fs19 maps Przemasowo map tour fs19 mod map #fs19modsreview #fs19modreview ls19

fs19 maps Przemasowo map tour fs19 mod map #fs19modsreview #fs19modreview ls19

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Hello. And welcome. To farming. Simulator 19. Map. Tours and, today. We. Have a nice new map I, can't. Pronounce it so here's the name of it here, and. We start off right in the middle of, the map. There. Is Bank central, location. I've. Got a nice open yard, area. Not. Much. Stuff you just got luan shed. Your. Silo. But. You can fill up off the train. So. This is the first map that I've seen, what. Goes through your. Farm. Yard, and. It's got this loading ramp as well to. Enable loading. Much. Easier loading what rather than them you, had to use we. Already see you do it with them. Conveyors. It's. Got your, farmhouse. Just here. Which, we've seen these before nice. Farm areas, will. Not tie it. This. Is all the kit we start off with. Let's. Put the lights, on. We've. Got a couple of cases the, 7210. There's. Another one over there and then we got a trailer. We've. Got the, offend, the, far eight five one one and then. We have the old school the. Old school combines the. Boys and the, steering. On. The bucket back of this is pretty, awesome you turn on turn, on it South more or less noise. Pretty kick up and, then. We've just got a couple of implements, you've got a cultivator. And then a cedar, and, a couple of weights. So. Let's go into the map. And. Show you. What's going on, so. Basically, we. Have the railway, know the railway does run along this way so. You have the railroad solo, full, story in your, commodities. You've. Got the spinner e there the railroad goes up to the top here and you've got the sawmill, and the train station, mill. And. The. Railroad, carries, on round, railroads. Solo. West so, that's more storage, so, you can store all your commodities. In there, so, the, railways solos for those that don't know are just extra, so notes basically but you. Need the train to get to them some of them you can get to by Road as well that one probably is a road one as well, we'll. Have a look at that as we go around then. You can comes down this way pass the shot and then. Back to the farm. So. We've got the port grain elevator, over on the, left-hand, side. And. Then. Over, in the middle we've. Got the barn grain. Mill, animal. Dealer there's, a long station with biogas no, cost a biogas. 368,000. So let's buy that now well I've got that money so. That's what you start off with you just get this bit here you don't get the field number 10 actually. Sell. That that's. What you get there apart, from biogas, which. Is what we've just bought. My. Fields. They're. Not too, expensive but, they're not too cheap, you know it's like yeah, alright so that, one's seven hundred and ninety-three thousand.

That. One's near the million mark May. One of the smaller ones which one was at field 11 you. Know that's one hundred and twenty four thousand. But. There is and. They. Are fair sized fields they are quite, decent see that one, 572. And. Then we got the. Central. Grain elevator, bit, further down. Let's. Get out of that mode. And, the spinner area so. There's not a huge amount of sale points but it's a very detailed map, very. Impressed with what I've seen already on it it looks pretty damn. Awesome. Really. Does done. A proper job. Right. So let's, go on to the, sour points. So. We've got the bond sale point and that is gonna take your normal stuff for biogas now the cost of oil goes there this, it's. Not that expensive, is, it you're. Not going to direct great money out of biogas we're on normal, settings at the moment so. We have four hundred and sixty and then the barns three four nine and the. Other the barns are higher right, apart from is, that one straw I can, have a bloody room. There's. A biogas you're not gonna make a fortune on this back with biogas unless you put it down too easy. Now. Central grain elevator, takes well, your, milk, and the grain mill and the port wayne elevateder so, they sell, most, of you commodities, by the looks of it with, your eggs as well. Price. For cotton, and wool, of twelve hundred and sixty three on the wall, seventeen. Hundred and sixty seven on the cotton. Then. There's all your other commodities. And prices. Yeah they're there all right nothing. What. Stands. Out you're not why I've look at that. 1g. At the train station mill, therefore sunflowers, you got two thousand, two hundred two, thousand four hundred on the soya beans, so. There are some, how. Money makers in there. Now. Go over to the vehicle overview everything's. Brand new, which. Is quite, cool, it's always nice something new so you don't have to spend more. Money, you see everything, is listed there what we've already shown, you. Missions. Plenty, missions available. Dese. Amount of money for summer, hi. I'm ainlina for the harvest fertilizing. Nice easy money ten grand the pot filled. Six filled 17. So. You get plenty of missions going on. So. Let's get out there and I have a tour, around go, and have a look at the cell points. And. We'll go from out right. I think, we, may as well, first. Off. If. We do the Train, that, will cover the, sawmill, train, station. Train. Station, mill and, all the others. So, there is our dump area just beyond use either hazard. Markings. For. The train. And. You. Can't get water at that pond just. There, I tried that earlier and no, problems with that whatsoever. And. Not a huge amount of trees on this map so that, way you can actually, see. Your way across the map, we've. Got a castle going, over on the, far side there. And. Then we have the first one which is the central, grain elevator. So. This one you can sell on the train and off the train. We've. Got our drop point there for the train and then. If you want to sell it by. Trailer. We. Can sell it in here. So. That is our first sour, point and we've, got the spinner II over there. So. Here we have the spinner, a. Nice. Detail, on this again, no. It doesn't show any hazard. That's. Had a bit of storage in there, looks. Like we have a bit of storage. And. Ramp comes up that. Door probably, doesn't open no that, one's just left ajar. And. I can't get through it that's. Just stupid. So. Yeah the doors half, open, and, look. Sick yeah see, you're not gonna get a huge amount in there are you. But. At least there is somewhere to store stuff not, like you want. To store stuff at the spinner really I suppose a. Nice. Brickwork. So. This must be the South, Pointe just seven no fat no hazards. It's. Gotta be there's. Nothing else it, could be. No. Detail and see the cotton looks, fantastic, isn't it, we've. Got turbines, on this one as well I'm, not sure if they're. Part. Of no they're not part of them up because they're not in. The. Alright, let's go into the garage and, this. Is what you start off with what I showed you at the farm. Placeable. It's just that a lot there. Is slots. Wise I think it was six three eight I did buy a water tanker, to, go and check the further water so. Not. Well. I have slots to use so not too bad for, the detail on it then it's, pretty pretty, hot. No. Least items, apart. From the, tank go and get rid of that. So. Onward so. We're running that side now. And. Even, these two feels in they're all fairly, decent-sized. Fields on me there's not many small fields on this map a, little. Bit of terrain. Quite. Flat you. Can see all the way across I do like that. Now. We're coming up to the sawmill, and, the. Train grain, mill. So. There is I'll drop off just there for. The. Grain. Mill and then we have the would drop, off. We've.

Got Loading crane. And. You, sell point just a click on that put. It in the square there. Might, be another. One I was quite a big area so, yeah. So, you can load trucks, in here I take that. And. Then. We have our wood chips down. Over. Here. Turbines. Everywhere. So, this is the grain, mill so. It's grain mill was it. Train. Station. Mill but. Great mill. And. This proper, fenced, off. So. Yeah you've not even get in the air with any vehicles, or anything it is just, for. The train. So. Thats our point is specifically. For, the, train then. All, right said we're coming along the, top, of the map now, you. See the main, team behind off, and get out of the corn, that's. Pretty cool that des. No, up on the top there we've. Got a training area for your horses large, placeable, section. And. He's one of the forest, areas. You. See it's not absolutely. Packed through there there's. Not a huge amount of trees. Then. We're coming up to a solo, West. Yeah. Railroad, sign out west so. That's where you can drop off these. Are extra, solos for those who don't know, so. You've got your main silo in your farm and the. Railroad, railroad. Silos, are extra, sign ups extra storage basically. And. We've got a load change going on on the top over there. But. I just like the look when. You look past the map it, looks, he's, looking, it look, at that Oh awesome, his up. And. Then. We come right into the shop now. There, is a loading ramp now I did have a mess around, by putting vehicles, on the train and it is a bit problematic, where. You have to strap them down and, they did it just doesn't, like it whatsoever, you. You will struggle to keep it on there so. I, don't know why they got a loading ramp on at the shop for, and. Then. This brings you back, round to, the. Farm. So. Let's June jump, in a shower. And we. Wanna head that way we. Want to go up to boil gas. And. The grain mill. Quite, a bit of traffic. Very. Fastly travelling it then they're quite slow by the looks of it. They, are. They're, really slow. 18. Mile an hour. So, we're coming up on biogas. Or, BGA. Now. There's got the higher type. Of, drop-off. So. I very, much date, you find that these wins they won't let you dump it on the floor you have to get it up into there. And. Then we got a slurry point just. Over here. And. A. Couple of bunk asylums. Don't, see there's anything else very near nope. That's. Your in and you're right our there's a lime station, just. Behind there. And, this is the grain, mill I think this one was wearing on. Yet. The barn and the grain mill so, there's the. That. Must be animal. No there's animal Deena that's gonna be the barn or. Is that. Where. Are we on the map here. So. That is definitely the barn so, that's to drop off there. Yeah. There's no hazard but, it. Seems to be marked in these, boxes. So. Your. Animals, and. Where's, the box for the animals then. Right. Is that the box there. Yes. So the box denotes, the. Where you're buying from, you. Can get pigs. You. Can buy everything at me yeah we, can it's, all there.

Pigs. Horses. She. Wears. A cat all the, cows. This, is all new I've seen all this before. And. Then we come over to the, grain, hit. The grain mill. The. Grain mill. And. There's, a drop-off, in. Their. Level. Of detailing of this is, awesome. Quite. A bright map it was a little, bit dark, in the morning the. Shadow end. But. There is something well again all fixed, in time it all gets there in the end. Right. So we'll know we want ahead. We, will go down, to, the. Port, grain elevator, I think, which if we come out of here and swing. Your left. But. We need to go right the way around. Right. I will see you there in a minute because I've gone the wrong way here and I oh, here. We go. Right. Back in a minute. So. We're down at it shop first the shops next to it so. That is your workshop. Button. There for, customizing. Your vehicles, and then. Where is the body point then and you thought that would be at. The front. That's, a strange. It's. Only got a workshop for, customizing. Doesn't. Seem to be. Indicated. Anything here, no. Okay. So there's no shop, button there. Nevermind. Alright. Moving. On we have the fuel. Station. He's. Hurt there's no, no work stop there some of these do out nicely aware it's not next it. Very, low light. Ice there. That's. Probably a good vantage point you must be able to get up there. Nice. Finders point Wow. Look at that. Nice. Map I. Do. Like it when you can see all the way around, I bet you can't get anything a canoe. There's. No steps in that one no there's not. That's. A shame, that would have been a good view up there. You've. Got a view of the port area. With, the mountains. Awesome. So, we have the port going elevator. And, the drop-off for it is just, down here. There. It is just there. And. We. Have our line station, just there that. This, is all just. For shorting. Yeah, and there's a dock area. Right, so to get out of here I'm gonna have to come out there, the. Front gate I reckon. And. Then we've got the central, grain elevator. So. I'll see you there in a, moment. All. Right so we've got a castle, going, on on the left-hand side there and. I. Do love these mountains in the background it makes it look like it's never ending this map, right. Central grain elevators. Just stayin here. There's, a lot of street lights as well. Look. Quite nice at nighttime. Now, we have got a couple of peaceful areas and you look at this one that. Is one large at placeable area. And. So there's a grain elevator. The. Drop-off just up the ramp there. And. Yeah there was one more place ball area wasn't it oh. I. Forgot. Where it was now. No, can't remember he's, gone. No, no whoa that is about. Your life noise. Look, at map overall. Absolutely. 11 acres really, nice quality, map. Lighting's. Fantastic. No, glitches, I've come across them seems. To be working. No. Problemo. So. If you've enjoyed this episode don't, forget to give me a light, and if. You haven't already subscribed, and enjoy. My content and, hit that subscribe button and, you won't miss any further content. So. Don't forget to check out my other videos, that I've got coming up first 300, farming. Simulator videos nice and there's quite a few to. Go through and. Thanks. For watching and I will see you, next time.

2019-06-17 17:20

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