Ganjam Komtara Gudi Shiva temple ruins Gadde ranganatha Veerabhadreshwara swamy, Srirangapata Mantap

Ganjam Komtara Gudi Shiva temple ruins Gadde ranganatha Veerabhadreshwara swamy, Srirangapata Mantap

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now we are at another ancient temple located at Ganjam this temple too was completely in ruins and abandoned in front of this temple is the Rama temple when we did the video of that temple Madan Rao has mentioned that there is another temple here we tried to make its video but since it was rainy season then it was not possible for us to come till here all around shrubs and plants had over grown the place then we dropped the plan and in summer when the plants would have dried then we planned to come back and make the video but Madan Rao made an effort made a provision of getting it cleaned similarly Sri Rama temple and Veerabhadra temple too we can see how it looks after cleaning similarly Gadde Ranganathaswamy temple too after cleaning how it looks come let us see at the same time any donors coming ahead to them request is we need to retain the original form as far as possible when renovating the temple that is when the historical value of it will be retained about this temple along with Madan Rao and Abhi come let us see in todays video the group which you are seeing here we can say they are a group who value history they are Achievers Academy Srirangapatna their leader Ragu is my childhood friend just yesterday night i mentioned to him and by morning he made it possible what was there in our mind the plants, shrubs and bushes they have cleaned it as if it never existed from such small boys to in here you can see that girls too have participated in it they started from morning 6 am till now they have done the work all around till recently JCB(excavators) work and using bare hands plants and trees have been cleared as you can see Many in Ganjam may not know of this place it is also known as komtara gudi in Ganjam there are many such abandoned temples of which you have already made video of it before when i had got you here to show this place approximately 100 meter distance we had seen then nothing was visible this picture was not visible almost a year ago i had come through its back door and had come this way i had thought that we will not be able to do the video yesterday evening he inquired he assured that they will do it, this is the kind we need to do Raghu said so the Wellesley bridge and also the pond near Banimantapa the video of which we had made before this they have done the cleanliness programme there for more information you can find out more from him My name is Dr, Raghavendra in the NSS programme officer of Sheshadripuram Degree College Mysore i am also working as Physical education Director as well in Mysores Sheshandripuram i am basically from a place near Srirangapatna known as Baburayana koppulu since i have studied Physical education i have completed my M PEd hence in Srirangapatna i have started Achievers academy it has been 7 and a half years since it was started the purpose of our academy is a service to our society i have completed my M PEd hence in Srirangapatna i have started Achievers academy it has been 7 and a half years since it was started the purpose of our academy is a service to our society with an intension of Service we are doing the activities in that aim we started the Achievers academy in it for all students from an 8 years old child upto 35 years around 60-70 people come dally and they come and do physical fitness we get them to do health fitness along with that those who have done degree PUC or SSLC for such students we without any charges as a job orientation we teach children what to do? how to go about? what kind of competitive exams are there and so on? the fitness that we do along with that in which all department are there physical criteria's for all those departments without any cost we do not take even a rupee even from any one we are doing it for free along with that for kids we do not take even a rupee even from any one we are doing it for free along with that for kids online applications they will have confusions as to how to fill it? which website to go? that too we get them to do it for free. along with that for children it should not be just physical fitness how they should face competitive exam how they should prepare for it every week every Saturday just like coaching class for competitive exams be it professors, or tahsildars or Head of Departments of Manasagangothri we invite all those professors and freely for that also we give coaching along with that weekly once we have yoga programme our other main concept is for Indian Army my intention is why only our people from Madikeri of Belgaum why only in their house one person per house soldiers are there why in our Mandya region why should there not be a soldier in each house even from mandya region, every individual should serve the country all children be it in Indian Army or Indian Navy or Indian Airforce for that i am giving free coaching what ever materials they require all that we provide along with that for societal cleanliness the historical places present around us it may be temples or ancient ponds that way what ever help from our side to the society what will do good, that we are ready to do with that intension we today yesterday evening i came to survey the place, then i met Madan every sunday after finishing the running for Kids every sunday we take them for cross country for 10 kms from stadium i set my vehicle meter to zero how far is it to this temple,i came to check that at that time i met Madan when we were casually talking when i mentioned that i need to get the kids running then there one temple they were cleaning he said here is a temple have you seen it Raghu? i said which one are you referring too? i am not aware of it as you said from here when i saw there, i could see nothing in that direction i told Madan tomorrow we will do it our team will come i will inform the kids rand tomorrow we will be here in the morning saying so to Madan, for the morning making preparation as much as possible at 6 am getting all students almost 75-80 students came here this work has been done this ancient temple, still some finer work is required all our kids have put in a lot of hard work to achieve this even our NSS students too have worked hard thanks for giving me this opportunity before we did this cleaning i have brought this to the notice to the taluk administration Tasildar Roopa tasildar of srirangapatna we informed here that we are doing such a activity we have requested here to come tomorrow since it is sunday today she is not in town after bringing this to her attention we are doing this work tomorrow when she comes the rest of the works as you can see here this is the road that is the main road which is hardly 200meters from main road to here it is hardly 200 meters why people have ignored this i fail to understand the idols statues all have been stolen nothing is there in it only three pedestals are there you can see here inside it is a shiva temple in three places linga is there in the back area if you Cahndikeshwara was also installed here but no idols are there all statues are gone my dream is to save what is left we have to give it to the next generation as per what some say it has a history of 500- 600 years built during the times of Vijayanagara period they say so we too are looking if we can find any proof of the same we are searching we have not found any so as mentioned the temple has a history of 600 years tomorrow Tasildar will visit here what works needs to be taken up next how to bring about further developments after discussing with her later what needs to be done after discussion we will get to know all around compound needs to be constructed for this we need to get it painted it should be clear just if they paint when its like this then it will be futile the work we do should be done in the correct way that is our wish maximum we cleaned using our hands above were all thorn plants above there were too many then we told Abi about that there are such is we get a JCB we can get clarity about the vastness of the place we are not aware about the area then we got the JCB and used it all around the border rest of the places and inside our children cleaned with their hands for the JCB even the road was not proper so we got the road done properlly then outside and inside the temple our children neatly cleaned the thickly grown plants and shrubs they uprooted it and cleaned it nicely Me:how do you manage funding? as of now i am spending from my personal money to fund this for JCB our Abi's cooperation is there so we are working together this is our free service, no kind of money is involved in this what is possible in our hands that we are doing we have not taken a rupee from any one we have not approached anyone saying you give so much we will do this we have not done anything as such this is a service Me: for this good work that you are doing can the public too join with you? can they contribute to you like this to clear ancient temples or for any of the other good works that you are doing can the public contribute to you? Raghu: definitely we are doing so that this is preserved for the society from the salary that i get some 30 % for academy i keep it aside because to do coaching class those giving service will come from one place to another to come so far at least i have to give them the petrol charge that i do not take from anyone, this you can ask any one of them here everything i am doing by putting it from my hand so what is happening is the possible funding from our side we have done it other people too please come forward the cleaning work that we have done now public should come and should join hands in this to restore this temple all across compound needs to be put total of 8 kunte is there this is around 8 kunte as per the survey people it is around 8 kunte if we put a compound pooje activities and or society related any programmes even if we do a small organization then definitely this can be developed today i am requesting the public please the ancient structures which are there which ever monument it is protect it at the least bring it to the notice of Archeology department i have already spoken to Tasildar and requested her to bring this to the notice of Archeology department i have made this request at the same time if any citizen or donors want to come ahead and restore this temple we will be very happy along side all our students from the academy as well as students of Sheshadripuram college NSS and all students and management will join hands for this i would like to say this in this situation i have done B A followed by B PEd and MPEd i did it from Mangalore University i have done my MA in sociology i had a lot of dream related to sociology hence i did MA sociology in correspondence thereafter PhD from Coimbatore karpagam University i took around seven and a half years to complete it we saw from the inside the cleanliness drive done there this inside courtyard where we are this whole area JCB has been cleaned using JCB as you can see here for many months the place was overgrown with plants and shrubs you can see a tree which has been cut here the upper part nothing was visible all was covered even sunlight was not able to come in today so fast they have finished the work this is the entrance we at Veerabhadreshwara temple above for the doors the support which we had seen, similar thing we can see here too doors they used to have here notice the holes and either sides last time when we saw the Rama Temple then too we saw similar kind of brick work done in connection to the pillars this too is similar to that this is minimum of 300 years old but but there are no inscriptions about it around here if you see the pedestal here this feels like a Shiva temple notice the flooring work done by plaster of ancient times at the top for the Uiyale seve (swing) of the temples uthsava moorthy you can see the hooks there here provision to climb up this is a pedestal this is the rear side courtyard of the temple everything they have made using plaster and stone pillars for construction even now see how it has over grown inside in two places the roof slab is in a state of collapse it still has not fallen may be through some one will see it and provide support to it i will show you that notice how it has cracked here this if some one climbs on the roof on placing four steps this will collapse such is the state it is in notice above none of the stone slabs are affected except for that one in this part these kind of roots cause problem to this temple through the gaps they grow and crack the wall of pillars/ slabs there after due to the pillars due to the damage loose balance and move from its place you can see the plaster work of those days basement or foundation is visible here before this when we had done the video of Gadde ranganatha and Veerabhadreshwara swamy temple when told that it can be cleaned Abhi had told after that this was we were not able to clean Raghu my friend of Achievers Academy when he said that for this we need JCB Abhi said he will arrange for JCB the work which would have 2-3 days has been completed within half a day it is very surprising here all the pieces of tree which are lying around also the trees the thorn plants very quickly they have torn it away and for this they have given it a form Me: Abhi what is your motivation to do all this? abhi- to say about motivation, on sundays this time i generally am free during this free time doing this work Me: when you are free you can go to movie or to play for passing time Abhi: Every one makes a different choice i find happiness in doing this more than roaming around i find happiness in spending time in such activities Me: what about the expense of the JCB and all? Abhi: for expense today i paid but previously there were around 60-70 boys there was lot of thick trees all around and on top of the structure but still as far as possible by hand we cleaned but getting JCB was inevitable then Raghu told we will get it then i called them and told to get it then it took some time to clean the food was provided by Shivananjundaiaha Shivananjundaiaha is a local Ganjam resident since many children were there he said he will make arrangements of food and he made the provision this place since long time along with Madan we were planning but it was not happening, but today its time was right yesterday they spoke for each thing there is a time when things will be right yesterday they spoke and today by this time it is done nicely it has been cleaned but still few more work is left today since it was sunday since it will be holiday for all, we too joined in Madan: last time in some temples after watching your videos restoration has been done of that small Veerabhadreshwara temple similarly this temple too work needs to be done for that we one person by name Ashwin from Bangalore be it providing a gate or paint Linga this way these all services he and his fellow members have done it i wish to introduce him in the next video because good things not just doing good things but identifying good things also is a good deed such people in the society more than calling it as focus if people come to know that they have come forward then more people will come forward to do such work such enthusiasm donors or people providing service may not get to know such people in contact with such youth or the organisations who are carrying out such work if they join hands with them and do this kind of activity such many ruined abandoned temples will get restored, there is no doubt about it here the paddy plants that you see this paddy field whole thing is the road this i have made video as tippu time old road, in my channel this road starts from there where does it start we had showed you the new Bangalore Mysore road there at present construction is going on it connects to that place morning he mentioned that after this work is over, we will leave this place for the temple since lot of repair work has been done this veerabhadreshwara temple or Basaveshwara temple of which you had made the video has come up to this level to start there was no gate in that video you had shown also the paint was not there above they have put the flag they have made provision of electricity for this similarly they have planted few plants too the plants required for the pooje this looks like a mango tree recently they have put flower plants all around the abandoned temple how it was and the present restored active temple how it is Me: is daily pooje being done here? Madan: provision has been done through donors from Ashwin provision has been done for priest as well as a door the linga for inside and the provision for installation is also available they said on that day they had also held a deepothsava programme here as well Abhi: today this temple has been restored after watching the video you had done few youth came forward and this restoration has been done similarlity today cleanliness has been done of Komtara gudi next that will be restored another Rama temple is also there after seeing that also through you video youth joined hands and have cleaned it and have come forward to restore it that work is going on Madan: then we saw the Veerabhadreshwara temple similarly the Rama temple the video of which you had done earlier now to this extent the cleanliness work has been carried out these are the mantapas there too you can see this village temple, the video of which you had done earlier after watching it only few youth made up their mind to restore it and they came forward so we have to say thanks to you since after watching it the boys called me to ask where is this located and all they enquired they said that the video came of use this way in your video my further request is more people should make up their mind after seeing this more temples should be restored, this is my request prior to 3 or 3 and a half years ago a Bhanuprakash guru of our village his younger brother had got it painted we were cleaning do not clean it and leave it i will make provision of paint for this all this was paint was given by him the younger brother of Dr.Bahnuprakash Sharma by the name of Harish Guru it has been almost 3 years since we painted it last time when you made the video of Sri Rama temple that structure over there i had taken you there but due to over growth nothing was visible there but that now due to achievers academy and Ganjams few residents all together they cleaned it now we are on the road toward Gaddhe Ranganatha temple that is next to the canal on both sides you can see paddy fields are there sugarcane fields due to the rains its all potholes lot of potholes are there in two wheeler one can come easily on the left side you can see the canal along side is the field now ahead if you see, i am not sure how much is visible on camera you can say this is an adventurous riding see how many potholes are there due to rains this is the tractor way isnt it? this is the bullock cart route in that his vehicle too is coming because it is Marazzo it is coming in Marazzo the ground clearance is good hence in such routine we can get it through this route we came to Gaddhe Ranganathaswamy temple ahead since construction work is going on we will have to stop here since from here we cannot go ahead hence we have stopped car here from here we will go by walk there is the Ranganathaswamy temple today we have been visiting all the places of which you have done the video previously we have reached to Gadde Ranganatha now the surprising thing as of now about this Gadde Ranganatha is the water was right in front but now the bridge has here the water is flowing further ahead there for us it is surprise water used to flow right in front of Ranganatha temple Ranganatha has not risen when he will wake up we dont know which side they will shift i do not this but it has remained such for the video which was done then and is being made now come let us go down and see it Me: it will be shifted that is what has been decided isnt it? it is to be shifted but has not been done so far they have retained it such even if it is left such there is no problem bridge will come from here to there you can see the direction in which it will come there was a proposal to remove it but it has not happened yet here in red they have made a mark with regard to what it has been marked we are not aware the equipment's required for bridge construction you can see here you see all that here this has grown and come outside now one of our subscriber after seeing this temple video Ranganatha swamy in more close up could have shown for longer, as his grandmother too was watching it he had mentioned that she wished to see it more closely he had informed this via comment for them this Ranganathaswamy idol once again i will show in more close up via this video we are showing looks like every day pooje is being done, flowers all has been kept here we saw Gaddhe Rangantha and came now we are at Kirangur Banni Mantapa during dasara the decoration that they had done all that is still there notice how garbage has collected here means only for time being they paint it just for three days time we had requested for fencing to be put up this has not happened and dont know when it will happen see how they have spoilt the place they have cleaned the Kalyani after we made the video there after they have restored that Kalyani let us go there and see now we are outside the fence but we are inside the fence but we cannot say anything as of now that is on the other side of the fence outside the fence that is there see the kalyani water has filled up all that was damaged around the Kalyani has been repaired using the cement fence they have put it that side, so many be entrance is that side, i am not sure that was cleaned by Kirangur Grama Panchayathi and one of the authorities called and said that i watch all your videos one day i want to see srirangapatna along with you he said that his name is Prashanth Babu i think so he said your videos are nice through this we get to know that even the authorities are watching your videos last time when we visited, we came down via this and then we did the video of this then the water level was much lesser in this and that part there that stone retaining wall had collapsed thereafter GramPanchayathi members you can see the cement patch done in front of your eyes they have done a very good job see it is next to the main road and the fencing is put this side the original water source needs to be retained this is a kalyani or tank which was done to benefit the people previously every thing was part of same beyond this fence was the mantapa on the other side of the fence now is the Kalyani as you can see here this may be a information board but it has collapsed don't know what is written on it see leaving the beautiful carving the have plaster the rest of it very nicely they have done the work here last time from here when we entered both these parts was not visible now it is looking good only thing is they should not paint it again if done so then its original features cannot be seen clearly it should be left such there were plants and shrubs all around here, now nothing is there we feel happy seeing this at the same time since there is little garbage on that side hence having the fence is the best option

2020-12-19 00:52

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