Hammock Camping in Gatineau Park (backpacking)

Hammock Camping in Gatineau Park (backpacking)

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so today i'm hiking into the beautiful gatineau  park to try hammock camping for the first time   it turned out to be quite the trip  i had a surprise bear encounter   i saw a few deer and i was even chased by a  skunk ah Gatineau Park you never disappoint bugs are out already all right let's get going see you  later hi what's over i'll miss you that's so sweet of you i'm  gonna miss you too big guy   what i thought okay so here we go this is uh meats lake  the first of the lakes that i'm hitting   so i'm pretty excited about that hopefully uh  i'll get to the other one soon i'm really hoping   i get to go on uh on the coast of  the lake get a really good view it's   beautiful lake and that would be really  awesome if i could do that wish me luck if you're into these kind of  videos please consider subscribing   hit the like button if you like  if you don't like it that's okay   i'll keep working and maybe my videos  will be one that you like in the future okay so now i know i'm getting closer to  civilization i can see other campsites   coming up i can see the beach uh it's still pretty  far away but at least i can see it from here so   i know i'm on the right track and i'm getting  closer which is good because it is so hot   you can see the sweat pouring off me  right now all right let's get moving so one of the things i really love about  hiking in gatineau park whether you're   just for a leisurely hike or you're hiking to go   do some camping i love the fact there are very  unique things and there's lots of spots where you   can hit water a bridge like this i love walking  over bridges like this it's over a little creek   but it's great they've taken the time to build  something like this gotta get moving here we go and freeze the frame right there  see this little guy right here   the bear right here well i had no idea he was  there the glare of my camera screen was so bad   i just pressed record to get a nice shot  of this stream i only found this little guy   when i was going over my footage back at home  this beautiful bear was there the whole time   anyways thanks little bear for joining me and  allowing me to hike in your beautiful forest about 10 minutes after my unknown bear account i  accidentally came across another woodland creature   this time much smaller but potentially much  stinkier okay i'm about to take a little bit of   a break and get some water actually there's sorry  there's something in there something over here oh crap oh crap crap okay so that's a first  for me i've never been chased by a skunk before   i'm not sure if she was gonna spray me or if  she was gonna chase me down i did not really uh   look back too quickly uh i did not try  to interfere with that skunk at all   i saw it pass me by i was gonna stop but then  when i saw it i decided i'm gonna leave it   anytime i see any kind of wildlife sure i'll try  to get some photos of it but for that one she   was telling me to skedaddle and get out of there  which is fine i did not want to uh provoke that   i did not want to get sprayed can you imagine  getting sprayed out here in the woods i'm three   hours in i think something like that and getting  sprayed by a skunk yeah that is not something   that i want to add to my camping  resume okay let's get going   my heart's uh pounding still but i have to stop  get some water and i will relax then oh boy okay let's do a quick tour of the campsite the  first thing i like to do when i get here is take   a look at the campsite took off my bag actually  that was the first one because it was a long   trek here and i'm glad that i'm here anyways  campsite looks pretty decent it has everything you   can has a fire pit has a beach i love a campsite  with a beach and of course a beautiful lake   so i'm trying to set up the hammock so the first  thing i did notice when i got here is there's not   a lot of options for my hammock there are some  sites around here um but uh yeah there's some   trees but nothing's perfect there's this set of  trees over here but it looked like that's too far   away there's a set right behind me over here but  that looks like it might be too uh close together   just can't win can i anyways i'll try to set it  up and uh get it to work out um i got a while   i got some time here at the campsite so i'm  not too worried it's not gonna get dark really   really soon it took me about uh i don't know the  actual hike i would say probably four hours or   so so that's not too too bad anyways i'm gonna  set that up get the campsite all ready to go   and then i might take a swim and  then we'll start dinner here we go so as you can see i don't have a good setup here  for the hammocks it has to do i've only have   these two trees that are pretty close together  and they're gonna have to do i have other two   trees that are too far apart so nothing is uh is  perfect sometimes i guess i guess that happens   since this is my first time hammock camping i'll  have to just do i had to wrap around the straps   a couple times the trees uh the straps look like  they're holding they're not going to damage the   trees which is good hopefully it doesn't fall  and damage me because that would suck anyways i   have to set up the mosquito net i don't think  i'm gonna set up the tarp i have it with me   it's supposed to be a nice night i  actually kind of like the idea of   uh sleeping under the stars so hopefully  i can do that i do have a mat for the uh   the hammock and my sleeping bag i don't have an  underquilt supposed to be pretty warm tonight so   i'm hoping that is going to get me through  the night so wish me luck first time doing   the hammock camping i uh not 100 sure i'm doing  the proper thing but hey gotta give it a chance uh okay so i've started the process uh firewood  we're having some steak tonight hopefully some   sweet potato and a little bit of zucchini uh  the fire pit is not the greatest fire pit i   wish it was just something uh you know a simple  fire pit with rocks i can cook around but uh   that's okay we will process this wood and get  everything started i'm hoping to be able to relax   a little bit hopefully it looks like it's gonna be  a beautiful night i'm hoping to get some more uh   video and some photos uh tonight that's only if  i get everything set up first so let's get moving okay so we're gonna try the ferro  rod today i've never tried it so   wish me luck practice it a little bit oh it started that's a good sign so right now i'm letting the fire  just uh burn down a bit so i have   some nice hot coals i'm not very patient  so i have to try to be patient here   we're gonna put a sweet potato on that bad boy  before we do that we're gonna cut the sweet potato in half hopefully that helps cook it i'm  not too sure if it will we will find out okay so let's put this in the  fire and get this one going okay so the sweet potatoes on we're gonna cook  the steak on this mini grill that i bought   i actually simply added some uh screws so i  can keep it out of the of the flames and stuff   you can just put it on top of wood if  you wanted to or something like that   it's just one of those little uh things i tried  on my own got some stainless steel screws so   i'm excited about that so we have the sweet  potato going we're also going to cook up some zucchini all right let's go put that on okay so the sweet potato is on there i'm  gonna throw this on top of here just for now   i don't really want this to  get burned zucchini i think   is going to cook much quicker so we're gonna put  on there for now and then we'll take care of that okay so now we have the the grill on  there i probably should wait a little   bit longer but i'm too hungry i'm gonna  put the steak on and hopefully it sizzles okay so it's finally done sweet potato i think  is going to take a little bit longer that's   not a big deal i was just doing a test with the  sweet potato the zucchini turned out really nice anyways i'm gonna eat then uh hopefully uh   do some more filming the sun is just going  down i think it's gonna be a real nice night all right so as you can see it's starting to  get dark i'm gonna get the fire going soon   i had it for dinner then put it out and i'm  going to get the fire going again and enjoy that   the hammocks all set up i have  nothing else to do with the hammock   the mosquito netting is on the mattress  pad is down the sleeping bag is ready to   go i'm good to go i have everything set that i  need i'm really hoping that i'm going to enjoy   sleeping in the hammock if not well too bad  what am i going to do i have to give it a try   and hopefully i can sleep well a lot of people  really love sleeping in a hammock so that would   be fantastic because being able to come out to  a spot like this in a walk-in spot and be able   to use the hammock that's awesome so gonna have  fire you're not gonna see the last of me tonight   but hopefully when you see me in the morning i'll  be all smiles because i had a great night's sleep   on the hammock i also didn't set up the tarp i  hope i don't regret that it doesn't look like   it's going to rain i have the mosquito netting to  protect me from anything they gently falls on me i   said gently so any squirrels or any chipmunks want  to jump on top of me you know what i think the   mosquito netting is going to save me anything else  than that then i could be in trouble hopefully no   bird poop or anything like that so it should be  good i'm excited i'm gonna get this fire going and   enjoy a nice big fire before uh hitting  the bed in the hammock here we go there's nothing like a good campfire am i  right there's just something about a campfire   that makes everybody wanna sit around  and talk when i uh take my kids camping   they're still young so they don't  really appreciate the campfire as much   they're like you know roasting marshmallows  and making s'mores that kind of stuff   but as far as just sitting around hanging  around the campfire it's not a big deal to them   that's fine when they get older they'll enjoy  it um i know i for sure enjoy it and as a   kid i didn't get to do a lot of campfire so i  really enjoy having a good campfire right now   i think uh i'm pretty exhausted from that hike  it was uh a long one wasn't as challenging as   my first one which was funny but it was a long one  so i think what i'm gonna do is uh i'm gonna burn   what i have here probably keep it going for an  hour so have a frosty beverage maybe some snacks   and then try to get myself into that hammock not  gonna lie to you i'm a little bit nervous i don't   have a backup plan at this point so it's hammock  or bust hopefully the hammock doesn't bust and uh   yeah so i'm excited it's one of those things that  uh i wanted to try i'm only here for the night so   if i get a horrible sleep i still have a 20  kilometer walk or hike out of here it will teach   me a lesson to uh make sure i get the hammock  set up properly i really wish i had more space   for the hammock uh today um but again you don't  know when you go to these sites you have no idea   what you're getting yourself into so anyways i'm  gonna enjoy the rest of this fire maybe do some uh   astro photography get some time  lapses going something like that   i'm not too sure all right well wish  me luck and uh see you in the morning good morning well i did it i slept in the hammock i thought  it was going to be a lot rougher than this   i made a lot of changes kind of at  night time because it's my first time so   i didn't like the uh sleep pad so i got rid of  the sleep pad and then i just kept the sleeping   bag it was a little chilly but nothing really  bad like it's a warm night so i think i'm okay   the bugs weren't bad i mean i have the mosquito  netting but they weren't buzzing or anything um   yeah everything was pretty decent it was actually  really comfortable i wasn't sure if i was gonna be   able to fall asleep right away but you know what  the next thing you notice it's the morning time   um i did wake up a couple times i guess  and uh i mean that's fine when i'm camping   i'm always waking up anyway so it's not that big  a deal so i think it was pretty successful uh   nothing fell on me everything looks good um so  i wasn't too too cold i was pretty comfortable   and nothing fell on me so i'm going to consider  that to be a win-win so we'll see maybe this is   uh my new thing when i'm camping to bring the  hammock and just set up the hammock um i just   say set up the hammock but there's still lots  of stuff to set up uh then just the hammock   i think ideally that would be the best thing for  me to be able to just set up the hammock and go   under the stars i was able to uh i have  some tree cover here but i was able to see   the stars at night and that was pretty darn  cool okay so time to get up i'm going to uh   make some coffee have a little bit of breakfast  and i got another 20k hike out of here so let's go so got some walnuts and some cranberries because i'm not a big fan of oatmeal so i'm all done i packed up the hammock packing i  think was pretty decent i think it's a little bit   quicker than the tent i have a small tent but uh  the hammock packed up pretty well i got everything   uh put away and uh i love that they all come  in their own pouches that is awesome so i did a   quick tour of the site i think we're pretty good  it's uh it's pretty uh clean uh there was some   garbage here before but not much so whoever was  here before me nice job i think uh i'll get going   i got about uh four hours i don't think i'm going  to uh videotape much unless i see something really   really nice because uh i'm trying to get back home  and uh hopefully i can do that so i might get the   camera up but for the most part i think i'm just  gonna try to track it and get home as quickly   as possible because it's hot and uh got stuff to  do at home so plus i miss the family of the kids okay thanks for watching and we  will see you next time bye site you

2021-08-18 20:23

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