Hampi 34 Matanga Hill ಮಾತಂಗ ಪರ್ವತ Sunrise Sunset Point Veerabhadra Temple Hampi Tourism Karnataka

Hampi 34 Matanga Hill ಮಾತಂಗ ಪರ್ವತ Sunrise Sunset Point Veerabhadra Temple Hampi Tourism Karnataka

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now we are on top of Matanga hill as you can see the sun is just rising our cameraman and guide along with Manjunatha gowda, come let us see early morning we are climbing the matanga parvatha sun has not yet risen if i switch off the lights i think nothing will be visible let me try off am i visible? no you are not visible you are visible a little just a little light is there as you can see Manjunatha gowda is also there with us, say good morning to all guide: good morning welcome to all steps are slightly visible here after the climbing video is not covered, i will cover it when descending now let us directly go up and see the sun rise morning 6 am if we climb half the way then we can see Virupaksha temple such now it is 6:10 we have climbed almost 75 percent this is the view from here onwards it is rock climbing guide: like this climb cautiously now it is my turn to climb up we climbed up this way when we reach up here is a mantapa is this also a watch tower? guide: yes watch towers also here is a flat platform the have made a platform as said the view is beautiful Here is Krishna bazaar where is krishna bazar? on the left, then is Virupaksha bazar achutharaya bazar is here from there ahead is vittala bazar where is vittala bazar? guide: it is in that direction but due to mist it is not visible in better light it will be visible notice the river tungabadra still more is there to climb we are tired already since we climbed continuously here everywhere such signs boards are there indicating the way to the hill is this a mantapa or is there a temple cave is there is it? here is a cave we have come near now it is 6:15 for 6:15 we have reached here at 6:15 have we reached the top most point the sun is starting to rise people have already gathered to see the sunrise as you can see the city lights are not off as you can see the city lights are still on we are a little tired but we managed to climb within 15 minutes we managed to climb in 15 minutes due to early morning i feel that too is a factor because of which we could climb fast early morning when we climb we never feel tired morning generally we are full of energy so can climb easily we managed to climb up with two breaks this is the beautiful sun rise point there is the sunrise already colours has started that there is achutaraya temple view of the bazar that there is the Kalyani there you can see the ancient bridge there is purandara mantapa once the mist decreases then it will all be clearly visible there is anjanadri, we had climbed it Malyavantha parvatha is right opposite to us but not clearly visible due to mist on the right side is the palace area me: where is it? it is there all this is palace area that is kamalapura lake this side is the Krishnna bazar at present i cannot zoom in and show as there is too much mist once sun rises and mist clears then i will zoom everything and show Virupaksha temple Krishna temple is visible there Guide is helping others who are here to click photos time now is 6:24 am too much mist here sun will rise at 6:35 am the indication is there you will have to come from this side time now is 6:30 am at 6:30 you can see the sun is starting to rise it is just starting to rise as you can see sun rise is just starting at 6:30 time now is 6:35 am sun has come up to this level actually to see it from here it is very beautiful it is beautiful if in mobile it appears like this the direct experience the direct experience of seeing it cannot be explained or through camera also we cannot show that level of feel we have to come and experience it here we are welcoming every one to hampi welcome to hampi, enjoy hampis beauty nature heritage culture everything is just super guide: all in one place that is Hampi Me: very true 6:40 am this is how it looks My name is Rupali it has been 3 days since we came from mumbai Hampis landscape, greenery and the rock formations is unique i have not seen such anywhere, it is simply awesome spellbound sorry my Kannada has rusted hence i am using English words Matanga hill sunrise and sunset behind virupaksha temple it is just amazing it has been three days since we came to hampi minimum we need 5 days stay at hampi any visit less than 5 days is a waste Me: is this the first time you are visiting Hampi? Rupali: this is our second visit, first time we did not climb so much since kids were there along with old parents hence we had done only the temple tour so this time we made an adventurous trip with all climbs we three girls have done a road trip in our vehicle first we had been to gokarna and then from gokarna to hampi Me: thank you now time is 6:45 this is the view of 6:45 am this view is of November month this is the view from the other direction Virupaksha temple here is the Krishna temple now we are on top of matanga parvata Matanga parvatha means this is a place where Matanga rishi did tapas during the situation of Shabri awaiting Ramas arrival taking here gurus guidance shabari when going from here she waits in this place hence near the pampa sarovara the shabri cave is there on top of this mantapa in 14th 15th and 16th century it was a tradition for Kings to get temples constructed on top of hills here too they have built a veerabhadra temple a big courtyard too is there also provision was there to serve prasada to the people who visit the temple but now only pooje is being done not other religious activity is done here when we stand and see from here we get the complete view of hampi this side is the Krishna bazar or krishna market badavilinga too is visible and narasimha next to it is Narasimha and badavilinga is visible inbetween the plantation is Uddana veerabhadra inbetween the plantation is Uddana veerabhadra temple from this veerabhadra temple that uddana veerabhadra temple too is visible in Vijayanagara empire there was a provision of going from one temple to another here is Krishna bazar next to that Krishna Bazar next to it is is virupaksha bazar notice here that is krishna bazar that is virupaksha bazar from one market to another it is walkable distance it is not too far from here we can see the Kadale kalu ganesha as well Kadale kalu ganesha next to it is the hemakuta parvatha from there is the sunrise visible? guide: sunrise is not visible from there but sunset can be viewed this mountain blocks the view of sunrise from that hill from Hemakuta parvatha set is very beautiful next to it is is the virupaksha temple you can see the parking lot of Virpaksha temple Virupaksha bazar to is partially visible due to trees view is not clear from virupaksha bazar if we come via the stairs this is achutharaya bazat big market is there and next to it is the puskarani near temple there will be a kalyanai or puskarani from here we can know how large is Achutaraya bazar especially to come to this market there are two ways through the river banks near Kodandarama swamy temple and yantrodarika the other way is thorough these stairs too we can reach the place in Hampi as far as possible all temples have been built facing east but only this temple is facing North as you can seee if we go a little ahead you can see small mantapas and gopuras there is vijaya vittala temple where ? guide: there vijay vittala temple Vijaya vittala and its market as i mentioned we got to see so many markets there is the ancient bridge purandara mantapa is also visible now we can see anjanadri temple anjanadri hill the place where Hanuman was born if you see ahead there is Pattabhi rama bazar Pattabhi rama temple, and Pattabhi rama bazar after that is the pan supari bazar from there is krishna bazar, this way it is a large circle in Vijayanagar, for the market area was constructed in the form of a big circle when coming to Matanga parvatha there are three routes on is to climb to the west near by is yeduru basavanna when you come next to it there is the steps there half the steps are there and half have collapsed one is the route in between the boulder this is the route towards the south in this way there are nice steps to climb up when we climb from down then we do not reach there as we come from inside for that we need to go inbetween the fields to reach there hence not many know of this place since that is easy route in the north also there is one near achutaraya bazar from next to the bazar we can climb up that too has completely collapsed in many places in some places it is still nicely intact due to this all three places are difficult to climb at the initial part you can see from here those are the steps in front of the mantapa from that side too we can come up the area in front has all collapsed the route through which we came that is better the route through which we came 99% of the people come through that after climbing down from here we cannot figure out which way to go as there are too many bushes there this area too there are good steps but it will be difficult to get the balance you can see here the gopura of Veerabhadra swamy temple treasure hunters have already spoilt it such for all the gopuras which are here they have all ready treasure hunting in the place all the places we showed from top i have made video of all those places if you want to see those video check the description you the link to all those videos sun has risen so much since the time now is 7:35 am now we are starting our descend as we descend we can see importance of this hill and its temples Nandi is here Me: has this been placed now, or was it there since ancient times? guide: these all are of ancient times as i already mentioned earlier this is veerabhadreshwara swamy temple veerabhadra is shivas one form this is the courtyard of Sri veerabhadreshwara swamy temple we come from here thereafter we go ahead, even i too went ahead and go into the passage over there and there we go to all those places but but the steps which are here are not easily noticeable many people went that side when we were up there after seeing them wander here, we directed them to come up through these steps when you come with guide there is not problem they will directly take you to the top if you are coming on your own then you need to look out for this place to reach the top here you can see our countries waste bodies who have spoilt the place when will they all learn? god only knows this is veerabhadreshwara swamy temple there is the nandi here as well Nandi, Naga this side is the courtyard all this has been completely built on the mountain as i have already mentioned, Hampi is not just about temples or cradle of temples, here is along with mattas various religious programmes were also being done here hence here was a big ashrama of Matanga rishi along with the ashrama, in the 14th 15th and 16th century the devotees who were there charity donation distribution of prasada(food blessed by god) for such celebrations such mantapas were made these all are imaginary houses when they come to temple those who have a wish for making a house when faced with obstacles, or when it is not completed, all those to get rid of those issues and build that house starts from here it is a belief come here generally on the northern direction these all are ancient days grinding stones using it for the purpose of cooking achutaraya temple is clearly visible from here in between the wishful houses we are walking here is the water storage tank ancient times water storage tank from here too we can come up isnt it? people are coming up this route too come i will show you those steps they are nice Me: here is the mahadwara or entrance steps are neatly made here it is very difficult to come from down to up since plants have grown there, one cannot make out the right way to climb up but if guide is along then we can show you the way and make you reach the top so if old people or those who cannot climb much for them we make way and get them through these steps climbing up from here is easy there are many steps and platforms are also there it will not be that difficult through one more way we can come from near virupaksha temple near yeduru basavanna we climbed up these steps on the southern side which are there there is a road nearby that is turtha canal turtha canal is an ancient canal notice the olden mud road next to it from that mud road notice the stairs to the bridge if a small bridge is done from there we can easily come here, this is a nearby place too the bridge which was there has collapsed hence if we do another bridge and a walk way we can easily climb up from this place from inbetween the fields a mantapa of this place here too you can see how they have cut the rocks this is circular, so again we come to this place you would have seen the videos of trekking and going up now for a change we will make the video of descending achutharaya bazar view protected by Karnataka Archeology department mainly here the road is beautiful it is nice even when driving in the village roads, driving is so much fun very true my world, my people, my country Hamara bharath our India this life time will be less, there are so many responsibilities due to which now i had slowed down i want to see whole of India so much more is left to see many foreigners say that Hampi and India is very nice it is nice to hear our own country people saying our Country is nice i got inspired after many youtube vlogs Hampi, badami and vloggers like you the information that they give is very informative inspired by this i came to see the place Me: your name? Pradeep Maale from Pune she is my wife Ashwini Your name ? sudeesh kottikkal i will go and see your youtube please your experience too about Karnataka Hampi the best ting so far i like about Karnataka is the roads even the smallest of the roads which connect one village to another i enjoyed driving so much i came in my avenger 220 bike with my wife people are also nice whom every i met they helped a lot from the hotel people to the even the sweepers they were also spoke very nicely even the tea serving person Me: did you face any language problem people speak little hindi or english some people dont know either, one lady we met she could not understand what we were saying she was speaking in kannada and we were speaking in marathi and hindi yet the emotions that we could understand of each other we liked it a lot thank you, good luck was this built now? no these are built in ancient times all these are ancient ones it all fell off who will pick up such heavy things even to keep it properly no one will come seriously no one will come forget about making new no one even comes to repair it in our place the shivaji kings place is there even its condition is such then group of people come together and clean it at least people coming here are throwing waste in the place above the names which have been written that was not done by locals it is done by those who came from out side oh this is also there guide making noise guide is checking if leopard is there inside if you make such noise can you make out? guide- yes we can make out guide making noise bear and leopards may be inside yes hence we just cover from here in olden days may be rishi munis were there i guess guide: inside there is a shivalinga Me:we not going inside since just few days ago there was incident of leopard attack due to it we are being cautious that is why we are not going inside if not we could have gone inside and see here we need to walk carefully due to morning mist it is a little moist and slippery the rocks and boulder hence here we need to walk carefully that is the one more way from the north as i mentioned earlier yes those steps are visible from here if coming from Achutaraya bazar side, notice that mantapa there through that we can come when making the video while descending i feel the view we are able to see more nicely these stones are of ancient times they have made these markings it is best not to cross over it because by mistake if you slip you can see how deep it is be cautious it is best not to go towards the sides again guide is helping to click the photos we went to achutaraya temple through this same place we trekked like this and went there from here you can see the trekking trail this is way to achutaraya temple for all this we have requested the department notice the holes here a protection wall will come here because when you come with guide you are safe when you come without guide it will be difficult there is chances of slipping since it is steep we can go like this it will be safer here too there is the hole there fence will be put up as you can see here it is steep here hence we need to come carefully, oh there too is another way through which they came if not that, here is another way will have to go climbing like this it is safe but we need to come bending down so those afraid of height can come from this way here too we need to climb down carefully watch tower and next to the watch tower is a water storage tank but holes are there in it this tank here in those days they used to store drinking water in it in summer when water was not available on the mountain notice the small holes they have made when they wanted water if they opened the holes water would flow out thereafter they would close it it is difficult to take out from top hence this provision in those days they used to apply so many ideas from there they used to keep it stopped from here they would take and block it again Virupaksha temple and virupaksha bazar you can see there see how big it is from here till yeduru basaravanna mantapa all this is Virupaksha bazar isnt it? all this is virupaksha bazar there is a hampi train it seems our guide has stopped it for us to make a video of this is Hampi express from mysore to hampi is this train this will take you direct virupaksha temple here we find many of these see it is so big from mumbai to hampi is howrah express mysore to hampi is hampi express this is a big train Me: looks like it is a non stop train? guide: yes non stop train Me: like us it too is trekking you can see here guide: here such deep steps are tehre if we find it difficult then we need to sit and then get down always be towards the edge on the left do not go to the right on to the left we need to go from the side if you come climbing down like this till here there are two types of steps here the steps continue on the boulders or this way they have joined other stones and made steps to climb up it is not so difficult as you can see all places these kind of they have gathered and have made it possible to climb or in places where they could not stack like this there they have cut the boulders and make like steps for us to climb up or down there is not much problem we have to be a little careful when climbing up or down at every place we get to see such beautiful view is it a cave? there is a cave here and there is a pita or seat too in it guide: ganesha is here Me: will there be anything inside let us not go further inside now yes ganesha is here pita is there and next to it is the ganesha it has been painted this is the way through which we climbed down those rocks are quite different in each of these places where it is difficult they have carved such steps every place they have carved such steps coming alone here is not a good idea isnt it? guide: best and safe is to come with the guide me: if not they have to come as a group is it due to the lockdown that people are less around these places? if not do many people come here? can we see the sunset from here from both matanga parvatha and anjanadri betta both sunrise and sunset can be seen this the way to climb up here it is a little too steep after climbing a little it will be steep such previously it was all well placed now it has become a little disbalanced climbing up from here will be a little difficult from here you can climb up easily our manjunatha gowda is trying for another fruit he is tasting it these all are wild seasonal fruits these are very sweet try it Me: i am trying it he is removing it peel and giving it this is not at all sour, it is very nice Me: not many birds can be seen? due to cold season in winters they come out late notice the marks when any survey is done a number is allotted to it during british rule and prior to that all this was made as certain areas these are the marks made for it from here around the area how many acers, farms are there that that is the marking for the survey Me: where does this road lead to guide: it goes to the ashrama , as i already mentioned it is the route which goes to the north if we come from south climb down if we climb towards left we will get the southern route that is a little difficult route after climbing a little if you find the way then it is a easy route This route is of medium difficulty right? marking like this can be seen at all places This way we climbed up There also you see the marking "way to hill" Tourists who come here if they leave such garbage here plastic waste if they have little concern about environment they need to take little responsibility there won't be any waste here From all over the place people come here if they leave garbage like this our place will become dirty If our tourist take care of this one thing it will be really nice rest everything we take care If we stop habit of throwing waste around.. Guide: All that I want to say is if every tourist as much interest they show towards travel if they show similar interest in maintaining cleanliness there is no greater contribution to our nation this is the most significant thing that we require where ever they travel do not throw waste is the first action if the dispose with little responsibility our country's cleanliness can be maintained We being guides, we work as volunteers as well yes as volunteers we try to clean as much as possible weekly or fortnightly we cannot clean everywhere whatever we can grab we pick it up Swach Bharath Swach Hampi (Clean India Clean Hampi) Goudru is cleaning as much as possible waste packet is being used here see waste is being used here Nandi has got disfigured As i told earlier Vijayanagare empire had not only temples but also Matta Dhakhina Kashi Peeta Hampi Bukka sadara Matta Here the head of the Matta every here during festival they distribute prasada (food blessed by God) provision for their stay also creating awareness about Dharma and its protection which happens here regularly Me: where do they sit? Oh that's the matta Well he be there all the time? Guide: No. Here only the devotees will be there nearby there is a place called Bukka sadara from there he come once in a while during dasara festival or during fair and festival celebrations prasada distribution is done This visible from here this is where Matanga Rishi Muni was there Now head of the matta and devotees come here here too they distribute prasada and hold other programs also once a year Matanga Rishi's birth anniversary is celebrated here there you can see the matta here they distribute prasada it is held regularly as I told earlier here along with temples there were many mattas their service is done even today, regularly Me: we came down from there we almost reached near vehicle parking area Ediru Basavanna is over there see the sign boards Guide: Namsthe Guruji Sri Matanga Maharshi ashrama is over here swamiji sitting here Me: Namasthe Guide: We had been to see the sunrise Me: How many of you are there Oh you are alone That is the matta right? Guide: here guruji stays here always for the devotees who visit here he distributes prasada also makes all kinds of provisions for them Me: Here water facility is available very near to vehicle parking We started our trekking from here we have to do only so much if we have any waste we must bring it and put it in dustbin Guide: work is over I would like to tell one thing every Indian citizen's responsibility is to bring back all the waste taken by them and put it in a dust bin also try to get back other waste if possible me as a responsible guide I keep doing this if all Indian do this our dream of achieving Swach Bharath can be achieved without any waste i am making a request our country is a clean country when we carry it and go it will be very heavy when getting it back it will be empty the ones that are empty are light yet they discard it there but that which is heavy they tend to carry it although it is heavy you carry it, so after its empty as far as possible get it back and maintain cleanliness

2021-01-10 08:54

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