Heavy's Place

Heavy's Place

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About. Five, months. Yeah. I wanted. A small one but well. Under the head - couldn't beat it. How. Much you want it. Look. At is. Hey. Oh. Look, at me off. Good. Morning to you. Serious. But. No do yes. Now. Say some Julius. Merry. Christmas Julius. She. Won't let me. Let. Me get it. Do. You love Bobby. Do. You love. Baby. Doing. The greens what. Okay, get my baby to come help you with their greens. I'm. Not your baby. Oh. I. Got you I, waited you. Know hey I'm ain't no different now yes, you already. Jean. What, do you tell me what you think of Bobby I won't put it on tape what. Do you think of Bobby. Tell. Me again one more time. Tell. Me girl. What. Do we do what you don't do. Damn. Damn, Oh turn. Around again see. What. You got there Bobby. Check. Out what. What. You got. So. What are we talking about Dan. Yeah. Well. You mean whatever. Are. You talking about whatever whatever what. You, mean in this were. You born in. Let. Me see had to be. It. Had to be in the early, fifties. When. When was it. You. Know II know what some of the old yard and you don't even know, then. Why you always come at me with something Manuel where you was a grown man when I was a little boy. He. Was a grown man. You. Always go about, that movie now I want to put your own table that movie what was the name of that movie was talking about but, I want you to tell us a I'm live. And. I told you it was called what homebodies. Okay. I said the last one they made there was homebodies. Pete. Messing with my woman. I. Am doing the same thing the city girl do to you one day hey. Hey. John, John. I'm. Gonna doing the same thing to sitting all do to him. Go. Do something to you. That's. What. That's. What mr.. Jack. Jack. That's what. Yeah. That's what that's what mr. Triple C. They. Send me my retirement papers already. Rose. Rose. Rose. You. Know told you about the loose jokes now. Yours. Okay. Heavy. Always talking that old stuff now I will put all this on video what I shooting. You. Got a prayer cloth why use at it. I. Don't, think we're ever like still in business is it. Show. No him an approach well he doesn't he, neither said Jack a dozen, of them. What, he say. He. Dreaming, he's dreaming he's, dreaming. He's. Dreaming. We. Got close Nelson how, much was it now, how. Much. Damn. Laughs I give you 20 to top if, I give you $22, I know a trick. Love. You I. Want. You ask. Some questions then ask them some that well we got them on tape. Okay. I didn't. Like it man I didn't. Like it. I. Didn't like it so I don't you told me if I didn't like I give you give it back to you right I, left, it at home but I go and get it. Is. That all right is that all right mr., music man are. You sure. Ever. Done that must not. Write. Up. In handy, ahead. Of about five months. You, sure you going. What's. Stopping you what's. Stopping you now who you getting food for now, who you gettin food for, okay. I'll go. Get. The tip tell me I. Won't, see your abs in this I didn't see you ass come on I can, tell you byyyeeeee I won't see ya, tell. Ship. Or draw over door data. Yeah. I guess the, matter face you just do them, do. Them things there. You. Know. In. Week. Way. To take your food. That. Must be to. Me you don't know. Who. All. Right mr.. Sonny, you. Know may is my woman. That's. What they was talking about over. Here we'll never tell about jello mold we snitches, that. Would eat somebody else, you. Think you think their snitch. No. I. Put. This way I played, the hunt in the half and. I still hold to me in something but I have to worry about it now, no. You. Got 13 years in jail yep see you know who that is awesome. Yeah. Yeah. I get boom boom boom, I, guess, they are they gonna have loved us. I, mean. A role sister. I. Know. She was in there. Okay, one thing. I'm. On my knees are, bad but little thing is did everything I'm thing is dead. Okay. I'm. Talking it all stuff though. Always. Owe me. Can't. Find nobody else. There's, I might mean by that I, mean. What will we mean. Electricity. What. I. Got. The receipt on this, I've. Got the receipt on this now. What are you sniffing, are. You sniffing, now are. You are you sniffing now. I've. Got in here you threaten me. You. Too. Hey. What you got say shorty. I. Want. To ask you one thing shorty, I want, you to talk to me. Did. Tim clip, you and Jill. A. Fat. Fat. I'm, trying to get the proof by them did, she.

Try. Get the truth out of him then, camp clip you and Joe. No. She didn't she clip you two. Would. This you take your food stamps. Not. Something something right. Talk. To me look at me and talk to me. So. They come in I will ask him. Hey. Box. Boy, home. You. Can't, work that boy, well. He had a person's you have would cook you know what Whittaker, - man he done got old he's, not in shape you, know so. He. Ought to be that him, and Holyfield all about the same age cuz. All one came out the Olympics together yeah. All, of a sudden I saw delahoy he came out to your other one you know later, yeah, that's all that's all the reason. You. Know instead of saying I'm working with the FBI. Yeah. And, Dave to him well that cameras hot damn it um but I thought. Yeah. Hey. What's, happening talk, talk. Talk to me hey talk, to me all. Right. What's. Wrong you, cameras yeah. I don't, want your tea I. Don't. Want your tea. You. Got anything good to see. You. Guys any good to say bye Jenny. You. Guys think good say buddy. What. Say Jenny. You. Know put him down. All. Right. What's. Happening. George. I'm not trying to put you on the spot oh you guys think you save I might. You. Finally showed up. He. I don't know he didn't say nothing, way being or nothing, he. Ain't said nothing I don't, know he. Didn't say when he's gonna come to work of money. Yeah. We you know what we. Were saying maybe somewhere, in a dip smelling. Dead. In the ditch, sure. You over there. He's. Not at home for, me and all could he walked about run. He. Gonna fall away from me. Xenon. Here which will come back. I'm. Doing good how's your day where you going with those files. Who. Is this somebody oh. That's. Great. You. Got to say we don't give you an IQ. Wait. Now wait now I want to I want to get on you but I want to catch you something. Now. Dunk accuse, you. Eating. Rabbit you got anything survived. That's. Yo funny. Now. What, you say about it. I've. Got the old tape saying this I. Was. I wish dad had a card or something I can put this one off put. This on the. Car, go bail I can't hear you. You. Know rap. Come. On wrap, give. Me this alright, come. On with, it. Okay. Stay over there I get you. You. Stated you stay in the spots in the same spot.

2018-02-15 04:28

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