Foreigner Eats $1 Nasi Campur in Jakarta's Chinatown

Foreigner Eats $1 Nasi Campur in Jakarta's Chinatown

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hey guys just before we start this video I want to  quickly talk about my new community I'm setting up   for travel content creators or other people who  want to meet whilst traveling if you're traveling   solo it's completely free to join you just got to  use the link in the description below and sign up   on school and uh yeah we'll just be sharing tips  and tricks and great Community for meeting new   people and potentially vlogging with them so yeah  use the link in the description below if you want   to join good afternoon guys I am in Chinatown in  Jakarta and I'm going to be exploring this very   authentic Chinese area where you get like a mix of  Indonesian and Chinese culture so it's going to be   pretty interesting it's like a mild day today so  it's not too bad and uh I'm excited I love going   to the chinatowns wherever I visit because you  get a really good food and uh always interesting   people here so let's head on in there and see  what we can find you see here we've got a market   I love myself market and they've got this nice  stream going down the middle hello you want to   be careful there's so much traffic here in Jakarta  so one big negative hello I'm okay here we go wow   they've got loads of different street foods here  got the fruit here hello what is this long time   is it good fruit and it comes from this yes oh  awesome is it good yeah watch for what's the name I will buy some thank you very much  oh this looks awesome hello okay can I see how you make it oh wow it slices  it oh my God be careful with that thing   it's very hard oh my God whoa he's gonna take his finger off so you can't  sit down now I'm guessing the fruit is in the   middle oh my God you can see it and it looks  like really soft like a little jelly ball oh you think as soon as he gets he's  found he's struck gold and he's being   very careful to retain all of the  jelly I'm gonna call it jelly wow today your name yeah okay it's cutting it down and we  found the last Little Slice   there we go how much for this 3  000 or 30 000. must be 30. yeah 30. okay it's good would you like some  you want one I tried oh okay I try Okay   three okay it's okay I have this one okay  thank you let's see if we can open it can   you open can you open there we go oh wow  look at we got there's loads in there okay let's try one here we go you just bite or straight down oh wow very good very soft very good do you  like one okay thank you thank   you America England England let's  try another one this is a big one oh my God okay always give me more thank you so  there's water in there there's water in the middle   I didn't really taste of anything really yeah I I   don't really know how to describe it like a  grape almost it's very good very bad goose [Music] so there is one one in every  one where he's from Jakarta Java Java yes Java Okay so   you get them off the tree and uh they almost like  coconuts but they're not very heavy wow okay oh my God sorry if you drop one down there I'm  breaking your shop sorry boss you want me to pay   it's okay okay thank you yeah where is good to go  for good food where is good for food Chinese food oh yeah yeah down here okay Chinatown okay thank  you thank you bye-bye there you go we have a nice   [ __ ] cat oh look at this I've had these before  all the street food wow hello hello how are you very friendly people I went to the Chinatown  in uh Philippines and they weren't so friendly   so I'm gonna be comparing the two now we're  getting into the neater things we got spices   sweets oh yeah sugary sweets hello not so friendly  here hello we've got the belt man oh look at these   fruits I've never seen most of these fruits before  every country I go to is just completely different   hello hello oh they're selling on the street  oh my God look at these sweets I'm hungry for   some sweets I've just been wandering around and  I've come across this indoor shopping food Hall   so too batawi all right that I know that's  something very Indonesian I think but this   is awesome it's indoor they've got this huge fan  and lovely Chinese architecture around and we've   got not just Chinese food we've got Italian food  pizza American food baxo Vietnamese oh this is   epic wow oh my God so it's like street food but  like it made it modern and nice let's have a look   wow the question is it's all in Indonesian  so I gotta figure out which is the nicest   one okay we've come to set up wangi and  I'm gonna try the famous Nasi camper hello bye you do a Nasi camper yeah I can have one  thank you how much how much is one uh 55 000 55   okay yes please yes please now see camper which  is the best one which one is best fish no which   is the best the best uh this one okay complete  so what's the is it dark what meat a duck or yes okay let's get that please so we're getting  this one now see camper complete so it's like   a mix of Chinese and Indonesian Chinese and  Indonesian food okay perfect thank you where   do you sit there uh just out here oh I take  the uh take the table number okay let's pay how is my Bahasa good yeah okay thank you  so 62 is like uh four dollars thank you Indonesia huh okay thank you bye thank you very much oh  my God what is this [Music] okay thank you   so we got Doug we got chicken I think and rice of  course it's a vegetable and an egg not boiled egg   very excited we've got something sprinkled  on top as well okay this looks really good   obviously duck is just so good so we're  gonna try that oh it's crispy as well I think we got a bit of something  else that's maybe spicy done oh my God that is delicious I don't   so long that is one of the best things I've had so  far so delicious duck is just like you can't you   can't be the taste of dog the rice is cooked to  perfection and uh they bought like three different   meats or maybe four different Meats those are  the skin I get some of this in here it's so   tender this is my favorite beer got a little bit  of fat on that and then just a delicious skin and then you get the crunchy bits  on top we've also got some sauces   here I feel like I should probably  try them let's try a little bit of   the sauce okay I think this might  be Hoisin oh yeah drizzle all over   should have done this at the start now we're  talking let's get a big bit of rice heavy that is unbelievable one of my favorite  dishes and so I was reading up on nasty   camper and it's basically again with the same  with nasty grind it changes from restaurant to   restaurant so no two nothing camper is the  same it's always different and so this time   it's dark because we're in Chinatown but it  could be shrimp Seafood they've even got like   peanuts which I think might be on top there  and it's just like basically rice with a small   portion of different Meats which is what I love  I'm definitely going to be getting this meal again   that was delicious nice little main meal and  now I'm gonna look for some desserts hello you speak English yeah oh nice do  you have like a Indonesian dessert desserts something sweet this one oh nice this  is a like a pancake oh okay yeah let's try one   yeah and then another one we have durian ice  what's that nice durian oh can I try this one   okay thank you I came to this one because  it's just Indonesian authentic Indonesian   which is why I want to to try and you can see all  these dishes here and I gotta learn some of these   because these look amazing but I want to be able  to describe them better they've also got a donut   here I'm not sure if that's Indonesian but this  looks delicious so it's like a pancake mixture   and it's green oh my God this looks great so it's  just pancake basically yeah I like that okay this   is traditional authentic Indonesian I don't think  in English oh nice this one is what's this one   this is sticky rice uh inside the chicken cross  okay chicken yeah chicken you can try it okay you want to open it for you uh yeah I  will pay compliment for you no no I will   pay thank you that's very nice oh chicken  inside oh so it's like a like almost like   a spring roll but with rice it's like sushi  yeah I like sushi Indonesian Sushi okay thank   you I'll just try bites look at the chicken  inside and the sticky rice let's give it a go hmm wow looking really good yeah is it   what's this sauce oh these uh sugar ah like a  sweet sweet sauce sweet sauce oh nice very nice   brown sugar I'm gonna finish this one off it's not  like a interesting taste to it a shredded chicken   and the sticky rice is like but it's almost sweet  okay we'll try this in a minute let's just finish   this one off so we've got a nice savory snack  and they're just uh I'm very interested to   try this but let's just finish this one off  this is really really good nice little snack it's got the green mixture then  there's like almost like a creme   brulee soft yogurt and then this  sweet sauce okay let's give it a go that is so good so sugary let's  try some of this sauce on its own so sweet but so good it's like a mixture of  three different textures and it's so so soft and this this like a sweet sauce is  it almost tastes like brown sugar   which is pure brown sugar look at all that oh yeah that is fantastic but it's so so sweet it's  almost so sweet that it's filling me up already   thank you very much that was delicious yeah so  good very very sweet very very sweet potato it's   okay for you for you okay uh what's that potato  donut what's that oh potato donut yeah this one   this one okay I will try and then oh wow I'm too  full though I am full in recent style okay just   two small small yeah okay I'll give you a smoker  okay thank you so much well it's very kind of him okay thank you look at this he's just brought  us this donuts and pastry with a little bit of   cheese on top I did not expect this okay  he's given this big portion as well let's   just place you guys down here here we go  you guys know what I want to try first   I want to try this but I'm not  gonna I'm gonna try this one it looks like potato really looks  like it taster but like hash brown whoa It's like a Savory and sweet mixed together  with a bit of cheese on top that's great very hot of course the sugar donuts oh my God  it's going everywhere let's try it wow that is incredible so so  good this like layer of powder   just gives it extra sweetness and boy  they've caked it on look at that oh see on the bottom it's all glazed this  is a incredible donut I'd say nine out   of ten be impossible to give it a 10 out of  10. when this like powder hits my my tongue   it's just like turns into water like sugar  water it's absolutely incredible I'm gonna   finish this one off maybe my friend Lucas just  arrived maybe I'll give him a donut but well holy moly and he gave me this for free I'm   gonna try and pay him but I  don't think he's gonna accept nearly done I could eat another one I'm  not gonna oh look at this these all these sweets I've tried so far have  been incredible like I don't know how it's going   to be beaten in terms of other Indonesian  food look at my phone caked in sugar icing   looks like I've been doing something naughty so  I was just strolling along here and we found a   market it looks like it's huge looks like a like  a car park I've also been joined by the Aussie   hello welcome to the Vlog I've also been joined  by the Australian this came out of nowhere they're very rare around here  and we're heading into the deep   depths of the market we've got  some construction work going on   oh a little market run here we go we got some  perfume here and men's aftershave hello yeah yeah is this real the Dior real or fake the deal I actually do need some aftershave I'll  completely run out and the old Savage is   like the most popular one they don't want to tell  me whether it's real or fake what do you think bro oh they don't work here oh you can you can have  your first day at work you are now the employee you are standing behind the behind the shop  so I thought you were the seller okay we'll   wait for you to make your sale does anyone work  here you work here oh are you closing finish yeah   yeah you finish oh okay oh hello hello  okay we're up onto the fourth floor as   we got told this is where the bargains are  at and uh they're not lying hello hello alhamdulillah hello oh I'm so sorry bye oh we got the bag seller hello how are  you bro what are you selling right we got bags   I can't really uh look around the  shop too well they've got a bit of   a malfunction over here but let's see oh  there's a supreme where's that oh Supreme   this looks nice quality actually oh they got Nike  camouflage I can't see that one Ralph Lauren all   right let's let's see how much this supreme one is  they've also got yeah we've got a nice selection   the red Supreme I don't think it's real but  it's like uh it's made of the fabric that's like   waterproof so that's pretty nice how much for this  one boss 200 two thousand two million 20 million oh 300. whoa 30 bucks whoa that's  expensive I was thinking more like 50.  

50. one piece yeah one forty forty  oh okay how about 30 no 40 okay   best bargain in Indonesia I'll take that I think  we all got a little bit confused here but before   you pay you should try it on Harry yeah make sure  the goods are in excellent pristine condition and it has already been used here we go  all night so it's got the double Supreme   there and then we've got the Supreme  legal logo there but that's not the   official supreme logo let's just see oh  it's a little bit tight you can loosen   oh it's a bum bag yeah I guess you could wear  it like this no no it goes around your waist   yeah but I like to wear it oh you can  oh yeah you can do it the English way   like that yeah all the all the gazes when  you go to the Festival there we go it looks   good so that is oh yeah so you just put your  money in there so I don't lose my phone like   I did earlier and then it's got three pockets  I don't know four Pockets whoa that is great   so much space for activities in  here wow okay that's a that's a deal   we went from 200 300 sorry to 50 and then he got  it down to 40. so he's doing the great bargaining   for me okay that looks like fake thank you okay  thank you boss and we are back where we started   at the start of the Chinatown Road dog here it  was pretty interesting had a really nice food   like I did not expect to have as nice food as I  did I was kind of expecting it to be more Chinese   food but there was Indonesian food as well  and of course the little market we found but   yeah had an awesome time thank you very much for  watching guys and I'll see you in the next video [Music]

2022-12-12 05:49

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