FRED OUTDOOR - Mountain Hike & Overnighter! (sub. )

FRED OUTDOOR - Mountain Hike & Overnighter!  (sub. )

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Outdoor warriors and warrioresses, Welcome I'm awake for more than 24 hours yesterday I left from work, jumped in the car and had a bite to eat drove for a few hours to here... and now in am in Bayern Germany I have been welcomed by the guards of the mountain... the cows... mountainous terrain, the German Alps What am I going to do here? I am going to do a full self supporting hike it's been a while for me, mountainous terrain it's really steep here the motto of my trip is... slow is smooth and smooth is fast in other words my walking pace is slow this is also because of my pack I brought all my gear to do the full self supporting hike and I brought extra water with me I'll come back to that later in the video I planned a route and I think in the end it will be 34km and in this area that's quite a walk during this route I want to hike to 4 mountain tops at least that's the plan I'll have to see how it all works out....

and see everything on the spot my first goal is the top of the Kofel the Kofel mountain... its 1342 meters high and the top is about 1 km from here so that means I have to climb right away at the beginning of this route right away this morning it will be sweaty there is a traversing path up I see the path is coverd with trunks and rocks like I said my pace is slow because of my pack and the extra water I would like to say... have fun watching this video and stay tuned I see you on the top of the Kofel I've climbed quite a bit already even though the path goes traverse uphill... is it pretty steep I'll get my meters today that's one thing that's for sure it's quite a climb like you guys noticed maybe.... I brought this hiking poles these are really indispensable in this environment especialy when you carry a pack but also when you don't carry a pack they could come in handy Important is that you hike technical last thing you want especialy with this pack and with these rocks is to fall it is 250 meters to the top from here after that the route goes back I've been on the Kofel once before and I know the last part is steep I have decided to leave my pack I am going to camouflage it on a dump location I'll only take some items I need with me and after that I am going to enjoy the view Okay, I am still enjoying from last view I've got my pack again I walked downwards from the top to the backpack and... now I am following a route to the West It is a path with the same contour line that's nice so now we can make progress on route first something to eat and drink boost my energy I'm working on a climb it's going uphill again here we go up again been hiking uphill we need to go up steep let's see how far we go today when I find a good spot to spend the night...

I realy do that for now... I am enjoying the beautiful view up here I made quite a few kilometers about 12 km now those heights I do feel right now and besides that.... I am awake for 36 hours right now so now I'm starting to notice that to feel it I am looking for a place to spend the night but I still haven't found one yet this is the third location which I do not consider suitable simply because it's to steep I'm slipping all over the place I'm not supposed to be slipping downhill while in my sleeping bag well my backup plan is to go a little bit downhill to a treeline I have spotted from here to make camp and take my rest tommorow will also be an active day and we are going to climb some mountain tops so... I need to be well rested so a little bit of rest/sleep can't hurt right now what's on the menu? spinach with meatballs, delicious! bon appetit on a intense first day I'll show you in which area I am right now and after that I am going to sleep Goodnight sleep well, till tommorow bye goodmorning I slept very good, realy fantastic so that was realy nice take some breakfast and take it easy I am going to think what I shall do I went quite far off route to find this spot that outlines two possibilities or I go back up don't know if that has my preference or I go to an other path I will decide later on what I shall do for now breakfast and do a slow start up, then pack my stuff I made a plan I go offtrail to another path and then I try to get back at my planned route well I say planned route but like yesterday... during my search for a camping spot I deviated from that that's not necessarily a bad thing Im here and have all my stuff so I do my thing well besides that planning... i studied the map I took a good look at the area on google maps an so on and planned a route what i'm planning to do during my "research" I found out that there is almost no water in the area which I am planned to go that's why I brought the extra water and that's why my pack is quite heavy besides that I need to film everything so I carry an battery and a camera those are extra items normaly you would be here for a dayhike and you carry water for a day and at the end of the day you go back to the place where you stay but in my case...

I need to bring all gear with me and I am glad I did, I have everything the plan is to climb a mountain top and focus on that and I do not have to search for possible... If they are here water resources and need to search to whole area for it so that's my whole idea behind it advantage is my pack is already lighter than yesterday I went downhill and after that I made a climb again I am back at my planned route my plan is to climb the Teufelstattkopf mountain 1758 meter high it's quite a walk same tactics as yesterday I am going to make a dumpsite and this time I do bring my pack so I can carry a little bit more items, but I leave all the other stuff I don't need to go travel light the Teufelstattkopf cheers pinda's nice cup of coffee nice view just fine last part of the climb is a klettersteig and I decided... im here alone I have no buddy and I have a pack I climb down with the klettersteig better safe than sorry I don't feel like falling down the climb down was easy it could have easily done it without klettersteig but better safe than sorry like I said I am going further downwards now to another mountain top to see what's over there I am at my dumpsite packed my pack had a little break now I am going to the last mountain of today and this trip let's see what's over there here we go again, better safe than sorry also applies here move technical speed is not important safety does well that's the one same tactic make a dumpsite no pack this time water and a warm layer after this...

I go to my campspot from yesterday it's not far from here old and familiar so I don't have to find a new spot somewhere it's all good this one was quite easy is was around 50 meters from the path where I was at and than ofcourse a climb and than you are on the Sonnenberg 1622 meters high and once again I enjoy the beautiful view somewhere in those clouds... lies the Teufelstattkopf where I was standing this morning I am at my campsite again It was a long but beautiful day I climbed the Teufelstattkopf and the Sonnenberg hiked for about 10 km in between quite some meters uphill and downhill I think it's fine for today it's 6 'o clock in the evening time to eat time to relax I am going to rest... for tommorow because tommorow I am going to travel back I'm going to look at which route in a moment what's today's menu? delicious! outdoor warriors and warrioresses I am going to bed, till tommorow, bye morning nice cup of coffee just a bite to eat, pack everything and then move back to the car I checked yesterday and if everything goes well it will be about 7 to 8 kilometers partly the route where I started yesterday the route to Teufelstattkopf go back on that route and then I come back on the route... of day 1 to the Kofel mountain and go downwards with the traversing path and I am back now enjoying my cup of coffee after that slowly pack up my stuff I am back on the path now this is a example of a stream... which is indicated on both the map and the GPS as being a stream all those I found are like this one Kofel car look what we have here... so in the lower area you have water so by means of suvival you need to stay here then you have many more options than climb a mountain but by means of hiking those mountains are beautiful ofcourse I have some water left in my pack and I have a spare canteen of 0,8l an "emergency canteen" at the bottom of my backpack so I am just fine outdoor warriors and warrioresses my last tepid cup of coffee before I am back at the car It's a 5 km walk and then I am there I had a nice trip and at the end when I am back I think I hiked about...

30 kilometers maybe more mountainous terrain beautiful surroundings hiked some nice peaks three instead of four and that's fine places to stay overnight and water were difficult to find brought some extra water and it all turned out okay again I hope you guys liked the video please let me know in the comments I look forward seeing you next time stay safe bye

2021-09-03 08:33

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