Girls Just Want... A Weekend In Salisbury

Girls Just Want... A Weekend In Salisbury

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Girls. Sail, tomorrow going to the Stonehenge, and, today nothing. And, today we're just sightseeing so, let's go. Behind. Me you have my, friend sorry but, that's not her I meant I meant this, building here which is the city hall which is What, did he say. Okay. It's the old code it's more. Than three hundred years old free, so. You can visit inside it's free and. On the other side you've. Got the tourist, office information. Office, there. Very nice there so you can lost you know that. So. If you, if you're hungry you go to the suite but there's nothing there so it's cool there's. A portrait of the Queen when she was young so that's good. The. Moment with that girl she. Tripped. And almost fell or so. So nice it's like I trip. She, tripped as. Lovely, welcome, to, South Bri. Here. At somewhere in a square oh. Yeah. I told her he was the Queen's dad, that's. Why anyway. We're gonna keep going and it's. Not cold, but it's not hot, either I don't, know it's just you know, yeah. I know just a second. So. These arch this. Monument, marks. Where the old mark is used to be very. Nice and. There's. My friend taking yourself II. I. Don't. Think she's listening to me I know, so much about it, not, really now. These. Buildings, here are so, cute, they're. So nice, so. Ancient so, that's. The haunting of venison. The pub and. According. To legend he's haunted and there's. A mummified, hand inside apparently, that's, what I heard I'm not sure but, I'll check it out. First. Time I have a camera woman she doesn't know how to. Hide. Me with Highgate and it's, basically, is clothes every. Evening at 11:00 every night sorry 11, p.m. those exactly, don't, do that video. Here. At Cathedral, close and behind me we've got to, be honest the most beautiful, cathedral I've ever seen in my whole entire life and, I've been cooked quite a few places but this one is so new so beautiful. We're going in now. Okay. We have a Saturday, market here in Seoul the spring us for nice. It's. A very crispy day again today I mean. It's not cold but. We're. Waiting for the bus to, go to the stone end yeah. It's. A big green, bus. Okay. That's wait it's like a tour bus and they have commentaries, on board in different, languages as well well. They pay 15 pounds so it has to be good otherwise, you, better have free Wi-Fi as well because I paid, 15 pounds for it, and. I from, here to. Stone, until about 30 minutes, so that's good and all, the way back it, goes, to. The old sarum. Whatever, I don't know it's another ancient site and we're, gonna get. Up and. Go visit. We're. So far away that we need to take a shuttle bus to get to the Stonehenge, or like two little girls at the Stone. Did. You know that the stolen juice is very. Old. The. Stone Age the, building of the Stone Age began in 3000. BC which. Is a long time I. Thought. He was gonna be bigger but apparently is not so, you can see like vertical. Stone. She's. So, rude she. Doesn't know how to visit places like. I. Don't understand. So. Go. She. Didn't mean to verse 8 re. So. Apparently, she wants to trespass in, the property, she's gonna get arrested but not me. So. This is supposed to be the main entrance to the Stonehenge, as you. Can see there's. A stone. I'm. Trying to vlog here woman oh, my, goodness. This. Is the original entrance to the Stone Age look very. Impressive. There's. A ditch around the stone as. You can see there. We. Goes, round, and. Round. So. There's an arrow on the floor which is lovely this child which is even more lovely and, it says. Midsummer. Sunrise meet. Summer sunset, so. On the longest day of the year which, is what the 22nd, of June or something they, have a celebration here for, the Solstice. And so. The Sun rises, from. And. Yes. Versailles. Where the sheep are lovely. So. You use so much knowledge and, it's, it. The. Sunset is on that side I forgot the word is no most funny okay there's lots of people so it's lovely, great, vlog yeah let's go. Yes. We need to shower by the way.

You. Glad I'm gonna crop this, okay. So get. Away from my frame. So. We grew up with lots of stories, and legends about the stone in number. One it, was used for human. Sacrifices, by, the Druids her so, nice, but. It's not proven, I, think. This is our but way better stone it number. Two I. Don't. Know oh yes. Apparently. The. Other legend is that Merlin. Built. The stoning again, it's a legend like King Arthur, sort. Of like, yes. And. That's, it I don't remember the other one I forgot I'll, come. Back. So. I just remember the other one the other one is the, legend says that these. Rocks, and their makeup of this tonnage, were. Carried, by, giants. And they brought the stones from Ireland, is it. True I. Don't. Think so, everyone. Look at me oh so, good so. Yeah hello, let's do the slow-motion I'm like okay, let's do slow motion oh there's a guy I want to do with him. But. What. I'm, gonna kill this guy she's not going with me to Copenhagen, no she's not. So. If by any chance you. Don't, have money to come to the Stone Age because, you play around 20, quid at the door and. 75. 17. Pounds. Online, you, just drive, there. Yeah. It's just right fastest owning. Obviously. You can't stop in a moto in England. No indeed UK be. Quiet I'm vlogging. She. Keeps interrupting a, oh. But. Yeah everyone, goes quite, slowly, I, don't know if you can see it I don't think you can see I know I'll show you so they can see the stones and Stone, Age. I. Think you can purchase an audio. Guide Oh. You. Can purchase an audio guide. When. You purchase the ticket but. You've. Got a free audio, guide or, the at the way. Well. Done it. Is on the phone yes. On, the, app store. At. Least on Android, yes I don't know about about. You. Know Apple. But. Yeah it's a free audio guy that you just, download. It's, called the stone end so. Easy and then it gives you the story. Oh sorry to give you the history and. There. Was a spider oh it, means money yeah. The. Spider if you find a spider means mint on, it well it was on the phone. Spider. Men yay. So yes, you, just download. The app put. Some earphones. Headphones whatever, we want to phone and you. Listen to the explanation of, everything the rock stones. The. Pathway, not. The motorway, system motorways. And yeah, the sun is shining now which is so good because it looks so much beautiful now without the fog yeah. One. Of the most famous. Megalithic. Monuments. In the world. Come to the Stone Age. Hi, I'm Rick Steves. So. We have finished our tour of the southern end I haven't given you much information but I want to keep the mystery so, you need to come here and read about it and see the things and that's, my friend there in the background that's. Dripping, she's. Weird I'm, friends, with weird people it happens and by, stoning. We. Just got off the bus we're going to visit old oh that's not me out let me the, old sarum, so. Done so, just a fun facts, fun facts about about, the place. It's. On a hilltop which, is very, very, good because there. Used to be in the moon center of the Sur needs to be the castle, where, helium, helium. No. Helium I'm thinking, of the balloon where we live the Conqueror. Found. A doomsday books, which, were suffer like the census books like that their. Top. The, number of people in the villages around and. This. Is where. The first, Cathedral. Of Salsbury. World's, back. In the days before, the 13th century and. Yeah. The first settle settlers. Settled. Here. You're not here where I am this is a car park but where we're going now, so. Once this, is where Salsbury began and. Then. After, 13th, century he moved through. You, know where. It is now including. The Cathedral. This. Is actually. A big, settlement, so. All. This area was sort of like the. Garden. Of. The blaze. And. Yeah lots of people have. Put. Their roots here like the Saxons the Anglos, and the.

Celts. The. Romans, all, of them look. Another. Big big ditch a. Mode. Maybe. If. You see the cathedral from here. Like. There. I can't zoom in but that's the that's, how this brick can see Cathedral. So. I assume those are the ruins of the castle built by William the Conqueror, the, Magnificent, King. So. Very nice. This, was the community, well. And. It's. The, original depth, of the well is unknown, but they say it could be around 70, meters which is 270, feet. Nice. And. This. Was like the meeting point for gossip. Between. The servants, in the castles. Go. On Daria say hello. This, is where the old cathedrals. Would have been. I assume. That's the main one the first, Salisbury. Cathedral. Very. Nice. The. View is amazing by the way. Wow. The water goes down there. From. Under, the building. These. Are the Queen Elizabeth Gardens, this, woman is everywhere this Queen she's lovely. I love her, and. We're going through the old medals, notes through the medals to the old mill that is now a pop kill. So. Behind me. The. Old mill that. Is now a restaurant, a hotel, and, a pub. Apparently. John. Constable, very. Renowned. British. English. Painter. Came. Here to this pub sat, down and, painted. I think one of his most famous paintings which. Portrays. The. Cathedral.

2019-03-07 01:21

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Stonehedge! always wanted to go there ! sub

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