Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Museum ! This is why you should Visit 2018

Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Museum ! This is why you should Visit 2018

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Hello. Everyone, how, are you all this is Sunil Joshi from motorcycles, guru, and I like to present this short video to you all lovely people hope. You will enjoy it till the end and also subscribe our channel to encourage, us to make more informative, videos you will like we. Are the diehard fans of motorcycles. And hope you all are as well today. We are in the beautiful City of Milwaukee Wisconsin where. The legend of motorcycles, harley-davidson. Have their very huge museum even. If you are a motorcycles, enthusiast. Or not or, your are a harley-davidson motorcycles. Fan or not this. Huge and fascinating, steel girder architecture. Of Harley Davidsons, museum will stun your minds and I. Am sure you will fall in love with this place. As. You. Can see this. 75. Million dollar museum, was constructed, on over 20 acres land which was funded privately by harley-davidson, which. Is a huge attraction for motorcycle, lover in Harley Davidson, fans worldwide. Motorcyclists. Are certainly the target audience by the 115. Year old company the. Streets leading to these museum, buildings, are striped with Harley's signature, color orange, and are 60, feet wide roads, so. All the bikers who will make stall here can park sturgis, style that is one motorcycle on each curb and two parked in the center this. Is so that the museum experience, starts, here on the street itself when, riders park their bikes and see, one another's machines, and share their experiences. As a, visitor, you have to buy a ticket to enter the museum tickets. $10. To $20. And you can take a guided audio tour as well by paying extra four dollars for guided. Tour there, are numbers placed in each section of the gallery and you can listen to the history by pressing, those numbers, on your given device you. Have to go to the second floor of the museum to witness the evolution of motorcycles. From. Beige colored bicycles, with strapped on fuel tanks, to chromed. And stretched customs, with enormous engines, an outrageous, paint and to, sense important, changes, in Broad Amer and motorcycling. An industrial. Development, over the period and also the change in the culture. It's. The second floor where the museum experience begins with the engine room and rumble of Harley's famous, v-twin engines as it's. Called the engine room may, be the most compelling, exhibit, of the entire. 130,000. Square foot complex, even. Non enthusiasts. With absolutely, no interest, in engines and pistons. And crank. Shafts could hang themselves in this area for hours out of interests. Engaging. With the numerous, mechanical. Interactive's, that show how an engine works and pressing. The touch screens that bring the pan heads shovel. Heads and other. Classic, Harley motors, to life. More. Than 85%, of, what's on display here came from the company's archives. Beginning. In 1915. They, had the foresight to take one motorcycle off the lawn each year from, where so many of the museum's 400. Pristine, bikes came from, there. Is well preserved supporting, material, as well which, includes the company's first stock certificate, minutes. Of meetings boards. Of members details. Of machine shop and ads. Announcing, something to grow about and improve, oil pump, etc.

One Has to visit the museum also to see how well they have maintained, all the records and the details. Winding. Your way north through the galleries, the, stories of the people products, culture, and history, that made the Harley Davidson Motor, Company, what it is today continue, to unfold. Highlighted. Stories include, the launching of a global, independently. Owned dealer network the, Motor Company's, contribution. To America's, efforts in two world wars the emergence. Of color and style in the mid 20s, and the, not to be ignored knucklehead, motorcycle. That helped define the styling, you know today. 1900. To 1920, era following developments, took place at Harley Davidson year. 1904. First, real Harley Davidson of 405. Cubic, centimeters, loop frame competes. In a motorcycle, race at Milwaukee State Fair Park year. 1907. Prototype, of a forty five-degree v-twin, engine is shown at the Chicago, Automobile, Show the. 880, cubic centimetres, v-twin produced about 7 HP year. 1914. Production. Of harley-davidson, motorcycles, jumps tremendously, with introduction, of the 1000, cubic centimeters, F head v-twin, like. Many bikes at the time the, F head featured in IOE intake, / exhaust, configuration. Year. 1917. To 1918. Harley-davidson. Contributes, 15000. Motorcycles. To US military, forces during World War one as. You. Begin your tour of the harley-davidson museum, you, will find yourself, on the museum's second floor staring down a line of bikes three, wide and 180. Feet long these. Bikes begin to tell the story of the company's first 50 years each. Bike in the gallery is specifically, chosen, for its noteworthy heritage, as well as its unique expression, of signature harley-davidson. Elements, beauty, performance. Functionality. And style walk. Across the hall and the story of how those motors came to be unfolds, the. Oldest known harley-davidson. The famed serial, number 1 is presented, in a sealed glass box, ringed with holy light the. Light which, is laid into the flooring outlines, the dimensions, of the 10-foot by 15-foot shed where in 1903. William. Harley and Arthur Davidson built, their first machine Harley. Davidsons corporate, headquarters are, just a stone's throw away, Harley. Davidson is the country's longest standing motorcycle. Manufacturer. And its board members many of whom are kin of a founding father have a deep respect for its history.

1920. To 1940, era. 1922. F had v-twin now available, in 1,200, CC. 1925. First teardrop-shaped, gas, tank appears on a Harley. 1929. 750. Cubic centimetres, flathead, D model is introduced, to compete with the Indian 100, in 1 Scout in Excelsior, super X, 1930. Flathead. V-twin increased to 1,200. Cubic centimeters. You. 19:36. The, knucklehead 1000, cubic centimeters, v-twin replaces, the flat head as the top-of-the-line, model originally. Referred, to oh these engines became known as knuckleheads by the 1960s. Due to the distinctive, shape of the rocker boxes. 19:41. 1210. Cubic, centimeters, knucklehead, introduced, in the F and FL models, year. 1942. The harley-davidson XA, is developed, for military use, it. Was based on the BMW, r71. Featuring. A 750. Cubic centimetres flat twin across the frame and shaft drive only. 1000. Models were made in the XA remains the only chef driven Harley, year. 1948. The pen had 1000, cubic centimeters, and, 1,200. Cubic centimetres, v-twins, replaced, the knucklehead, earning, its name from the rocker covers, that look like upside down pins both. The Captain, America and Billy bike motorcycles. And Easy Rider featured, pinhead engines year. 1949. AFL. With panhead engine and new front suspension is released as the Hydra Glide. Competition. Is the theme for most of this Gallery faster. Higher. Farther. Those. Were the words of the day standing. 13 feet tall a replica section, of board tracks sports 5 vintage, Harley Davidson, motorcycle, racers this. Exhibit accurately, portrays, the 45-degree. Board track curve that allowed racers, without, brakes to, achieve top speeds of over 100. Miles per hour from. Board track racing, and hill climbs to, club rides and endurance events, this gallery pays, tribute to the grassroots movements, of the early 20th, century that, revolved around the camaraderie, thrill-seeking, and competitive, spirit that drove the motorcycle, culture of the day. Showcased. Along this wall are some of the most iconic harley-davidson. Tanks ever designed and customized, since 1903, each. Is a piece of Harley history a work, of harley-davidson, motorcycles, inspired, stroll. The gallery and enjoy the best tanks from its past its, latest designs and commissioned. One-of-a-kind, creations, by noted artists, this. Showcase has covered entire width of the wall and there are more than 100, beautifully, crafted fuel, tanks on display this. Exhibit again make you remind the hard work company. Is putting to preserve the history and showcase it with pride. As. You. Me and ER downstairs, to continue, your tour you, will enter another set, of galleries, which features some of Harley Davidsons more recent history bikes. From 1940. Onward till today at the, foot of the stairs sits a diorama recreative. A window display from a 1951. Harley-davidson. Dealership, making. Your way through the galleries, you, will experience, some of Harley Davidsons, most successful. And most challenging events, of recent years from. The launch of the Sportster model, in, 1957. To the merger with AMF, in 1969. This. Gallery is dedicated. Year. 1955. The harley-davidson Hummer. A. 125. Cubic, centimetres two-stroke, is produced. After Harley acquired the design of the German dkw, RT, 125. As. Part of the world war 2 war reparations, year. 1957. First, Sportster, is introduced, as the XL, it. Came with either an, 883. Cubic, centimeters or 1000, cubic centimetres iron head named, after the cast iron heads OHV. Engine. The. Museum spikes memorabilia. And stories, are all courtesy of harley-davidson, but. The imaginative, manner in which they're exhibited, are mostly the work of freaka who. Worked for the experience, music project before. Relocating here, he. Is one of several outsiders, hired to make the museum a place that would resonate both with harley fans and plain folk, the. Firm that designed the three building museum annex, and store, was pentagram, from New York like. Harley Davidson, the, museum itself is proud to be American, and it's. Proud to peacock the company's continuing, influence on the culture the. Most enduring aspects, of that influence, are found on the first floor which, tracks Harley's, history, from World War two to the present, it's. This era that will be most familiar to visitors because it showcases the, chopped-up rebel bikes and customs, that people associate, with Harley, today. The. Personal, expression, and creativity that, permeates, the harley-davidson culture. While. Riders have been customizing. Their bikes since the early 1900's, it was not until after the Second World War that individuals. Started, the customization.

Movement, We see today from. Stripped-down, bikes, to attire with attitude, these non conformists, unknowingly, created an outlaw image this. Small movement, quickly turned into a cultural, phenomenon, thanks, to Hollywood, sensationalizing. Storytelling. Machine make. Sure to see the King Kong a custom, creation, with two engines that measures nearly 13 feet long not. To be missed as the three screen video that tells the courageous story of all those involved in buying the company back from AMF. In order to regain control of Harley Davidsons, destiny. Year. 1960. To 1980. Year. 1965. Electra-glide, is the first big twin Harley equipped with an electric, starter, year. 1966. Shovelhead. V-twin, replaces, the pen head with a 10% power increase. Year. 1970. The, Sportster, XR, 750. Dirt tracker is created, in response to rule changes, in the AMA grand national championship. This. Bike has won more races than any other in AMA racing history. Year, 1980. To 2000. Year. 1984. 1340. Cubic centimeters, evolution, blockhead. Engine. Replaces, the shovel head in Harley's big v-twin, bikes as one of the company's most reliable, engines to date year. 1984. Harley releases, the FX St soft tail the. Bike was designed to look like the classic hard, tails of the past's while, still providing rear suspension, hidden under the transmission. Year. 1986. Sportster. Evolution, engine. 883. Cubic, centimetres. 1100. Cubic, centimetres and, 1,200. Cubic centimetres, introduced. With four camshafts, one, per overhead, valve, year. 1991. Dinah, chassis, introduced, with the FX DB, sturgis, these. Traditionally. Styled bikes featured, big twin engines and coil over suspension as, opposed to the soft tails hidden suspension. Year. 1993. All Sportsters. Transitioned, to belt drive, year. 1999. Twin cam 88 fat, head. 1,450. Cubic centimetres, engine replaces, the evolution, except in the soft tail family. Year. 2000. Till today, year, 2000. The single-cylinder Byul blast is released by the Harley Davidson subsidiary. Fuel, year. 2000. Twin-cam 95. Engine available at. 1550. Cubic centimetres year. 2001. A new family of cruiser bikes called the vrsc. V-twin. Racing street custom is introduced, with the v-rod the. V-rod uses, the revolution, engine developed, in conjunction with, Porsche for the VR 1000. Superbike, unlike. Harley's, other v-twins, the revolution, is set at 60 degrees and features liquid, cooling year. 2003. Twin cam 103. Engine with. 1690. Cubic centimetres, introduced. 2007. Electronic, fuel injection becomes. Standard on all lines year. 2007. VXR SE v rod destroyer, is a non-legal production, drag racing, motorcycle, designed to run a quarter, mile in under 10 seconds, year. 2008. Sportster, XR 1200. Pays homage to its dirt tracker heritage, with evolution, engine tuned to produce 91. Horsepower, year. 2009. Harley. Redesigns, entire, touring range, changes. Include new frame new, swing Garmin revised, engine mounting, system and six gallon tank, year.

2012. Twin, cam 103. Becomes standard on most models, except. The Sportster, and two Dyna models, year. 2012. FLD, Dyna switchback introduced. As the first Dyna Series bike to use FL style Forks year. 2015. Harley-davidson. Announced street 750, and Street 500. To target global motorcycle, market to inspire the next generation of, global riders, year. 2017. Milwaukee dash 8 engine was. Introduced, for touring trike, and to CVO models, year. 2018. Harley-davidson, reaches. Its 115. Anniversary. Harley. Davidsons, vision statement, is as follows harley-davidson. Inc. Is an action-oriented. International. Company, a leader in its commitment to continuously. Improve our, mutually, beneficial, relationships. With stakeholders, customers. Suppliers, employees, shareholders. Government. And society. Harley-davidson. Believes. The key to success, is to balance stakeholders. Interests, through the empowerment, of all employees, to focus, on value-added, activities, this. Vision statement reflects. The company's values, and business, strategies, the. Following are the main components, of Harley Davidsons vision statement. Action-oriented, business. International. Scope, leadership. And stakeholder, management, employee. Empowerment, and last but not least is, value-added. Activities. This. Is the end of this video hope, you all liked the documentary, on harley-davidson. Museum and, the company I thank. You all for watching this video please. Subscribe to, my channel if you liked my video and share it as much as possible this. Is Team motorcycles. Duct guru signing off for today have. A nice day.

2018-03-26 22:14

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