Glamping for Camping 2020

Glamping for Camping 2020

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Good evening, and welcome to this year's glamping, for camping, virtual, style. We're so excited that you are joining us this evening, my name is crystal simon and i get the honor and privilege, of working at barnabas, foundation. For those of you that don't know the incredible, man to my right. This is mr nick, sanders. Him and his lovely wife aaron, have been huge supporters, of barnabas. His wife and his children have served at camp and i thought you know what what, better person to come emcee with me tonight, than you oh my gosh thanks crystal for having me, you know any chance i get to throw on some camo. Have a party. I'm in, can't tell you how excited i am for everything that we have tonight we've got about a 20-minute, program. So we're looking to have a lot of fun. Absolutely. So we hope that you'll stick around with us the next 20 minutes. Nick and i get the honor and privilege of sharing with you some incredible, stories. On how barnabas, has changed, the lives. Of the campers that we serve as well as our missionary, volunteers. As you know each fall we usually get together at the white river conference, center. We have a great night we get together, we have a lot of fun we have a family style meal, we get to listen to good music. And we raise a lot of money, for the premier, non-profit. In the ozarks. Everything. And, all the things that we'll do tonight, are going directly to the campers, at camp barnabas, what a wonderful, thing, it's an incredible. Night and even though we cannot, meet, face to face this year, we're so excited, that you guys are joining us virtually. From your own neck of the woods, so sit back, relax. But, before, we get truly started, we have to thank. Our presenting sponsor and our innovative, dental, without groups like innovative, dental things like this don't happen. The money that they've donated to barnabas, has impacted. So many of the campers, so many of the family's, lives, it's just fantastic, so thank you to innovative dental, yes and thank you to all of our sponsors. That made tonight happen we are super grateful for your support this evening to make a gift tonight. Simply, text, camp, to. 345-345. Or scan, the qr code on your television, screen with your phone. You can also visit our website, directly. At camp barnabas, dot o-r-g. To make a donation. Your, gift, will help thousands, of families, experience. The pure, joy of camp, and don't forget to bid on all the silent auction items while you're online. It only lasts until 9 00 pm tonight and there are some, fantastic. Things. That we have for you. I am super, pumped, i cannot wait i actually get to bid on a few items this year, so those rustic, cuff bracelets, that i've been dying to get i think i might actually have a shot. So if you're smart nick i'm going to set you up right now, you can get away with getting some christmas shopping, done, in november. Erin's always wanting me to shop early because she has a lot of different things that she likes and tonight, is no different, she's already got her eyes on a few of those things so i'm definitely gonna do it again, remember, to bid often on those silent auction items because, it closes, at nine o'clock.

As Much as we love the silent auction. That's not what tonight is all about. We get the opportunity. To serve some incredible. Campers, so for the last, 26, years, we've had the privilege, of serving, 90. 000. Campers. And missionaries. And you can see it camp we have an absolute. Blast, and i think this will give you a sneak peek into a little bit of the fun. What. So. Crystal did you see that zip line, oh, my goodness, the zip line is absolutely. Incredible. And what makes it so awesome. Is that it's accessible. To everyone. And in addition to that it's an opportunity, for us to see our campers. Overcome. Their fear. And try something new for the very first time but it doesn't stop there it doesn't stop there they get to swim, they get to go down the water slide, yeah they get to canoe, they get to fish, they get to do paintball. Lots of parties. And more parties. The thing that i love the most okay what do you love the most the open mic night not surprising, i love the open mic, i mean i think every, kid should have a platform. To say what they want to say when they want to say it most favorite. Part of camp it really is magical, so we do that on thursday, evenings, and it's an opportunity. For our campers to share. What was so special, about camp. So what about when summer doesn't happen what then. So their first time, in 25, years, we had to make the difficult decision, to actually. Cancel, camp this summer. So even though we knew that it was the best decision, for our campers. And our missionaries. It didn't make that decision, any easier. So what did we do in this summer, we pivoted, like so many others. And what we did is we called every, single, camper family, and we told them that you're not forgotten. We told them that we love them and we cannot. Wait to see them, next summer. Not only did we call everyone, but we sent, handwritten, cards to every, single. Camper, and missionary. Letting them know that we would be seeing them next year. And i can honestly, tell you in addition to that, we did a whole lot of praying too. Well and it sounds like one of those prayers was answered. It was a huge, answered, prayer. So back in august, we got the opportunity. To launch, day camp, springfield, here at bridgecrest, baptist, church, our day camp program was an opportunity. To serve, the community, in an incredible. Way. What we were hearing, from families, who have children with special, needs, is that they needed a safe, and affordable, place to send their child to go during the day, and barnabas, we got to answer that call. And we know, day camp is such a huge deal because it provides the families. With the hope and respite, they need the challenges, that they face, every, day, are unbelievable. And so the day camp, really was an answered prayer for them, absolutely. And not only has day camp been such a huge success. But we are so, excited, and it makes us this much. More excited. Coming in hot for summer 21.. And crystal we know we can't do camp without some very important people, they truly are, the heart. Of the barnabas, ministry. I hear these people travel in groups. They definitely wear chocos. And they come from, all over the united states you're exactly right so you are talking about our one-on-one, buddies. Or our missionary. Volunteers. Who spend a week serving, at barnabas. And i think you nick know firsthand, more than anybody. The impact that barnabas, has on these individuals, oh absolutely. My wife aaron, my daughter sophia and my son calvin. All had the opportunity, to spend a week at camp as missionaries. And to say, that they were impacted. Is an understatement. To be able to have the ability. To spend a week with each, and every one of these kids. And, each and every one, of the children that they had one-on-one. I can't even tell you how much that impacted, their life to see what the kids went through every day, to get to experience. That, i think my, family. Definitely got more than they gave, so, erin, came, and your kids came so does that mean like summer 21, you're gonna be a cabin dad. Wow i mean she's putting me on the spot here yes nick sanders, cabin dad 2021.

I Mean that sounds like i'm running for something right there, i like it i'm in, 2021. Nick sanders, cabin dad vote yes right now, when you're voting for the silent auction, also hit the vote yes, on, nick sanders cavenda. 2021. That's awesome, you would be hands down. The, best cabin dad oh my gosh i want to be there that week a lot of fun a lot of fun so as much as we love to talk about our missionaries, i think it's so important for you to hear from them and the impact. That camp has had, so stay tuned, and watch this. Video. Seeing the campers, as they arrive. And they're greeted, by, a host, of. Staff, and missionaries, who are celebrating. And so excited, for them to come and spend the week, and be encouraged, and refreshed, and pointed to christmas. Really. Great. Place in my heart, camp barnabas. Is. Just a little glimpse of heaven that we get to see camp barnabas, has challenged me, to not just, serve. Individuals, with special needs in one week out of the year but look for opportunities. All around me in my context. To be the hands and feet of. Price. It's truly amazing to see what can happen in five days. It really is. It's incredible. To see. These middle school and high school kids, come together. They come and serve selflessly. And it radically, changes, their life. I too have seen the impact, that barnabas, has had on my two daughters. And it's absolutely. Incredible. They learn to love, so well and to love like jesus, and to care for others, in a way that you cannot, experience. Anywhere, else. It truly is a unique experience. It is and as much as i love, our missionaries. Tonight. Is all about our campers, and i'm so, excited, that we have saved. In my opinion. The best, for last. Tonight. You get to meet, two. Incredible. Campers. That have been forever, impacted. By barnabas, so you get to see this sweet camper. Named jaron, who has autism. He came to camp, with anxiety. And fear and we get to see, how this experience. Forever, changes, his life. As well as his parents. In addition to jaron you get to hear the story, of rhonda. A legendary. Camper. Who reminds, us each and every time that she comes to camp, the meaning of community. And friendship. And she loves jesus, like no one else. So i'm super excited, for you to get a sneak peek, into the impact that barnabas. Has. If he would not have gone, that first year. I don't know that we would have the kid we have. Now. It's neat to see your kids celebrated. And, not. Made to feel different. It means. A lot it means almost, everything. To me, it, has to be difficult. When, the world is not, built for you he. Had no confidence, he was, scared, of everything, he changed his world, changed our world changed how we interacted, with him he the first year he came back he was a different kid, just he had never had confidence, like that. Before. He was so happy, like his pictures as we said like, pure joy it's one where he's looking up at, one of the. The girls, and. You just see like a smile on his face and we just. It's joy like pure joy. Um for a kiddo who's. You know very anxious, normally and very i mean there's nothing that makes him anxious about camp i i love it here because this is the only place where i feel. Normal. Everybody, needs to see, a. Little glimpse of what the body of christ, i feel like is supposed to be like. And. I think that camp barnabas, does a really good job about showing that when you see, people. Rising, above, expectations. And rising above their limitations.

In In your bible. And you ask yourself, does that happen anymore. The answer is yes. And you can see that here. Everybody, had a chance, to. Experience. Camp. And i believe this. World. Lot better, shape. It makes me feel like, that i can do. The same things that somebody, else can do. It makes me feel like i'm. In heaven, a little bit, we may not all have the same, disability. But we all, face. The same. Challenges. I'm not gonna let my disability. Hold me back. I do have down syndrome. And, no one should ever limit, these opportunities, and his love, in this world, i am now embracing my disability. Camp barnabas, is, is just a game. Changer. It was a game changer for jiren and what, we couldn't see. They brought out of him. Wow. Jaren, and rhonda. I cannot, thank you enough, thank you for sharing your heart, and for your story. And allowing, us to see the impact, that barnabas, has had. Not only in your life, but then as ours as well. Whatever, barnabas, is what you've seen tonight. I can tell you hands, down. We are a ministry. Because, of you. Because, of your generosity. Because you've provided, hope. And community, to this incredible. Group of campers. We cannot, do this without you. Thank you so, so much for being the difference. This year has been incredibly, difficult. Not only for our community. But those that have a child with a special need, and you are making the difference. Crystal, i'm going to have to second that. All of the stories that we've heard tonight have been incredibly. Moving. To learn more about how you can give. Right now i want to kick it over to camp barnabas, camp director. Mike morasco. Thanks crystal and nick. I'm mike morasco. The camp director for camp barnabas. You've heard some incredible, stories tonight. Stories from campers who i call my friends. And my barnabas, family. As crystal said. We couldn't have camp this summer. And that broke, my heart. But we found something out. Camp, isn't about a physical, place. And it never has been. It's about the people. It's about rhonda, and jaren, and so many more. We want to do everything, we can to bring, back, camp. To bring back hope, and friendships. And fun and community. To bring back water slides. And zip lining, and dancing. And being together, underneath, the stars. Without, anything else in the world, to worry, about. For many families. Camp, and school, were taken away this year. Many of our campers. Have regressed. Because they've missed out on just so much. At camp barnabas, we want to give the families, a chance for their children, to be themselves. Again. We want them to experience, total freedom. To come alive, and feel, loved like they never have before. And you, can help. Our goal tonight. Is to raise two hundred and fifty, thousand, dollars. Whether you can donate a hundred dollars. Or a thousand dollars, doesn't matter, because every gift matters. Especially. Right now. To make a gift you can do one of three things you can. You can text camp, to three four, five three four five, you can scan the qr, code on your screen. Using the camera on your phone. Or you can give online, at camp No matter what you choose to give we are so grateful. Thank you for supporting, our, campers, and our ministry. Thank you for supporting, camp barnabas, on this wonderful evening. You guys be, blessed. Thanks mike, we were so happy that you could join us tonight. Crystal. I can't even begin, to tell you how much fun that i've had, i mean, with you. With the crew. Yes, yes i mean celebrating. The 2020. Virtual. Camp barnabas. Glamping. For camping. Are you coming back next year. Are you going to have me back next year depends, on how much we raise y'all so if you want nick to come back. The pressure's on guys, remember that silent, auction it stays open until nine o'clock, yes, all kidding inside. Uh nick and i are so thankful, that we got to share barnabas, with you tonight. We got to see and hear, from some incredible. Campers. And missionaries, and i can promise, you. You are a part of this story. Because. Of your generosity.

Because Of your time, and the fact that you opened, up your homes, i mean we got to crash their party tonight i mean how incredible, is that. So, truly, on behalf, of the entire, barnabas, staff, and from nick and i we are so thankful. At this time i would love to close out the program, and welcome at this time, our ceo. John talaq. Hey crystal nick thanks for such a great job tonight, you guys did such, a wonderful, job. Hey my name is john talaq and i'm ceo, of the barnabas, foundation. On behalf of our team we can't thank you enough. For showing up tonight, and spending, your evening with us, you have shown our campers. And families, that someone out there understands, their needs. And cares for them, our campers spend much of their year, on the outside. But not at camp, and not tonight, every gift matters right now for our families, and you've stepped, up, and helped in more ways than one by being a part of this evening, you are. And continue, to be a huge blessing. To our ministry. Our campers. And our great missionaries. Hey fall is coming to an end but our work is just beginning, at camp barnabas. We hope you've enjoyed tonight. And listen know that we love you we couldn't do this without, you, god bless you and have a great night see you. Soon.

2020-11-14 01:43

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