GIANTS ISLAND 2009 console Map Tour fs19 New Map mod console ps4 xbox

GIANTS ISLAND 2009 console Map Tour fs19 New Map mod console ps4 xbox

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Hello. Welcome. To, farming. Simulator, 19. Map, tours, and, today, we're doing a map tour of giants. Island o.9, map. Now. This is a map watts well. From onine basically, and it's. Being remastered. But. It's been kept close to the original. Map as possible, and. So. So far I've, out on a train to see what's going on so. Let's do a tour of what's. What's so. Obviously we, start off here in the farmhouse. But. The farm sorry, there. Is your farm raised there. Now. He's using a lot of annoying Possible's, this, map which. Were obviously in the original. One now. You can, get, rid of them all I'll. Tell you what let's start off let's go into the garage and I'll, show you what I'm all about, so, we start off with the favorite the. New hollentier States who we've. Got the straight Minh traders. Then, I had a couple. Of cultivators. Applying. Cedar. Whenever. That, wait. And then we come on to the pace of all's, so. We got ok pasture, but. That only holds 20 caves and, then. You've got the FS, o 9 farm. Isono so these are all part, of, the, original game what they brought over and. You. See or you think all loaded, wooden turbines but, you don't make any money off these turbines you can see they're all on 0 0 0 0 0 so. They're more just for decoration, most. Of these items are. So. You've got a couple of soils, as well and decent, decoration, see there there's no size limit for, it whatsoever. And then. We have all these farm, hurts. We've got a straw silo, as. Well. We've, got all these hurts and. Then. You've got your farm eyes. Now. You look at the slot cane, 209. That's. Unbelievable. I doubt. You'll find a map what has such, a low taint and, bearing in mind if, you got rid of a lot of this it's. Gonna come down probably, hundred eighty also so. It's a very low, slot, account, which. Means there's, a lots of ways. You can customize you. Can add a lot of stuff and it isn't. Gonna affect anything, which. Is pretty. Cool. So. We starting off on new, a farmer, and. As, you can see the light at the moment it's, a bit pumps. Where. You look this way you like oh what's going on over there. You. Look at least side it's, fine. You. See that it is the shading so that's. Just for fast-forward, time. Right. We also have, contracts. Available and. There. Are transport. Missions what. Are you using the, original, all-knowing, pallets. So. You've got all your contracts, as normal. Let's. Go into, the. Prices. So. We haven't got loads of by, sorry. Not buy points our points, but. Excuse. Me, miss. Sniffly, nose but. We do have three, we've, got the harbour the mill and the restaurant, and that is, while the restaurant only takes the. Wheat and barley and, the. Mill and I'll take, all the other commodities. Your main ones and then. The harbour also take your, potatoes, and sugar beet we've, got the spinner II and, then. Father takes sugar cane and then we've got our eggs which. The supermarket, buys those and. Then. We've also got the. Spira, for the wool milk. Milk. At the harbor milk at the supermarket. Sugar. Cane and. Then. Silage, and you straw grass and hay and, you. See there's nowhere to sour manure, but, you can put them in your place, of all so. Unless, the great thing about this map there's so much you could you're able to change because, of the, low slop Hank. There. Is no BDA. At. The moment. So. If you want BJ you will have to put one in from. The mod Hopewell there's a small one in the mod hub at the moment, and. You see the size of the fields, there. Are, well. These seem to be the biggest ones and on wrong button. 24:25. Yeah. That's about the biggest, ones poises, wise. 420. Grand. For. Onion fifty three grand so they are yeah. Bit of money but. What I do like is you do get these smaller fields, for, twenty six grand and, even that one there 69, grunt. 26, grand so you start off with this little. Parcel, which includes, the fields number. Four and, number 32. But. Yeah there's quite a few bits, to buy but. On this one there's some.

Of The parcels in the land you, can't buy right, over this side, but. There's still a lot you can buy you can buy most of them up anyway, apart. From the roads we can never do, anything with the roads. So. You can do. A lot, of modification. On this I love a lot, no. It's quite a flat map it's not very, hilly but there is a few Hills here, and there we've got the harbor area. We. Have a bit of boat traffic going on, so. Yeah but, no, BGA. Nevermind. So. Let's have a look right in the farm what's going on so, we've got a straw. That's, our, small. Storage, point isn't it we, haven't got a body here, have we oh no. Sorry that one will animate that is the barn. Barn. Sow point and the barn they. Miss just taking, it yet slightly, straw grass, and hay. So. We come raining we got one of the old-school sheds. And. Your. Solos. You. Drop off in here and. Then. You fill up from, here. No. I'm sure these ones are just. Decorative. Yeah. They are because. You're not gonna get anything and they're no. I forgot to turn off time, I do that so much and then also it, gets dark and you're in the night and you're like well it's. Not that light that, it's half. Past four. So. The contrast seems to be a bit low. But. On this when you do start off with you all your implements, in the yard. Rather. Than just all the way so you can see exactly what, you got it. Just makes it a bit different everyone else is none. Of them up so long actually we. Have got a buy point for. Your. Fuel and you. See that they've. Used the proper the old school hedges. Classic. But. Back in the day that, was the bollocks, simple. As that isn't it. Then. We've got a case. That. Is gay. So. Where do we fill them up it must be raining this side yeah. Food there. That. Might be more tragedy. Where. Do we put them in oh there it is, there. Is the animal, dealer on the front there yeah. It's not marked but. It is a back. Gate. So. How about straw, straw. As well so. When it is straw feed, trough and then. Is the wall water. Where. Is the water and we not got a field for them no, there. Is no conclusion on that hedges wall which is a. Pretty. Cool. It's. Nice to be able to go through hedges. Anyway. So that's the main area and the farm we've got a crack on. Right, so, basically. Let's, go out this. Way all. Those your solos as well, you. Grass and you straw. But. Some of these are decorative. But. I'm coming at you have a look on the map there's not a lot then the bottom. End. You've. Got your fields and then you've got your coastal, road and. That's about you a lot you see, this map it is, there. Is a lot of terrain it's not flat it's. A, lots. Of noise contours. Going up and down here they're all over the place that's. What you want it all nice flat maps what's the point of her have enough a flat. Map is a blank canvas but. No. So. Yeah these are some of these sheds, what, are in, what, you currently own but, you don't own this land so. It lets you have them were like only, well I bet you know if you buy it then if you go to sell it again you. Would probably have, to get rid of it so, this, is the first body, point we're, looking at but. I've a little quick look at there and then we go away in the bottom end of the map. And. This, was the mill I think it was yeah. It is the mill, and. We drop off into there you. Can see all there it's, all kept. It's. Been remastered, but. It's not gonna be. And well. Like oatmeal's on it's, not intended and look like that it's. Meant to be kept, a little. But. Slightly revamped. Right, we're, time-lapse. This. Because, there's, more a lot going on. Back. In a minute. While. We're coming up to the bottom end of the map. Bottom. Left and this, is where we've got the light, ice and you. Can see you can see right away across this map it isn't full of trees there are quite a few there. Isn't a specific. Forest. Area. But. You can make your own no, problem. That's. The beauty about this map up you could totally change, everything. Where's a lot the other maps they, might have a 800, slot so you can't add too much on to it but. This one with under 200, why won't you let me go up there yeah, it will. Was. It under 200, you can do a hell of a lot. But. I'm not just I'm not sure about this lighting this here, it. Doesn't seem to got any brighter, at all. Yep. There's the lyday's. Basically. When I had our way around to. The. Shop. So. Down at the Stonehenge. Monument. And. I like that's pretty cool. Something. A bit different especially.

If You haven't seen it before it's her yeah. I like that and then we got a little, building, site. Area going on dania. With. The road closed. Not. Sure if you'd be able to modify. Any. Of this at all you probably can't move these oh you can, you can move those. But. You're not moving the concrete ones I didn't, think so so. Yet, with, the trees we have got certain areas well I've got a few bunches, of trees but, mainly. A lot the trees are along the roads, well, the little tracks going off the road it's not in the main roads it's, hardly any trees around the main roads which. Is quite, cool. There's. Another one of those hats over on the left-hand side and there's another one further along as lausanne is another one just here. And. Then we come up to the shop. See, it's all pretty basic but it's all meant to be it's all meant to look like that, I just, don't like how dark that is that is. Crazy. See. Inside, is it okay not too bad what I sight us turn. The lights off. It's. Alright when you haven't got the Sun, that glare in there. So. Yep that's customization. And then we've got our boy. Point. But. Buying new trackers. So. We're, moving on, rained. Never. Moved it over. On. The top of the hill there. We. Have a church. But we can't go across that way because. We've. Gotta go all the way around I. Thought. It was something behind I don't. Know it's just the, carpark, there. But, yeah there all these turbines, it would have been nice if they made them so, you own, the land you can make some money. But, they're there to look decorative. Right, so yeah but that's not a huge amount to see, on this map I've really isn't. But. We'll work our way rain down to the little. Village. Area. No. Slit of viewpoint there. And, I look this, train I do like these two mounts, what or I put, down all over the place. You. See we've got a load of trees at lying in the main road here and, has me said no no they're not lying, in the main road or they are. I'm. Coming down into, the little village. Got. A like, yep cash point on the left-hand side. That's so much you could do with this, is. Crazy. Ultimate. Customisation. Mode. But, the turbines, I'd love to get rid of them. So. They gotta be worth, making. Money otherwise what's the point. We've. Got a couple. Of basketball. Courts. There's. No ball there and. The. Ski ramp or. A skate park not, ramp. And up on Hill. We. Have a church. But. I witness, don't. Like it. It's, not too bad when the sun's not pointing, at you when it's like that it's like darn. We. Got a bit of boat traffic over to the right-hand side. And, I, did do a map tool on this 4 FS, 17 I, think that is my first map tour I did and, I. Watched. A bit of it a few weeks ago and. It is it is bad, it. Really is very nervous. To know what's going on, but. Look, that's, how you start. Right. So we're moving on down to all, the sale points, where basically it's all condensed, where you've got transformed currently the animal D there and. The spinner e, all. In, the same, vicinity. Really. We've. Got the supermarket, just up here and they. Take it. Was just milk, I think it was the supermarket. Milk, and eggs. And where, do you drop them then. We. Could pass it on the way in. I didn't. See a a tip point. And, if you ensure you just target, so. It's here. I suppose. He's an old school map and that's why we, haven't got as many highlights. I'm. Sure it was all highlighted, I did, it I can't. Remember back to ffs, 15. Right. As moving. On anyway. On. The. Next one we're gonna come, to is the restaurant. So. I'll see you there in a minute. Well. We do have a garden center I didn't spot this earlier, but. It's not a. Yeah. You can it's not a saddle point or anything it's just a decorative, item. Proper. Old school. Old. School all oh nine. Ten. Years ago crazy. So, he took over to the port area. Honey's. Cold. So, we get have the same with this one. The, restaurant, yeah, it is, unclear, I see there's, there's. A trigger you can see that no, problem, a, strange. See supermarket. One wasn't, there I, should. Have brought them a hidden road I'd never, mind.

I'll. Put. It in the comments, about that and we see what happens in that one I'll, have a look later. So, lastly, we're. Just coming back to the transport. Company. On. The spinner, II and. You also got a lime station. Now, I take it that is the, line. Station, on the right. Wrong. Map what was I looking at that map for and. I can't see it and not map I need this map, yeah. It. Is. So. You got the spinner II on the harbor. Sour. Points, so, that must be the. Harbor. And. Not the spinner, II. Yes, that. Would be the spin ring. Oh we, have got markers, so, that yeah I'll strange. That. Is strange. And. Then. We've got a are would sour. Point which, is, loaded. Onto a onto the ship which is reindeer. Like. For wood chips, it was, Oh what. There's. The wood sound point. Put. It in the in. The. Chevron marked area. Yep. Going back to wood, chips. Where. Are, the wood chips and. You. Sell them at the harbour. Which. Is the boy. Point we just passed on the way. But, that is about you a lot for it it's probably the. Least to see map. There, is out there. Not. A humane, going on but on the plus side you've, got a huge amount of, customization, available. To. You, with. Such a low slop game so. Rhino. We. Will leave it there for. Today I, hope you enjoyed, this map, tour and if, you have appreciate. A like and if. You want to see more content and. More map tools I did, a map tour on most. Of the maps coming out I've got a couple of catch-up on at the moment I'm a little bit of mind on new. Mods and map, tools but I will, catch up on the weekend. So. Thanks. For watching till. Next time, goodbye.

2019-05-17 21:30

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