Flacq Market in Mauritius

Flacq Market in Mauritius

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hi everyone welcome to Flacq market the biggest  open air market in Mauritius let's go check it out   it is divided into three sections well i hope  three sections so you got your fruit and veg   down here fruit and veg and then clothing there  and what i'm hoping what i'm really hoping is   all the way down that side is the foods so i want  to start at the foods i'm gonna wing it and say   these are probably bilimbi but not the long type  i'm not sure if you can truly get how big this   is it goes back that way but wait until you  see what happens when i turn the camera around it just goes on forever down there massive   wow look at that now that i see the inside  of these i'm even more freaked out by them   what is that it looks like someone  stuffed chilis in it not expecting red   wow so it's open air because as you can see the  sides are completely open so you get this nice   fresh breeze that flows through the whole market  it's one part of Flacq market that's completely   different it's actually in a building looks  like a really old building or something because   on the ceiling you've got these insets with photos  from around Mauritius yeah that's on the ceiling   how cool is that and it's a stone big thick stone  building so it's really nice and cool in here   it's actually a lot cooler going through where  the the this enclosed area is surprisingly but   but it opens up onto this which is a food court  and they've got food so we come to the right   place we're going to start at the food court or  when they got a river so we got a pond with fish   at our food court and there are fish they're  the flowers as well and in there hey fishies this is really nice wow how cool is this  a food court with such a beautiful view   you completely forget that there's a  hustling bustling market just behind you   and the rest of Flacq Flacq over  there okay so this is the food court   at Flacq market and it's even got tables  benches and things that's pretty cool   great place to come got some fresh sugar  cane juice here yes and and some popcorn   and of course pani puris 50 rupees for six today  is very hot so it's nice to know that there's lots   of juice lots and lots of fresh cold juice so  that's a milk alooda there but have a look at   this have a look they actually have green jelly  they actually have a green jelly one oh cool   and tamarind and lemon and probably orange we've  got someone selling sweets and chips and things wow there's food everywhere there's like briyani  up here and some samoosas and things down there   and more biryani down here and then it looks like  you hook up with the clothing part of the market   this is the best briyani and you can actually  come and sit down and eat it here at their place   and look at their briyanis oh wow they're  huge and you get a massive portion okay 11 o'clock and it's already finished one  and they've got two more going thank you it says   best biryani and look at the queues wow wow how is  this floor there's definitely a lot of this market   is built on things that were really really old  not so much uh stands out here but it is a much   cooler area it's much much cooler it's hot out  there in the sun but there's a nice breeze here   and look what they brought a cooling river going  past Madame François right here keeping us cool so these are sweet peanuts they smell incredible  the smell from the shop is amazing and this is the   mix lot so you can try everything and these  are little roasted peas and over there you've   got a different type of roasted peanuts  dry peanuts okay and other ones and this   boiled peanut okay so these are going to be soft  what makes it pink good so this wonderful lady   who specializes in peanuts this is a shop  right in the nice cool part of Flacq market   scoffing them quite a lot now and what's  really nice is get the mix one because you   get a salty one you get a crunchy one you get  a sweet one they're really nice that was a pea sweet it's like so exciting you feel like a  kid almost but it's peanuts so it's healthy this is why the peanuts are so nice because  they're actually roasting right here in the open what is that sand sand sand from the  beach from the beach white sand from   the beach everyone this is the white sands of  Mauritius that make these peanuts taste so good   yes in beach sand that is the  best thing i've seen today   Bryan's now being taught how to be a  peanut roaster this is so cool yeah   yeah i'm ready watch this watch this i get to  do it myself and turn it's actually quite heavy just like this am i doing it right don't  burn the peanuts master peanut maker   like i'm not a master but wow it's actually a  lot heavier than it looks it must be rich yeah   because it's sand you're lifting up sand wow  but it still smells amazing so you must be   doing it right yes yes i must be it's all  good but this is how you get cheap labor awesome do you mind if i steal one from there yeah   i'm gonna actually eat a hot one  oh it's actually hot well it's just thank you so much i'll give you your  stick back did he do a good job he's okay wow how long do they have to roast for how  many hours oh maybe nine or ten minutes   okay only nine or ten minutes okay wow  and then how do you get the sand out like this with hands wait look oh with  your hands and you sip on the sand   amazing it's hot you see me brilliant brilliant thank you so much awesome  peanut roasting well everyone we're going to   try ti puri instead of a dhal puri yeah cause  we don't normally see the ti puri so she chucks   it on the fire at the back there she heats it  up a bit and then you put stuff on it yeah not   sure what that is that looks like a little bit of  chili a little bit of chilli a little bit of bean brede potato atchar and pumpkin guruman  like a seven curries on a piece of bread   wow wow this is completely new for us it really  is i'm so excited to try it forgot to say this is   kiyah like we got at diwali in Triolet the sweet  rice yeah this is cute yeah it's really nice   there seems to be job offers all over mauritius  everywhere we're going we're seeing vacancies so yeah kids go get a job Riki's found us  a seat at the long bench to try a ti puri   i'm trying a ti puri would you  believe and they're only 15 rupees   unboxing unboxing of the ti puri look it's like  a fried roti i think yeah it's a bit thicker   and like a little bit of crispier bits  okay let's decide remind you all of that   stuff she put in there while i mix up some of the  chilli seven curries seven curries almost almost i guess Riki gets to try first of course please don't be hot mmm it's nice it's chewy okay so it has a bit  of a chew to it mmm yeah the atchar in there's   a little unexpected it's got that really  sharp um vinegary and pickly note a bit   of a surprise when you bit in spicy and then  all those other flavors and the dough itself   thin but with a bit of chew and it tastes almost  a little bit sweeter okay someone's smiling at   me while i'm commenting on a ti purii really like  the atchar really is great oh me too they should   put that into the rotis yeah Flacq specialty my  new favorite ti puri this is a new red letter day   because we haven't had that before and it's a must  eat now you got to try a ti puri when you come to   mauritius we didn't see these inside because  they're actually on the outside that's where   the food market is and if you want to get your  gato pimas and things this is where they are we   got some guys coming buying some stuff here at the  market and they're also filming everything awesome   we are going to look around but coriander for five  that's pretty good now we're gonna go five rupees   well we got our five rupees of coriander  but look how much you actually get they're   massive and look at that they've been pulled  out of soil so you can keep them in your fridge   they'll last a long time it's really long  down there but people keep photobombing us   well we got some cucumbers here they  look quite fresh and they're 10 20 rupees yeah yeah cause they're like 15 rupees cheaper  than they are in the supermarket at the moment   oh man watermelons they're quite  small but they're only 75 rupees a small watermelon is much better and of course  you can buy your cut pumpkin at 10 rupees a pound   have a look at these sweet potatoes you  got some curry leaf and some manioc yeah curry leaf yeah and then this one  is great brede songe taro leaf there   here's the guy cutting up some coconut to make  some coconut juice and some coconut flesh as you   can see they've got tons of coconut juice ah he's  got the big one out and he's chopping at it that   and then it goes then it goes and that's how  you get the juice yeah oh wow how much is   it the big one 75 the small one certified  creamery cream we're getting at the cream   you can choose them without cream or cream out   awesome awesome fresh coconut no wait we gotta  taste it first see if it's any good go for it sounds good oh that's wickedly refreshing it's so  creamy no it's not really creamy it just tastes   nice coconut juice it's an unusual thing it kind  of tastes a little bit like i don't know sunscreen little courting little brown jobs beautiful flowers how picturesque is this though so the palm tree  actually outside of the market i'm just gonna   swing around a little bit it goes all the  way down there that is like 100 meters away   wow we've met a surprising amount of  tourists at this market and they're like   yeah we watch your videos and stuff and they're  like from Hungary and Bulgaria and you know   places you don't expect to visit mauritius but  hey it's working showing markets is working so there you go if you're  watching this from Bulgaria   the weather is wonderful and the  markets are waiting while I'm about it   if you're watching from Bulgaria or Hungary please  remember to subscribe or anywhere in the world we're still trying to get to 10 000  subscribers have a look at this this is the   the salted fish and it looks like it's  a whole fish over there this is a bom wow don't know what bom is but there it is but  someone will know one of you will know one of i actually got sidetracked by the salted fish  what i meant to say was that right in with the   veggies you can actually get spices and they have  tons of spices here you can even get some saffron   and dried chilies this is what the peanuts look  like before they get roasted and shelled 75 rupees   a pound we have walked up and down a couple of  these aisles now and it seems like mostly it's   like every two or three rows and it's all the  same again i'm guessing it's not really tomato   season at the moment 30 rupees a pound have a look  at this it's like some sort of fern what is that what is this nobody knows okay he  just told us okay you cut you cut this yeah you cut it and then you open it like like you cook a bean so  you treat it just like a bean   so cook it like the beans and what what  do you call this what name is le pwak ayin? something 20 rupees i think we need to get one because i've  never seen that you can you can cooking meat and   meat and meat oh wow so we're definitely getting  one because we have no idea i've never seen that one thank you we bought one we have no idea   shopping with cooking tips there we are get to  change Riki thank you very much thank you so much yes and that's what's so cool about markets like  this is you can find something you've never eaten   and take something that you have no idea what it  is and hope that it turns out good but it's only   20 rupees so we will see we will see after the la  four curi experience i don't know we'll look it   up on google but after that experience visit each  and every one of these things you don't know what   you're going to find it's going to be unexpected  who knows on the edge of the market they sell   all sorts of other things like masks and a little  sewing machine what is that have a look at that it's like   a little sewing machine little handheld sewing  have a look at this have a look at this he's   actually going to show me how this tiny little  sewing machine works so you put it on and then oh wow it's like a hand pumped one yeah and  look at it it's actually making stitches   oh that is the easiest way to sew in the world  yeah you can fix your hem there we are that   is so cool how much 250 rupees everyone the  fishermen have even come out with some fish   you should probably go into the shade though  look at these they're not chillies they're called   rousai but i have no idea what that is okay so  he's giving me one of these little things to try   i actually have tried this  before i have no idea what it is there's a little pip on the inside but it's  really nice inside it actually tastes really nice and more vloggers the vegetable section of Flacq market is  only open on Wednesdays and Sundays but   unlike Triolet it's open until quite  late you don't have to get too early love some fruits this is the pricing at the  moment so you get an apple for 10 rupees   huh two pink ladies for 25. how much are the grapes yes how much   150. 150 one pound thank you have a look at this  they've got some souvenirs here oh getting in   the way of people they've got dodos oh they've  got lots of little dodos and some giraffes   and of course a mauritian drum and little  spice collection that's a pretty cool gift yes she's the one doing the curios she was  actually on our other video during lockdown   so nice to see you again when you actually come to  the market Ashna's here she's got all the things   you need for for take home some spices a little  dodo vanilla so she's got everything you actually   need right here in the middle of the market it's  easy to find it's the middle of the market thank   you so much so much but she actually makes this  herself these little guys here herself at home   so that's such a clever idea that's a great gift  that is a great gift this is a gift you want to   give someone when you get home this is actually  from Lallmatie i yeah Lallmatie curry powder that   she also blends herself she makes herself she  is she is just the hardest worker in Mauritius i'm actually a little bit scared  of Lallmatie curry powder down at the other end of the market it's  a lot quieter there a lot fewer people   much more air to breathe but it has the same  stuff so you can actually come down here and   literally the same pricing as well but it's further to walk from the food so your choice   that's about 100 meters go all the way down there  and usually Flacq market does have a lot of like um   souvenirs and things i suppose it's  because they're really close to Belle Mare and we're now at the start of the clothing  market look at all these gorgeous bags hanging up   well everyone time to abandon the  cool breeze of the open-air veg market   and going to where the clothes are this is all  closed in it it does feel very it's actually a   lot quieter here and it's not as hot as i thought  it would be but they're selling everything a lot more stuff than what we normally  get like at the Goodland's market we'll   go around have a little bit of a look anyway  have a look at this we got all the football   jerseys including the mauritian one i haven't  actually seen it this is what it looks like   unfortunately the guy who was looking for one  of these has just left oh no but there you are   here in Flacq you can find it you can even  get an arsenal one for all your arsenal fans   great clothing market like what you find at  most most clothing markets all sorts of things   so if this is the one nearest to you then  come to the Flacq market it is definitely   more congested inside the the clothing market you  need to come out to where the fruit and veggies   to catch your breath a little bit this guy  said i must come and look at a shop because   you've got a great shop yeah look you've got all  these wonderful Mauritian t-shirts yeah this part   of the market is quite unique because what  they do they've got these little containers   small little and bigger ones so you got the double  size ones and the single size little roll-up doors   that you actually have the permanent stands in  tik tok shoes what if they've got Bryan's size you don't see this everywhere these are like all  the tools and things it's like a quincaillerie but   in the market ah interesting wow and all your  plumbing stuff i mean like it's got everything   here and then all the tools right next door wow  very nice we just came out of the clothing area   which is there and it actually is a lot hotter in  there once you walk out and there's this nice cool   breeze but we bumped into a boulette stand she  actually does boulettes here and look and look   uh-huh you get a bowl she actually gives you  a bowl and a proper spoon to eat your boulette this is her boulette this is these there's the the i think those are the fish fish oh those look lovely they do i like the  lamb and the chou chou i like the lamb   and chou chou as well i was so busy telling  you what i want but i forgot to record it   so there we go 60 rupees uh i think they're three  meat and uh three veg and of course the greenery   on top and we get it in the reusable bowl bit  of pepper bit of pepper and the vinegar of course   chili want chilli ah you can put a little bit a little bit please thank you so a little bit of chili  because Riki's getting braver   i'm trying i'm trying thank you oh  man look at this this is my view   to eat my Boulette i got myself a boulette  well i'll explain it this is my new favorite   thing about Flacq market is you're sitting  here eating something gorgeous and homemade   looking at banana trees and a river with a  gorgeous cool breeze every market should need one   of these has needs one of them okay so mauritian  boulette is basically dumplings that have been   steamed and you get different types but these  are our favorites so this is the chou chou the   white one you can move them a bit you're trying  to balance them yeah i'm trying to hold them up   and the lamb so that's the lamb normally Riki  would point because my fingernails are dirty lamb   lamb and chou chou and it all comes in a in a  soup oh yeah broth with some coriander leaf and   normally it's a fish or chicken it's always  delicious any time of year oh that's nice oh no i don't know which one it is i think it  might be chicken that's got nice spice to it   it's going to be a little too hot for Riki  i'll give it a go Riki trying to figure out   what it is before she tastes it oh no it just  smells so delicious and fresh it really does nice hey it's got a surprise to it  i think it's the pepper she put on   yes that's what it is it's the pepper pepper and  coriander and oh it's lovely the reason Riki can   eat it even though it's spicy she can eat  pepper that's not chilli it's not chilly hot   there's a little but anyway enough of  that never there time to get to the meats   look at that zoom in on that so that's a  meat and soup that Riki is going to slurp up   ginger oh yes the lamb always  brings the ginger which is so yummy wonderful look at that the pieces of vegetable and  stuff in this like um i think it's a rice flour   or something that's been been steamed yes it's  actually the gorgeous that that one that we can   never find tapioca tapioca flour yes mmm good mmm  good chou chou mmm now that one brings the garlic   so you got garlic and ginger in a peppery  soup give that a go Bryan i'm a big fan of the chou   chou the lamb is like this one is really  nice the the garlicky notes and it's mmm   it's kind of spicy and she makes a really good one  i'm going for the lamb now yeah go for the lamb   yeah you think it might be spicy because of the  chilli but it's not it's the ginger and the garlic   and the pepper but so gingery i mean really  gingery it's a real treat on summer's day it's   weird because it's a broth but it's really yummy  soup on a hot day broth with dumplings and you   get all of that that wonderful meal for 60 rupees  yeah excellent yeah we got red chilli green chili   uh garlic garlic sauce and Riki's going to  add a little bit more garlic sauce to her   chou chou incredibly garlic Riki is a big fan  of garlic has that just made it over the top   it's nice because it adds a little bit  of sweetness a little bit of sweetness   sweetness and garlic oh it's lovely you know i  have to do it i have to try the chilies wherever   i go so a little bit of red chili into the  sauce we're gonna see if it's a hot chili or not   as you can see i'm being very careful to pour it  because whatever it's really hot it's gonna be hot   wow are you going for so many drops no but it's  red normally red isn't hot no red is normally hot normally the red is like it's got peppers and  things in it as well okay so flavor okay good   to know so this is a good red one i mean it's not  a relish it is it is hot normally the green one   is hot so i'm normally a little bit more careful  with that oh cool so there we are green chilli   she did put a bit of that green chilli  in oh it does taste pretty nice but hot chili hot chili this is the chili i'm  gonna put on it's really nice and spicy   Bryan has now turned the remaining broth into  more chili than broth it was a mistake it spilt but that that red chilli is actually quite nice  it is really nice Riki even tried something yeah   it's got more spicy notes to it it's like  paprikas and spices so yeah always give   the chili a try never think it's just gonna be  hot the green one is hot the green one is hot what a great experience and then watch  me go and put it in the sink awesome super cool you get the coconut  juice remember to save a little   because it goes really well with the  red chilli so after your meal have a sip   sipping fresh coconut by the river with  banana trees behind us wow it doesn't get   more Mauritian than that it really doesn't welcome  to mauritius everyone oh i suppose the beach but   this is a different part of mauritius yes  down there in the river are such big fish   like really really big river fish you guys won't  be able to see them at all unfortunately but   take my word for it there's big fishies in  there so this really really great boulette stand   is just before the rest of the food court over  there is where we sat and ate our ti puri   near the peanuts okay near the peanuts down  that way is peanuts so just keep going a little   and you'll find this wonderful boulette cart really  some of the best i've had our favorites are the   chou chou and the lamb and that's what we always  get but you guys can come when you come and try   try the fish ones as well they are really good  bye-bye thank you bye-bye thank you so much yes this is a floor in the market i've  actually come into one of the shops   in in in the in the main area this used to  be an old house and you can see they've got   the nice cornice thing on the edge still and the  market wasn't always here this was someone's house   my name is Igbal Igbal so this is Igbal from the  craft market and he allowed me to show you   his beautiful old house that is now part of the  market thank you so much so how did the house work pretty unique the opposite of looking at my feet  you're now looking at the ceiling   because when have you seen a ceiling like  that it feels so confusing what am i doing so from the coconut guy and the main house  building here the toilets are just through   this passageway so easy enough to find ladies  on that side and the gents toilets are right   here that's something i haven't seen before a  little chain to keep the tap in hey place wave   well any market that has this has got to be a  winner Flacq market is a must-do experience and   it's a fantastic day out well anyway everyone  thanks for watching and we'll see you next time

2021-11-17 18:14

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