Hampi 36 Ananthashayana Temple ಅನಂತಶಯನ ದೇವಾಲಯ Hosapete Vijayanagara Ancient temple Karnataka Tourism

Hampi 36 Ananthashayana Temple ಅನಂತಶಯನ ದೇವಾಲಯ Hosapete Vijayanagara Ancient temple Karnataka Tourism

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notice the area behind the garbagriha such a huge garbagrihas wall we will not find any where else in the empire here it is very different compared to other temples this one is very different nowhere else can we see such now we are at ananthashayana temple Anantha means sheeshanaga and anantha this is the name of the snakes as well as vasuki these three snakes roles are different the bed on which Vishnu sleeps that is sheshanaga we call it also as anantha vasuki during the churning of the ocean this snake Vasuki was used as the rope for churning these three snakes which are there this is there names Anantha shayana means vishnu sleeping on the three fold coil of Anatha snake hence anantha shayana temple this temple was built in 1524 by Krishnadevaraya as per a inscription Krishnadevaraya in Vijayanagar Empire during the period of krishnadevaraya many temples were constructed this too is important one this was built with special interest if we think in vijayanagara empire many of our you will find many Dravidian style gopura tall Dravidian style gopuras here Gajprasthana a very special kind that is if we compare it too all the temples we saw in hampi this is in a unique style ASI caretaker: if you want to make video go and get permission from office guide: may i know who you are? ASI caretaker: I am the night duty person Me:in ASI there is no rule which says you cannot do videography do you know that? ASI caretaker: switch off the video Me: you tell us what the rule is, let us also know the rule ASI caretaker dialing a call tell them this is a hand held camera, i do not have a stand ASI caretaker: wait wait i will make the call Me: we need a proof Me: with me is a hand held camera there is no kind of stand no actors are there with us so as per rules i should not have any problem here who told you that videography is not permitted here? ASI caretaker: from the beginning it has been such Me: tell me the name of the person who told you this ASI caretaker: department people say so Me: but there are no such rules in the department ASI caretaker: one minute i will call them and talk to them we are the employees here, we do as they say Me: they too are employees they are not the owners of this they too are employees only Me: we are the owners of this, we public are the owners of this, not them Me: tell them to follow rules they cannot cook up rules as their whims and fancies no wonder this place has not become famous because of all such cooked up rules ASI caretaker on call ASI caretaker: here some one has come, who are you? Me; My name is Sudeesh i am public, a common man ASI caretaker: here some one is making video when i stopped him, he says there is no such rule in the department will you talk to him? i do not know who he is he said i am making video i do not have a stand, i have only hand held camera he is saying this and that, talk to him Me: Hello one minute i have gone to ASI office and enquired as per their rules i went to their Bangalore office and enquired i have also written letter to your Delhi Head Office along with that i have written letter to prime minister of India the existing rules state that hand held camera without stand there is not restriction for it this is the existing rules you, yes tell me? yes here nothing as such is there if it is such then there should be a board and ok online where is it? i will purchase it online what is your name? what is your designation? ok of ASI is it? Of Archeological survey of India when i visited the Archeological survey of India office they said that if there are counters if booking is available or if ticket is available for camera then we need to buy a ticket and then use camera here there is no counter, neither is there a ticket even entry fee is not there, then what kind of procedure are you telling of then how did such rules come? ok so can i get it online? where? i will get delayed coming to Kamalapura i am going to another place i can only come after finishing that where in Kamalapura yes i know that app, if required i will purchase from it, it is no big deal i will do it now itself but as per me here it is not there because if there is no counter then that rule does not apply there ok if this which you are doing is correct then it should not cause any problem for you but i will be reporting this that when i came to this temple, although there was no counter there yet they told that we need to purchase ticket that we need to take ticket for video camera i will be reporting this, this is for information, this is not a complaint i will give this information because i too should get to know the rules as to where there is no counter, should we purchase ticket so for me to get to know this,i will report this i am telling this for your information pardon me ok, if required i will not even use handy camera, i will do it with my mobile itself yet should i take a ticket, since i have done in Vittala temple since i used mobile they did not charge me extra ticket currently i am using a handycam if you say do it using mobile, then no problem i will do it using mobile ok i can right!!! please inform your staff once ASI caretaker: ok sir Our Prime minister Modi too he has asked Archeological survey of India the same question on 13th of July 2018 this news was published this way in our protected monuments after noticing the ban of Photography and Videography prime mister Modi asked when technology allowed satellites to take pictures from far away in this era why should not tourists not come and capture photos he inquired. he expressed his opinion that restricting people from taking photographs is not right with in few hours after he saying this ASI barring three of their monuments they had permitted photography in all their monuments there after i too had written a letter to Prime minister Modi that when you mentioned about photos they allowed photos similarly if you can give a statement about videography as well even videography can be allowed from this our countries history and culture its grandeur and its significance, to make people aware of it along with that it will even boost tourism hence i had written the letter i received a reply too, in that reply it mentioned as per rules, still photographs and videography with handycams are allowed with out tripods and without actors rules here are straight forward there should be no actor and no stand and it should be a hand held camera if it is such then for photography and videography then there should be no restriction for it the camera that i used here is this as you can see for this no kind of stand it attached this is just a holder since the camera is too small i use this holder even if someone objects to me using this then i would not have argued with them i would have taken it out and i would have used just this camera if not i would have used my mobile to make the video similarly if you find people anywhere quoting rules which do not exist you can kindly write a letter directly to Prime Minister Modi the link through which you can write the letter, i will include it in the description if possible all of you write a letter this effort to hide our history needs to be stopped this is my opinion let me know your opinions too through comments now come let us go and see Ananthashayana temple anantha, vasuki, sheshanaaga these are for Vishnu are very special snakes hence always ananta means when Vishnu sleeps in his resting area the bed which is there is anantha, shayana refers to the sleeping posture padma means lotus nabi means navel the lotus that comes out of the navel, the brahma that is born out of it so ananathapadmanabha anantha shayana for the sleeping posture is known as ananthashyana the flower that comes from inside is known as Ananthapadmanabi this way vishnu is known by many names but for this temple Ananthashayana temple is a very huge temple to tell about the significance of this temple in Vijayanagar Empire is in our there are tall gopuras they are generally of dravidan style but in this temple it is in gajaprastana style in all temples there will be three or four temple but there is only one courtyard and in this courtyard there is only one grabhagriha, one mukhamantapa for such a grand one this temple too is facing north towards the east is a small gopura, mahadwara that has completely collapsed similarly here is one to the west to the east one, to the west another and one to the north facing south there is no maha dwara this here generally in all temple are the garuda stamba but here is no garuda stamba a pillar is there, it may be a deepa or lamp pillar see here is Rama why it is not here is as i have already mentioned in all temples each temple they have made it distinctly in some temples they have made garuda stamba in the form of pillars in other temples they have made such mantapas in it they install the idol of garuda third is the way they have done the chariot in Vijaya vittala temple in achutarya temple they have done a special kind of mantapa because for the king to show speciality during his period they have made such different attempts come this is Hanumantha please continue your pooje for this temple there you can see the roof is in a condition of collapse Archeological survey of India has given such a protection wall here is small gopura you may ask why is there a hanumantha statue here? what has happened to many statues is they have been changed from their original place when some gods idol was found in any location in an uncertain place keeping it near a temple is the tradition followed even now if they keep it here and there then it wont be in a condition of being worshipped so where they find a mantapa they will get it there and install it this done by the locals a symbol of their devotion but this is the garuda mantapa here too you can see these are elephants generally for decoration elephants are kept like in all other places here too they have damaged the trunks of the elephant no pooje is not there in this temple here idol is completely not there we have see various kinds of musicians but here is a different kind here the speciality is it is a small one here is a nude beauty here her dress has come off her body is totally nude notice here is the playing of the tamte musical instrument tamate here too is a nude beauty as i already mentioned in this vijayanagara empire there are number of plaster sculptures those plaster designs are done by putting plaster on the wall and on it these kind of climbers have been made notice how beautiful are the designs here generally may be there would have been statues made out of plaster since this is a vishnu temple they are the dwarapalkaru statues are not there it may have been to say so there are few mentions of it for this garbagriha there are three doorways to it one on that side, one in the middle and one that side this is ananthashayana means inside is a very big garbhagriha in that garbhgriha vishnu lying down in this posture you imagine the courtyard from there till here it is almost 100 feet wide from that part to the other part when we imagine minimum it measures approximately up to 100 feet for such a long statue lying in this position ananthashayana generally the devotees have a symbol even in those days what they have done is when having a darshana of its face area they get tejus or Brilliance when one sees vishnus face it is Brilliance from that Brilliance of vishu a man life itself may change so devotees have a darshana of the face of vishnu generally in the center is the Nabi or navel region navel means going towards development in life since the lotus which has come from the navel on top of the lotus is creator Brahma what it signifies is a man in order to grow and develop his future he has to grow through the navel he has to grow up in life he has to grow in his career, in his wisdom he has to grow to grow in all ways if they have that concept when they have the darshana of the navel they get the motivation to plan and develop their future that will be their wish lastly the leg at the end here is the feet feet means in life it sees all and achieves all after attaining everything onw needs moksha moksha is in the feet now i have sacrificed all my life to you i have done my duty towards the society or country when you feel that all i need is moksha vishnus feet darshana when had, moksha is derived people and their beliefs the over beliefs that are there in the people the devotion that people have hence as a symbol of devotion towards god hence they have done such three doors our history and mythology scholars have made this guess inside the platform is there a big platform is there, but there is no statue Me; if this idol was there, then would it have been the biggest idol? guide: for sure, such a big statues could not have been seen anywhere else it was not even possible to sell off such a big platform is there in the garghagriha here a idol was installed, to support this there is no mention of it anywhere The Anantha Padmanabha that we refer to (Thiruvananthapuram) The Ananta Padmanabha temple and this temple has been done in a similar way Here no idol was installed If there was an idol installed some pieces would have remained Since it is such a big temple The statue would have been much bigger And it would be impossible to carry it away Even if it were to be destroyed Its remains or at least few pieces would have been around But nothing as found here About this history scholars must tell us We know very little about this But historians or scholars gain some proof during the research Then that information can be passed on In Vijayanagara empire there are many temples But in many of those temples the idol are not there similarly ananthashayana would have been a huge idol in lying down posture but as i already mentioned from the face is brilliance from the navel region when seen is the achievement having darshana of the feet leads to moksha if such a huge statue was there inside were various small pitas (platforms) are there pitas or platforms later during restoration may be they were kept there or may be the ananthapadmanaba inside was small was a small idol so this the history scholars or researchers related to this may be able to throw some light as to how big would have been the idol which was inside here so the statue could have been small or big but as per our scholars and historians from the face navel and feet there was tradition of having the darshana such from 1, 2 and 3 areas hence the three doors to say this is how the statue was we have no proof or document 1,2, 3 doors this is the sanctum sanatorium when you see all this what do you think? this kind of a big platform was there Me : there are many platforms here guide: yes Me: this is the area where the statue of Ananthapadmanabha should have been approximately it cannot be less than 100 feet long this would be more than 100 feet guide: it should be 100 feet such a big gopura for it very different very true i have not seen anything like this anywhere These are the doors see here is the plaster as i already mentioned next to the temple there is one such mantapa will be there that is the utsava mantapa this is circumambulation area generally in all temple inside after taking circumambulation here they have made an attempt to make it outside this is the protection wall made by Archaeological survey of India in vijayanagara empire for the tall garbhagudi such a big wall was constructed in this temple this wall has been built against the wall of the garbhagudi such a huge and large garbhagriha in vijayanagara empire this is the one this as i mentioned earlier were used on either side of the steps this is incomplete this side carving was started this was made for the steps but for some reason it has been left behind notice this carving yashoda carrying Krishna this is narasimha, annihilating that is hiranyakahapa Guide: This is the well you showed me in the photo you showed the same well complete as per vastu if this was built then to the North there is the cooking area near those trees that is the kitchen area notice the well there this kalyani or well is a very unique shape this kind i have not seen anywhere generally till the base steps will be there here in the center it is such, from here it is a well inside it to the structure has been built was this covered in mud? it had not got covered i those days they used to use it since now a days every where there are taps, there are tanks so we have decreased the useage of these since now water comes directly to our homes, we have forgotten the water of these wells there is a snake in the water so sad it is sitting on a footwear comfortably on the footwear it is relaxing in the other temples in the gopura there will be shikara in it all statues will be very very beautiful carvings they have made there eyes, nose, the dress that they have worn the jewellery that they have worn very beautifully they have depicted but here only since statues were not made so no way they have not made any decoration here why because as i already mentioned this may have been completed or an incomplete construction to say that this was incomplete this is the proof this here is a small kalyani from there is the water in flow inflow area that is for water to come into the well this is for water to be got from other places and stored here small kalyani may have been used for pooje or temple requirements Me : this is in front of the cooking area, steps too is there to it this is the provision for water from outside to come in see this part of the garbhagriha such a big garbhagrihas wall we cannot see another one as such in Vijayanagara Empire this gopura this style and this design is not there in any other structure of Vijayanagara Empire a very unique and distinct temple in vijayanagara empire is this ananthashaayana temple we had seen near mahanavami dibba two pillars, in between they used to use it like a lathe machine same kind, as i already mentioned these are not any kind of punishment pillars when they wanted to design the pillars they used to used such for doing lathe work they have done this in all temples this is there you can see in this temple the foundation that they have put that foundation base without shaking an inch such a big wall is standing so upright for no reason they have placed one stone on top of another in between it they have not used any mud, plaster, cement or any such structure so precisely they have made the installation such a beautiful architecture is there along with that this complete wall has not even slightly come out of its alignment even a small stone does not protrude out amazing is this scientific architecture amazing architecture generally where there is a Vishnu temple there will the goddess temple next to it here next to it is this small temple Archeological survey of India used these as flooring stone this flooring stone is completely covered with grass ASI makes a square trench and excavates it Me: was this for the purpose of circumambulation? guide: around the temple they have made the flooring but in this area it has got covered with mud hence restoration is being done where ever it is built with this kind of stone those all are the restoration work This gateway is completely closed so that no one can go they have put a wall and closed it with grill the mahadwaras one side has collapsed and the gopura above has fallen too it would have been a big gopura isnt it it would have five to seven stories tall in this part of our country when a child is born if the child throws a lot of tantrums we wish for the blessings of gundappa if his blessings are there especially if children cry a lot or throw a lot of tantrum if there is regular health issues for such people there is this gundappa see the small round rocks that kind of a rock is got and that child will get it here and pooje is offered Me: where is that rock found? guide: on the river banks or in their fields they get it and install it here child crying if too much of tantrums, if repeatedly child is falling sick all that will get resolved Me: is it to be done in this temple itself or can it be done else where too? guide: it can be done in any temple, but in this area this belief has remained till date that belief and that ritual is still continuously being done Me: do they themselves come and keep it here or do they need to get the pooje done else where and then place it here if the child is unwell , cranky they make a wish and request god for blessing so them come here and keep offering pooje here then the child is taken care of in our village side Moulya activities these all are beliefs these beliefs are the symbol of their belief of god if children are crying frequently or falling sick at such times it may be due to the neglect of the family or for various other reasons the child may be falling sick at that time, towards the kid the mother and grandmothers show alot of concern at that time the mother when not able to find a solution from anyone she wishes god for solution by placing the stone here for the well begin of the child when she does that he wish is that god will protect her child when she returns home to the child, whether it is unwell or crying frequently yet due to her belief she will be able to take better take care of her self then she will be able to show more interest towards providing better and timely food to the child by doing this the childs tantrums automatically decreases it would eat well due to this when the child becomes active the mothers belief gets strengthened that her prayers have been answered so to save her belief that child will become active, well and become normal like other kids here emotions and belief when both of this join, the outcome is good hence god is our belief along with that our effort, service, wishes when both joins the output is good then the outcome is good, so this strengthens the belief, faith and hope which we place on god to come to ananathashayana temple on hospete to hampi road, 2-3 kms away from hospete on the way to hampi on the right side you will find the Ananthashayana temple you can see the sign board and follow it so to come from hampi to this temple it is 9 kms when coming from hampi toward hosapete the temple will be on the left side from hospete to hampi if you are going then it will be on the right side

2021-01-13 18:00

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