Foreigners Try Traditional Nepalese Food (Dhindo) | Mundu to Kyanjin | Langtang Trek Nepal | Day 3

Foreigners Try Traditional Nepalese Food (Dhindo) | Mundu to Kyanjin | Langtang Trek Nepal | Day 3

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all right so it's 8 41 in the morning we had  a much later start than usual but again that's   sort of because there's not a lot of time  pressure to get to where we're going today   two two and a half hours and we enjoyed our  stay here at the golden holiday i mean they're   really from where we stayed here in  these rooms to what they're building here   it's a great place yeah the food  was good the people were nice the golden holiday so you can kind of see forest  has started down the trail and that was because   he was a little bit grumpy about it but um  not too bad i think he's really just kind of   gotten accustomed to riding in that baby backpack  carrier and i think we're pretty much tracing the   valley i can sort of see the trail right through  the right through the split right there namaste   kind of a hustle and bustle here that we didn't  see um when we were more rural a lot more people you can see much more infrastructure  everyone has electricity   you've got again a lot of this really  cool glass everywhere good construction and these you go around clockwise  from what i understand for good luck and it looks like the clouds are  starting to open up a little bit too   so we should if we're lucky have good viewpoints   so in particular uh here in langtang we've seen  these guys with these huge rocks on these boards   and what are that just for these walls like  what are they hauling those rocks for they are   uh collecting it to make house construction and  they will cut it make it safe and then make one   okay so they where are they pulling the rocks from  down by the river down by the river or there is a   particular places that because it's a nestle park  yeah cannot take uh i say rock from random places   so they need to have a special permit okay places  so they'll take those rocks they'll cut them   into something more like what you see here these  squares yes and that's what goes into their home   construction yes so stone by stone stone based  wow how long does it take to typically build a uh   average house here uh it depends how many workers  are working on it normally one year about a year   i see i see wow very cool i mean talk about  heavy labor yeah that's right geez you can see   i mean the stones are everywhere stones everywhere  so one thing i wanted to talk to you about ajun is   while we've been hiking we've noticed there's been  at least one couple who are basically doing this   solo without porters or a support team uh can you  talk to me a little bit about that okay i'm like   i will just uh explain you randomly don't have any  official record but okay what we thought is 85 to   90 percent of tourists they definitely hire guide  and powder okay so 10 to 15 of people they just go   swallow and it's also depending on the trekking  region if you talk about the everest reason   maybe very few percent of people only go slow okay  if they are in peak season it's also sometimes   suffering to find accommodation because most of  the tea houses are full i see by people who are   with porters and guides and they would have a  previous booking i see so if you're here solo   during peak season one thing to consider is the  availability of the tea houses because people with   guides will have those reservations already made  in advance yep i see and then are there any other   kind of pros or cons to going solo versus with the  guide uh a little bit risky without a guide and   porter because sometimes they might miss the trail  okay yeah i can see even a place like this you're   like okay do i go this way this way and so having  a guy so just to reduce this type of incident   our government now planning to implement the rule  that nobody can travel solo i must have to hire   a guide or elsewhere okay across most regions  yes mostly i mean for us as a family and kelly   get out to this maybe a little later but we're  all we so we've been in nepal twice and we've   used guides on both of those occasions and with  the nepal hiking team in particular who are with   now it's been so easy and of course you get to  hike with a june who's a great guide druba who's   holding for us everybody um sundeep and namras who  are reporters i mean i would say too that part of   the experience not only hiking but getting  to know you guys as on a more personal level   plus it supports local economy yes more so to  come here solo sure fine and you are paying   for your tea houses but i think the maximum reach  you can have and impact you can have is of course   going with the group and with kids in particular  as they're kind of getting into a little bit   cooler clothes it just makes it so much  easier it's just organized not much more to   worry about or think about so okay well  we're looking forward to continuing on   down the trail so we were just talking about the  tibetan prayer flags and you were saying which   i did not know each color represents uh something  yes so this contained with a five different color   which symbolize the five different major elements  of the universe okay so it's normally start with   a blue for sky and white for wind red for fire  and uh green for water hello for earth okay yep   and then earth yeah and green is for water now how  come some of these rocks have uh cloths on them   like for example this is a rock that has a uh a  scarf around oh okay so this is like just they   just collect different type of rocks around  the valley okay and these are uh the scarf   that people are putting here for their good  luck okay it's just random people who will   come through okay some people they will just  put the prayer flags some people put the scarf   so on okay so it's not necessarily like orange  versus white versus which rock they're using no   no no it doesn't matter okay okay all right and  then are these mostly local people who are doing   this or is this mostly tourist no mostly local  okay wow what do you guys think yeah nice to see   yeah that's really cool yeah good hike  so far yeah it's a much much nicer day   the weather's really opened up we all have our  sun hats on all right so beyond all expectation   what did you guys find strawberries can you show  us that see they're little teeny strawberries all   right go ahead and give them a try mmm a little  bit sweet and sour yeah a little sour and sweet   what do you think cedar oh yeah a whole bunch  of them in there at least two anyway cool yummy i got a sweet one nice i can't  believe it's strawberries nice our   strawberry is fairly common around here yep  this is the good elevation temperature and   the season of the year to find and when the  happy monsoon come it's getting increasing oh   sure of course of course we're getting closer  and closer to the monsoon so that's cool   yeah what do you know so exciting we've gone  all of uh a couple miles and maybe one maybe one   cedar and i have identified at least 10  different colors of flowers wow anything   really cool yeah well looking like this right  here right here these light purples these guys   you have dark she was looking for  red which is how she found this one   that's how you saw the strawberries yeah of course  white ones yellow ones this is cool we'll find out   keep an eye out for the strawberry so that's cool  neat little opportunity to pick some strawberries   out here in nepal it's just the other plants  beyond those strawberries that were right there   uh wild garlic and rhubarb so here's  a little teeny one but we saw huge   rhubarb plants closer to town and it doesn't  look like anyone's really doing anything with   them so i was trying to explain about rhubarb like  baked rhubarb and sugar desserts and uh you know   there's plenty to be had out here of the rhubarb  wow fascinating yeah i'll give that one to mom   so you can see oh my goodness definitely a  little strawberry there's still more that's   good yeah sour sweet a little sour but not too  bad identifiable as a strawberry when you eat it   yes okay yes all right well i'm the only one  who's not eating one so if everyone else starts   tripping out i'll be able to uh maintain control  oh she'd found more maybe dad could eat that one   okay well everything i just  said go ahead and scratch it yeah definitely strawberry flavor yeah  mint sour but good and some wild mint   yep you can't smell it but it smells good i can  smell it smells really good ah it does smell good   mint with strawberry i feel  like you have a drink coming   yep that would be tasty so yeah this is  great what a fun stretch yeah hey cal the hard rock cafe it's not quite the same as the  one in bali no not quite the same as one in bali   but pretty awesome very cool anyway which i love  it's the hard rock cafe oh yeah yeah maybe maybe   this was the authentic game the for the original  hard rock cafe right built right into the side   of the rock too bad they're closed huh yeah  i'd go for a real organic coffee right by now   and it is definitely cool topography through here all rock steps yeah i'm very thankful today's a shorter  day cedar struggling a little bit   you know not like uh so at breakfast  she didn't want to eat a lot   just kind of tired which then  adds to lower energy for the hikes but after two big days an easy day is nice you  can see in the distance a couple of stupas so   we're definitely getting towards the end of  our hike it's about 10 30 in the morning now   so it'll be nice to just have a total  chill day in town we've got these little   what would you call those a dune this is like  the spinning wheels yes spinning wheels okay   it has to be always rotate by clockwise okay so  they give a little bit uh yeah i can see they've   got that the water is flowing and there's a  propeller that's pushing them uh clockwise   that's very cool and why are these here just  because or is this a spiritual place in particular   well they're just building here for good luck  people who for us sure and you can see some yes   there's two supers there for luck and i can see  another third super way up on the hill out there   wow yeah very nice and what is that  made out of are they made out of any   particular materials or just what's on what's  available that uh it's a special material   we call it tama tama okay but i don't know it  looks like copper jamaica copper okay okay copper kind of get the idea they're really spinning and  they've got that water flow pushing three water   flows pushing the propellers spinning those copper  spindles clockwise with the stupas the flags   this structure here yeah good spot says we're at  3755 meters but to go around the path of the stupa   it's a clockwise direction peace begins  with a smile that's what that sign says   kind of cool all right so around the super we go you can see a lot of tibetan  writing all over the stones and there's two more in viewpoint from here  and those typically are located in uh spiritual   places the three are not necessarily connected  together these particular three but there it is   all right we've got about half an hour or so left  in our day and we're just getting peaks of long   tongue it's obstructed towards the top by clouds  but you can see glacier and snow right over there   and if we're real lucky that'll blow out i think  the plan is to hike this peak tomorrow assuming uh   weather cooperates but there's you can see glacier  there huh that is awesome yeah first real shot of   it yay yeah i'm so funny so that's cool yeah yeah  it's just you're starting to break up a little   bit you can see more of the peaks um should  be uh very beautiful when that all blows out   all right oh my goodness welcome to kansing  goomba wow yeah it's a great looking town   population around 200 or so give  or take on pig or off-peak season   that's pretty disgusting i think  we're all getting a little slapstick   a little slapstick cedar didn't actually  seem all that impressed by your joke   i thought it's hilarious nothing wrong with a  good poop joke every now and again every once in   a while every once in a while so listen here's the  deal this is really our furthest point out on this   trip and to end here i think it's not bad no it  looks cool it looks like a cool town yeah i love   the colors can be fun to explore yeah it'll be  fun to walk around there's uh yeah we had already   mentioned there's a yak cheese factory whatever  that is gonna be there is a monastery and just the   general vibe of the town yeah it's a nice place  certainly a lot of yaks i've been waiting the   whole trip to really see a bunch of them up close  looks like this town will give me that opportunity and you can see a lot of hot water tanks  on roof so i think we'll have a nice   comfortable stay now we'll be here for two nights  oh cedar you took a poop on the trail nice the   joke did stick i'm glad to know generation after  generation will continue to pass on the squat   over a yak poop pile and pretend to poop excellent  excellent so i feel so proud and happy right now   tada we made it okay so this is home  for the night namaste guest house wi-fi   i assume hot showers hi forest hi juba hi  how was the hike yeah good forest did good   yeah did you get hot or did you  stay nice in uh nice and cool forest   no cole you were cold okay what  about drewba kept you nice and warm your face is cold well how about you warm  me up it's not cold now it's gonna fall   okay so earlier it was cold well let's get in  there yeah we'll get settled we'll show you the   room tour and then take an awesome epic tour of  the town so we'll start of course getting into the   room okay so we have a few options when it comes  to rooms in this place there's a few available   this is one option go ahead and hop in there  granted okay so we have two double beds so kelly   forced to take one i'd probably sleep there  we'd pull the table down here to this one plug   stage it here and do all of  our electronics here it has a   pretty nice bathroom okay standard western toilet  looks like it's a flush toilet shower head here   so this is option number one this is option  number two i thought you guys would take this one   same same thing you know you got  the two beds no table here though   for electronics this is why i don't think kelly  and i would take this one the toilet here is   like the squatty potty yeah okay  so you know whatever it actually   looks really clean there's no smell  or anything like that which is nice big windows it's a bigger room  you can spread out a little more   yeah we can slide this table  this little like bed table here   use the plug and then here's the bathroom  here what do you think of this bathroom okay now now that i'm thinking about it  maybe mom and i of course will take this room   oh come on all right so you would want this room  over the squatty potty rooms yeah all right so   two western toilets all right well either  way it looks like for sure we're gonna take   number nine and number eight so we ordered lunch  we're gonna because the yak cheese factories in   this town we went kind of cheese heavy we got  a cheese pizza a cheese macaroni with like the   marinara sauce we ordered snickers momos we  ordered french fries the whole nine yards   okay so a nice spot things for sale a little  prayer area which we see in all the t-huts   all right how are you doing calvin forrest oh  we're doing good no food yet but it'll come soon   okay so this is the uh the  lady who runs the tea house   she actually went to the cheese factory to  buy the cheese for us for the lunch today   from factory wow yeah how much  would a block like that cost 1180 rupees okay 1180 so it's a little  over eight dollars for the big chunk   and i can't wait to go to the factory see what  it's all about yes so da bot yup okay got the rice   big bunch of uh big bunch of bot yeah a lot of cheese for the family  today oh there's your flour for that   that's the flower for the pizza crust  huh so again the best thing about these   tea huts is the food is all made from scratch it's  not like there's some frozen pre-made crust so uh   she's gonna make the pizza she's gonna buy grate  the cheese that you just bought at the factory   uh you guys are going to all  enjoy it this will be great   um wow very cool so as she gets to cooking  our show a little more but again the typical   look of the tea house and it's going to be good  we also ordered i forgot snickers momos so that's   a pretty exciting way to see what that's all about  we have seen those on the menu or other places but   some of them have been out of snickers bars so we  haven't had that chance so we're pretty pumped to   uh to do that she's making the pizza crust from  scratch it's going to be so good so good mom   yeah uh the kids and i there's a big debate  the kids think they're getting our room   and that we're getting there oh they told me they  have number nine uh they don't have number nine   with the three beds yes well it remains to  be seen all right well oh check this out that is the first that i've seen in all the t-huts  400 rupees we might have to experiment with the   oreo shakes but all right we're gonna get saddled  show you the lunch this is going to be very good   oh she's making the crush right now i'll just show  you that real quick so a very nice looking crust   it looks so yummy yummy yes delicious what  how do you say delicious uh what is it all of it mitosa all around so again the fact  that the food now does she own the tea house   and how long has she run this tea house uh there  was a small tea house before okay after earthquake   it's all gone broken oh wow they built this one  so she lost everything during the earthquake   almost almost everything in terms of her structure  and they rebuilt this wow this place is really big   still not 100 yeah it's a work it's a work but i  mean it's it's you know it's um i imagine it's a   multi-year you know finish but this this looks  great i mean it's clean the rooms look good uh   certainly a popular destination you've got some  some signed t-shirts on the wall this of course   nepal hiking team we recommend them they're  great we have had a wonderful experience with   those guys and wow this is a great tea house  one of my favorite spots so far yeah i like it   i would say pretty good you all right there  cedar yeah you need a drink all right well   oreo shake will help the cough oh i  guess forrest needs a real shake too   oh yeah i'll send him too okay all right well  we'll settle and i'll show you lunch here as   it's served okay so lunch was delicious  and we ended up not recording it i kind   of honestly just sort of forgot about it and for  the last about two hours everyone just crashed so   i think we were catching up on some much needed  sleep but right now it's a bit cold um it's kind   of trying to rain a little bit but we are  gonna walk around town uh june is with us   so we're gonna head over to the cheese factory  first hopefully get a little tasting there of   the yak cheese learn about how they do the  process you excited i'm excited i'm excited   yeah i'm pretty uh interested in learning about  the process i mean the idea of like milking a yak   i've i've been to dairy the cheese factories  from dairy farms and like wisconsin but i don't know anything about how it would work  with a yak while they were walking around yeah i   don't see them now hopefully we bump into a few  yaks along the way that'd be awesome but you can   see the weather just is constantly changing today  it was really a combination of hot cold windy wet   i think that's one of our biggest things in hiking  is just trying to regulate your body temperature   right making sure no one gets overheated or too  cold and so with the sun out it's really hot   and then as soon as the wind picks up or the rain  comes out because it's chilly so yeah constant   stop start put your all your gear on take all your  gear off and uh that's just part of the process   proud of the process for sure but these guys are  wearing their katmandu jackets that we bought for   i think like a thousand rupees so pretty  inexpensive ultimately but you can see the town   it's really cute there's a number of shops i mean  this uh bakery i don't know if they're actually   open right now but i did see some signs that it's  on tripadvisor and all that so if they are open i   might have to hit it up might have to hit it up  it looks looks closed at least from this side   yeah the town goes all around  oh yeah it's up in the mountain   oh so yeah i don't think the gopro  there's definitely a white yak up there yeah two yaks up on the on the hillside see it  cedar up there i see the white one one black   and white and one's red yeah there might be one  right there underneath the supers yeah so quite   a few yaks actually hopefully we'll uh get a  closer look i think i see a horse up ahead too oh but just a misty i was saying hey misty  morning but like i missed the afternoon really all right well we'll continue on we'll get  there i believe there's a monastery up here   uh as well that might be uh might  be worth checking out at some point   while we're here now we're in town  for two days so tonight we'll uh   go to bed early we have a hike let's see oh  is the cheese factory closed oh here we go this one ah okay okay so organic yak cheese  production center organic yet cheese available   we sell butter and curd boy that might be  kind of funny they have like cheese curds   as i what kelly references like a wisconsin  cheese curd but yak okay what's going on here government of switzerland between switzerland  and nepal hello hello hey how are you good good   good is it okay if i record of course yo yes  thank you thank you cool excellent well this   is we're excited to learn about the yak cheese  yes this is nepal is fastest factor now in nepal   you know excellent because he started from the  1952 1952 wow that's awesome and so you have run   by three years and then have to go to the ball  governments okay have they're going to run by   nepal governments i see i see and you can kind of  see some of the photos they have the decorations   again a bit about switzerland yeah very nice all  right you're gonna head in it looks like of course   so to see what the inside looks like and i guess  this is right where they do it what time of the   day do you actually make the cheese it will be  come to like nine ten o'clock will be counter milk   okay every day every day okay and then we have to  start to probably the eleven eleven ten fifteen   two three o'clock i see so mostly between uh nine  a.m and three p.m is when this is all really up   and running okay all right wow looks good and how  much cheese do you make every day is every day now   is that we are going to start decision okay uh in  the house we're going to make like each day like   uh 20 25 kilos something like that wow and one  month after we're going to like 35 kilo of like   uh 40 kilos each day okay wow and then who  buys the cheese is is it just the community   here or do you sell all over nepal london uh  long time so we will save to in the kathmandu   oh okay i'm going to kept me a deal and uh we have  not locked down we have now we said to here okay   all the logic people and local people are the  who come to the trekkers come to atlanta area   they buy to some uh many from tigers i  see i see and then are there many yak   cheese factories in nepal or is this the only  wine uh first in the for long time first okay   then after we start to from in the like now  is nepal have the actual factory is like   uh nine nine factories nine factories  you know the pulse yeah very cool very   cool and where do you store the cheese we  stir season up there you can see that here oh wow okay okay this is uh this is great oh yak cheese oh and i can smell the cheese smells so good wow  oh you really want to touch it though is this   all is it all the same type of cheese  or are there different types of the hard   cheese the hard cheese all heart cheese and  how old are these all recently made or these   what so this is all about one month old  and is that normal so you make the cheese   it stores for one month and then you sell it  now we have to when we're going to work from   the store we're putting the salt water to here and  so here that's in here okay and then after we put   keep it in the store of three months three months  then after we're going to sales okay so it does   age for about three months and then do people buy  one wheel or do you cut it individually uh if you   is like people who like to use the like wheel  that we sell to like this okay and we have to   they like to one kilo a half kilo oh so you can  buy by the kilo half kilo i see and how much   does one wheel sell for what we sell to is like  five to ten clues okay okay that's the way yes   how much in rupees does one kilo is uh this is  not where nepal government price is uh 1700 rupees   okay about 1 700 rupees for a kilo this is like  almost it's like eight eight kilos so this would   be something like eight thousand nine thousand  something like that to buy the whole wheels okay   all right wow right and where do you cut  the cheese do you have a shop in the fridge hello how are you oh this is all yeah that's great thank you sir okay all  right a little sample of the cheese just cut i mean to me the flavor is more similar to  parmesan than say mozzarella yeah that's kind of   nice it's good yeah very good did you get a little  taste your cup what do you think it was good to me   i was just saying to me it tastes more parmesany  than it does mozzarella you know what i'm saying i   like it it tastes like a harder cheese it's very  good yeah wow what a look fantastic and so you   make cheese every day every day we are  we we started from in the may september   i think two months yes of course almost we run by  three or six months i see i see yeah for all to   support peter's season of trekking and hiking well  very nice well i appreciate you taking the time to   teach us about the cheese yeah very oh i should  ask one more the milk the how do the farmers   bring the milk do they bring in bags of milk  yeah oh i'd love to see that so the cans about   ah okay so farmers will bring in cans of  milk then we have to like this you know like these cans almost oh oh my goodness  so the farmers bring the cans on their back   yeah okay and then it goes through the  process and do you boil or honey we have   to going to boil up the 65 to 70 uh degree of  the okay all right so it reduces down down wow   and then from the time the farmer brings  the milk yeah to the time you sell the   wheel that's about three or four months yeah  yeah okay so from the the milk the process awesome wow it is uh definitely a distinct  cheesy flavor we get to make from yex   oh well we have titan there's lots of yak up  in the mountains they get milk from and then   they're brought in here every morning are  are the yaks wild or are they domestic okay and so somebody an individual farmer will yak   will milk the yaks and then they bring in that  supply get owners from here yeah we have a   particular places to live up in  the mountains okay i see normally per person yeah okay and do they  they must melt them every day   yes every day wow one monsoon season it's  a breeding season okay oh breathing seas so   right now it's the beginning of the breeding yes i  see of course five thousand hybrid we're going to   make a disease of deer okay bring to keep it still  here okay and when somebody places the grass penis   then farmer says though from your house moved to  another place okay so they wrote rotate basically   ourselves yes then we got back to big ten  then we're going to make the cheese up there   okay wow that's so cool i'm going to make two  is the good quality of the make to cheese yes   we need to fresh milk you know right of course of  course yeah of course of course so from the time   the farmer melts the yak they bring it basically  immediately in here they're not like waiting for   a day or two or something like that morning  they milk and then they come in oh by 10 o'clock   wow very cool so guys what do you think what a  process yeah yeah i didn't know no i didn't either   i've only seen the cow dairy big factory farm  the fact that this is inorganic just by default   absolutely because it's just all these kind of  free roaming yaks very cool guys did you enjoy   that yeah i learned a lot that was cool and again  you just kind of come here you meet this sir and   he'll walk you around and get a little sample  of the cheese so what a fun time do you think   i can get a photo oh yeah totally okay we'll do  some photos check those out on instagram again   kelly works hard to build that up and uh want  to support that as well all right so granted you   were just saying that that cheese is amazingly  delicious and that we should buy some yes okay   now can we buy buy the can we buy like a hundred  or 200 or 300 grams it didn't you sell less than   a year okay so you can buy smaller wedges you  don't have to buy a whole kilo um because we're   traveling so what do you reckon what would be  the right gram for us to have like a budget uh   let's do like 250 grams okay yeah okay  two hundred two hundred fifty dollars okay all right so we'll buy we're gonna go back  in just because i'd hate to leave here without   actually buying some of that cheese now  it's available everywhere like at most of   these um tea houses but buying uh straight  from the factory that's something special   and let's see so he's got his bag he's got this cut piece here and let's just  see what this weighs in that might be the   piece we're actually taking into the bucket  and we got his old-fashioned scale oh sorry 100 300 on the dot so that's a nice chunk what  do you guys think is that the chunk we want yep   all right cool so 300 gram piece   looks about like yeah that looks about the right  size i think can i carry it sure okay very great   yes 300 grams all right and how much is 300  grams there five five hundred ten rupees five   hundred and twelve rupees do you have a five  hundred dollars yes sir oh did great all right   so that is uh oh namaste thank you what a  look into the cheese factory we are going   to take that back cut it up certainly  going to enjoy okay so that is about   300 grams or so plus you know like the rinds  we could chew on as well all right granted   how's the [ __ ] how's the piece good yeah  tasty well worth it for us what do you think   ah thumbs up nice yummy go for  another one here perfect little cube it's so good pretty good yeah it's tasty now  cedar is not your favorite no no definitely has   a nice flavor kind of distinct a bit strong  and uh enjoy that aged drier cheese right   that's that's right kind of age dry i like that  yeah it's good description so while we're back   here waiting on dinner it's going to be another  hour we were kind of sitting around by a fire   and so they're making yak milk tea right now  fresh and this is the first place we've had fresh   milk tea and it's the yak milk so everywhere else  we've stopped has mostly been like powdered cow   milk so the fact that this is fresh is something  special compared to what you might find at another   tea house so again kudos to the uh the fresh  yak milk so it's been a yak milk cheese day   the yak milk tea and this is the tea this is  the tea wow black tea huh black tea yes sir   do just in a ghost boils and then i imagine  there'll be some kind of straining process   add a little bit of water yeah because this will  be very thick okay very thick yeah so we'll add   a little bit of water i see and these are your hot  boiled waters here yes actually this is hard water into the tea it goes oh i can see they have the strainers right  over there so yeah i'm pretty excited by that   they got a little pressure cooker going  there or something that's about to pop so yeah where did where did where did he swim  just down there yeah so we're just discussing   how so how water actually stayed here so  uh you know harold i hope you're doing well   and uh this is the update on uh on the place  so the yak melty right through the strainer this is going to be uh  something very good with the yeah so there's a harold swimming and  uh that was talked about about how   this crazy guy came up here in the winter  and did swimming so quite the impression yeah and those look uh just creamy  and delicious yeah this milk   if you put like two three minutes on the table  yeah oh the skin the top the skin yeah yeah very good oh that's all right i'll follow  i'll follow you yeah yeah okay you can kind   of see everyone's just with of lounging around  right now enjoying a little down time so granted hey cal fresh yak milk not the  powdered stuff on fresh water you want some sugar no then you want some cheese  yeah yeah cheese quite indecisive this guy   what is your good name what's your name your  name's what's your name what's your name forest   forest wow which country are you from   say america america where in america new  york yes colorado denver yeah the los angeles wow yeah this is your father blogger youtube  blogger huh put me down he says all right well   the fresh yak milk tea granny want to get  in on this one for me yeah it's for you well that does taste nice immediately it does  taste different than the powdered milk tea we have   for sure yeah thicker like um creamier creamier  that's the word yeah definitely creamier   what do you think granted it's pretty  good now you can add sugar if you want   you want to sweeten it up a little  or is it just fine yeah go for it so all the tea huts have a little  canister of sugar like that   all right there you go yeah  that's good that's good of course you want to try no i'm  sorry sir this is local vegetable   yeah from the garden from not the garden from  we brought that this morning from mundo oh wow   okay today curry this one oh good i'm glad we're  so yeah tonight's dinner is going to be something   special stick around for that because it's going  to be a very local even beyond doll bot a local   nepalese dish so we're pretty excited to  give that a try and show you that dish   what do you guys yeah so  they got the wood stove going bring my tea over i think it's pretty  good yeah yeah it is pretty tasty   and nam ross how long have you been a porter  one year nice i hope our stuff's not too heavy   it's a big load but not the biggest like that  normal yeah yeah it's a little uh surprising   how much stuff one brings well normally like one  quarter two triggers carrying a two lock it is   yeah pretty much like everest yeah  yeah okay good yeah a lot of weight well we'll enjoy the tea sit by the fire and uh  show you a very traditional nepalese dinner so   tonight we have a very traditional nepalese meal  very special you don't see this often on the menu   but this is dindle and dindle is made from  buckwheat flour it's served with curry   of course you'll recognize dollbot at this point  uh cedar obviously went for the cheese spaghetti   granite the chicken noodle but dindle is the star  of the evening and uh ajin you've been eating this   this is a traditional childhood yes it's a very  traditional and old so i can remember when i was   a child my mom used to make dinner but not with  buckwheat we have a different type of things like   millet or corn wheat such a type of things yeah  and she used to make dinner and not only one like   many portion on size vegetable dal okay and spicy  pickle oh yeah so yeah and then you used to eat it   that's excellent so a very traditional  food that somebody might grow up with   oh yeah sure the okay i'm going to butcher the  name again see seabuck thorne the traditional   and hot chocolate and a hot  shot of course a hot chocolate   okay previous order if you want to we can make it  again okay let's let's let you know but let's try   let's try the dindle now who wants to get in on  this all right so you so this is it with the hands   type meal and we just break off  a chunk dip in the curry yes so   that's like a really soft texture yes  almost like a play-doh yeah curry bit sticky mashed potato texture okay all right so into  the curry and this one's buckwheat but wheat   so the buckwheat the the the the dindle itself is  a fairly mild flavor so that the curry really uh   stands out but it has a very um i guess you call  it like earthy or wheaty flavor would you say   yeah yeah voice you want to pee or kelly see  do you want a piece yes cool do you want um   you know break up the piece jimmy dip it in the  curry too it's a mild curry it's like a hearty   yummy curry but not spicy it's really  good yeah just warm nice warm foreign powerful energy okay so dindle one  would eat before hiking and treks and   so forth sorry for breakfast no i want  ketchup you want ketchup and eggs yeah i like it me too that's pretty good and it's  pretty easy you just break it off and you talk   a little bit more all the way up really okay jump  the whole thing get in there and you're really   it doesn't matter yes that's so good of course you  want to try i have not seen that at all on menus   this is the first time that i've seen it and it's  really good how long does it take to make is it a   quick little process or five to seven minutes  maximum oh okay first they just boil the water   and then put the flour on it and smash it and you  will just keep squeezing it until it's become dull   okay this is the other star of the night  not necessarily traditional nepalese but   the old snickers momo so at least one maybe two  stickers bars in there uh and that one's fried   it's fresh that'll be nice that'll be really  good all right so the next uh feature of   tonight's evening is the doll bot now this  doll bot is a little different uh how would   you describe that well this one has chickpeas  and little potatoes with it um last time they   had like pickled vegetables right right so each  place is always a little their own little spin   looks good nice and brothy good and then  you can just mix some greens and these are   the fresh filled greens they brought in today oh  that basket that we saw oh that's great and then then you just dig in perfection i think so oh good  really good and granted how are the uh kind of   the brothy noodles there really good really good  nice well i don't know which one was better the   one at the lunch or here uh okay i think they're  equal it's the same thing where like the dabat   kind of the broth noodles each house is  gonna have its own and you'll definitely   find ones that you like more than others i think  they're equal okay fair enough cedar how is the yeah you like it cool i said easy eating  food didn't it's pretty nice that's going   to give you a lot of energy for tomorrow  one more bite of the dindle this very   traditional nepalese dish into the curry it goes that's a great meal i can see where that will  like this is kind of dense so it'll pack in those   calories so when you're hiking it'll be up pretty  good all right we will continue eating through the   meal what are you going to try cedar chicken  go for it yeah i'd love to know what you think   they have flavor but they're not spicy spices you like that one cool yeah this  this particular uh tea house has a food   that everyone's been very very happy with so we  will uh continue eating and we'll uh touch base   with you as we get into that snickers momo you  know one nice thing about the nepal hiking team   is the added fresh fruit dessert so  basically every night on the trail   we've had fresh pomegranates fresh cut apples and  the kids in bananas yeah you know for the first   few days but the bananas and the pomegranate have  the lasting power and it's just a great way to   i think in the meal however i did promise  you a look at these snickers momos   and as you can see they're hearty snickers  bar right in there steamed or fried so fresh food and a deep fried snickers your  choice all right i wanted just to show you a   little bit of our sleeping arrangements before  we go to bed for the night so over here hello of course this is where these two little buddies  are gonna sleep and these sleeping bags these big   down bags are provided by the nepal hiking team  so we didn't have to bring those at all which is   great because that saves a lot of weight for our  travel the only thing that we brought in terms of   sleeping were these little um silk cocoons uh we  have four of those so uh granite seeder kelly and   i each use one of those cocoons and the way we  staged the room these are the duffel bags again   provided by the nepal hiking team and we just  store our kind of the stuff we don't need in our   day packs in here and then we set up a little  technology table so pretty much looks like you   would expect so that is pretty much how we sleep  kids are in their own room and those two single   beds so we ended up in the big room after all they  were quite disappointed but either way here we are

2022-08-09 02:54

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