Grand Port, Mauritius in 4K ( My birthday surprise, Thanks Riki)

Grand Port, Mauritius in 4K ( My birthday surprise, Thanks Riki)

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Hi everyone it's my birthday happy birthday  thanks Rik and Riki asked me what do you want   to do for your birthday and I said let's  go to grand port so welcome to grand port this is the actual spot the dutch arrived right  here somehow they set foot on the mangrove   landing area just like this and then they  came ashore prince Maurits prince Maurits i don't know somehow that  becomes Mauritius so out there   the dutch boat would have been  coming in and that I've seen here land must have been quite exciting but then  they actually thought this was Rodriguez so   they came in here thinking they were arriving in  Rodriguez and as it turned out it was Mauritius   unexpected Mauritius there's this old house here  now you can't really make it out we can't go in   because it is closed up but I wonder if there  was a house that was originally put here   as the marker is the symbolizing area of it just  walking it'll be part of a montage hopefully okay there is a signpost but we drove  straight past it so have a look out   just behind me over there is where the dutch  landed and then across the road is this tower   quite badly there we are there's this tower i  wonder what it is maybe it's like an old sugar   mill tower let's grab a quick look fresh water  okay inside it there's a little christian shrine   it is really big but i think ricky was right it  is a water tower they would have probably filled   this with water and then men just over there is  the river i'm going to have a quick look at it   men would have been able to come up and  then quickly get some water and do a quick   prayer for a patron saint to help them on  their way as their ship drove off voted off   failed huh failed sailed off as their ship sailed  off this is the kind of terrain that they would   have found when they first got you thick thick  mangroves undulating ways where water has has   eaten away that and muddy swamps and they have  had to push in to try to find some hard land   and i think that's why they went to grand  port let's head down there and have a look hi everyone and welcome to Fort fed fred  frederick welcome to port frederick trying   to get a thumbnail not quite sure how it  should be but how awesome is this actual fort   it's got a palm tree in it and it's a ruin i don't  know i don't think we're going to get a thumbnail   out of it but what a great little piece of video  that's a point yeah the entrance that way entrance   that way there we go thumbnail let's go as you  can see the ruins are all around me here now   this is the actual spot where the  dutch fort was and they built two   the wooden one first and then the stone one and we  can just make out some of the stone from the dutch   but it is it has been built on top by the  french so a lot of what we see here is part   of the french fort but if you look lower down you  can see that the the stones are cut differently   are piled together differently and that's the  actual dutch fort some apt modern day graffiti   wow i'm actually surprised at how big this is  if you have a look it is huge there are rooms   and rooms and rooms here okay just now so you  can see it yes i i'll do the one where i get   the small bit and ricky can hold the camera  but we're just walking and it's huge this   would have been a battle room there have been two  guns one there and one over there and they'd have   stuck out because obviously they were protecting  something that's on the other side of that wall   we can't actually see what it was that they'll  protect him but there would have been two guns in   there i'll show you from the other side you can  see what i mean by they've built it up so that   the guns are protected that if someone was firing  at them they would be protected behind this wall   those holes are really high up there we're  going to do a fake drone shot hang in there   you can't start recording now yeah  fake drone shots require a spanner   don't make fun of me yeah no i'm sorry it's your that one birthday no that one's fine now  if i leave this in here you won't cut it   so i'm gonna take it out through the hole  let's see what the cannons would have seen   so camera up up to where the hole was and i  don't know i don't know what they would have seen   hold it steady is your camera facing  outwards yeah cool okay wait there wait there and that's what the cannons would have been seeing so when the dutch first landed here uh they  realized that they needed people to help them so   they brought some slaves across from asia and upon  landing like 50 of the 100 slaves ran off into the   mountains that brian will show you just now and  they became the original maroons of mauritius   as ricky was telling you the maroons  were up there on the mountains   and while the dutch were still here they  would come on raiding parties and burn the   place down and steal their whatever they had  grains of rice or cows or anything like that   i don't know what they had so they would  steal that somewhere nearby this there was   a settlement the actual dutch settlement  and they came down three men and two women   and they burnt it to the ground and one of the  men in that was named bambooz and that's why   this entire mountain range is named bambooz and  quite a few other things in mauritius yeah they   do quite name quite a few things because he was  obviously a great fighter for the maroons for   the mauritius people he chased out the dutch and  chased out the dutch and then the dutch were gone   what i find pretty cool about the maroon story  is that there's men and women involved because   they work side by side to make a go  at living here and that's very cool oh what a great fort there's a lot of  history here i was expecting a few cannons   i think they're in the museum probably we're  probably going to have to go into the museum   and have a look there if you have a look at this  room you can see there were never really any built   up area on that side it does look like it's smooth  there's a bit there and a bit here at the end   but i think it is pretty obvious  what this room was you were used for   this was an indoor patunk room so  the french soldiers after a hard   day of battlement would come and if it was  raining they could still play patunk or ball   looks like something from the sea you  can just make out across the river   that was probably made by the french when  they came and it's all about water control   because the problem with mauritius is you get  these downpours and you get this flash flooding   and if you're uncontrolling that water you're  getting swept away so water was very important   in the history of mauritius just like the sea  out there prevents people from coming in and   you can just put guns on an island and prevent  everyone from coming in so does the water you've   got these little streams that suddenly become  raging torrents they can sweep people away but   what they've done is they've built up the edges  so it prevents erosion to start with and second   of all controls the water lets it spread out if  it's coming too fast water control sea control   you get mauritius control yeah although it's  uh there's this impressive fort over there but   the actual area around it is quite beautiful  with its big old trees and lush green grass   it's nice i wonder if you could  come picnic here there are benches can't see your feet at all  because my screen is so bright i've been complaining about the  structure of the building and how   they're just chucking stone together  and rendering over it until i saw this   ricky just kidding they actually do have good  craftsmanship in the stonework so there is some   good stonework here even though it looks like  they just chucked rubble together here it is   big blocks of of stone that they would have fitted  together like they do with the modern structures   and then they just plastered over it they still  had to have good corners if you don't have good   corners you know what brand noise yes i don't know  what i always say but yeah if you don't have good   corners this strikes me as a little bit odd it's  almost like they've got stairs so if you want to   attack just come and climb up the stairs go for  it bro if you can hold on let's go you could   climb them you could actually climb them it's not  that hard probably not with a camera in your hand the easy way in okay now that's the hard way  and the easy way is just go around the side   where the sign says it even though there's  no path you're allowed to go in that way   keep your bakery away from your fort if you don't  want it to burn down i'm sure they learned that   lesson the hard way somewhere else but in this  case you've got your fort on that side your bakery   over there and just behind the bakery we'll go  over look in a minute is the actual blacksmith   you don't want to be without your bread yeah  in case your bakery catches fire energy please   and look at this beautiful little pagoda  that you can come and sit welcome to my   cozy pagoda it's a scorcher up there if  you have a look here next to me this is all   mauritian volcanic stone work which is  fantastic but there's a little bit of   evidence right behind me here we have a lot mine  but if you have a look there's some red brick in   here which means it was probably used by the  british in modern times because they did some   things with red bricks like this is probably  an oven this was probably an oven to a chimney   where they used the red blocks because they  were cheaper than using the black stone   cool looks like an oven as well it does there  but it's weird to have those british redstone   this building here as you can see was where  the blacksmith was so they kept the blacksmith   away from the the fort as well between the  blacksmith and the bakery is some public toilets   check behind you there's a  cyclone bars on the windows those who are interested in more modern times  as you can see i've got the shutter here   which is pretty cool but you got the cyclone bar   which means you close the shutter and you can  put the bar down and that's going to protect you   when a cyclone comes that's the modern way  the old-fashioned way was put more stones in   it you can see there's a tiny little what would  have been a window up there and not much else   that's how they knew this was the prison it's  a little bit dark hopefully ricky can get   a better image but this loose this was a sluice  where they could just spray water in there or put   water in there and it would actually run out  they wouldn't give them a toilet or anything   so don't be a prisoner in the 1600s unfortunately  we can't get any closer than this but you can see   two reasonable sized prison cells and this  would have probably been the guard's office   so the guards office there would have been a an  entryway in there and they would have brought   them in they would have probably had like drunks  in the one and serious criminals in the other wow everyone ricky and i are gonna go into the  museum now and have a look around as you   can see no cameras and because it is the time of  corona even though there is no corona in mauritius   let's get our masks on and maybe that's the reason  there is no corona mauritius see all the outside not a bad museum i must say i would rather go to  the marburg one to actually see the history of   this region but it does have a few really really  great things in there and two of them are models   one of the this actual site as it is now and they  actually have some of the graveyards that they've   been able to uncover using uh ground penetrating  radar the other one is the original model of the   fort and i thought that was pretty epic so go  and visit the mall big one then come here and   have a look at the fort it is that good so  this is a surprising find it's a school from   1865 it was originally built unfortunately  it was actually destroyed by a hurricane   that came through here and they had to  rebuild it not today in the grand pro   school okay so this behind me is  a bridge that ricky is standing on   and if you look at the construction i  really wouldn't i really really wouldn't   be where she is standing with that tiny  little pillar holding the whole thing up   run rick run for your life no i'm just  kidding it looks like it's just the   the pedestrian walkway is made out of that tiny  little piece of concrete the rest of the bridge   is probably all right so over here we've got  the notre dame church and the ruins of the fort this is a mammoth port this is all a port  there's a tiny little narrow opening out there   and the rest of this is a port it makes granbay  look like well a bay this is a port this is huge we told you about the maroons and because  of what they did they put the statue   the monument to the abolition abolition of slavery  right here because they were just in those hills   and they came down they chased off the dutch and  they kept the french at bay this is actually made   out of railway this isn't like railway  i wonder if it's like the last railway   or if it was who knows it's actually made out of  railway line pretty cool yeah that is pretty cool just had to change my storage to my device so i've  got another 22 minutes this is the park at grand   ports with some nice swings and public toilets and  didn't look like a swimming beach more like where   you can get boats and there's the monument to the  abolition of slavery here there's pretty avenue   with [ __ ] dogs there's a monument commemorating  the introduction of sugarcane and mauritius feels spidery wow a monument  to the bringing of sugar to   mauritius it is just ridiculously green here so in a place that's impossibly green the  memorial commemorating the introduction   of sugar cane and sumerians wow behind  me what a great little piece of nature   and mosquitoes i should have put the  spray on there are a few mosquitoes   but i think you can clearly see the lion's  head and the lion's back that's pretty cool   but what we came here for what we've just walked  on is the old bridge let's go have a look look   at that it's an actual shaped bridge which  means it was forcing the water in a direction   so they were desperately trying to when the water  came down force it in that direction to stop   erosion onto what was probably valuable land over  there where ricky's standing helicopter's back   let's see if we can see the helicopter oh it's a  military helicopter it's a little bit hard to see   i attempted a thumbnail with the mountain that's  the lines no that that's attempted a thumbnail   that's the lion it actually looks like a  lion now that i look at it and silhouette   that's pretty cool welcome to the  lion feed him i'll rub his little   his that's that pimple his  back leg scratches barely wind whistling through the trees oh  what is with me getting in my branches wow okay so this is le fernie   eco lodge they have conservation everything  and we're going to get to all of that it's   so exciting but it's actually built on the site  of the first ever sugarcane factory in mauritius well this is the actual view from the lodge  let me just get a little closer ah this is me   at the lodge with those beautiful views no  i'm just kidding this is a replica of it   it actually is open now so come and have a  look you stay in the little cabins and this   is the view from your lounge the actual view  from your lounge oh wow i want to be there   wow wow wow oops don't show the wall to show  ah how great is that so i'm leaving my lunch   now we're going to go and explore the sugar  cane the first sugarcane farm in mauritius   she became processing plant in mauritius oh and  this is the guys they are they are conserving it wow so through the main door   as you can see they have an arch system which  is pretty cool but what's a little bit weird   is a little bit further down and i know this  is really hard for me they've got wood lentils   these are actual wood lintels so where they  make the main doors they've done an arch but   on other doors they just have a wood lintel but  the stone work wow the stonework is fantastic   that is impressive it is a huge building i wish  we had a small little rick to make this stand   next to it because this is mammoth i'm gonna go  stand next to it ricky will do some camera work   from there and you'll see just how huge it is this  is a door but this is not a door for people this   is a door for ogres i couldn't even get the  whole building in and look at the stonework   beautiful double cut rocks and it is huge  okay now i can get the whole building in it is and who said in the old days they didn't have  entertainment beautiful fire pit with shade   and the palm trees they've planted  really nice palm trees around it   so you got your beautiful palm trees then  your fire pit and of course a corn grinder   i don't know why i said of course because of  course not a corn grinder isn't it well maybe   looks like a watermelon grinder who knows  mystery mysteries still to be solved   this little building here is not the manager's  office because this one is the manager's office   wow did the manager of the sugarcane   have a really nice office or what okay i'm not  sure if it was the manager's office after all   or maybe he kept money in here that probably makes  sense that's why you have these huge big iron bars   you probably kept money okay so maybe the manager  was also holding the funds to pay the workers   yeah that would make sense they have these  glass windows and i'm sure they were original   but look up there there's the chimney we're gonna  go have a look at that but for right now i've just   spotted a river and you know what rivers have  where the rivers have fry look at that bridge   no look at it that is an awesome  bridge how do you get down to it   i don't think there's any way to get down to  it but look at that bridge and the lily pads   what a picturesque perfect spot you can  just see the size of wall that you need to   build sometimes to withstand the water flow  especially the closer you get to the coast   better than the bridge the sluice we're gonna  go see the sluice these are not the giant water   lilies like you get at the national botanical  guards these are just regular water leaves   but we've got a great bridge and we've got  a sluice now i'm going to show you something   that is how you tame a river  what is that that wall is epic they've really done something special there this  is obviously a place where you can build up water   wow this is the sluice i promised  you right here looking a little bit   a little bit modern on top of this beautiful  rock work maybe the old one got washed away   but wow look at that wall just beautiful you can see where the original sluice was this is  the more modern one with the the crank handle and   then that beautiful stonework going next to  the sugarcane field is like a field factory   it's like one of the biggest purple trees  i've seen in mauritius brian disappeared and i'm not walking through all of that  clouds rolling in over the mountain i will pause now and let ricky catch up still want to go and see the the tower but  then we have to make our way to the next place   wow what a great what a great place yeah  and they do hiking and mountain biking and   and reintroducing species including the kestrel  and a type of pigeon the pink pigeon yes the   pink pigeon and they are removing things that  are not endemic so they pulling out a lot of   plants that shouldn't be here and planting  them with plants that should so that one day   we can maybe introduce introduce  some of our old friends   who knows maybe de-extinction will work and we'll  get a dodo back and if they do it will happen here oh look at those dramatic black clouds we stick  around we might get to see those rivers fill up   i'm sure it's stormy out there yeah all  around us whatever our place is the way home   everywhere else has the black storm i think ground  port is telling us go home time to go you've been   you've been here for hours now you've seen enough  the only place left is home yeah it appears   sugarcane is more important than deer this is the  monument to the introduction of deer and mauritius   well everyone surf's up but that's really  funny that's really funny because surf means   deer in russian you get it anyway they were  introduced by the dutch in 1639. seems like uh   there's a monument to everything in grand port but  i suppose it makes sense because the dutch came in   and introduced so many things and that's the first  we're on pause i just see something over here   hey everyone look it's the it's the monument to  brian discovers mauritius i need to put a monument   up for everything in ports grandpa in grand port  including me and you got two ears growing out   of you wait let me reposition a bit two ears okay  now you don't have that's better i'll take a photo   like this and add it to google maps okay okay  video shot welcome to brian discovers mauritius   without the ears coming out his head and this is  exactly how i want the monument in grandpa to look toady love grandport thanks rick for my birthday  present best ever can't wait till my next birthday   because we just learned that the dutch arrived  here in 15 something or other 68 1598 which is   so long ago but there's a secret mauritius  is holding and i get to find out what it is   soon there's a pyramid an actual  pyramid and it's not the only one   there are more there are more pyramids we are  coming to find out what happened with the pyramids   next birthday present i promise wow  wow wow that is so cool i can't wait you

2021-01-13 05:34

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