First time in Japan! First day in Tokyo 東京

First time in Japan! First day in Tokyo 東京

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welcome to the largest city on earth  Tokyo Japan we are standing on the   busiest crosswalk in the entire world  and today we're taking you to the past   present and future thank you enjoy your day  with Cutting Edge technology quirky vending   machines and a food trip of our dreams  with a hint of Tranquility leaving no   sight unseen this is our Dream country and  we're finally here Welcome to Tokyo Japan first day in Tokyo Girl look at  this Tokyo we have made it look   at the surrounding buildings look  at the crosswalk this is the most   famous crosswalk in the entire world  there's Mario Karts that are going by it's going to be a whirlwind of a  trip and it's starting right now [Music] so first thing you notice anywhere in Tokyo  there are just a billion signs signs screen   screens up there sound playing characters  everywhere there's anime there's Neon Lights   it's a little bit overwhelming because you  don't even know where to look you're looking   up you're looking to the side the energy in  this city is very special obviously Tokyo   is known for its art its culture so this is  shabuya crossing right in the center of Tokyo   this is the busiest pedestrian intersection in the  entire world so apparently there are about 2 and   1/2 th000 people that cross this intersection in  seven different directions every single time we   got people crossing this way that way every  single Direction and apparently at night it   just gets busier and busier this is mad to see the  amount of people crossing and it just gives you an   insight to how big Tokyo is that this is only one  crosswalk 37 million people live in this city I   think we're going to go like up and down this  crosswalk about 10 times yeah probably because   it's so much fun it is extra special to be here on  chabuya Crossing in Tokyo Japan because we almost   didn't make it unfortunately my Visa was cancelled  and the only way to go from where we were in Asia   to Next Door in Tokyo Japan was to fly all the way  home to South Africa get the visa there fly all   the way back but even after all of that drama it  was kind of made special because we might have a   little announcement Davon and his family actually  planned this entire surprise for me and it wasn't   supposed to happen it was supposed to happen here  in Japan can we have a moment for the ring but   it's pretty cool cuz I get to come to Japan as  a whole fiance so we are in the shab I can't say   it so we are in the shabuya area and we're just  going to walk some of these streets see some of   the restaurants the sites and just see what Tokyo  is like on our first day there's music everywhere   every street and you're just filled with neon  signs it's a giant [Music] Ikea the fashion   here is out of control these vending machines are  everywhere we're going to see those throughout   Japan I'm sure and I think apparently there is a  vending machine every 20 or 50 m and there's one   machine per 23 people so you can just tell this  is the vending machine capital of the world and   that's mad I know for every 23 people think about  that one vending machine for every 23 people and   it's like stuck in the wall this is a wall this  is a wall an entire building look how Co vending   machines and these aren't the actual products you  can see it's just a sticker well I don't even know   what half of these things are that looks like a  tomato we got some Pepsi Mountain Dew this looks   like looks like some iced coffee this looks like  toothpaste doesn't it we should get one which one   should we get this one okay let's get this one  now this is the chance to use all my coins which   if you didn't know by now Japan has little holes  in their coins pretty cool okay so let's see what   works in here 140 so you put your coins in then  you select it and then obviously it just falls   out super easy ah so they all light up green once  you've put your money in and then ah there we go   look at that a little lemon a little lemon drink  and then here's our change mission accomplished   first thing to do in Tokyo right first thing  get a drink from the vending machine ding can   I also point out something so genius this is a  recycle unit the thing is you're not supposed   to walk and eat and walk and drink so you drink  your drink and then you throw it away right here   because there are no dpin around here in Japan  because apparently back back back in the day   dpin were used as like explosive hiding places so  that's why you won't actually see dpin around so   you're supposed to drink your drink pop it in  the recycling and then go this is a mega City   but every single street is clean and and there's  no trash can so everybody takes their own trash   and recycles it at home but as we were walking  through and admiring a different side of Tokyo   we've actually come across a free Wi-Fi Booth  which is like a telephone booth but it's got   free Wi-Fi you can find little pockets of Wi-Fi in  the Subway on the streets but it's not always as   safe so we always use our VPN that's why we  wanted to thank s shark for sponsoring this   video and always keeping our online data safe no  matter where we are in the world and if you don't   know what a VPN is it stands for virtual private  Network that encrypts all of our information sent   between our devices and the internet so no one can  steal our sensitive information and we use a VPN   to always keep our online activity safe because  we're always connecting to public Wi-Fi on the   streets in the hotels cafes and airports but it's  not only about security we also use our VPN to   unlock our favorite shows online from back home  that we cannot access while we're here in Asia   it's so easy to change our virtual location and  get access to unlimited content libraries if you   don't already use a VPN we highly recommend using  so shock as they are the only VPN to offer one   account for unlimited devices plus if you use our  code Chev Dev you can get an exclusive so shock   deal with an extra 3 months for free and there's  a 30-day money back guarantee so there is no risk   to try it out to get started just click the link  in the description below bye sometimes I feel like   you could be overstimulated here in Japan and it's  only our first day but we've got ramen shops we've   got arcades what what is that g balls is that what  you call it Gable I'm not we have to investigate   I know and then on this side we've got souvenir  shops jewelry shops you can get your ears pierced   if you want to it's like a sensory overload  the thing is you don't know where to look just   because there are signs and every single level is  a different shop I have to go and see this shop   here what is this what is going on in here yeah  people are going crazy they're toys collectibles   figurines like little bows sketch balls isn't  that what it's called so you obviously put your   money in and turn this and then a little toy like  a tiny little bowl will come out they're about 400   300 Yen and people are going crazy in there if you  look over here it's an entire shop of just this of   just cables look at all of these Collectibles this  is what you get inside they're so cute we got to   get one I feel like Tokyo is like a video game  I know it's like a living breathing video game country so this is an example of one of the busy  streets you can just see signs and neon lights   everywhere he has a cafe on I think that's the  third floor all throughout the street they have   speakers on all the lampost so there is just music  playing you kind of feel like you're in an anime   scene shabuya is one of the liveliest areas is  here in Tokyo and probably the most touristy it's   peak season because the cherry blossoms are out  right now which is an incredible phenomenon called   Hanami which means flower viewing in Japan it is  amazing to see how many people have loved Japan   they love the food they love sightseeing here  and I'm very excited to do the same on our first [Music] day here has some more vending machines  and these ones have been annihilated with stickers   which I think is really cool but what's  interesting is these in blue are cold and   these are hot so you order one of these cans  and it will come out hot a hot drink from a   vending machine that is like Japan core another  Japan core is claw machines galore these look   insane look at this shark with the giant lips  this looks rigged there's only one in here   yeah in fact there's only one in each of these  I'm less tempted this time like in Taiwan I   was so obsessed with Clow machines but now I  figured out they're just [Music] rigged this   is my favorite place in the Hall of Japan maybe  second favorite besides the actual Disneyland but   this is a Disney flagship store which I think  they have all over here in Tokyo we're going   to have to go look inside Disney everything  if you're a Disney lover like me you get the reaction has more of these we should get  one okay let's get one yeah let's get one   this one looks really cool they even  have these little bowls and figurines   in Disney characters this is such  a big thing put your coins [Music] in W this is cool oh gosh it's so  extensive I actually have to build   the whole thing but this is what I got  in my little G bow machine it's a Gable   machine inside the G bable machine put all  the little G balls in and I turn this little knobby look catchable setion 300 Yen worth every penny besides there being such a vibe in the city  and such a hustle and bustle with the amount of   people there is just food everywhere I read that  there are 160,000 restaurants here in Tokyo alone   and everywhere we look on every level is just  food and every type of Cuisine you can think of   not only Japanese but there's Mexican food French  food Italian obviously American chains as well so   we need to dive into some of these restaurants  right now I know I'm working up such an appetite   right now I'm starving to put in perspective  the population here is four times that of New   York City wow that's insane but because we're in  Japan we need to have Japanese food like Ramen or   sushi this gives you an idea every single shop on  this street is a restaurant restaurant restaurant   restaurant everywhere and look how cool this is  this is how you order your meals you obviously   just put your coins in and then you choose what  meal you want and then you go through that door   absolutely genius the abundance and option  is a little overwhelming that I think you   just need to choose one and just go straight in  because you always feel like there'll be a better   restaurant just around the corner so we're just  going to have to find one and choose it we have   just come down the street and noticed there is  a standing sushi bar so there are no seats you   stand and they make each piece of sushi right in  front of you there is even a line outside we're   going to wait right now and then we're going  to try sushi for the first time here in Japan I got the design this is our first time at  a standing sushi bar and look as you can see   no chairs and all the fresh ingredients are  lined up right in front of us they make it   each and every single one by hand and then  lay it out in front of us for us to enjoy it got we got all the options over  here and then we got a set menu on the side so you order each one and then as you order  it he makes it for you right in front of us [Music] and I got theer this looks so good good  we got tuna we got salmon we got corn each one was   made perfectly by hand and there's a little Wasabi  on the inside I can't wait to taste [Music] it wow   you can just taste that it's been handcrafted made  with love and I love that they add a little bit of   Wasabi on the inside between the rice and the fish  this is some of the freshest Sushi we have had and   the fact that each one is made indiv ually with  the freshest ingredients it's not just raw fish   It's actually an art one the freshness of the  fish is something like I've never tasted before   as a first meal here in Tokyo Japan it doesn't get  better than this and that kick of Wasabi is just insane what is this I think it's for a drink  for you drink there's a cap over here green   tea tea no way should we try them yeah so  you just push it in no way that's so cool   and add your green tea on my word it's green  tea powder so we've just found that there is   a tap on each and every cubicle part with  some green tea and green tea powder that's   unbelievable it smells so good I think it's  actually mucher that is so comforting [Music] byebye see you tomorrow byebye wow that was  an unbelievable first experience of having   standing Sushi our Sushi master was just the  best ever every time he put a little piece of   sushi down he'd smile and wave or he' give  us a little PE side and he was just so Cen   he made our entire experience so worth it  the sushi itself was unbelievable it was   curated and crafted to infection each and every  bite was just like an explosion it was fresh it   was delicious it was out of this world I mean  what are first impressions of [Music] Tokyo so   behind me is a statue of Hao a very very loyal dog  and he waited for his owner at this very station   every single day even though his owner had passed  pass away and he actually waited for 9 years after   his owner had passed away up until his death at  the station that just shows how loyal he was so   they even put a little statue of him as a little  remembrance of a loyal loyal doggo now this is one   of the most chaotic stations I've been to and  it's just purely because of the confusion and   how vast this train system is this is just the  line to get a ticket there's all these people   coming this way to go in there the plus there's  people coming down there's people going up this   escalator we got up by the skin of our teeth just  behind me at that machine but this is the ticket   and this is what it looks like it cost us 150 yen  to go one stop so we're going to go through this   spom gate and try and make our way but I want  to show you just how busy it is right now at [Music] midday where do we go I think we  go up here this gives you an idea the chaos   it is very well marked but are you absolutely made  there's people coming from all the way back there   I think we go up here just follow the people are  you sure this is giving you a real taste of Tokyo   it's not even peak time right now and apparently  at Peak time it get so busy that they actually   have people called pushers to push people into the  train to just get as many people onto a cart at a   time this is one station here's a train another  one comes here there's a train on the other side   I think this is our one is this are you sure  this can be very overwhelming as a first timer we made [Music] [Music] that was I'm so sad it was just one stop I really  enjoyed that it's the chaos of trying to find   where you're going but once you found it then  it is perfectly okay I mean we've taken metros   all over the world but this was by far the most  chaotic and it was slightly confusing but still   enjoyable I want to point out something  that's very unique with the train system   here in Japan is when you look on Google Maps and  you put in your station that you want to go to it   tells you which car you should sit in to get the  best exit I think that is absolutely genius and   just like everything else in Japan We Walk This  Way people walk that way there's actually signs   on the ground of which way you should walk and  everybody is so polite like that's what's amazed   me the most here about Japan they're considerate  they're kind they're friendly and it's making   we love Japan even more with the amount of people  that are here in this city everything runs so   smoothly and of course like you know Japanese  trains are always on time I found the street that   we're going to go on it's right here this is why  we came here this is it you can actually see that   there's a little mirror what do you call that like  a camera it's kind of like a camera so you can see   yourself at the entrance this is just a few of the  lines here in Tokyo not even all of them this is   is only one company's lines I think that gives  you an idea of how extensive the network is here   almost every single car including the taxis are  electric and here I go and you always follow the   green man you never walk if it's red everybody  follows the rules here and you should in every [Music] country that's pretty cool they come up  with everything here in Japan you know what I   love the most about Japan it's so quiet there's  not a person inide I think there's only about 10   people behind me I mean where's everybody we have  arrived at one of the most quirkiest streets in   Tokyo we've got souvenir shops we've got jewelry  we've got a D McDonald's anything that you can   think of you can buy here there's a Daiso there's  a another Gable store a Dog Cafe what [Music] [Music]   bye byebye a he's cute look how crazy these shoes  are oh my goodness oh my goodness bigger than your   head I actually have to exuberant holy moly 10,000  y unfortunately there are no Rock Raves that I am   attending anytime soon soon so I'm going to  have to give them a pass this is really cool   like here has the street and souvenir shop but  it's completely underground so you go maybe one   or two stories [Music] underground it's incredibly  difficult not to fall in love with Japan because   everything has got a 100 times cuute Factor  there is not a single thing in Japan that is   not cute what are these look at these key rings  so cute who look at that guy we're going to have   no money after this trip it's it's official I want  everything every single thing has to have a little   character on everything is cute even this well we  have to we have to so look at this shop right here   they are lining up to have their Palm red and  that is a thing here is they really rely on the   psychics and their fortunes and what a good and  a bad fortune in their life is like so they want   to always find out about their Fortune this store  behind me is just capsules and we have seen them   all over Tokyo today rows and rows and rows of  capsules let's have a look let's look yeah let's   have a look this is all you can get in the shop  hundreds and hundreds of them tiny little they're   just little characters these are insane there's  an entire shop of it I have to go inside if you   are into fashion music art figurine anime you have  to come to Tokyo you have to I must be honest I am   not the biggest Fashion Icon and I'm you're not  the biggest Fashion Icon I'm not a fashion icon   at all I don't know enough about art music but if  you're if you are into art music fashion anything   creative please come here it's just a paradise  I think the whole of Tokyo is like a Disneyland   of creativity it's like a character story book  everywhere you look there's something cute there's   something glamorized there's something covered  in rhinestones look at this look at this this is   an example look at all these These are chains  you can wear look at how this lady is dressed   I can't believe you said you're not the biggest  Fashion Icon I'm just here with my with my sunny   day look at this beautiful lady she looks great  wow she looks amazing she looks amazing this is   a bullboard with some of the cafes that they have  go go Cafe candy cafe up here is a cat cafe they   put a cat on your cappuccino I I have to have it  this is insane this is a mini pig Cafe I'm not   even exaggerating they have mini pigs micro pigs  let me take that back micro [Music] pigs we're   staying at a prime location here in Shinjuku in  Tokyo and I can't believe it because we're on the   35th floor that's insane so I thought I'd give you  a quick room tour so starting off we've got this   really cool open concept bathroom plus we've got  the safe and we've got a little wreck to hang all   of our stuff sink is very cool very marel I love  the design obviously we've got separate toilet   separate shower and what's cool is it separates  with a curtain or if you want to have a timer from   your significant other you can just trap them in  here for now thanks for that plus the shower has   got a glass so you can actually enjoy the view  which I'll show you in a second from the shower   moving on we've got a really cool desk over  here plus they gave us some welcome fruit how   sweet is that we've got strawberries and apples  and Kiwis and grapes plus a welcome card somehow   they found out about us getting engaged which if  you didn't know we're engaged it happened check   Instagram for more and they gave us these cute  little flowers as a little engagement present   on this side we've got the phone we've got the  coolest mineral water I've ever seen look how   cool this is and our very own Marshall speaker  we've got a clock then in these cupboards we've   got mugs other glasses and a little tea station  now moving on look how spacious this room is and   look at our bed it's massive it looks very  very soft should I give it a test you have to it's like a pillow all the lights can be  accessed from our bed which is pretty cool so we   can turn these knobbies on and off one is a foot  light one's a foot light okay oh I see that one   plus we've got robes on this side and then we've  got a seat each with a table in between I think   we're probably going to have like our morning  tea morning coffee while we look at the view   what does The View from the 35th floor look like  wow Feast your eyes on Tokyo City this floor to   ceiling window is just the perfect view of Tokyo  City and I can't believe how lucky we are to be   staying here as like a little engage adversary is  this how we're going to celebrate being engaged   cuz we're going to be spending a couple of days  here plus we're going to be having dinner and   we're going to be having daily breakfast I think  this is the start of our journey here in [Music] Japan we have now broken away from the very very  busy streets of shabuya and we've actually come   across a rather Pleasant quiet suburban area of  Tokyo which shows pretty much the real local life   here and it's such an amazing difference from the  hustling bustling touristy shopping districts like   shabuya and Shinjuku where you can see a more more  laidback quiet less crowded environment there's   still some vending machines around like this  there's actually vending machines everywhere and   a more quiet crosswalk have a look at this still  you will not see a speck of litter anywhere loads   of electric cars this is what I really like to  see about Tokyo is that there's so many sides to   this busy City some places more busy than others  over here you will see a little restaurant and you   can order via machine you don't need to talk  to anyone Tokyo could be an introvert's dream   because if you order from a restaurant you don't  necessarily need to talk to a person you can talk   to a machine or even a robot and we've seen today  that there is incredible technology and you've   seen how advanced Japan and especially Tokyo is  but the next place that we're about to go and   show you takes technology to a whole new level  in the most heartwarming way I can't wait for this we're about to experience  our very first robot Cafe hello hello hi welcome to Cafe do you have a  today no okay no problem inat area you can enjoy   chatting M sweets and moreat is this good yes  all good oh thank you very much please move to   the light side thank you thank you thank you enjoy  your day that was the coolest thing ever a robot   just took our order Okay so we've just sat down  and we've ordered our drink from our very cute and   friendly AR robot and we're sitting here at the  bar while we wait for our drink if you're thinking   this is just an AI robot experience think again  this is way more heartful so these robots are   actually avatars which means they're a replacement  body so they're actually real people speaking to   us from these robots thank you for the they're  not just ordinary people they're people with   disabilities and people who are actually bedridden  who are at home they cannot work in person so they   work remotely they maybe even working from their  hospital bed which is unbelievable it still gives   people an opportunity work interact with people  practice their English and just have a normal   life but they're in a robot body so I think it's  an amazing initiative and the best part is because   it's a normal person behind the robot you can  have a conversation so when they bring you your   drink or your food you can ask them questions  and you can converse with them I think Japan   is one of the only places on the planet where  you can get this experience hello hello [Music] what's your name you iudo  wow I like your name nice   to meet you thank you where are you from I'm at Japan in alory yeah and north of Japan look at  that north of Japan north of Japan a little map   thank you nice to meet thank you so much byebye  have a nice day I there she goes there she goes   that was unbelievable that was kudu from Emory  I didn't even know where her city was so she   showed us a little map on her screen that it was  in Northern Japan and now she's gone off to make   her next coffee and I think behind me this little  robot is about to make some coffee for us as well   so we he's doing a little coffee show he's getting  some instructions this lady's telling him what to do him and then you can tting some CA  and the order from him oh wow can be a   customer to him yes I would love to thank  you thank you for coming you this we are   enjoying our time it's been great thank you  uh what's your name my name is Nai Nai nice   to meet you nice to meet than you it's your  first time drinking coffee made by lot right   yes it's our first time drinking coffee made  by a robot you're right please have F thank you is very good thank you please take a good  picture of me you look so good please for me   Cruz yes will call you Tom Cruz you know I more  than Tom Cruz oh yes I agree with that and today I I wonder where the K is [Music] K thank you  it was to hear it want to hear I take [Music] the St   is this your first time talking to robot right yes  first time okay I'm checking if coffee and French   Press are PR okay I take the French Press with  my L hand and hold the coffee jeans with my left hand sorry little 2 one 1 2 3 come on thank you [Music] I'm so very quickly this is what the  person behind the robot is seeing so this is   an image of their screen and that's actually the  robot up there so they can see exactly where we   are they can turn their head it's such a unique  experience to be in a normal coffee restaurant   scene that there are robots moving through the  cafe ordering coffee delivering coffee okay   we've just had the ultimate robotic experience  where we actually got pretty much a personalized   show of a robot making some coffee for us he  made it in a little French press machine and   we even got a little taste once he was done  he was chatting to us the entire way we got   to learn about him he made a few jokes he was  quite the comedian and it's quite amazing that   he is operating this entire machine come home  he made us his coffee by himself and it looks   like he just loves doing this he poured it into  a little cup for us it's the first coffee we've   ever had made by a [Music] robot here she comes  hello hi my name is miosi Hello thank you for coming nice toet yeah nice to meet you by the  way where I from we are from South Africa South   Africa yeah okay oh no thank you for coming from  far away yeah very far away where are you from   I'm from I live in city city is that's amazing how  long have you been working here I've been working   here since it's open uh it's been about 3 years in  months my daughter has an called M and I take care   not home and so I can't leave my home but to  I here my daughter has a few condition4 hour   a day uh 365 days a year wow and that is  unknown and there is no care I hope that   one day my daughter will get better and we  will be able to visit your country together   do you like to take a picture with me yes please  um please take a Carey let's take a feet [Music] together very bye thank you some of the robots are  really small and they just sit on the bar   with us and have a chat like a normal  bartender would what's amazing amazing   about coming to this coffee shop is  you can engage and make new friends   where normally you would only speak  to the people that you came here with Hello nice to meet you nice to meet you it's candy  you got some candy wa candy present you can take one I got one for you too oh thank you thank you  meu hi byebye would you to take a picture with me let's do it let's take  a picture I'll stand next to have a nice day bye see you s byebye  and there she goes so you can see below   they're on a track and that's how they  can manage their way through the [Music] cafe thank you wow what an amazing experience  I feel like I've left with a full heart and   what I've learned is that a simple conversation  can make someone so happy it could actually make   their day and this gives them such an amazing  opportunity to still have a job still speak   to people still have a connection just through  a robot so I feel like my heart is full after   that [Music] experience we have now arrived  in the heart of as sakuza which is a different   section to where we were earlier today and  it's already such a different vibe we've got   a shopping street just behind me which is right  next to the senzo G Temple which is what we're   going to check out in a little bit but first I  think we got to see what all the fuss is about   behind me there's shopping streets there's  souvenirs there's food there's snacks there's   everything and I can't wait to go and take it  [Music] out wow look at this beautiful entryway   look at this gate and then over here this is  the shopping street and we've got beautiful   cherry blossoms all around Flags there's souvenir  shops there's food so let's go explore in there [Music] oh my God so this is Quint essentially  just a shopping arcade this entire Street all   the way down is just a shoers paradise this  is the land of Hello Kitty beautiful kimonos   Sakura flowers strawberry Mochi you can  really come here and get your money's   worth of snacks of souvenirs and this is  in the old side of Tokyo this has been here   since the 17th century and you can see how many  hundreds of thousands of people have come down here as we're walking along we can see Souvenirs  of any and every kind from masks to sandals I mean   this is the shopping Haven of Tokyo this is a  lip balm wall so there is a lip balm for every   single day of the year and I've never wanted  something so much in my entire life so this   is an example of one of the souvenir shops you  can see lot of little things that you can buy   here some bows all kinds of Japanese treats  some like owl figurines some cups and mugs so   this machine behind me is pretty much like  a pick a grand prize machine where you put   your hand in it costs 1,000 yen per play and that  means everybody's a winner you must win something   but the size of the prize is the difference  you can catch a very very big plushy toy or   a very small one so it doesn't matter which red  little piece of paper you pick you are a winner   no matter what they're just putting their hand  in grabbing a little paper and seeing what they won I feel like this store is everything that  is Japan I know look at all these tiny little   key Rings everywhere you look in Japan there  just characters I love it here has little dogs   masks this is M Fuji and obviously Hello Kitty  everywhere what a shop I know I love it here   you know you're in in Japan when you can buy an  exuberant amount of samurai swords and they are   not cheap I mean I'm seeing 40,000 Yen all the  way up to 170,000 Yen you could really uh injure   somebody with that so right here in the middle  of the shopping street Samurai sords and a few   pistols um is it a katana or is it a samurai  sword I know I've been saying Samurai so but   I think this is actually a katana I think since  we're in Japan it has to be a katana and I think   it's curved a katana is curved from what I  know well let me know in the [Music] comments   so at the end of the shopping street is this  beautiful Temple known as Seno G Temple it's   a Buddhist temple and it's the oldest Temple  here in Tokyo but it's really famous because   this is in fact the most visited religious site  on the entire planet I think about 30 million   people visit this structure annually  so this this is the main entrance gate   and then on this side is a fivestory high  Pagoda so we're going to go into the main complex so amazing to see people come out  they've dressed in their beautiful kimonos   they've come to pay their respects and visit  one of the most beautiful sites I've ever seen   and we said there are 30 million people  that come here every year and you can see   it hundreds and thousands of people from every  nation we can hear so many different different languages and this is the main complex with the  main temple in the background behind me is the   fortune counter you pay 100 yen there's a whole  bunch of sticks inside um a little cylinder you   shake the sticks so you get a really really  good fortune you take it out and then they   have little drawers so you open the drawer  you get the fortune you read your fortune   and if it's a bad fortune you can tie your  bad fortune onto the little rack but if it's   Good Fortune then you can take it home with you  I love that I know that's crazy very cool so to   draw a fortune is actually called uji and they  have loads of little drawers on this side these   are all the bad fortunes that people have got  probably today alone are we're going to try our Lu   at a good fortune I have my 100 coin and I think  you put it right here now I've got to just shake away I even know how you do this now how on Earth am I going to figure out  what this is I have no idea we eventually found   it someone actually helped us say that it was  67 this is what our Fortune looks like oh no   it's a bad one all it says is bad fortune having  excessive desire to climb up the ladder to clouds   your mind gets conf confused I don't want to  be confused did you get a bad one she got a   bad one you Ted the bad ones here put it there  and it won't happen to you okay okay so you're   safe now there you go so if you tie it onto  the rack that means it won't happen to you no she oh no okay now it won't happen  to you now I'm going to tie it on   okay here I go that's as good as it's going to  get mine looks like a little bow tie okay if   you tie your fortune on here that means it won't  happen so you're safe shoot I'm safe it's actually   amazing to find a little piece of Tranquility in  the hustle and bustle of the city here in Tokyo   it's not really common to find a beautiful Temple  like this in the middle of the city normally if   you want to go for traditional and culture  you go to Kyoto and you go to Osaka for all   the temples but it's actually amazing to visit  a temple right here in the city center [Music]

2024-04-24 23:56

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