Heaven Mountain of China| Longest Cable Car| Zhangjiajie

Heaven Mountain of China| Longest Cable Car| Zhangjiajie

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This is the longest cable car in the world. and you are seeing all the stairs behind me, These are 999 stairs Tt is about April 2023, not much time has passed Four people committed suicide here, they decided to jump down directly from here. 1400 meters down, 1.5 kilometers, they jumped down directly from here. And the total distance is 7500 meters, it's 7.5 kilometers. You have been to India? I have been to India so many times, I love India. Let's go to the Heaven Gate.

Hello everyone, I welcome you all to a new video. I am making this video after resting for 4-5 days after getting sick. And right now I am in a very unique and different province. Right now I am in the capital of Hunan province, Zhangjiajie, which is very beautiful.

This is my hostel, and the view here is like Japanese style architecture. I haven't been to Japan, but the streets and videos I have seen in Japan are exactly like that. And if we talk about this province, it is surrounded by mountains, and the landscape is so beautiful.

I am sure many of you have heard about the Avatar movie. I will take you to the shooting of the Avatar movie tomorrow. Today I am going to show you the Tianmen Mountains, which means Heaven, is very beautiful.

This is my hostel and its name is Avtaar Hostel And as soon as you leave the hostel, you can see a cable car here. It is one of the longest cable cars in the world, it is 7.5 kilometers long and goes directly to the mountains.

You can see the buildings and houses, there is a mountain behind it. It's going to be a lot of fun. And I have taken the hostel near Tianmen Mountain so that I can go directly in the morning. I will go 300 meters from here, and there is the entrance of Tianmen Mountain.

Let's take out the ticket and see, it's going to be a lot of fun. The vibe here is completely different, I am very happy to come to this place. I mean, it's a very different and very Japanese vibe. And look here, all the locals are sitting and this local house etc.

You don't get to see this in every region of China, but there is a very different vibe here. It will be a lot of fun to explore. It doesn't look so developed, you will get to see authentic Chinese life here. Look, the locals are playing some games, playing cards.

Great! Look at the small normal shops here. You can see the mountains behind, that is Tianmen Mountain, Mountain of Heaven. We are going to walk there, but I thought I would show you a little of this place. Look here, vegetables etc. are available. There is such a hustle and bustle here in Zhengjiazhi, Hunan province. It's a very different vibe.

Literally, I am so happy. I am going to make a video after so many days. I had to rest for 5 days, I was sick. If you have watched the video from Tibet, then you would know.

And look, there is such a hustle and bustle here. I am wearing a cap again. Many of you comment that why do I always wear a cap? Remove the cap. My hair gets damaged while traveling. They grow, they get smaller, sometimes there is any problem. So, the best option is to wear a cap and leave.

Otherwise, keep looking at the hair, whether it is coming in the video or not. That gives a different self-obsession. So, wear a cap instead of this, it is the best.

And I keep looking at this. The cable car that is coming from here. Look, my hostel is right in front of me. And look at the view behind me, I am looking at it right now. When I came at night, I couldn't see all the views of the mountains.

But now I can see it. It looks so good. So, let's go to Tianmen Mountain quickly. And let's experience how it is. And look at the scenery here.

Here you will get to see the old Chinese style architecture. Old cars are standing like this. You do not get to see such parts in other regions of China You don't get to see such things. And there are a lot of massage centers here. this is not usually seen in China When I came here at night, everyone was giving me a massage.

not many tourists are seen here, because it is not the season Because I think this is not the season. That's why you don't get to see a lot of tourists here. Look, we are leaving this street and going this way. There are all old-style buildings here. And look at the Chinese-style wall here. And on that side, you can see all the tall buildings and modern architecture.

Looking at it, it seems that China has worked in the last 30-40 years. That is, they are removing all the small houses and making big buildings. That is, they are working in a very good infrastructure.

I mean, no matter how different or remote you go to any region of China, you will get to see new and very good buildings there. Look, the entry of the cable car is right here. The cable car is running from here. So let's go inside and see how much the ticket costs. I think the ticket will be expensive. And look here. Look at the roads.

The roads are so clean. And looking at this road, it seems that this is not a road. It seems like a part of the street or a part of the house.

Where you will get to see such types of tiles. And look, there is a beautiful painting here. And it's a 4D painting. Look at the stuff, the drum is in front of it.

You have to have breakfast early in the morning. There are small bags hanging. But they use more meat in it. That's why I don't prefer it.

Look, there is something like a hot dog here. And this uncle is frying something. It is very cheap. If you buy stuff from such roads, it is very cheap.

You can have breakfast for 5 yuan or 6 yuan. I mean, you can have breakfast for 100 yuan. But there is a little issue that it is meat and all that stuff.

So look, there is a cable car building in front. So let's see how to go there. And let's get there. I think we have to cross from there.

So we have to cross the road and go that way. Look, we have to cross the road from here. Look, you will see this on every bike. Because it is very cold in China.

So they put this so that the hands and chest are safe from the cold. Oh, brother, do it easily. Look, you will see women selling fruits everywhere.

Such small oranges. And there are big ones too. And look, brother, is this their tea or their tea? Ah, thank you. What do they do? They drink a lot of soup in the morning for breakfast.

They put anything in it and make soup by putting it in water. We have to enter from here So you can see that everything here is written about the ticket. The ticket is written here that it is for 275, including cost of transportation. So, brother, it will take a cable car to go up. And the bus is also going from here. So let's see how much ticket we get, brother.

Usually, foreigners get it a little expensive. But china does not have that system How is it in China? Whether it is a foreigner or a local, everyone has the same price. Otherwise, it is also the case in India that if you want to get a Taj Mahal ticket, then foreigners get 1500-1600 rupees. And locals get 50-60 rupees. So this is a very different system.

But it is not the same in China. So let's see, brother. Individual ticket is written.

Let's get the ticket out from inside. We have come to get the ticket. And if you want to get the ticket here, then you will have to give your passport. Okay.

Ticket is for 275 okay, I will do it online, brother. I don't have much cash. Look, brother.

You just have to scan this. And 275 is almost above 3000. Ticket for 3000 rupees has come. And here you need a passport.

Because, they take passport number. And they match everything with passport number. So, there is no need to show the ticket. 283 is being deducted look at this.

Some transaction fees are also being deducted. Done. Payment successful. Look our ticket has come.

This ticket looks like this. And... Bus? Bus. Bus outside. Okay. So, brother, we will get bus from there.

So, brother, ticket is very expensive. It has come for around 3000 rupees. So, brother, it has become very expensive.

So, brother, I will have to ask from where I will get bus. Hello. Bus? Bus? Bus. Here? Okay.

Thank you. So, brother, we will get our bus from this side. We will get bus and cable car from here.

Because, brother, we are going to go by cable car. But why do we have to see bus? I am not able to understand anything. Here? This side? Okay.

We have to make a line in this line. Hello. So, brother, all these tourists you are seeing, they look like Chinese. But, brother, they are South Korean tourists. You can go via bus And from here, by cable car. Cable car tickets are so expensive.

I was telling him that he is not Chinese. But why am I saying hello to him? So, brother, in their language, I don't know how to say hello. Now, we will have to go there to know so, brother, after checking all the security inside, we are going to the cable car ticket gate. So, let's go here. And what I was telling you in front of me, that a lot of guests from South Korea come here.

They were not from South Korea, they were from Thailand. As soon as I saw their passport, I said, Sawadika. This is hello in Thai. They said Sawadika, and asked me how do I know it? Have you been to Thailand? I said, I have been to Thailand many times.

So, look at it like this, brother. He said, no, brother, I am a poor man. I am a vlogger. Other people are not like that. I just went to make a video and went for a tour.

Let's sit in the cable car. Our journey has started And let me tell you, it is going to be very beautiful. and look at the view And let me tell you a very important thing. This is one of the longest.

It is going to take half n hour for us to reach And we will travel about 7.5 kilometers. 7.5 kilometers. Now I will show you the views here. So, let me introduce you to the people who are with us. I showed you at the beginning.

Look at this. Hello. What is your name? My name is A Teila, you are from Thailand.

Yes, I am from Thailand. Which part? I am from the northeast part. Northeast part. So, you have been to India. I have been to India many times. I love India.

I have been to Jaipur, Kashmir. Taj Mahal have you been to Mumbai, my city. I am from Mumbai. After this, I am going back to Thailand. Which part? I have been to Bangkok, Pattaya. And in the south, Phuket, Krabi.

Those places. I like it. I want to visit there.

I will visit now. So, you can see. I thought they are from South Korea. But they are from Thailand. You can see where we are going now. We started our journey from the back of the mountain.

And look where we are going. We have to go all the way up. As I told you, we have to travel for approx 7 and a half kilometre I was showing you that we have to climb to the top of the mountain to reach that point.

Here you see, we have found a small station, now our car will continue from here. Oh, it was fast. Now the second journey has started from the same cable car, we have not stopped, we have not got down. And we can't even see where we came from, where did it go so far, see.

Now we have to go down from here and go back up, see. I can't explain to you what has happened here, we have come to such a height. You can understand from the whole city, we have come up a few kilometers and you will not even see the mountain. It is so white and there is still some journey left. Good people are in bad condition, you can't see much down. We have completed one journey from the cable car and have come up.

As soon as we came here, the cold has increased to a different level. And from here, I think we have to take another cable car. The environment here is such that you are seeing everything, I think there are tourists from outside China.

So let's see where the cable car will be found from here. All people are coming here, coming this way. So let's see what is on that side.

Oh brother, look at the stone. What a view! Wow! It is so beautiful! But the problem is that it is not the time of winter, so there is a lot of fog. I can't see anything clearly, but I can see the mountain. So now this is not the destination, we have to go very high from here. This is nothing And you can see all the cable cars from here.

Where is it coming from, brother? It goes from here and then it climbs the mountain. Then we are coming from behind it. And the whole map is made here, if you want to see where you are. Yes, look, we are here now. You are here and there is such a way. We started from there and we came all the way here And there are so many places, now we have to go here.

Let's see where our cable car will be found. So one thing I don't know is that we have to go to the heaven gate. So we have to take this cable car back. Look down, we are getting down. We have to get down and then take the bus. The gate will have to go from the bus.

So there is a different system here. Look, we have come down from the cable car. And now we have to go to the heaven gate. We have just come up from here. And look at the view here.

It is so beautiful. And this is such a big staircase. Maybe it is not visible in the camera. And there is the heaven gate in front of us. The stairs you see behind me These are 999 stairs in total We have to climp up You may not be able to understand in the camera. But it is very high.

There are a lot of tourists You will get all the chairs to sit on. What a view I mean, I found it very different. I found it very unique. And now we have to climb all those stairs.

Then we will go even higher. So I think you will get to see the glass bridge there. Two kilometers above the ground.

There is also a glass bridge there. Let's see if it is working or not. There was a problem there. I'll let you know about it What was the scene? What is this, man? Man, in China, you get to see different things. It looks like a bus. But it is a shop.

I don't understand what it is. Look, there is something like this here too. Look, there are small stalls for food.

Come on, let's go. And look here, it is in Chinese traditional clothes. If you want to click a photo, it is for ladies. Look, ladies are clicking photos here. In Chinese traditional clothes.

Come on, let's go to the heaven gate. Beautiful waterfall. And I will show you everything. It's going to be fun, man.

And look here, man. There are some holy mountains for the mountains. You can see some people are praying here. They have put a big teapot here to light incense. Look, incense is lit here too.

This is also a holy mountain for them. It has some importance. So, let's go. We will start our journey upwards. 999. There are about 1000 stairs.

It will be a little difficult to climb. But it won't be a problem while coming down We will get down easily. It is very steep and one surprising thing is that, you will see many such old people here They climb very high mountains Chinese old tourists, if they go to one place, they will explore everything there Man, I am telling you, this climbing is not at all easy.

100 stairs, on a normal floor, there are 18 to 20 stairs. But the size of these stairs is big. I mean, if you take 20 steps on one floor, there are 20 steps on one floor. If you divide 1000 by 20, then there are 50 garlands.

And this is not a normal 50 garland. 50 garlands are equal to 100 garlands. So you have to climb 100 stairs.

It's been 20-25 minutes. You can see where I started from and where I have reached. There isn't much left now And there are such places in some places. Take a little stop. And see how people are going. You will be in a bad condition alone.

No one can climb altogether. it is very steep It is written everywhere, Dangerous stairs Climb carefully. It took a lot of effort, but it will definitely worth it .

Now let's go back on our way. Let's continue. I took a 5-minute break. See how people are getting bad. So you can see, after a lot of hard work, we have reached here. And here is something like a temple.

See, they are putting money here. And here is a story of a French man. The mountain you are seeing, without any harness, without any safety equipment, he climbed it himself. There is a story about it.

And there is nothing special here. I thought there would be a glass bridge here. The photo I was looking at, of Tianmen Mountain.

If you google Tianmen Mountain, half of the photo will be of Heaven Gate. And half of the photo will be of that glass bridge. I thought I would climb Heaven Gate and come up. So I will get to see the glass bridge here. But there is nothing here. if I have to go there at the top I will have to go all the way down.

Then I will have to take a cable car. Then I will have to climb a little more. The more sick I am, the more I have to walk. I am in a bad condition.

I have to climb so much. It's almost 100 floors. And you can see, it's 4 o'clock now.

The sunset is at 5 o'clock. So let's try to get down. And let's see, if it happens, we will go there. I will show you the glass bridge. Right on the edge, on the corner.

It will be a very beautiful view. But here we went down. You can see, I am getting down. But I just met a man. He told me that the glass bridge you see up there, is closed now.

I don't know why it is closed. So that's why I didn't see many people there. All the crowd and all the people have come here.

I just came down And I am missing that glass bridge a lot. There is also a fake glass bridge here. Do temporary work. It seems like it is kept to make you jealous.

We couldn't go there. Look at this. Feel jealous. Then we will go somewhere else.

But if we had gone, it would have been a very nice view. It would have been a lot of fun. But tomorrow we will try the glass bridge near the Avatar Mountains. It is a big glass bridge and the main glass bridge. We came here and there was a glass bridge here. So I thought I would show you.

But you will also get to see the glass bridge near the Avatar Mountains. The most important and main thing was that it was the longest cable car in the world. We came here by sitting 7.5 km.

Here you can see there are tables for food There are two small restaurants here. But the problem is that they don't understand that vegetarians are needed. So there is a little issue. There is a glass bridge here too Can we walk or not? So guys, after walking around the entrance of Heaven Gate and showing the ticket, We have to go from here. I'll see if I have to go down or can I go up again So let's see.

If we get to go up, then we will try to go back. If we find the glass bridge, it will be fun. So guys, I didn't tell you about an incident here. There was a very bad and disastrous incident here.

It is a very recent incident. It happened in April 2023. Four people committed group suicide here. Four people, literally, you can think they jumped down directly from here. They jumped down 1400 meters or 1.5 km directly from here.

Among them, there were three people and a woman. Three people jumped but the woman couldn't jump. They caught her but the woman didn't survive. She was jumping after consuming poison. So they saved her but she couldn't survive. The other three people fell down and died.

So guys, there was a very bad incident here. So I thought to tell you about it. Guys, you can see we have come back to the cable car station. And you can see, this is world's longest cable car. And you can see there are so many

we have come from the top half of the road. The total distance is 7500 meters. It is 7.5 km. And it takes 30 to 35 minutes to travel the whole distance. You can think that you have to sit in the cable car for 35 minutes. And you won't think by seeing the speed that it is so fast.

But it has great speed And there are so many cable cars. One after the other in a line. This one is in the middle I have showed you, there is one on top too See, the cable car is coming from the top. We came from a different one You can see this is a big one.

It is very big. The one we came in, only 6 to 7 people could sit in it. But in this cable car it is written that 26 people can sit in it. There is a big difference in the size.

I will show you inside. This is very big. There are so many seats on it. Look at this. This cable car is very different. You can see we have got down from the cable car.

And we don't know which exit we have got down. We didn't get down from here. My hostel is showing 5.5 km away. That we can sit 6 to 7 people in it. But when we came here we sat in a cable car with 26 people.

So, you can see we don't know which exit we have got down. But the view is amazing So, let's go and see if there is any facility from here to that gate or how to go 5 kilometers. We will find out. Let's see what program is made.

You can see we have gone outside. This is the main gate. They have made such a beautiful architecture here. Look at this. What a view of the whole mountain is coming from here. You can see, heaven gate is also visible. It looks like it was a normal gate.

And I can see a bus here at a distance. So, maybe there is a bus facility available to go there. So, it will be good if it is so. Otherwise, you have to find a taxi in the evening and you can't see many cars here.

So, it's good that the bus is going to the place from where we had gone. And let's see if we can find anything to eat, I am very hungry Finally, we have come back to the place from where we had gone. And look at this. The view in the evening has become so beautiful. You can see some mountains behind.

Now, I am going to the hostel. It is just 200 meters from here. It will take 3 to 4 minutes to reach there. So, let's go.

It will hardly take 3-4 minutes to reach my hostel I'll go to my hostel, get freshen up and rest for a bit Then I'll search for something to eat It's been 2-3 days since I had proper food let's what we can get here. Hopefully we'll find something Let's go towards our hostel It's almost sunset and I have almost reached at my hostel That's my hostel But the cable car hasn't closed yet it is almost 5:48 and still it is open. I think it is until 6 pm I had been there almost at the top it looks so beautiful even in the evening, it is very cold too and this street which I showed you while going, it is so beautiful and I liked it so much That's my hostel at the back Hello, good morning everyone Yesterday you saw, we explored Tianmen Mountain I told you I'll rest for a bit at my hostel Then we'll figure out what to eat But yesterday too, I did not get anything when I went out around 7-7:30, but all shops were closed There was no one on the road, it was exactly like how it was 20 years ago in villages in India People here sleep very early But 2-3 restaurants were open I thought, I'll get bread from the supermarket and I'll ask the restaurant to make an egg for me I'll have it with bread I went to the restaurant, I ordered an egg, and then I saw they had lizard, insects, ect Then I said I won't be able to eat here, then I had to take it even though I can't eat Look at this I have kept it there Then after that I got chips and water and slept This is a part of travelling This is my hostel, not hostel but a separate room in hostel I said I'll take a room, why to bother others this is my room It is really good, you'll get everything here Look, there is a big bed here Charging point There is a table here There is a washroom here There is a heater

2024-01-10 23:53

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