Hampi 25 Malyavanta Parvatha Raghunatha Temple ಮಲ್ಯವಂತ ರಘುನಾಥ Sun rise sun set Hampi tourism

Hampi 25 Malyavanta Parvatha Raghunatha Temple ಮಲ್ಯವಂತ ರಘುನಾಥ  Sun rise sun set Hampi tourism

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now we are on top of Malyavantha parvatha next to it you can see Raghunatha temple we have climbed up here mainly to see the sun rise from malyavanta parvatha not just the sunrise in this video the sunset view is also there from now on in few videos vjendra babu may not be seen because he has to join back to work so vijendra had to return i am continuing here now with Manjunatha gowda along with sun rise this temple and this hills significance come let us see we are on top of Malyavanta parvatha we have reached before sunrise to see the sunrise sun is just starting to rise few more people have come to see the sunrise too but now due to presence of mist we sill not be able to see the sunrise immediately in this season once sunrises and after sometime only then it will be visible to us hence we are waiting for it the view from here at this time is absolutely amazing you can see the sun is rising now, what is the time now? 6:45am by 6:38 it was visible to us due to presence of mist we are on Malyavanta parvatha near Raghunatha temple there a beautiful sunrise viewing point in Hampi here there are three popular places to view the sunrise from on is Malyavanta Raghunatha parvatha second is Matanga parvatha third is aanjanadri parvatha in these three mountains the sunrise appears so beautiful compared to all places here i feel this place gives the best happiness this is facing east here the sunrises but in between these mountains when the sun rises when kids draw picture of sunrise so beautifully it appears from here along with that the greenery around here the banana fields, sugarcane field paddy fields the sunrise between all this looks magnificent this sunrise in the east if we come a little behind as i had mentioned early Malyavanta parvatha Raghunatha temple this in Ramayana there are five mountains one one is Matanga parvatha this is the place where Matanga rishi muni did meditation second is anjanadri parvatha the place where Hanumantha was born third is Gandamadhava parvatha one more is rishi mukha parvatha five of these temples are mentioned but inside this beautiful temple every where you can see the picture of Rama, lakshmana and sita in standing posture the statues is there but in this temple Rama, lakshmana and sita are in seated posture sitting in meditative posture beautiful statues are there in this temple continuous pooje is being done 24 hrs, 365 days the place where complete ramayana happens the statue in the garbhagriha that idol was not subjected to any attack along with that the temples around the main temple also are not damaged in certain areas of the temple little damages have happened since then to now continuously pooje is being done here the idol in no way was under any attack, hence no damage due to the idol not being damaged continuous pooje is being done so 24 hrs, 365 days the place where complete ramayana happens here all the statues which are intact for it all pooje is being done where statue were installed there attack has happened where the statues have not been installed there, there has been no attack we have to climb down from here Manjunatha gowda will lead us the way forward to view the sunrise there are various points we can even stand there and see the sunrise many more locations are also there we can stand there and see in season many people come here is it? due to lockdown the crowd is limited we too wanted this without much people around we got to see a silent sunrise now with Manjunatha gowda let us go down and see here we will have to bend down a lot and come so much we have to bend down and then come as i mentioned earlier in the temple where idols are not there those temples without idols to find out which temple it was we have these dwarapalakas among these dwarapalakas where there is chakra and shanka gadhe will be there and in standing posture if the statue is there they are jaya and vijaya even here see the shanka and chakra thorugh these two we can conclude that this was a vishnu temple and the gadhe i will give you a small information about this Malyavantha temple this temple there Rama lakshmana sita together along with Hanumantha one ramayana situation is when rama and lakshmana came searching for sita in southern India at that time between Rama and Sugriva there is a agreement Rama after killing Vali after coronation of Sugriva along with help of sugriva and hanumantha the search for sita starts from here at that time it was rainy season the activity of searching for sita will not be possible as since rivers and lakes are full and this may cause harm to our people hence after the lapse of these four months let us start the activity of searching for sita when this was suggested then for those four months Rama Lakshmana resided here in this place on top of this mountain a big cave was there, it is said that they stayed in it but in 14th and 15th century under the guidance of the guru the king got the temple constructed till date continuously pooje is being done that over there the boulder and on top of it is a gopura that is the garbhagriha above the boulder on top of that boulder is the carving of Rama,lakshmana , sita and hanumantha the integral statues are there inside this one temple there is the sabha mantapa, then the devi temple continuous pooje is done there kitchen come let us go in and see here are shivalingas pancha shivalingas Me: will have to bend and come inside Me; why have they kept so many stones such? so many stones one above the other Guide: these all stone that have been place one above the other are wishful home generally if someone wants to build a house there will be some problem which they will face after starting of construction due to some issue it may get stopped for such house whose work has been stopped in order for it to continue, this way they come here and they build these homes here there after within a year the house construction gets completed without any obstacles these are those wish fulfilling homes Me: this is a mantapa when it was dark we climbed up this when you climb up it is better if you have light and climb carefully inside here is hanumanthas temple it is locked due to the shadow it is not clearly visible via vehicle we can come up to this point will have to park the vehicle here and climb up this way there is a marking of Hanuman next to it is the way through which we can climb till the top now we at the Malyavanta Raghunatha Parvatha we are at the main entrance of the Raghunatha temple this gopura is facing east it is built in Dravidian style architecture and has three stories this whole part has been renovated this area the wall (Prayer chanting) for every gopura to climb up such steps are there (prayer chants) this temple is completely built as per vastu east facing gopura kitchen facing the east that is the south facing gopura next it was the sabha mantapa or the conference hall Rama means Vishnu Vishnus vehicle garuda stamba it is known as garuda stamba or garuda gamba there is a statue as well as the wings ahead here is the praasada peeta or bali peeta here the uniqueness notice the statues of Rama,Sita,lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrugna and hanumantha beautiful arch Me:this all was built later on is it? guide: yes this all was built later on remove your footwear hear let us go inside let us do the darshana of the statue in the garbhagriha and then proceed (prayer chanting) this is dheeragadanda namaskara a tradition of doing astanga namaskara going (Prayer chanting) here continuously Rama devotees integral ramayana 24 hrs since many years is continuously going on after every one hour both those reading the lesson change when both of them change other two come and continue it so continuously 24 hrs 365 days a week for many years this has been going on this is integral ramayana (prayer chanting) this is our India country map in this map Rama was born in Aayodhya when Rama Lakshmana sita when they started their exile here at panchavati they lose sita when they come searching for sita in Karnataka is the Kishkinda empire in this kingdom Rama came and killed vali along with the help of Sugriva and Hanumantha via rameshwaram to srilanka they build the Ramasethu where all the star markings are there, those are the path through which Rama had walked in all the temples there are five mantapas are there Ranga mantapa, mukha mantapa,antharala, Shukanasi, garbhagriha even the idol inside is amazing seated Rama Lakshmana Sita and hanumantha Jai Sri Ram Rama lakshmana sita and hanumantha very beautiful statues statues made of single stone from above the boulder that we saw that boulder above and below completely they have carved it everything including the arch generally after we do darshana to circumambulate is our tradition generally in all temples the circumambulate path will be on the outer side of the temple but here they have made it inside after darshana the power element should be with the person continuously to teach this to the people for this reason they have made this inside in the three rounds we get positive, negative and positive for positive negative and then again to get positive three rounds are taken also in those days there was no light for purpose of natural light they have made small holes through those small holes the light comes in if more light is required in this passage they would let water flow when that light gets reflected then there will be a lot of light so such a technology they have made for the purpose of light later on they have made provisions for keeping the lamp and stick with fire this is the circumambulation path as i mentioned earlier the statue which they have carved the idol in the garbhagraha on this boulder notice this since it is carved on this boulder hence we can see such a beautiful statue in the front generally everywhere there is the statue of Rama Lakshmana and Sita standing statue but here they are in seated posture that is a speciality come carefully there is a step there the complete statue has been carved on this boulder gopura in tretha yuga this is a forest on top of the mountain was a cave inside that cave was the place where Rama had resided that in 14th century as per gurus guidance King got this temple complex built generally where there are temples there next to the temple steps these kind of elephants are there decorative elephants have been made on one side there will be nice carvings on other side it will be plain the trunks are all spoilt all these are spoilt this gopura facing the south generally is not found in other places here the speciality is where the dwarapalakas are there the plaster statues are there everything is completely spoilt in some places the plaster is intact but due to the blackness it is not possible to identify which are hey the five storied gopura south facing gopura sabhamantapa come let us go inside it beautiful pictures are there in it we have already seen in Vijaya Vittala temple there when the horse traders in order sell their horse there they paying the tax Arab and Persian traders similar kind these all are horse traders foreigners all horse traders they after horses are ready showing it this they showing to the king here in all pillars Vishnu Hanumantha garuda Krishna Bala krishna, dancers se here conch blowers Krishna when all gopikas were having a bath he took their clothes and standing on the tree this is a devotee here is bala krishna this is garuda Hanumantha these are the dancers conch blowers that is krishna this raised platform here is the sabha mantapa in those days if they had to discuss something related to temple or kingdom they used to have a gathering here the religious celebrations which are going on now this is the place where all this is held notice the roof above its is beautiful and intact till date, no restoration work has been done all these that you are seeing are original structures but in the entire temple this one unique carving this is in yoga posture there is a seated one person seated on his head is another person with in head pointing downward single head when held upside down so much appears like a person when look at this portion this appears like a different person two in one one head on two bodies in vijaya vitalla temple the clear musical pillars are there here similar kind of pillars are there but although it is not very exact, yet they have tried to do it like it as you can see here in ancient times daily the water used for pooje was drawn from this well in this well there is water always in summer and rainy season water will be there the iron wheel is there with help of the wheel the water is drawn and till date we are using it even now we are using this water where there is vishnu temple there will be lakshmi temple here inside is the lakshmi temple it is locked inside, pooje is done here in the morning and evening these all are plaster carvings it has all fallen above this boulder of the garbhagraha on top of that boulder the gopura has been built where there is garbhagraha there will be a small gopura garbhagraha gopura completely wall has been built this is a complete wall notice there are snake, fish crocodile all these these are point towards the direction of water to show the direction of water some places we see the arrow marks in those times it was fish tortoise, snakes these all were used from here we are going out now such symbols they have carved even on the outer walls the way through which we came out is there this here this is known as Patakshila Patakshila also known as lakshmana thirtha generally where Rama and Lakshmana were residing atop a mountain in their place of residence, one day Rama was thirsty the when he told his younger brother to get him water lakshmana comes and searches everywhere on top of the mountain he find no water hence lakshmana in order to quench his brothers thirst from his bow shoots an arrow due to which this boulder was cracked hence this is known as Patakshila continuously even in summer if you come you will find water here but Rama everyday used to pray to shiva because Ravana was a shiva devotee so when he has to kill Ravana Shivas blessings and he will require his assistance for that sole reason he used to do tapas for Shiva at this place Nandi too is here Shiva linga and nandi this is known as Patakshila or Lakshmana thirta Sivas temple this is locked this here beautiful view Hampi these small mantapas on top of the mountains are watch towers watch towers similarly one is there but due to mist it is not visible there is one on the mountain, another there notice the wall in front that is the palace area gajashale next to it is the palace area there is the entrance there maha dwara very beautiful place here you can view beautiful sunset too here shivalinga is there on the boulder, similarly olden days method is there to break the stone that boulder there that is the exact measurement for pillar for that pillar after making small hole and in it they put dried wood and every hour once when hot water is poured into it that after lapse of 8 hrs that wood keeps expanding when it expands then that stone continues to crack this is one method of olden days there is one more technique as well the hammer and chisel after making small holes at a time when one shot is hit then the stone cracks in ancient days these were the methods even now similar methods are being used come little ahead that over there that is the balancing rock that one small rock is balancing the three other rocks come let us go there and see come yes here completely this one stone it is holding there is a small balance see how beautiful and one stone here is this kept such no these all are naturally formed, none of these are made all are naturally formed, gifts of nature see here such a small balance on this it is standing see here even from here only so much it is a beautiful balancing rock even there it has only rested so little these are wild fruits generally it bears the fruits after the rains this is known as Caarehannu or Kavadehannu try it it is so tasty and very sweet it is a little sour too this when we were small we used to go in search of it see wild fruits i am tasting it sour ans sweet both mixed its very tasty licka birds are more here see here this is special the bee can you see to consume these fruits various coloured bees it was clear the set of fruits given now are very sweet it seems i am trying it in this sour is less and sweet is more generally when we go to any temple there will be such a mantapa that is known as gali gopura these pillars were destroyed this was restored by Arch beautifully they have made it gopura is made using plaster very neatly it is done again we have come to the same mountain in the evening from Malyavanta parvatha not just the sunrise sunset too we can see

2020-12-19 03:35

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