(Lusaka, Zambia) - Okay. - Morning, my friends, from downtown Lusaka, so the capital city of Zambia. It's quite funny. It's... Well, it looks a lot like Nairobi actually. It's a British-built African capital city. And it's very tiny actually. It's very small for a capital city. So let's go to explore Lusaka. Let's see how are the... Hey.
Let's see how are the markets. Hi. - Hello, guy. Hello. - So just on my left, there is a big mall. But what's surprising here with the mall...
What surprised me a lot was there was no security at the entrance of the malls. It's been such a long time since I've seen that. I mean... So somehow, Zambia is terrorism-free, which is really nice. And I don't think there are many countries like that anymore... - Hi. - ...in the world. - Brother, brother! - Hello. How are you?
- Fine. And how are you? Where are you going? - Good, good. I'm going to the market. - Where do you come from, sir? - As you see, there are a lot of issues with the glue, people inhaling glue here in the downtown area. So we are going into the busier area of downtown. So to give you a brief history of Lusaka, it's a bit similar to Nairobi as well. So Lusaka exists because of the railway that was linking the Copper Belt in northern Zambia, in central- northern Zambia, to Cape Town.
So, Lusaka was created a bit more than 100 years ago, as a stop on this railway line to bring the copper from the Copper Belt to Cape Town at the time of the British colony because Zambia was like most of southern Africa: a British colony. And to go back to older times also, a history that is very important in southern Africa, eastern Africa, and central Africa is the Bantu expansion, so originally, the people here... - How are you? - ...in this region... I'm good, I'm good. - I'm fine. - So originally here, the people in this region, well the Homo sapiens sapiens, were Khoisan or... I don't know if you say "Hoisan" or "Khoisan" or… I don't know. Khoisan and Batwa. So Batwa are the pygmies. And then, a very important event came. It's the Bantu expansion.
So the Bantu people that now populate most of Africa actually, most of sub-Saharan Africa, originally are from Cameroon and Nigeria. And about 3,000 or 4,000 years ago, they started expanding. They started migrating slowly, slowly throughout the continent. And they reached Zambia about a thousand years ago. And slowly, slowly, they replaced the original populations of Khoisan and... Or "Hoisan" or... I don't know how you... I don't know.
They have a click in this word or not. Khoisan and Batwa. And that's how... Yeah, that's through this famous event, one of the greatest human migrations in human history, that... So through the Bantu expansion, the Bantu started to populate almost the entire Africa. You just have small pockets of pygmies here and there remaining, and you have a bit more Khoisan people in, maybe, South Africa, Namibia there.
So the Khoisan are the people that have clicks in their language like [imitating]. All these sounds are letters. Okay, so straight ahead is the Lusaka market. It's called Soweto Market. Hello! - Where are you going?
- How are you? I'm going to the market. - Okay. - It's called Soweto Market in reference to the famous township near Joburg. Let's go explore the biggest busiest market in Lusaka. Ah, we start with the butchery. Nice.
Hello! - Hello. - Oh, that's a big one. How are you? People don't seem super happy with my camera around here. But it's quite well organized. It's very nice that it's covered, because it's very sunny here.
Hello. How are you? So we have mostly shoes. - Hello! Hello! - Let's see, maybe I can find something to buy to get a bit of interaction.
They have a wig... Wig shop. Always very popular the wigs here. Women use them a lot. Hello! Oh, some spices. Nice. Beautiful. - Aisha. Aisha! - Hello! - How are you, aisha? - Good. How are you? - Good, good, good. We greet like this. No.
- You greet how? - Let me teach you. Like this. - Oh. Like this? - Yeah, yeah. - Ah, okay. - This means we are strong and we are together. - Ah, okay. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It creates a bond. - Good, good. - Where are you from? - France. - France? - Nice. - Me, I'm from Angola. - From Angola?
- Yeah. - Oh, nice. - Nice to meet you. - "Tudo bom. Tudo bem." Nice to meet you. Sorry. So this is... Greeting is, in Angola, like this. - Yes, yes. - Okay. - We greet like this. - Okay. - Peace and unity. Together we are strong. - Okay, very good.
- Good, good. - Thank you for teaching me. Have a good day. We learned the Angolan way to greet. The nice fabrics. What do we have? Some chickens. Popcorn.
- Hi. - Hi. - How are you? - Good. How are you? Ah? How are you? - I'm fine. And you? - I'm good, I'm good. Very busy market. Let's see if we can find a bit of street food. There's a guy screaming. It's funny because before doing such kind of video in the market in Africa, you're always a bit stressed, because you know you're gonna have people shouting at you like, "What the hell are you doing?" But then it's quite funny when it happens actually. The reaction of people who are angry because you're filming is so exaggerated that it makes it just funny actually.
- Move away. - Oh, sorry. Here they have the loudspeakers to, to make the advertisement like in Cairo. Well, that's it, I found... I found the sausage. - Hey, my friend. - Hello. - Yeah. - How are you? - Yeah, I'm fine. And how are you? - How much is it for some sausage? - We are selling for two kwachas and above. - Ah? - Two kwachas and above. - Two kwachas and above?
- Two kwachas a piece. Yes. - Ah, okay. - Like this — two kwachas. - This is two kwachas. - Yeah, yeah. - Okay. Can you give it to me for ten kwachas? - Ten kwachas?
- Yes, I'll try to find ten kwachas. What's the name of this sausage? - Sausage is... - Sausage. - Beef. Beef sausage. - Beef sausage? - Yeah, yeah. - Okay, okay. So let's try some Zambian beef sausage. - Yeah, beef sausage.
- Beef sausage. - A very nice one. Yeah, yeah. - A very nice one. It looks nice. It looks very nice. Yes. - Yeah, yeah. So this is ten kwachas. - This is ten kwachas? Okay. - Yeah, yeah. Let me give you plastic. - It's okay. I'll eat here. I'll eat here.
I can eat here? - Yeah. - Okay. - No problem. - Oh, I just take it with my hands. - Yeah, yeah. Take, take. I want to give you plastic so that you can cover it. - Okay, okay. - Take this.
- Okay, great. - Yeah, yeah. - Thank you. - A little bit more? - Buy me one. - It's okay, it's okay. - Ah, mzungu! Is that muchopo, mzungu? Good. - Mzungu. Good, good, good. - Good, mzungu! - Good sausage. - Good. - Ah?
- A white man! - Yeah. - How are you? - Good. - Good muchopo? Are you eating muchopo? - No. Eh! He's trying to get my sausage from my hand already basically. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - The sausage. - Yeah, but... - A little bit funny you chap. - Yeah, but...
- It's nice? - Very nice. Yes. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I like it. Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I'm putting it here? - Zambian muchopo. Yeah, yeah. You can put it. Yeah, thank you. - Okay. - Wash your hands. - Thank you very much! - Wash your hands. - Oh yes.
- Wash your hands. - This is called a Zambian muchopo. - Thank you very much. - Wow, wow, wow. - What is this guy doing? - Thank you, thank you. - This is called what? - Zambian muchopo. - Zambian muchog? - Muchopo. - Muchobo? - Muchopo. - Oh, muchopo. - Yeah. - Okay. - Zambian muchopo. - Muchopo. - Yeah. - I like it. I like Zambian muchopo.
- Yeah, Zambian muchopo. - Thank you. - Thank you very much. - It's very good. - Yeah. Yeah, yeah. - Thank you very much! - Yeah. - Have a good day, man! - Yeah, yeah.
- Okay, so... It was interesting. I had a few unhappy people because they absolutely wanted to bite in my sausage. Ah? I'm filming myself.
They don't know which side the camera points. So they are like, "What the hell? Are you filming me?" They become very aggressive. Anyway; that's funny because the emotions are quite high all the time around here. Let's go. Let's dive into the narrow streets. It's becoming very...
It's becoming very noisy, very interesting. A lot of clothes, I guess secondhand clothes, around here. - Hi. Good to see you. How are you? - Good. How are you? - I'm fine. - Good, good. Ah? Yves. - Yves? - Yes. - My name is Hop. - Your name is? - Hop. - Hop? - Yes. - Nice to meet you. - Great. - Nice to meet you. - All right. - Good.
You're from here? - Yes, I work from... - Zambia? - Yes, yes. - Okay. And you sell this... - Yes, this. - This stuff. Okay. - Where are you coming from? - France. - Oh, France? - Yes. - You know English? - Yes, I know English. Yeah, yeah. - And French. - Yeah, and French as well.
Yeah. - How are you? - How are you? Very good. And you? Good. - Okay. See you. - Nice. Have a good day! Thank you. Friendly people.
So we are in Soweto Market once again. Soweto Market. I guess probably because Zambia was one of the first countries in southern Africa to become independent and when... So when they were independent, almost all the countries around were still under colonial rule. And so Zambia supported a lot of the fights in other neighboring countries for the neighboring countries to become independent as well. What the hell? It's funny.
People can't figure out which side the camera is pointing. Anyway. Yes, the former name of Zambia is Northern Rhodesia, referring to Cecil Rhodes, who is the British guy who established the colonies around here. - How are you? - Good. - Yes. How are you? Yes. - Good, good.
How are you? - Good. How are you? - Very good. - Good, good. - Nice. - Are you okay? - Yeah, I'm okay. Yeah. - I'm okay. Fine. Thank you. - Very nice, very nice. - Yeah. Your name? - My name is Yves. - Yves? - Yes, yes, yes. - Yes, I'm Charles. - Charles? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Nice to meet you. Yeah. - Yeah.
- You like to shake hands. - Thank you. Yes, yes, yes, yes. - How are you? - I'm good. Nice. - Very, very good. Yeah. - What are you doing? - I'm just walking around the market a little bit. I'm exploring a little bit. - You're making a video. - And making a YouTube video. Yeah. - All right. - Yes, yes. What's your name? - My name is Winston. - It's Winston? - Yes. - Okay. I'm Yves. - And your name, too? - Yves, Yves.
- All right. Thank you. - Okay. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you! - All right. - Have a good day! Good luck for today. - Thank you. - Good luck. - And you. Have a good day! - Yeah. You too. - Yeah, yeah. - Friendly people. - Hello. - Ten kwachas, ten kwachas, my friend!
- A lot of omena, the dried fish. Lip... Lip balm. This market is awesome. I love it. - Cheap. Ten kwachas... - My friend, buy! Buy!
- Hello. - How are you? - I'm okay. Thank you. - 50 kwachas for this. $2 for a dress.
- Five kwachas, five kwachas! - Hello! - I just love market videos. It's so fun. - You! - The wigs again. It's funny because some people complain. But as soon as you look at them, they turn their head around.
They complain, but as soon as you face them, they just pretend as if nothing happened. So I guess this area is a lot of beans and cereals. Let's go to the end of this alley.
Yeah, and to correct something I said previously. So all the... I mean, most of the tribes... I don't know what's the percentage. But basically, most of the tribes here are Bantu. And I said people still speak a lot of Swahili here, but it's not right. It's just that in some of the local languages... because Swahili is a Bantu language and the local languages are Bantu languages as well, some words are the same basically, so that's why sometimes I can pick up a word here and there, but it's not Swahili — it's the local language.
Like to say, "How much?", you say, "Ni ngapi?" in Nyanja, I think, in the Nyanja language, and it's the same in Swahili. There's some chicken. We have an albino. - What are you trying to do? - I'm making a video. - Okay.
- YouTube video. - So you are going to take it to America. - Ah? - You are taking it to where? - Internet. - Internet? - Yes. - Thank you for that. - You're welcome. Have a good day.
Another thing also in... You know, the albino people are quite... Well, in some places, they are... It's difficult for them in Africa. But here they're quite safe actually. Apparently, they don't do... Well, they're quite safe because in countries like Tanzania, for example, some people do a lot of witchcraft with body parts of albino people or whatever, so it's very dangerous for them.
And probably that's why I never saw them in the previous countries. But here in Zambia, I saw a few. So it seems they are... It seems they are safe and they are not...
I mean, I don't know. The locals don't do any weird stuff with them. Look at that! Look at all the... - How are you? - ...all the cauliflower. - No, no! - No, no, no. - Come, come! Come here, come here! Come! - Yes! How are you? - How are you? - Good, good. How are you? - What's your name? - Yves. - Yves? - Yes. - Where do you come from? - France. - France? - And you? What's your name? - Clement.
- Ah? - Clement. - Clement? - Yeah. - And where are you from? Zambia? - Zambia. - Zambia. Okay. - It's my country, you know? - It's your country. Nice. - Yeah. - It's a nice country. I like it. - Yeah, yeah. - People are very friendly. - ...to find out... - Hello. - ...some... - I'm just exploring the market. - Okay. - See how it is. - Can I ask you a question. - Yes?
- You are just photographing us. Why? - Because I explore, I make videos, I make YouTube videos... - Oh! - ...about my journey. - Okay. - So you are making money. - I'm making money? - Yeah. - Well, right now... Maybe. Maybe. Maybe yes, maybe no. - Yeah, on TikTok, you can make money. - Ah? - On TikTok, you make money with our videos, guy. - Yes.
- So we are communicating with you now. You are capturing me... - Yes. - ...while I'm communicating with you. - So what do you want then? - I want you at least to give us 20 for communicating. - Yeah, but it's not possible because you see... - Why? Why? - You see how many people are here. - A lot, a lot, a lot. Yeah, a lot. - So if I have to give 20 kwacha to every person...
- No, just me. - ...I film... - No, just us. Just us. - It doesn't work like this. It doesn't work like this. Yeah. Okay. Have a good day, guys. - Okay, all right. - Have a good day! - Just us, just us. You're gonna give us. - I cannot. Sorry. Have a good day.
Ah, that's the common thinking here. Camera. What are you doing? What are you doing? Okay, guys. Let's find a way out of the market.
And let's go to the tourist market now. A lot of dried fish. A lot of dried fish. I guess it's a popular meal.
There's a queue for this shop. Ah? What? Hello. How are you? - Fine. And you? - Good, good, good. - We're good. - Okay, have a good day. - Where are you going?
- It's funny because you never know if the guy is complaining. I don't know. The guy was telling me, "You, you, you." There is some fried something.
You want what? - Food. - Ah? - I want... Give me five. I want to buy food. - Ah, no. It's okay. No, no, no. No. Have a good day. Give me five. I really wonder why so many locals think they need the help of foreigners to make a living. They should be able to make a living. They are human beings like everyone else.
People should be able to make a living on their own here as well. Hello. How are you? Ah, rice. No, it's okay. I don't need rice. Sorry. Thank you. - Well, thank you. - Have a good day.
How are you? - Fine. And you? - Good, good. - Yes, yes. - Fine? - Fine. - What's your name? - Yeah. My name is Mr De Bruyne. - Mr De Bruyne? - Yes. - The football player? - Yes. - Man City? - Man City. - Good. - Yes. Okay. - Have a good day. - Okay, bye.
- So here, unlike in previous countries, it was... There are no more boda-bodas. The government has made them illegal. - Ten kwachas. Ten kwachas — a cap. - Hey, mzungu. Do you want "laka"? - Ah? - Hi. - How are you? - I'm okay. How about you? - Good, good, good. - I'm feeling good. - Yes. - Aren't you eating this? It's chicken. - What is this? Chicken? - Chicken.
- This is a stomach, no? - A stomach. Yeah. - Yeah. How much is it? - Five kwachas. - Five kwachas? - One. - One. - Sunday, one? - Five kwachas. - Five kwachas. One. - Well, I'll have... I want five kwachas here.
- You want five kwachas? - Yeah, I'll try one. Yeah. - Okay, you can try one. Test. - Five. - Take one. - I take it like this?
- Just one. This is good. - Okay. - Where are you from? - France. - France? - Yeah. - And this is Africa, man. - Wait, it's very hot. Yes, I know. It's hot, it's hot.
Ah? - Go, go, man. - Go, go? - It's good, yeah? It's very good. It's good, yeah? It is good? Okay, okay, okay. Nice, nice.
- Very good. It was nice. Where can I put this? - Anywhere. - Anywhere? Okay. Thank you. - All right. - Have a good day. - Safe journey. - Thank you. - All right. - Bye-bye.
We had some chicken intestines, but the guy was rushing me to eat it, I don't know, to go away or eat it fast, so... So I had to put everything in my mouth. I think I'm finally exiting the market. So how do I cross the road here? Let's cross it.
So behind me, the market. This way — the market, the bus station. And this way is the fancier part of downtown. - Ten kwachas, ten kwachas! - Hello. - Hello. - You're good? - Yeah, I'm good. Yeah. - Buy some T-shirts.
- Buy some T-shirts? - Yes! - Yeah, but I don't think I need a T-shirt. - We have polos. - You don't think... - Ah? - ...you need a T-shirt. - Yeah, I... - No, I don't... - ...beautiful T-shirts. - What do you need? - We have jeans.
- I need souvenirs. - What?! - Souvenirs. - Souvenirs? We don't have souvenirs. - You can come and see what we have. - Come and see what we have. - Okay, let's... - Seeing is for free. - Okay. - Seeing is for free. Come... - Seeing is for free? - Yes! - Come.
We'll show you. Get in. We'll show you some varieties that we have. - Well, you have... - We've got different types of T-shirts. You can check them out. - Jeans. - Jeans. - Shoes. - Shoes. - Sneakers. - Sneakers, boxers right there. - Boxers? - Yes. We show you some boxers?
- For the T-shirts, these are the types of T-shirts. - Yes, these are... - Okay. - They range from 60 kwachas. - From how much to how much? - 60. - 60 kwachas. - 60 kwachas? - Yes. 60 kwacha — you get something beautiful, quality. - This is secondhand, no? - What?! - No! - It's new? - Yes! - And it'll look cute on you. - It'll look cute on me?
- Yeah. - This color of yours. - Let's see the boxers. I might need... - The boxers? - ...some boxers. - The boxers. - Which type? We've got different variations. - Oh, yes. It's up there. No, no. The one with... - Those ones? - Yes, those. This kind. - Okay, okay. - 60 kwachas. - 60 kwachas... - Only one. - ...only. Very affordable.
- For one? - Very affordable. - Yes! - Yes! - Very affordable. You can just pick a type, pick a color. - And then you tell us your size. - Yeah. - I tell... Yeah. - Yes, we'll help you choose.
- And then we'll help you choose the beautiful colors which we have. - I guess it's probably M — my size. - M? - This one? - Medium? - M. Yeah, do you have medium? What medium do you have? - Yeah, we have medium. Versace. - Medium. - A medium. - Versace. - Yeah, Versace. - Yeah. - Is this a real one? - Yeah, it's the real one. - You think it's the real one. - Yeah, it's the real one. - It's a real one. - What's the size for this one? Sorry.
- This one? - Because you won't come back again... - Yeah. - This is X large. The one that I'm holding. - This is L. - This is L. This is large. - Oh, this is... I need medium. Yeah. - You need medium? - Yes. - So just check in for you.
You're capturing us? - Yes. - Really? - Hello! - Hello there! - Hello! Hello there! - We're helping him pick some boxers. - We're helping him pick some boxers like... - Yes. - Or some nice T-shirts. - Where is the shop? Just say where your shop is. - The shop? Oh, the shop is...
- Oh, it's along Katunjila Road. - Katunjila Road? - Yes. - Okay, I see. - Along Chachacha. - Okay. Opposite PEP. So you can come to our shop anytime. We'll attend to you at any time, anywhere.
- Even when there is no electricity. I guess there's no electricity. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, but it was... - But the shop is still running. - Yeah, it's still running.
- We'll help you choose beautiful things. - If you have seen the customer service that we have. Yeah. Okay, okay. - I'm just asking for help. My mother is just blind. Please... - White. - No. - This blue. - This blue? This is M? - Yes. - Medium? - Yeah. - M. You can check this out. - One of these colors. - One of these colors.
Ah, okay. - Even black. - Even black. - ...color behind you. - This is blue. Do you love this color? - Yeah, I'll take this one. First. Yeah. - Okay, let me put this. - Black? - Black? I don't know. Do you have...? - Other colors? - Can I have the orange? - Orange? - Yes. - Okay, okay. - Exactly.
- But black is a good color. - Yeah, it really is. - Black? No, no. I want the blue and the orange. - Oh, okay. So you'll get two? - Yes. - All right, thank you. - I'll get those two. - This is 60, 60. Thank you! Come back later. Yeah, we've got lots of different scents right here. - Body sprays. - Ah?
- We have body sprays. - What sprays? - Yeah, body sprays. - Ah, body sprays! - Yeah. - Ah, okay. - Arabic. - No, it's okay. I just need... - Your boxers. - I just need some boxers. Original watches as well. - Arabic! - Arabic? - Arabic sprays. - Arabic. Yeah. - Okay, nice. - Even Indian. - This one... - It's connected. - ...right here. - Ah, okay. - This is...
- You get your stuff from India, no? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Please, do come back... - So 120. - ...next time. - 120. Yes. - Yes. - Now here is 100 already. - Thank you! 100 already. Still 20 kwachas. - 20 kwachas.
Oh, it's that one. - It's right there on top. - And there you go. - Thank you! We really appreciate you coming... - Can you put...? Oh, can you put it in my bag? - Yes. - All right, no problem.
- We also have spa shorts. - Great. - Thank you. We really... - It's okay. Thank you very much! - Thank you very much! - Have a good day! - Have a good day! - Very nice. Yeah. - We really enjoyed having you here. - Good luck with everything. - Okay. - Thank you. - Bye. - Have a good day. - Bye. Come back for the T-shirt.
- Okay, maybe next time for the T-shirt. - And the smart shoes. - And the smart shoes? - Yes. Check this one out. - Very nice. Yeah. - You've seen this? This only goes at 450. - 450? - Very affordable. - Very affordable.
- So that's like... - And good quality. - ...$18 or something like that. - Yeah, yeah. It really is. - It's $17-18. - It really is. - Very nice. Okay. Thank you very much! - Bye! - Have a good day. Bye-bye. - Just asking for help... - Yeah, but I cannot. We found a friendly shop downtown, and it's true: I do need boxers. Kabwata Cultural Center. Interesting.
Let's see what we can find around this small tourist village. So I'm going back soon to France, probably after reaching Livingstone, after reaching Victoria Falls, and... So I'll enjoy these to buy some souvenirs, because usually, I cannot buy souvenirs... - Take a picture. - Hello! - Yeah. Take a picture. - How are you? Take a picture. - Yes. From Italy?
- From France. - France? Nice to meet you. Your name? - Nice to meet you. Yves. - Yves? Yves. - Yves. - Me, Brighton. - Brighton? - Yes, yes, yes. - Nice to meet you.
- Check inside what I have. - Check inside what you have. Okay. Nice. - These are Nsolo games. That's a game. - The what? - Nsolo. - Nsolo? Oh, it's like... - Traditional game. - Okay.
It's like the Awale or... Check here. - Yeah. - How are you? - I'm good. And you? - Nice. - Yeah. Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - Yeah, so... - What's your name? - John. - John? I'm Yves. Nice to meet you. - Yves. From which country? - France. - Oh, France. Bonjour. - Yes, bonjour. - Yeah. - So it's made from what? - Stone. - Stone? - Yeah. - Okay. - All these are out of stone. - All these... Yeah. - The bookholders.
The families, giraffes. - How much is it for this, for example? - This one? - Yes. - This one is 650. - 650? - Yeah, kwachas. - Okay. - Yeah, but the price is negotiable. - Yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Hello! How are you? - Good. And you? - Good, good, good. - My name is Kase. Your name? - Kase? My name is Yves.
- Yves? Oh, from which part of the world, Yves? - France. - France? Oh, bonjour. - Bonjour. - Bonne journée. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you, too, my brother. You know this is the stone that we get by the Victoria Falls.
- Oh, it's the stone near Victoria Falls. - Yeah. - Okay. - It's called Zambezi rock stone. - Zambezi rock stone? Okay. - Yeah. These are bookholders. - Oh, these are bookholders. - Yeah, I've got a horse, a hippo, a tiger. And I've got something like this. I know you have...
- It's quite big. - Yeah, it's quite big. Like a thinking man. Oh, that's the thinking man. - Yeah, you know a man... - It's nice. - ...to think on how to overcome... - Yeah. - ...challenges. As you know, life without a source of income, my brother, is quite a challenge.
- Yes. - So you know the man is optimistic to say, "Oh..." - He's searching for a source of income. - Yeah, you see? - Oh, the hippo. Let's see this one. - A hippo. Like this one. - Yes. - Which? - Just to have an idea, but... - Which currency do you have so that we talk money, money? A brother to brother. You know... - A brother to brother. - Yeah.
- I have kwachas. - Kwachas? You know like this I usually sell for 650. - 650. - But since you are my brother, what will you offer, Yves? From morning, to be honest with you, I've not sold anything. Maybe you can open up my blessings. You know, this is nice cuz it's something that you're able to utilize. - Yes, yes, yes. - So what will be your budget to support Kase?
- To support Kase. But this is... - Yeah, you know since I make it myself. - I don't have a huge budget. And I wanna buy many things, so... - You know what? In English, they say, "A bird in a hand is worth millions in the bush." I don't want to lose you. What would be your offer? Stand your chance. I might take a little you have.
Like how much? - I will go very down. - Like how much? Feel free. - 200. - Oh, but 200 is a bit down. - Do this. You know me, I like negotiating. - You like negotiating. Okay. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Okay. - How about I say 500? - 500? No, but this one I think... It's gonna be too expensive.
I need something smaller. - Like which one? - I don't know. No, this elephant — I already have some kind of this. - Or maybe a chief. You know this is a chief. - This is a chief? - Yeah, it's a chief. You can see. With the... You know, the bead symbolizes... - Yes. - ...loyalty. Yes. - The...? Ah, the bead. - Yeah, this bead. - This one. - Yeah. - Ah, okay. - That's the symbol of loyalty.
- Loyalty. Okay. - Yeah, exactly. - So for how much do you sell the chief? - Okay, for the chief, give me 350. - 350? - Yeah, 350. I don't want to charge you too much. - 350. I'll give you 150 for this. - Oh, Yves, my brother, make 300. - 300?
- Yeah. - 200. For me, 200 is good. I think 200 is good for this. 200. - Let's try to meet in-between. You are saying 200. I'm saying 300. Let's meet at 250. - 250? - Yeah, we shake hands. 250. Let me pack it. - 250? - Yeah. - Okay, let's get it for 250. - My young brother. - With the chief. He's your younger brother?
- Yeah, my young one. - Ah, okay. So you're the same family. - He's very undisciplined. - You don't like him. He's winding you up. - I'm his uncle. He's dragging his feet. - He's my uncle. - He's your uncle.
- Yeah, yeah. - But you say he's your younger brother. - Talk to him whilst I'm looking for 50. - Ah? - Talk to him. I mean, maybe you can get something. - Yeah. - Ah, okay. Okay. Yeah. - I'm here. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - All these are my stuff, also.
- This is all your stuff? - Yeah, yeah. - Chess, my friend. Nice. - Yes. How are you? - Chess sets. - Yes. - Fine. How are you? - Yes. It's nice. Yeah. - Chess. - Friend, let me show you the masks here. - Yeah, yeah. No, it's okay. Okay. So I'm looking for...
It's a bit complicated because they all jump at you. Okay, that's what I'm looking for. I'm looking for masks. - Just take your camera. See everything, starting from here... - Yes. - ...to there. Yeah, yeah. - So all the masks are... It's from... - Different tribes. - From different tribes. All from Zambia or also from Congo or...? - Yeah, we're different tribes.
But we're just the same. - Okay. Okay, okay. Okay. So for how much do you sell like those...? Like this one for example or... - This one? - Yeah. - This one... - It's just... - Ah? - Kwachas? Dollars? - Kwachas, kwachas. - This one — 2,000. - 2,000? Yeah. That's the problem.
But I don't have enough money. - Yeah, like which one do you prefer exactly? - Yeah, but I don't have enough money with me, so... - I know, I know. I know. Negotiable price. - This one for how much? - This one — just 1,800. - 1,800? - 1,800. - 1,800. Yeah, but that's too much. - But we can talk. - Yeah, but the problem is, I don't have enough money with me.
- Let's do this. How much do you have? - Yeah, but even if I... - Like how much? Just try your best. - No, this one I... No, wait. - Like how much? - Yeah, but because... No, this one I won't take it. - Okay, try. Just choose, and then we shall talk. - Yeah, but the problem is the prices are too high. - We'll talk. We'll talk business. - Yes, we'll talk. I understand. Yeah.
But... - Just choose. - But the thing is if you start that high... - No problem. We shall talk. - We shall talk. Okay. - Yeah. - Let's see this. This. How much for this one? - This one is 1,200. - 1,200. - Yeah. Do you want one or two? - No, no, no. I want only one. I mean, for this price...
But for me, I can only give you maybe 400 for this. Yeah. - 400? - Yes. - That's too little, brother. - Ah? - That's too little. - That's too little. That's why I told you. You told me, "We talk, we talk." - Yeah.
- But then I told you, "I cannot give you enough for..." - Okay, okay. Let's do this. Give me 1,150. - Yeah, but that's too much. I cannot... - How much can a good...? - 500. I cannot... - 500 is too little. - Yeah. - Maybe that one? - But this is even bigger, so this is gonna be even more expensive, so I cannot...
- No, we talk as I told you. - Yeah, but we talk... We unsuccessfully talked before, so... - Like how much can you afford for this one? - I cannot... The same as before: 500 maximum. But I don't like it, this one.
So I don't... - This one. - ...how much? - This one for how much? - This one is 900. - 900? - 900. Yes. - 900. - Yeah. - Does it have a meaning? Oh, and this one there? - This one? - Yes. - This one... Give me 1,500. - 1,500? - Yes. - I can give you 500 for this. - That's too little. - That's too little. - You see the work involved here.
How much? How much? - Yes. - What's your budget? - 600. - 600. Okay, let's do this. Make it 850. It's okay. - I can go up to 700, but that's the maximum for me, I think. - Okay, make it last: 700. - 700? - 800, 800, 800. It's okay. - No, 800 is...
- Okay, 750 is okay. - 750 is okay? - Yeah, 750. I'll wrap it nicely for you. Listen, we don't have enough money. Come on. - Okay, 750. Let's go for 750. No, no. I have no more money. Bye-bye! Bye-bye! Okay, that was tourist shopping in Lusaka in Zambia. Bye-bye!
I'm done. I have no more money. I have no more money. See you for the next adventures! Ciao, guys!
2024-09-09 13:28