First time bikepacking ️ silent & relaxing slow vlog (with subtitles)

First time bikepacking ️ silent & relaxing slow vlog (with subtitles)

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Good morning :) Today is an exciting day Me and my boyfriend are going for our first bikepacking trip! We have made bike trips before but this is the first time with our own camping gear We are excited but also a bit nervous We have not tested any of the gear yet So this trip will be a test run Hopefully it will go smoothly But first a good breakfast for energy I rented an ortlieb bag to try out My boyfriend owns two bikes I am allowed to use the bergamont It is a trecking bike so very strong but heavy at the same time Honestly the explenation on the paper was hard haha I looked up a youtube video and that made alot more sense to me Once I understood it was pretty easy to adjust on the bike My boyfriend is checking if it is adjusted on the bike correctly I carried my weight on the front of the bike This was not specifically planned next time the weight will be more distributed Looks so professional xD We packed some snacks ofcourse The weather was amazing this day My boyfriend planted this fig tree Isn't it beautifull? He is feeling if the figs are ready, they are not :( We had couscous salade for lunch On the road! My boyfriend was having a fight with the navigation system :') I also brought a new bag for my camera I am explaining to my boyfriend how good it works xD Lol :') I did not really feel the extra weight With the right gear it all feels really comfortable Sorry for the wind I don't have a good mic yet I loved this little road It felt like we stepped back in time A time where living was slower & simpler I love to daydream like this while biking Imagining how people utilized roads or places in the past My boyfriend was having trouble with the navigation again It kept saying it could not find the road and that we had to turn around We stopped to eat something This table was massive and for sure for groups of bikers Biking culture is big in Belgium It was a sunday and we saw many people on their bikes with family Also prunes are in season <3 Some sunscreen for our face My boyfriend it telling how this was his master plan for forever He bought the bags a very long time ago And he bought two bikes with a bike loan with the intention to travel together I was distracted while filming But I agree his plan is amazing xD My boyfriend was low on sugar So we made another little stop The trip was 50 km in total It did not feel like alot because we where lucky with the weather Not to hot and not to windy Somewhere around 40 km my left knee started to feel off If you have seen previous video's you might now I have an injury on my right knee So I was pretty confused my left quad was starting to hurt We have done biking day trips that where up to 80 km and I have never had trouble We where almost there now but the pain was getting worse I was very worried to be honest :( Luckily we arrived soon to the beautifull camping and my knee could take some rest The camping was very small and in a backyard of a very kind lady She was trying to earn money to renovate the house It is such a beautifull and quiet camping location There also was a small forest in the back where we where allowed to camp if we wanted It was very cute but alot of insects We preferred the field but the sun could possibly heat up the tent to much Also with rain a forest can be beneficial In the front of the camping she made a 'secret forest' So cute it is like a fairytale bed Everything in this garden was in it's full bloom There was even a fire place to meet up other campers We picked this spot to build our tent It literally took us only 10 minutes to buil this nordisk tent Look how cute!! It was only about 5 steps we needed to follow My sleeping mat was supposedly self inflatable What I did not read before hand is that you need to let it rest for a few hours :') The mat has been rolled tightly for months so it will not fill with air so easily the first time So I was very confused when nothing happend lol xD Beginner mistakes where made :') My boyfriend bought a very thick sleeping mat We where scared for a second it would not fit it barely fitted haha Luckily I bought a smaller one so in the end it all fitted nicely It started raining :O We where so happy the tent was done before the rain started! As you can tell it would rain for a while And we needed to eat So I was a bit worried how we would cook The lovely owner let us cook under her garden canopy We where explaining how my DJI camera works xD And how it can regocnise and follow faces For dinner it was store bought chili and wraps Like every camping there was a tiny sink to do dishes I was laughing with how little dishes we had to do :') At home we use big pots and pans so the dishes are 4 times as much I love that about camping living so minimalistic My boyfriend askes about my knee and honestly it was hurting very much walking stairs made my quad give a stabbing pain I knew that I could not bike like this :( still I tried to enjoy the time there as much as possible my knee was a problem for the next day At home I love to drink a milky thee after dinner, so here it is no different ;) Earl Grey with oat milk Around 9 we showered and went into the tent to rest My boyfriend found a whole in our net already I asked if this meant we are dissapointed in our tent xD See you in the morning :) Nothing beats waking up super early on a camping The grass is damp and the birds are singing I am up usually around 6 so today was no different And I like to start it with tea or coffee There was a space in the house open for visitors to sit and drink something I was testing my knee and it still hurt alot :( I knew now I could not bike back else I would make it worse While editing this I have been to my docter It is an overused muscle and probably because I am sitting wrong on my bike I have to do a bike fitting to see where the problem lies and in the time being rest and take pain killers I found some magazines and enjoyed reading in silence for about two hours When my boyfriend woke up we made some good coffee we bought in Korea I wish you could just smell it, so wonderfull We enjoyed our coffee while we looked up ways to go back home It felt so horrible to not bike back but it is better to not damage your body further There was a supermarket just opposite the camping So we bought some breakfast :) I love my granola bowls They never dissapoint We are going back by train so had to start packing up A little sad it ends so soon It was a one night plan so just the bike ride home was canceled I am determined now to make sure this does not happen again Any experienced bikers that have had a similar pain? Please let me know what your experience was and how you overcame it Luckily we can go with our bikes on the train There was even a system to secure the bike The train was not so busy so pretty relaxing Just one more stop and we are home hope to see you soon for our next trip <3

2024-07-09 17:55

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