Gamble Rogers State Park, Flagler Beach, Florida - SUMMER2020 EPISODE 4

Gamble Rogers State Park, Flagler Beach, Florida - SUMMER2020 EPISODE 4

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Because, i'm free. In my, rv. Hello. And greetings. From the 305. The mia. I hear some people still call it the magic, city. Yes. Miami, florida, but not for long. In fact we're not going to see south florida, for a while. How long, remains, to be determined. Here we are in mid-june. 2020. June 18th, to be exact. Just as things are starting to open up and most people think. The worst, is over. This is right before they started backpedaling. The whole opening up thing. Just, to put it in historical, perspective. And today we are going to be staying at gamble, rogers, state park at flagler, beach. And this, this is almost in the bucket list category, so. Very happy to be coming here. Bad, bad weather in florida. What can i tell you. That's been waiting on a summer in florida, that's that's just the way it is, in any case hello everybody, and we are starting, a brand new adventure. Uh. Longest one with minitini, ii the new micro mini. In so. The longest one to date. Going north. North florida. Basically. And one of the goals of this, whole trip. Is to figure out how to work. From the road. And uh how to be able to do it. Relatively, long term so. That's the plan. And we're gonna enjoy, a little bit, if it ever stops raining we're gonna enjoy a little bit too. So, enjoy the. Ride. I'm gonna take a quick break. Because. It's not fun driving like. This. One. Two. Three, caramba. Whoa. Quick snack here. All right it's stopped, raining for a little bit and i have a tire the truck says that this tire is a little low, so we're gonna put some air in it. Yeah sure was kind of low. By the way this thing. Must have. Must have for our beers. We're gonna get breaking the weather here but it's gonna get bad. Pretty soon, more, more rain clouds coming that, way. We're still not even halfway there. I hear thunder. Alright, here we. Go. You know they should make a. Hitch. Or you can open, the the whole tailgate. Well still hits to the to the rv, but they do it's called the propriet. I'm not complaining, this is fine. Maybe i'll get a hitch. Extension. You know the one that has a bike rack too yeah that one. All right, like they say on the road. Again. Here we are flagler, beach, as we cruise along a1a. Right next to the atlantic. Ocean. Hello, everybody. And. Greetings, from. Gamble, rogers. State park. Our first time here. And they do have some sights right there on the water on the beach. But. We were only able to get the the riverside. Side of the campground which we have a very nice lake or a river right back here i don't know exactly what it is. And i presume that we're going to be able to witness a beautiful, sunset, here. In a couple of hours. Yeah very happy to be here. It's a very nice, state park. As florida, state parks usually, are. And it was a very it was a as you saw it was a very rainy, day. On the way here but, right now it's. Kind of a beautiful, afternoon, and it's not even that warm. And not that hot maybe because because of the rain. But we're gonna be here for a couple of days so today we're just gonna. You know relax, chill here we're gonna sit down here have some wine. And. I'll talk to you tomorrow. It is so great, to be here. Out, in nature. So close to the atlantic. Tomorrow, we'll definitely, enjoy the beach but for the rest of today. It's definitely, going to be a feast, for the. Eyes. Perhaps. One of the most, surreal. And breathtaking. Florida, sunsets. We've seen in a while. I'm sure the bad weather earlier, had something to do with. That. Before we continue, i'd like to welcome a new sponsor. Skillshare. And skillshare, is an online learning community, with thousands, of inspiring, classes, for creative, and curious people, like us, so you can explore. New skills. Develop, existing, interests, and get lost, in creativity, and you know i'm always trying to learn new things and i want to up my game when it comes to on-screen, graphics, here for my videos, so i've been taking this class by jake bartlett, it is called animating. With ease, in after effects. Really useful, resource. And they also have all kinds of other courses like. Music. Writing, photography. Even business courses, like. Productivity. All kinds of stuff now skillshare, is giving away two free months of premium membership, to the first 1000, people who click the link in the description, box, to help you explore, your creativity. And after that it is only around 10, a month, and i want to thank, them, for sponsoring. This episode. California. May have, stunning, sunsets. Over the pacific. Arizona. Does have its own breathtaking. Desert, sunrises, and sunsets. But here on the east coast of florida, we also have our own, beautiful. Sunrises. Over the atlantic. Ocean. The calming effect. Of the ocean, cannot, be overstated. Just, sitting here. Staring, at these, waves. As they crash, against, the shoreline. It's the best, therapy, possible.

Incredibly. Soothing. And relaxing. As if, for an instant. All, the troubles. Of the world. Disappear. And seem. Pointless. This by the way is the oceanfront. Part of the campground. One of these days, i'm telling you one, of these days. Let's go back to the rv and make some breakfast. There's this short, trail here it goes, through a butterfly, garden, actually. Let's continue, on the nature, trail. There's another trail that way. Hello. There. Hello there little bunny. Good morning. Have a nice day. It's, coffee time. Espresso, for me and ely is having her regular, black. And we're getting hungry, so we're gonna make some breakfast. Let's cut some ham, and salami. And, one, two. Three. Four eggs. Some paprika. Some, black. Pepper. Let's go for a swim. Nice campground. And here we are fly. Pelicans. It is kind of cold, but. Nothing has ever been written about cowards. And we're going. In. That looks nasty back there. Pretty strong rip currents, by the way, what a difference a big storm. Blue. Skies. This is the oceanfront. Portion of the campground, as i mentioned, earlier, and let me tell you next time we have to figure out how to stay here, and, check out the pelicans. Flap, elegance. Well you are not a pelican, but i like you too. Hey don't go away, i just want to talk to you. Get you on camera. Don't be afraid, i'm not going to hurt you. Fine, be like that. All right, we're making some burgers. Yogurt is here. This traveler. This is the life i'm telling you i'm gonna do the live stream here. Pretty soon in a couple of hours. Almost ready. Cheers. Well eric went to explore, on his own and. So are we. In the jungle. In the hammock, jungle, of florida. Check that out. Hello there. Where are you hiding from. There's the butterfly. Garden. But i think there's only, one long butterfly. We decided to come back to the beach. Actually, we're just killing time, until 6 pm. That's when the live stream, takes place, like every friday. And, it looks like it might rain. Hello. There my friend. Interesting. Look at the butterfly. Look at the butterfly. Fly. Let's, do the live stream. Hello everybody. Coming to you. Live. From the first, coast of florida, actually. And uh i didn't check the audio doesn't, sound okay. I'm making coffee, give me a second. Here. I was going to do it outside. But. Everything is wet. Hi greetings from finland, it's midnight, sun here. That's true you know i was supposed to be in alaska. By now. And uh. I was planning on going this weekend, to the, hey. Someone's trespassing, here what's going on. Oh look at, that. It's this traveler. Everybody. Told you. Okay. Which i cannot. Believe it thank you so much. By the way we do this every, friday, at 6 pm eastern, and it is a lot of fun. Well, let's go for a little ride. Well good. Morning. Late, morning, actually. Let's go downtown, for. Lunch. It seems pretty busy. We want to eat at this place called, the funky, pelican. Just. Because. Here we go, it's a little tight, but, it'll work. As you can see it's a little cloudy, right now but i think the weather is gonna, change. Funky, pelican. Because you know fly valley can. Fly. I guess the entrance, is through here right. Yeah we're gonna have asked, for a better table let me tell you. We had a view of the ocean and. At the restaurant. And we even had a view of the pier. And that's illegal, right there. Decisions. Decisions. Yep, i need to get me one of. Those. I've never seen a bird eat salad. We're having a local ipa, from almond, beach i didn't catch the name but. It's very nice. Citrusy, really got the jambalaya. And i got the, catch of the day. This was definitely, a nice spot. To have lunch here with a view of the beach. And the pier. And. And we definitely, probably got the best, table in the house. In any case uh let's continue. Exploring. Flagler, beach. Oh they have a bar too. I guess there is a. Bright, stuff on this wall. I sure was. Really was too. I've always been amazed. At how straight, the east coast of florida, is in this area, it almost looks. Man-made. Do. All right, let's go back to gamble, rogers, and enjoy the beach a little bit. It's turned out to be, such a beautiful, day. So this is, a gamble, rogers. Florida, troubadour. Check this out. It's like, paradise.

There's The flagler, beach beer, way, out there in the. Distance. So. Not pleasantly, surprised. By the beach today yesterday, you know it was kind of. Choppier, and cloudier, but today beautiful day here. This, maybe, bumped, up to. Top five florida, beaches, maybe. I think. So. Let's go. In a different, direction. Explore, a little bit but, with a purpose. By the way, very nice condos, and hotels, here. We're taking a little bit of a scenic drive, here, it is called high bridge, road, and we almost came this way, when we were coming here a couple of days ago, with the trailer, in tow, and i'm so glad we didn't. Clearance. Eight feet six inches. Because of the low hanging, branches, i guess. Minitini, two is just, under ten and a half feet, tall. It is a gorgeous, drive. You know where we're going. Publix. We didn't bring the berkey, water filter, this time and we're almost, out of. Water. I went to publix, because, we ran out of water. We had to figure out a way to put the berkey. In, minitini, tube, somewhere, somehow. The working filter. We'll figure it out. We'll figure it. Out. Let me tell you something as i always said there should be there should be a way to streamline, this process. Like. If you're already in the park, or, if you have like an annual pass, there should be like a fast lane there's no reason for you having to wait in there for. For two people to check in but. It is what it is and, luckily we're not in a rush. Not. Today. Well someone recommended, this place. Called, a european, village. A couple of miles north of here in uh, in palm coast. And it's supposed to be like an upscale, mall with like, dining. And stuff like that so. I'm gonna have. Dinner. It is about a 20-minute. Drive up the coast, and about halfway, there we encounter. Beverly, beach, and its oceanfront. Rv. Resort. And would you take a look at some of these oceanfront. Mansions. Hey, in any case, here we are, european. Village. Fine, restaurants. And shops. And, this is it. I guess it is condos. All around it which seems convenient. Although, i don't know if i would like to live next to a courtyard, with live music, all the time. It's very pretty. As i mentioned, they have live music. And you know that's always a plus, in my, book. Work on paint i like that name. It is, pretty. I'm not sold on the whole concept. But, it is pretty. Well if you know us, you know we're going to the. Brewery. So many choices, here's the ipa. And, some fish dip as well something. Light. All right that was a. Nice. Fish deep, now let's go somewhere a very good ipa by the way and now let's go somewhere else, we're getting pretty tired, so i think, that somewhere, else, is going to be the. Campground. Well good. Afternoon. Really we had a late start, here today. You know. Working a little bit. We have some cds and stickers, to ship. And. We're just gonna explore. A little bit, you know. There's a plantation. Nearby. And, then we're gonna have some lunch. Some late lunch, it is father's day by the way, so things might be, busy around here or busier. We'll see we're once again taking that scenic, high bridge, road. Let me tell you, this has to be a white knuckle drive, if you're coming in an rv. I betcha he didn't see the low clearance, sign. And, google maps, will route you this way every, single time. One more reason, not to follow the gps, blindly. You still have to look at the signs. This is called, bulow, plantation. Ruins, historic, stage park. And it is the ruins, of a sugar, and cotton plantation. Destroyed, in 1836. During the second, seminal, war. We have to go about a mile, on this narrow, road, which certainly, adds to the experience, of being in a remote, location. Entrance to the park is four dollars, per vehicle. And it works, on the honor system. It was four dollars i gave him five because i didn't have singles. So uh. They got a dollar tip from me. For a few minutes we're gonna be here but. Seems to be nice. Let's check it. Out. I don't think this is, part of the ruins, but. It definitely. Seems to be in a in a ruinous, state. Actually, i do believe that may have been part of the plantation. House. This here the halifax. River. Very nice, recreation. Area. Here's, a picture of how the house would have looked, back in the. 1820s. Here's a replica of a device, used for indigo, production.

A Rare blue dye, extracted. From the leaves, of certain plants. And, what a beautiful, place this. Is. Florida, ocean, palm, hammock, forest. This would have been a slave, cabin. What's left of it. It's the only thing left is. Part of the. Chimney. Just pull it like that right there right. Not much, else. Left, here. Let's go see the sugar. Mill. Check this place out. It looks like some, ancient. Ruin. Lost in the jungle. It has, a certain, mysterious. Quality, to it, doesn't it, making it look much, older, than it really is. Like part of a lost. Ancient. City. Apparently. This was the largest, sugar mill in florida, at the time, from 1820, until 1836. When it was burned by the. Seminoles. Let me tell you something. This place is so, photogenic. That i just can't help myself. Everywhere, i point the camera i find something. Wonderful. My first thought, when i see this place. I imagine, i'm visiting, some ancient. Ruins. Lost, in the jungle. Like tikal, in guatebala. Or something like that. That's just, the feeling i. Get. This was amazing. Now let's go and mail some cds, and stickers. You know my weekly visit to the post. Office. Well. Done with my. Weekly. Shipping, of stickers. And cds. Now let's get something to eat. Ever since we arrived, a couple of days ago, we've been intrigued. By this place called fence. And i believe, upstairs. Is where we want to be, it should be a nice view of the beach. And the pier. The ambiance. Oh yeah. This is nice, and there is live. Music. Yep having a local, ipa, because that's what you do, too bad we're so far away from the, band. Got the shrimp wrap, which is, okay. But we really came here for the view. Up until now in my experience. I don't think flagler, beach would earn, any culinary. Awards. Let's face it it is bar food. But it definitely, seems to be a fun party town. And the setting is. Idyllic. If i may say so myself. And the food. It's okay it's not bad but, you know what i mean. That's where we ate yesterday. That, very table on the. Corner. The band, just, finished. So. That's our cue. Let's go somewhere else. All right that was pretty good. Great views here of flagler. Beach. They did screw up the order a little bit but. It is what it is it's uh. We we, came mostly for the beer and the view. You wanna check out this other place here. Seems nice. It's called, tortugas. And it seems to be pretty packed, but i'm sure we'll find the table somewhere. Cheers. Yeah the rum runner always reminds me of the keys, and the place where it was invented, the holiday, isle tiki bar, and we're having some, fried calamari. As well really. Good. Okay bottom line. None of the experiences, were perfect, but overall. I really like this place. Flagler, beach. Definitely, a place we will return to. I like the vibe. I like uh, i don't know. There's something about it. And as far as beaches go, from the uh as far as far as we're talking about. The east coast of florida, this might be one of the best. Alright. High tides, here, less than a mile away from gamble, rogers. Walking distance. Good vibes, high tide, that's cool. Here we go, oceanfront. Dining. How about. We end our day, with a leisurely. Stroll, along, the beach. Saying, goodbye. To flagler, beach for now. Today we have a short drive, north, about, 30 miles, less than an hour on the a1a. Here, and we're going to be staying at anastasia. State, park, just, south of saint augustine. And i'm really looking forward to revisiting, the oldest, european, settlement. In the united, states. If you haven't seen it yet, it is a really. Charming. If, touristy, town, but, but more about that on the next episode. Until then. Thank you so much, for watching. And see you. On the. Road. I'm. Writing. Riding, in my. Rv.

2020-08-29 11:37

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