Guide to Harrogate, North Yorkshire

Guide to Harrogate, North Yorkshire

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Harrogate, is a well-known, spa, town in north yorkshire. And is as popular today, as it was in its victorian. Heyday, just in fact two towns the original, spa, was in high harriet, and based around the choitwell. And saint johnswell. They served chalibeat, water, iron, rich spring, water, and was called the sweet spa. By contrast. Low harrogate, served the sulphur, waters, and was called the stinking, spa. We're starting, off at high harrogate to look at the development, of the town up there, post, 1571. When the tourett well was found, and then go down to the town centre, that was developed post. 1860.. The two routes around harrogate. Almost intersect. And can be made as one it would take around a day to cover. By walking out of his shopping center, along west part for leeds road roundabout. Locally called the prince of wales roundabout. The high harrogate, route is flat. And you spend most of your time on the vas parkland, called the stray. We're going to start at the tuite well close by the prince of wales roundabout. We're crossing part of a stray here. This parkland, almost circles the town centre to three sides. And covers 200, acres. It was created in 1778. To allow visitors, to promenade, after taking the waters. Although. Until 1893. This was shared with cattle. But in that year, the grazing, rights were brought by the town council, for almost 12, 000 pounds. However. The council doesn't own the stray. That belongs to the duchy of lancaster. Today, owned by the. Queen. The tuitwell. Is the whole reason for harrogate. The spring here was discovered, by william, slingsby, in 1571.. He had already visited, the belgian, town of spa. And noted that the waters he found at high harrogate, were very similar. It's called the chewit well after the local name for the bird called the lapwing. Due to the sound that it makes. It was a lapwing, that he saw drinking at the spring. He had the boggy ground around it paved, and the small well house built, and it became known as the english spa, fountain. The dome vertical covers, originally, covered the sulfur well in low harrogate. And moved here in 1842. It dates from 1807.. The area then was open moorland. And quickly attracted, visitors. As nursera. Four miles away which was already popular as a visitor, attraction. With its petrifying. Well, their clothes turned to stone. And to visit the prophetess, mother shipton. Who died in 1551. At the age of 73.. Unfortunately. You can't drink at the tuite well any longer, the pump was removed in 1971.. The pedestrian, bridge never chewed well goes over a railway, cutting. Bringing the railway to harrogate was problematic. As it not only had to cross the stray. But they didn't want the noise and smoke to affect the visitors, to the town. The first station, the brunswick. Was at the far side of the church well, and opened in 1848. But it terminated. There. In order for a through line to be built, today it goes between, leeds and york, it was put into this cutting. And the land of a former station was given in lieu of a stray. As by law, it has to remain 200, acres. The road running alongside, the stray here is called york place. And is lined with many fine. Villas. And at the pedestrian. Lights here, this was once the junction of the nesbo, and skipton, roads. That's why the queen's hotel. Was first built here in 1687. Although it was rebuilt, in 1855.. We now cross the fine georgian, residential. District of high harrogate. And go around church square. To end at what was once the largest hotel, here, the granby. If we continue, down the road in front, part parade. We find some very fine villas. As this was a fashionable, place to live in the 18th. Century. It is also a surprise to find a block of flats here. A fine villa was demolished.

For. Them. Facing across part parade is christ, church. This was built in 1831. And then extended, by the famous bradford architects. Lockwood and mawson. They built the mill village of soltaire. And many buildings, in bradford city center. And indeed. In harrogate, 2 as we'll see. The church sits at the west side of church square. These properties were built from the 1770s. Onwards. The finer buildings, on the east side of the square. The inn the empress, was originally, called the bay horse when it opened in 1778. Was rebuilt, in the 1870s. In fact it was one story higher than it is now, as it was lowered, in, 1965.. Next door is mansfield, house. This was originally, built as a theatre, that opened in july, 1788. It was built by the proprietor, of the grumby hotel, straight across the road. It was used by the samuel butler, company. As part of a touring, circuit, including scarborough, and richmond. Became a house in. 1830. As mentioned. The granby, hotel, is directly across the. Road. It was first built as an inn, where visitors, could stay, and was called the sinking, ship. It was rebuilt in the 1730s. And named the granby. In honour of the marquis, of granby, who stayed here in 1795. That then attracted, other wealthy patrons. They held balls for wealthy visitors. Whose names were published in a weekly newspaper. And where they were staying. It's now a retirement. Complex. Let's move across the modern roundabout, where the skipton. Nesboro, leeds and weatherby, roads meet. We're heading straight across onto the wetherby. Road. In 1631. Another, well, saint john's, was found much narrative, immunities, of high harrogate. Like maturet, well, it was first protective, of a low roof structure. The pump room scene today, dates from 1842. Are now used as an alteration, tailors. The pump here was removed, in 1973.. Finally. Across the road, and reached by a private coach road across the stray, is wetterburn, house, that was remodeled, in 1786. By the famous york architect, john carr. The first lord loughborough. Whose surname, was wetterburn. From here the path, called the slingsby, walk, takes us back to the chewit well. The circular, tour of the town centre, starts, right in the center of the town, and takes in all the major sites and more. We start, in the centre of prospect, square at the cenotaph. And then go down montpellier, hill to the crown roundabout. And finish at the royal pump room. We're coming in on the a61. The main road between leeds and ripon, that cuts across the center of the town. The cenotaph, was built in 1921. To honor the 800, men who died from the town. It seems an extraordinary, number of deaths for such a small town. But many of these men would have previously, been in service in hotels. Or at other visitor, attractions. Let's look around the square from behind the cenotaph. Where there are some very fine buildings. This whole area was laid out in the mid 1860s. To link the royal pump room with the railway, station. This fine curve of shops is prospect, crescent. Moving around, we come to some peter's, church, at the top of the pedestrianized. Shopping street, cambridge, street. The church was built between 1870. And. And effectively, replaced, christchurch. As the town's main church. The next arc, is cambridge, crescent. And that was completed, in 1868.. Let's head now to the pedestrian. Lights. The stone, seat here, was given by the predecessor. To the army foundation, college. Where 1. 200, cadets, are trained annually, and it's just off the town centre. The road down is parliament, street, we're becoming part way back up later on. Betty's tea rooms is synonymous, with harrogate. And was opened in 1990. By frederick, belmont. The cakes are all made in harrogate. And the business also includes a tea and coffee blend as tailors. Distill, the height of elegance, to come here and be served by stuff in uniform.

We're Now going to go down montpellier. Hill, it's named after the fashionable, french mediterranean. Resort. It's hardly surprising, them to find bulls, courts at the top, in an area called pier head, that overlooks, the montpellier, gardens, below. The hill is on a geological. Fault, that is responsible, for springs coming out at the bottom of a hill. Across the road the stray stretches, right into the town centre. Here, there are lots of independent, bars. Art galleries, tea rooms, and clothes shops. This was the first part of low harrogate, to develop, after the sulphur well, the stinking, spa, was discovered, around, 1630. Off here, is montpellier. Street, it's an antiques, quarter. And shops dealing in fine home. Furnishings. At the bottom of the hill the most notable shop is the palm court cafe. In 1840. It began to sell farrah's, harrogate, toffee. As after drinking the disgusting, tasting, sulphur water at the royal pump room, which we're about to see, people would suck on this toffee, to take away the awful taste of the water. The toffee is still made in the area, and comes in a distinctive, blue and silver tin. Further around the crown roundabout. At the bottom of the ginnel, is this unusual, small building. Was built in 1822. As a ticket office for the montpellier, bass. These stood just beyond, and were demolished, in 1954. The site is now a car park. The vast developer was jose, thackeray. And they were initially, private, bathing facilities, to the hotel he built, the crown, in 1835. The first hotel, in this. Area. Another hotel, across the roundabout. Is the white heart that was built in 1846. Adjacent, to the crown, a long royal parade, is the royal pump. Room. This was built in 1842. To replace the dome of 1807. Now over the chuwitt, well. The entrance alexa was added in 1913. And it became a museum, in 1953.. This world was promoted by eminent, doctors, as being better for your health, than the sweet waters of a tuite well, and led to the development of low harrogate. Inside there's a history to the spa. Although you'd be surprised to find that it ever became popular. A visitor, in 1661. John ray was completely, right, when he said that it stinks, nicely. Like rotten eggs. The original wellheads, are now in the basement. The scum, formed overnight, has to be skimmed off before the water can be drunk. The waters were then served upstairs, at the counter.

Visitors Came to harrogate, during the season, really from may to september. The pump room opened at 7 30 am. The water was free, but you are charged for being served. Betty lupton, was known as the queen of the wells. And served here until her death in 1843. At the age of 83.. It was recommended, drink a pint or more before breakfast. You didn't want to go far from when you were staying, as the water has a laxative, effect. Let's walk around the building to the. Rear. The latin inscription. Arc's celebrities, fontibus. Means citadel, famous for its. Springs. The water is still free to drink, as at the rear of the pump room is a basin. And if you press a button, a pump draws the water from the well below. Be sure to bring a glass, stand well back, and enjoy. Press this button. And you'll soon discover what it is that made harrogate. Famous. It's this stuff. It's water. But not any old water, this water comes from a well about eight feet below the surface, well now it's uh. Cloudy. And it smells of rotten eggs, but if you've been living a life of excess. In the 18th, century and somebody said that drinking this water would cure the worst effects of those excesses. Well i guess you'd probably have drunk a couple of pints a day as well, the first one before, breakfast. Across the road from the royal pump room are the valley gardens. This section will be missed out if time is pressing, as the route continues, on swan road behind the pump room. The valley gardens cover 17, acres or seven hectares. And were laid out in 1852. You can take a circular, walk around. Taking the lower path at left, and returning, back on the higher path at right. The lower path is called the elgar, walk, after the world famous classical, composer. Who regularly came to the town between 1912. And. 1927.. Come at any time of year, and there'll be something in flower. And there's lots to do for children. And adults, as. Well. The plaque shows the location of the wells in the garden. Originally called boggs field. Or 36. Of them, in total there are 88, springs, in a two mile radius of the town center. The pineapple, roofed magnesia, cafe. Was built in 1895. And replaced the old pump room that we'll see higher. Up. Just behind, is a model boat pond, still well. Used. The cherub fountain, dates from 1972. When it was an exhibit at the chelsea, flower show in london. There's also a japanese, garden. Completed, in, 2019. The children's, play area, is one of the best in yorkshire. And includes a paddling, pool. The park is not just for young children. There's also a skate park. Pitch and putt. Tennis, courts, and a rather tricky crazy, golf. Course. My. Do. The path left goes to the cabin week in higher equipment. Beyond that is a world war ii war memorial. And the path continues, through the pine woods, and onto the gardens, of harlem, car. About a 20-minute, walk away. Just by the path are some well heads. Despite their close proximity. All the springs have different tastes. The first, is a charlie beat well. The water being similar to that of a tuite well, and the others are mild sulphur waters. Unfortunately. They are all capped now. Behind. Facing down the valley gardens, is the old magnesia, pump room that was built in 1858. Now let's move across the gardens to the sun lounge, that was developed in the 1920s. As a venue for. Functions. On sundays in the summer you can lie back on the grass, and listen to brass. Bands. Returning, down to the entrance, gates, you walk along the 600, feet or 183. Meter long sun colonnade. Designed to sit sheltered from the summer. Sun. From the valley gardens, and to the rear of the royal pump room, is swan, road. We're then turning right through crescent gardens. And then at parliament, street, the main road through the town. Swann road was an important, street. Hales bar, on the corner, is harrogate's, oldest, pub, it opened in the mid 17th, century. And was rebuilt in 1827. And is named after the landlord of 1882. Inside. It is still lit by gas lamps. Further along on the right hand side, is the mercer art gallery. Was built in 1805. As a private library, and meeting place, you had to be a member to come in.

In 1875. Came the town hall. And in 1991. The art gallery. It's free to go in and the exhibitions. Change, regularly. Facing up the road, is the old swan, that gives the road its name. It was built around 1700. But what we mostly see today is dated, 1878. When it became a hydro. Offering water treatments. It was here that the famous, crime novelist, agatha, christie disappeared, to in 1926. And the mystery wasn't sold for 11 days. The road down the side of the mercer art gallery. Is victoria, bath's road. The large building on the left, were built as baths in 1832. And extended, in 1891. A whole new front was added in 1931. When it became harrogate, council's, offices. On the other side of the road is crescent. Gardens. In the center is a glass pavilion, that was placed here in 1990. Inside. Is a statue of cupid and psyche. By italian, sculptor. Giovanni. Benzoni. And dated. 1846. The royal baths across the road, the complex, that now includes the tourist information, center, opened in 1897. As a hydro. And where harrogate, water was first bottled. Although there were plans to knock it down, it was safer and it continued, to provide, treatment by the national health service. It is now a chinese, restaurant. But only in part of a complex. Which at one time was all interconnected. In this area, are a number of fine hotels. The hotel, saint george, seen on the corner. And throw up the ripon road under the hydro, the cairn. And the huge red brick hotel, is the majestic. That opened in 1900. With 150. Bedrooms. Straight ahead, is the 1300. Seat theatre royal, which was completed, in 1903. And was originally called the curseal. But changed its name during world war one. Next about, in an echo to the colonnaded. Frontage of the spa rooms, demolished, in 1939. Is the exhibition. Center. Where trade fairs take place all year round. Not seen from here, but further back is a 2000. Seat convention, center, that opened in 1982. Now, let's turn up parliament, street, we're walking back at the geological. Fault. To the right is a continuation. Of the royal baths complex. The understated, entrance, is to the turkish, baths. They are built to a moorish, design. Where you can first take a dip in the plunge pool, before proceeding, to one of the three interconnected. Hot rooms, that goes from warm, to very hot. Afterwards, you can relax in a frigidaire. Beauty, and body treatments, are also, available. This grand entrance next door is to the winter gardens. Somewhere to socialize, when the weather was poor. I guess it still continues, as that function. As it's now a pub. On the other side of the road. And well worth looking to see the architecture. Is the westminster. Arcade. Every town has to have an arcade, in the late victorian. Period. Inside, are a range of independent, shops on two levels. Although it is three stories. High. We're now at the top of the gino that leads down to the crown. To the right, a little higher up is the cenotaph. But we're taking the street ahead. Cambridge, road, into the main shopping center. Then passing the railway station to the. Library. The large methodist, chapel that is still in use was built in 1862. The architects, were lockwood and mawson. We now cross to oxford, street. This was part of a town centre scheme of. 1862. It runs parallel, to cambridge, street, hence, it's the back of those shops whose main entrance is on that. Street. So. Jesper's, is an old-fashioned, harrogate, station, shop that was founded in. 1901. So. The red brick building is harrogate, theater. It opened in 1900, as the opera house. The first theater in the newtown, center. It keeps its opera connection. As it's still used by the local harrogate gilbert, and sullivan, society. At the end of the street, look up at the theater, and its fine, corner position. But it wasn't the only theater in the area, as across the road, in what is now an indian restaurant, was the empire, theatre. Although, it was originally built as a methodist, chapel in. 1872. Let's turn right up beulah street.

A Mix of all sorts of shops from cafes, to charity, shops. The highlight. Is a dutch gable coffee shop with a date. 1902. We now reach the pedestrianized. Cambridge street that we've walked behind. It's mostly national, chain shops on here, on the left, is the victoria, shopping center that was built in 1991. On the site of the town's victorian. Indoor market. If we turn around. We face station, parade. The communications. Hub of a town. With a bus station. And next to it the railway. Station. The walkway we're going under is the bridge from the shopping center to its car park on the far side of the rail tracks. The only part of the station of 1862. That still stands, is the former main entrance but is now a pub. The rest of the station was demolished, in. 1965. The arrival, of heroic, created a building boom, it was also a massive, boom to the town. In 1861. There were around 7 000 visitors. A year later, when the railway opened. Over 11, 000 people, came. Arriving, by train brings you opposite the frontage of a shopping, center. In station, gardens, you'll find a miniature replica, of a dome, that's originally over the sulphur well. A little further on is a statue of queen victoria. Protected, by a huge spire. From its base to the top, it's 45. Feet, or 40, meters. It was unveiled, on her golden jubilee, in 1887.. We're now at the top of james street, where we'll finish the trip around harrogate. Let's continue along station. Parade. To the left at the traffic light, just over the railway, bridge, is the art deco odin cinema of. 1936. Carrying on station parade, we passed the every month cinema that opened in, 2017. And opposite, is a fine row of shops. Prince albert, rowe. With a cast iron and glass canopy, running its length. It's home to a range of upmarket, retailers. We're going to walk down victoria. Avenue. And turn right at the bottom onto west park. To rejoin the main road through the town. And end up back at the cenotaph. We now kept diagonally across a small library, park. Victoria, avenue was purposely, laid out as a large boulevard, star road in 1860. It was the heart of a model suburb. Designed to link high harrogate. And the emerging, town center then being laid out. The library was one of the later editions, on the street, it opened in 1906. And was financed, by glasgow, born industrious. Andrew carnegie. Who made his money from steel in america. He gave seven and a half thousand, pounds, of a total ten thousand pound cost. Directly, across the road, at the corner of belford road, sunsets, paul's united reform, church, was completed, in 1885.. It's worth walking a little down this side road, here you'll find the rogers, arms houses. Was built for bradford textile manufacturer. George rogers, in 1868. His bus is in the clock tower. There are 12, houses. And we're originally only for women. Nine to come from bradford, and the other three from harrogate. And that split still continues. Although men are now allowed. The beehive, motif. On the building, represents.

Industry. Directly, across from the arms houses, was an infirmary, that was built in 1883. Being saint paul's primary school since, 1937.. Back onto victoria, avenue. You'll see how large some of the houses. Are. One at the bottom left, belvedere, house is highly ornate. It was built in 1861. As a harrogate, school of art. On the corner opposite, is the congregational. Church. Designed again by lockwood and mawson, in 1862.. This area is called west park, the stray is across the road. This view looks towards trinity methodist, church, front of which the brunswick, railway, station, stood. This is the main road that runs through harrogate, the a61. Comes south from leeds, and heads northwards, to ripon. Was built to give a commanding, entrance to the town. With gardens, in front of the parades, of houses, built well back from the main, road. Many of these houses were built as lodging houses. Houses, that could be rented for the season. In between our hotels. Such as the. Alexandria. And the most imposing, of them all, the prospect, hotel of 1859. And now called the yorkshire hotel. We're now back where we started. But let's finish with a look down james street. All this area was developed post 1860. As the main shopping. Street. This is where the jewelers, ogdens, is, they've been in harrogate since 1893. And further down, the harrogate, department store hoopers. Continue, its use as a department, store since it was first built, with its fine white terracotta. Frontage. And now we end at the statue of queen victoria. And the railway, station. That's not all harrogate, has to offer. There's the royal horticultural. Society, gardens, at harlow carr. The great yorkshire, showground, on wetherby, road that's used all year round. Ripley castle. And nearby, is narsborough. Harrogate, remains famous for its spa waters, they're sold nationally. In cafes, restaurants, and supermarkets. It also had its rivals, in yorkshire. Ilkley, and scarborough, were also two spa towns to rival, harrogate. We have an additional, film on harrogate, and the neighbouring, town of nesboro. So be sure to look out for that on our channel. We're always posting new material. So please subscribe, to keep up to date, but thank you for watching, and look forward to seeing you again. Soon. You.

2020-10-06 23:45

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