Graduation Class of 2020 - Tourism, Hospitality and Business

Graduation Class of 2020 - Tourism, Hospitality and Business

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello class of 2020 and a big virtual welcome to all of you your friends and your family who are hopefully tuning in to celebrate with us today my name's audrey cumberford i'm the principal of edinburgh college and it's usually my job to introduce the graduation ceremony now i am sad that we are not able to get together in person this year as we would normally do but that's not going to stop us celebrating everything that you have achieved and especially in such challenging circumstances now graduation is all about you it's about the hard work and effort that each of you has put into your studies but it's also about celebrating your accomplishments which feel even more impressive and they should feel even more impressive this year a quite different experience being a student during what is a global pandemic now i often say that pride and passion run through edinburgh college it's at the very heart of what we do and that has never been truer than for the class of 2020. the hard work the determination and the passion that you've all demonstrated throughout your studies is something which you should be extremely proud of the strength and resilience that you've shown by gaining your qualifications in the most unusual and difficult circumstances will absolutely stand you in good stead in the future and allow you to go on and achieve extraordinary things your college education mixed with that strength and resilience is a wonderful foundation to build on as you take your next steps into the world the past year has shown us that even in the toughest of times there are no limits to what can be achieved and my ask of you is not to limit yourselves you know what you're good at you know what excites you where your talent lies you have something to offer the world and the world is ready and waiting for you so go out there and join the alumnus and former edinburgh college students who are making their mark make your mark the day will come when you look back and reflect on these times and when you do i hope that you look back fondly on your time spent with us at edinburgh college and that you're proud of yourselves and of your fellow students and classmates and that you share the memories and friendships with each other that i'm sure will last a lifetime now throughout today's virtual graduation you'll see just some of the familiar faces of those edinburgh college staff that have supported you throughout your studies staff who like me are really proud of how you've adapted to learning online when we had to shut the doors to our campuses back in march not only did you persevere but you excelled during your time with us i still remember the excitement of not quite knowing what path my life would take after my own graduation and of feeling slightly fearful of the unknown but knowing that i was equipped not just with the qualifications but that ambition to succeed i had a fire on my belly which would fuel my future even if i face knocks along the way you will face knocks along the way i'm i'm sure but the challenge there is to just keep going and keep persevering even in the strangest of times you've got this now before i wrap up when we start the virtual graduation there's one piece of advice that i would like to give to all of our graduates and that's this time is all that you have that is truly yours so please don't waste it invest in it wisely whatever your plans are for the future you only have one life so live it well follow your dreams you've made a real investment in yourself in choosing to come to the college and that investment has equipped you to meet a lifetime of challenges so please don't waste that investment now today is not only a celebration of what you've achieved but also of what yet is to come and i'm excited to see what is next for all of you and i look forward to hearing of your future successes and i hope that our virtual ceremony goes some way and showing all of you just how proud we are here at edinburgh college to call you ours so without further ado we will now commence the edinburgh college class of 2020 virtual graduation so please enjoy and celebrate with whoever is with you right now thank you hello i'm john sweeney the deputy first minister and the cabinet secretary for education and skills and it's my enormous pleasure to congratulate you on your graduation from edinburgh college graduation is a massive moment in any student's life it is the moment of celebration of the achievements that you have made of all of that learning all of those experiences that have been wrapped up together over some time to get to the point where you're graduating in your course where you've reached that moment of success and i want to express my warmest congratulations to you at this very significant moment you reach this moment in a period of enormous turmoil in our society the disruption to education as a consequence of covert has been huge it's been huge for students and it's been huge for staff but throughout this period students and staff have focused on the one thing that has mattered and that has been about ensuring that students are able to appreciate first-class learning and teaching to make sure they could command the the material within their courses and to be able to complete their courses successfully you've now reached that moment and i join you in celebrating that tremendous achievement in really difficult circumstances i hope you have a moment in these extraordinary times to enjoy that celebration and it is different because well you can't ordinarily do the things to celebrate that you might ordinarily do at this moment but you should take great pride in what you have achieved and i want to thank you for your commitment your resilience and your tenacity in these difficult and challenging times i also want to thank your teaching staff for giving so much to make sure this achievement has been possible graduation is a moment to take stock to reflect on what you've achieved so far but also a base for the future a foundation for what you can build on for the years to come and in that endeavor i wish you every success in what you choose to do congratulations class of 2020 i had the distinct privilege of being your head of faculty in your final year of study and i just wanted to say what a fate no one in the history of colleges has worked hard to attain their qualification than you did to complete in this year it's a thanks not just to you but to your families for supporting you through this and to the amazing curriculum managers curriculum leaders lecturers and support staff across our faculty that have helped make this possible so graduations are really important and it's a shame that we're not all celebrating together but remember this if you have enough resilience to complete a qualification like that under such special circumstances then whatever the world throws that you know you'll be ready for best of luck with your future thank you i would just like to take this opportunity to congratulate all our students from the department of enterprise and commerce who have successfully achieved their qualification it's been a difficult year but each and every one of you have worked extremely hard to complete your qualification we are very proud of you all on behalf of myself and the enterprise and commerce staff we would like to wish you every success in your future careers [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] privileged to be part of your graduation got so disappointed i cannot be with you in person many congratulations on achieving your hnc or hnd and enterprise and commerce especially in the unexpected and highly unusual circumstances well done it was not easy for you but you didn't i wish you well for the future in future study employment and personal life i hope we're not the stage where we can begin to look forward in anticipation of economic growth and all the benefits that go with that please keep in touch so we can see how you're doing so congratulations and i send you my very best wishes for the future [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'd like to wish you all the best and to congratulate you on your academic success this year we all know it's been a really challenging year and it's great that you've got this far and you've achieved your academic awards um please keep in touch all the best and we're gunning for you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign hello a shout out to all hnc and hnd beauty therapy classes of 2020. today is your graduation guys you did it despite all the obstacles that this pandemic has put in your place so be very proud of your achievement for me personally it's been an honour and a privilege to watch you develop and grow into amazing therapists and i'm so very proud of you all i know a virtual graduation is maybe not what we all signed up for but please be assured that myself and the rest of the team will be celebrating with you all from afar enjoy your day celebrate with those that you love and be proud of everything that you've done you are our future spread your wings and keep the industry alive have a wonderful wonderful day stay safe and well goodbye you did it class 2020 hnc beauty therapy milton road campus we hope this time you have had with us has transformed you to share in a sense of purpose to transform lives to give you knowledge and capability making you part of the community we thank you for your contribution and for applying your knowledge and skills to continue changing lives we thank you for the challenge and the stimulation you have given staff who have taught you some of you this may be your final year of studies and others it will mark the continuation of study here whichever it may be we support the work you do please remember you remain part of edinburgh college on behalf of myself kirsty and the team at milton road well done we are so proud of you and we really hope that you can enjoy and share this fabulous achievement today with your family keep in touch good luck for your future career it has been a pleasure to work with each and every one of you congratulations be proud and raise a glass to our hmc class of 2020 well done well done girls bye bye [Music] hi i'm carrie nielsen and i had the pleasure of teaching hnd beauty therapy at the granting campus in class of 2020. firstly a huge

congratulations on your graduation it's so well deserved 2020 was a tough year but he's persevered and you managed to get all your studies done and complete successfully so a huge well done and we're so proud of you all and you're so proud of yourselves you're the next generation of the beauty industry and something that we're so passionate about and we hope to to hear all your success stories um wherever you go whatever career you choose and we just hope that you take the memories and the life skills and the friendships with you that you gained at edinburgh college and wishing you all the very best for your future and please keep in touch and we hope you have a lovely graduation take care hi i'm nicola patterson also part of the beauty therapy team at granton campus and i also had the pleasure of teaching so many of you and throughout not just 2020 but over the last four years quite a lot of you have studied with us so it's been a real pleasure and you know real connections there hopefully and you'll all keep in touch with us over time but just a huge thank you for all the hard work and effort that you put in particularly through lockdown and it sure was tough and you got they are so so proud of you all and enjoy this celebration because you really do deserve it so all the best to all of you good luck [Applause] [Music] i would like to wish uh well done and a huge congratulations to our hnc hospitality students along with our hnd hospitality management students i know that it's been a very very troubled time for you but you've you've graduated with a huge success so congratulations and thank you for being part of our hospitality team [Music] hi i also want to say congratulations and well done to our hnc hospitality students and our hnd hospitality management students it's been a real challenge but you've done it congratulations i just want to say stay in touch with us keep us informed of what you guys are going to do for the future congratulations to the class of 2020 we wish you all the very best for the [Applause] future [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i am so pleased to be here today a bit congratulations to all you guys with the 2020 tourism students despite coronavirus you overcame a number of challenges to complete your course we're all really proud of you wish you every success in the future whether at university or in the world of work [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] as lord provost of the city of edinburgh i would like to congratulate all of the edinburgh college students graduating from the class of 2020 on their achievements the class of 2020 will forever be a unique year in the challenges you all had to face so be proud of your achievements i wish you all a successful future in realizing your ambitions and your dreams you

2021-03-06 18:58

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