local, restaurants, such as the white swan with. A historic. Tradition, going back, 450. Years, serving. Traditional, cuisine. In a rustic, wooden setting. There. Are dozens of places to eat along the help Strasse many, of them just simple, outdoor, casual, cafes, a great spot for people-watching, with. That endless, passing, parade of characters, from. Breakfast, till midnight, walking. Along the help straw so you're likely, to come upon a street. Musician here and there so do yourself a favor and listen. For a few minutes and then give a nice tip. You. Also run into sidewalk. Artists, engaged. In creating. Some original. Oil paintings, perhaps, or watercolors. Scenes. Of Heidelberg or perhaps, modern, interpretations. Contemporary. Art. The. University, of Heidelberg has, a main campus in the center of the old town right along hop strasse twenty-eight thousand students, are fortunate, to be attending, one of the world's, great universities, it's. The oldest, in Germany, founded, in. 1386. The. Campuses right in the middle of the old town and open, to the public there, are several streets, that run through it and courtyards. And there, are buildings that have restaurants. And bookstores, and, classrooms. 56. Nobel Prize winners have been affiliated with the university, that, graduates, 1,000. PhDs. Every year spanning. A wide range, of academic specialties. One. Of their cafeterias. Is right on University. Place and has, reasonable, prices, with pretty good food open. To the public and, a very sociable, spot if, you're interested, in meeting. Some local students and having a chat about life, in Heidelberg this could be a place to do it or, if, you just want a coffee or a light snack help, yourself. Along. With its historic. Charms, this is also a very modern, college, town of Science, and Technology, heavily, involved in research and development where, one in five residents is, a student, quite a few of them are foreign exchange, students, as well it. Has different colleges, for philosophy. Law, theology. Chemistry, medicine. And, several. Other fields. This. Campus, is centered, around, universities.

Plots The main campus, square but, many classes, take place a few, miles away in the newer part of town and we. Will take you out there for a look, later, in the program after. We have a walk around and show you some of the interesting. Locations. And buildings, of this historic. Campus. If, you're. Lucky you might run into a chamber, music concert at, the old University. In the, owl O Hall that dates back to the 19th, century. The. Most famous university, site is the library, built, in a style blending. The Baroque and Art. Nouveau and has, 3 million books in the system out front is a popular. Spot for the students, to hang out and take a break, inside. It's chock-full of, all sorts of modern, technology. With computers, everywhere, said. To be the busiest library, in Germany, a lot. Of the collection has been digitized, and is freely available worldwide. Through, the internet such as this old map of Heidelberg from 1850. And. They have a small museum, type display with old books and, old globe, and, other kinds, of literary artifacts. Open, to the public so, if you're passing by have, a look inside. When. You're back on the main pedestrian, Lane, the help Strasse if you'd, like to sit down for a light meal or a snack a great choice would be the famous bakery, and cafe, shop, Hoidal you, can sit outdoors in, front on the street or in the back garden, maybe. In their lovely, greenhouse, type room that gives you the feeling of being outdoors, with a comfort, of being inside, this. Condit RI offers. A full-service. Menu, all day for a nice lunch or dinner. But. Their most famous as a, pastry, shop. Check. Out the front counter it's, just, loaded, with cakes. And pies tarts. Breads. Rolls, muffins. Croissants. Its, pastry. Heaven. Located. In the heart of the old town near, the university, you'd never realized, from the outside, of the bakery, on top, Strasse that. There is such a wonderland and garden inside, there. Are several, museums, in Heidelberg, these, are some of the fine cultural. Institutions. That can keep you busy for numerous, hours the. Most outstanding, museum, in town is the. Crypt, Felicia's. City Museum, Midway. Along the hub Strasse, you'd. Never know the museum is here if you don't walk through the archway the. Museum also has a nice restaurant, and a cute gardening cafe, with a tranquil, little fountain so. Even if you're not going to enter the museum you might be tempted to sit at one of these charming, outdoor, tables, surrounded, by greenery, you. Will be rewarded, if you visit inside because, this is a history, museum with some fine artworks, and archaeology. It's, got a varied collection, with, painting, sculpture, urban. History graphics, decorative. Arts and prehistory, you. Could easily be entertained. And educated here. For a couple of hours and it's, in a beautiful setting of the former, Baroque palace the. Masterpiece, of the collection, is a carved, wooden altar, made, in 1509, by, Germany's, most important, Renaissance, sculptor, tilman. Riemann schneider you'll. Also learn some, about the ancient Romans who built, a camp and a bridge here, at the NECA River see. Some final paintings, and the, jaw of heidelberg, man nearly a half a million years old, the. Gardens free but there's a small admission charge for, the museum, motor. Vehicles are restricted, from that main pedestrian street, so, when you've got some cargo to move it's going to be muscle, power of course, you do get the odd delivery, vehicle, and taxi, coming through but mostly it's pedestrian. Heaven, there, are many little side, lanes for pedestrians, that you'll, want to explore on your own but, for now we are going to walk to the end of the hub Strasse into, the modern part of downtown. Where, you'll come on a major intersection, for, shopping. And traffic, its Bismarck, plots where, you'll find the Galleria, cuff off which is a big department, store and they've got everything inside, including. A very, nice bakery. And sandwich. Bar right, out front. Cafe. Rossi is a very popular. Spot just off of the main square. You, can sit outdoors or inside. At the, coffee bar. This. Is a busy. Intersection quite. A contrast with the Olde Towne pedestrian. Zone it's. Where the buses and the trams come through it's, a major Transit Center so, this whole neighborhood, is really quite interesting to, see it's the more modern the less, touristic side of Heidelberg surrounded.

By Department, stores and shops with areas. Places to eat, there. Is not really much in the way of historic, sights down here but it's fascinating nonetheless. To watch that all this tram action, number. Of different tram lines and a lot of people catching the bus or transferring. From one tram to another and notice. How safe and easy it is they, can walk right, in front of the trains no problem, people. Hop off one vehicle and hop on to another and continue on their way it's, an extensive, tram, system, operated, by the Rhine NECA Railway with connections. All the way to the, nearby city of Mon hi it. First opened in 1885. And it's. Been operating continuously. Expanding. Modernizing. Of course it's. Wonderful to see how this old, technology can. Be brought up to date continually. With more modern vehicles, and improved tracks. There. Was so much energy and, action and, transportation. Going on we felt the urge to jump. On a tram, and go somewhere and one. Nice outing from this point is out to, the other, University, campus just, about one mile outside of town so we went you, could get there by a direct, bus but we wanted the fun of taking a tram so. You have, to change trams at the main train station. And then carry on and, within, 15-20, minutes you have arrived at the University it's, really quite easy. Your. One ticket includes the transfer, to that second, tram ride and the, service is quite frequent, the direct bus is quicker but this is more fun the, trams are so sturdy and comfortable, that you can even swing, from the straps if you were kid this, new campus, called the Noyan heimer field was, built in the 1960s. Expanding. To the point where it occupies, an area as large as, the entire old, town of Heidelberg, almost. All science, faculties, the medical school most. Of the dormitories, and the. Athletic facilities are, found, out here, at the new campus there's. A small, botanical, garden that's freely open to the public and. You can walk through the campus but frankly. There's not really, a lot to see out here it's mostly modern, buildings, a functional. Place but. Since we have the time we wanted to come out here and take a look and show it to you many. Students just ride their bicycles, the three kilometers to get back into the old town campus, but, for us it's another, quick tram ride retracing. Our steps back, to Bismarck, Platz, from. Here there are a number of little lanes fun, for walking we'll take you on coming, up soon but first we're going to the castle easy. To reach walking. Back up along help Strasse and then, to the funicular riding, up the hill and walk into the castle later, we'll cross the river and stroll up the hill to the philosopher's, walk and, then take a boat ride. The. Number, one destination for every. Visitor, to Heidelberg. Is the castle there's, something, magical, about castles. Especially. A romantic. Ruin, that sits majestically, upon, a hill, looking, out over the old town. You. Could easily spend several, hours, at, this amazing, destination. First, built in the 13th, century and, then gradually, expanded. To house the local royalty, over the next three centuries, finally. Destroyed, by an, invading French army in the 1690s, and, later, struck by lightning, that burned, most, of the rest of it down but. It has been renovated, and restored back. To its former, glory with. An extreme mix of destruction. And beauty that conjures. Up the turbulent, past of the strategic, fortification. Its, crumbling, walls and towers stand, next to a complete, palace, with, a restored, interior. Making, this must-see. Attraction, in your visit to Heidelberg. From. The top you will get a fantastic. View, looking down on the old town more, than just beautiful this is one, of the great vistas, of Europe, the, castle, is way up on the hill which might, present. A challenge of getting up there but fortunately. You don't have to walk up because. You can right up in a funicular, it's. Easy, to, reach the funicular from. Town level by walking. Out the back street of Karlsplatz, to the lift station it's. Found in a modern building just across the street don't. Bother trying, to walk up the hill, take the five-minute ride on this very, efficient. Inclined. Railcar, a first. Opened in 1890. Making. This one of the oldest funiculars. In germany it's, recently, been rebuilt. So. Now it's really a state, of the art machine that. Glides, you up in, smooth. Quiet. Comfort. The, ticket you'll purchase, for the funicular also.

Gets You into the castle and if, you were to walk up the, hill instead, of riding the funicular you'd. Still have to buy that same, ticket at the same price at the top just to get into the castle so the. Ride on the funicular is, no, extra price that. Funicular, our ticket, is also a roundtrip so you can ride down on the, same, ticket for. Now you get off at the Schloss castle, station, and. You walk through the arched gateway, and. Start. Out by walking left on the terrace, for. This grand Vista looking down on the town below, and. There you get the classic, view looking down on, the old town, you can spot some landmarks, you see the Holy Ghost Church. And. Of course the bridge and. The. Necker River down below. It's. Really like a storybook. Postcard, come to life, unfortunately. For, some bus tours this is the only view they ever get to see of Heidelberg a quick look at the castle and from, the castle of peak down into the old town but, in today's program, we'll, show you why it's really worth spending a, couple of days in Heidelberg, itself with time to, properly, explore. This beautiful castle you, can see how the castle, is built on steep, cliffs, to, prevent, invasion from the front and with, high walls and a dry moat protecting, the rear the. Crumbling, round tower on the corner is a testament. To this new age of destruction that came with. Those French invaders, the. Terrace, offers a stunning, view of the town down, below and also some, interesting angles. On the side of the castle the walls the towers, the turrets, and it's. A very pleasant park as well with an easy walkway, but. It's curious, that, many, visitors to the castle missed, this Terrace altogether, because, they're in such a rush and they, come, off the funicular, and, they just want to go right into the castle so they bypass, it there's no real sign saying, I come out here to look at the view but, from this angle you'll get a better perspective on, the defensive. Fortifications. The steep, walls leading, down into that dry moat and you'll, also gain, some views, of the residential, hillside, behind the castle with some of the, big mansions, that are up there now when, you visit the castle be, sure to make time for this, Terrace view another. Good reason why it's worth spending two, nights in, Heidelberg, on your visit it's a city with many, interesting. Sight as you've, seen already and now the best, part is coming up with a visit inside the castle it's. Very easy to reach this Terrace view just, simply walk through, that triumphal. Arch way you can't, miss that. You'll. See on this map of the castle the route, that we've taken so far coming. Out of the funicular are walking, over to that panorama, terrace for the splendid, view looking down at the town then. We continue, back through the terrace and around to the gatehouse entrance, of the castle into, the courtyard we'll, have a look around there'll, be some more views interior.

Visits, And then. We'll come out again and walk, over into the castle gardens we'll, show you how to get the most out of your visit. You. Enter the castle through, a dramatic, sequence of, fortified. Gatehouse, bridge. And, gate, tower as, you. Pass through look up into the arch to see the massive portcullis. It's, a pointed. Gate that would drop down to seal the entrance. To. Draw bridges and, four, more gates completed, the original barriers. That kept, invaders, out. But these are no longer there to stop you once, inside the castle you'll be delighted to see the beautiful. State of preservation of, the main buildings, first. Thing you see is the huge, central. Courtyard. As. You stand here in the courtyard surrounded. By the castle your eyes will be drawn first. Of all to the impressive, Renaissance, facade, of the, Friedrich Building dripping. With sculptural. And decorative. Architectural. Details, it. Was built from, 1601. To. 1607. As the. Living quarters for the Duke of Bavaria. It's embellished. With 16 elegant, statues, depicting Emperor's. And kings of the Biddle's back dynasty, that, was the main royal family, who lived in Heidelberg over the centuries, the, statues, are clad in a stone, armor, and have weapons befitting. Their noble warrior, status you. Can find pictures of this facade in many our history, books and on every, postcard, rack in town. Here. In the ruins of the heidelberg, castle you. Really get a feeling, for the Middle, Ages and, the early Renaissance, the. Heyday of this building, started, about the Year 1400. And, continued. Right, up through the conquests, by louis, xiv, in the late 1600s, and. Then, even into the, 1700s. There. Were noble, princes, and residents, here some. Damage was created, in the Wars of succession that, were led by louis, xiv, who. Blasted, it with cannons, and, there. Was further damage, in a huge lightning, storm in. 1764. Where. Bolts, of lightning, blasted. Into the walls of this castle and destroyed several of the towers but. Today we still have the, original remains. This is standing. Inside the ruins, of Ludwig's. Room and. This was one of the great, rulers, who, resided, here at the heidelberg castle and, he, was largely responsible for, much of the architecture of the building that we see today the. Various stages of castle, construction stand. All, around the courtyard, some. Wings are well preserved while, others are extremely, damaged, tear, right is the auto, hymens building the one that's all in ruins with, empty. Space, behind the walls and that's considered. The finest. Example, of German, Renaissance architecture. In, this area the. Mid 16th century that was built it's, still pretty to look at with dozens, of impressive, statues, depicting. Heroes. Of the Bible and mythology. Framed. By elaborate, neoclassical. Pilasters. Cornices. Moldings. And Scrolls but. It's just a free-standing shell, with no building, behind it the. Earliest, buildings, here, were from about 1400. It's behind you this is the Rupert's. Building. The, prince-elector, rupert, he, was one of, the guys who really founded, this castle, and, that was his main residence at, that time. You. Can also pay to go inside the castle and tour some of the rooms, the. Oldest building here in the courtyard is the. Old library, you, can still see the Gothic, windows, this. Dates back to the 14th. And 15th centuries. There's. The well house you have to have a well to, provide. Water when. You're in a castle in case you're besieged, the. Well is located, in a picturesque, loggia. With columns, and pointed, arches there's. Also a wine bar here at the castle you. Could have a snack or a meal at, that Terrace restaurant, but there's a far, more interesting wine. Experience, waiting. For you in the castles, basement, be sure to visit the cellar this is really, one of the highlights of the castle because it contains, the world's, largest, wine, barrel, it was made from a hundred and twenty, large oak trees and it, had a capacity of, two, hundred and seventy-five thousand. Bottles of wine how big is it it's, so big there's a wooden staircase, you can climb to reach a viewing platform on, the top a level, area that was constructed to have, dance parties, man. You keep walking alongside the, barrel and you'll come to a very steep. Spiral. Wooden staircase, hang, on to that wooden railing because it's a narrow, curved. Flight. Of steps back down to floor level they. Say there was a network of pipes running from here throughout the castle to deliver the wine and a, fantastic, system that. Kept, the party going non-stop. It. Was built in, 1751. But. After, a few decades actually. It began to crack and so. They emptied, it out of all the wine and they kept it instead, as a showpiece.

Her. Ko was the castle, jester. Who loved to drink wine this. Legendary. Dwarf, was a castle, entertainer. Also, in charge, of the wine where he reputedly, drank. To eight gallons, of wine a day when. Asked, if he wants, another glass of wine he'd, always say pick, a No, or why, not giving. Rise to his nickname, percale. According. To legend, he lived happily into his 80s, having, never drunk anything in his life except for wine but. When, he took ill as an old man the town doctor had him drink water he. Died the next day, while. You're down here in the cellar you'll find some other interesting, activities, including. A wine, bar and another. Big, barrel, in fact that's the first barrel that you're going to see when you come in the entrance but don't, be fooled this. Is not nearly as large, as the, big one that we've just been visiting so, be sure to get to the real thing while you're down here in. Addition to these huge barrels, there was three times as much wine stored, elsewhere in the castle, for, a grand total of 1 million bottles that. Fueled a steady stream of guzzling, which reportedly, averaged, 2,000. Liters every, day appropriately. There is a nice, wine tasting, bar available, down here in the cellar for you to sample various. German, red and white varieties, at a reasonable, price this. Country, is famous, for beer, but modern, Germans are more likely to drink wine when. You finish with the cellar walk up the ramp and take a turn to go out on to another viewing terrace there's. No real sign that points the way out to this Terrace it's just the passageway. That you go through to, get out here this gives. You yet, another perspective looking. Down on the town and the, river and the bridge down below it's really a grand. Vista, and you can look back up at the wall of the castle itself you. Might even see some wedding. Photography, going on up here it's a very picturesque, spot. You'll. Be snapping, lots of pictures out here on the terrace it, does give you a slightly, different view, than the first terrorists that you were looking, from so, it's a nice Vantage, you want to get yourself in the picture prep.

Your Camera, up on your elbow so you get a good steady shot of the distant landscapes, there, is a very impressive, residential. Neighborhood. On the other side of the neck of River with some huge, houses, probably, many, of them have been divided, up into smaller, apartments, by now looking. Down into the old town you'll see the high league dice church right on the Market Square take. Proper, time here to soak it all in it's, quite, a grand view and then, moving along to the next castle highlight, your. Basic ticket. To the castle, includes, a visit to the German pharmacy. Museum which. Has several basement. Galleries, covering, the history of medicine, and pharmaceuticals. Now. This is a lot more interesting than it sounds, first. Of all you're entering into, the. Basement, of a beautiful structure so. Just the architecture of the rooms themselves is, worthwhile and then, the contents, is really a bonus also, called, the apothecary. Museum it gives you a fine idea of, how medicine was practiced back, in the 1700s. You. See all of these different potions. And the instruments, that were used to create them and the, stock shelves for selling and storing, them you'll, be surprised, how large. And captivating. The exhibit, is with 20,000. Objects, representing. The history, of pharmacy, the, floor plan shows the many galleries each, with their own theme, they. Say it's, the largest and, finest, such collection, in existence, spanning, two thousand, years of pharmacy, history. The, ancient, chemist, was able to boil. And evaporate the. Essential, elements, of a compound, using, a still and then, condense, them into, a concentrated. And effective, medicine, this. Process, is still used today in manufacturing, our own pharmaceuticals. We, have slightly more modern, factory style equipment of course be, sure to walk down that staircase, to, the lower level, to enjoy this large collection of skills. After. Completing, your visit to the castle, grounds you, want to have, a look at the castle, gardens but, before leaving the castle why. Not take a little time to look, around once again at these magnificent. Buildings and just consider their history. Castles. Like this were powerful, sanctuaries. In the Middle Ages back. Then they did not have unified, governments. Or a country that protected. Each town it. Was the feudal system where, each town was on its own almost. Functioning, as a city-state and so. These castles, were critically, important, to safety, security. And, protection. Of the ruling class but. Then later when they were attacked by the large cannonballs, introduced. In the 16th and 17th century. The, mighty walls could be blasted. To dust the. Heidelberg, castle was, occupied, by various, members of the local royalty. For three centuries, until. Its destruction by French, invaders, and lightning, strikes in the late 17th, century when. It was abandoned, by, the early 19th, century it. Was a total, ruin and in danger of being, completely, pulled down but. Preservationist. Got busy and began. Reconstruction. Which, continued, right on up through the 20th century, producing. This grand structure, which is one of the finest, examples of, a castle anywhere, in Europe it ranks right up there with other great castles, such as Salzburg. Edinburgh. Prague, Segovia. Or Windsor, but. This one has the best location. Perched. Magnificently. Over, the old town. And. When you're done with your visit to the castle itself, you exit, back out through the watchtower. Across. The bridge over the moat and into the gardens. You. Don't want to leave the castle without taking. Good stroll through these, vast green terraces, which, have quite a history of their own and there's. No charge for the garden so if you're pinching pennies you could enjoy much of this experience, for free it's. A level promenade, and offers, some additional views of the castle this, large Tower was, used to, store, barrels, of gunpowder and, unfortunately. It blew, up in, 1669. When, the French attacked, it Mark. Twain was impressed by it during, his visit and described, it saying this, old tower is split, down the middle and one, half has tumbled aside, in a picturesque, attitude, the, standing, half exposes.

Its Arched and cavernous, rooms like, open. Toothless mouths. Misfortune. Has done for this old tower what, it has done for the human character sometimes, improved. It the. Castle, garden was originally, a rocky gully, that provided, a natural barrier defending. The castles, flank, until. King, Frederick v decided, to, fill in the chasm, and create, an elaborate, garden complete, with statues, fountains. Flowerbeds. Fish, ponds, and other sensual. Delights, it, developed, a miraculous. Reputation. As the eighth wonder of, the world but. Ironically, invading. Armies later, use the level gardens as a convenient, Avenue, to attack the castle there, are several, lovely fountains. Scattered, through the gardens especially. At the back edge where a voluptuous, River, God lounges. In a grotto you'll. Want to walk, to the far end of the castle garden to get some excellent. Views of the town and the river and the castle. From different angles, than you have seen previously, you'll get a lovely perspective. On the old bridge, and. Nikka river down below, excursion. Boats have decks indoors, and out you. Might be surprised, to see there are some vineyards up on the hill yeah, they make their own wine if. You are out in the garden for, these views, you can then take a shortcut, back, into town by simply walking down, a lovely, footpath you could instead, take the 5-minute funicular, ride back down like, nearly all visitors, it's included in the price of your ticket but you'll find it's faster, and more, fun to walk down the. Entrance to the path has no sign but you'll see it notice. How it would be the same distance to walk down compared. To walking. Back over to the funicular it's, only about 400. Meters either, way then. If you go to the funicular you've, got to wait for the ride sometimes. There's a line and that takes time the, stroll down is not only faster, it gives you a pleasant, scenic. Alternative. Experience, the. Footpath takes a very gentle, slope so it's, easy to walk it especially. If you can get into one of those downhill. Rhythms, where you sort of float along, you'll. Have a lush, garden, view on one side of the path and the, castle, looming overhead. On the other side the. Walk down takes just 10 minutes and that completes. Your visit to the castle on, the. Other hand if you're feeling more adventurous and, have some time you, could ride, the funicular to, the very top of this mountain at, 1,600, feet way. Above the castle where. There is a small amusement park, snack, bar for lunch and an. Observation, tower that offers, a view, over the surrounding countryside and then, you can ride back, down on the funicular back. To town, but, maybe leave that trip up to kunuk stool for, another visit. One. Of your best activities. While visiting, Heidelberg, is taking. A stroll on the famous philosopher's. Walk it's. Up on the hill, and gives you a grand, view looking, down at, Heidelberg. You. Can do this any time of day but in, the afternoon you will get the best lighting shining. Down on the red tile, rooftops, of the city it. Is, a green and pleasant path, that will bring you to an observation terrace, with one of the world's most beautiful views, the, fairytale old city on a river with its brooding, castle, above tinted. In earthy, hues with plate tile roofs and rosy, colored stone, walls, especially. Vivid late in the day this. Is one of the two greatest, vistas, that Heidelberg, has to offer the, other one is looking down from the castle at, the town and across, to here at the philosopher's. Walk no. Visit to heidelberg can really be complete, without seeing, both, of these grand vistas, as you'll. Soon see it does require a little bit of effort to walk up here but it's well worth it to. Get here you cross the river on the landmark old bridge the, bridge is very easy to walk along with the smooth cobble paving, and just, takes a few minutes to cross over to the other side it's. A pedestrian bridge and, a scenic landmark, in its own right although, in the evening, there are some local cars and delivery, vehicles, that will drive across it but, not during the day the, bridge is very easy to find because it's, one, of the most popular, gathering spots, in town it's. Just a block away from the, Central. Market Square, you. Can see, on the map the easy routing, for getting up there just, walk over the bridge across to. The other side of the river and then walk up the hill and, as soon as you get across the bridge you, can, stop, over there and look back at the bridge with the town and castle behind it for, another, postcard, view now, this is just a little foretaste, of the major panorama. That you're about to experience once. You get up to the top now that, you are on the other side of the river, cross, the street and then you go straight ahead into, a little driveway area, following. The sign that points, to the philosophy. Beg the, entrance to the path is not all that obvious and you'll, be standing in a small parking lot for a couple, of cars just.

Keep Going and you'll soon find that narrow path that leads up the hill, well, this climb takes, about 10 to 15 minutes depending on your conditioning, or it. Might take you a half hour if you need to stop frequently, and rest, along the way that's. Okay you. Don't want to be in a rush in a situation, like this maybe. Hang, on to the wall once in a while for a little bit of support as you go it's. Something like walking, up a 25, story building so. It's not for the faint-hearted, but. It's well worth the effort and this, would be a good time to remind yourself that walking, is a very, good exercise it's. Healthy, this. Is another example of, why you want, to be in good shape before, you take any kind of a trip it, pays to do, your practice, walking at home before you go at least, a half an hour every day for several months prior to the trip so, that you can handle anything on the road you. Don't have to be a superstar. Athlete to make this walk up the hill almost. Anybody, in normal, conditioning, can do it easily especially resting, along the way but. If you've done some physical, conditioning, you'll be that much more comfortable, when. You see others running up you know it can't be that bad even, if they're kids. On. Your, way up the steep, hill by. All means stop a few times to catch your breath rest, a little bit there, is no great, hurry to get up there you'll. Find some places, you can take a break on the way up with some benches and a little, lookout the views from the midpoint are also very, nice so be sure to stop, and have a look there bring, your own snacks and water because, there is nothing, available for, sale along, the way and it. Looks like you're making very good progress from, here your way up the top. Cannot, be too much further it's. Just. Around the bend and around. A couple more bends, soon enough you'll find your way and notice. The pretty gardens along both sides of this path while going up you'll have some views across the terraced. Vineyards and. Other lush. Greenery which. Some, have compared, to a tuscan. Hillside, you'll. Also see a variety of subtropical. Plants and, trees such as palm, almond. Fig. And lemon, the. Climate, here, in southern Germany is relatively. Mild the. Path, itself, is quite well designed, and constructed, because, it's, a fairly gradual. Incline, mostly. It's a ramp going up and there. Are a few steps, here and there in short staircases, stone. Paving, underneath, and the stone walls along, side of you really make interesting. Scenario. As, you walk, along and remember when you come down it'll, be a lot easier you. Can't, say I didn't, warn you that was quite a height but. Perseverance. Will finally, get you there. When. You do reach the philosopher's way the path levels, off so, now it's really quite easy it's. A normal horizontal. Pedestrian, Lane as promised. It delivers, that spectacular. View it's. The scene that you'll find on every postcard. Rack back, in Heidelberg, town but. Why not get up here, and see. It for yourself in reality. In person, better. Than even this video can, show you it's the real thing, you'll, want to spend at least 10 minutes up here and by now you are, ready, for a rest. You'll. Find benches. And a railing and different, perspectives, to enjoy the view down below you.

Can Walk along the upper path for a while and wreak like a poet, or philosopher. Or as you absorb the visual, treat, down there be. Sure to get your tourist snapshots. They, say professors, from the University used to come up here in the old days to get away from the noise and enjoy. Some quiet contemplation. And. Philosophical. Conversations. As, strolled, along, leading. To the name of it as the philosophy. Beg which. Translates, from German as philosophers. Way although. Commonly. It's referred to as the, philosopher's, walk, if. You still have some energy and, are feeling ambitious, you, could continue, walking, about a mile to the western, end of the footpath and then crossing, over the neck or river on the modern theater, or hoist bridge and from, there walk back into the old town on the Main Street that, end of the path has a more gradual slope to walk down which. Is how people on their bicycles, are able to pedal up on to the Philosopher's, path however. Most folks are happy just to get to the first or second viewpoint up, on the hill rest on a bench enjoy. The view and then, return, back down the same way you came, up into, the old town a more. Strenuous, alternative. Is to keep walking further uphill, there is a path that goes up you'll, reach a memorial. To Bismarck, the first, Chancellor, of Germany and, then, you could continue, even, higher to, the ruins of an 11th century, monastery. You. Could probably walk, down in about 10 minutes especially. When you get in the flow of a downhill roll. Smiling. Now downhill, easy. Easy. Downhill. Don't. Forget to enjoy some of the views along the way down even, though you might, be saturated. With the vistas you've already been absorbing, you. Could, do this entire walking. Round trip in about 45. Minutes take. 20 minutes going up 10, minutes at the top 15. Minutes going down it's. So easy you. Don't want to miss out it, looks like a lot of work to go up and down and it is there's. Some work involved but thirty minutes of effort is really, worth your time of. Course you might want to spend a little, bit longer up at the top and take, it a little more easy on the way up and, so, you could, easily stretch. This into, a one-hour experience. To. Give you an idea of, how lovely, and popular. This wok is it's. Listed, on TripAdvisor, as the, number one thing, to do in Heidelberg, and, they. Have nearly fifteen hundred comments about it on their website nearly. Every, one of them calling the activity, excellent. Or very good. For. Example, one of them said please. Do, not miss this walk at visiting, Heidelberg, pleasant. Walk breathtaking. Views of the city with the castle especially, in the afternoon, when the sunlight is just right, another, said a bit, of a steep climb but well worth the views at the top I definitely. Recommend, it and here's, one more comment, from TripAdvisor, the. Philosophy, and egg offers, the best aerial, views of Heidelberg, at the, top it's surreal, to gaze down at the Old Town and NECA River. Absolutely. Worth the effort, to climb up when. You reach the bottom of the hill be careful, when you're crossing this busy street, you don't, want to jaywalk here there are too many cars coming by so wait for the green and then hustle, across, finally. Take, a moment to enjoy another. Vista from, street-level, looking, across the river back to the old town there, are steps leading down to the river's, edge and a waterfront, path it goes for a couple of miles the. Bridge gets, a fiery, colour in the late afternoon and. No. Doubt you'll see some scullers, on the river many, University students, enjoy rowing, for exercise, and they also have some competitive. Teams. One. Of the delightful, excursions.

You Can take is a boat ride on the NECA River now. You can either do the short 40 minute round-trip ride or, take. A longer, ride as we're gonna show you all the way to neck our sty neck and see some old crumbling, castles. Leaving. From the dock near the university. Cafeteria. You'll. Soon get a fine view of the old bridge, and, then the castle, looming, up behind it providing. Another lovely angle, on that iconic, symbol. Of the city it's. Just, magnificent. To sit on the, upper, deck of the boat out in the sunshine, enjoying. The fresh air having, some drink served to you, there. Can, be no doubt that beer, on the boat is a winning combination. There's. Scullers, being. A university, town you'll see that sculling, is very popular, here on the. Edge of Heidelberg, town the. Necker river has, a, lock. There's a number of locks along, the rivers, of Europe of course - just. For the different, levels, of the river as it goes, uphill or, downhill the. Normal 40 minute boat ride does not go into their lock it just turns around and, heads back towards. Heidelberg but, we wanted to go a little further today and they. Sold us a ticket where we could go for, a half an hour out and then turn around take, another boat half an hour back for a one-hour ride which, gave us a look at the forest covered, hillsides, and a chance to see more water activities, like these stand-up, paddlers, who are having, fun and getting, a good workout the, boat does continue, for one more hour all, the way to the, village of neck our Stein act on historic. Village with some castle, ruins, coming, right up will show you an old trip, that we took there, this, time we got off the, boat here at the Nyberg, abbey wait. Five or ten minutes and catch. The next ship coming, back towards Heidelberg however. On an earlier trip some years ago we. Did stay on the boat and go all the way to neck our ste neck, for. Cruising, from Heidelberg. To neck. Our ste neck. River nikkor it's. Really an enjoyable boat ride takes about an hour and a half to go from Heidelberg, to the neck our stein Ock and then we'll get off the boat and walk around in the village and you can stay in the village for an hour or, two hours three. Hours if you wish so it's a very pleasant outing, you can either make it a half a day or most. Of the day particularly. When the weather is nice, and bright the way it is today and then. Get back to Heidelberg for the evening, it's. A very nice ride on a medium, science river ship that. Holds several hundred, people with comfortable, chairs both, indoors. And out on, the deck and plus, there's a decent snack bar and some. Ships have a restaurant, Becker, Stein Eck is known as the town of fork castles, so. The main event when you get there is walking. Along a footpath which, brings, you to these old ruins, the. First two castles are actually, private. There's still people living in them well. Once you get to the couple. Of ruins you, can clamber all over the abandoned, walls and walk, up the crumpled, stairs to get a nice view looking down on the river valley.

Like. Many castles along Europe's waterways, these were homes, two barons who extorted, tolls from passing, ships so. They needed a good, view perspective, to, spot, their prey. We're. Standing in a castle. Ruins. In the village of neck our stein knock this is a romantic. And wonderful place, you can imagine the, history that's taking place here over the years the castle, was first built in the 12th century now. It's just standing here in ruins there's foundation, walls there's the tower the lookout tower the. Name of this Rowan is hinter, Borg it's the oldest, of the four castles. In the area and the. Most interesting. To explore, with. The ruined walls the foundations, the pathways. Cases, all set, in a wild, overgrown, garden, castles. Have some kind of special quality. That appeals, to the kid in all of us even. The dog gets excited, by the prospects, of this unusual structure, and for. The serious, adult interested, in history there's a lot to explore here, the. Castle, was already. Dilapidated. By the 14th, century and then. Experienced. Phases of, extension. Renovation. And decay. Until. It was finally destroyed in, 1630. During, the 30 Years War. You'll. Also spot, the riverfront. Village of neck our stein egg which is where, we're going back to now it's an easy walk it's mostly downhill, the. Path, is not paved but that's part of the naturalistic. Charm, of this forested, route. It. Will take you about 20, minutes to walk through Necker stein Eck back. In the village center you'll find several, nice restaurants. Serving typical. Local foods. You. Might even catch a brass, band performing. As. You're walking around in, the car stein act keep in mind that you've got to catch that boat back to Heidelberg, each. Afternoon, there are generally, four departures. If, you miss the boat or want, to get back to Heidelberg faster, you, could take the train in that case, you could have purchased a one-way ticket on the boat to begin with and a, one-way ticket on the train it'll. Come out to about the same price, there's. Also a public, bus connecting, them or you could take a taxi it's a lot more expensive but. The boat ride is lovely, and you'll enjoy it going in both directions you. Can see another advantage of the trip out to neck are Stein neck is the beautiful rural. Scenery, that you'll be enjoying. Including. Cows grazing, on the hillside and. You, might have some fun with the other passengers. On board the ship. Consider. It like a mini, cruise you can kick back have a beer, and enjoy, yourself. Returning. To town under, the bridge with more nice views of the castle, up above we, see there's a solar, boat powered, by, quiet. Electrical. Solar, power one. Of the best sights of the entire river journey is the view that you get right back in the heart of the old town looking. At the alte Brooker the, old bridge and up, to the castle on the hill along. With beautiful old buildings, that are lining the riverbanks you, just don't get this exact view if you're standing on shore so. This alone makes the boat trip worthwhile and, the, way the boats are built with plenty of outdoor viewing areas, up top and at the bow and stern really. Enhances. Your ability to look. All around in all directions. Or. You could relax at the indoor dining salon. And then there is a long beautiful river's, edge Park you'll. See this is very popular, with the locals there. Are playgrounds for the kids there's weeping willow trees and various kinds of lush vegetation. There's, flocks of geese there's, ducks swimming by it's. A healthy marine habitat, because they've done an excellent job keeping. The river waters, quite, clean. Even, though further upstream, the river valley is densely. Populated and. Industrialized. With companies, like mercedes-benz. Operating. Factories, but doing it in a clean way the, river is 10th, largest in Germany and one of the main tributaries. Of the Rhine which, adjoins, 26, kilometers, further north they've kept the water so clean that people, can swim in it when the weather's warm enough and.

This. Green River Park continues, along, for nearly a mile. The. Park actually extends, out into the water with various, kinds, of boating and swimming activities. There's. Some more scullers as we saw earlier rowing. On the river it's a very vigorous, exercise. And a, competitive, sport, the. University, has rowing, clubs and for, many, residents it's one of their regular activities to, help keep in shape the. Anecca River is an ideal place for the sport this. Park is free and easily, accessible to, everybody, many, people just walk here from their homes or drive there's plenty of parking nearby or take a bus, have. A picnic, do, some sunbathing. But. Watching kids play can, be a little hazardous. Well. We survived, the journey just, fine very, relaxed thing nice way to spend an hour of your time or. Half. A day if you went all the way out to, knock our Stein neck and back yet. Another good reason to spend at least a couple of days here in Heidelberg as you, have been seeing in our detailed, movie there, is a lot, to do in Heidelberg. Including. Eating and drinking, some. Terrific, food and beer as we'll. Show you coming up later you. Could also take a cruise on the Rhine River going. By train from Heidelberg, to st., goar it's about an hour and a half then, catch the boat it's about a three hour ride to Bingham and then. Take the train back it's pretty much a full-day excursion that, goes through the most scenic part of the Rhine Valley with, many castles, and vineyards and villages, up on the hillsides, but. For the easy heidelberg, boat ride, try the neck or river. After. The boat ride it would be fun to take a walk in some of the side streets from. One end of the old town to the other. Sometimes. Those little known back, lanes of a place can be more interesting, than the famous sights for, example, in Heidelberg, Germany. We're. Going to take you for a walk on the little side lanes of town rather than that busy. Marketplace and, main street of the old town the hub Strasse instead. We're gonna go a little bit off the beaten track and show you the back streets of Heidelberg and you'll find the side lanes have, their own special, charm such. As interest. Raza one of the more, important, small lanes that runs, parallel to the help Strasse with.

A Typical, mix of uses including, residential. Shop. Cafes. And famous, bridge around the corner the. Twin tower old, bridge is one of the main landmarks. Of town in, German, it's called the alte, Broca with. An official, name of Karl Theodor bucha it. Dates back to, 1786. And this. Is one of the signature sights, of the city it, was never damaged, or destroyed. Any of the various wars that affected Heidelberg there's, a bronze statue of a monkey on the bridge, originally. There was a stone statue of a monkey that dated back to the 15th, century and, they. Say you get. Good luck by rubbing. The monkey, always. A popular spot for the visitor walk. Between, those towers, through the gatehouse out onto the bridge where, you'll get some lovely views, be. Sure to take the short walk all the way across the bridge and, check. Out the view looking, back at the town with that castle, up above. Curiously. Though cars are allowed to drive on this pedestrian bridge early, in the morning and at night it's, a convenience, for people who live here and for, some, clever tourists. Well. This is a most popular gathering, spot for visitors locals, always find, their way here even. For their wedding photos shows. How much the locals, value, this scenic location, they. Come down after. The wedding bringing. Their party, with them and taking, pictures on the bridge it makes sense because this is probably the most photographed, site in town it's. A scenic location. With River boats and the green hill and a city on the other side. Extending. Up in the bridge is Stein gasa one of the busiest side, streets, with many restaurants, and leading up to the Market Square, Stein. Gasa is only one block long and it's, chock-a-block with places, to eat drink and shop connecting. The Market, Square with, the old bridge this. Is one, of the most popular, streets in the city a seat. At one of the many outdoor cables, gives you a good view of the passing, parade of people in, the, morning it's very quiet, but, by midday it gets very busy and then. Later in the evening it quiets, down again this, is my favorite street in the city for eating and drinking because, it's, got, a lovely mix of locals. And. With a couple of great bars and restaurants. One excellent, dining choice, is hawked eiffel, with, traditional cuisine. They've, got indoor, and outdoor seating, excellent. Beer it's a typical, local restaurant, and you'll. Find rustic, wooden interior, they've. Got pork tenderloin, with dumpling. Or special, Vienna. Veal scalloped. Sausage. With sauerkraut, and dumpling, they, also run a hotel upstairs, with 12 rooms there. Is also a brew pub nearby and, these restaurants, along Stein gasa are generally, open throughout the day and into the evening you'll. Find the workers here are quite friendly. Making. This a great, place for a stroll at night in the. Evening the old bridge at the end of Stein gasa is beautifully, lit up especially fine, at Twilight. Restaurant. Golden, or Hecht is so conveniently, located right, at the, old bridge, so you have nice, outdoor ambiance. That Stein, gasa Street runs, next to it the, river nearby, and featuring, Austrian. Cuisine along. With German or. Just sit at the bar and have a beer. The. Bridge is a transportation. Hub with, an intersection, of streets, extending. Out in all directions a, restaurant. On every corner in various, price ranges seating, indoors, or out and beguiling.

Little, Lanes inviting, you to explore, them, now. We're going to take a little walk off the beaten track get away from the, tourist crowds and, the big Market Square step. Away from the, crowds, at the old bridge and into. The little lanes of, the East End of the old town it's a quiet residential, neighbourhood heading. Towards, that triumphal, arch called, Carl store near. Here you can follow a footpath. That goes up the hill that will lead you to the castle or, you could take the funicular. And there's. A anthropology. Museum with exhibits of the cultures, of the world this. Small, anthropology. Museum does have quite a fine collection. Especially, of artifacts. From New Guinea of all places and. Also. There is a nice Asian collection here, as well and other. Parts, of the world something. Different. Not. Quite what you'd expect to run into when you're walking around in Heidelberg, perhaps, there. Are some quaint little alleys, in this corner of town towards the river so you might do a little meandering, back and forth. Observing. The details, of each unique. Building, and, seeing. Some slices. Of daily. Life here, a local, residential, neighborhood, there's a few, modern apartment, buildings mixed in you'll. See families, out for a walk just carrying. On with their daily life, Karlsplatz. Is popular, with local kids who like to climb, on the fountain it symbolises. The universe, and planet, Earth and. Underneath. The Karl's Platz there's a large parking. Garage, and. It's actually an underground, road that connects, into a system, that bypasses. The town it. Comes through a gate at the, far end of the old town goes, through the parking structure. And then under. The mountain behind. There. Are several famous, places to eat all, around Carl's plots including. One of the great bakeries, of town. Gundel. Highest. Quality, with normal, prices, offering. An amazing, choice of cakes, and, tarts and, cookies, as well as sandwiches. Earning. It a five-star, rating in TripAdvisor, with. Table seating indoors, and out, located. Right on Carl's, Platz, one, of the major squares and yet tourists, often miss it a few, minutes walk from the marketplace. Well. There's two famous student pubs located. Just, adjacent, to, this, Carl's, Platz one. Of them is the red ox and the other is sepal, and they. Both offer traditional, bar meals and lots, of beer, an, occasional, nighttime music the. Red ox was featured in that classic, operetta the student Prince, there's. A wonderful view of the castle from Carl's, Platz especially. At Twilight, just. As the Sun Goes Down the. Side lanes are worth explorin

2019-04-15 08:17

Show Video


Lol i live in Heidelberg and the Castle is boring for me

A beautiful city and a great movie.

Great video.

idel bekanta mysigt the swed wiking

Ich wohne in Heidelberg

I live in Heidelberg

3:13 "a variety of activities, from food sales to public executions" LOL

You're lucky to be living in such a lovely place .

I think I'll settle for boring .

Probably my favourite city in Germany, having visited several times. A good video but, if I may be so bold, check your script writing to avoid the frequent repetitive comments. It does get a bit annoying but, because I Ike Heidelberg so much, you're forgiven.

Great work guys... Beautiful place.. i feel nostalgic.

I love charming Heidelberg the castle the philosophenweg everywhere ..i love Heidelberg

I come from Poland. I live in heidelberg for 4 years. I lived in many European countries Neapol London Lisbon ... but heidelberg is the most beautiful. Great atmosphere.

Hometown ❤

Zeigt euch Einwohner von Heidelberg!

Wer wohnt auch in Heidelberg ?

How old is some of that footage though? I see police in beige and green, they don't use those uniforms anymore. For quite some time...

It is a long movie compiled from several separate segments covering overlapping topics, but I wanted to put it all together in one show for you to give the complete picture in one film. Thank you.

excellent video ! Thank you very much

What a wonderful video giving the overview of Heidelberg. I was last there in 1988 and always wanted to return. I plan a trip there in a week as I am an expat living in Paris. Thank you, Dennis, for a great video. One question: are you a Math or Science teacher??? Your presentation reminds me of some courses way back when.

+denniscallan Dennis, just to clarify, your presentations are clear, well spoken and easy to understand, just like my school teachers. I watched this one twice as I really liked the tips you recommended to get the most out of a visit. Keep up the great work as I look forward to more of your videos. Jon

Hi Jon, thanks for the comment. I've had various academic connections, but not teaching math or science -- although I'm a big fan of science. My teaching experience was three years as a graduate student/teaching assistant in anthropology at the University of Hawaii. But more relevant "teaching" is my 30 years as a tour guide, bringing groups from Hawaii to Europe on a variety of trips I organize, where I spend a lot of time leading walking tours and talking about all these great places (while shooting the video).

+denniscallan Dennis, I'm back from Heidelberg and your tips were right on point. Thanks for your ideas!

@denniscallan Dennis, I'm back from Heidelberg and your tips were right on point. Thanks for your ideas!

@denniscallan Dennis, just to clarify, your presentations are clear, well spoken and easy to understand, just like my school teachers. I watched this one twice as I really liked the tips you recommended to get the most out of a visit. Keep up the great work as I look forward to more of your videos. Jon

Very nice documentary. Thanks

been there would visit again soon! love Deutschland!

Lived in Heidelberg for 7 years! Was a nice place.

GeoffWhere Oh well everyone is so grateful and thankful for your forgiveness! I don’t know what everyone would’ve done without it. Of course, if I may be so bold to say so....

When did u shoot this video?

Remarkable video.I really loved watching it. Keep on going please.subbed your channel. I would definitely appreciate it when you support me as well please

It was a mix of years, 2010-2018, on my many trips there, you are getting the full package with this combo movie.

@superapple4ever read the publisher's explanation. You may have the intelligence to determine that my comment was made without that knowledge and Dennis Allen's explanation makes sense regarding my (constructive) comment. Go waste your time on someone else.

GeoffWhere Well be that as it may, I was sitting at the bus stop with nothing better to do but I’ll keep that in mind. Cheers!

Very good!When did you make this film?

These clips are sooo old, but its really funny seeing them again

Definitely my favorite city!

Some are old and some new, it's a mix of my many visits to this wonderful city, enabling me to cover many aspects of it in one movie.

Beautiful place in Heidelberg.

I visited Heidelberg, Germany in August and I absolutely loved it. Spectacular views. will come back again and visit this place.

I lived here four years in the 70’s. Loved every minute of it. Thanks for the video.

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