Found Everglades Paradise But Things Go Wrong

Found Everglades Paradise But Things Go Wrong

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I found my secluded Florida campsite surrounded by nature and free from crowds y we indulged in delicious food fast in the Sun and Trek through Trails however things started going wrong I don't want to have to leave here I love it here no waking up on our first morning we were thrilled by the [Music] view it felt like discovering our own piece of [Music] paradise [Music] [Music] [Music] the dogs want to go down this Trail but I'm cautious there's lots of predators in the Everglades and the thing that scares me the most is burmes pythons there's these huge burmes pythons down here they think people they were a pets and people just let them loose when they couldn't take care of them anymore they're eating a lot of the wildlife and really destroying the ecosystem but they can eat a dog uh so I'm a little nervous taking them into the the woods like that I think we'll just stay on the road another thing um is hiking around here a lot of the trails do not allow dogs this Campground is also an equestrian Campground so you can bring your horses the horses have all this beautiful grazing [Music] area [Music] it's so beautiful and peaceful here exactly what I was looking for our spot home sweet home it is a really nice spot look at all this space around me when I'm in this spot I don't hear anybody I don't see anybody [Music] perfect up inhale move your left fo forward and slowly LIF your and now it's time for breakfast so I'm going to make myself some coffee and chia SE pudding with fruit So lately when I've been drinking coffee and not tea I've been doing half calf it just seems like I can't really take the caffeine anymore so that's what I'm going to do today half calf I'm using this kicking Horse Coffee which is supposed to be one of the better decaf coffees and Dunkin' Donuts [Music] blend [Music] these grapes are so good I got them at Trader Joe's cotton candy grapes they actually do taste like cotton candy I about these at Trader Joe's 2 sunbell golden berries I've never tried them before not as good as the cotton candy grapes but pretty good CHC pudding is so good and it's really easy to [Music] make [Music] M this looks amazing oh m m that's so good m m [Music] hey I just want to take a few minutes to introduce this small portable power station that has been really really helpful to me I appreciate you watching and supporting my channel so I'm trying out this flash fish portable generator so it has 300 wat of continuous power with a pure sinewave inverter to protect all your electronics this power station has two 110v AC Outlets two 12vt DC Outlets 1 5V 2.4a USB outlet and two 18 w USB Quick Charge Outlets it also comes with an adapter for a female cigarette lighter socket I was excited to try this out because I don't have an inverter in my camper so when I'm on the road and off grid I can use this to charge my laptop my phone if I don't want to use the battery of the camper you know if I'm stopping at a Cracker Barrel or a harvest host I want something small that's charged and ready to go I can just take it in with me at night charge all my devices and then plug it in the truck again the next day and this just seemed like a perfect fit so so far I've been charging it in the camper when I'm plugged in and in my truck when I'm on the road it can also be charged in 5 hours with the flash fish 50 W solar panel the box is metal with this handy handle to carry it in it looks pretty durable the sides are plastic but it looks pretty durable so I can see this being used for people who travel with CPAP machines um laptops tablets you can even run a TV off of it or a portable refrigerator so this little guy is pretty powerful in only 5 lbs it's easy to use Easy to take anywhere um you can charge numerous devices in it I was using the AC outlet and the DC outlet at the same time no problem this little guy saved me a lot of hassle from bringing my bigger power station into the camper struggling with that guy and then bringing it back out to the truck in the morning this it's no problem I can even bring the dogs in while I'm holding this guy so it's worked out really good for me right now there's a $30 coupon and if you use my discount code you get an extra 10% off please use the Amazon link below and thank you this makes the final price just under $132 let's get back to the Everglades so I'm camping in the Everglades and I'm running into a bit of a problem that I did not foresee the weather report said it was supposed to be sunny and the only way I have to charge my batteries is solar and right now it's not cutting it my DC refrigerator is is taking more energy than I'm getting from the Sun so as you can see it's pretty cloudy and I'm going to attempt two things to see if it makes a difference with the solar charging my batteries the first one is to back up my truck away from the trees and see if that makes a difference and number two is to get on the roof and clean off my solar [Music] panel [Music] so that water was pretty dirty so let's see if it makes a difference I also plug my camper into my jackary 1000 to charge the battery I can recharge the jackary 1000 with the solar panels but since it was cloudy and it's winter time that wasn't very effective I also have a jackary 2000 but I have no way to recharge that so the battery ran out I do have 200 amp hours of born lithium battery I have a DC charger that is currently not hooked up right and not working so that did not help me at all and I have 210 watts of solar on the roof so my electric problems are still not over uh when it's plugged into the jackery it the whole camper runs the refrigerator runs but it won't charge the battery so so as soon as I shut the jackary off it shuts off the whole electrical system and I am getting some solar not a lot of solar currently 25 watts of solar and the jackary is almost out of battery I don't have a generator and I don't have any other way to charge the battery I don't want to go I do look like I need a shower though but I don't want to leave I really love it here but I have no other way to charge the battery than to plug in at this point my quest to find remote Florida has been an epic fail because of my electric and I have to get that sorted out and I will I will this is a test I will I thought I did but I didn't okay I'm going to eat tacos I've never tried this before mild Chipotle delicious plant-based protein good source of fiber okay let's see how you prepare these just add 1 and 3/4 cups of water and then basically sauté it so a little skeptical but we'll see how it goes it says you add the water right to the bag so I don't even need a separate Bowl [Music] cool okay close bag gently distribute water evenly let sit for 8 minutes okay I don't think that was supposed to happen e okay let's let it sit for8 minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay yes I'm having a second NA beer don't don't judge me it's been a hard day all right let's see how this Taco tastes it's looking good I do have this vegan buffalo dip that I bought at treater Joe's and I've never tried it before so I wonder if I put this on there if it will take it over the top now let's see what it does huh mhm oh yeah that dip is really good takes the tacos over the top cheers good morning well it happened last night I ran out of electric I even shut off the refrigerator before I went to sleep thinking that um it would save the battery cuz it was 24% before I went to sleep and I woke up and the Electric's off we're GNA have to do a little bit of a bugout this morning because last night my electric went off so I really have to get that taken care of um I did make it a reservation at another campground for three nights starting last night that I couldn't cancel so the good thing is we can drive there this morning and check in early because I paid for last night anyway and um I guess there's an issue with my my battery monitor also because my battery monitor keeps saying 100% And obviously it's not 100% because everything is off so I don't I have to figure that out too there's always surprises there's always things I have to figure out and uh eventually it gets done it's a little intimidating and it pushes against my comfort zone but I'll do it I'll get it done and I'll be a stronger person for it so good thing we packed up yesterday because I don't have to do too much packing and we have to go 20 miles down that bumpy dirt road again so be prepared Ron Ron's already shaking okay I'm really sad to be leaving this spot but it has to be done and the power situation will be figured out so let's continue this [Music] bugout [Music] this campground's further away than I thought it's an hour and 17 minutes down that bumpy road we'll do it sorry Ron [Music] [Music]

2024-01-11 01:47

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