the big question is guys is it worth coming to Boracay I think that is the question that many people have on their Minds when they're coming to the Philippines this one's happy look at that this is so nice oh it feels really nice look how blue the water is I've got kind of polarized glasses but when I take them off it still looks so blue and it's so like silky this water oh it is Paradise guys we've made it to the Philippines we have just arrived at Caticlan a airport we took a 1-hour flight from Cebu to get here with Philippines Airlines we got to take one of them snazzy Island planes with the exposed turbine in the in the sky so it was like going around super fast and we actually got really beautiful views over the islands here in the Philippines and the ocean uh but before we actually get to borai island because we're actually aren't on borai Island right now we need to take I think a trike and a boat to get to the island which is what we're going to do right now yes vlogging the trike we get them over here okay so as you leave the airport you can just walk down this ramp and I think actually we buy the tickets over here see tricycle counter pay here hello my friend two two tickets uh one for us to how much 150 okay so the Bank of England has all of our cash that's H always okay so it's all standard pricing so you don't need to worry about haggling hello my friend how you doing I'm Fine K the car there you go this is broken this one they just broke it I'm very sad they just broke it there now yeah I don't know what happened right he's putting a little plank there we got Sonic the Hedgehog oh beautiful that's okay okay do you need my ticket or we okay yeah give me my ticket tick only two all right ladies first thank you that's a Cebu Pacific flight my name is e e nice to meet e e yeah man is e e okay so Hospital wow W okay let's go let's go party party took about I would say less than 10 minutes thank you my friend thank you all right now what do we do I think we need to look for the tickets for the boat hello we go in here yes okay hey this is your all right this is your welcome to the thank you okay so I guess it's this is where we have to register hello so says step one guys we have to register okay how many people uh two people two people uh yes okay step two perfect thank you so much Salamat Po okay so Step One is complete now we head over to step two which is getting a ticket it looks like hello so we at this ticketing booth and 300 terminal fee regular so 300 for both of us okay so there's a terminal fee and then over there there's an environmental fee many fees in the Philippines at least it's nice because it's actually organized so you know what you're doing step three next step three thank you step three uh 600 okay there you go okay step four all right there's another step Karolina God so uh we paid all our fees now we need to actually get the boat ticket thank okay guys so all the fees have been paid in total it was 1,000 Philippine pesos for all them fees which is around $17 $17 us right off the bat but it was very nice and orderly and so now I think we oh hello uh is it these tickets oh okay so many tickets exactly thank you Sal po you love saying that yes all right hello is it the boat tickets I have your receipt oh receipt y a sorry we got so many uh tickets oh yeah we got oh we got stickers we're special all right you have to fill out this one on the table St and give it to the bootman the man wearing okay thank you Caroline is just fing out our boat tickets to hand to these guys just over here Bo name number okay that's organized all right that's our boat name and that's our seat number we are now boarding our boat we were given these little badges so ours is the Sha sh is is this one over here of you oh wow yes hello my friend I'm a bit yes afid she Shea thank you so much do you want to take this or I keep this one on the cat thank you so much all right guys I am currently carrying my suitcase over this bridge oh thank thank you my friend perfect we have made it to borai it took around 15 minutes not too long and you can see we got the boats we got the beautiful white sand beach but first we actually need to head to our accommodation which I think we need to pay for a trike with which I've done my research in it apparently it should be around 150 to get to White Sand Beach how much is it to Mandala Spa Mandala Spa 150 for two of you okay beautiful spot on this one this is electric yeah very nice oh this one's heavy this is Karolina's yeah oh it's broken it's it's broken literally just happened on this flight oh God okay there we go very good let's go all right so as I thought it would be 150 good research from me and what I really like is it's electric so you can't hear it it's very quiet makes a difference from all the loud tries and it feels like we've just arrived to Paradise as you can hear guys it is very quiet we got our friend here L demon 2160 it's very quiet it's very good we have made it guys to our accommodation it's called Mandala Spa and Resort Villas wow what an entrance yeah thank you so much Salamat Po it's okay yeah thank you thank you right so we made it our man is taking care of our luggage I can help you he my friend oh he's strong so what a beautiful entrance into this hotel it's very quiet that's what we like I didn't expect it yeah after hello afterno oh sorry thank you hello there you go my friend thank you Salamat Po up okay oh very nice after the whole journey it will be so useful oh that's so nice I really need a drink oh that feels so good oh my God Cheers Cheers cheers guys guys M what is the flavor um Calamansi that is Filipino lime very nice Salamat Po bang Wang an wangang an Wang Anan yes okay it means welcome to Yes it means you're welcome oh you're welcome okay thank you welcome to our little bit of paradise here in borai we're staying in this Hut right here literally I fell in love with this Villa so let me show you around I'm going to quickly take off my shoes keep things clean just look at this space it's so beautiful and so huge so spacious yeah first of all I've noticed all these flowers everywhere yeah this looks like a kind of nice chill out chair yeah the bed is massive you got these drapes very romantic somewhere to work over there which you're not going to be doing that much of but this guys again flowers everywhere the smell inside of here is incredible and there's a bath top I love taking a bath wherever we go so I'm so happy all right you might be able to see guys that there is oh there we go that's our first steps outside we got a bit of a outdoor balcony area and you can see in the distance the Sun is setting right now so it's golden hour and uh how much did we pay for this place $92 per night $92 per night finding affordable accommodation is something that me and Karolina really struggle with we are always scouring all of the booking platforms to find the best possible deals but with Plannin the sponsor of today's video they make finding affordable accommodation much easier with a free Plannin account you can save up to 40% on hotels worldwide thanks to the partnership with and Agoda they can bring to you exclusive deals you will not find anywhere else and here's the best part guys if you sign up using our Link in the description or if you scan the QR code on screen not only will you unlock these amazing discounts but Plannin will enter you in a chance to win $150 Plannin credit that's free money for for your next trip who doesn't love free money so what are you guys waiting for sign up for your free Plannin account today there'll be a link in the description or pinned comment if you prefer you can scan the QR code on screen save money and start planning your dream holiday today there's a buff up there's a shower outside you see this wow the stiff door wow okay so you can see this is the the Hut kind of wall the foundation and then we have an outdoor shower this is so cool it's a bit dark guys I don't know if there's a light in here I don't think so but we've got an outdoor shower the toilets over here again just so much space look at this place absolutely beautiful so you did get some bottles of waterers free as you do a kettle probably some coffees and teas over there I think this one is very happy I'm so happy like I mean look at this right guys we have come to Island Chicken Inasal and that's because we absolutely love our Filipino grilled chicken it's almost like Peri Peri style we actually walk from our accommodation was about 15-20 minute walk along the beach which is quite nice you don't have to walk along the road you literally walk along the beach but it is extremely busy here in Boracay even to get a place of here we have to wait I don't know 10 15 minutes because seems like a popular spot now this our menu and it's kind of similar to Mang Inasal you've got Paa which is Leg and Pecho Karolina's favorite which is Breast and Wing so it would be interesting to compare it to Mang Inasal to see whether we like this place more and yeah this is the place also outdoor space but that's the situation our food has arrived guys look at that very happy face over there so why have you gone for Karolina I went for Pecho which is chicken breast and it looks so moist I love how it's served on the banana Leaf yeah the presentation is just awesome now time for the concoction so what's happening here Karolina so basically we put here the soy sauce the vinegar and chili and the lime and the funny fact is that we know that we in the tourist area because first time we tried the chili we didn't crush it like we didn't smash first video yeah like it was just a long chili yeah but now it's like chopped for us so I'm going to have a bit of a palate cleanser before I dig into my chicken super refreshing that Frozen Calamansi you've got the Achara you've got the chicken oil on there and then I have garlic rice now I haven't used my hands here in the Philippines but a lot of people commented when we're having Mang Inasal that we should be using our hands I mean it's an option so I'm going to grab some of this chicken here see so much easier to actually eat rather than using Color I don't know what it is but when you're eating with your hands the food just tastes better and what I really like is the kind of very moist chicken see it's very charcoal so that charcoal flavor comes in and then you got the nice garlic rice actually with the rice I like to eat with the spoon but anyways and so that aara gives a bit of a vinegar vinegary flavor to it yeah but it's nice right this is the first time we are trying it together oh that combination of the chicken oil which is I think it's a little bit sweet actually combined with the garlicy rice and then you have like the vinegary kind of sour Achara the I think pap beautiful chicken is it better than Mang Inasal I think it might be actually I think it is it's hard to really compare like when you don't have it side by side yeah I think that this is definitely more like a restaurant whereas mon n was more like Place more like the McDonald's of M like in thead McDonald's of chicken in thead whereas this is like more probably premium probably for like I don't know the wealthy tourists here in borai very nice I must say good morning guys we have woken up to Paradise here on white Beach this is the reason why everyone comes to borai island is for this incredible beach look how blue the water is I've got kind of polarized glasses but when I take them off it still looks so blue the car is amazing when we entered the beach like a while ago I couldn't believe it we came last night and it was completely dark so you couldn't see any of this and actually what would really surprise me is it's not super like grounded like we're at Section 3 and it it's just kind of a very very chill Vibe now the reason why I keep referring to sections there's section one two and three is because the beach is split up into these different areas now the reason behind that was that back in the past boats used to pull up onto the beach and actually tourists could just come off the beach and go straight to their hotels and so these were boat stations and so the boats would arrive and what a shame it is that you can't do that nowadays because there's just too many tourists there just way too many people to cater for that kind of service so we haven't gone into the water guys we're going to have a little dip with our feet yeah let's do it this one's happy look at that this is so nice oh it feels really nice not super cold but now it's like 30° so it's just so soing and as you can see guys there's really not that many people here you've got all the boats over here you can kind of see like these saving boats going by yeah and what I love is actually how clear the water is like usually I'm a little bit freaking out when I can see something and it's so like silky this water oh it is Paradise guys we've made it to the Philippines so whilst I walk down this beautiful beach I'm going to give you a breakdown of all the sections here in borai so if you're coming to the island you know what to expect so walking on section three and section three is what I believe the quietest section of all the sections Section 1 2 and 3 our walk from a hotel is only a 10-minute walk what we really like about a hotel is that it's away from all of the tourists you have your kind of peace and quiet but you just come 10 minutes and you have a very beautiful beach that is really not overcrowded I can see in the distance in section 2 there's a lot more people but you can see there really isn't that many people here and it's ironic because this section is known for having the budget and Backpacker accommodation and that's ironic because it seems to be one of the nicest places to actually really enjoy the beach and get away from all the crowds it's okay my friend okay thank you thank you a nice day you too you too so we have come to section two which is the busiest part is the center the heart of white Beach and so do expect there to be quite a few more people but to our surprise it isn't too bad like there really isn't too many people over here but at night time yesterday when we arrived we were a little bit worried because it just felt very overcrowded especially it's okay my friend thank you thank you it's okay maybe maybe tomorrow yeah may maybe I don't want to give him hope but uh yeah actually this area is very well known for like mid-range hotels which probably most of the people or like tourists coming here would look for a standard of accommodation that looking for yeah yes and also there's a shopping area called D'Mall so people probably throughout the day will just enjoy themselves doing some shopping it's like the largest shopping area and like you've seen already there is quite a few sellers so when you're walking on this Beach Road so you have this Beach Road here and adjacent you do have the beach and so I'll look at that view guys we are going to check out the section 2 Beach to see what it's like compared to section 3 uh but do expect there to be quite a few sellers especially if you're walking along this Beach Road um but they're not too bad you know you just have to expect it when you're in like a tourist area and if you're walking on the beach side you really don't get that much of it um but they do sometimes actually approach you like that but Market oh it's okay my friend Fish Market Seafood one of the biggest Seafoods here in Baka T Papa oh it's okay I'm not a big fan of seafood my friend hello hello blogger blogger yeah blogger yes YouTube Jay and Karolina oh okay you can search yes okay byebye bye hey you was friendly I'll give it to him it was friendly it wasn't like they're not like aggressive or like passive aggressive they're quite friendly yes M hello can we pay by card is okay uh 500 minimum 500 minimum okay that's perfect we're going to go for one hollow chocolate and one hollow heart it's okay Mom it's not eyeball oh there's no eyeballs oh okay that's okay yeah that's fine no eyeballs it looks so cute like just look at it yeah so we were looking to get these eyeballs cuz they do look kind of cute and inviting just to like munch on his head oh wow beautiful Salamat Po this is so cool my one's getting made so she's just piping the ice cream out of this machine hello they're nice and friendly here Salamat you Salamat wow look at the backdrop guys look how blue it is it's just so amazing wow I'm the happiest now when we landed in Manila there was a man who told us go to the beach now we understand why he told us to do that yeah so we're kind of whirling our way onto section 2's Beach which we have a little taste of this mine's kind of getting a bit wonky I think it's going to melt very quickly but I've got like chocolate caras is oh my God this is sprinkles but it's Hearts little hearts yep that's why it's called hello Hearts h Hearts yeah and there is mango pieces all right mine's jipping yeah oh M so creamy and refreshing and then we come out to Paradise we're living the dream guys get to be by Beautiful Blue Waters beautiful beach not super crowded this is the one point I wanted to point I've seen some videos of people basically criticizing borai for being over like tour like over tourism or like overcrowded there is a lot of people but it's not that bad they all spread out really along the beach like there's nothing really to worry about it just feels good to be here it is finally time guys to go for a proper dip in this beautiful water karolina's in her happy world right now so we are now in section one and what we really love is how wide is the beach like there's no comparison between section three and two but one thing that we also spotted is actually there's not so many palm trees so they must have cut down the trees probably for the luxurious Resorts and the hotels and that's why also the shaded areas are a bit crowded which is a bit sad a little bit saturated with people yeah but uh not over here where we are guys now you might be wondering where are our belongers where are our phones where's our camera equipment and actually everything's kind of under a palm tree and it seems relatively safe like we're keeping an eye on it yeah U but that is the advantage of having accommodation on the beach is that you can leave your stuff in your room and you can just come straight out and not have to worry about that and I have seen some services in some other the YouTube videos where there'll be someone from the hotel actually keeping an eye out for your things and actually when you leave the water they'll come and bring you a towel but we get to enjoy a bit of paradise here look how I can't get over how blue this water is we are living the dream now after having the most most amazing time on the beach we're very hungry so we've come back to our hotel to the restaurant here called Prana and you can tell why it's called Prana cuz it feels really relaxing there's some kind of light classical music playing in the background over here we've got so many plant pots and it's like we're basically inside of a jungle so it feels like a nice little Oasis away from the beach but now we're in like yeah the jungle and the lady she slid the doors across so that we get the most amazing view overlooking White can see the mountains in the background with the ocean so it just feels so good to be here in borai like honestly guys we had certain expectations based off what we saw on the internet that it may be a bit too many people a bit overcrowded maybe a bit of a tourist trap but so far at least from our like subjective reality we're having a fantastic time so pan menu is quite extensive I going to say so we're going to order and then we're going to show you guys what we have chosen it's m g it's the lunch wow look at the size of that L Salamat Po Salamat Po so this one is extremely happy because she's living her dream of Gado-Gado I love this salad so basically as you can see there's so many different vegetables so there's some carrots some potatoes some cabbage some bean sprouts um fried Tempeh I think there's crackers there's some Tomatoes an egg even o egg but what I love is that actually there's a homemade peanut sauce made by Chef so like I mean I'm just in love regards to the chef and I am also living in basically Dreamland because I have a nassy gang here so you've got chicken we've got a fried rice with vegetables in there we've got a nice egg on top and look at the presentation we've got these little blue flowers on both of our plates they really pay really good attention to detail here then we got the crackers a bit of vegetables for me not as many for kolina and to top it off guys I've got a beautiful crushed ice calaman with mint super refreshing let's give this a go oh yeah this is my favorite drink here in the Philippines what a beautiful fruit calaman is we have come back guys to White Beach for the famous sunset here you can see the sun is starting to set the vibe is completely different during the evening part of the day you can see there is just so much more people on the beach literally from one end of the beach to the other there's just tons of people I guess everyone can enjoy the temperatures now a bit more everyone's finished with activities for the day and this is just a thing to do in the evening to come out to the beach for the beautiful sunset and actually it must be quite nice there's a lot of people in the water that's why people come at this time M and so it was a bit of a shock I must admit after kind of basically praising uh the White Beach for being so not crowded but I think during the day and night time is a completely different um experience let's say the big question is guys is it worth coming to borai I think that is the question that many people have on their Minds when they're coming to the Philippines and everyone's heard about borai because it's like this beautiful Paradise Island as you saw on first day Blue Waters Beach so we've come up with a list of reasons on our phone about whether why you should come to Boracay and why you shouldn't come to borai we're going to start off with why you should come to borai I think that actually the first point is pretty obvious it's for the beach and for the sea like when we first saw this cursar clear water I just couldn't believe it like it was just so beautiful I think that's the first time you've ever experienced that in your life right yeah this is definitely the best beach I've ever been to but also we had a day where it wasn't like that nice like it was just a different scenery I would say the first day like it was just like incredible Blue Waters golden like white sand beach really beautiful like powdery sand and there wasn't that many people there and we were like wow this is what people are talking you know about coming to borai for yeah but then the next day uh the weather wasn't as good it wasn't like raining or anything but because the weather wasn't as good there was a lot more people on the beach it was more crowded I would say although it wasn't too bad still yeah it was still beautiful but I wouldn't call it Paradise like we called it on the first day the water was still like blue but it wasn't like super blue and it seemed like the beach actually was a a lot smaller so yeah it was weird I think the point to say here is that it really depends on the weather mhm like if you get really good weather then it's it's definitely worth it second point is quality of accommodation like we're here staying at this beautiful hotel I just love Villa just amazing and you can really feel special we're able to like basically get away from all of like the kind of crowds sometimes crowds at the Beachside and we had like kind of like peace and quiet here so we would go out for our beach walks we'll go out for food but then we'll come back here to kind of like our peace like this is actually called a Detox Villa so there without Wi-fi there's no Wi-fi content creators but also like if you are uh into more like beach side hotels there's also a lot of mid-range hotels which looked very nice from the outside too I think they've got like hotels for anyone really here and if you're wanting to be by the beach there's lots of resorts on the beach I think the quality based of our experience here is going to be very good so that's a good reason why you might want to come to borai um variety of food like oh my God yesterday we had the best um it was like kind of mes like like lamb kebab chicken kebab kind of thing there was so many different varieties of food food so there was like you could have Mexican you could have uh Spanish you could have Italian um and so that's great you know for especially For Tourists coming from abroad they just you can have whatever you want and now the cons why you wouldn't come back to Bai yeah I should take the fres point because I'm polish and Polish people like to save money whenever possible I'm Indian as well background's Indian so like we also are kind of like similar in that quite frugal frugal yeah yeah but when it comes to like the cost like it's actually pretty pricey here like um you get like Western Comforts or like really high standard of services but comes at a price yeah you pay for it especially when you compare the prices in other Southeast Asian countries or like places I would even say like compared to probably the other Islands we're still going to be traveling but from what we see that the islands around Philippines they can have different price points and I think borai is the premium like I think actually a lot of Filipinos probably complain about the fact it seems like an island for wealthy people like even to get here like you needed to take the plane the boat the track pay all them fees the at the beginning I've got we're outside in the balcony so I've got all kinds of insects food accommodation like transport getting here you are going to spend a lot more up I think we spent something like maybe we probably spend like $800 on like three days which is quite a lot for Southeast Asia but I would also say compared to the other Islands here in the Philippines definitely like a premium Island let's say second Point okay this is this is most the cost thing it's fine you get what you pay for right yes but the touts here in borai like I think there's the right word for it when basically you're walking along the Beach Road and constantly people are coming you saw it people we had three people and just one clip come up to us and say seafood or do you want to go jet skiing or do you want to go on activities yeah do you want to get a tattoo no I do not want to get a tattoo I just want to walk down the beach and just enjoy my walk and so I think that's one big reason why I wouldn't come back is that it was just very frustrating to walk along the beach and not to be able to just us just walk have a chat and just enjoy it exactly like it was the beach roow though it was just because like the beach itself walking along the beach was fine like there wasn't that many people coming up to you like from time to time there would be people coming up to you but the Beach Road is basically like to Central yeah and actually like we didn't really want to focus on it but at first like we were trying to be friendly but there was a point like on one evening that like we were talking about 30 40 50 people approaching you trying to sell you something when you're actually going for a walk to have nice dinner I'm so shocked because if this is a reason why we wouldn't come back I feel like the people in control of this island should really set up some form of like yeah regulate it but have some kind of stand for like marketing so that people aren't just approaching people while they're enjoying like we were literally having a milk tea yesterday just sat outside on the on the Beach Road and then as soon as I stepped up literally within a second or two someone was there like here's this this is my it's really impacts your experience and our final point is crowds car is unlocking her phone but do you want to take the crowds part so uh basically how to say that like there's a lot of people and they can spread out uh during different times of the day yeah and sometimes it's quite peaceful you can walk you can just enjoy yourself but sometimes and you might not even like Ed you're just like in the middle of like traffic jam of people like so we on our first day we thought wao this is not how borai like people have told us like it's overcrowded or maybe a tourist trap because when we saw the Blue Waters in the beautiful white beach and everything was spread out there wasn't overcrowding there was a lot of space we really like we were obviously filming that day right guys so we like we admit to you guys we didn't have the chance to enjoy it to the fullest because we were just recording and it took a long time it lot more time so anyway that's sidetracked yeah but um I think when it came to sunset time and we saw everyone coming out I think they finished their activities the the temperatures cooler people just like there's nothing else to do other than come there for the sunset the reality of the amount of people that can be here is quite astonishing but I did I do admit that like it's so spread out across the beach that it doesn't really overwhelm you too much only certain pockets of time like Sunset maybe at a dinner time yeah you would just need to wait couple of minutes maybe for the table and it would be busy but it wouldn't be like U that you wouldn't enter a place that you want it wouldn't be like a key reason why we wouldn't come back yeah it's more like there's no peacefulness in it sometimes so that makes the question would we come back or would let's say currently would you come back to borai I think we might have two different opinions on this I'm usually very positive about things and it's very difficult for me to be like realistic but like based on our experience I would I would I would just like try to avoid the main like kind of Beach Road Beach Road because the hassling let's say and selling the activities was like really like yeah it got annoying yeah it was very annoying but considering the beach considering the food options and if I wanted to come to like let's say Paradise I would come back I'm not sure because one thing is like the expense like we don't mind we don't mind paying for the experience but when you don't know what the weather's going to be like and how you experience usually you'll come to a place maybe for like 3 or 4 days here I would say so you can't really predict whether you're going to get that blue water kind of experience we had and so the cost involved with coming here and having that I think that's a little bit of a risk but the thing that really pushes me to like no I not sure if I'd come back is the TS I would say like we just want to enjoy like you know walking on the beach in Paradise like that's what sold to us but when you constantly just getting hassled I don't think the Crowds Are an issue for me the crowds aren an issue because it didn't really affect us too much it was the crowds of all the tows I think that there's so many other islands that we haven't explored yet in the Philippines so don't know what to compare it to yeah you don't want to you don't want to like I don't know Carry On We're Going freestyle what you going to say a brain fog okay well basically I just think that we've got two different opinions here and if you told me that you could come here for the Blue Waters and and the wh sand beach and you could have at least two of the four days you're here or something yeah I would probably go for it I mean the cost is something but you know I think it's worth it it really depends on the preferences but yeah I mean let us know what you guys think in the comments we've got two different opinions here maybe you have a different opinion well that being said thank you so much for watching we've still got plenty of videos I think from yeah for the Philippines coming way getting started halfway point pretty much well with that being said don't forget to subscribe and we'll see you guys in the next video
2025-02-03 05:25