General Government and Licensing Committee - January 14, 2019

General Government and Licensing Committee - January 14, 2019

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You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. All right good morning everybody I'm gonna. Call the first meeting of the general, government and licensing, committee to order I'd, like. To welcome everybody you can follow the agenda, and debate on your computer tablet or smartphone, at. Wroc. A backslash. Council, there's. Also a screen back. In the corner there the general government licensing, committee acknowledges, the land were meeting on is their traditional, territory many. Nations including, the. Mississauga's, of the credit the, a de novo zombie, the, Chippewa the, Hana nada Shawnee and the when deaf people's and is now home to many diverse First, Nations Inuit and maytee people's, we, also acknowledge that Toronto, is covered by treaty thirteen with. The Mississauga's. Of the credit, saying. All of that welcome, everybody happy new year welcome. To the committee, looking, forward to working with everybody. We're. Just going to go through the agenda here. So. The first item declarations. Of interest under, the municipal conflict of interest Act. Seeing. Non speakers. And presentations. At this point, we don't have any speakers. Or. Communications. And reports. So, I'm just going to go through the agenda so our first item election. And the vice-chair I. Have. A script that clerks are asking me to follow or. Are. There any nominations, for Vice Chair of the general, government and licensing, committee. Councillor. Fillion. Councillor. Fillion, is nominating, councillor Carrie Janice, counselor. Carrie Janice do you accept the nomination. Thank. You are there any further nominations. Are. There any further nominations. As. There's no further nominations the, nominations, are now closed. Councillor. Carrie Gianna's, congratulations. Thank, you chair. Thank. You everybody. Next. Item on our, agenda, is. GL. 1.2, request, to extend the contract number four seven zero one seven two three seven with. Xerox Canada. Limited I. Have. Questions. Okay number. Two we're gonna hold encounter numsy at his name. Number. Three is the, emergency, non-competitive. Contract, with Steel's core construction, limited, to complete time-sensitive shelter, construction work at. 3306. Kingston, Road. Counselor. Fillion holding. Number. Three being held under councillor Phil Ian's name. Okay. Number, four is, 154. Street designation, of a portion, of the property used by new Toronto Senior Center as a municipal. Capital, facility, and I. Have a motion. That I need to remove. A, technical, emotion I'm just gonna have put. That on the screen if anybody, wants to hold this, after. I put this on the screen that. Recommendation 1a, and the report be deleted, and replaced with the following a enter. Into a municipal, capital facility, agreement and 105 4th Street with the new Toronto sorry, then Toronto. Community Housing Corporation, which, leases approximately, three, thousand two hundred fifty square feet of exclusive, space and a, number of associated, parking spaces known, as the lease premises to the city. Does. Anybody want to hold this, all. In favor. Carried. Number, five 124. Merton Street designation. Of a portion of the property used, by the Toronto Transit Commission as. The, municipal, capital facility. Councillor. Matt load like to move it all in favor carried. Number, six grants, of exemption, from late payment fees for tourism space, at Union Station. Councillor. Holidays moving number six all in favor carry. Number. Seven Toronto employment, social services lease at thirty six sixty Kingston, Road unit k1, sidon, word twenty four. Yes. It's. Mine I'm gonna move it all in favor, carried. Number, eight is Consular, comprehensive. Review business licensing. Date which, our, new deputy manager. Tracy. Cook is here she's, gonna give a short presentation when, we get to that one so. I'm gonna hold it and. Sorry, I have one additional item, of new business, city. Of Toronto's clothing drop box review. Letter. From the mayor it's here. There. Are two people that, contact. The clerk's office and wanted to make a deputation, on this.

So. We. Read, a motion add this to the agenda. Councillor. Holiday on favor carried. It's. The pink. I'm. Sorry I misspoke counts. On. Number eight DEP the, deputy, managers not going to be making a presentation but there are we can't ask her questions, of that I do have a couple I'm just gonna hold it. All. Right so. We're on number, two. And, sorry just. Before we start the, agenda. One, of the things I just wanted to raise with everyone is and, I did this the, last term as the chair government management I'd like to have an educational, component at, each meeting so I'm gonna be asking a different division. Or. Department to. Make a brief presentation of, the Committee on what. They do at, each they'll. Be doing that at each meeting I think it's important so everybody understands, all, the work that the departments the reports of this committee do and also. The, general public as well. Okay. Our so our first item is number two request to expand contract number four seven zero one seven two three seven with. Xerox Canada, Limited Council, Annunziata you held that questions. To stop. I. Don't. Know staff received. Complaints, from counselors. But. We, have had problems with our printers in our offices, so, I'm just wondering if this contract is part of, the. Counselors. Offices, printers. Because. We we keep getting our. Printer. Have. To be repaired, that it's not working properly and, it happens constantly so, I'm just wondering if this is part of that contract. Through. The chair council this. Contract. Is largely focused, on the divisions, but through the city clerks the in terms of the ability. For this contract, to provide the services, in that respect so I can certainly take that item offline, if there's, particular areas, that from the city clerk's IT whereby, the councilors are having issues in terms of their offices, but. This contract, is largely focused, on the overall, divisions. In that respect, of how we manage, that piece. Okay. Thank. You councilman Sierra I saw councillor holidays hand. Thank. You mr. chair just a question, about our, model. Do, we own the, printers or do we lease them. Through. The chair we through, the arm process. We conduct. Whereby, there's a certain period in terms of where we go through lease, in the, advantage. Is that once the city went through the office modernization. It moved to a fact that having. A longer, term lease was able to keep the printers. Modernized. So, now, that printers, are no longer and certainly in the modernize program, sitting on individual, offices, a much more multifunctional. Shared environment, through a leasing approach is a better module, based on best practice. So. Do I understand, it correct though that, we're. Going out for a service, provider but, we're also going to be adding and. The reason why this is before us is there's a change now there's going to be some, ask for legacy support so, is that, is the legacy. Equipment, that is. Mentioned, in here does that have to do with owned equipment or leased equipment. The. Reason why we're going on some of the environment. In terms of some of the owned, equipment, come. Out of a maintenance window, that is actually replaced, during a contract, of net new so. On some of the legacy equipment, through that piece it's actually replaced, on that's why in the actual note it states that going. To Action News so that new isn't a brand new that new is to replace in terms of a legacy, that. Has now moved into the contract, based on the fact of something. That we're now going into a leasing viewpoint. The, leasing approach is important. In terms of modernizing, that piece so those, areas, that in there are all some of the old equipment we. Use it through that they're sunk equipment, so they're not necessarily, used through that old. Model so we'll move this through in terms of when the equipment is broken and leased, through this new contract. And. Would, you say that you have approximately. The right size fleet of equipment or do you have a glut of extra, because of the office modernization. Or are you. On. The, track to being right sized I. Don't. Have those specific numbers. But I think that what we've done is that we are on the track to be right size because when the modernization, occurs, we actually do through. The way that print. Organizations. I'm sure that you are aware is that instead of just going to replace the print contract, it's actually an office assessment.

That's Conducted that. Assessment is done to look at the way staff. Are actually sitting how they're using their spaces, the way that print is secured in which actual printers, are being used in individual, offices, so. As the office modernization. Occurs we actually use this to do an assessment and from that assessment, if we look at cost per page there's, a whole detail piece which actually allows us to write size as opposed, to just replace in like by like based on previous, other legacy, models. Wonderful. Thank you very much. Thank. You accounts for holiday other questions of staff counselor care Janice. Can. You. Can. You please advise us what's the cost per page to photocopy I mean that you're foreseeing coming. In. I'm. Gonna have to through, the chair I'm gonna have to look at that number specifically. Through there I can't. Answer I can get back to that number cut the cost per page, through photocopying, one of the things I will add is that the amount of photocopying, reduction, is quite, strong where it's more PDFs, kind it's not scanned but I can certainly go and try to get that information back, through the chip. Through. The chair in, at, City Hall we, right. Now our offices, and our staff is pretty. Well doubled and it will be more photocopying, that needs to be done we. Used to be able to go, out to the hallways. And then get if we needed something printed 1117, were able to do there to, do the to do it that way now with constituency, offices and a lot of work being done in those constituency. Offices do, you. Foresee. That we might be needing equipment, that does photocopying. Over level 17. In. Our state offices I, think. Through the chair once, again walking through the City Clerk's IT I think the best approach is for us to look at the new requirements. And look at the needs and then. Through that from a consultation, process walk. With City Clerk's IT to ensure that those needs are addressed in what you will need so if 1117, is, essentially. Whether business, where whether where that need is occurring, then we, will have to ensure that those equipment, are aligned to those needs so it's hard for me to say right now it's really good it's not the requirements, of this sure would somebody, from city clerk speaker please transfer those questions I see. Adam guard in the back maybe he can help us. Sorry. Counselor care Janice I think we're getting away from the. Item this would. Like. You're asking about item yeah, well sure I mean you're, asking about equipment. And processes. For your constituency. Office this. Is outside. I. Can finish so, you're outside, the questioning, on this item. Stuffin, staff said they'd find the answers for you, but. Your kulhanek questions not dealing with this item sure. I mean we're asked to do all due respect we're asking to make a decision and I. Mean, would you prefer, that we defer this item until we get the answers I mean, countless. Counselor. You're asking questions that, you're. Asking and you just made a reference you're asking for staff to come here to answer your questions your questions, are, for the clerk staff this item doesn't okay, with the store clerks, area. It's. With corporate IT, and. As. With. The. Deputy city manager that's beside means that, you'll make sure that the right staff are in contact with you to get your answers but this is corporate. ITI namine asking, about clerk sites directly fine I'm wrong this, is for corporate IP photocopies. Or is this also for councilors photocopiers. This. Is you. Know through the chair this is for the cooperation. Of the 44, divisions, in providing. The service, to those specific, deserted, decisions, clearly, they're questions, that are coming regarding, the councilís piece and that's when we can certainly take offline and walk with our colleagues, and clerks IT to address so, this piece, then that we have here at night our item number two does, it include, counselor. Photo copiers, or doesn't, it.

Within. The area there that is looking there it's focusing, on each of the program, areas in, the 44, different clerks, so. It's not it does not include clerks it does not enclose IT essentially. Walk, on a model, that is, separate. In terms of what this piece is there, so. Final. Question this piece of budget that you're requesting us that does not include our offices, the counselor's office is correct. Through. The chair I will, um let me just hold on that piece and just verify. That I'm. Fairly confident, in my response but I would just want to come back and verify that and, then that respect if it's okay. Up I'll, hold it if, you don't get an answer me book inferred until next stuff next, meeting, the. Next meeting. Can. We hold this time. Lawrence. I'm. Sorry chair Janice wants us deferred until the next meeting, um. I if. It's okay through the chairs that I can get that answer in a few minutes yep would, not be based on the actual contractual, piece so I want to make sure the counselor has the actual accurate, information so. If that's okay counselor I. Would. Prefer to deal with it if we can't not, in a March meeting now so I'll get that out of thank. You all. Right so we're gonna hold this down item down for a few minutes the. Next item is GL 1.3, emergency. Non-competitive. Contract, with. Steel core construction limited, to, complete time-sensitive shelter, construction work, at through D 306. Kingston, Road counselor. Philly and you held this item questions, of staff thank you questions, of staff just, to start with the, background. That I don't, believe the information here, so we purchased, this in. 2016. What's. The size of the existing building. What's. The area, of the, property, and what how much did we pay for it. Through. The share the, approximate, square footage of the facility, is 30,000. Square feet. Through. The chair it was purchased in. 2016. For 7.8, million dollars. And. The. The, size of the property. One. Second please. We'll. Have to we're just pulling up the report I have to get that back to you that's, fine and. When, it was purchased, I, assumed. We had some. Kind of estimate of what, it would cost to. Put, it into operation. Through. The chair. We. Conducted, a building condition assessment, environmental, assessments. And everything. That was in those assessments. Were factored, into the budget. And. Subsequently. Factored. Into the tender and into the contract. We're. Dealing with an unforeseen, cost here are we not so. I'm trying to find out what the foreseen, cost was so, through. The chair. The. Contract, value including. Everything that was assessed at, the time of award, was 8.7 million the. Unforeseen. Site. Conditions. Were. Approximately. 3.2. Million which includes, contingency. Of about two hundred and fifty thousand okay. Yeah thank, you numbers. In here I just wasn't sure if that was equaled. The unforeseen, amount, and. The, the. List of. Items. That it says could not have been foreseen prior. To purchase, seemed, odd. Like, extensive. Mold and, rodent, infestation. And it, would seem that if, we. Either. Before, we bought the building or right after we owned it we. Any. Kind of assessment, would you, would think would have. Turned. Up these these. Issues. There. Were no outward, signs, of these issues it's. Our understanding the facility had gone previous, enter renovations. Which, made any issues less apparent it wasn't until we actually started. The construction and, and having to do the upgrades, and started removing parts, of the walls that all of the unforeseen. Site conditions, became, apparent. So. And I'm asking this mainly, because I'm not familiar with what kind of assessment, we would do before we would buy. A property, like this but. You. Know would we not have had the opportunity to, get in and and check for things like mold.

Through. The chair. We. Do have the opportunity to, do some. Forms, of testing, however because, this was a operating. Motel, we, were somewhat limited, in how intrusive, we could be so. We weren't able to rip down walls, and, things like that so, we were only able to do. Very. Visual. And and and light. Testing. For things like this. And. Is that standard, ready, whenever. We buy a property, that we are planning to. Renovate. As, opposed, to tear, down it, would this be. Typical. Of the assessments. That we would do. It. Very much depends, on the nature of the property that we're purchasing, if, it's an operating business that's quite common that were not, given. The permission to do intrusive testing, however if it's a vacant, building or property then, the owner is much more willing to do that. Yeah. I'm just trying to it, seems a, much, quite sure how to ask this question and. Perhaps. In, fairness, I asked it of Josie but is this. Is. This typical, of what, we would run into that we would buy a property, and then find. Out afterwards, that it has an extra three and a quarter, million dollars, worth of problems. So, through the chair it's not typical, counselor, to, your question, and, so the this is very unique in the situation, based on the situation the market at that point in time the type of property, we needed for, requirements. For the shelter but. There. Are some things that we're changing as, we as we move forward with some, of our processes but, this, is not this is not typical, have we run into these before. There has been some, but very limited, like. Would we still have bought the property if we'd known this or. You know through, the chair the answer is yes we would have still bought the property and the reason for that was when we did the analysis, behind the actual value, of what we paid and the total if we, had to actually build this from scratch it would actually would have cost, us more to build it from scratch, than what we are what. We've had to do right now and, just. On that point that'll go my last question for for. Now anyway is, the. Reason I asked for the size of the. Piece. Of land is. In. Doing a comparison, between. Building. Something new on the site or. Renovating. What was there did we look at what. Might be kind, of optimum. Utilization of. That piece of property and and, did, we do that, comparison. Like knocking it down and building something bigger. Than what was there and what that, might have cost and what the pros and cons would be of knocking. Down and, rebuilding, versus, repairing. Count to philly on Tim, Park will answer that question for you. Through, the chair councillor, the size. Of the property. The. Building itself was, 30,000, square feet and the. Size of the property was approximately. 65,000. Square feet the. Original, intent, of the purchase, was to replace the birch, Mount men's, residence. Which, were in a lease situation. With right now as, well. As to, provide. Additional. Beds, for, the Seton, house redevelopment. Sure. But the question. Was. Still. The same the, same question, is. So. With a piece, of property that size. Would. Would. It make sense to, do something else with the property I'm not familiar with it I don't know how. Where. Things are configured, and threw the chair if this was more of a time constraint issue to provide, shelter. Beds on. A quick basis, as opposed, to looking at building. A new facility and, Inc, seen the, capacity, on the property. Thank. You thank, you I come. For holiday I saw your hands. Thank. You mr. chair I, wondered, if someone could help me a little bit more with the context, of this is the, internal, client.

Shelter. Support. And housing, so. This. Report, is not from from SH s. Sha. But it's from. Our. Facilities, folks so that was the relationship. What. Is the what was the hotel used, for, was. It a standard, on your market hotel or was it one of the ones that was where. There was a fee for service for shelter services, through. The chair it was an, operating. Motel. To, the public it was not on contract, to shelter and housing so. There was never any any, contract, in any way we, hadn't, used it the city hadn't used it as a service. Site for anything before, that's correct counts okay so this was and what was, it was it a branded motel or was it a private. Independent, one it was a branded, motel okay. It. Says here that it will be used for elderly, individuals, is there an elevator there and all of the things that we're going to need in. Terms of infrastructure, to make it something that's suitable for that type of client, through. The chair that it that is correct we're putting in all the accessibility, features per, the. AODA, and the Toronto accessibility. Design guidelines, as, well as we've put. In an enhanced elevator, for senior client group that will be served at this facility, so. We purchased, it for 7.8 million dollars. What's. The value of the alteration, work then so. The. Value of the alteration, work with the base contract, plus the amendment, is approximately. 12 million. So. The so it's seven point eight plus twelve million. Would. Be the part of the chair that is correct okay and then so we're looking at another three point three. On. Top of that no that's inclusive sorry, so it's seven, point eight for the purchase eight point seven for the original contract, and three, point two with the amendment. It's approximately almost. Twenty. Million dollars okay thank you and then maybe just finally, is if you can just go over just listening, the questions the. Process, on our, due. Diligence that we follow, I, suppose, there's a real estate one do we do we. Said building condition, assessments, and and who does those. Through. Really state services, they'll engage FM, and will will engage, with a professional. Services, firms engineering, firms to go in and do the building, condition assessments, and, so they all prepare, a report for you and and you will base your agreement of purchases, sale on that or does that happen after. Through. The chair it. Is, it forms, part of the the, purchase agreement. So. What happens is it a pass/fail, report, or do you negotiate price. Based on the report. Understanding. The mechanism, here yes, the the ability, does, exist, in in. Situations, to negotiate. The. Price if if. The. If. The reports identify. The, issues at hand in this case the the, hazardous. Substance, once as previously. Mentioned were, not identified. Because we weren't able to do a fully intrusive. Inspection. Of the building prior to purchase okay. Well in what year was the motel built. One. Moment please or. Even approximately, I. Would, estimate it was probably built in the 80s great, thank you very much. Councillor holiday other questions of staff, councillor Nunziata yes. Just, going on the questions that counsel Fillion asked I'm so looking at the deficiencies. Fire. Alarm, deficiencies. And. Also the fire water supply, would, that not have been identified. Prior. To purchase. I mean. Because that would have been very obvious. It. Might not be a deficiency. Through. The chair sorry there might not be a deficiency, but you know this building was built in the 80s and coke requirements.

Change Over time and given. The current use this would have been a change, in the code which would have resulted, in a change in, the. In. The requirement, once we started construction. So. So we were aware of it before we purchased. And. We were not aware of it prior, to purchase. Are. There questions of staff. No. Okay, so, I have a few so. I'm just trying to understand so we know roughly when the hotel the, building was, erected. What. Was the timeline between. When. We made the offer to purchase and took possession how, what was that period of time. The. Property. Was acquired in. August. Of 2016. 2015. And. We, closed in March of 2016. Okay. And so. We hired an engineering, firm that did an assessment. Of the building before we purchased it. So. Yes, through the chair we. Put in the offer to purchase the property and, then as part of the process we. Also conducted, a building condition, assessment, as well as environmental. Testing. Of the. Soils. Okay. And we knew so. The. Engineering, firm must have known that the intention, of the, the. City was to purchase this for. A homeless shelter so I'm, trying, to understand, if they did a needs assessment or, an engineering, assessment. Of the building we, must have known for example, the, capacity, of the needs for the building for water and. The. Fire system, was, that not directed. To be done as part of the assessment. By the engineering, firm. What. The BCA, does is, looks. At the existing, condition, of the building and then, provides. Estimates on, the cost to bring those up to current standards for, the proposed use and. This. Was this was brought, to the aware staff. Were made aware of these costs before the. Final purchase we. Did have copy of that report yes okay. And then. I. Guess some of the other issues that you have around mold and the building. And. There's. Things in the building that weren't brought up to code and I know there's something called a destructive, assessment, which is more intrusive but, I'm trying to understand, a building. Of this magnitude, it's not like we, bought a single-family, residential. House. Why. There wouldn't be a, conditional. Offer of sale while. We did a further assessment on the building. The. The. Building. Condition, assessment, as it was carried out was. Satisfactory. To. The level we were looking for a lot. Of the issues that arose and I'm gonna let my colleague speak to this were, once, they started, getting in behind the walls, that's, where additional issues were arising, and it wasn't just mold and rodent, infestation.

It Was construction, issues, that, wouldn't. Have necessarily, been. Apparent. Through. The, standard. Building condition, assessment. That, standard, building condition, assessment, looks at things like HVAC, and and, and water. Things. Like that. Structurally. A lot of the issues my, understanding. And, again I'll let my colleagues speak to this were. Constructional. Ones that were once, the walls were removed became, evident, so. I guess I guess I'm trying to understand why didn't we didn't do that more, comprehensive. Assessment, of the, building the building's 30 years old, I've. Lived, in the area all my life I know it's like not a mint-condition, Comfort. Inn I'm. Not, really understanding why we didn't do a more, comprehensive. Assessment. Of the building have we put processes. In place if we're going to do this again in the future. The. Things will be done differently with the chair that is correct, so. Part. Of our, process, moving. Forward is when we through. The facilities. And real estate services will, ensure that, the. Delegated, authority forms, for shelter, related acquisition state whether or not we're going to do and where if we're allowed to do or will include in invasive, testing including, the findings where applicable, so. That senior staff can be better prepared, the risk associated with the acquisitions, given the property, and of course we're in a competitive, marketplace. Furthermore. Where we, can't do it invasive, or destructive, testing, we, will make the proper risk assessments, for, unforeseen site conditions, and make, sure that those. Those. Budgets, project, budgets and conditions, reflected, those, particular. Risks, that may, be associated. With a particular property moving, forward, all. Right so you're comfortable in the future and, I'm sure this won't be the first or. Last building. That we purchased as a shelter you're, comfortable now with. The people you have in place in the process in place, that. Is correct we've been working with you, know both real-estate and shelter, and housing when we assess their property, - you know conduct the property diligence which we're doing and making, the proper risk assessments. And ensuring that the budgets reflect those risk assessments, okay, all right thank you sorry.

Counselor Cara Janice he had questions. Thank. You you you had parked my quick thank you through the chair you answer part of the questions that I had, through. The when the chair questions however my, question is this building was bought a few years back have we purchased any other building since then. Through. The chair yes. We have did. We do the evasive testing, in those. Buildings after, this, one was sort. Of brought, us some difficulties, or we, were seen probably, just around the corner that this other building will be coming at us and we still need to spend more money through. The chair as, was mentioned this. Was the first property, that the city had purchased, for. Shelter purposes, for. The. The Seton House redevelopment. Is and also in conjunction with the relocation. Of the birch mount residence. So. Each one we've been moving forward on we've been as. My colleague has pointed out, taking. Into account. Contingency. And risks, that we, were, made, aware of through this purchase, let. Me rephrase that question of, chair, through the through the chair after. We purchased additional properties. Did. We do evasive, testing. In order to make sure the problems were facing with this property will not occur and the, the other properties, or we haven't. Threw. The chair yes. We have and we haven't had any similar. Issues, with any, of the properties, we've purchased after, this one so through the chair you're confident, that a year, from now two years from now three years from now this. Particular problem, that we're facing with this property will, not be coming up in the properties that we purchase afterwards, I would say through the chair yes, we are confident and that if. This was done in, the. In. The private world this. Purchase was done at, the time would. They've used a different method that, we didn't use in order for them not to have these problems. Through, the chair I can, only speculate, on the answer on that but, I would. Assume they would have run into the same problem, of having to do the intrusive testing. On the. Property, and they wouldn't have been given the. The. Right to do that. Sorry. I, did. Not understand, your the answer so I want to try again if. The. Purchase, was done when we purchased, this building, and. This was done privately would. They have done the, evasive testing, that we are doing now back, then. Sorry. Private industry had done it yes through the chair my apologies. Yes they would have gone through the same process, why, didn't, we through the chair. I'm. Sorry could you repeat the question why didn't, we do. The evasive testing, if the private insurer is gonna be done I'm sure we have the same knowledge as they do out there what didn't we do it they would, have encountered the same issues, as we did sorry. Threw the chair again so can I can. I just answer, so. I think what Tim is saying is that the way in which the city approach would counter here Gianna's upfront they, would the private industry would have done the same thing the, invasive piece that you're talking about would not have been done at that point in time by the private industry that is what Tim is actually saying, sorry. I I, think I understood something else that, threw the chair I think I understood and Ike waves tend to be corrected that if, the private industry at that point time had bought it they would have done the evasive testing, that's what I heard I could, be wrong. Sorry. Counselor, that is not what Tim was saying maybe, there was a confusion they would not have done that. Thank. You note it through, the chair. Okay. Joe further questions come to know them then think okay, counselor. Filling did you want other round of questions Thanks, yeah I just want to go back to the. Overall. Property, and I think I can understand, why a more. Comprehensive look, might not have been taken but, what's. The timeline, for, this building, being ready for occupancy. Through. The chair, we. Were six weeks away from, substantial. Performance so March 1st we'll be turning it over to s sha, during. The month of March, s sha, will then be getting. It ready for, occupancy. So it'll be operational, April 1 of this year. Ok, so this is, are. We approving here, the money that's already been spent basically is this her essentially, for information, that. Being, the case I think I'll take most of my questions, offline, rather, than. Between. Counsel, comes for holiday and more questions I, did. Thank you a I just want to just confirm the process so is is essays. SSH. A. The. Entity, within the city that is absorbing, these costs, or does it go to facilities, I just. If you can understand if I can understand the business relationship, between you and your client so.

Sha. Is the client and the funder of the project, facilities, management project, management office manages, the project on behalf of s sha, thank, you so there they're really the ones that have to absorb this extra, cost, that hadn't been playing for I guess. Through. The chair that is correct, and, how. Does the relationship work between you and your client throughout, the process do, they, do. They sign. An agreement at the start and come back when the thing is built or are they involved, as a part throughout and how, much. Decision-making. Were, they involved in with with respect to the purchase of this and to deal with any, issues that came up with the construction. Through. The chair ssh, a is a partner throughout FM. Project. Management office makes, recommendations to. -. That's sha, na the actual approver, the, facilities, management project management does, not make the decisions, we bring the decisions for its sha jay with recommendations to move forward so. If at some point there, was dissatisfaction. With the cost of this renovation and. The cost of the additional. Work. That's required contained, in this report it, would be ssh. A's, decision. To stop. The project to sell the property to do, what is necessary to, change business, direction, not, necessarily. Facilities. Through. The chair that is correct okay that's, very helpful thank you. Thank. You councillor Holliday. Councillor, Fillion you held this item. Um. Yes well. It, looks like it's, this. Has already happened and, it's just your. Says. For action but it's really for, information. There's but but. I'm. Not gonna make another motion, at this time I may make, a motion to council I I do. Want. To look into a bit further how this happened, that also, I. Understand. That we're in a hurry and we have to provide shelter housing, and but. You. Know be building, a. Property. At a cost total, cost of 20, million dollars most of which is for construction at. This. Kind of density, on Kingston Road doesn't, make. A lot of sense, to me and I just I don't know for example whether, we looked at you. Know building a four-story, building on part of the site and severing, it and selling. Off the rest of the site or something that would have reduced the. Financial. Impact of this whole. Thing and might not have taken. Longer it might not have taken much longer but I really don't know without, asking.

More Questions that, I don't want to tie everybody up with that today. Okay. Thank You councillor Fillion and, any other speakers on this item. I. Just want to say I'll be supporting. The receipt of this information report. For information I do know of when this staff. Were looking for. A site for this shelter I think, they looked at between three and five hundred different. Pieces of property. We. Have new mechanisms, in place there's. Also different, staff in place, now not. All the staff have been working on this project from, beginning until, now we have new, staff there's, a better procedures, in place I'm. Confident, that as we move forward this. Won't happen again. But. I think everybody's, learned an important lesson from, this and we're gonna move forward from here so. The motion moved, by councillor Fillion is to, receive this item for information, all in favour. Carrie. We. Do item, number four that I moved the amendment, on. I need. To reopen that because I actually didn't, move the item as amended. I was my, caffeine hadn't kicked in yet so I need to reopen item, number four. Sorry. -, reconsideration. Of the item all on paper and then. To. Move this item as amended all in favor Carrie. Okay. Our next item. Our. Next item is GL 1.8, comprehensive. Review of business licensing. Update. Does anybody have any questions of. Staff on this item. Yes. Councillor, Nunziata. Just. Asked. On. The. Update. As far as the report, that came, forward to committee. And to council. In, 2000. And. 14. Last. Year and. That the province, as, well at that time amended. Legislation as far as payday loans and, there. Was a report that went through council, and it was my understanding that, it was we're, waiting for a report from planning, as well as far as the distance, from payday. Loan. Establishments. And I, just liked a staff, on an, update, on that. Good. Morning thank you through you mr. chair so, certainly we implemented, a licensing, category, for payday lenders in. Mid of last year, I can, advise that as of last week approximately. 159. Of the, payday loan businesses, of the 212. That, we had operating, in the city as at May 1st, 2018, have. Been licensed, those that are not yet licensed, we are continuing. To follow up from an enforcement perspective to. Deal with them we, have had ongoing dialogue, with the province, they are aware of the cap on payday, lender, locations. For the City of Toronto so, we're pleased with with, that collaboration. We, do have a report coming back later point this year as directed. We were asked to have a look at as you mentioned, the, opportunity, if there is any in, respect to distancing.

And And, such, so, we're working with our divisional, partners, on what that could look like whether. Or not it would be through the zoning is to be questioned, it, may be able to happen through our licensing, regime so still. Lots of work ongoing but I think we've had a pretty good success rate, at least as far as compliance. Approximately. 160, out of 210. So. As far as that as far as the distance. Because. We have a number of payday, loans that, some of them are closing, up and then reopening. A new, one under a different name in the same establishment. And so. This is constantly, happening, so what, are what. Are we going to do in the interim to prepare to prevent that from happening until. That report, is, brought forward and adopted, by council because, it's happening, like, daily, where you. Know they're closing, and then reopening. You know couple weeks later and somebody, else's name but the same the, same. Use. So. Through you man mister chairs certainly, Jose madam Speaker view, mr. chair I'm. Not aware of new operators, swapping, out certainly, there was provision, for, anybody, who was curtain. Staz at the time this, came into a force that if, they moved, they, could move so. We'll follow up on this change of ownership or, purse or the perception, of a change of ownership to, validate, whether or not that's happening, we. Are, capped. At 212. That was the number that were duly licensed, by the province, in May, of 2018 should. Not be exceeding, that I will, add as well with. The change in Ward boundaries, that is also a part of the work that, we are doing I know for example councillor Nunziata there, are 11 payday, lenders in your ward, so, we're working through with legal and our other partners to determine how. We balance the, caps, that were under the existing, or, the prior Ward's and how that translates to the new wards so that'll be coming back as part of this report. As well yeah. So, um that, number actually has, been increased this more than 11 now huh okay well have a look yeah okay so, that report, is coming forward. Is. That we're targeting q3. For that yeah so the the. The. Problem I can't, remember what, the province. When. We made that deputation. To Queens Park, exactly. What was the recommendation because. It's been so, long what was the recommendation, that was brought forward from from, the province, on payday, loans. Right. Through, you mr. chair certainly. The. Ability for the city to, act. In, this in this particular area they gave an express authority through an amendment to the City of Toronto act which, allowed us the the. Tool to. License, and deal with. Placement. In the save Toronto act so certainly that deputation, was very, effective, and ensuring we had tools to. Deal with them okay. Thank you, yeah. Thank, You councilman, sierra councillor. Karianna Steve questions. Promotion. Questions. That I have is on, page. Four of nine it. Says PTC's. Drivers. And, companies. And everything else and I don't see, a report. Coming back I could be missing it is you report them back on that item business. Transformation. Or. Have we dealt with it yes. Do you mr. chair, understandably. It is rolled up under, the name of vehicle for hire by law which, is the private, transportation, companies as well as taxicabs, and limousines so that you, will be looking after that under the other item that, you. Are reporting back into. Q2. 2019. On. The tax cab issue right that, is correct, okay. Holistic, SAR we still on stream for q2, or we'd be looking for more time this, is such a contentious, issue yeah so we're. Comfortable with the q3. Through. You to mr. chair we would like to keep an aggressive timeline because this is an outstanding item, however we. Will be informed, more fully by the consultations. That we're undertaking. They. And, thank you for the recognition it, is going to be a challenging, file we're. Going to keep the q2, timeline. Best, to our ability there. May be a possibility that it slips into q3, just because of the, complexities, but for now we feel, reasonably. Confident, with q2, in. The holistic. Component. Of the. Reach. Out that you do will you be doing can. I ask please that you do a targeting, in. Different. Communities, that are right now involved, and I can, speak particularly, about my award on. From. The area of Shepard and Kennedy up to. Kennedy. And Steel's I've. Been told that there's about 37. Quote-unquote, holistic, body, Rob's that. Offer other services. You. Know I mean in the community, although. That. Component, we have not reached out to the particular, ethnic community that if that.

We're Here deputizing, last you know and maybe we you can consider. Bringing. In translators. And reaching out to particular. Communities, I mean I can speak to you offline on that so. Something, that you can consider please so, three of mr. chairs certainly, we have built. Considerable. Bridges. I would say with with folks in various communities, in. This particular, industry, it's. Less of a geographical, focus and more around a policy. Focus. And, and how they're operating but. Also. Do make sure that we've got appropriate. Language speaking, but I'm happy to, have that discussion, and see if we can benefit from the chair I will speak to yourself, and successors, offline. On this the, third question, that I have I don't see on here Airbnb, I. Remember. A few, weeks ago there was a. Report. In the news about we're losing something like 6,000, units on Airbnb if, I'm not mistaken, Airbnb, decision, that we took we, had gone through the OMB where. Are we in this, whole thing and how, are we doing to address the. Homeless situation, that we have in order to get those 6,000. Units that were reported in fact in, order for people to have a roof over their head so. Through a mr. speaker certainly, the the matter of Airbnb is now before the El Pat they, have dates into August, of this, year a number, of proponents, joined that appeal so it extended, the timeline they've, been given so, the bylaw and the zoning permissions, are not enforced, in effect and pending, that outcome. And I will I will just add in that respect, the. Issue of Airbnb or short term rental, I'd rather reference, it as would, be an item that would return to the Planning and Housing, Committee, versus. This committee under the licensing. Regime so, that, component then would. Be in, the, other committee and not ours I mean no we're not going to look at their rules again in this committee so through, you mr. chair certainly, that's a great question counselor care Gianna certainly I would suggest that, if any regulation. In respect to the licensing, of the platform, which. Is under Chapter five four or five which is our primary by, a business, licensing. Bylaw. What are those called you. That. Specifically. Related, to the platform conduct, would, make its way to this, committee being the business licensing, focus in, respect, to the other issues, around short-term. Rentals which has a zoning component, significant, then, that would likely find itself in the planning and Housing Committee through my, last question through the chair to, executive. Director would you recommend that this committee and the other committee have a joint meeting in order to address it would it be something that you think it'd be appropriate, for us to look at so through. You mr. chair certainly we do not have a planned. Report, back on the item as yet I believe the only report that may come back this year if necessary. Would, be the out from the outcomes of the L Pat so, it will really do tribute determined. By the. Extent of the report, and where it's most properly, placed and that would certainly if necessary. Would be a conversation we'd have with the City Clerk's on the, best committee composition, for the item thank, you you will be missed Thanks. Thank. You councillor other, questions of stuff. Seeing. None I was sorry councilman zyada you wanted another round it's up to mention on that point what. About the enforcement, end, of it would it not be at this committee. Because. Right, now there's a lot of issues and, the, enforcement would be under licensing, would it not. Yeah. Sorry, deputy manager Cooke maybe while. You're answering this question congratulations. I'm getting used to the new title, maybe, you just clarify for us that there.

Are Some areas a, number, of the councillors here who sat on the previous version of the licensing. Committee you're expecting, there are. What. Went there not everything, will be coming, to this committee under, the licensing, auspice, or mandate right so. Thank you mr. chair certainly we will be at a future meeting I believe our next meeting providing. A presentation, to the committee members around, what, you can expect to see at. This committee and my good colleague deputy, manager Josie Shirley will be assisting. With that so. You know from the understanding of the mandate that we have for this committee it is very focused around business license. So it's a great question counselor, new zyada when we get into issues of enforcement and what that enforcement, relates to so, using, the short term rental as an example I could say very simply, that enforcement related to the platform, which, is a business that is licensed, by us would make sense to be here enforcement. Related to zoning. Would. Likely find its way into the planning and Housing Committee so. I think other items that you would see coming here again is certainly focused around business licensing, and all, the pieces that relate to that so the Toronto licensing, tribunal would be a piece which is an enforcement component. But it which is focused, on licensed, businesses, I think, as we go through there, will be some, things where. We're gonna have to have discussions, with clerks and find, what, the best fit, and what the best approach. Is, respecting. The mandates, of these new committees in, this current, structure and I, think these will also be very informative, discussions, with the special, committee. Looking at the overall governance to help us suss out where. Some of these things may not be as clear, so, for, this committee and as I say we will be coming back at the next with with, further information but. If you think about any businesses, that we license knowing we do not license, all those. Are the reports that would come back here so the. Body rep parlors of the holistic the, clothing drop box issue because, we issue licenses. To, for-profit, operators. Would. Come here the gold, buyers jewelry. Liquor licensing, issues those, types of things we would find our way to this committee other, aspects. Of municipal, licensing, and standards. Arguably. We have been one of the more challenging, divisions. To, determine. Our streams. For these committees, but, we will we, will do our, very best to restrain, ourselves to the mandate if I could add just one, other comment I think it's a great opportunity, for us and I welcome the other councillors, that have not been on involved, in licensing, issues before you're. Gonna have some very interesting discussions. But. Certainly, being part of general government I think with what we are trying to do on the modernization, of how we approach licensing, both from, regulation, and use of technology, this is a great committee to have those, discussions, so, they'll, be I think some really good work coming through the balance of this year to. This committee so just just one last question sorry, mr., chairman, are. You going to bring forward a report, to. Us on the, outstanding. Request. Issues, from, licensing. That have been, moved. That. Over five-six. Years that are still outstanding to, us so. We know what's outstanding. Great question so through mr. chair we know that in the last two terms of council we had over 300 directives, and we reported back on about half of those we've, identified through, all those outstanding, pieces of work approximately. 69, individual, directives, that would find their way to this committee, and those, are pieces of larger, reviews, as well but. So we'll be happy to as I call it the big list, happy. To give you more information about what those are certainly. Outstanding. Items like. Old gold, buyers and, payday. Lenders and clothing drop box councillor Nunzio will come back to you here. Okay. Thank You councillor Nunziata um. Sorry. I, held. This so I'm gonna move the, recommendation, which is to receive this report for information on, paper, carried. Our. Next item is number. 9. Which. Is the. Sorry. Okay. So this is city of Toronto's clothing drop box review we do have two deputies. And. Sorry, and just for some clarity I, am. Gonna be moving a motion on this item because there. Was no actual recommendation. In the, letter so I do have a motion we'll just put that on, the screen. What's, is written in a format that's not actually a recommendation. Yeah. So we're just so, I have a motion here just, I'm gonna be putting them put, on the screen. Just. For, some clarity to the mayor's letter and, then we have two deputies, listed, the, first one mr. Simon Langer.

And. Then. A second, one Scott Edmund, Hart I don't, know if you wanted to depute, together or. Welcome. To city hall gentlemen so, the way the process works here, the, microphone, you have five minutes to make a deputation. You. Can do it together or separately it's completely, up to you I know, you're both from the same organization so. You have five minutes make your deputation, I'll, start, the clock the clock is on the wall over here so you know when you're hitting, your five minutes. Once, you're done your, five minutes each member of this committee has, up to five minutes each to, ask you questions. Once. That is over each. Member of the committee then has up to five minutes to ask questions, a staff on this item and then, they each have five minutes to ask questions, they can move motion, motions. Or, make, amendments, to. My motion so that's kind of how we work. Here so you have five minutes to begin whenever you're ready. Elected. Members of the general government and licensing committee my name is Simon Langer and on the national manager of government and strategic, partnerships, at, diabetes Canada, and I'm joined today by my colleague Scott Evan Hart our national, director of business development. Diabetes. Canada is very saddened, to learn of the recent deaths of the two individuals, and clothing donation bins belonging. To other charitable organizations, located. In West Vancouver BC, and Toronto, Ontario these. Two recent deaths have understandably. Raised concerns, over the safety of clothing donation, boxes as you, review municipal, licensing. And safety standards of clothing donation drop boxes and bins we, are here to inform you about the recent action taken by our charitable organization. To, reduce the risks associated with people misusing, or trying, to enter our bins I would. Also like to share information about our clothing donation, bins and our central component, of our community, donor engagement function and advise, of the positive, impact it makes in support, of the 11 million Canadians, with diabetes, or ABG's including. Those living, in the city of toronto until. Such time as we are able to meet I have outlined our actions in the impact that the generosity of Torontonians, is making through, their textile, diversion, and clothing, bin donations, through diabetes canada diabetes. Canada has operated, charitable, clothing donation bins in good standing, in the city of toronto and across canada for more than two decades although. Accidents. Of deaths related to clothing donation, bins are rare we, feel that we must act to help prevent further tragedies and, are, doing so Diabetes, Canada, announced its intention, to modify its quality donation, bins On January, 4th, 2019. Working. With our Canadian based holding donation bin manufacturer. Using, their technical guidance and/or parts approximately. 4,000. Diabetes Canada clothing donation bins across Canada including. Those in the City of Toronto have, already been or in the process of being retrofitted or modified, in an effort to prevent injury, or death up. To those misusing. Or trying to gain entry to our donation, bins the. Most effective way for diabetes, Canada, to modify these bins is to do it at each donation bin, location. And all, modifications are, to be completed by January 18th. 2019. We. Expect, the changes to our clothing donation bins located in the City of Toronto to, be complete, by January, 15th. 2019. The funds, raised through our diversion, textile diversion operations, have played a key role in supporting, Diabetes Canada activities, for more than 20 years the organization, realizes. Relies. On the. Generosity of, Canadians, who donate clothing and small household donations, through, these bins and via our home pickup service these. Donations, represent, nearly 25, percent of. Diabetes. Canada's total revenue, in 2017. Providing. Essential funding, for our research and advocacy activities our, diabetes. Camps for children with type 1 diabetes and, to develop the resources we provide to healthcare professionals across, the country, from. Environmental, perspective the, program diverts more than 100. Million, pounds of clothing and household. Items from the landfill across Canada this, translates, into say of 1 billion kilowatts. Of energy equivalent. To removing over. Two hundred and twelve thousand, cars from the road saves, seven thousand, two hundred and fifty seven mature, trees, conserves. One. Hundred and sixty seven thousand, eight hundred and twenty eight liters of water and reduces. Our carbon footprint, by two hundred, and eighty million. Pounds, of co2 while. We understand, the concern raised by the safety of coal the donation boxes, diabetes. Canada's committing, committed, to trying our best to reduce, harm and prevent risks of injury or worse through, our clothing donation, bin operations, and feel, we have acted immediately to, address this concern we.

Would Also appreciate it, if you would consider working with us and our, other reputable, charitable, partners to, create a City of Toronto textile. Diversion, program, similar, to the formal, programs, that we have created in the city of Markham the city of Oshawa city, of Brandon peel. Region King Township, the town of new market town of Aurora City of Stratford, among many others, these. Programs, also support, Canada's, first national textile. Diversion study in partnership. With York University, this, important, study will help play a key role in helping us address the over three billion, pounds, of textiles, that are currently going to Canadian landfill sites on a yearly, basis, our four, thousand donation bins and those that belong to other charities, play. A key role in addressing this important, environmental, issue if, possible. Scott, and I would, like to meet with members of Toronto City Council the general government and licensing committee and executives. And staff members of the City of Toronto municipal. Licensing, and standards, to, further expand, on how we can work together with, other reputable, charitable, organizations, which operate, holding donation bins to, address any questions around, the operation, and safety standards of clothing donation bins in the, meantime please, take into deep consideration, our action to modify, our bins in an effort to prevent injury or death to those entering, our bins as you, review municipal, licensing, and safety standards of clothing, donation, drop boxes, thank, you respected, members of the general government licensing, committee we appreciate your time today Scott, and I are here to answer any of your respective questions thank, you again. Okay. Thank you gentlemen, and you did it just over five minutes very good. Counselor. Carrie Anna's first counselor, Holliday. Thank. You chair I, want to thank you for coming and certainly value the work that you're doing in research as well as support. To the, better. Community, in our country now. There's, been operators. That are actually some of them just put up a box and they've. Got a number. Down there there they really do not exist, I. Mean. In looking at this moving forward how. Do we make sure that these. Operators, do not exist. I'll. Take that question so the. City of Markham addressed, it by, licensing. Various. Charities, to allow them to place donation, bins under, a city of Markham textile. Diversion program and, then, they removed all of the, folks. That were placing, bins there illegally without, permission and they just took them off the street and that's. Sort of how they dealt with the situation does our sister, city of Markham use. Different donation, boxes are very similar to the same same bins as or as. Diabetes. Canada has across the country so. These, bins. Were. They similar, to the bin that caused the the accident, of the individual, there. Are there are different, styles, of bins there, are rolling chute bins, and. There are mail. Chute style bins and both. Styles. Of bins have been. Have. Been involved in incidents so the business that the city of Markham is using prevent. Such, an accident from happening where, does, this an unforeseeable accident. That happened in our part so as far, as diabetes Canada's, concerned the retrofits, that we have done to both are rolling chute bins and our mail chute bins, will. Remove. The pinch point or spot. Within the bin in the chute itself where people are getting actually stuck and that is where it's not people inside the bin where the incidents are occurring, it's actually trying to gain access to the bin and so, we've removed those restrictions, from, all. Of our roughly. 4,300. Bins or. Sorry will do will have done so by the end of this week would um be. Supportive. In. In this route complain and its recommendations, are coming forward to something, that we put, the operators, are actually using, we, know besides the the fly-by-nights.

But There was actually operators, that are using with charity, or that I would partner, up with charities, and then. A lot of this clothing ends up being sold. Either. For, for. Other purposes, besides what it's done and it's been like it's bundled up and shipped off to Africa and and sold a different. Bazaars. Yeah. And I think that's where a. Bona. Fide legitimate. Textile. Recycling, program, with. Organizations. Like diabetes Canada, and others that are, taking. The collections, and raising, revenue for their own. Organizations. Is it important what other parallel, organizations. Are you familiar with that actually do the same work that you're doing. So. Kidney. Steps. To recovery. Big. Brothers Big Sisters. Cerebral. Palsy. To. Name a few but there are a good, dozen or so that you would have our. Folks were to reach out to you and say can you provide us and help us with the list you'd, be willing, to help absolutely. In fact all the charitable collectors. In Canada, have we've, just, incorporated. Not-for-profit. Charity. That we are going to, use. To share. Information and kind of work with each other so it's actually something that we worked on last year to bring all the for-profit. Sorry, not-for-profit. Charitable collectors, together as, a group, okay. Thank. You thank. You. Thank. You counselor. Other questions. Councillor Holliday Thank. You chair thank, you for speaking to us can you tell me a little bit more about how. You see, your, role in, a textile. Diversion. Program. And. In particular, the role of the Box versus, your role as aggregators. Of the material, or collectors, of the material, sure, thank you so much for your question, counselor, so, first off I will say I actually we're too hot so I'm the national manager of government strategic, partnerships, at dyes Canada, I'm also a researcher. In the graduate program, environmental. Studies at York University I'm, specifically, doing research on text always. So. Our, formal recommendation sir as Scott has alluded to is that the City of Toronto very, seriously, consider creating a formal. City. Of Toronto textile, diversion program similar to a lot of the municipalities, that I had mentioned in my deputation. Doing. So in in collaborating, with all of you would ensure that all the chair the true. Charitable. Organisations, have. Been identified and. What, our research has shown is that when there is municipal. Branding, on a bin it actually, helps to build confidence, and trust among the public which increases, participation. And also, diversion, at the same time and of course it, helps. It, significantly. Assist us to to. Draw out. Social. And environmental impact. As. Best we can and so, our.

And. Then in speaking to your question regarding bins. We. Look, at text always no different than any other waste streams so at the end of the day it really comes down to convenience, and exit accessibility. And also education, and we. Have for, our organisation, speaking on our behalf we have over 4,000, donation bins as, we, had mentioned previously those, donation. Bins play, a crucial wall in diversion, and so while these incidences. Are very, unfortunate, and very sad and I. Love it and you, know they we have to work, together to deal with them we, feel that Diabetes Canada has directly. Adult, with this issue by. Making the appropriate changes to all of our bins. And and. In doing so we provide access to the communities so that th

2019-01-17 05:53

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