Getting Started

Getting Started

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A. Few. Years ago my family decided to go on a grand adventure our. Primary destination, was the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. We, camped there for two nights and had a blast we. Walked along the rim. Drove. Our Jeep out two points of wine. Okay. And. The kids rode the meals along the canyons rim. That's. When I decided, I would take a little Salter, down into the old Canyon just. A mile or two how. Hard could that be well. Not too hard going down. Sceneries. Pretty fact. It's awesome. Well. It's getting a little warm I better, head back up. Geez. It's a little. Steeper, than I remember, a. Little. Longer -. What's. The altitude, here 8200. Feet jeez, I. Had. Only traveled about a mile down into, the canyon and it was killing me I had, gotten only a glimpse of what lay ahead but. That was enough for me to hear the call of the canyon that was, when I decided I. Would be back and I, would backpack, the, Grand Canyon. A lot. Of people visit the Grand Canyon, well. It's world-famous, everyone's. Heard of the Grand Canyon. In. Fact sometimes. It seems like everyone, is here at the Grand Canyon looking, down off the rim it. Takes a lot more effort and determination to, get to the bottom why. Would anyone want to do such a thing you, know Grand Canyon was always some place I wanted to go I guess they were since I was a kid you know watching, travel, logs and reading about it and National, Geographic and. Publications. Like that so when. The opportunity finally came available I jumped at the chance the challenge, I wanted. To do it I didn't. Think I could, after. Visiting the round I, thought. I need, to go down in there and see what it's like from inside of, the canyon, and it. Was fantastic. Now, I've already told you why I wanted, to go to the canyon so I'll tell you a little about what to expect in this video you. Won't see a lot of me because, I'm usually behind the camera, lucky, you now. We're not going to talk about geology, or the history of the Grand Canyon we, just don't have time. We're. Going to talk a lot about equipment, and logistics. So, if you just want to look at the gorgeous scenery go, to the sections, describing, the trails. So. Where. Do you want to hide, let's. Get oriented first, for. This video the Grand Canyon is divided, into two starting, points the. South Rim and the, North Rim a. Huge. Number of people visit, the South Rim and look down at one of the most popular, trails and campgrounds, doesn't, look too hard does it sound. Looking bad. It. Doesn't, I mean it looks deep and stuff but it's you. Don't really see how. Vast, and, how deep it is until you're down there yeah they just you, can't even. Fathom it - you're down there. We, will take the corridor trails the, south kaibab the, Bright Angel and, the, North Kaibab. Their. Name the corridor trails because, they are the main routes our quarters, for hiking into the canyon the. Classic, beginner hike is to go down the south kaibab trail losing. Almost 4800. Feet in altitude and, about, seven, knee crunching, miles to the Bright Angel campground. To spend the night. Then. Back up the Bright Angel Trail, about, four and a half miles and, 1,300. Feet up to Indian garden campground, for the next night the, next day you, continue, up the Bright Angel Trail, another four and a half miles gaining, about 3,000, feet elevation, and then, you're out at the Bright Angel lodge. The. North to south hike is a less traveled route is, it harder than the others yeah. Yeah I had prepared myself mentally for a hard hike and so, I did a lot of training and I think it really paid off. Especially. In the ascent I'm on the last two days you, hiked down the North Kaibab, trail spend.

The Night at cottonwood campground, after traveling almost seven miles and dropping down 4200. Feet you'll. Sleep well that night the. Next day you, will hike seven, fairly easy miles you'll. Lose only 1,500, feet elevation, as you, travel, to Bright Angel campground. After. That you'll, spend the next day or two hiking, out the Bright Angel Trail through Indian, garden as we discussed, earlier if, you have time try, to spend a couple of nights at Bright Angel campground. There's, a lot to do and see in the area Phantom. Ranch is just up the trail that, means cold lemonade or beer, and a, hot home-cooked, meal. If. You're in better shape and have more time try. The North Rim - South Rim hike but, you can only do this for mid-may, to, mid-october and, remember. The, summer can be deadly I mean, really deadly. You're. Still interested so. Now what, smile. Here. Are some essential information that you need to know before starting a hike on any trail. You. Need to know where you are and where you are going for. That you need a map, para GPS, I prefer. A map for the Grand Canyon because maps don't need batteries and it's, easy to navigate on the trails that we are discussing, get. The 7.5, minute, scale maps for the detail that you need to know exactly where you are on the trail, as. You hike down the trail glance, at the map occasionally, to verify, where you are on the trail if, you. Carry a GPS, bring. Along a map as a backup. Carry. Enough water containers. To keep you hydrated on the longest section of a trail with no water sources, gotta. Have water drink, a lot of water. And. I'm not a big water drinker, but I drank a lot a lot of water I, can't. Remember ever consuming. As much water as I did from, round around at. Incredible. Amount of water then I, needed. Every bit of it it, is important, that you have a way to purify the water that you get from a natural source I use. A water filter and also, add a couple of drops of chlorine, to each 1 litre bottle you. Should carry some type of water purification system. Even, if you plan on getting water in the campgrounds. Sometimes. The water system, can break down at least. Carry some iodine tablets for, an emergency, situation. You. Should pack clothing, that offers layers of protection, for. Instance start. With a lightweight shirt, next to your body, follow. That with a light insulating. Jacket a, windbreaker. Over this will block out any chilling, breeze and finally. For sitting around camp a down, parka, will keep you toasty, carry. Either a rain suit or a poncho this, is an essential, item you. Can't afford to get wet and chilled all of, your clothing should be of a wicking material, do, not wear cotton except, in the middle of the summer wool. And synthetics. Are the way to go this, includes gloves and socks also, I carry. Three pairs of wool socks unlike. Cotton wool, clothing will keep you warm even, if it gets wet an. Important, tip in cold. Weather have a pair of socks for sleeping, use, them only for sleeping, that, way you won't end up with a smelly. Sleeping, bag. Carry. Enough food for your hike plus, an extra day this, is in case you have some sort of emergency, like. Everything, else that you are carrying the, weight of the food is important, so.

Think Light. Dehydrated. And freeze-dried there. Are several companies that produce really, good freeze-dried. Meals if you. Want to save money go, to your grocery store and look in the instant, rice section, there, are dozens of choices of rice and noodle dinners make. Sure that they don't take more than ten minutes to cook just, add a little protein to the mix and you've, got a complete meal there. Are several brands of packaged tuna and chicken that, don't require refrigeration and. Are, very light, plan. On carrying at least two, pounds of food per person, per day if you, coordinate, with your hiking partners, you, can save some weight the. Trip to the canyon, we had three people and we. Would each. Dinner, was. Sponsored. By one, of the one, of the three people and this, is this is a great way to do it because. You. Can divide, it up, plus. They would do the cooking and, we. Only have to take one stove so I highly, recommend for than one person, go to the canyon you can divide all this all. The food up and the stove and, the, lighting, and so forth a critical. Part of the food supply are snacks that you can nibble on as you hike, your. Body is constantly, losing, water as you hike along. With the water you're, losing, electrolytes. Those. Are salts and minerals that your body needs to function properly, to. Prevent this, have, a snack of something, salty every, time you stop to take a drink and at, least once every hour there. Are also, drink supplements, that can help maintain your electrolyte, levels. Most. People are now carrying headlamps. With LEDs, be, sure to take extra batteries if you, carry a traditional, flashlight, also. Carry extra bulbs. This. Is your tent tarp, are at the very least an emergency, blanket sometimes. Called a space blanket there, are many different styles of tents and differing philosophies on. Those styles the, heaviest piece of gear. Was. Probably my two-man, tent. I. Rather. Claustrophobic. One-man. Tent, and I, had. I had room to spread out and. It. Weighed. Probably twice, as much as a. Normal. Backpack tent, but. There's. One. One. Article, I sacrificed. To. Carry with me well I took an ultralight single, wall tent it was made out of this silicon. Coated nylon which, was extremely, thin fabric, but extremely. Tough. And. This. Particular tent that I took. Used, incorporated. In my hiking pole as a support, so that, was just another a, few, ounces of weight eliminated. From a packet and have to take a pole, and just use my hiking pole for this tent it was just a simple wedge, design, tent but it served me well you'll. Need to experiment to see what type of tent, matches, your style of hiking just. A word of caution using, stakes in the canyon you would be surprised how hard the dirt is in the campgrounds, after. My first trip I tied, loops of cord in mistake loops of my tent so that I could use large rocks to anchor the tent be, sure that if you move rocks you put them back where they came from when you leave to. Keep warm in your shelter you need a sleeping bag and a pad in warm. Weather you can substitute a light cover for the sleeping bag make, sure that your bag is rated for the coldest, weather that you expect, to encounter on your trip. You, need a lighter or matches, to, light your camp stove or a candle lantern open. Fires are not allowed anywhere, in the inner Canyon my. Favorite, type of backpacking. Stove is the butane canister, type it's. Easy to assemble and extremely, easy to light of, course you also need a pot to cook in and eating utensils, you, must pack out any food packages, and scraps of food left over from your meals. Hiking. Poles are a hiking stick can, really save your knees going downhill in the Grand Canyon they. Saved my ankles, on several occasions, there. Are lots of ankle breakers on all of the trails one. Of my daughter's friends said that poles were for old people well. After the hike we took she. Was limping and I wasn't, so, their poles. Can be useful for other purposes, too. At. The very least by a small, first-aid, kit to carry with you I make, my own kit, with items that I feel would be especially helpful for me be. Sure to pack any medicine that you take on a regular basis.

This. Is especially important, out here a good. Hat and sunglasses are, essential, sunscreen. Will also be helpful if you're fair-skinned, yeah, I. Always. Carry a multi-tool, in my pocket, and have used it on every trip I also, carry duct tape wrapped around a small pencil and big, safety, pins. To. Carry all this gear you need a backpack make. Sure that it fits you correctly and, you know how to adjust it. Let. Someone you know and trust of. Your hiking plans. They. Should understand, your route and your expected, return date, if you, say you will call them when you get out make, sure that you do you, don't want an unnecessary. Search started, just, because you forgot to make a call. Many. People don't know that the camp below the rim of the canyon you have to obtain a permit, from, the Grand Canyon backcountry office, these. Are sometimes very hard to get because the National, Park Service restricts. The number of people camping, below the rim on the trails that we are discussing. You can only camp in designated. Areas, here's. How you fill out the permit request form we'll. Start with the South Kaibab - Bright Angel route, complete. The personal information area, including, the number of people camping if you, are renting a car for travel to the canyon just write, rental, in the car license, area the, best spot to leave your car on the South Rim is at, the backcountry, parking, area also called. Parking, lot II now. Fill out the dates and areas that you want to camp in this, case two, nights at Bright Angel and, one, night at Indian garden you. Can fill in alternative, dates our campsites, in case the campgrounds, are full and believe, me they fill up quickly now. Fill out the credit card information. Backcountry. Camping, costs eight dollars per night per person plus. A ten dollar permit, fee, you. Also pay, $30. Per car at the entrance to the park. Write. The credit card number expiration, date, your. Signature, and a short note stating, authorized.

To Charge and the, amount it will cost in this, case forty, dollars the. Recommended, way to send, your permit is by faxing, it the. Backcountry, office, will accept permits, four months prior to the month that you plan your trip for. Instance for, a trip in October, fax, your permit on June 1st if you, faxed, a few days before this your. Permit, will be mixed randomly, with those that arrived on the first it's. Like a mini lottery, the. Permit allows, you to stay in the campground, that you selected, it, does not reserved a particular, spot, in that campground. If you, want a particular campsite. You just have to be the first one there in, three, weeks or so if you were successful you. Will receive a letter by mail it's, like being a kid at Christmas time when you receive it and. If you didn't get the permit it's like getting all those college rejection, letters. Always. Check with your physician before starting any, type of exercise, program. When, you begin training start slowly it's, going to take some time to work up to the level of fitness that you need above. All it, takes one thing to be ready for a hike in the canyon. The. Word. Yes. Physical. Conditioning, each, person, needs to customize, their own physical, training program for their own level, of fitness, well I lift weights but also. Did. Stair climbing and then also just hiking on some trails around here and while they weren't so high I found, some steep ones and I'd go up and down three or four times in an afternoon just to try to develop. My leg strength since, you're going to be hiking walking. Exercises. Need to be a part of your program I did a lot of walk and I was walking about 4 miles a day but, I wasn't, really. Using, going, up and down hills, I did, a little bit of inclining. On the treadmill, walking, backwards. Not. A whole lot I never put my pack on to, walk but. That, walking, was basically, what I did I didn't run. Did. A little Stairmaster. But. That's about it. You. Can be as creative as, you want to be I have. A treadmill and I put it on 10%, grade I put, 40. Pounds, of kitty litter in my backpack, and. Walk, to at least 30 minutes at, 3. Miles an hour each night and with that for I know for, 3 or 4 months and. It. Think. It helped in the long run, one. Thing to keep in mind the, Park Service says that to hike to the river and back up and one day is the, equivalent of running a marathon they. Do not recommend this but. It gives you an idea of the physical demands, that are needed to hike successfully. And safely in the Grand can. So. What's the weather like in the summer in the Grand Canyon the, weather's hot it's hot it's just, amazingly. Hot. There. You go it's, hot, there's. Also a huge difference, between the temperature at the top of the canyon and the bottom you, can expect the temperature at the bottom to be between 20, and 30, degrees warmer than at the top here. Are some average highs at Phantom Ranch compare. Those with the average highs at the South Rim now. The temperatures, can be much higher or lower when. You're planning your trip check, the weather and follow, the basic principle, of hope. For the best prepare. For the worst in addition. To temperatures, the, chance of precipitation is. Another weather factor, to consider the. Monsoon, season usually. Starts in July and runs, through the first part of September yes. This is a desert but there are monsoons, in Arizona. That means thunderstorms with, lightning and, the, potential, for flash floods don't. Think that because you're on well-developed, trails, that you won't be affected by these weather conditions people, have been killed near Indian, garden by flash flood if, you ever hear a huge rumbling, sound coming towards you immediately. Take off your backpack drop. It and scramble. As high as you can up the side of the canyon you may only have seconds, to save your life now, the odds of this happening are, extremely, remote so don't worry too much you're. More likely to be struck by light. And, I don't get freaked out by this either if you hear thunder immediately. Assess your situation you. Do not want to be on an exposed, Ridge and you, definitely do not want to be the tallest object around, get, away from the ridge if you can take. Off your backpack since it could have metal supports, in it leave your poles with the backpack, and get at least 30 feet away have, your hiking partners, spread out with at least 30 feet between, each person, if you bunch together several. Of them you could be struck at once crouched, on the ground with your feet close together and your hands on your knees a common. Mistake people make is to seek cover under a rock overhang, or, even a cave this, is a bad idea if. Lightning strikes above you that, overhang, will work just like a giant sparkler, and guess who gets parked.

2018-01-17 21:38

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Congratulations - well done! This was a beautiful overview of the entire Corridor experience. Enjoyed every minute watching!

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