Frankfurt Christmas Market at Night

Frankfurt Christmas Market at Night

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hi this is jo ator from frankfurt on foot and  tonight we are at the Frankfurt Christmas market   yeah in the evening when all the lights are  on so it's all pretty this is the best this   is the best thing at the entire frankfurt  Christmas market are all these lovely almonds   and they're and they'll let you try them  out so they'll give you a little card i know   they're the best eyes and low they'll give you  a card and every time you come here you can uh   they'll stamp your card and at the end  of the Christmas market you'll have like   three free bags of almonds seriously  wonderful okay i'll be back   and there's our Christmas tree there's a little  gretel i shouldn't say little Gretel big Gretel let's come back around over here  because this is pretty back in here so if you want to sit up in here and eat it's a  2g so it's Tuesday night it's been a little bit   rainy and damp today so it's not too busy you  know they've got the stand spread out nicely   oh it looks all nice and lovely with the lights on should we watch the carousel? hey well Gretel is kind of waving in the wind it's  really windy tonight it's not too bad down in here so yeah it's definitely not too full which is nice this is so pretty with all the lights on so they got bait mention here so  these are really cool looking here like those these are Swetschken Männer, so you can  see they are made out of dried prunes everything's all glistening from the rain I'm so  glad it stopped raining so here at the Christmas   markets it's all masked like you have to wear a  mask pretty much everywhere downtown right now there's Haus Wertheim, we're going to go down  here to the river and see the stands that are   down here because we haven't come down here yet  my other video we didn't make it down this far because nothing was open i made  that early in the in the day and   things were just starting to open up oh let's  admire the stuff that's here in the windows okay this is all delectable  so they make everything here   oh they've got this marvelous  Frankfurter kranz in there Frankfurter kranz are supposed to be  the crown for the holy roman emperor.   so if you like potato pancakes this is  the best potato pancakes that i've had   pretty much anywhere this is kaiser  there's usually a big line here but   because it's Tuesday night and it's  been raining there's nobody here yet so let's come down here and see what they have like a fish oi fire now normally by this time of night at a regular  Christmas market, all these Glühwein Stands would   be absolutely filled with people and now they got  the gluhwein stands like all spread all around   the Christmas market and you  know it's pretty empty looking oh let's look at the sausages let's look at the würstchen on the fire. great sausages and then this guy over here has  got the hot roasted chestnuts   here's the Eisener Steg here, got the pyramid  going around and I guess that's it I thought   they were gonna have some more down here  but that's about it so let's go back up see what else we can see  here with all the lights on now that the rain stopped it was supposed to  snow today but it didn't instead it rained it feels cold enough to snow so what do you eat potato pancakes with  so you can have this with sour cream and   garlic or with apple sauce let's get a  close-up picture of this yummy stuff cooking so you can decide you want to have with  applesauce or with the garlic sour cream i'm a garlic sour cream person that's so pretty with the lights on i've just spent 10 days at home with covid I felt okay after the first two days   but the health department says you  have to stay home for 10 days so I did I behaved so they've got potato pancakes  over here but they're not as good as kaiser so if you want to go into the little  Glühwein places you they're doing 2g so it means either you're  vaccinated or you're recovered I get to be both now the bells are ringing   oh look at these look at all these delicious chocolate pralines   this is the feuerzange bowle that they're  doing back in here this great big pot they put rum on top of the sugar they light  it and then it drips down into the glühwein these are so pretty so the bells that you're hanging  hearing are from the Alte Nikolai   this church here it's the only  carillon of bells in frankfurt so there's 47 bells and they ring up there   three times a day automatically  so we got crepes over here   take another look now we're doing churros over here i had churros in spain i'm pretty  sure that they can't compete with that i'm just gonna go on up here a little  bit we'll go check out the pink Christmas market and then we'll go look at the  christmas market that's in the thurn and taxis we already went up and down  all these aisles the other day   another video so you can see all  the things that were for sale we need some place to sit  during the christmas market   this place here has wonderful food and coffee jamie's burgers if you want to have a burger  you're tired of german food and fair food it's still pretty windy I wasn't sure about  coming out here and filming in the wind it certainly looks different at nighttime with all I thought it'd be a little bit more crowded  but for Tuesday night it was pretty decent we don't really want it to be  more any more crowded than this we want our incidents rates to go down and they went down the last  couple of days so that's a plus I like all the steam coming  off of the hummus stand here mountains of fries what's your favorite thing to eat  at the frankfurt Christmas market I kind of just go for those  potato pancakes from kaiser that's about it i can't think of anything else at  the Christmas market i really like to eat a lot these little stands are cute so we're almost through the Liebfrauen Platz how would you say that the crepe stand   and here they've got these chocolate  kisses these are all different flavors you name it they've got the flavor tasty stuff so they're doing potato pancakes  over there but not as good as kaiser   we've got chocolate covered fruit a little stands back in there we can go back and  have some glüh wein we've got langos here langos so this is a neat place to come and get all  your greens and your wreath and your flowers and   they've got advent wreaths down here too so we'll head on up here to the Hauptwache Liebfrauen   church uh so they're supposed to be making some decisions today uh Austria is supposed to  be making some decisions tomorrow   and then Germany's supposed to be making some  decisions on Thursday i'm not sure about what they're talking about making vaccinations a requirement um partial lockdowns like the Netherlands have gone to  a partial lockdown so basically,   at five o'clock everything shuts down all the stores all the restaurants  everything shuts down at five o'clock so here we are on the Zeil we've got some Christmas lighting this year first time we've  had any Christmas lighting for several years popcorn and almonds so that's your german word  for the day is mandaln up here that means almonds and when we get done filming  we're going back down to Eisenloh   and get some almonds because  i've got my little card when I have bought 10 bags I get a free bag and here we are at the hump vodka let's see  what this all looks like with the lights on a little bit more crowded down here the skyscrapers let's go down and see what's at the Thurn and Taxis,   they're supposed to be having a  little Christmas market in there I kind of miss having um   the windows at the store the department  store they even have Christmas windows I don't have any this year i can see a great big gigantic reindeer  sitting in front of the turn in taxes palace so it's fun to walk around the city at night time  while the lights are on and the traffic and   people hustling and bustling around compared to last year this is like 10 times better with other restaurants and stuff and then last year I think what the  10th of December or something like   that they like closed all the  retail stores too it was so sad so this is the Thurn and Taxis palace the gigantic reindeer in front of it so if you go into MyZeil there's  more of these giant reindeers that's quite pretty with the lights I am just looking so they're checking uh vaccinations and  stuff here so i'm not going to go inside   because there's nothing to do in there  anyway except to drink some Glühwein so we'll go back down to the Christmas market but if you want to have a place to um be a little  bit out of the wet weather the wind and the rain   it's all pretty with nice lights the tournament  texas palace might be the place for you to go to well there's a Thurn and Taxis palace down on  Regensburg of course and they've got a fabulous   Christmas market or they would normally if Bavaria  hadn't canceled all of their Christmas markets but that's usually a Christmas market  that people recommend that you go to so they have on the windows  they have stuffed animals but just a couple normally they would  have like really really wonderful   things here in the windows Christmas windows so go down and see the pink Christmas market I know we can't get into that  either because that's a 2g   you can at least see where it's at  so if you come here you can go visit devices it's nice to see them being strict about checking  for vaccines and stuff before they let people in I know this is strict at restaurants I get  checked every single restaurant I go to you can see how windy it is blowing around so it's almost 5 30 on a Tuesday night and it's pretty empty normally on a Tuesday night  this would be pretty full   we can go admire the salmon on  open fire here now that it's dark so here the one great big huge meat skewers and then they stick a brotchen on  the end of it so they either have   pork or they have turkey they're eight euros there's another nice swinging grill more almonds a know the kids down here tonight I haven't seen   like hardly any I guess because  it's a school night it's Tuesday it's a little pink market is back in here it's basically just a little bit of food some  drinks and I think they have a few items for sale   but not a lot and it is all  fenced off and it is a 2g area so I can't get into film because my vaccination  thing is on my phone I would have to stop filming I don't really feel like doing that so you can tell it's the pink  Christmas market because it's all pink as you can see and look inside here tables and things to eat and things to drink  again it's not very crowded I know they've got different kind of meat stuff and potato pancakes  and Feuerzange Bowle and all that good stuff so that is the Rosa market it's right here next to the Hauptwache so we're going to go right on past the Hautpwache  up to the Rossmarket where there's another section   of the Frankfurt Christmas market because  they've made it a little bit bigger this year see how it has stopped raining  and it is pleasant outside the lights are all nice and everything's  shiny and glistening off the streets got nice light reflections so there's the Hauptwaceh if you're coming  in from the airport this is the stop that   you want to get off at if you want to  come to the Frankfurt Christmas market   if you're coming in from Wiesbaden or  mines this is a stop you want to get off at it's a little choo-choo train so if you want to ride that with your child   they make you pay for it so the kid is  three euros and the grown-up is 3.50. so I kind of see that a lot in german festivals   and stuff was like they don't let the  parents ride with their little kid so you can sit out there and have  uh some Glühwein here at the bodega we can see it it's all lit up nicely and all this area where I've been walking  so far it is all you need to wear a mask   and you can tell because they have these  signs up everywhere they say masks,   Santa and Rudolph with their masks on so up here it says Weihnachts Rossmarkt, so  this is the first time this has been down here it's kind of nice to see the  Christmas market stretch out   and not be so crowded into the one little areas other large cities do that they have their  Christmas markets and all these different areas   it's nice to see frankfurt finally do this too  and I hope they keep up with it even after covered but they go inside of this I need to show  my vaccination thing and it is on my phone   so I would have to stop filming so we're  just going to walk around the outside of it   so you can see it and see what they have I like how they have the cranes all lit up so if you want to go in here and then it's 2g  but they have some stains out here that aren't what are they doing here? those look like donut holes all different kinds looks like they're doing it all by hand here  all delicious chocolate-covered fruit here got some stollin we don't want to have a whole big  stollin they got little teeny tiny stollin here   look how cute two euros over here we've got more  almonds all different flavors and this is a 2g area and you can see pretty empty I think once you go in here you can  take your mask off if you want to this is Jo, I'm saying goodbye now this is  about it for the Frankfurt Christmas market   i hope you've enjoyed it and I'll see  you again at the next Christmas market   thanks for watching and thanks for subscribing bye

2021-12-09 17:24

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