First Impressions of Muscat Oman

First Impressions of Muscat Oman

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good afternoon my friends and welcome  back to another video here in Oman and   it's actually going to be my first video  where I'm going to take you with us for   the first impressions of Oman so of course  as you can imagine I'm at the airport right   now and the number one stop I am making is  to get a rental car so when you first walk   out of the arrivals area we've got a bunch  of different options four rental cars but   today we're going with Europe car my  uh guys here one more time my name is Saleh Hamid [__] so these guys are hooking us up  with a rental car deal and they're going to be   taking they're basically going to be setting us  up for the next six days and that's how we're   gonna explore all over Oman and so one of the  best ways to explore amount is by car and you're   gonna see that in the upcoming Vlog Series so guys  Saleh is hooking me up with a very good deal here   normally the rental car price per day for the  car I'm getting which I'll show you in just a   bit is 22 Omani Riyal which is about 57 US dollars  but today we're getting a very good price at 38.96   per day so shukran shukran elf thank you very  much all right guys I've just picked up the car   rental here and we're gonna head over to Europcar to pick it up and I think we have to go   this way towards car park P2 basically it's pretty  simple process once you get your vehicle then you   walk over and they give you all the instructions  I already have the keys in my hand right there and   then basically we walk straight out the door  and as you can see the airport's so quiet at   this time it is a saturday so maybe it's not a  busy time for the airport but a peaceful quiet   it's not like some of the airports I've been to  around the world where like there's just a lot   of commotion when you walk up just very relaxing  peaceful and just a super modern airport facility   you can tell how brand new this place is just  from the architecture and the cleanliness and   um and just the limited wear and tear that you  see on the buildings here so yeah once we get down   there I guess we're gonna check the car uh for any  sort of Damages and then after that it's hours to   head into Oman and check this place out so there's  P2 and we'll see over there all right as you can   see we got a sign right up there that says rental  car collection this way all right looks like we're   heading down to level zero car park level uh so  right after you walk out you head down this way   and there is Europcar I think that's us right  there my friends the airport's pretty easy to   navigate signage is very good and the directions  the guys gave us were great as well so I'm excited   to head into Oman and share with you guys my first  impressions of this place here we go with [__] Rus all right guys we have just made it down here  and we're picking up our rental car now our good   man's taking care of us and getting us to the car  yeah perfect and my friends this is the car we're   gonna be taking so it's a very fresh one here look  at that we've got the black rims a nice paint job   and it is a cream color I like that turbocharged  that is a sweet looking ride it almost looks like   a like kind of like a Tesla when you hop in here I  mean look it has its similarities let's say we'll   do got the red interior we've got the carbon  fiber oh yeah that's a nice looking ride right   there nice yeah very nice katir hello Sierra all  right so that looks good guys and I always mention   no matter what rental car company you are at in  anywhere in the world you always double check   you make a video of the entire car you check  for any blemishes and if everything looks good   then you're all set it looks like this thing  is completely scratch free so that's good news   here we have maybe one small mark on the mirror  there and one small dent here next to the door   um and that we have one down here too a little  small one yeah small one right down there   so guys we have just hopped in and man this is  a sweet looking car let's see if we can get the   lights on in here we got that interior you can  see it even better now and interestingly enough   this is a fire extinguisher so that must be  maybe a requirement for rental cars or a Oman   requirement just an extra level of safety we've  got phone charging slots here and it's called   the mg so it's very luxurious I've actually  never heard of this car nor seen one or maybe   I have seen one I just haven't noticed it but  yeah guys let's head on into the city now all   right here we go on the road again so guys I  want to make a quick stop from today's video   and share with you a really cool new addition to  my brand it is I just launched a   brand new website and I wanted to share it with  you because I worked with this guy who I found   on and he was able to create this  super beautiful website with a little bit of  

our collaboration so what we did was I shared  with them a couple examples of how I wanted my   website to look some inspiration from others and  then I gave him some photos some of my tag lines   like I'll show you here so here on the home page  of we have changing perceptions   of the world one country at a time a small little  bio write-up that we worked on together and some   of the articles as well as my Instagram YouTube  and a connection to my insta stories so basically   like my home page is a quick view on who I am  and some of the contents I'm going up to the   top here we go a little bit more into detail on  the about me page and that's where I basically   did an entire write-up of my life story which you  can check out if you go to if you   want to find out a little bit more how I got into  traveling and everything and we basically utilized   our skills together where I had the content I  wanted to write up I had the photos and then   my guy from Fiverr was able to go ahead and  input it just how I wanted it and then we   have another tab for like press which is like  basically all the articles that I've worked   they're directly with another Creator or with a  newest agency or a podcaster and then we were even   able to set up my online shop and so I've recently  made some eBooks you guys probably saw in my   Lebanon series I wrote a book on Lebanon traveling  and he helped me set up my Ecommerce platform so I   can easily share these products with people like  you guys and then also I have another thing like   my packing list and contact information anyways  guys this is specific to my brand   and some of the things that I want to share  with the world and the reason why I'm sharing   this with you isn't just for you guys to go look  at I also want to mention that if   you have your own business or your own personal  brand you own a website domain and you want to   start something but you're not sure where to start  I have this awesome guy which I have his contact   information right here and you can also find it  right down in the description linking directly   to his profile where he is able to help you design  your website at a very affordable and professional   rate so yeah guys if you want to go ahead and  check out the website designer I will put his   information there and back to the video all right  guys and we have just Departed the airport now   and it looks like we've got roughly a 20 minute  drive to get us there as you can see here we're   gonna be cruising right into the City and we'll  show you anything we see on the way there but I'm   excited to get here to Muscat Oman my friends  we've got the official welcome to Muscat right   here all right we are Cruising Into the City here  and it's a really unique looking City to be honest   as I'm driving in here it kind of reminds me of  when I drove into Aquabot Jordan like initially   just because the mountains are a very similar  color and just like the contrast of like the dark   brown mountains with like the Sandstone color of  the Cities so yeah it just gives me that feeling   although it looks very very different Oman is so  modern and so cool just driving into this place   it's like wow I am blown away I feel like I am  going to love this place and want to spend more   and more time here guys look at these buildings  we are passing unbelievable so so beautiful guys we're cruising pass to Royal Opera House  Muska and it is absolutely gorgeous just driving   around this city already is so impressive  everything is very nicely designed that's one   thing I'll tell you that all of the uh like the uh  golf Peninsula countries here UAE Qatar Oman all   of them have really really modern designs to their  architecture and everything is like perfectly   designed from like the traffic infrastructure to  the buildings and you know just kind of everything   that falls into the design of the city it's  just so meticulously designed very beautiful   all right it looks like we are coming right along  the coastline here I can tell you Oman definitely   is not short on beaches Coastline here is very  beautiful it's just such a unique one because   you have a bit of like a darker brown sand to  it like in terms of the color I haven't actually   walked on the beach yet to see what the texture  of the sand feels like but I mean it just feels   like a beach destination you know all right guys  we're making a quick pit stop here at Qurum beach I figured guys we would stop at Qurum Beach  because it's on the way to the city and I   was just talking about how beautiful the beach  lines are here the the coastlines are here and   so I wanted to take a cruise down here guys  and check this place out so look at this wow   just walking right down here see kind of like a  almost a similar Coastline partially to like Lagos   Portugal with a bit of a you know it's a steep  set of cliffs lined by some beautiful architecture   and hotels I'm walking through the sand oh super  fine-grained sand oh yeah but I can tell you guys   it is uh late October here and it is very very  warm out very warm up but still pretty nice to   be walking around at this hour but as you can see  here even looking all the way down this beach it's   a pretty popular Beach and I mean I can probably  count maybe 20 people in the next uh I don't know   three four kilometers and then down this way it  seems like probably on this side it's more for   hotel residents because there's like umbrellas and  chairs over there with the Crowne Plaza but I want   to walk closer to those Ledges and check them out  the cool part when walking along this Coastline   you can see let's see one right out there shoe I  don't think it's in the GoPro super far away three   right there and then four I'm guessing they're  all like oil tankers or other cargo ships that   are just posted out there but uh I mean they've  got to be like 10 20 kilometers off the coastline   they're just that big you can actually still see  them from here but I'm already guessing that we're   gonna be pretty shocked and surprised with how  beautiful the Landscapes are over here in Oman   that's the one thing that I've heard from people  in Oman since I've gotten here is that a lot of   people just think Oman is like part of Dubai I  guess like from people all over the world and   then the ones who come and visit Oman are like  wow this is a hidden treasure in the Middle East   this is an unknown place to a lot of the world so  that makes me even more excited because honestly   my favorite experience in the world always my  favorite experiences are in places that are   lesser known and I always find them to be hidden  gems and of course you you guys who are watching   you know whether it's on YouTube Instagram or Tick  Tock or Facebook you always seem to say the same   thing as I do like just wow how do you find these  these places that not as many people go to and you   know you just gotta really look for some of these  countries that aren't as common but depending on   where you're from you know if you're watching  this from the Middle East you might know a lot   about Oman you know from a lot of parts further  away outside of like the Middle East area they   may not have ever even heard of a manner if they  have it's just very briefly so uh it's cool to be   exploring this and building my own perspective of  what this place is like well we're coming up to a   little river here just kind of leads right out  to the Sea for the most part the beach seems uh   very clean there is some trash I've seen but very  mildly and I think that probably goes to show with   Oman as a country they're probably very strict  with you know making sure people are not polluting   because the roads were clean the beaches I've  only seen maybe a couple items washed up overall   and what is that over there it almost looks like  an alligator's tail oh no that's a tire right   there from far away it looked like an alligator's  tail don't worry I don't think there's alligators   over here someone left their boxers there probably  when they went swimming and let's check out   see how the water feels it looks quite nice the  water right here I bet it's probably pretty warm   since it's so shallow so if it's just floating  through the river it's got to be warming up as   it's getting nailed by the sun oh yeah that's such  a refreshing temperature guys yeah you can see why   people are going swimming over here hanging out  by the beach that is beautiful honestly I could   probably just hang out here for the next couple  hours relax and not do too much but we got a city   to show you guys we got our first impressions  to share with you but overall like the first   few minutes just kind of exploring this place  it's very peaceful and that's what someone had   explained to me when I was leaving Qatar and  they're like you know right now in Qatar it's   very busy when you get to Oman you're just gonna  feel like you can just take a deep breath and   relax and being in a city right now guys all I  hear is the ocean you can't hear any cars you can   hear birds chirping it's just uh that's a really  beautiful part about my kind of initial experience   here is that it's just a peacefulness all right  it looks like we uh have found the birds lunch oh they got a nice big fish there enjoy it looks  tasty it looks tasty my friend so that's a big   one what kind of fish is that thing oh quick catch  there all right well we won't disturb their meal   guys we're gonna head back up to the car and  then we're gonna continue on just wanted to   make a quick stop and show you what a Beach Road  over here looks like right downtown you can see   what the car looks like from outside it's pretty  sweet car for like 30 40 bucks a day my friends   that is what it looks like  got black on white Style and off we go guys and we're coming up along what I think is the  park right here it's really big Park uh let's see   if we can enter this place all right and I think  we have located the entrance to the park here   looks like it all right we're entering into the  park hello right looks like we can go cruising   through here yeah guys it looks like we can rent  a bike I'm thinking we might have to rent one of   these this thing looks like a vibe to take for a  little Cruise the three-wheeler right there let's   see how much prices are so it's right at the main  entrance when you walk in at baiko hello salaam   alaikum uh how much are the bikes my friend I'm  going fresh 1.5 oh that's perfect uh for how long  

all right perfect so we got a deal brother your  name uh name's Mack m-a-c uh candy no it's perfect   one you have to come back by five for two oh that  sounds great what's your name Emmanuel Emmanuel   nice to meet you Emmanuel yeah Emmanuel thank  you very much oh we're taking the blue all right   life is good all right this one's  the good one thank you brother oh yeah all right well we're getting on the  bike here guys oh yeah all right I will say   the nice part about taking a uh oh holy moly is  this thing uh straight I think we might need one   with uh tighter handlebars how does this thing  work I think the handlebars are loose though   see that yeah yeah almost crashed it already  all right those handlebars a little tighter   this is unlike double view oh yeah  you have to yes focus on this here yes   okay as long as we don't crash it we just  have to be flexible okay yes focus just   make it steady slowly go slowly you understand it  takes time like 25 minutes before you'll be able   to understand don't go too fast just a little  yes there we go there we go thank you Emmanuel   all right guys this is going to be the best way  to uh see the park you kind of gotta get used   to riding on a three-wheeler but uh we've got  about an hour rental so 1.5 uh Omani Rios that's   about five US dollars to take this thing for a  little Cruise so five bucks to go uh cruising on   this thing I'd say that's worth it it'll be  a fast-paced tour through the park and look   at this place I just totally stumbled Upon This  Place by putting it in Google and then ended up   here just cruising around so that's the awesome  part you can just stumble upon beautiful places   like this and we're giving you the biking tour  which means it's gonna be fast through here so   we can keep moving around but look at the design  everything perfectly clean not a single piece of   trash anywhere and it's shining and we even  have a theme park right there oh yeah what is   it called marlin we're coming for you Mara land  I don't know when but pretty soon pretty soon   this is huge I guess it's maybe a  fountain in the middle but it's not on   looks like this is Kids Paradise right over  here massive playground and oh we're being   raced here Full Speed Ahead we're getting  up some uh Next Level speed hello my friends all right and let's see we got a coffee shop  over here we might have to make a quick pit stop   all right and over here we've even  got a pond in the Middle with a   couple Islands meow meow little Visa  it looks like a Vibe over here hello good and you got it keep going seems like it's the locals hangout spot over here  look at this there's little Islands over there you   can take a boat maybe seems like that one's seen  better days though hello my friends how are you   all right we're coming up this way almost got up we lost traction ah hello my friends cruising up this way a little  further gonna see what we can see at the very   edge of the park all right looks like they're  adding on to the natural park over here some   sort of like beautifully designed rocks all right  let's see if we can avoid flipping this thing I   like that we have the traditional architecture  there and then we've got the Vodafone Tower   together we can I'd say that's a fitting quote  the old and the new combined as one beautiful   Park all right looks like there's even a little  cafe out there too we're kind of in a rush right   now so we're heading straight back over to the  bike spot to drop off the bike got a quick tour   of this place enough to see it but we'll drop off  with our buddy over here it's right over this way   got it back in one piece thank you brother you're  welcome see you jump right there all right guys   that was a quick cruise through the uh park for  you now we're gonna continue see if we can find a   nice spot for sunset or somewhere downtown to show  you a bit more of the city until next time Park   the good news is if you're not familiar with the  driving laws at least you know that uh on the back   of the rental car it makes it very clear and we  just made it in the car let's get some of this AC that is nice my friends over a good little Sunset  bike ride cooling down the body but I wanted to   show you something here real quick because I  realized I didn't what the Omani reals look   like so I have a couple different bills I'm going  to show you we've got the 10 real bill it's kind   of like a brown Bill looks pretty cool got the  five which is a different piece of architecture   on it on that side you can look at which color  then they have ones with an x on it and what   surprised me actually was that even out of a half  so there's not many countries I've been to where   instead of putting like I don't know 50 real cents  or something they literally put half so I thought   that was pretty awesome and I'm wondering like  I'm sure I'll find this out maybe before the end   of this video if they have like a fourth and an  eighth or when like coins come into play but still   just to put into perspective for you one real  is actually worth two dollars and fifty cents   so when I took out 100 Omani rials out of the ATM  it was actually 250 dollars like maybe 254 dollars   so like now to only have 100 Omani real yet it's  worth 250 it's kind of like backwards from what   I'm used to like a lot of the countries I've  been to it's like one dollar equals a thousand   or one dollar equals you know like Qatar one  one dollar equals 3.7 Qatari real or something   like that so it's like uh it's different here in  Oman so it's cool to uh be holding such a strong   uh currency so actually we're going to have our  last stop of this video be over in mutra Cornish   which I think means like by the Sea so it's an  11 minute drive and let's head on over there driving through this is incredible wow just  basically breaking apart the city that's what   I'm noticing about who's Scott is it's basically  like a really long stretched out City I think   there are probably like each place I'm going to  as probably its own unique District name or city   name but it's all considered like mustaf from  what I understand like the greater Muscat area all right we're driving by  these martian-like landscapes   wow some of these mountains remind me of  Mount Sinai in Egypt just a very similar color we are passing oman's number one flower Mill and  guys literally when I take a deep breath it smells   like flour that's cool I did not know Oman was  producing a lot of flour right downtown in Muscat   all right and it looks like we are almost to  the Corniche and I know that's facts because   we have some incredibly massive ships here I  want to say that might be a cruise ship right   there there's no way that's a private yacht that  wouldn't make any sense that'd be like too big wow   look at this place guys welcome welcome welcome  to the beautiful country of Oman officially   holy moly this Cruise just right along the coast  is so beautiful they're like mini mountains   right here you can see the Peaks they're like the  size of a big hill but they have like Peaks like   mountains which makes it so so cool well and this  right here is a very beautiful view of the port   wow Ho-Ho right at Sunset I gotta turn around so  we can go walk along that area and it is our lucky   day we found a spot just in time haha yeah all  right we have arrived parked the car and I think   if we walk just a few feet this way we're gonna be  able to see Sunset look at this we got an airplane   flying over we've got a beautiful Fountain right  here and just one of the most beautiful coastlines   I've seen in the Middle East and we're going to  prove that to you guys because you couldn't see   everything I could see but you will in just a  few moments well look at this place looks like   right over there you can rent some bikes all along  there and you can see from this side the coastline   oh my gosh obviously you can tell this is all  man-made but it's so beautiful two massive ships   you got some of your fishing boats on the other  side some of your Port boats small little port on   the other side and it is so so beautiful oh my  gosh guys this is when we say welcome to oh my   well if you're looking for a place to watch sunset  in Oman as you can see I have found that spot just   walking right up and down the coastline here in  Corniche you can see the sun about to set right in   between the mountains and it just lights up this  whole area in such a beautiful golden color golden   tint you know you look back on these mountains  and there's probably during the day you see like   a nice dark brown or maybe even a light brown with  how strong the sun is and right now it just turns   it all gold even there on the ship on the water  oh yeah the best time of the day my friends the   best time to get our first impressions of this  beautiful country Oman guys so as we're walking   up this way look right up there that is a fort up  there but it's not just Sunny for it's now a Ford   guest house so I think you can actually stay  up in that Fort which is uh pretty awesome you   can't find too many basically old force that have  been turned into a place where you can actually   uh stay and sleep so I'm looking it up right now  and if this is the one and it looks like it is   based on where I'm at and where I'm looking uh it  looks like it's 29 Armani reals per night so that   comes out to like let's say maybe 70 US dollars  a night to have that experience where you stay   up on top of there that looks pretty awesome  maybe we'll try that I'm not sure we shall   see in a future Vlog well guys we stayed here  long enough where you can hear the prayer call and more cars are probably loud in the background but with   the human ear you can hear it and  when the car stopped driving by beautiful just Echoes for the city see the lights on the boats are starting to turn  on so cool and now we've got the mask right here well you can hear it here from this  Moscow and that one just finished guys so we just met the boss from Pakistan nice to meet you thank you yes and how  long are you guys in Oman for you live   here we are working here I'm working here ah  very nice you know and like it's a two year   now oh very nice two years and what's what's  your favorite part about Muscat so about like yeah yeah like mountains and   yeah a lot of nice nature our beaches also  beaches oh yeah yeah very nice very nice Muhammad nice to meet you thank you and where  are you from Pakistan also okay very nice you   guys all are okay yeah well it's nice  to meet you all inshallah we meet again   all right thank you very much goodbye my friends  thank you uh from the US United States yeah   oh yellow let's do it guys we can see now the  city it's getting pretty bright but look at this   it looks like there's like some sort of like  thing happening underwater it's like a small   little Whirlpool oh my what is going on down  there bubbling I don't know if you guys can see   it in the camera but like all in this area it's  basically going in circles and I saw it happen   over there in the corner of my eye and like some  water splashed up but I couldn't tell what it was   well while we're waiting here guys we'll see if  anything pops up but one more view of the city   I've been sitting here for like 30 minutes just  kind of enjoying the moment enjoying the sounds   and seeing basically the place transition from  what it's like during the day to the evening night   sky okay so so far a pretty cool experience here  in Oman checking this place out I mean basically   all I've done today so far was get the rental car  check out the beach and walk around here I'm gonna   head back over to the rental car and then go right  down into town see if we can find a little snack   so you can get an idea of just a little something  something we can find here in Cornish but it's a   really nice and peaceful country just walking  around is is so so nice and relaxing I could   stay out here all night I mean I didn't expect to  like stop and sit there for like 30 minutes but I   did because I was just so relaxed right there so  now we're sad to say bye but I'm gonna come down   here multiple nights I can already tell while I'm  here in Oman just to kind of relax and enjoy the   perfect temperature right now here in late October  along with the beautiful sceneries that surround   us and we are back at the Sierra the car let's  hop right in this thing and head into the um guys that's one challenge here on a Saturday night  which is like a Sunday night in other parts of the   world because their weekend is Friday and Saturday  not Saturday and Sunday and let me tell you this   I am literally not able to find a spot I've  been going up and down and I've not had any   luck so plan accordingly or take a taxi my friends  guys we're finally located a parking spot took a   little bit of time and persistence probably like  20 minutes of going back and forth this way and   finally we are back so as you can see we've got  the uh lit up ships right here and I thought I   saw down there a shawarma shop so I think that'll  be a good way we finish off today's video first   impressions by having a little something something  to eat because guys I don't know about you but I   am starving right now but yeah overall my first  impressions of this place are just blown away like   the uh Landscapes are so so beautiful it's a mix  of what I've seen in parts of Egypt certain mix   of what I've seen in parts of Jordan because to  be fair they aren't that far geographically away   from here so it makes sense some of the Landscapes  are similar but uh other than that yeah people are   really nice here and there's just like a countless  amount of things we're going to be doing as we're   exploring this part of Oman so let's head on over  to the Shawarma shop this way and see what we get   ourselves into let's figure out all right we got  to figure out how to cross this street right now   like there is a lot of traffic  oh and there's our chance to go it's one way and here we go successfully made it across  oh look at that it's called the Shawarma   spot I'd say that's quite fitting because I  was going to say we should find a shawarma   spot oh baby that looks good my friend  looking to get some delicious Shawarma   here perfect got chicken shawarma oh  perfect perfect can I look at a menu okay very nice I've always wanted to go all  right let's see what we've got going on oh   we've got shakes in here because I'm taking  a look at the menu looks like we've got some   shake options that Oreo shake is calling my name  or they also have some foods and show watermelon   this is what we came for at the Shawarma spot  you know we've got other options here too though   double Burgers Zinger Burger Cheetos Burger  look at that Cheetos Burger I'm gonna have to   come back and get that that's a unique one but  uh let's go with a warm and normal that'll have   to do the trick and just double checking to see  if there's anything else we want to add onto here too much you just opened ah congratulations  well I arrived at the right time then it's   really good prices here guys one third of  a real for a normal sized Shawarma so then   we're gonna have to try out a couple  options then brother can I get a one   normal chicken shawarma and then one uh spicy  the normal size and then also an Oreo shake   uh we're happy for here if  there's a seat otherwise take away your brother so you just opened this place two  months ago ends your shop yeah what's your name   nice to meet you from Oman from India by sub yeah  very nice well I'm excited to try it out thank   you so much so guys we've got the Shawarma spot  right here and we've got uh shawarmas these are   the small ones and they're basically one-third  of an Omani real which is about 85 cents per   Shawarma so a really really good price especially  considering right down here in alcornish you know   that's like uh two dollars for this meal I got a  Mountain Dew and then I've got a Oreo shake coming   so that's going to be delicious but let me put it  this way it smells delicious all right as you guys   can see we have gotten the first swarm open I'm  not sure which one's the spicy one which one's not   but either way I think they're both gonna taste  so delicious so I'm ready to try this one out um oh yeah right away I figured  out this one's the spicy one   it's really good though that first bite  very juicy a lot of different sauces in here   you can see the chicken you can see  some french fries in there as well um that is fantastic that is fantastic it's really good though it's got like that um  Indian taste inside of the Shawarma a little bit   different than like a shawarma I've had in like  Lebanon or like a donor Kebab I've had in Turkey   a very different sandwich I'll be curious to  see how the uh non-spicy one compares to it um but let me tell you guys after walking around for  I don't know probably three hours already today   nothing is better than having a shawarma and carbs  getting some protein in the system so so good oh yeah just finished that first one done in  seconds now we're gonna open up the other one   the spicy one is pretty spicy so I personally  love spiciness so it's a fantastic excitement   for the taste buds this one's not the spicy  one so we're gonna see how this compares enough oh yeah that one's nice so you can see this one's  uh we got lettuce in there fries and chicken   still have a bit of the spice taste  in my mouth from the last one so it's   hard to tell the difference probably  should have the non-spicy one first that is incredible I could probably  take down three or four of these oh that is fantastic are you one of the wise men yes wow my taste buds are on fire right now  but from the spicy one but also just from how   delicious these are I think probably Shawarma  is up there with being one of my favorite foods   that I've had worldwide there's just something  about it especially because when you like go   from country to country in the Middle East  you can have basically the same ingredients   I don't have the same ingredients the uh  let's say the same sandwich or Shawarma   but completely different ingredients  and make it uh unique in their own way the last bite I'm considering getting another one nice and last but not least we have a  delicious looking Oreo shake right there   yep you see that with an  Oreo on top a nice big straw um let's try this one oh yes wow um I could drink an Oreo milkshake  literally for any meal of the day at   any moment there's just something about  it um the sweetness the Oreo everything and we've even got a little  bite we can take out of it um um drop a comment below if you love Oreos  as much as I do they're just so good I mean look at that we're gonna finish that in  like one minute that's how tasty is ice cold   freshly Blended uh whipped cream on top with a  little bit of chocolate drizzle going into there   that hits the spot and we have finished that oh yeah two shawarmas  in an Oreo shake that's about all I can handle   plus the Mountain Dew um I'm pretend guys so  for the total Oreo shape two swarmas and a   Mountain Dew came out to 2.2 Omani real which  is 5.72 cents for an incredibly delicious meal  

um so I got some change back remember I was  wondering if there was any smaller fractions   than the half Bill and it looks like there's 100  bills here so that's what that looks like and I   guess a 100 bill would be worth like 26 Cents  so like a one quarter in the US so that's cool   I wonder if there are coins there's got  to be coins I'm sure we'll find out in   the next couple days so keep a look out in the  future videos thank you so much come see my man   here he's got the delicious shawarmas here at  the Shawarma spot located right down here in   Cornish Muscat thank you brother see you again  delicious food thank you all see you see you   guys my belly is feeling full I am very happy  right now that is exactly what I needed to   finish off this evening here in Muscat Oman  so I really hope you guys enjoyed coming and   seeing what my first impressions were like in  this city and we have a lot to explore we've   got a lot to do we've got a lot to film so if  you're not already hit that subscribe button so   you can not miss out on any of the upcoming  videos here in Oman and if you have enjoyed   this video guys make sure to smash that like  button and I will see you guys in the next video

2022-10-30 15:59

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