Have you been to this area? - Port Louis Mauritius

Have you been to this area? - Port Louis Mauritius

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hi everyone welcome to port louis we're going from  the barracks all the way down to the gardens which   are that way and everything in between well  this is Victoria house and would you believe   very important in Victoria house Mauritius tourism  authority who are not sponsoring all these videos   not i said not what i really love about this area  is all the old buildings and the fact that they're   actually fixing them all up well that's a bad  example but if you look just across the street   all these buildings have been repaired so you're  getting new life into old buildings which is epic   which should always happen this behind me Edith  Cavall court we're going to do a lot on that at   some point because you know they have done a  lot of work here but uh what is interesting   is that building it was the the first place that  they actually introduced steel into building in   Mauritius but i'll tell you all about it in  the next video when we actually visit there this behind me haha the canon but this is the  actual line barracks uh we can't actually go   in because we're not policemen but if we were  policemen we'd go in and show they it a place   for landing helicopters but it was built in 17  what what Riki will probably have to tell me if   she remembers 1750 wow 1750 and it's a massive  structure it takes up the whole of this block   all the way down there to all the way over there  and it's uh well it's massive and it's old and as   you can see it's nearing Mauritian independence  day and all the buildings in Port Louis look like   this you've got to come down and take a look it's  so so cool let's check that out Vona Corona hmm yeah we have a statue to Julius alexander  harry he was farsighted humanitarian   oh man look at that art on that building  wow love Port Louis it is so cool and this   area particularly with these really tall  buildings places you can barely see the sky art deco also cool oh wow guys this is the  national library under that um art deco building   just Ken's what happened to Sen's oh wow this building is incredible let's go that way yeah so we haven't actually found the library yet  but there seems to be like a whole arcade   of food lots and lots of food awesome salad that's awesome i might get a salad i'm just looking thank you so much so it's like one o'clock so if you're  looking for lunch you need to get here early   because it's all finished but it looked amazing wow these guys have a whole salad section  for their sandwiches like a Subway chicken and mayonnaise and wow there's actually a shop with   fruits and pickles i've never  seen one in an actual shop before this is one of my favorite things about Port  Louis you've got a massive glass skyscraper   on that side a relatively modern building on that  side and look what's in the middle a beautiful old   wooden house the cutest building it's so cute i'm  just gonna go across and try not to get run over but how awesome is this house a local guy just  told me this used to be a Lambic restaurant here   so this actually used to be a restaurant oh  it's unfortunate i'd love to eat in there i   don't know what Lambic is but definitely want some  now it's been around since the barracks Riki says   17 what what it survived the fires and everything  it's a one of the few remaining uh wooden   buildings because a big fire came through  this area in the end of the 18s okay and   it's about from the 18th fire yes i think it's  probably national heritage probably should be   we're going to claim it national heritage and just  across the road from the beautiful old restaurant   the house that's about the fires is the  ex-french consulate it's saint george's   yeah and i think it was built  in like 1886 or something 1886. well you can see it's been spared  the fires because it's made out of stone   and i think it used to be the house of  a doctor beauregard though beagurard oh wow look at the detailing up there it is  amazing and just for good measure it goes   around the corner and carries on and carries on  that way with the beautiful stone and and the   and the windows and everything oh man but you  can also see it was french beautiful side stones   plastered bad stones ha ha  the french gotta love them   one epic building and Riki just pointed  out there's actually street art and there's   tons of it on all the buildings here  because you were looking at this one yeah and there's ones behind this building  behind me is national heritage it was fast   tracked in 2016 when they were just going  to tear it down it's beautiful i'll show   you over the top in a minute but it was  a public house and then he got abandoned well worthy of being turned into national  heritage what an old beauty oh man you guys   are so high up there come on down wow  it is another impressive wooden house really cool i hope they can  restore it beautifully and   turn it back into a public house maybe a pub a pub so this road is called saint george's street  and if you're wondering if you're wondering   why it should become evident very shortly  i hope it's a long way it's a long way there you go saint george's and this giant stone building which is actually  a church is why it's called saint george's   this is well this is actually  saint george's church unfortunately all the front doors are  closed i don't know if there's like   a side door that you can get in but uh  the wooden doors are pretty impressive   very nice craftsmanship on that and the stonework  of course reminiscent of the british so probably   why does it say 1924 memory of somebody okay  in memory of something so this is a lot older   this is probably about an 1860s church that's  my feeling Riki hasn't told me the date yet oh i do like the battlements on top feels  like a fort church and you can see inside   but all the doors are closed and normally  when you've got a big church like this you   normally have buildings around it as well so  i think that's probably something to do with   the church but it is a beautiful old building  and it started raining so we're gonna go find   some shelter Riki claiming sanctuary from the  torrenting rain it really is bucketing down well while we're waiting  for the rain to abate a bit   this is the wooden carved doors  of which i spoke of earlier and location time yes so Port Louis and if  you wonder what all these red dots are   there's a great informational map i'll put  a link that gives you all the architectural   features so that's company gardens that's  the line barracks and we're gonna do this   area in between here if it ever stops raining  yep if you'd like to see more of us standing   in the rain please hit subscribe we really do  appreciate it we get wet for you guys really red letter box day you get it you get it but it's  actually it might still work let's cross the road   and go see an awesome building oh from this side  the church is actually a lot more impressive   it's actually quite huge and very rained in the rain continues unabated but here we are at  the Cure la Cure la Curee maybe 1830 something   Riki told me but i forgot already well you  can just walk in maybe it's someone's house   i'm a bit worried but looks like they have a  well and it is a beautiful old wooden house oh man here comes a little drowned rat it's really really raining wow great place to wait out the  rain maybe they've got snacks here's the old well beautifully round cut stones   it's not very deep and there's also  a nice sitting area here under some i   don't know what these flowers are some sort  of beautiful flower thing and stone benches pretty cool   great old house though well whatever it's for  it's great refuge from getting away from the   storm i'd just like to thank the guys in there for  looking after us on their great balcony awesome oh man you gotta get little bit soggy slippery this is actually the back of the house the la  Cure house and you can see the white shingles   and they just recently painted them but it looks  like there were barns there probably for horses   another great old building uh and we've got the  doors and everything unfortunately a lot of them   i'm seeing are actually closed so i'm just staying  in drips gonna go across the road a little bit and   it's got the great balconies and everything as you  can see up there and it's just it's just not used you know it's a little bit reflective  but oreo cheesecake oh man 60 rupees   loads of other things here singer snack  seems like the sun's come out but it's still   dark and boding clouds there but i'm just  gonna head down this way past the senator club still pouring with rain but the sun is out massive senator club as the sun pokes its head out so this is edith cavall street in Port  Louis and we've never been down here   before i know look at that building you're  expecting that there's a person going oh wow   but he's just busy doing something  waiting for him to catch up   well this building is beautiful and really really  old and now the sun's come out you can see signal   mountain up there the sun came out just in time so  we could check this building out have a look at it   it's it's beautiful old stone i wonder if we can  get around a little bit it looks like there are   people going inside a little it's the Harel  Mallac building actual Harel Mallac building it is stunning look at look at that it's like  got a basement area so you probably put your coal and look at the detail cut out of stone that  is actually cut out of stone and if you look   carefully you can see the fleur-de-lis for french  aristocracy oh man a little juliet balcony and of   course beautiful wood and glass doors when Riki  said i had to come down here i had no idea we're   going to find such a beauty and look at the  pillars they've been cut with the stonework   oh man beautiful beautiful example so in the  1750s this part of Port Louis was inhabited by   all the wealthy people and most of the  buildings burnt down unfortunately because   they wood in like 1890 something and this one  was built in its place from 1890 something yeah   wow Harel Mallac building you got  to come check it out it's epic wow and then here you've got um a  recycling point and some parking building is called les cascades quite  remarkable and this next to me is the   supreme court of mauritius well the  wall of the supreme court of mauritius this building is the supreme court of mauritius isn't it amazing i've decided to come down this way i know Riki's  already showing you the Courts building and i   didn't miss it unfortunately right so this  is a completely new area for us this is the   Courts building but it also looks pretty old we  painted the shutters obviously but great stonework wow nice contrast welcome to Port Louis great building and being used and looked after  that's where you have a Courts building well done   Courts for putting yourself in such a beautiful  old building there's another one here another   really beautiful Sicom building they've done  a few repairs i don't know if you can see that better than nothing the Sicom group the Sicom  group but look at what Courts has done okay   we're gonna get run over for sure for sure this  time they've taken an old building and put their   colours on it it is grand and look you're looking  into the window no it's a fake window of course   it is it's just a poster on it but wow that  that's repurposing yes it's repurposing oh man that's truly great that really is great  and this is the company gardens ahead   so this is the paid toilet at the company  gardens disabled toilet is free toilets   at the company gardens you pay your 10  rupees they give you a wad of toilet paper nice and clean and there's soap and water go rescue Susie so we've parked uh in an area  where we've done a vlog for you guys before   and i'll put a card really really cool all the   other old buildings in Port Louis  so i'll try not to get run over but yeah there's always something new to  discover in Port Louis that's what makes it cool this guy watches all our videos and now  he's gonna take a selfie to show his wife seems like Riki's also getting famous thanks nice meeting you guys same here thank you close enough thank you this is one of the difficulties of  Port Louis if you park in one of the zones   like zone one is maximum two hours but wherever  you parked you put your cards right so you know   you've got until whatever time then you've got to  go back to your car so that's what's happened now   i have to go back to the car to either add  more parking oh you have to change location   i think we're going to try to  change locations and get some lunch so our parking expired so we have to move  our car and the nearest parking we could find   Mahogany shopping promenade and let's hope we  can find some food i really hope so i'm so hungry   so as you know Mahogany mall  has the most stunning bathrooms   if you don't know there'd be a card  we did a whole video on Mahogany mall there's a lovely smell coming from somewhere oh  from the tandoor oven let's check it out yeah   yeah there's some other stuff here we should check  it out first we will come back so this is Tai Chi   okay so there's this cool thai place and they've  got a thai fried noodle and she explained that   this is more spicy than the Mauritian one so  we're going to get the chicken prawn and egg   thai fried noodle but there's loads of other  things as well and she said it's going to   take 10 minutes so i think someone's trying  to get a quick little starter snack snack wow that was super quick that was like two  minutes one minute awesome starters thanks to KFC oh look at her tossing those noodles that looks amazing KFC unboxing i haven't had these for so long i've  forgotten what they're like don't they normally   come with a dip or not no no they normally  come with a sprinkle but i didn't get one okay it's delicious what's nice about these is  they're pretty cheap and they taste like KFC so   if you have a KFC hankering but don't eat a whole  KFC just get a little bite yeah like them because   they're not quite as fatty yeah they're really  nice and quite light and they are 140 rupees   noodles already it wasn't quite 10 minutes oh  wow that is a massive plate of noodle it's huge literally doesn't know  where to focus prawn chicken an egg somewhere noodles doesn't it look like  a feast well i'm actually glad we came here   wow there's a lot of shrimpy things  in there a lot of shrimpy things   oh that's hot she was just frying  it going with the prawns straight up it's got that grilled tossed in the fire thing  the grilled noodle oh is she actually properly   tossed in the fire she's got skills oh  and then you get that smoky flavor on it   oh those are lovely noodles can make a slightly better forgot the garlic   gotta have garlic on your noodles oh but those are  a little bit spicy i can feel it now Bryan's gonna   add some garlic he returns the garlic sauce and  i got myself a little chilli chili on this side   you haven't even tasted them they are a little  bit spicy they're really nice she says there's   soy sauce in it already right okay give it a  go if you get a chance to get the red chilli   it's thai chili it is thai oh okay red  chili it's a great flavor but wow hot   knock your socks off oh no i'm just checking  because like for 225 they really haven't   scrimped on the amount of shrimp and chicken in  there well like we said you'll find this in Port   Louis between the barracks and the the company  gardens if you just take a left and head out   to well on your way to Grand Baie it's a little  place called Mahogany mall that face is suffering   but she's found something to chase it with hot  all that stuff was so hot we had to come here   get some gelato getting some  gelato this one is salted caramel   oh but i'm gonna show you i'm  gonna show you move aside Riki   gelato the gelato trolley that is awesome  and then you got these beautiful flavors   yeah always salted caramel always salted  caramel and then i'm torn between strawberry   and i think this one's a hazelnut chocolate  hazelnut which would you get strawberry or   chocolate chocolate chocolate definitely  and for these two scoops it's only 150. yes   150 for two scoops and then look how big that  i didn't expect them to be such big scoops yep   they're not skimping on their scoops yeah great  thank you something happened behind the scenes   yeah it's got a a wafer straw and a marshmallow  it's a marshmallow awesome thank you so much thank   you they have this great bar area but we got some  chairs whoa they're really nice i wasn't expecting   it to sink down that much but this is comfy  oh wow well they got big cushions i like these but you came for the salted caramel  dig in digging i think it's below salted caramel that's the trick oh that is so sophisticated  you got so embarrassed now   i thinking of just getting  clean vanilla to kill that chili   that is really nice yeah it is  nice when the chocolate is better   you think the chocolate's better have  you already tried the no no i'm better   than vanilla oh yeah better than vanilla oh  for sure salted caramel yeah that's great too it's got like little bits of caramel in it it's  proper salted caramel but when they say it's a   gelato machine it's actual gelato it is gelato  it's not like as creamy as ice cream yeah it's   smooth it's so smooth and it's got the glueiness  to it the glueiness you're like gelato has   it has that uh-huh yeah you could  mold it and sculpt it yeah it's great   and how cool is this place i mean yeah Port  Louis amazing for walk around and stuff   but to come and chill this place  is so these chairs are so comfy huh   ah they're really comfy now that i've discovered  it it's like no i want to take it home with me   i think anyone would note that they probably  would because they're all like matching   oh no wait there's a blue okay no there's two blue  ones these are really comfortable guys come try   them out you sink into the chairs you genuinely  do so i'm gonna see how Riki gets out of it   she lives here now this is a new home  don't worry they'll probably feed her   that's wonderful after that short food  interlude you guys are going back to Port Louis   see you back in the vlog it's the new and  all but of course i'm going to pitch the   old well anyway everyone that was a small  piece of Port Louis see you again next time

2022-03-16 14:32

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