Happy Endurance Hikers | 268 Trailers Hiking Sleeping Indian 9 January 2022

Happy Endurance Hikers | 268 Trailers Hiking Sleeping Indian 9 January 2022

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well hello folks once again we're off to another hike this time we're going to sleep in indian and we are going to saddle hill this time i've been to sleeping in about three times but most of the time i'm going to flat up him this time we're off to saddle hill with another groove so stay tuned and enjoy this portion of the sleeping indian so so so now the challenging part has begun oh so so so uh so so uh so you it doesn't matter how many times you come on the same trail it's always different every time mhm uh because if look as if we're going to the saddle part of the hill okay this may not be a long hike but it's up and steep also see what here what up there's where we going we're going right up there yo right up there is where we going so i'm off again so we make a right turn right about here when we get up so we can go to that other side of the hill this is my third time in the hill but this is my first time i'm going to be in southern hill every time was flat up and flat up is that that one over there that one there we've been there many times so this time we're going this way so they call these these peak sleeping indians one with a saddle and one with the flat top wow jesus if you look on the white side like something running out that's honey running out there oh soldier crab you know what it is maybe they're changing cells man all they gather up you know to change shell and so on yeah he's he lagging oh the changing shell and they have been on which you are right to the next you can get more so oh yeah you're not beautiful so beautiful here he comes it's a challenge one this morning it's a short hike but we have to climb so that's jennings part of bowlands and right around here is the jolly harbour down to mosquito cove this morning wow this is where we are folks we are right up we haven't reached up yet while some people are on the top i'm still down a bit and um as i said it's a sleeping indian chill this morning and as i pan around it is what here's what i'm viewing here's what i can see believe it or not it's a spectacular view this morning and this one is really higher than that one over here we don't fail so we finally made it and we know later resting uh um ladies is looking and the is is still trying to make its way up um i have everything served right on top you want anything better than that yes folks yes folks can't beat this view on this sunday morning let me venture a little more behind here and see what i can see got some zoombi bead right here and you know they used to call this area they used to call it jumbi hill yeah they used to call this hill jumbie hill and now i'm going a few more feet up and a different view and get a view of the not inside right into five islands harbor this is another spectacular spectacular oh yes folks the morning view on top of sleep in india yes is um you know one of my great okay folks we are still up on top of um shadow hill and i'm going right into the saddle and going down into the surgery that one okay this is the five island harbour folks foreign so um oh yes this is the hill indeed not a few look like we're gonna do some descending now oh thank you and that is prince point down there and mask it to call folks we remember them yes yep so at the end of the day wow hey get damaged buddy is foreign um oh foreign yeah oh cory has been flying up here now so you take a day yeah yeah it's a strange thing exactly look here look here some strange things i'll be helping up here again well queen you see mr mummy yeah and watch a military movie um oh what has improved hey um um yeah the bat you probably don't drop or don't push it again understand oh is don't mess up oh yes all right i'm here all right right let me see i'm gonna do this now okay guys good it's a piece of cake man so you can still wait a bit um oh legit happy new year same to you i'm still carrying the camera yeah after um oh oh is no no no no no no very careful good morning happy new year morning morning instead of you promote me your promote absolutely happy yeah david here happy new year isaac what's up we have our david in memory of remembering yes yes yes yes oh is all right take care come on turn okay well if you meet them then you know too far let's see how i do this now come a little more operating position this way this way oh you have to pass the sign it is a fancier go ahead up keep going keep going yeah keep going come okay i heard his voice uh okay maybe they're gonna come straight over i remember i was with you guys you know and i i kind of turned back because i heard voices behind and i said okay i see another group coming yeah what leave everybody don't worry about that you get a terrible wet in there up here still because i didn't get wet like that okay you like me oh um okay okay wait yes okay um you're good on to anyway there's a rope there take care all right this is like this is not really good it's really fun what what wait wait wait yeah you started you can take it off when you're climbing up you don't have to have the time no no wrist man you can take off the shoes your exactly turned my door no i want a [ __ ] yeah oh wait i dismantle you know our last night i just wanted you though no i'm never not if some kind of hiking looking oh uh oh that's cool oh oh um oh oh [ __ ] not having it for now wait are we in this farm okay is huh you know we have civilizations oh wait um foreign so we were way up there in top on top of that ridge there we were way up there for the whole morning so now we're down and some folks are going up so our trail is nearly coming to an end that's jolly harbor over there now yeah see how close we get to it oh oh oh um that's good

2022-01-15 14:58

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