Hammock Gear WanderLuxe Complete Kit for Hammock Camping Review

Hammock Gear WanderLuxe Complete Kit for Hammock Camping Review

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Hi this is adventure, allen, here, and i'm excited here to talk to you about our review, of the hammock gear, wonder, lux. Ultra light hammock, setup, and again that's wonderlux. Luxe. At the end as opposed to their. Less expensive, and slightly. Heavier. Wonderlust. Kit l-u-s-t. And. Before i jump into this review i just want to tell you that i was guiding in this exact, hammock, setup in west virginia. Last, week, and i got my best, night's, sleep. Ever. Not at home. Anywhere. In, this hammock, i've been doing the beta testing, with fitbit. Um since its inception, two years ago tracking, my sleep scores. And i got the best single night sleep. And the best average, week sleep, in this hammock. I was guiding. It was cold. It was raining. Guys go to bed, after the clients they get up early in the morning and i still got a better night's sleep, than on my custom, latex, mattress, so. Just dispel, the myths about hammock, camping, being. Any less comfortable, than sleeping in a tent it's actually better comfortable. More comfortable. Anyway. So let's talk about the, hammock gear. Wonderlux. Complete, kit, for hammock camping. It is the, lightest. Ultralight. Hammock, setup the complete, kit, on, the market. Again it's more comfortable. Than a tent. It's it's easier to set up and with with, a hammer kit you get a lot more places, to camp. Than you would with a tent. So i'm pretty stoked, on this. Again i'm, a guide i can take any piece of gear i wanted to the back country, it's it's my business. And, this is the hammock, kit. That i chose to take guiding. In, rain and colder, temperatures. In west virginia a couple weeks ago and it's a hammock that i will continue, to use. So what exactly. Is, the, hammock, gear, wander. Lux. Ultralight. Kit. Well first of all it's the lightest. Hammock, setup and we're talking about that the hammock. The tarp, the suspension, that hangs it to the trees. Everything you need to stake it out. It's the lightest, kit, on the market. And. The other thing is obviously. It's it's lighter. Slightly, lighter and slightly, less expensive, than a cult, calm. Comparable, ultra light. Backpacking. Tent setup with what you would need to set it up so you're not sacrificing. Anything in weight. But as you, you heard earlier. The hammock, is far. More, comfortable. And in fact. On east coast. Or any place where there's lots of trees. You get, more places. To camp, in a hammock because anywhere, time you've got two trees here. That are about the right length apart, and there's a bunch of them anywhere from about 11 to, 16, feet. Boom your hammock goes up it doesn't matter, if you have rocky ground underneath, you it doesn't matter if you've got a stream flowing underneath, you can still. Sleep, in this hammock, as comfortably. As. As anywhere. Else. So. When i'm, guiding in west virginia, or even camping in the rockies where there are trees. This is the setup, that i use. And, i get a great night's sleep, every time, so let's run through some. Key, points. About this hammock. First of all this setup. At, just two pounds, is the, lightest complete, hammock, setup, on the market. But what's probably, even more important is it's super simple to set up. All the components, have been selected, for you, you don't have to worry about mix and matching, stuff, you don't have to worry about whoopi hook suspensions. You don't have to worry about. Tent stakes like everything, is here for you. It's all, super thought out um. And. Something that's incredibly great is this knotless. Setup. Um, so everything, on this hammock you don't need to know how to tie any sort of special, knots.

Um If you walk over to here. You'll see that i just i just looped this daisy, chain around the tree. And clipped the hammock in with the carabiner, we'll show you more in the setup, later. The same for the tarp, there's just a little clip here. You. Hook it you clip it through that clip you adjust this tensioning, cord. Again, no knots. Everything's, zippered. So it's super, super, easy to set up. It's designed. For. A first timer. But even an expert, like me who's been hammock camping for quite a while. Really. Appreciates. The thoughtfulness. And the ease of use. Of setting up this hammock. Okay so let's go through the the key features this hammock. Dive a little more deep into it. First of all. This is an 11, foot hammock. And. An 11 foot hammock, is. More comfortable. Than, a 9 or 10 foot hammock, and a lot of hammock manufacturers. To save weight. Go to a 9 or 10 foot hammock. But it's not as comfortable, so this is the full comfortable, length. This is a 1.6. Ounce nylon, so it's a very, strong. Durable, fabric. So there's no skimping, here. Again other, manufacturers. Like to use a one or 1.1, ounce fabric. That's not as strong it's not as durable, and it actually adds some stretch. Into the fabric making it seem less firm and most people find that. Less comfortable. And then. There is a 200. Pound weight limit, for that 1.1. Ounce fabric i would never want to get close to that. This has over a 300, pound, weight limit. So i feel much more comfortable, with this. Again. This comes. With, a. Dyneema. Composite. Fabric, tarp or dcf. That is the rolls-royce. Deluxe, fabric for tarps. It's super, light. And it has the advantage. Over the sill nylon which is the standard, tarp. It's also. Much stiffer. It doesn't stretch as much. So overnight when it gets wet you don't have to get out and like retention, your guy lines. And, then it doesn't absorb, water so when you get an up and pack up in the morning, this thing isn't soaked with a lot of extra water weight, and again this is a very, expensive. Piece of equipment. And it's pretty cool that hammock gear, is. Including, this with the kit. And again, um, if we look through here. Everything, is a simple to use knotless. Setup. Everything's, color-coded. The tarp. Guy line is green. The. Tie-outs, for the tarp by the way i have the tarp folded, over back here i'll flip it over but you know the tie outs for the corners of the tarp are orange. The head under the hammock, has, a yellow. Carabiner, on it, the foot end has a black carabiner. So, everything, is super simple. And easy use to set up. And then finally, because, people, really really, don't like bugs. This comes with a complete, full bug net. And the bug net. I have it used on both sides but. It unzips. On both sides so you can get in or out of either side of the hammock. This is a symmetrical, hammock so it doesn't matter which way. You lie in it. And. You know you can open it up from this side or the other side. Or, you can open up for a bit of ventilation, when bugs aren't around i just usually just. Throw it over the back like this and and sort of keep it out of my way. And one last thing which you know people think well you know hammock camping, is is heavy and it's expensive. And. Um. This setup that you're looking, here. Is actually, slightly, lighter. And slightly, less expensive. Than a comparable. Ultra light setup, and the comparison, we're using here. Is a big agnes, copper spur. A thermal rest.

Neo, Air x light. And, then the standard, rei, co-op. Igneous, 25, sleeping, bag. The sleeping bag will come into comparison, when we talk about, the the insulated, version of this. But that essentially, the combination. Of everything you would need to sleep. Is this is actually slighter and, add less expensive. But you get that great night's sleep in the hammock. Oh by the way i forgot to mention a couple things um, first of all. If you are thinking about, buying the hammock, your wonderlust. Or wanderlust. Hammocks. Please go ahead, and, click. On, the link in the comment, section below, i will get a small percentage, of the sale which helps, support, my website. Also we have a written, review. Of the, wonderlux. Which will have, some more details, and some people like just to see stuff written down so they can take it in. And the link to that written review will also be in the comments, section. So, go ahead and click that link and you can get. All the details, in case you didn't remember everything i said in this video. So let's get down to. The facts let's talk about, um. What it would cost for this. This setup, which again is the hammock, gear wanderlux. Luxe. Ultra light. Kit, for hammock, camping, or, as we like to call it maybe hammock, tent camping. This is. 399. Dollars. That is a 15. Discount. Over, buying, these components, separately. And. Again the weight, is. Just a smidge, over 2 pounds, for for everything, you see here. All the suspension. The tarp, the stakes, everything, you need. To set this thing up and use it. And now we're going to talk about. Um. There's another, option which i find even more exciting which with for hammock. We have what you call insulation. You have the, the top quilt. Which. Is the same as a sleeping bag for tent camping and then you have the bottom quilt which goes underneath. The hammock, which is the same as your. Insulated, ground pad for sleeping, it insulates, you from the air underneath the hammock. And. That. Premium, option with this premium, insulation. Is. 799. Dollars. And, that's, at a 20. Discount. Over separates. And again, if you're looking at a high-end, ultra light tent setup which we talked about earlier. That tents out of is actually, slightly. More, money. And slightly, heavier, than the hammocks, so you're not giving up any ground there. Okay so let's take a look at the, insulation. Option, and again, i mean if you had a sleeping, pad and a sleeping bag you could make it work. With this but the insulation. Option is more sophisticated. And if you're serious about hammock camping. You'll probably end up using it so. Reaching, into, my backpack. Here. I am pulling, out. One of the pieces of insulation. And, this is, the top quilt. This is the hammock, gear. Premium burrow. It is with the 850, fill power down and the lighter fabric. And that just lays down, in your hammock like this. And put it in here. And it's a it's a quilt. Talk about that more and now i'm going to. Drop down into. Here. And. Pull, out. The under quilt and again i've. I've color-coded, these so i know which is which the green is for the underquilt. And again. In keeping, with the simplicity. Um there, this clips onto the hammock. But one the white end goes on the head end here so. I have a white. White clip. Right here. And so i'm going to run that up and i just clip it right. Right above. The hammock, there. And then i grab the end and notice it's not going to touch the ground. And i grab this the black end of it. And i clip it over the end of the hammock here. And then we just, pick this up. Plop it up into the under. Quilt. And voila. We. Have. Warmth. And one of the nice things about this is the underquilt, is perfectly, fitted. To this hammock so there's no gaps there's no cold spots and i'm actually just going to jump in this thing and. Show you how. Lovely and easy it is just get down here. Pop my shoes off. Um. Push the quilt out of the way bit here. Stick my. Feet into the foot box. Grab the sides of the hammock, give myself a little scoop back here. Tuck this over my. Head. And i am oh so warm and comfortable. I am. Snugger, than a bug in a rug. As you can see. In this hammock, um. That's really. Wrecked havoc on my lab mic. I, i'm in a diagonal, lie my. Head and shoulders, are off to the left my feet are on to the right.

And This gets me out of that banana, shape on a hammock so this is pretty much. I'm pretty much lying horizontally. In the hammock. Which is where that 11, foot, really comes to help. Anyway now you have it this is the complete. Kit with insulation. The. Premium. Burrow. And the premium. Incubator. Under quilt the top and under quilt. So you're probably, wondering. What happens when it rains, well you know i when it's not raining, i like to either not have the tarp up. Or a lot of times i just like to set it up here on the slide away from where i get in and out of the hammock. And it's super. Ready to deploy, let's just say in the middle of the night it like starts raining. I can just hop out, i've got this guy line here. Pull the tarp over. Stake it out to that stake there like that. Come over. Get the tarp from the other. Side. And. Stake it out over here. And ba-boom. I have a protective, campsite, i'd probably bring my stove, and water bottle and backpack, underneath, it, but it's super easy for me to get in and out. Of the hammock. Just walk over here i could pretty much stand up in here. And walk inside. And. Sit down, i could, i raining, i could cook breakfast, in here with my stove, and everything, protected, i can pack up everything. And the last thing i do is just pull the. Tarp off the tree but i can pack up everything in my pack without ever and it's a lot airier, and roomier, than a tent and i've got this beautiful. Bench seat, built in here. It's awesome, every time i'm camping in the rain with clients, and they're. Stuck in their tents sort of horizontal, and they see me. Like happily. Cooking, breakfast. Or. Having my coffee, sitting down here like this there's there's a lot of looks of envy. Let's go ahead, and, and close this out you're probably wondering, i said it was the lightest. Complete hammock set on the markets, you're probably wondering, what what is that compared. To. Um. Well first of all um. The most direct com, competition. Is the hammock year wanderlust. Which is their less expensive, kit, it's actually the same hammock, body. But, they use the, less expensive, sill nylon. Tarp. And again, that's, half a pound heavier with a few hardware, things. But it's. It's 170. Dollars, less, so. You're paying. A, premium, for this. Dyneema, composite. Tarp. But it does have some source advantages. Both in performance. And and weight savings. Looking at other wear, manufacturers. The, dutch wear chameleon, hammock. Package, comes to mind. In the 1.6. Ounce, fabric and adding, stakes. It's. Three quarters, of a pound, heavier, than this setup. But it's 55. Less so approximately. The same price, but, but three quarters of a pound heavier. Again that makes the. Wonder. Lux look pretty attractive.

And Then if you look at the, kamik. Mantis. Ul, hammock. And that's the one that would be available, from, from rei. It is a similar, weight. But you have to be careful, because this is the hammock that is cutting, like all the corners. That's a 1.1. Ounce fabric, it's not the stronger, more durable, 1.6. Ounce fabric. It is a shorter, 10-foot, hammock. So not quite as comfortable, not the ability, to get in as much of a flat, diagonal. Lie. As this hammock. And it uses a narrower, tarp. With considerably. Less coverage, and. I can tell you from camping in the rain having a big tarp with a lot of coverage. Is definitely, the way to go and make you. A, happy hammock, camper. And then finally. Both the dutch were hammocks. And, the kamik, manta cul. Do not, offer, a discounted. Insulation. Bundle. So. You with. The. Hammock, you can buy separates. Top and bottom quilts from enlightened equipment or hammock gear. To go with the dutch or hammock, but you're not getting any discounts, on that. The. Kamik, does offer, top and bottom quilts for the hammocks. But again you're not getting any you're not getting that 20. Discount, like you get with hammock gear. So. That kind of closes things out in terms of what you're looking at for the competition, to close things out. As you kind of figured out the wonder. Lust, which is hammock gears. Tear down from this is clearly, the best. Hammock kit deal on the market. It's, it's only a half a pound heavier. It's 170. Less than this. This is you know the the premium version, this is. If not the rolls-royce. Version, it's at least the. The bmw. Or mercedes, sedan, version of a hammock, setup. And most people will probably go for the, wander, lust which is more like the toyota, camry. But, if you want to go very light, and still get a pretty damn good deal. Then this is definitely, the way to go and again. This this wonderlux. Is. I get the best night's sleep i've ever gotten in the backcountry, in this hammock. It's light i give up nothing, to tent camping, in terms of weight and cost. But i'm more comfortable, and have all the benefits, of hammock camping. So i'm pretty stoked, on this. Again i'm, a guide i can take any piece of gear i wanted to the back country, it's it's my business. And, this is the hammock, kit. That i chose, to take guiding. In. Rain and colder temperatures. In west virginia a couple weeks ago and it's a hammock that i will continue, to use. So this is adventure, allen. Getting close to signing out here. If you like this video and found it useful please go ahead and like it. Please go ahead and, follow my youtube, channel. Please. Click that bell so you get notified, of all the great new content, that we're coming out with we're going to do a big fish in the fall here to get out a lot of video content we'd love to have you on board with us. And until, then. This is adventure. Allen. Signing. Out.

2020-11-27 01:55

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