FLORIDA VACATION. SeaWorld Dolphins Show #2

FLORIDA VACATION. SeaWorld Dolphins Show #2

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hey guys it's me again la la basta santa tayo but then it is raining outside this is reading ready you heard that um [Music] [Music] okay okay okay it's time to go it's roaming around time okay guys we are on our way to um universally or seaworld seaworld seaworld find show so we are here sitting down very top and we'll see what is going on here [Music] today [Music] mammals [Music] oh [Music] um hello everyone my name is stacy this is megan and i rescued american bald eagle maddie on behalf of all of us here at sea world i'd like to take this moment to show our support to the men and women of our armed forces and during this difficult time the first responders who have tirelessly worked in the fight of the global pandemic [Applause] we proudly welcome you and your families and at this time we have any past or present members of the united states the united kingdom canadian military or any of our other allies along with those first responders to please rise ladies and gentlemen please join me [Music] we thank you for your service or vancouver will begin in just a few minutes but first we'd like to show you a short film based on the our sinus orca and the world [Music] [Music] the ocean covers over 70 of the earth's surface and is essential to all levels [Music] in just a few minutes you'll meet sea world's killer whales first though let's find out more about these remarkable animals or science orga or the killer belt is the most widely distributed male on earth they can be found throughout the ocean all around the world included in the arctic the atlantic the southern the indian and pacific oceans no other single marine species lives in as many different ocean habitats or is as directly reliant on as many different types of marine bikes and breathe air just like we need [Music] killer whales are the largest members of these alternative or dawson family hi my name is morgan and on behalf of our killer whale training team i would like to welcome you to 4k counter being a part of seaworld's mission is more than just a job we are proud of what we do and it is a privilege for us to care for teach learn from and build relationships with these amazing animals now more than ever we are excited to share our relationships with the killer whales with all of you here today we all recognize a new way of doing things like wearing face masks and social distancing we ask your patience and cooperation as we safely navigate through this process together as a reminder properly worn face masks are required in all stadium areas at the end of today's presentation please remain seated our operations ambassadors are on hand to assist in the safe and timely exit of all of our guests but until then we hope you enjoy our game counter [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the waves [Applause] three [Music] so with me [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] what's up [Music] [Applause] showing off their size speed power and problem solving abilities these behavior super rails active and engaged sierra's killer whales have inspired generations of guests to care about our natural world and we're excited to share their story with all of you here today operation and communication not just size and strength to take their place at the top of the ocean's food web at the bottom are small animals like grill at the top the apex president the killer whale [Music] killer whales are as big as a box faster than an olympic swimmer high flying and powerful you present your arm to draw blood or step on the scales and see how much you weigh it's much the same with our whales today you'll see our killer whales moving together in unison these synchronized behaviors strengthen their social bonds and enable them to problem solve as a group working as a team makes them the ocean stock predator scientifically known as orsinus orca plus more commonly referred to as killer whales here at seaworld our five killer whales have their own individual names katina nalani malia trua and makayo makaio is our youngest killer whale at 10 years old whereas katina who is the leader or matriarch of our pot and also micaio's mother get this she is 44 years old [Music] now zero's animal training techniques create a language between us and the killer whales it's a language of learning based on positive reinforcement encouragement commitment and care now one of the first behaviors we train all of our killer whales on is a fluke present our trainer simply asks the killer whales to roll over and present their tail blues this gives us a great view of the entire underside of the killer whale but it also gives us easy access to those blood vessels which the trainers were just pointing out now our veterinarians come at least once a month and get a blood sample and do a full checkup for full of our killer whales you might have noticed the trainers rubbing down the killer wheels like megan is doing we rub their pectoral flippers their backs their dorsal fins their tailbooks their bellies this is a way to build the relationships we have with our killer whales killer whales are very tactile animals and they feel that touch so it's a great way to tell them good job it's also a way to gain respect between trainer and whale another health care behavior is done in one of our jameson pools where we ask the killer whales to slide up on a killer whale size scale now like i said makaio's in front of me he is our youngest killer whale wayne just about 4 000 pounds andrew is our big man on campus he's our largest killer whale weighing in at over 6 000 pounds now from the dorsal fin all the way to the tail glutes is a very heavy muscular area called the peduncle without peduncle still in the water we wouldn't be able to get knackered weight so we simply asked the killer whales to raise their tail flips up and out of the water awesome job boys now this helps us ensure accuracy so we know the younger killer whales are growing properly and the older killer whales are maintaining a healthy weight and the care isn't just visiting mental stimulation and play are vital and we surprise and engage with our whales in every opportunity play is how killer whales teach their young to hunt for the adults play is important too it seems that they just enjoy having fun making time for play is an important part of life with liverpool and for [Music] the left-hand us of the pool and i have a question for all you kids out there how many of you love to play everybody loves to play enjoy playing as well and they learn a lot through play killer whales are observational learners just like you and i so we're going to put that to the test today we're going to play a game of follow the leader so anyone on this side of the stadium if you guys want to play along stand that up for me make sure those masks are on properly and stand on up adults too we're all kids at heart come on get up all right so we are going to see if makaio will follow you guys the more the better so go ahead and on the count of three spin in a circle ready one two three spin keep going spin around or jumping completely out of the water to get a better view of their surroundings so we're going to have to do that behavior for you guys when he does that big jump in stage let's everyone give them a nice big round of [Music] applause [Music] [Applause] down the other side of the stadium we have our big boy true we are going to ask trua to do a breach whenever you're ready megan go for it great now killer moves reach for a variety of reasons to scratch and itch to play and to announce their presence when they preach they're saying look at me i am here [Applause] research and observation of the killer whales in our care has shed light on many mysteries about these amazing animals for example we know the gestation period of a pregnant killer whale is 17 months that's information that would be impossible to get in the wild however some information can only be gained through field research that's why cyril partners with groups like noaa and their norwegian orca survey to advance global education now killer whales are powerful animals and perhaps the best expression of power can be see when they hunt killer whales [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um oh [Applause] hey [Music] there's [Music] [Applause] they can eat several hundred pounds of food every day in the wild their diet depends on where they live and time of year unfortunately overfishing pollution and other factors have a serious impact on some killer whale population [Music] [Music] it's a brand new day so much mystery [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] history [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you guys so much for joining us today we hope you enjoyed our game together now everyone can please remain seated please remain kids our operations ambassadors are on hand to assist in the safe and timely exit of all of our guests

2021-02-23 21:50

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