Going to the world’s most accessible and inclusive amusement park!!

Going to the world’s most accessible and inclusive amusement park!!

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I could not be more excited for today's video because I am taking you to Morgan's Wonderland here in San Antonio, Texas, which is the world's most inclusive, most accessible amusement park for those of us with disabilities. You might notice I have cane in hand, not doggo. And that is because it is going to be a whopping 97 degrees today, which I do not think Elton would appreciate because I know I sure as hell don't appreciate it, but he certainly wouldn't in his thick winter fur coat. So he is not here with us, sadly, because I know he would have loved this, but we are going to go on some cane adventures around this amusement park and check out all the accessibility they have to offer We are officially in! I am so excited because I heard about this place through like a little TikTok video I saw over a year ago and I've been wanting to come so badly and today's finally the moment.

As somebody who does like a lot of accessibility consulting in the corporate world around design, this is going to be so fascinating to me. I'm very excited to see what elements they've incorporated that I would have just never even thought of, and see if there's anything they forgot. As a blind person, I feel like we are often forgot about and this is more so geared towards physical disabilities involving mobility like wheelchair. So basically the story is from my understanding that a father who had a daughter who had both cognitive and physical disabilities was on vacation. He saw that she was struggling, being left out, and he never wanted to see her or other children face that.

And so he created Morgan's Wonderland in honor of his daughter. And now this opened in 2010. But they've done a ton of expansion. We bought tickets to both parks. There is a water park and then the normal park for me and my partner. Two adult tickets. It was $34

for the whole thing to go to both parks. That is absurdly affordable. I like actually can't believe how affordable that is. I have a purple wristband.

What color is yours again? Mine is yellow. He is yellow. So mine basically allows everybody at the park who works here to know that I am disabled. And gives me different access. So in the splash park, it gives us access to a free locker. And if I did have mobility needs, it would give me access to a free water wheelchair, no rental cost at all.

And then in the normal park, it gives access to jump the line at certain rides and things like that. And just again, allow staff to know that I do have a disability. So love that.

And then here they have a tactile and braille map, high color contrast, large print. This is right. Once you enter the park. They do also have a full Braille map, but it's not one you can, like take around the park with you. It's just inside there. And then they gave us a normal map, which is great because my boyfriend has -10% spatial directional awareness.

Okay. So one thing that's really funny, let me find it. And I mean, maybe it's just me, but I'm fairly certain it is not just me.

This is Butterly playground, meant to be butterfly. Yeah. So it's meant to be butterfly playground. It is Butterly playground.

They forgot an f its beauty. Er contraction l y. So that's the only one I like was the first one I read and I was like, oh, but it's really good Braille. Like in terms of the tactile feel, it's super legible, very nice to feel under the fingers. And then over here, you can feel like all the tactile elements of my boyfriend already oriented me, that this is where we entered. So I'm standing like essentially here right now, which means I now know that the lake.

Is to my left. And then I can feel the border around the water. Oh, the the location. It's probably where you get on the boat. That would be my guess as well. Like a boat cruise.

I'm so excited. I am so intrigued. Also, their symbol is a butterfly and I'm sure that has some meaning. And I'm curious if any of you know what that meaning is. I feel like in the disability world there's got to be some meaning behind that, but for some reason I am unaware as to what it is.

So one of you could comment, let me know. That'd be great. I'm in this like cool butterfly bench just sitting in the shade.

Taking a moment, I want to tell you guys about the Halloween festivities so they have a bunch of different special things. But my biggest question is, are you open Halloween night? Because if you guys know me, you know that like Halloween. For me, growing up was always really difficult because I've been night blind from birth and I struggled socially. It was always a really difficult night because if I managed to find kids to go trick or treating with, they would want to like run ahead and I would be slowing them down and they'd be upset about that.

And it was just like, not a positive experience. And it's led to me as an adult, like hating Halloween. But they are open Halloween night and you can come with your kiddos and they have trick or treating at different activities. And if I had a space like this that my parents could have taken me to, I think that would have been such a different experience of Halloween as a disabled child. So I think it's really awesome that they have stuff like that.

I'm sure they do stuff around Christmas as well. So I want to mention it in case you're in the San Antonio area or you're going to be around Halloween, I think this would be a really awesome place to go on our first ride, the carousel. Oh, we're starting to go. I think I'm going to go up and down. Yeah. Oh, here I am.

We see I'm on a horse, right? Yeah. No, a zebra a zebra. wee and I was able to buckle myself in very safe. Okay I'm going to get off.

There's also worth mentioning like bench ones and ones that have like a seatback to it so that if you're in a wheelchair or, or have issues with like core strength and stuff, you can still enjoy here’s your cane That's important. There we go. That's the bench one to the right. Oh, wow. And you could like sit with with somebody next to you. That's awesome.

We are on the jet Wonder bikes. I think this is a new ride this year. Yeah, yeah, I think so. We're going up and down is it. Yeah. Up and down in a circle.

And you have little pedals. So I could feel like I'm biking. Yeah. And there's like a little propeller behind you. You can hear it Whirring oh my god so cute. Also this is one of the rides where you can go right in on your wheelchair.

So there's like a wheelchair platform so you don't have to transfer out of your wheelchair. And they have quite a few rides here like that, which I think is so cool because I don't know, correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think that exists anywhere else. And I'm always like, man, if somewhere like this can do it, so can six flags. So can Disney.

So can all of these big amusement parks. Oh my gosh. Okay hold on I'm still feeling the pedals okay. Go ahead. Whoa. They're very squeaky.

So the pedals control the, how high you go. This is crazy pedal fest for sure, Okay. And then if we start pedaling, you start to think. Whoa, whoa whoa whoa. This is so fun.

That's actually amazing. That's right. Yes. You have autonomy to control their ride experience. That is so fun. Yeah, I'm glad we figured that out before the ride. ended. Me too.

This is. I just I'm so excited. Like, this is so cool. I've just.

Why isn't everywhere like this? This is literally wonderland. This is Morgan's Wonderland, but it's also Molly's Wonderland and every other disabled persons wonderland because it just shows you what the world could be. They have a huge playground, like a massive playground for you know, kids. But also I would have fun. And they have a whole section of wheelchair accessible swings, not just one multiple, where again, you roll right in with your wheelchair and you get to experience swinging.

Okay, it's been a long time since I've done this. Oh my God, oh my, I did it for fun. Look at this. At the playground they have this tactile chart of sign language.

So it has the whole sign language alphabet in like, tactile hands. I'm obsessed. I'm obsessed. This is so cool.

Okay, I sound like a broken record. I'm just going to say this is so cool and so fun all day. But look, look, do you see this? It's like a I've never seen anything like this. How would you describe this? That's really cool. So there's these hoops that are over my head that you can grab onto to pull herself through on her back, and you can have somebody roll you or you can roll yourself. You can be pushed head first or feet first.

Okay? You're nearing the end. That's the last one. Where's the. Can I sit up now? I'm doing my head. Yeah I think yeah. We ooh. I don’t want to roll right off. Ta da! That's cool. Never seen anything.

I've never seen anything like that. We've got another form of an accessible swing. Instead of it just being one of those little bench swings, it's actually a full seat. So you can rest your back. You can rest your head. You're

fully supported on your hips. We love to see it. I have not been on a Ferris wheel since I was a wee child. You're afraid of heights a little bit. Oh yeah.

So this should be really just a beautiful view of the lake to your left. It does feel like we're quite high. Yeah. How do you feel? I feel like I don't want to look out. Okay.

Perfect. Thank you. All right. We to go out to the right, actually. All right, all right, all right. The paths are really, like, wide open, smooth, very easy to navigate.

I mean, if you can see a little difficult when you get. But that's just. That's not that. That's me.

Okay. And then we're going to turn 90 degrees to the right. And we're going over the little railroad crossing that the train tracks go over. So you'll feel that with your cane there.

Don't worry. We'll be going on the train. Okay. The turn right. Right here. We got a train ride to come.

We got a boat ride to come. Most importantly, we got the zip line. Rocket star flight adventure.

It's such a cute name. Yeah, we feel more train tracks. It's cute.

There's a picture of a kid in a wheelchair, but it's like a rocket powered wheelchair. Whoa. Cute. Yeah, I love that. That's so fun.

We go over the water, right? Yeah. Oh, and apparently it goes up real high. Yeah. Okay, before we go in the zip line, I want to tell you why I'm so excited about this. I don't know if I've ever told you this story before.

I probably have, because I talk so much. But the last time I tried to go ziplining, I was denied because I'm blind and not covered under their insurance policy. And, that's when I bought this ring.

That's how this ring came to be on my finger when I was 16 years old, because my family spent a bunch of money so we could go ziplining. My mom and I, we were on a cruise and we were doing, like, a excursion, one of the islands. And when they found out that I was blind, they denied me and said I wasn't covered. So my mom and I had to, like, cancel. That got our money back, thankfully.

And, well, it sounds like a rocket. Sure does. Oh my gosh. And that is when we use that money to go shopping on the island.

And I bought this ring and I’ve worn it ever since. So. So this will be my next chance to go zip lining. Have you never been zip lining like baby zip lines? Wow. Tiny one. Yeah, yeah. Okay.

This is a massive one. So yeah, I'm really excited because they won't deny me because I'm disabled. Yay! We love that. We love feeling confident that they'll let you do something that you should be able to do.

Okay, so you want me to describe it to you? I do, I want to know what it's what I'm getting myself into. Okay, so there's, four seats, two face forward, two face backward. Okay. And they're hanging from the zip line. Like a what did I call it earlier? Like a ski lift.

And it's blue colored, and it has rocket engines on the top of it. So cute. We just did the zip line. It was really fun. It was my type of ride in that you didn't get any of that G-Force tummy drops, nausea, feeling. And it didn't make me get vertigo or feel dizzy, but it felt really fun.

Still, like very freeing. It was like feeling the rush of the air and your feet dangling below you. I really enjoyed it.

And one thing I've noticed that's a really cool accessibility feature is that there's like benches everywhere to take a break and sit down, including in the line. So, for example, with this one all along where there was the line to wait to get into the ride, there was benches so that you could sit down while you wait instead of standing all day. Very smart. If you have ever been to other amusement parks with a service dog, you know they have very specific areas. They want your dog to pee and they're like these little tiny gated off zones. Even though many service dogs are large breeds.

And then you have to, like, run around trying to find it when your dog has to pee. But here they can pretty much anywhere they want, and they do have fire hydrants in case your dog prefers it. Also, I love that we're listening to blinded the Blinded by the Light, song I'm blinded by the light You're on the train right now. And every single train car has a space for somebody with wheelchairs.

And with the ramp roll right on lock in. And we were just saying, it's kind of cool, because the entire theme of this place is to look like a little mini town, and it's like, if your world was really accessible, that's what your town can be like, which is such a fun concept. And we passed a bunch of little like fake kind of town type of things, like a little, a couple little fake restaurants and stuff, which is so fun that they like have really leaned into that, like take a little mini town. Yeah. Oh, there was another, like fake train stop too. Yeah.

Oh, this is so cool. Okay, so they have a sign up ahead that says Welcome to Sensory Village. Sensory village.

That's for me. I want to go to Sensory Village next. I think this is where the 4D ride is. Okay. Very fun. Oh yeah. Okay, so we were reading that they wanted to create a roller coaster ride experience for people in wheelchairs.

But obviously that can be very challenging. So they came up with this idea of doing a 4D ride. So it gives you the full experience of feeling like you're on a roller coaster, but it's still inclusive and accessible. So let's check it out. Okay, so we just stepped into the Magic Cinema and it's cool. It looks like a little, like a little street corner.

Like a little town square. Oh my God, stop us. So here. So the cinema is on the right, and then we have Exploration station, the Village market, the Long Horn Trading Post.

So which one do you want to do first? The cinema. Yeah. Okay. Let's go. And there's air conditioning.

Important to note. Very nice. The thing with a place like this, especially for children who are disabled, is you're not just coming and having an experience that's accessible. You're coming in, you're seeing other people that are like you, which is so important because in so many places in our lives, we are the only us, you know, going to school, I was always the only blind child until I went to school for the blind, of course, but for most of my childhood, when I was going to summer camps and when I was interacting in public spaces, I was always the only blind person, often even the only visibly disabled person, until I went and sought out spaces for disabled people. And I think it's so great that kids can come here and see themselves. And there is, we've noticed like a couple of disabled employees.

So there is a blind employee nearby that my boyfriend mentioned to me, and I think it's awesome that they're not only creating a space for us, but, you know, also hiring inclusivity, which is so important. Ooh, it's like a takeoff runway. We're turning right. Yeah.

We're tilting and we're going to go uphill. ooh fun feel the air iblowing Yeah. They're going past the space station. It's like an actual roller coaster though which is cool. What'd you think? I really enjoyed it. I wish there was an AD headset.

I know that would have been cool, but I described it to you. That would be my biggest recommendation. Yeah, to increase the accessibility even more. Okay, so there wasn't any audio description, which I think would be really cool for them to consider adding in the future for people like me to make it even more inclusive than it already is. Because it was just sound effects, like there was nobody talking or describing anything in any way except my boyfriend sitting next to me. But I think that would be something that was super cool.

But regardless of that, it was very fun. Like the seat rocks back and forth, forward and backwards. And what was interesting, one of my boyfriend was describing it to me. I thought it was going to be kind of like the mission to Mars at Disney, where they're actually trying to simulate you being on a trip to Mars. But this was just trying to simulate you being on a roller coaster.

So it looks like the visuals of being on a roller coaster track that went up and down, and then the Mars type of stuff was around it, like stars and whatnot. And so when they had like at the end of it, a part that felt like you're going on a waterslide or like a, a water ride, a waterfall. Yeah. And you got sprayed with water. Yeah. And then, during the ups and downs, you were having wind blowing in your face. So again, it simulate that feeling, but actually being out in real life on the ride. So I thought that was really cool.

And then we did pop into the bathrooms afterwards. And I was surprised that they didn't have like a family bathroom. They just had men's and women's, which is surprising because there's a lot of kids with families and it's helpful for that. But also it's something that I really appreciate when I'm just like on my own or with my partner, because he can't obviously come into the women's restroom with me and it is definitely not the easiest thing to do on my own. Obviously I do it all the time, but I can. But whenever there is a gender neutral or family bathroom, we use that one because that way he can come in and describe where everything is to me and help me when I need it.

So that would be great. We only checked out one bathroom, so I'm sure there is one somewhere. Like there must be. And I did read one of the reviews that said they have adult sized changing tables, which was awesome because that woman had a 14 year old son who she needed to change and the like changing table actually accommodated his adult size, which is awesome.

So I'm sure those bathrooms are somewhere. But that was just one note I wanted to mention. Okay, now I'm so hot we need to go to the water park. Okay, we are on the walk to the water park and we passed by the family restrooms, which I'm assuming is also where they have the changing tables. So we did find them. I knew they must exist around here somewhere.

Okay, no, seriously. I'm sweating. Let's go. I have made it to the accessible splash pad. I've got my little turtle friend here next to me. I'm going to walk in with my cane. I feel like that's fine.

So I will take these mikes off so you will not be able to hear me anymore. We'll just have fun. B-roll of this frolicking. Okay. Straightforward. Keep going. Yeah. It's there. Keep going.

Is there a refreshing, refreshing. That feels great. But now I'm dizzy.

Okay. I'm over to your right. good thing this dress is warter wicking There's a bunch of other splash pads as well, and they're like, all different theme, different amounts of water. This one is a pirate theme. And there's actually, like, little slides and stuff. And there is a ramp to get up to the slide.

So when you use the free water wheelchair rental, you can get up and do the slide. This is so awesome. I'm just I'm just so happy this exists. Like, my heart feels very full. Right here. We leave, we pop into the gift shop.

I was really hoping they'd have, like, a t shirt or something with that guide dog character on it. They don't, but they do have one with the wheelchair character with the rockets. But they have this which has the like butterfly imagery on it.

And then my boyfriend is just reading this to me, since I asked earlier what we thought the butterfly meant. Here we go. So it says taking flight. Taking flight dramatically symbolizes what Morgan's Wonderland stands for, to inspire those with special needs to soar beyond their physical and cognitive challenges, to reach heights thought to be unattainable. Just as a butterfly magically emerges from its cocoon, unfurls its wings, and takes flight, this unique park is dedicated to encouraging each individual to reach beyond their limitations and reach the heights of their dreams. I think I definitely like the imagery of a butterfly, like that's what accessibility does.

Is accessibility like when something is universally designed to make sure that everybody's needs are being met and they can all experience the same thing that allows you to become the butterfly that you already are. I don't think it has anything to do with us changing as disabled people, but everything to do with the environment around us, accommodating us, amazing. And our day at Morgan's Wonderland has come to an end. I have to say, in a world where we're seeing so many major theme parks, removing access and taking away accommodations from the disabled community, it's so refreshing to come to a place like this. And I can't even tell you how many times my boyfriend was like, obviously describing everything around me all day and the amount of families where they both had children in wheelchairs and their tot chatting and connecting, and people have traveled from all over the country to come here, and we're seeing little kids in the water, wheelchairs, enjoying being in the splash pad and getting to have the full experience that every other kid gets to have. And it's it's just so special.

I'm so happy a place like this exists. It seems like from some of the signage around, there's a lot of like corporate sponsors and individual sponsors that fund this space to, to allow it to exist. There is tons of wheelchair accessible, parking spots. They make it such an affordable price point, which is amazing because being disabled is so expensive in families with disabled children already have such a financial burden that it's amazing that they remove that barrier. In fact, I I'm fairly certain mine was free.

I think you only pay if you're not disabled, which I think is really cool. Correct myself on screen and down below if I'm wrong. Yeah, I just this was such an amazing experience. I cannot encourage you enough to come here to bring your family here, whether you are disabled or not. This is just an enjoyable experience for everyone, and this is the type of company that deserves to be financially supported.

So I will definitely come back next time I'm in San Antonio and I hope you do as well. Until next time you can click over here to see me explore Disney Tokyo or over here to see me explore Disney in California with Elton. I'm coming home for you, Elton. So. Okay. I think we figured out what the theme of the park is like.

Superheroes. So they have these different cartoon characters, and we think this one is Morgan. So she's in a pink, superhero costume, and she has, like, high tech, like, rocket crutches on it. So just like the statue, you just felt.

Yeah, but she's, she's got these crutches. So that's, I think, what that's about. And then this blond woman with glasses, and she's got these giant, butterfly wings, and she's wearing a yellow costume. And then there's, the guy from the Jets, rocket wheelchair.

So the wheelchair ride, and he's got the rockets on the back of this, and he's wearing the blue costume. And then there's a guy in a green costume, and he has a guide dog. Yay! We're representing you guys. We're here. Yeah, we did it. We made it! The guide dog users.

And he's cool. He's got, like, these little, glasses on that are like, remind me of the X-Men character. Can I touch it? Where is it? Yeah, sure. So they're like, cardboard cutout style thing. So this is the, this is the blind guy with the dog. So that's him holding the harness.

It looks like a harness. Yeah. What's the dog look like? The dog is like a golden, like, lab. Oh! Stop it.

I love it so much. Yeah. They have this cute little shaved ice truck. Which. Oh, I need a cool treat.

They have a bunch of kid friendly flavors, but of course, I got the cucumber lime and I got some oil on it, which I've never had. But I know people on TikTok love it. So. Oh, yeah. Oh. My God. That is good. That is so fresh.

Oh is it spicy. Brain freeze. Oh. Brain freeze. No it's not spicy.

Super fresh. You really taste the lime. You really taste the cucumber which I love. Cucumber. They also have pickle juice one I was very tempted to get that but this is really good. Perfect.

Okay. Go ahead. Seems like the perfect time for a boat ride.

If you ask me. Over the bridge we go. It's a pirate ship. Is that right? It's not an actual pirate ship, but they call it.

What do they call it? I already forget what they call it. Okay, I'm. See, I'm not a good host.

You shouldn't get to ask me to interact. Okay. Pirate island cruises. That's what they call it. Pirate island cruises.

Where do I go from here? A little bit left and straight. Let's do that again. Big action. Seems like a good time for a boat ride, if you ask me.

We're going over this bridge. And off to what? Pirate. Pirate island. Pirate island cruises.

And we're at the wharf right now. Very fun. I love a good boat ride.

Milton would have loved it. He would. Oh my gosh, he hates going in the water, but he likes being on the water. Oh, and they have fishing here too.

I heard about that. So cute. You're gonna head out of these fishing poles. Okay.

So sorry. I was, like, using both hands for video. So there's a fishing pole here. Oh, and you can reel it in and everything. Where's the reel? Here on side. Sorry.

Oh, there you go. Is it going? Yeah I see, so you, that's going up so you can make it go down the other direction. Oh, I guess you could just take it out. Oh. Oh.

Okay. You can actually catch fish here, by the way. Really? And then set them, like, return them back. Yeah. So there's like a button. Okay. I think I've done this before. Yeah. Yeah.

So that will drop it in if you do that. And then, and then kind of like flick it downwards. The whole thing. Yeah. You casted it in. No you didn't. It felt something fell off the end of your. Hold on.

I'm not very good at this. Yeah. No it's okay I got it. Okay. I'm still trying to film. Oh, yeah. Okay. Oh. Okay.

So you can press the button and then it kind of just extends down it. Wow. No, that's that's like this, right. Oh okay. Go ahead. Take it. My. Thank you. Perfect. Thank you.

Okay. So now it's in the water. Oh I can feel it. It feels heavy.

Like if it's pulling then. Yeah. Feel like pulling. Oh you probably have a fish down there. Really? Okay. Start winding it up like this.

Whatever direction you're doing before. Oh, no, you didn't get anything. Oh. Press the button more. Okay.

You're under while you're in the water. Now, can you see? Yeah. I don't know how long we'll wait here to catch a fish, but thrilling stuff.

This is my discovery channel fishing documentary. See what a thunk? Like fishing. Cool stuff to have in a theme park. All right, I want to go on a boat. I don't think I'm going to catch a fish. Okay, well, neither of us are good fishers, so that's fine.

Oops, sorry, I stopped, I stopped. Oh, wait, this is a you get on the boat. Where do we get on the boat? Oh my goodness. That's why we need out in here. It's a lot of mud.

Exactly like a lot of multitasking. We need the guide dog. I would figure it out. Yeah. Oh, this is a really good perspective for the, the zip line, though. Okay.

You're very much in shade right now. Okay, but that's okay. You take it. There you go. Slowly, but. Yeah, yeah, just take it off here with you. You right. Do like your face.

Oh. Come on. Like. Where are my, participants who were my assistants to the. Okay, okay, go ahead and take a part.

They're all in Disney movie and, and show to everyone else that I also have that. All right, all right. So I'm guessing it's, something.

I'll get card, and I'll put it somewhere in the middle. So it's somewhere in the middle, right? Yep. Okay. Right. What I want to do one second. So I'm going to find that card, put it over I put the rest of that back over on top.

All in one second. And believe me. Yeah.

Let you guys leave me right. All right, so one second to a countdown from five, five, four, three, two, one. All right, all done. And leaving.

Oh, if I go through I week. So I'm going to just go through all you one card. So the. I was I got three. On the table with Morgan.

So, who else would I be. I was very like, oh, there you be. Okay, okay, I'm a little further away. So it's a wider shot.

You're going to call if you want to get the video. So, hold up with him. I'm going to turn on this.

You get closing does not. Let me see what the card. Is going to go. So let me see. Let down. I'm gonna try to steal it.

You can stop. I want you to. After I think. Oh. Oh, hello.

Hello. I think whatever hit the diamond. How's our battery? Checking a minute. I think it's okay. So somebody come.

Pick up the person outside. Okay. Here. I have, all right, and I got.

2024-10-16 06:16

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