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Hello everybody welcome with already part 5 of the Fred Outdoor survival serie we are going to talk about shelters a shelter protects you against wind and rain... but for example also against the sun protection, cover good rest and sleep are essential in a survival situation and it beholds the will to live your never quit mentality in some area's having a shelter is a high priority you get exhausted and tired by exposure to wind and rain... but also think about hypothermia you get exhausted, tired... you get passive you loose the will to live you get demotivated you go into the outdoors into the wild bring a form of shelter you don't have it..

or you lost it on the way... or it broke down you need to make an emergency shelter like this one behind me from natural materials if you need to do this look for natural shapes of shelter a spot who already have some form of shelter adjust it to your needs this saves energy and time and this energy and time you can spend on other priority's dont make your shelter too big it's a common mistake shelter needs to be big enough to protect you and small enough to keep your body temperature especialy with cold weather so be aware your first line... your first line of your shelter is your clothing make sure you dress yourself properly for the area where you are going to do research check what kind of area you are dealing with and what you need prepare yourself well so... clothing

in a survival situation a shelter has a high priority like I said before when in a survival situation look around you for possible locations to build a shelter location a location to build a shelter be aware of certain things is the spot dry? out of the wind what's the wind direction? so you don't build your entry on the wind side look around you are there enough materials to build the shelter you want sometimes you don't have a choise and you need to improvise but imagine think of mountainous terrain, you are above the treeline you can't build a shelter like this one behind me those are things to be aware of the spot must be big and even enough to lie down comfortable the spot must be suitable for distress signals if needed imagine a heli flies over you shoot a flare into the air it hits the foliage and not get seen you try to prevend this also you want to place visible signals if you want to get found by search and rescue an emergency shelter is very good camoflaged you walk right past it and you don't notice it... if you don't know it's there be ware of those things when you want to be found water is there water in the area to keep hydrated to filter it if you dont have a water filter you need to make a fire to filter the water keep warm etc. do you have firewood materials to make a fire if needed if you have a shelter in a rocky area watch out for falling rocks and like here...

in a woodland area watch out for dead branches and trees etc. it can fall on your shelter or on you be aware of the possible problems your suroundings can give imagine you are next to a river it's going to rain fiercely sudden rainfall causes the river to burst its banks and with that you end up under water and float away with all your possessions try to prefend this be aware of the possible problems your suroundings can give are you in a hostile environment you heard me meantion this before in the Fred Outdoor survival serie it means you are in a area.... the people who live in that area are violent towards you make sure your shelter is covert out of sight make sure you are one with your surroundings use camo and use a low silhoutte shelter donĀ“t use light and make no noise for example branches that break that sound you hear hundreds of yards that way you be found easy make sure you have an escape route, not that you hear the hunter force coming... and get trapped make sure you can escape so far hostile environment making a shelter... how many time and energy do you need? for example the shelter behind me I spend almost 2 hours building it I'll have another example of a shelter and it also took me just under 2 hours so it is possible but preserve your energy for other priority's that will come your shelter is ready check if it does what it needs to do if your shelter is on wind side or leak and it starts raining you get soaked well that's not what you want a shelter is never finished so adjust it where necessary tools do you have tools where you can build a shelter with? you don't have them... you need to improvise, realy important I'll show you tools...

related to an shelter a few items who are related to a shelter and are handy to add to your survival kit over here I have the Jervenbag the Fjellduken Hunter this is my allround shelter for outdoor activities in particular with cold wheater a tarp a poncho this is a heavy duty sort of garbage bag material an emergency bivi rescue blanket if necessary you can make a shelter with it tape very handy you can build all kinds of things with it paracord can't be missing in your survival gear has a lot of traction and provides in most of the survival prio's some cordage you can use a wire saw handy to put it in one of your survival kits you can use it to gather firewood and building shelters a multitool it has also a saw you can use a little knife is has everything super handy there should be a hammock here but I already hung it I will come back to that in a moment mosquito net in some area's it suffocates with mosquitoes and flying things that sting than it's nice you have brought your mosquito net with you Snugpak special forces bivvi a saw ideal to gather firewood or build shelters a large knife handy for chopping an hatchet same story you can gather firewood and use it to build a shelter handy outdoor tool camp hatchet a machete particular in certain area's a machete is indispensable in your survival gear last but not least, protection, gloves when you need to build natural shelter handy next item, I'll show you some examples of shelters lean to by tarp... time? less than 3 minutes I used the ridge-line and my brought tent pegs so I didn't have to use twigs and need to look for them stand within no-time ideal for survival and emergency situations the opening is on this side and your cover is on the other side pay attention to where you place it in relation to the wind realy important for this set-up the lean-to a poncho tent time... almost 3 minutes maybe a little bit longer also stands within no-time and this set-up you also can do with the tarp but with my tarp...

I should extent the bottomside with cordage because my tarp is to small to make this shelter without the poncho has a larger surface and has the advantage that both sides are closed right now good protected from both sides when there is alot of wind this set-up works fine it is a poncho so you can use it as a poncho... when it's raining in this case I made a shelter of it dont forget... that you tie the hood properly so no water comes inside it is an option to tie the hood on a branch for more space I don't have a branch right now but if you do want this, you can make two support poles hang it over the poncho and tie the hood on it so far... tent by means of a poncho Fjellduken Hunter used by the Norwegian army, hunters and SAR for SAR it has the color orange multifunctional shelter and it is also a poncho time? well...

depends on the ridge-line find a good spot 1,5 or 2 minutes and it is in place the outside is comparable with the poncho/tarp but with this bag the inside is isolated so you have your cover for both cold as wet weather a hammock ideal for certain area's where you don't want to lie down on the ground think of swamp area's but also think of flora and fauna... what keeps you from lying on the ground yes ideal! you can also place a tarp over it a cover for when it starts raining it keeps you dry a hammock ideal a natural shelter, a emergency shelter time alsmost 2 hours with ideal circumstances this is the so called v-shape debris hut made of everything that's on the ground/area like I said it is an emergency shelter we are dealing with survival you don't carry something like last examples, a cover or you lost it or it broke down, you need to be able to makes something like this I used cordage to tie things down it's quite handy to carry a large knife to get a stable pole for support backside make sure you got a solid support so you can build the frame on it the so called "skeleton" after that you lay al kind of branches over it left/right all over the place and next to trow debris on it, your isolation the next and also last shelter I'll show you... the lean-to debris hut the lean-to debris hut same principles of the natural shelter lean-to, so be aware of wind direction like I mentioned earlier your opening over here and cover on the other side yes... time? also almost 2 hours buidling time and then it needs to be ready you guys can see the white...

and the dark spot that stand real out, but the rest of it... you walk right past it you're not in a hostile environment? you want to be rescued by SAR then you will really have to do something with emergency signals ground... when you lie down or rest in your shelter, you loose 80% of your body heat to the ground build a good isolation a bedding of pine branches for example is ideal you can also gather dry leafs but gather enough material to isolate yourself from the ground there are multiple natural shelters you can make most important is that it works kiss (keep it simple stupid) after all, a survival situation is already difficult enough make a sort of construction like this in that situation is already hard enough everything goes back to the basics make sure you master those skills practice those skills with respect for nature and you will find that once you have slept in such a thing a natural shelter you will learn its importance but also its importance... if you go into the outdoor the wild... you bring a shelter with you okay outdoor warriors...

and warrioresses... that's it for this video don't underestimate the importance of a shelter and certainly not during an emergency/survial situations kiss (keep it simple stupid) keep it basic keep it easy the circumstances are already tough if you have to do this I hope you guys liked the video, and found it informative and found it useful you can always leave a thumbs up... please let me know what you think, leave a comment you can subscribe without obligation on the channel of Fred Outdoor much appreciated and I say...

till next time, stay safe and leave no trace bye!

2021-08-02 12:32

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