First Visit to Nepal!! The Home Of a Living Goddess

First Visit to Nepal!! The Home Of a Living Goddess

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Nepal a land of friendly faces Majestic  mountaintops and delicious Dal Bhat after   exploring both India and Bangladesh my time  has come to take in this incredible and highly   recommended part of the world so we took a  flight from Dhaka to Kathmandu to see what   all the fuss is about this is cool the weather  is nice I like it in this video we'll say hi   to some locals sample some Nepali tea dig  into some dalbot and climb our way to the   best Viewpoint in this beautiful city the pool is  beautiful all right hello or Namaste from here in   Kathmandu in Nepal it is my first time here in  Nepal I'm so excited to be here and to finally   explore this beautiful country hello hello good  start good start and then we can't go this way   a lot of construction made it so we're  just walking through here and already   a massive sort of Temple just in the  middle of this little square here it's   really cool I'm loving the Vibes here in  Nepal in Kathmandu already I don't know   we've come from three months in India a few  days in Bangladesh I like it here I like it she's like yelling out to him he's like yelling  I'm all right he's like yelling out to him and   like telling him and he looks like he's like  teaching you how to build it or something I   don't know I don't know what they're saying so  we are no stranger to a market like we've been   in markets a lot of places this one's really  cool because you've got all like your shoes   your shirts everything like that like you would  find in any other Market but the scenery in this   one and here just looks really cool I know there's  something cool about it with these tall buildings   these Cobblestone floors it just looks really  picturesque and really pretty and it's different   to other markets we've seen yeah in India and  Southeast Asia because Nepal's never colonized   right so it's it's traditional architecture  it's natural architecture so on the way   through we found ourselves in the middle of this  massive Market sort of square area this is cool   what did you say we have a specific way to go  which is down that one but every time I turn   and look there's something else straight looks  cooler than the other look at that shiny one   down there oh yeah all right how pretty how  pretty is this street you've got all these   beautiful like decorations like tinsel above  us you've got all these cool like gold things   little trinkets to buy wow this is awesome so  there's one thing I would love to get from Nepal   and that's a set of my own prayer Flags just so I  can have them at home and like keep them forever   so let's see if we can buy some today we're gonna  have a look down here if not we might have to go   buy them a little bit later in the video um back  maybe where we're staying I was just in India for   three months and I loved tea or they call it chai  in Hindi so tell me what tea is called here but I   need one of them I'm going to try what they like  in Nepal see if there is one hi tea could I have   one thank you how much 30. okay just one yes it's  in like a pot over like a strainer kind of more   similar to India than Bangladesh so far yeah all  right you take what are they fives still getting   the use of the different monies is just like crazy  oh thank you like I'm not gonna fall it's really   hot it smells like because it's got the spices  sort of on the top it smells like spicy it's not   not chili spice just like herb spices flavor spice  that's so good definitely not like the tea that we   had in Bangladesh it's more like the Indian chai  that you have that we had for three months that's   really nice it's sweet it's like creamy like kind  of like milky creamy and it's a big it's a pretty   big cup it says 150 ml and it's like full I  really I really like this one I wonder what   they call it it's not called chai do you call this  is it just tea yes is it chai or tea please try   okay try oh thank you I thought it tasted like  chai oh it's really good yeah you try it okay   it will help me oh it's different it tastes  different it's nice it's good so hi there how are you you're good that's good  so sitting here feels very peaceful   it's really cool um I think my aim to  have made a friend I think my aim to have   a coffee in every country is maybe turned to  a chai or a tea in every country so bye okay thank you okay so we just made it to  Derby Square thank you so much thank you so good thank you so I have noticed  that there is a lot of people wanting   to be a taxi driver in your guide here  which is fair enough because there's   so many people who would come here for  like Everest and stuff right so it is   a popular tourist destination all these  birds and one of them just pooped on me rude I'm gonna put it in the bin oh I just yeah you're  a dumb [ __ ] for that third pun intended no thank   you no thank you I don't want to buy anything oh I  just put it on my face I'm over this what are you   doing oh stop it it's not the part with the poo  on it on my face I haven't got a good track record   if you're new to my channel I'm kind of more of  a like experience in the moment when I get here   have a look at it kind of person I'm not really  a educational Channel but I do know that this   is a UNESCO world heritage site so Derma square  is protected by world heritage it's also built   between the I think 12th and 18th century which is  pretty cool so it's obviously super super old it's   home to a lot of things but one of them is the  living goddess and I think and correct me if I'm   wrong again I do not claim to know everything or  even anything for that matter so I think there's   a child when they're two I think they get named  as the living goddess I think they find a new   one when they're six so every four years it  gets changed to a new living goddess and it's   a living child and they believe that that's the  living goddess I know that that's not that much   information but that's pretty interesting to me so  apparently that's the thing here but I don't think   you can film them this is obviously a really old  and interesting square or we've been to India at   other places that were colonized but this looks  completely different because it wasn't um so you   can see the sort of like original architecture  picture from the people here without any other   influence which I find really interesting it does  look different it looks different to anything   that we've seen oh I've missed it but we've been  asked for a guide probably 10 times I keep I keep   missing it from camera so yes you know so much  things thank you very from by the way please go   yes but there's a lot of people asking a lot  of people on the hustle for a guide to guide   tourists around um we don't like to do that  um but this guy's getting absolutely harassed   back there by him I've been watching  him for like 10 minutes this guy will   not leave him alone and I heard him say if  you like the price if you're happy I'm happy if anyone ever says that to you I'm  giving you I'm telling you right now Ram   so it's 154 this Tech what's that which I'm  assuming is like English India Bangladesh   um Sri Lanka maybe I'm assuming it's those other  countries so that's 150 Nepalese rupee but four   casters like a thousand and I'm assuming that  locals are free because people are just feeding   pigeons and sitting in there I can't imagine you'd  pay to go in just to do that every day I don't   know but there's places in there that they're  still rebuilding the structures so obviously   the devastating earthquakes that happened in  2015 I believe some of the things it's been   being rebuilt I think it's definitely gone and  still is under a period of sort of reconstruction   um from the devastation I remember that all over  even in Australia there were so many fundraisers   from the earthquakes in Nepal so yeah if I got to  Australia it was obviously massive and devastating   okay so we're just here waiting for a Patel which  is the app kind of like Uber or Ola we use this   one in Bangladesh but basically it just gives you  a price and it kind of changes along the way um so   you offer a price or they accept Mr Price or they  offer a price and then along the way depending on   traffic I believe I don't know sometimes the price  just goes up at the end but um we're waiting for   this guy to get us and then we're gonna go to  the temple hi Namaste what's your name Robin we're on the way to the monkey temple the name I  actually can't pronounce I'll put it on the screen   um we're heading there now now I feel really  bad because I'm not my usual self today I'm   feeling a little bit under the weather um  so I'm not gonna climb the stairs I'm just   gonna get a car to the top I'll show you  it and then I'll probably walk down the   stairs I don't feel up to walking up the  stairs today but you can at this Temple I'm missing them but there's  so many monkeys just in the   side of us when we're driving up a little bit in there oh that's a dog that's a dog yeah  you can have the 500. all right thank you the salt country tourist was the 50 Nepalese  rupees and Ours from other countries is 200   and for these rupees I know I saw it but  I'm trying to figure out why everyone's   throwing Queens is it like a wishing well or  something anyway the monkey's just running   around so I'm not scared of monkeys I'm  scared of them like taking my stuff if   that makes sense so I'm a little bit on the  Edge at the moment namaste can I have one sec so I watched and everyone else got a whole stack   and I only got four for the  same amount of money anyway I almost got it oh I got it I don't know  what it means but I got it okay so I got one in the pot can  someone please tell me what that means I'm gonna go give it to someone oh wait come back  you know what okay okay do you want to throw this   off for you put in there so we're heading up the  stairs now like I said we cut out half of them by   taking the car here so you can do the whole way  not feeling optimal on my best this is not oh wow   this is not what I want to do today and  then I say things like this this is stunning   so up here you have all of these tourist  souvenirs necklaces some animals bracelets   just a very small frog I can't see just big  progress yeah Michael's mom loves frogs thank   you so much done your bud so I don't get it on  camera but I've met probably like what seven   families today that um saw me in India all right  so we just got to the top where the stupa is under   construction but for size reference Michael's  been to Myanmar I always compare Buddhist stupas   to sort of in Myanmar because it's like for lack  of a better term the Holy Grail right and of like   Buddha's temples to go to and this is beautiful  it's really complicated probably probably maybe 50   times the size of this island 50 times so Michael  just told me and pointed out I didn't actually   notice it on the side of this is like turn I don't  know what you call it the hey things that turn   Okay Michael's gonna google it we're gonna call it  a prayer wheel I don't know it's it's made of like   looks like tin or metal or something Michael's  telling me that you walk around in a clockwise   direction do you know why clockwise or is that  just the double I don't know why there's nothing   wrong if you'll notice you'll see that there's  people who have been walking around multiple times foreign and then of course at the top of  any of these things there's a lookout and   they're the stairs that I think we  missed coming up here right there   Michael just heard that we're surrounded basically  by mountains and we are like everywhere we look   there's like a bigger city than I expected and it  Mounds along the side Nepal is Nepal is beautiful   really beautiful monkeys monkeys monkeys hi do you  have water water is it Kitty Pizza how much 35 25   could we get one please okay is it cold or not a  little bit not so much not so much yeah it's okay is it fairy weapons like why yeah thank you  thank you we're gonna take the stairs down   because we didn't take them up I feel  a little bit better taking them down   um because I don't feel very  well puppies over there yeah all right so we're just waiting for  a car to take us back and we're gonna   go to an area called I think it's  Tamil or Tamil so when we get there   I'm hoping to find some bell Bart and  try some of that here as well [Music] um restaurant Nepali dalbot that's what we want  that's all we want let's get some local food shall   we oh awesome all right so we've got sets Namaste  I was just after some uh dalbot yeah we have uh   yeah all kind of set yeah let's just share do you  want to do chicken chicken chicken yeah chicken's   good okay is it spicy can I have not a lot oh  little little bit thank you what just happened I saw it happen you saw her what it just went boom oh no it was on that was it  maybe it was hot oh thank you   thank you right going through learning 10 of  the regional languages in India and then what   Bengali and now a little bit of Nepali my brain is  getting very confused so I'm trying my best thank   you do I eat with my hands or with this yes with  my hands thank you that's okay eat with my hands   or Fork would I like okay thank you so we've got  a big silver plate of Del bar so it's just like   a mixture of the local things I believe actually  I've noticed since being in Nepal they all have   this like Bendy straw thing I love that I don't  know why we have a um a couple of bowls here this   one looks like uh like lentils like a lentil kind  of soup this one kind of looks like potatoes or   like some kind of like cut vegetable thing this  one just looks like a whole bunch of greens it   looks like chips but it's obviously not chips I  don't think and then you've got a little bit of   sauce which looks red so red scares me it might  be spicy if you're new to my channel I don't do   well with spice and then you've got the meat here  in this spoon we ordered chicken and then a whole   bunch of rice in the inside I'll definitely be  using this I think white yogurt neutralizer sauce   a little bit of the potato let's give this a go  maybe a bit of the doll and I have a big spoonful   of all the different kinds of fruits oh more oh  yeah I'll have a little bit a little bit yeah   yeah that's enough even that like potato type  mixture is spicy I got a whole bunch of that   like spinach really soft nice food and the potato  itself The Taste is good the spice is gonna be but it tastes good though it's okay that chicken is  really soft that's really good it's spicy there   but it's really good I want Michael's opinion on  the food because he can take much more spice than   I can oh it works oh I'm okay thank you though  this is nice sugar it's super soft it looks   really nice chicken's nice which is nice having  up the grains yet I'll have them last the taste   of the food is making me keep eating it anyway uh  how much would they uh 660 minutes 664 everything   okay the money's so colorful 660 is that right  count it just in case I don't want to get it wrong that was a cool place to eat if you're ever  around Kathmandu come to Om Restaurant they   were so friendly and so nice and the food  was good I just am very weak with spice so   that was really nice they were lovely we are  in a touristy part we're in Tamil right now   so it is very touristy so it does make sense  that they're having some bit more cafes than   usual to cater to westerners and other  Travelers but this area is kind of known   as they call it a backpack as ghetto  or a traveler's ghetto this one koala he knows koala hello Namaste we're just looking  in a camera shop because I need uh well this is   broken we both use this for Michael uses the GoPro  for his channel and then I have a second Channel   um called jestro see I'll link in the description  bar below and I kind of just do more local like   casual things but this is like broken it doesn't  stay well I think that's a better option that's   right if you ever have a GoPro you need a  longer lasting batteries I'll tell you that   much Michael wants a little awesome thing from  the show you different qualities yeah awesome   this one will cost you just 400 rupees okay this  one will cost you 800 rupees so I like the idea of   the crack face like we have different uh designs  okay so the ohm and the wisdom this this star   represents wisdom the symbol of wisdom oh yeah  the staff yeah okay and this represents sun and   this is the mandala and this part represents  the purification purification right okay   so you got the Sun the OM the energy a little  bit of energy in my life we got this one perfect thank you so much yeah you have a good day thank you so much all right  we got Michael's um painting and now I'm gonna   get my PreFlight hopefully oh yeah I just  have a look at this oh so small medium large t-shirt fine hello he was speaking in Hindu to me that's why I spoke  to him back I missed it ready for a chocolate in   that dog's mouth with the wrapper on he didn't  eat the chocolate but can we just carry he was   just carrying the chocolate for him that was so  cute so Michael's buying a drink but I just wanted   to talk about these prayer flags for a second  and why I actually wanted them but it would be   really cool if one day um I could do base camp  or climb a little bit of Everest I don't want   to obviously climb the whole thing I don't have  that much money um I know that they're all at the   top of the mountains and hills and all along the  way I actually broke my back about five years ago   um so since then like physical activities  and things like that are a lot harder for   me than they used to be so I'm not in a position  right now where I think I could physically climb   um but I'm hoping that one day I can  be and I'm gonna keep these with me   um as maybe some motivation or a reminder of  the things that I can hopefully do again one day   okay well good first day so far that's for sure  pretty cool I really like it after India's India's   been great Bangladesh was great but after sort  of so much chaos in those places yeah but you   get more relaxed you get so used to the chaos that  you don't notice the constant noise then you come   here and it's like oh this is quiet yeah you're  right before we go in we have to respect the sign   please do not destroy okay that is so cute he's  super cute thank you so you come in and you've   got like this little like area I've got my bag  everywhere so don't worry about that obviously   we're staying here and then the bed is massive  it's not very comfortable I will be honest and   then we have this sort of separate room over  this side which has like a little couch and   like a coffee table which goes into a desk  um and then into a lot of another little one   or another the only bathroom that we have the  bathroom which is also pretty good it's a wet   room no complaints everywhere in Nepal has a wet  room so no complaints really I can't wait to see   more of Nepal next time I will taste more of  its food and meet even more people subscribe   to see that one next or if you're watching this  in the future it's already on the screen for   you to watch right now I can already tell  this will be a trick to remember foreign

2023-07-25 19:44

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