Health officials set guidelines for long-term care homes

Health officials set guidelines for long-term care homes

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Bonjour. Hamas. To dive off perfectly point so, the non bradycardic, Ovid is never in Canada. 19. Cases in Canada, there. Are no 20 4804, cases, of copán 19, including. 734. Deaths. We've. Noted previously that, a significant, proportion of, these deaths are linked to outbreaks, in, long-term care facilities, in several, provinces. Sadly. Because. Kovat 19, can have a prolonged course, these. Deaths will continue, to increase even, as the epidemic growth, rate slows, down. For. The, lab testing, we've completed, tests for over, four. Hundred and twenty eight thousand, people with. Now 5.7. Percent confirmed, positive. As. Canada, continues to improve testing, to track where the disease is spreading. To. Save lives families communities, and businesses across Canada, have shifted their behaviors, to. Help break, the chains of transmission of, kovat 19. The. Challenge. Is nowhere near over and. We will have to work just. As hard to get all the way down to a new normal. How. Soon we get there and what that new normal will look like will depend on the actions we take now. We. Need to work just as hard to, get, down to a new normal and we need to continue working hard we, know that physical distancing, works to reduce the number of people who get infected. And. One slow enough the. Epidemic, will. Run out of fuel, one. Thing is certain. If. We want a best-case scenario, we. Need to give it our best effort. We. Cannot prevent, every day but. We must prevent, every, death we can. And. We must absolutely, protecting. Our seniors TV so, stay home and save lives and. Let's give it our best effort to plank the curve and, then crush it thank you well, see dr. new element now. Thank. You dr. new will now go to Minister Bebo adios. Oh. Good. Afternoon everywhere. Today. I'm pleased to announce at, fifty, million. Dollars, to help our, farmers. And food, processors. To. Put in place measures said to take into account to the 14, day, quarantine. 15, million dollars to help farmers, food. And seafood processing, employers. Put, in place the measures necessary to, follow, the mandatory 14, day isolation. Period, required of, all, workers arriving, from abroad, let. Me tell you why and how our government. Is taking one more step to. Help our farmers, and food processors. Continue. Their vital, work of feeding. The nation, while. Protecting, the, health and safety of Canadians. Feminism. Cahaba you say the not ashamed of. Men. And women, working. On. Our farms are doing exceptional. Work to ensure that we have access to affordable. Diverse. Foods. Before. The. Pandemic, there was the sector was facing, a serious labor shortage, each. Year, despite. The fact that some 60,000. People come into the country some. 15,000. Remain unfilled, and this, year the numbers will be even higher in some, regions of Canada, the. Production, of fruits, and vegetables. Depends. On. The. Contribution. Of experienced. To foreign temporary, workers. Right. Up and to.

Harvest Time, they. Work in. Processing. Facilities, as well for fish and meats, and. They. Help to fill our store shelves. Our. Food supply chain are, essential. To, ensuring Canadians, have access, to the a variety. Of high-quality food, at a reasonable price in. Many, regions, in the country, the. Production, of food particularly. Fresh. Fruits and vegetables, relies. On the contribution, of experienced. Temporary, foreign workers, right. From planting, season, to harvest, we. Can't on them to, fill our shelves. The. Same goes for fish, seafood, and meat processing, plants, this. Is why we, granted, an exemption where, temporary foreign workers, along. With other foreigners, with work and student. Visas, were, trouble, from traveling, to Canada. But. Like all foreign, nationals arriving, to Canada, during the Kovach 19 crises they, must follow, a strict mandatory, 14-day. Isolation. Period. Epidemic, complete, an agenda. Lacaze, see like. All Canadians. These. Four national surviving, in Canada must court enter a quarantine, period of 14 days we. Will be we. Have been in fact discussing, the matters with employers, and I can tell you they're committed, and invested in protecting out the health of our communities, and their workers. This. Paid, period. Will lead, to additional costs. For employers. Namely. To provide. Accommodations. And, so. To help Perth. Growers. And. Food. Processors, to deal with these extraordinary. Costs. The federal government is adding, an. Additional. Amount for all these, isolation. Rules come, with, a cost for businesses, that. Is why today I'm pleased to announce that the, new federal, support provides employers. With. $1,500. Per worker to. Help put, in place the measures necessary to. Comply, with the strict public health requirements. This. Exceptional, program, will be available as, long as, the quarantine act is enforced in the isolation, protocol, has to be followed. Government. Authorities, will, follow up regularly and, employers. Or, workers. Who do not comply, will. Severe. Sanctions, and fines. At. The same time there, continues, to be thousands. Of jobs available in, our food sector. It's. Not a cycle pinyon de la salle towards Estoque this, investment, is in, addition to steps we have taken to strengthen food, security for all Canadians, a hundred, million dollars to improve access to food for vulnerable Canadians. The. Possibility, of a forty thousand dollar interest rate loan with, the first ten thousand, dollars, being forgivable. Farmers. Manage cash flow, allowing. All businesses, to defer income taxes, GST, and customs, duties, and, giving. Five billion dollars, in additional lending capacity to, fund Credit Canada to. Help producers other, businesses. And food processors, remain finally, financially. Strong during this difficult time, I'm. Very proud, of the strong and resilient food, system, we have in Canada. Step-by-step, we, are giving our farmers, and food processors, the tools they need to. Continue, their vital, work we. Will be there to support them throughout, this difficult, period, yami. No naka, party. In. Closing I'd like to thank goodnight. Cultural producers, people working in processing, plants, truckers. Inspectors. Grocery. Store workers volunteers at, food banks and everyone. Who's contributing, to offering us good. Quality, diverse. And affordable, foods Thank, You minister we will now hear from a minister Schulte. Good. Afternoon salute, and thank you very much for joining us today this pandemic, has presented everyone. With, challenges, however, the most critical, is slowing, the spread and, saving lives as. We know this is most important, for seniors and, those with pre-existing, medical. Conditions. As they are at the greatest risk of severe health complications near. Tacoma 19. Unfortunately. We have seen, many. Long term care homes in Canada experiencing. Outbreaks, of kovat 19, with, some facilities. Reporting, multiple deaths this. Is heartbreaking. Residents. Of long-term care homes are vulnerable, to. Infections, due to their communal, living spaces shared. Health care providers. Exposure. To external visitors, and transfers. From other health care facilities the. Government of Canada has. Released evidence informed, guidelines, to, help residents seniors. And health care workers in long-term, care reduce.

The Spread of the virus. Remain. Safe and healthy. Officials. At the public health agency of Canada developed. These guidelines in, close consultation. With their, provincial and territorial partners. La. Leaned dead, trees Adira. Li resident, la. This. Work builds on previous guidance, in Canada. And. Is informed on lessons learned by. Other countries. Canada. And is informed, by lessons. Learned in other countries, as well, as interim guidance from other Canadian, and international bodies. Long-term, care homes are under the provincial, and territorial jurisdiction. However. The, guidance provides recommendations, that. Complement, provincial, and territorial efforts. To monitor, prevent. And control healthcare. Associated. Infections. These. Guidelines may, be adapted, to other settings such as retirement homes and residential. Homes for those with developmental disabilities. The. Key recommendations. Include measures, such. As restricting. Visitors and volunteers to only those deemed essential, or, basic, medical, or compassionate, resident, care, screenings. Before, every staff shift, or essential. Visitor entry. And daily. For residents. Ensuring. Staff do not report to work with symptoms, and if they develop symptoms at work are. Tested, and excluded. From work, requiring. Staff, essential. Volunteers, and visitors wear. A mask during the duration of their shift or visit. Providing. Training, on infection, control measures such. As proper hand hygiene and, use, of personal protective equipment. Routine. Additional, cleaning especially, for, high touch high-risk. Surfaces. Wherever. Possible. Limiting, work for employees, to a single, facility and. Limiting. The number of locations in the facility, in which employees, work and. Like all Canadians, practicing, physical distancing. To the greatest extent possible. Including. During mealtimes, that. Includes canceling. Non-essential. Outings, many. Facilities, have already implemented, several of these measures, and for those I applaud. Them for their, vigilance, and efforts, to protect the most vulnerable among, us, providing. Consistent, guidance for long-term care homes across the country will.

Help Save lives, and, thereby. That's by protecting, those seniors and those dedicated to caring for them as. Judi loogie. Dance constant. Opreis. Providing. Consistent. Guidance for long-term, care homes across, the country will. Save, lives. It. Will take much more than these guidelines to, keep our seniors and more and vulnerable, Canadians, safe, it. Would not be possible to keep them safe without, individual. Canadians, practicing, social distancing, we. Recognize, that involves, difficult. Decisions, and personal. Sacrifices. It. Is essential, but individuals, practice social distancing, to. Keep everyone, safe I want. To acknowledge the role that, Canadians, all across the country are playing in flattening the curve and helping. Us all get through this, most. Of all I want, to recognize all the caregivers and outstanding. Public health workers, who, are doing an exceptional job of, providing, essential, service, and who, are working tirelessly in, our communities, in very, difficult circumstances. We. All need to do our part to help stop the spread of the virus among. The residents of long-term care, homes as, well as the workers who care for them together. We'll, get through this thank. You. Thank. You Minister we will now start taking questions starting, with three questions on the phone before turning, back to the room one question, one follow-up and just generally on a CV operator. Thank, You Missy. If. You have a question, please press star 1 on your telephone keypad, C we live in testing period, to learn so what telephonically, being the. First question is from Emily. On TV oh please. Go ahead what selling into it we. Bomb attending. Good. Afternoon a question for you miss, people. Who. Will be receiving the $1,500. And, what, specifically. Will that money, is served what, purpose will it serve is it for accommodations. If you could clarify that to please. Ministers. Answer the. $1,500. Is a, an, amount that will go to the. Employers. The. Employers. In processing. Plants and they will be able to use that money. To. Modify. Current. Accommodations. Or to lieu to, rent other, facilities. Such as student. Residences, or. To absorb, a part. Of the, salary. Because in fact the workers will be paid for a two-week period even though they cannot work. Question. From the journalists can you tell us if. Temporary. Foreign workers, workers, are tested. When. They enter the country. Mr.. Has said that some, 150. Mexicans arrived in the country they weren't put into quarantine nor, were they tested can you tell us what happened with those temporary foreign workers replied.

By The minister. We. Look at the symptoms of anyone before they board the plane be it to Mexico or elsewhere. We. Examine. Their. Health. And inform them of the steps they must take when, they come into the country when it comes to the, isolation. Protocol. And. They wear masks, throughout, the. Travel by air once, they arrive in Montreal they, are, welcomed, to by the border, officials and, other. Groups. From the agricultural. Sector, and they are very familiar and experienced, in working with temporary foreign workers so, they will receive additional information. That point, they. Will take, chartered. Buses private. Buses that, will take them to their destination. Where, they, will subsequently, spend, their 14, days, be. It at the farm or in a hotel based, on the situation, so. From that point on it's the responsibility, of the employer. To. Ensure that the, workers have all the information they need have an adequate to place to, spend, at the, 14 days that they are fed to property, that their they have access, to all health. Products. They need. To. Maintain their, facilities, and in. Quebec, there. Will also be followup with by a public, health, in the province. To. Monitor. The. Workers. During the two-week, period -. Thank. You minister next question the next question is, from me are absent from the canadian, press please go ahead the line is now open what cleaning into it. Hi. This is a question for dr. Tam two. Weeks ago you said. A few times that the coming week or two was crucial, in your how, things were going to play out and for your own understanding of what was happening can you explain what specifically, you've learned in the last two weeks and what sort of crucial information, is now informing, the, current, decisions, and responses, that we have. Yes. So. Part. Of the crucial. Observations. And. From, a public-house main is of course still the. Ongoing. Challenges. Of long-term care facility, outbreaks, which is why I think, all. The chief medical officers, all the problems Hattori's are trying to do. The. Best they can to strengthen, the response, in in, that, area because, that, is, driving. The, severe, outcomes I think in in Canada. So. I think that is absolutely. A key, feature of this epidemic. We. Have, seen. That. The day, over they increase, in number of cases, has. Slowed, down but. We will be doing more work on that front being. Cautious, about, you. Know where we're at and so. Expect, more. Essentially. Description. Of how that is going, as. We go along and elect next coming week. I, think. You. Know a lot of the trends are actually positive in terms of these, slowing. Down of that growth rate, I, think, one. Area that people did, sort of note is the. Case. Fatality. Ratio. Or, rate and. Unfortunately. Given the outbreaks, in long-term care facilities, we.

Will Expect, to see more reported, death as the days go. On and. If. People are looking at that ratio, of, deaths over the total number of cases reported, even. As as, I said in my opening remarks even as the numbers, of cases, that growth in the number of cases slows, down, the. Number of deaths, unfortunately. I expected, the increase so that ratio is a very dynamic one, that, we're monitoring. But. For sure the, key observation, is still that, the severe outcomes are impacting. Those. Who, are of the older age groups particularly, those over 70 in terms of hospitalizations. And, deaths and. That. Is the group where we really, must protect, in terms, of you. Know seeing a reduction, in our impact. Me. A follow-up, yeah. Just, sort of building on some of that long-term care. Concern. That you mentioned, can you give us some updated, statistics, on how many of the the deaths and cases, that you talked about earlier today really, do, we know were in long-term care facilities and, why, did we not do, more a month ago to, to set in place these kinds of guidelines when. We saw outbreaks, in long-term care homes immediately. When, they started, to show up in Canada. So. In terms of off. The cases. Where we have the, data. On the weather, someone was in the long-term care facility. Or seniors. Residence. We know that closer. Half of. The deaths that we're tracking a link to long-term care facilities, but, that ratio is actually different, than different provinces, as well so. That's. That's. Where we're tracking at the moment on that I, think that, you. Know in terms of the long-term care facilities, that, all the provinces and territories have. Tried very hard, as. You can to. The recall some, of the initial, outbreaks. Occurring, it started. In British Columbia and then of course impacting. All. The, larger, provinces, and, as. The. Or. The, Health System public, health officials, are. Trying to strengthen. Their response, there, was lessons. Learned and some of the key observations. That were then built into, these. Interim, guidance and, I, stress interim, only because most. Of our guidance need to be updated on an ongoing basis. So, this one we will have to sort of look. At that as we go along but it's, a sort of collective. Wisdom. If you like from our experts, that work in long-term care, infection. Control expertise. As well as what, the. Provinces, have. Had, to, work. Through and in. The last, week's. Thank. You doctor operator next question please. Thank. You the. Next question is from Lina dim that, price can again please, go ahead learning, it well, yes. Hi maybe, dr. time we could go. On on this line of. Thought so. The. Did you compare, the way British. Columbia. Dealt. With the long-term facilities. With. The with what Quebec, is doing and. Did you see any difference, there that could explain. Why. So many deaths in Quebec and less in British, Columbia I. Think. Almost. All jurisdictions are. Essentially. Trying to. Deal. With the outbreaks. And long term care facilities so that's really across the board but. As people learn. More is. A very collaborative table. Amongst the chief medical officers we all learn from each other in terms of, what could be improved, and, so. And. Some of the guidance. Will support, them in doing so. And. So. I think. Policies. That. Minister. Sini's has outlined, were. Some of those, key pieces they're, not always easy, to roll out we. Do have a very varied, landscape, in terms of long term care, facilities. In both. The private and public sector, and for, sure going forwards, the. Key lessons learned from this pandemic. Is that, we really, need to improve, on infection, prevention, control and some, of how we manage. You. Know to protect, both. The, visitors. Volunteers. Healthcare. Providers, and staff. Some. Of what we learned though also incorporates. The latest science. I think last week we. Talked about well the. Role of people who are only mildly symptomatic. Health. Workers who may not know that they, developing. Symptoms as they go to work of those. Scientific, observations. Were integrated, into the latest guidance. Which. For. Example really.

Emphasized To training in infection. Prevention control. And monitor. Compliance and, putting, on and wearing, masks for the duration of shifts or visits is not, that is not something, that was. Previously. Systematically. Integrated. Into. Different. Jurisdictions. Approaches. Partly. Because that's, the evolving, science as, we learn it as well so. I think we will all. As a country, and as, a society I, think about, how we protect. Seniors, and residences. With, underlying. Medical conditions, and them very complex, under. Those circumstances and. That we have, to reduce the, introduction. Of. Such. Outbreaks, into, those facilities and, and. That will absolutely have to be a priority as, this. Epidemic, evolves. As well. You. Know you. Wait. Okay. So I thank, you dr. time most people my. Other question is for you Minister people. You. Announced. That for interpret workers would be coming in, and. Asked. The. Producers. To, ensure the quarantine now you're. Helping them financially I'd. Like to understand. Why. It's. One, of the last that continues, to working. Why. Did you decide that they too needed. Funding. Answer. From the Minister. The. Food industry, including, producers, is facing. Serious. Difficulties. When it comes to human resources, having. Enough workers, in. The fields, and in the plants, they. Also need to put in place prevention. Protocols. To. Protect their Canadian workers and. That too. Has an impact on, production. And on. Their ability, to process. And, that. Impacts. What we can buy from producers. With. Respect, to temporary, foreign workers, we. Didn't have all of the, criteria. In place. We. Now are, talking, about a, an active. Active. Measures to. Enable them to work, in the fields, but now we, have changed that they must. Go. Into isolation, four to four weeks and so. Employees will have to pay two weeks salary they. May also have to modify their living conditions, or. Rent, hotel, rooms for example, so that will represent significant. Significant. Costs for employers. Thank. You Madame Minister will now go to questions, in the room. I've, got questions about the new rapid test from Spartan bio biomedical.

These. Things have just been really, approved, by Health Canada and, I'm mourning over some details about like how long it will take till, they're actually in use who's, gonna get priority, and where, are they going to go first. Yes. So, this. Is the one component, of our, strategy. To improve on lab testing, in Canada, because. They are more portable, and they can be used nearer. The patient, like, and they are quite. Rapid in terms of the turnaround time the. Idea I think is to prioritize, these to. More remote, areas, that have less. Access to the, most central laboratories. So. That it would not require any, transportation. Time for the specimens, to be sent. So. This, together with other more, near patient, type testing, will, be prioritized, for communities. That actually have. Difficulties, you know transport, transporting. The lab tests and to reduce turnaround, time so I think that is the, strategy going forwards. So. I think you. Know the procurement, side is constantly, being updated in, terms of how much we can actually get from this particular. Supplier. So. I think that's, a dynamic situation, and, all, I can say is we will get everything. That this supplier, will, be able to provide in the coming months. Do. You have any actual. Numbers, and how many we are going to get from the supplier and how much difference do you expect that to make in the big picture of the, whole testing. Plan. I. Think. It will make a lot of difference, to areas, that have, less. Access, right now to the, turnaround, time in. Terms of the supplies. What, again. You, know this is dynamic as we all know depend on lots. Of different moving parts, but the cumin. Contract, itself is try and secure supply, after devices. With 40,000. Units per month. In the upcoming months and then, see how that progresses in, terms of the ease of the supply rate, but. Every day we have to reevaluate the, moving parts on this one I think. Channel. News is, the mic on notice.

Okay It's a deeper run Oliver with CTV national news, the, latest data shows that about 73. Percent of all cases are related to community, transmission. So, why can't every person who wants a test get one including. Staff and residents in long-term care facilities. So. The. Community, cases, are as I said a lot of them are related to the long-term care facilities, and there are others, so. They are their priority, they, will always, be part of the party groups for the provinces, and territories that's. Agreed upon, laboratory. Testing, strategy, and so. All. Jurisdictions. Are looking. At the testing, for those kind of settings for sure and. The. Government issued new recommendations on, Saturday, to long term care facilities, but that did come weeks after the pandemic started, what, tougher, regulations, is the government considering, to prevent what is happening in Dorval from occurring elsewhere and is, the government considering, considering, any type of additional, funding to help underpaid. Workers in, these long term care facilities, because, guidelines, enough won't be enough if people don't feel comfortable going to work mm-hmm. So. You've. Brought up some very important, points because, of, we. Need to support workers, who are going to, work, in those long-term care facilities, so, these are in the jurisdiction, of their parents and territories, and again. You will see that not. It's not just these guidelines but different. Jurisdictions, are already putting in place different policies. To strengthen the. Support for long term care facilities. Including. How. To restrict. Movement between the facilities, but keep the workforce going. So you will see different strategy. Being implemented, in different purposes. But or to show out the actual human resource, in those, facilities and. Also. Some. Jurisdictions, have looked. At the financial supports. To, even. Out the sort, of rate of pay if you like between the, private and the public sector. So you you are seeing some of that for example in British Columbia. But. I will leave it there I don't know if our Minister, would like to say anything on that front. And. We've. Got you know EC I did, ten million to enhance, the. Infection. Protection. Measures and to improve the quality of safety, of these facilities. Quebec. Has announced a hundred and thirty three million for, added funding to private, and public, long-term, care facilities, and Ontario. Just announced a two hundred forty three million. For, our search capacity, for, screening, or. Infection. Patrol control. Measures and supplies. So all these all. Of these initiatives are going to be helping, the. Safety of these facilities because having. Access to protective. Equipment making. Sure that the workers can can. Operate, in, a safe manner is essential. And I see provinces. And territories. Seized. With this matter and stepping up to, do just that. From. The federal government, one question one follow up doctor new if you could just repeat dr. Tom's initial response in French please. What, was the question again. Ok, off duty. Under de su, super doctor. New the, second question with respect to financial support. Our. Minister has noted. That. Provinces. Such as PC and Quebec and as well as Ontario, have. Also provided funding. Additional. Support. For. Long-term care facilities. With. Our. Advisory. Committee. We. Developed, guidelines. We. Worked with all of our counterparts. And. They chief medical officers for the provinces and territories. It's. Something that continues to evolve it remains fluid. And. It's based on, evidence. Data, and. Lessons. Learned from the provinces, for. Example, we. Know, there. Is an issue for. Workers. Who, work in one long-term. Terror, center working in another, facility.

So. The provinces, have taken measures, or. Taken steps rather to put in place measures. So. That a worker remains, in a single, or the same long-term care, facilities. Something. Else we put in place in, a number of, facilities. Based, on our guidelines. Deals. With visitors. Visitors. Are limited. And. That, is an essential issue. People. Who come in to help residents. For. Example, but, we also. Do. Tests. Of for people entering the facilities, workers, as well and we, recommend. That. Visitors. And workers, wear a mask for. The, duration of their shift, in the facility, and, for. Visitors for the duration of the visit. A. Month. Ago, perhaps. It wasn't as clear, that that was the direction. We should be moving in now, it has become clear we're moving with the guidelines, and, think so we're always, up to date based, on scientific, evidence. Christian. Olo had your kind of death the question, is for minister bebo. Minister, given your answer earlier, based. On my understanding there are a number of measures in place to, ensure that the, quarantine. Is respected. That. The temporary. Foreign workers are, healthy. But there aren't there isn't systematic, testing my question is why why, not, answer. From the minister well. It's, based. On the, ability. Or the to. Do, the testings, we monitor. The. Situation symptoms. Of, workers. Before they leave for example Guatemala or their country of origin we, check to see if they have symptoms at the airport, and every, day during the isolation. Period, if they do develop, symptoms then. We do head testing but it's not. Something that we do when people are system. Symptom. Free, so. We do clearly, monitor, the. Situation and, follow the recommendations. From the public health agency. And the province of Canada questioned. By the journalist, when, it comes to the funding that will be provided, the. Workers we're talking, about say, that the rules aren't complied with they, live in, cottages. Some in small rooms where there, are too many of them some, of them aren't being paid during, the isolation, period, some don't get money for food, so they have to go out and to buy groceries even, though they're supposed to be in quarantine are, you aware of those problems and what are you going to do with the funding that you're giving to the employers, if they don't, follow the rules. Answer. By the minister, we need to make a distinction, between the, ones who are here and who have been here for several weeks and months. Before. The isolation, protocol was put in place. We. All did that they, were. Out and about and so we need to make a distinction between those people and the ones who have recently arrived. And, the fact that there is a protocol, in place for. The ones who have just arrived, there. Are no compromises that can be made under the, isolation. Protocol, and the, sanctions will be a severe, a for, the. Employer and the, worker this, is something that everyone is taking very seriously. Employers. Especially because they take it to heart to the health of their workers and the communities they want to help healthy workers in. Two. Weeks down the road but. Also financially. Speaking it can be very costly. And. It. Can even include a prison sentences if they don't honor, the protocols well now go to the phone for three questions. Thank. You we, have a question from Alex Bowen, Gao from the Toronto Star please go ahead what's winning it we'll.

Just. Going back to the the. New guidelines, why. Is it, that you. Aren't putting. Forward the federal government more resources. To help long, term care facilities, implement, these guidelines and are. Are you able as the federal government to make these guidelines mandatory. So they're not just guidelines. I guess what their actual rules. So. If, I could please be. The guidelines, are there they have been developed. In, cooperation. And. Coordination, with, public health across. The country, public. Health agencies, across the country it's. It's. Rather. Than as you know it's a provincial, jurisdiction, so. What, we prefer to do is to work properly with our partners across. The country and we have been doing that we have been doing that in terms of securing. Protective. Equipment and, making sure that we have ample supplies in Canada and we've been working diligently at, that and putting all the two billion dollars, towards that initiative and those are important, elements that are going to be needed in long-term care we. Have been we. Have heard. That, guidelines. Would be helpful I've heard that from some of my colleagues and the calls that I've had over, the last few weeks and so these, guidelines are, exceedingly. Helpful. I. Think that the initiative. At this point is, to work cooperatively, cooperatively. Across, the country and not, spend, all our time fighting. Over jurisdiction it's. It's a Team Canada, approach as you have seen in terms, of procuring. Supplies of. Working. -, with, Health Canada and, with. Organizations, across. The country and. Businesses. To, come together to. Be able to supply the needs of our own country and we're, working all, together and that, is the direction we're going it's a cooperative. Team. Canada, approach and so I want to, say. Thank you to, all of the companies, all, the healthcare workers and everybody, that's working together so, rather than coming. In. A aggressive, way we're coming at this in a cooperative way and this is the best way to move forward in Canada this time. Alex. Follow up. Yeah. Just on, the. Fatality. Rate that doctors I guess is question for dr. Tambor, you mentioned that as we, expect, to see cases overall, cases, decline the, the. Rate of fatality, because of long term cares will continue to go up I'm, wondering if that. Affects. In any way the modeling, that was released last week and, I know the fatality. Projection. Was based on a 1.1, percent fatality. Rate I believe you guys said does. The, the. Situation you described today change that at all change our expected fatality. Rate going forward. Yeah. That'd be, what. We call the crew case, fatality rate changes, over time for sure it's very, very much a real-time, estimation. And it's. Not until the end of the pandemic that, you would actually get the true case fatality rate, but. As as I said as the projections, will change and those does the. Slide that you were referring to actually was actually the projection, on cases which. Keeps. Changing over, time so it's short-term, forecast, over the next week or so and. Absolutely. Those projections, are updated, based on the new. Reports. On the, deaths and on, the cases so. I think the bottom line is yes that those, projections, will be, dynamic, and change over time but. It is a phenomena, that we would all, see. As the days, and weeks come, along is that I expect. The case fatality rate to increase, as. The, denominator. Decelerates. And the, numerator, unfortunately. Because of some of these outbreaks the, numbers of deaths will increase. But. There's lots of other dynamics. At play when, you calculate that rate so. That. For sure is going to change over time. Thank. You doctor operator next question please. Thank. You the, next question, is from, Santiago. Mal. De Mohan please, go ahead listening into it. Question. Yes. I'd like to go back to the Spartan biomechanical, tests. Dr.. Tam said earlier that the isolated, regions, remote, areas. Would. Have priority. What. Other areas. Would be priorities. For. Using that. Answer. Doctor. As. We said. Tests. And. Tests from other companies. In the future. Are. An additional, tool that. Can help us with our efforts here in Canada. The. Test, is. Done on-site unlike. What is being done, presently. So isolated, communities, in the north. Can. Take a sample. The. Sample needs to be.

Taken. To the south of for. Analysis. So with this type of test, we. Can do. The test much more quickly so that's the priority for. Remote. Northern. Communities, and indigenous communities. Thank. You, question. Would. It be realistic. To say that we could test. People. Who. Are in long-term. Care facilities working. There for example, where. There is a higher death rate. Well. It is possible. Because. We. Have a host of. Opportunities. Available. This. Test is based on a molecular, test. And. We, are always striving to, enhance. Our, capacity. Across. The country. With. Other tests, like that it's, another. Tool. That we can use. We. Are. Working. Serology. As well and that's another test that, will, identify, the, presence of antibodies so. We have a, number, of uses for that kind of a test and. It's. Something. That. Will. Be described. In further detail, in the days to come when. We look at, laboratory. Tests, we work, on all components. And. To, what our effort are we. Try to improve. Our capacity to. The. Next question is from Sharon, querque from the National, Post please go ahead and whip anything into it ok. Thank you doctor can I have a question, on. A South, Korea, reported. That 91. Kovin 19 patients that. Were believed to have recovered from the disease tested, positive, for the virus again, just before hospital, discharge and. It's raising a question you know can be infected. Get reinfected, and, I'm wondering have, we seen any evidence of this in Canada, and what, might be behind the reports, coming out of South Korea. I. Think, there's many different hypotheses. First, of all I think is to verify the information so. Getting. The. Our, international, partners, to expand. More on, what is actually happening, and maybe yes, having an international collaboration in. Terms of looking at what. Happens to someone who has. Initially, been infected. We. Actually don't know if. The. Test positive I think is a PCR, test means, that there's any viable, virus. In that particular, person. So, that's. One of the first. Questions. That are actually. Answer and of course looking at the clinical course of the individuals.

Over. Time and, I, think it stresses the fact that we know very little about this. Virus in. Terms of the immunology, how the human, body actually. Mount. An immunity, and what actually happens, in the, longer term so, those are all very. Pertinent. Research. Questions, for sure. And. I have just one more question. There's, a concern that the sort of one-size-fits-all. Social. Distancing. The sheltering play strategy, isn't. Feasible especially, over the long term when considering, the economic, impact that it, over protects the young and under protects, the old and given, as you say that the severe burden of disease is. Primarily, among people 70 and older isn't, there a more reasonable. Strategy here, and how do we protect seniors, while. Using the restrictions, on people who are not nearly, so vulnerable. Extremely. Pertinent them questions again so one of the. Most. Important. Epidemiologic. Research question, is the role of children. Not. Just whether. They are severely whether. They're you know modely or impacted. Or not in terms of severity is the, role, that they play potentially. In transmission, so, it, is something that the international. Community is working on, because. Of course some of the measures such as do, schools resume. Dependent. On that experience, of course, we do have countries, a little, bit ahead of us in the epidemic. So, we will be trying to learn from some of those experiences. Of some. Of those measures, being. Gradually. Turned. Off as it were. For. Sure I think prevention. Of. Disease. Impact. To the at-risk population. Is still key but, I just want to emphasize that as, we see this. Epidemic slowing, down we cannot, let go of our public health measures in the near term until. The whole of that epidemic, wave comes to the bottom of that curve. We cannot. Relax. Those measures, but. We are looking at, and some, of the modeling, is going, to try and help us to to look at those dynamic, models as to which type. Of public. Health measures, as. They go up and down will. Impact, the actual, transmission. Or spread of. The disease so, absolutely. We'll be looking at each of those components. Thank. You dr. Moniz question. Dr.. Tam Tom, Perry with CBC News. Health, Canada has now approved the the Spartan test the, premier of Alberta Jason, Kenney has said though that he'd, be willing to buy tests. Or treatment based on the approval of other, countries, and, I'm wondering what. You think about that about the, premier saying that does that suggest to you that Health. Canada is, being too slow to, approve, testing. Treatments, in a, time of crisis.

I Think we're exploring every, single Avenue including. Tests that approved by other countries but, how. Canada does have. Existing. Regulations. Pertaining, to urgent Public Health meet so. For example, if certain. Treatments. Are, proved in the. United States or in. European. Countries, we're going to take you now to Toronto. Where. Doug Ford the premier is speaking let's listen. I. Know. For many of you, Easter. Looked a little different this year. But. I hope you found ways to connect with family, and friends. While. Doing your part to stay. At home I. Want. To say thank you to everyone who worked this long weekend, our. Heroes, on the front lines in the, health care sector in grocery. Stores and pharmacies and all, other essential, services on, behalf. Of everyone in this province, thank, you I want. To recognize our. Developmental. Services. Workers, looking, after those and group homes. It's. It's, heartbreaking to. Hear stories like, what happened a participation. House in Markham. Minister. Smith's team has. Been working around the clock to, help and. I know that. Minister Calandra has, been working directly with CEO, of Markham, Stouffville hospital. To. Address the situation I. Have. To thank. Dr.. Jane Philpott, for. Putting on the scrubs and coming, back to the front line Thank. You Jane my. Friends, we all recognize, how hard it is to. Be working on the front lines right now I know. That it takes a tremendous strain on people. But. We have to look after the, most vulnerable, we. Have a duty to, take care of those, who could not look after themselves. We. Need to stick together we. Need to stay the course I know. It's difficult. But. This virus, is, ruthless and is deadly our. Frontline heroes, have our backs and. We must have theirs and, that. Means giving them the tools they need, this. Is something I've been laser, focused on, and. We're making progress in procuring critical, medical supplies and equipment to back up our frontline workers, we.

Now Have masks. Gloves, and ventilators. And, over, the past five days we've, acquired more, than 13, million. Surgical. Masks. Including. A shipment, of over, 7 million masses. This, morning two. Hundred thousand, and ninety-five, mass and. Thirty-eight. Ventilators. With. Much more on the way and. Over, the past few weeks we've. Shipped supplies to, more than. 650. Organizations. Needing. Supplies across the province in fact. This. Weekend, for, every long-term care facility, that requested. PPE we, acted immediately, and most. Supplies. Were. Delivered within 24 hours. This. Weekend alone we, delivered, over 6.5. Million. Surgical. Masks to hospitals, long-term, care homes and retirement homes across, the province we're. Getting thousands, of donations, every day, thousands. Of offers to help from. Grassroots, organizations. Like, conquer. Covet 19, from. Institutions. Like Queens universities. Where. Students, and researchers, who are working hard, to invent and build. A low-cost, ventilator, from. People who, just want to do the right thing like the, anonymous, donation, of 3500. Masks, in 20, cases of a hand sanitizer. Dropped. Off at Minister Clark's constituency. Office in Brockville. But. There's still much, more to be done as, Canadians. We need. To have each other's backs and our. Neighbors in Alberta have committed, to, ship a generous, donation of supplies, and equipment, that. Includes. 250,000. And 95, masks. 2.5. Million. Procedural. Mosques, 15. Million, gloves. 87, thousand. Goggles, and, 50. Ventilators. I want. To thank my, good friend premier. Jason, Kenney and the people of Alberta for, this generous, generous, donation, by standing. Together United. By. Being part of Team Canada. Because. I've seen what we can do when, we come together in, the face of adversity. We. Always answer the call we're. Always ready to help and. This. Pandemic, is no exception. Thank. You and God, bless the people of Ontario I'll pass it over to in Australia. Thank. You premier and good afternoon. Protecting. The health and safety of frontline, workers, and the patient's, they care for as well as our first responders. Is our top priority. Based. On the advice of the chief medical officer of Health and the experts, at the Cova 19 Command table our, government, has take.

2020-04-25 02:29

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