First time exploring Candidasa, East Bali - Must Visit Place

First time exploring Candidasa, East Bali - Must Visit Place

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- Hello, Harry! Good morning! How are you? - I'm good! - Let me get the bags. I have a lot of bags. So we just started our drive and right now I think it's a 2-hour drive to Candidasa, but first things first, is to get out of the busyness and the hecticness of Canggu. Only 24 minutes to go. I have arrived in Candidasa, in the place where we are staying and I am so so in love.

Look at the door. This is already, for me, such a beautiful element to this. I've never seen a door like this before, actually. And then here we have the room with two twin beds because later on I will be joined by Janine as well, and then what I love so much is that we also have an outside bathroom, so here is the shower and here we have the toilet and washing table, and I am really in love with this outside bathroom.

It has been such a long time since I last saw an outside bathroom and this place is called Benthos Resort. We booked it because there are so many nice activities to do here, which you will see later. So I've rented myself a bike and right now I am going to explore Candidasa by bike because that's the best way to do it here in Bali. I have no idea where I am going to end up, but we're going on a little adventure. Wow, they're actually so many nice shops; it's crazy.

I think I only drove for 2 minutes on my bike, and there's literally so much to be seen here. I had to stop here at Lotus Seaview because this place looks incredible. I really, really want to check it out. It's absolutely gorgeous.

Hello! Hi! You have availability for one? - For one? - Just to drink. - Yeah! - It's okay?! Look how beautiful. Oh, wow! Can I sit there? - Yeah! - Yeah! Perfect! Thank you! This is so much needed after such a long car drive and this place is absolutely stunning.

I love it. So while I was sitting there and drinking my coke, I saw a lot of things happening on the beach and I saw a lot of warungs, I saw some puppies, so I'm going to check it out. See if I can find the puppies again. I saw some kids playing. Here, you can see how it looks like.

I think here are the warungs and then here you have the beach with the beautiful view. I think the sun is slowly setting. You have some swings here, some tables with the local food. It's not busy now at the moment, but it looks so nice. I guess here they are selling bakso ayam, and then here we have the kids playing, but I don't see the puppies anymore.

- Hello! - Hello! - Hello! How are you? - Good! - Good. What's your name? Oh, nice! My name is Made. - Made. Nice to meet you! Hello! Nice to meet you! TOSS! Yay! I like it. Sebelas. (11 years old)

Oh... 10 years old. What? She says 2 years old. Sepuluh - 10.

- 10. Very young. Masih muda. (Still young) It's so beautiful here. This is what I wanted to show you guys. - Goodbye!

- Goodbye! Nice to meet you! Here, look how stunning it is. Normally, here is the sunset as well, and there you can see a lot of resorts going on, but it is so nice. I love it here. See yourself. Yeah! Say hello! - Hello! - My name is...

- My name is... You? They are vloggers now as well. I've been spending some time here with them and it's so nice. This is like a nice, simple life, and now they're a little bit camera shy, but it's so so lovely. Fortunately, it is time for me to go on with my day and explore a little bit more of this beautiful town. Oh my God, those kids were the absolute cutest.

I love how Balinese kids are so open and playful all the time. It's so good. Are you tired of lugging around your bulky, outdated luggage that weighs you down and cramps your style? Well, it is time to lighten your load and elevate your travel experience. Let me introduce you guys to LEVEL 8. I have been traveling around with LEVEL 8 luggage for quite some time and I am a huge fan.

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- Yes, come! - Perfect! Okay, I'm going to do a quick foot massage before sunset, so I'm really excited for it. - Yeah, okay, sit here. - Yeah! Can I choose? - Yeah! - This one? Perfect! Amazing! I always love to do a massage in a new place where I come to see how it is here. Perfect! - Where are you from? - From the Netherlands. Belanda. - Oh, Belanda. - Yes! And you are from here? - No! - Okay! - Yeah, we're from village.

- Oh, nice! That was such a good foot massage. I really, really liked it. It was $7 for 30 minutes, and it was really nice.

I feel completely relaxed right now. It is so early and it feels like it's in the middle of the night, and it actually is 5 a.m., but I just got ready because we're going to do something really, really exciting. It's just early, but here we go. Wow, they are already here.

They're so good on time. It's now 5:15 and they come to pick us up here with the valet standing here already and I love it that everything goes so according to plan. We even have breakfast for takeaway. This looks so nice.

That was made by the resort and see later what it is. Guys, we arrived at the stable. We are going horse riding at the moment for sunrise. The sun is very slowly coming up already and you guys can probably not see it.

We are walking on the most beautiful path ever. There are palm trees everywhere and the colors of the sun are already shining. Like I said, Wisnu made it all the way from the south of the island to here to join us for this. And I guess this is the entrance. Oh my God, here are horses already.

I'm so excited for this, but first things first, let's find the people that we have to meet up with. I'm an experienced rider, luckily. - Where are you from? - Belanda, Netherlands.

- Belanda. - Yes! Oh, here they are, the babies of today. Oh, that's a nice name. Hi! Oh, this is beautiful. What a stunning horse.

This is like a dream coming true. It is so beautiful. Right now, we are on the gorgeous black sand beach here.

Look at the view that we are having. It is truly incredible. There are mountains everywhere and the sun is slowly rising.

It's not too hot yet and I'm on this beautiful horse. Oh my God, this is a dream coming true. What an experience. I really, really enjoyed this.

So, guys, we just came back. I couldn't record too much on my GoPro because we were busy with just enjoying to the fullest. This was such an incredible experience. Like you can see, the sun is high up already.

We have the beautiful rock right there and all the palm trees. The surroundings here are one of a kind and the horses are the sweetest and the best horses ever. Here you can see all the good boys and girls being washed and here we have my little baby for the ride and I loved it so much.

It's nice that it's a mix between beach and between forest, between jungle kind of, so you have different settings. I really recommend wearing long pants and shoes because it can otherwise be a little bit painful, so that is a big tip from me. And this place is called "horse.bali," so you can definitely check them out on Instagram. The most mind-blowing thing to me is that we are now at the stable, and look, this is the path that I was talking about earlier. How incredibly beautiful it is, and what I didn't know is that you can literally see Mount Agung in the back here.

Candidasa is so unbelievably stunning. I cannot believe it. We were just walking around here and enjoying everything, and it is so so beautiful because, look at all the palm trees here, this is like a fairy tale land. Here you have the beautiful flowers. This path is the best thing I've ever seen and then, let me quickly show you the beauty of this place because I can't believe it. To all good things come an end and it is time to go back to our resort.

Look at all the monkeys here and all the trucks. This is such a busy road; look at this. A lot of cars and trucks are going. And after that beautiful sunrise, we made it back to our amazing resort and it is really hot and I think it is fair enough to have a dip in this beautiful pool. I can't believe we have this absolutely incredible place all to ourselves, so I'm going to enjoy this to the fullest and...

Oh my God, this pool is amazing. I love it so so much. This was much needed because Candidasa is actually a really, really hot area here in Bali, so it is nice to cool up a little bit, which I am going to do right now.

I'm going to enjoy our amazing resort to the fullest and I will see you guys again when it's sunset because we have some very nice sunset plans for you. Right guys, we are starting our adventure and look who joined us again. I love that this trip turned out as a solo trip, and right now we have the whole crew together again, so let's go to an amazing spot for sunset. - Hello! - Hello! Oh my God, Janine almost fell. Go slowly.

Be careful. - This road is crazy. Oh, this is a really sexy shot.

- The road is so steep, I actually had to get off and walk because normally you have to park up there. Oh my God! And we decided to drive all the the way down because we thought we were experienced drivers, but we almost tripped a couple of times. Here, you can see the beach. Look at the palm trees. This is incredible.

I can't believe that this is my first time at Virgin Beach ever. Oh, the water is so calm as well. This is definitely not a surfing spot, but I love it. That means that we can maybe dip into the ocean. I'm really excited. Wow, we just arrived.

It's now 6:00 p.m. Most of the people are leaving. Here you can see that they're actually folding the umbrellas and the sun beds and there's actually more things to do than I thought there would be. There are like so many nice little warungs, so many sunbeds, so many umbrellas, and, oh my God, the beach is so so wide. I am in love with this one. Such a calm, beautiful beach.

Wow! So here you can see the glow of the sun setting already, and here you can see all the fishing boats. Today I learned that one fish here costs 1000 rupiah, which is not a lot at all, but it's 6 cents. Wisnu, how big is that fish? - It's called Tongkol fish. - Yeah! - It's like this size. - Really? - Yeah! Like maybe my hand or my palm. - Oh! But that's still big for only 6 cents. - Yeah!

- So guys, if you want to eat nice and fresh fish for a good price, you have to come here. Oh, all the boats are so colorful. We're probably one of the only people who are going for a swim right now because it is very late, but are you excited? - Let's run. - No! No! Look at this. Oh my God! Oh my God, the water is coming. Yeah, let's go.

Wow, and look at the colors there; this is incredible with the beautiful palm trees. Now that we are going to enjoy the water. Let me show you guys how amazing this place is from up in sky. Oh my God, look at the moon. Wow! Guys, this is perfection.

To be honest, this is one of the most clearest water I've seen in Bali. What are you doing? - Hi! - Hi! And just like that, the sun is down. This was such a magical evening. We had so much fun here on the beach and like you can see, it is completely dark. We have to drive the dangerous road back home and tomorrow morning we have another ocean activity planned, so I will see you early in the morning again. Good morning! It is currently 7:30 a.m.

and they just served our breakfast. We're going to enjoy this right now and I think in 15 minutes we're going to try scuba diving for me for the first time ever. How about you, Janine? - It's not my first time, but I'm really excited. - Not your first time? - No! - Did you do it before, Wisnu? - Hmhm, a couple of times, yeah! - How was it? - So it's not my first time.

- Are you making fun of me now? - More egg. Thank you! - She's so sensitive, like I didn't mean to say. - Oh, I love this bread. Thank you so much! We just finished our breakfast and right now it is time to go and change into our bikinis and then I will be doing my first time scuba diving ever.

They arranged it here. We're going to first practice in the pool. I'm really, really excited for it, but also a little bit nervous. We have the suit half on because otherwise it's too hot. And right now we are going to practice here in the pool. What was your name again? I forgot it.

- Putu. - Putu. We have the best dive instructor today. Are you ready? - I'm ready. - Yeah?

- It's really hot with the suit, but I think I'm ready. - It's really hot, but time to go in the water. So we just came out of the water. This was my first time ever, and to be honest, I was a little bit scared in the beginning because I had no idea how to breathe, but I think it was a few seconds and then it was fine. And then here we went into the 3 meter part and that actually went really good.

I'm happy with all my free diving experience. I think this helped a lot, so it went well. And now we have some cold water for our throats, and then we're going to do two dives today. How do you feel about that? - I'm really excited! - Same. We're both super excited.

Yeah, Putu... - So you just bring your dry stuff. - Yeah! - The t-shirt and scarf. - Okay! Then after that, we need to take off the wet suit on the boat - Okay! Perfect, yeah! - Now I'll bring the towel for you. - Oh, amazing! Thank you! Okay, oh, we walk? - Yeah, because we need to...

If we go on the car, it will get wet. - Okay! Perfect! We're going to walk 3 minutes, guys. So let's go. Oh my God, I love this so much. Look at all these fresh-caught fishes.

How is this called? - Hello! - I think this is Tongkol. - This is Mackerel. - Mackerel. - Oh, you have Mackerel here. All freshly caught by the local ladies or the local fishing man.

Look at this. This morning caught. I love it. Look here. Oh my God, so many. I can't believe how many fishes there are here.

Wow! Hello! - Hello! - Wow, look at this road again with the palm trees. - Paradise. - True paradise. Bali is Paradise. Be careful. Okay, almost at the beach. You can see the water right there.

We have some beach traffic here. Hello! Okay, here we go. Oh, wow! Hello! Good morning! Look at all of these. Hello! Good morning! Look at all the boats; this is beautiful and then there we have a lot of rocks. I love it. This is really stunning. And I'm guessing this is our boat here.

Aww, so pretty! Oh, this really is the good life. Look, we have the captain there navigating the boat and the water is so beautifully clear. Here you can see the rest of the beach; it is absolutely incredible. I love all the colors here and then I'm guessing we're going somewhere there.

- We're going to Blue Lagoon. - Really? How did you know that? - He just said it to me. - Oh... - Nobody knew it. - No one knows, but Janine; oh my god! Look, that's where we're probably going. - It's called as Gili Mimpang, the three rocks there.

- What's the name? - Gili Mimpang. - Okay! - It's a shark point. - Oh, what? - Yeah! And then we also have the Gili Tepekong. - Oh, wow! - Both are the shark point.

- Shark Point. Shark point. - I like that. - Going to put it up there? - Yeah! It's dry here and it will stay dry.

Okay, so all the cameras are safe. - So we just figured out that the boat ride is 20 minutes, so we're going to enjoy it right now and let me show you how beautiful the surroundings here are. We are looking for Dolphins.

What? I don't see it, but he's seeing Dolphins. He's looking for them all this time and he found it. Let's see.

I see them. Oh my God, I see them. - Oh, they're three. - They're huge. Oh my God! Wait, okay, we're going to go there; hopefully I can show you guys. But we see dolphins and I'm so happy. You can see the fins coming out of the water.

Wow! There they are. Oh my god! They are huge. No way. Three of them together. They hear us, and they're like, bye! We're out of here b**** which I understand. After a very wet boat ride, we made it.

And you can actually see the bottom here. I now understand why it's called Blue Lagoon because look at the colors. Wow! This is so beautiful. It is time to prepare ourselves, get on all the gear, and dive in.

I'm so excited. See you! Ah, we made it back to land, guys. Wow, this was such a magical experience. I can't wait to catch you up on it, but first, we need to walk back and have some amazing lunch, which I can't wait for. Oh my God, this was so refreshing. We really needed this after all the salty water.

I think Janine... Jumping again. Oh my God, look at this super-ultimate fresh-made food with all the vegetables and then the nice Tuna. Oh my God, and this is the garlic sauce.

I love this so much. This is so so needed. We had like a nice dip in the pool and right now we're going to dig into this meal and I'm really excited because I got super hungry and I think it's now 1:30, so this food is definitely much appreciated. Enjoy guys! - Enjoy! - Someone is sunburned. - Yeah, like always. - Enjoy Wisnu. - Yep!

- We both have tuna and what do you have, Janine? Curry. - Chicken curry. - Chicken curry. - I don't know what this bowl is.

- Chicken. Wow, that diving experience was so incredible. Like I said, it was my first time, and I highly highly highly recommend it to everyone to try this out. It was easier than I thought it would be. I struggled a little bit with equalizing and also with the buoyancy, but these are all things that you learn along the way and I was a little bit scared, but I guess it's so worth it.

As you can see, I had a shower, I got dressed again. Right now, we are going to visit such an amazing place. I met such a humble local person here and he has the most amazing organization here in East Bali, and I just wanted to show you guys, so we're going to go there right now and I will explain to you more when we are there. We are on the way to the place where we have to go, but I couldn't help myself to stop and to show you guys how epic East Bali is. I feel like this region of the island is so undiscovered and so underrated. It is truly majestic.

We have a view of Mount Agung and it is so clear. I have to show you guys right now. Hello! Oh my God! Hello! Hi! Hello! Oh my god! Dog Paradise. Guys, and as you can maybe hear, we arrived at the dog shelter of Kadek. I met him when I was in Candidasa, and he told me his story. How many dogs do you have in total?

How many dogs do you have in total? - Total 30. - 30... - 30 dogs in total. Here you can see.

- You can see they're climbing. - Oh, there comes one. They climb over the fence? - Yeah! - Oh my God! Now you can see a lot of dogs already and he has puppies.

You rescued them from the street? - Yeah! All the street. - All the street dogs. Before, they all had this skin problem. - Oh... - Yeah, you can see. - Look at the little one. Oh, yeah! - Yeah! - That's the typical street dog problem here.

- Yeah, mostly it's like this. And then they almost had the same problem. - Aww! - After one and a half months, they were better. - Wow! - Yeah! And then, I also mostly rescued dogs by hitting the car or the motorbike. - That's so sad. - There're some dogs behind; they have only three legs.

- Really? - Yeah! - Oh my God! And there are so many of them. - Yeah! - And you take care of them with your wife? - Yeah, my wife and my mom. - With the wife and the mom. There are so many dogs here.

And they are opt for adoption, right? - Yeah! - You can take them, I mean, adopt them all, so that they can find a safe and good, sweet home. - Yes! - Because it will make me happy if they have nice home. - Exactly! They need to have a nice home.

- Yeah! - So guys, I'm going to put his location in the comments down below and also a way to contact him. If you want to adopt like one of these sweet angels, you can see how sweet they are. They deserve a second chance of life.

They're so adorable. Then... - They all have name.

- All have name? - Yeah, they all have name and then they're all vaccinated. Vaccine complete for rabies, parvo. - Okay! - and also there is already some sterilization. - Okay! - Because most of them are female. - Most of them are females. - Yeah!

- Okay! - So they're ready to be adopted. - Okay! - Yeah! - Perfect! I'm going to tell everyone that they need to click on the link in the description if you want to adopt one of these angels. Let's look at the puppies.

- These puppies are of that one. - Okay! Oh, and here... Aww, look at the little puppies. Hello! Hello! Oh my God! Look at these angels.

Oh my God! Hi, baby! - You can see they can play because it's a big area because I don't put in the cage. - Yeah! That makes sense. Hello! Hello! Hello! Oh my God! Look at this cutie. I love you! Look. Say hello! Hello! - It's very hot, so water for you.

- Aww, that's so sweet. Thank you so much! Dogs are like, yeah, I want water. Oh, that's really sweet. Thank you! So cute! Look at all these angels.

Do your kids play with the dogs all the time? - Pardon? - Your kids also play with the dog? - Yes, of course! - Yeah? - They also play. - They must be best ones. - He plays with the small one always. Three small ones. - Really?

- Yeah! - Aww! - One small puppy is already for adoption, the brown one. - Oh, yeah? Guys, and just like that, this is going to be the end of this video. I really hope you enjoyed this video. I fell in love with Bali all over again and I cannot believe how beautiful Candidasa area is.

We did so many amazing things, from scuba diving to horse riding to visiting dogs shelters, to staying in such a beautiful accommodation. Thank you, guys, for watching. Please do not forget to Like and Subscribe, and as always, I will see you in my next one. Bye!

2024-04-29 12:16

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