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Hey, tourism has always been a source of pride. Hey countries in the world, because with tourism we can introduce the distillation of tourism destinations in our country today. Hey, world tourism is a momentum for us to rise from adversity due to the pandemic of it playing games.

Hi President of the Republic of Indonesia Mr. Joko Widodo was awarded as a tourism figure in the world in 2021 version Global tourism forum We will discuss Hi on Tourism Update with me Ariza crystal Indonesia channel Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Hi again with me Ariza from crystal Indonesia channel Tourism Update Crystal Friends 27 September 2021 yesterday Let's celebrate the Global Tourism Day Hi Global or World Tourism Day celebrated by the entire global community Hi during the pandemic Covid 19 almost all countries are experiencing a slump in the tourism sector Hi everyone can do nothing but fight against this Pandemi but this year Hey especially in the second quarter of 2012 this one Come on, we and the international community have started to rise up in the tourism sector in particular and Hi, tourism day or world tourism day is a momentum for the Global community to prepare Hi rise in the world of tourism j&t Hi enough proud for all of us is hi hi President of the Republic of Indonesia Mr. Joko Widodo awarded as a world tourism figure in 2021 by Global tourism volume hi hi tourism Hai become a reference for us in its revival Hi this nation in the Storm Definitely Passes Hi it was born convey Mr. Sandiaga Uno Hai as a form of optimism in the revival of the tourism sector I will read a command Hi regarding Hai ABD Hi world tourism day eh hi okay Let's pirate it from Goro Sir yes oh Hi world tourism day namaz bajaj The storm is sure to pass Hi right on today Monday 27 Sep 2012 1 is wo rld water Day or world tourism day this year the commemoration of the ghost of world tourism research takes the theme of tourism for inclusive growth, people, tourism and creative economy, the tourism and creative economy minister, Salahuddin Uno, said in a short video on the social media account F Kemenparekraf RI lottery that the Vietnam Game pandemic situation is very influential There is a big impact on the development of the tourism sector. Come on, we must continue to be optimistic and raise the spirit that the Storm Will Pass. Hi password in the meeting not to be part of the national working meeting of the National Coordination Meeting which was held on Monday 27 Sep 2012 1 He conveyed the hope for the revival of Indonesian tourism, said that there is an opportunity to re-grow and develop this condition he is in spite of the drop in the number of conflict cases progress to play the game Uno said that there was a glimmer of hope in the midst of the covenant swept gini activists bisector business tourism and creative economy can foster open business continuity with the ritual, job opportunities will be opened as wide as possible on the other hand Oh yes, revealed that the percentage of the Indonesian population who have taken vaccinations shows a quite encouraging number in the recovery period as it is today. He invites business actors in the tourism and creative industries to be more

enthusiastic. Okay, soshum, there's one more Blitar draw. Hey from hey, no, it's over. Hey, the title is okay, read the real crystal.

Oh yeah, so it's like what Mr. Sandiago Uno said that with the momentum of World Tourism Day Hi or Global tourism Day, Hi, make a hope for people tourism sector players Hi tourism departments in those tourist destinations Hi excited to start opening a business destination later related to other tourism sectors Come on let's see the trend has changed a bit. Let's open up and see in the hotel sector tourist destination which will begin to open later also eh racing parekraf actors Hey wow comminution of course it's starting to prepare for the revival of the tourism world Hey so super crystal Hi this is a good hope Hi it's pretty good Hi because it's true Hi with the spirit Hi this world tourism tiger Hi isn't it only in Indonesia but all over the world Hi welcome this of course not just euphoria for this world tourism time But of course accompanied by methods in effective ways in the revival of the tourism sector and the creative economy Hi government Hi good local government as well as the central government, creates schemes or methods in starting to open tourist destinations. Come on, we also don't want that. Hey, with us opening Hi Disney destinations, is it a tour, hi ih Hi, hmmm Developments Hi from Eh, in microfinancing, the cool thing is that it has started to decline. back up if it

's opposite Hi there are many things we can do kukan Hai to rise for the sake of tourism O tuh ah ah ah Hai active role of activists tourism and also the government was urgently needed me give an example let's see that ah ah ah Hi how Let us convince society Hai Hai garden visit Hai destinations travel Hai but we also Hai have to sniff the love of the public to conduct or following its health protocols that remain Let us know that Hai to oversee or control the Hi people who come to tourist destinations not shotokaw the Hai government Hai processing or tourism activity Hai not enough Hi, the role of the community Hai Teduh is Arabized to be able to comply with Hai but there are also many who don't really understand the importance of carrying out the protocol requirements Hi on the screen of tourist areas hi hi Hai with the opening of tourist destinations Hi the supporting factors or sectors of the tourist destination will certainly be Hi come up Hi home industry ri the creative economy, home, craft industry, then the hospitality transportation sector, yes, it will all be a package that is led followed by Hi, the development of the opening of tourist destinations , of course, not all of them can be in the entire Bang Village area but only okay, he can open immediately. Hi, the consideration is that tourist attractions What can be opened is below what level Hi, because of that eh eh Hi the graphic from Hi, the distribution of content, the ending is already sloping, it's like Jakarta Christ has used one percent ah ah Hi, this is Blitar from kblm Samarinda President Joko Widodo received an award as a tourism figure in the world in global tourism awards follow is not because Indonesia soon open its tourism but as cautious handling of the conflict 19 in Indonesia is considered by the world to travel as one perdanganan mode that can be emulated by other countries Hai quoted detikfinance president Institute of world tourism forum bulukbuk C in global tourism forum highlighted the efforts of Indonesia to face the corona virus since the beginning of the institute of international tourism we have chosen leaders who contribute to encourage and inspire tourism nation this is the greatest respect for us to reveal that for the year 2012 tuh as an institution of international forums we elect Joko Widodo Indonesian president As a tourism leader, God willing, next year we will bring thousands of people physically to show this. The second Sheikh hijab C, meanwhile, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy , Sandiaga Uno, said that his party did not want to lose the moment and keep improving for the sake of revival after the worst tourism sector for almost two years lastly Hi because 34000000 of these jobs depend on income and income from the tourism sector and the creative economy. So we really take care and don't want to lose the momentum of improvement because it has more than two million businesses, sir. The creative economy

sata that has been closed through losses during the last two years, Uno Hai's rain, admitted by Hai, that over the past two weeks, his party has continued to work and coordinate with colleagues in the regions to see the conflict situation escalate and improve the tourism sector in hopes of hotels. hotels and restaurants also the shopping center will be back bergeliat yes at first as I say Hi pride us to this Hai through the President of the Republic of Indonesia yes Already Pak Cahyono or conferred become leaders er tourism figures world rap Hai grace of Pak Jokowi is not because we would open a tourism business but consider it with caution Hi there is still a lot of homework and we still have a lot of pluses and minuses that we have to do but we Sundanese start with something right in reviving the tourism sector 34000000 which depends on this sector of course we have to think about and Come on we choose ESDM, HR and also businesses, okay? ng nearly two years collapsed and many also had to close down due to not able to pay out operations nah momentum we traveled this worldwide Let us hope that we have so much hope Hai that the tourism sector can be rapidly recovered Hai and we we as activists tourism j & t Hi including Hi, those who depend on their livelihoods and income Hi in this sector can also start to feel an improvement. Let's know that Indonesia is more than 90% Hi depend on or in the webm sector Hi yard Hi magrib how to make our economy better then Hi, we really should think about and focus on so that webm Hi creative economy actors can get back to business Hi, not big companies, not other commercial sectors, but we focus on the creative economy from MSMEs then j&t Hi in the rise of the tourism world, what is it like what we have said before yes as a staff focus on local first he creates interest in creating Indonesian people's trust Hi to travel do ah ah visit tourist attractions Hi if this is indeed local we can already control it can also be done it means there is no problem Hi they Hi gradually we are opening This access for international indeed He opens this International access that is one way to accelerate the rise of tourism but the question is Are we really able to control Hi International peoples to come to Indonesia safely , both for Indonesian citizens and for foreign tourists Hi, we can do it OK, we don't have a problem with opening international access Hi but I'm more wrong, we focus on local then we go to stage 2 is for traditional communities and hello hello hi Hi security lately health in particular it's really thought right -right eh can be implemented not in the temporary term but in the long term Hey it doesn't make our volume soft Hi when we apply the rules eh okay so on Oh so as a crystal it's a sustenance update this time Hi style again happy Hai tourism day Hi worldwide Come on let's put it the hope is so great Hey again pekto tourism especially in Indonesia Hi to rise Hi with the momentum of this world travel day Come on let's hope for tourism activists to come together Hi to be able to provide an innovation Hi a certainty Hi the rise of the world of tourism Come on let's do it proud to be currently the world's Twitter leader Hi in the tourism sector in the Storm Must Pass j&t Hi happiness Hi, it's been a while for the tourism sector to meet again don't forget to like comment share and subscribe when Hi and activate the notification bell so that through it you can enjoy the best shows from crystal Indonesia channel Hi, with me, Arizal from Nia Zainal's crystal, written by amateurs Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

2021-10-05 21:24

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