First impressions of Jakarta, Indonesia (I'M SHOCKED!)

First impressions of Jakarta, Indonesia (I'M SHOCKED!)

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hello all right everybody welcome to kota tua  here in jakarta which literally translates to   old city because this is the historical center  of jakarta you can see all the dutch era   colonial buildings so first things first big shout  out to ivan's dad who drove us down here today   and we were quite lucky that he could drive us  because there's a law in jakarta where every day   a certain license plate is allowed to drive  so on the first day it would be license plates   that end in even numbers and on the next day it  would be license plates that end in odd numbers   so today happens to be an odd number day and  lucky for us ivana's father's car is an odd   number license plate which by the way amazing  to think that after 35 countries ivan and i   have been to and hundreds and hundreds  of cities the city with the most traffic   that we've ever been to is actually operating  at 50 of what it could be there's a law every   day that says only half the cars are allowed to  drive and so to be the most traffic of any city   we've ever been sort of amazing that it's only  50 capacity now today we are going to explore   cotatua you can see this uh sort of beautiful  scenery all around our next stop is to go to   the museum nearby which should be pretty  exciting but i will say this it's now 1 30   and we left the house this morning at about 9  30. the distance from the house to the museum 16   kilometers now to be clear we did make a pit stop  at glo dock which is chinatown and we had a meal   so if we were if we were in chinatown for an  hour that means it took two hours to drive 16   kilometers now i want to be clear about this  when i was a young boy in canada having never   left my country actually i had been to the united  states but more or less same same i fell head over   heels in love with this lovely woman because i was  amazed at her patience i was amazed that yvonne is   never upset and i have come to realize based on my  time in jakarta that ivana's incredible patience   comes from being born and raised in jakarta  because honestly when we were in the car there   were human beings on foot casually walking faster  than we were driving and i'm telling you in canada   if it took two hours to drive 16 kilometers there  would be grown-ups adults there would be parents   mothers and fathers who would be having temper  tantrums seriously you've probably seen these   videos online public freakouts and so my time in  jakarta has taught me to one yes be productive   because i find it very hard to be productive  in jakarta but but it's also important to be   patient it seems like patience and productivity  are almost opposite things that's right right   so uh rather than be frustrated that i find  it very hard to be productive in jakarta i've   decided to look at as an opportunity to improve my  patience because sitting in that car my nostrils   were flaring and my temper was flaring and i was  about to say oh my gosh what's with the traffic   but i decided to look to ivana for guidance and  be like ivana what's really good to admire is   someone who's patient and productive that's like  a superpower it's not enough to be productive if   you're always this close to being mad it's not  enough to be patient if you're not doing nothing   you want to be patient and productive these are  the people go with the flow go with the flow if   you live in jakarta so this is what jakarta has  taught me this is my first impression of jakarta   so far now like i said our goal is to go to the  museum and learn more about the dutch empire you   can see this square we're in is really something  special here this is a beautiful relaxing part   of jakarta and doesn't feel like the city with the  most traffic in the world in this particular space   quite nice and quite relaxing and i will start  the vlog by admitting i don't know much about   the dutch empire i know indonesia was dutch east  indies i'm not sure i could name one other country   who was part of the dutch empire maybe south  africa because i heard that the language   afrikaans is similar to dutch i have no idea i  don't know good question right so being canadian   we obviously learned about british empire because  we were part of it french empire because we were   part of it we have a french-speaking province uh  every country below united states speaks spanish   so we're done with spanish empire brazil speaks  portuguese empire but i don't know much about   the dutch empire to be clear so next stop  let's go to the museum and learn about uh   the city of jakarta which by the way used  to be called batavia yeah cafe right there   because uh that was the dutch name and then i  guess it became jakarta when the dutch that's   right we're kicked out after world war ii okay  next stop learning more about jakarta let's go you all right so if we look at this museum from the  outside the building itself is very formidable   and that's because it was actually built to be  city hall in the year 1710 built by the dutch now   actually this museum is the museum of jakarta's  history so there's lots of stuff in here that's   not related to the dutch but we will focus on the  more recent part of history because quite honestly   when it comes to clay pots and prehistoric  stuff it just all looks the same to me i can't   differentiate country to country uh prehistoric  stuff now i didn't realize the dutch were here   in 1710 and so i was even more amazed to realize  and learn that the dutch actually arrived here   in the year 1603 and they ruled here until after  world war ii which means nearly 350 years of dutch   colonialism so this city hall is actually  the third city hall the dutch built   now when you go this back far  in history you get some really   uh grotesque sort of things so there's  actually a jail beneath this city hall   where you can imagine what criminals were treated  like in the 1700s they say it's haunted nowadays   and this is the balcony room which was built for  judges and government officials to oversee the   public execution of criminals hanging and other  methods that would happen in this very square   so it's sort of incredible to imagine because  you look at the square now and it's absolutely   beautiful i wish the flag wasn't twisted up but  this is uh life and so the steady march of time   seems like time always forgives what a beautiful  square that was once such a sort of dark place   i wish the flag was not twisted because if  you guys know the indonesian flag it's red   on top and white on the bottom the way they got  that flag was when they got their independence   people actually reached up to the flag that was  above them and ripped off the blue section because   red white and blue was the dutch flag so they  ripped off the blue leaving the red and the white   and that's how indonesia got their flag now  tons of original 1800s furniture in here   and tons of good information i would absolutely   recommend this museum you guys know me i love  every museum but this one is really good and i   love the price uh 5 000 rupiah which is like less  than a dollar which i always like an affordable   museum because i don't like blocking knowledge  to people who have lots of money so really   really nice museum it's quiet in here the entire  structure is 1710 and so you're in a museum as   well as a historical building and you're right in  front of this beautiful and very historical square uh you know what's coming next five-star museum uh-oh uh oh has decided it would be right for us to  go in the under city hall 1700s prison which by the way i think indonesian people  to generalize i think indonesian people like   haunted stuff they seem to be drawn  to it when i hear that this place is   probably haunted because people are probably  tortured and killed i think oh let's not go okay not bad just go stand  there that wasn't so bad uh yeah it's a lot to imagine what would have  happened in here something like 300 years ago okay with that on to greener pastures  maybe we'll go search for a cafe   for a cold drink because this whole  uh kotatua old city just full of   beautiful landscaping beautiful buildings  and smiling faces so let's find a cold drink can you hear that i tell you what  move aside philippines forever i've   been saying philippines is the best singing  nation in the world i think it's indonesia   everywhere you go you see a guy  singing very well oh my gosh indonesian idol right here in kotatua   just incredible and so many times that  ivan and i have been eating dinner   someone will come no microphone just guitar and  sing and we always put a couple bucks in their uh   bag because nice sort of echoing voice kind of  loudly echoing through the whole kotatua shout out   to indonesian singers man so good indonesian idol  best idol they're not even professional they're   just singing and he's got that really nice it was  awesome oh that was good stuff five stars for him um okay all right okay boom boom boom boy okay listen for me i always support street performers  yeah it takes a lot of work a lot of initiative   to do that you know could just be begging he  said he does something very creative and hard   to get better he wanted to give too much money   what would you guys give normally two thousand  i give ten thousand that's five times more oh cool looking cafe hello can i order or i order outside   order um what do you have you have coffee oh  here we go can i have one ice latte with no enough to read the menu but i think  your english is better than my bahasa   really yeah i think so i think so um  maybe two ice lattes okay without sugar   no sugar okay please that's it we're  sitting in the front okay thank you very so friendly people all around jakarta actually  first impressions of jakarta people are very   friendly to the camera and also just friendly in  general it sort of gets back to what i was saying   at the beginning of the vlog when you live in  a place where the traffic is so frustrating   what are you gonna do be frustrated every day no  you're gonna be you're gonna develop a complete   mastery of your emotions people here very pleasant  i feel like if you told someone from jakarta   hey listen that thing you've been looking forward  to for three months we can't do it anymore   the person jakarta would say oh that's  too bad where's from canada would say   ah that stinks oh my gosh you know yeah  so uh very friendly people in jakarta oh right on the road again  now usually two lattes are   slightly cheaper than that here in jakarta  but we are also paying for this beautiful   scenery and location here in kota tour now what i  wanted to mention is yvonne and i have done a lot   since we've been here in jakarta and we've noticed  that there seems to be many different faces   to this city so we've seen this really  beautiful really modern bridge that sort   of closes the dark and lights up and it's very  elegant and it really reminded us of our time in   tokyo very futuristic and very clean  but we've also been to kabayoriyan lama   which is a street market that turns into a night  market so literally 24 hours a day this place is   rammed with vehicles honking and screaming and  people and motorcycles and you name it it's a   very beautiful chaos on kabayiran lama which  remind us of delhi india the way it's sort of   all happening at once all the time and so maybe  it seems natural that south asia india and east   asia japan come together in southeast asia  but we also stumbled into something called a   chinta am i believe it's called which sounds like  love chicken i am not sure why they call it that   but it's like a fashion show with live music and  dancing where everyone's dressed up and it really   reminded us of brazil it felt like a little  bit of carnival happening right in the streets   of jakarta and it was really nice that ivana and  i just stumbled into that accidentally it's sort   of like the citizens put on the show by themselves  and sort of uh have this little impromptu festival   and we also went to the financial district which  all the tall buildings all the nice dressed people   felt like new york so you've got east asia south  asia south america and north america and i guess   now that we've been to the old town where  the dutch colonial buildings are a little   bit of europe too you could say so maybe next  up if we're good ivana can we find some uh   part of africa that might be tough that might be  tough so i don't know how it is africa but uh my   point is it seems like there's many different  faces there's lots of different parts to love   in jakarta and i will say first  impressions tons of construction   the city seems to be booming they're redoing  this part of old town to make it more prettier   but also tall buildings and cranes seems  like everywhere we go there's people   improving the city so maybe uh it's growing  quickly it could be a first impression and so from   here what's our next plan i'm not sure let's walk  around some more let's go explore more hello hello wow your english is good namaste this is the best this is the  place to be okay selfie okay okay everybody dinner send me very good thank you very much thank you good thank you just say where are you from they're so happy it makes me happy to be here  in conclusion first impressions of jakarta sabi photoshoot a little bit oh thank you thank you so pretty right this is uh kabaya this is the  traditional traditional dress of indonesia yeah   yeah very pretty yeah very pretty yes exactly i love it history photoshoots  and the music in the background all the boys are so excited school trips and the girls are taking photo here very organized they're very  well behaved right the guys   are all about to rip their shirt and fall off and all the bikes are gone the boys oh   took the took the bike and this guy is  about to wear the hat i love it love it look at this look at all the boys oh  my gosh i love this they're so funny school trip it's awesome they must be  having the time or they're live right at this now it's so cute and also couples these bikes are  pretty popular here you can rent   them actually and get the hat at the same time oh i think these girls wants to talk to  steve but they're shy oh there you go so cute i'm not sure what hermes is doing here greek god messenger god okay   so if you know why hermes is here guys let us know  because this is in the back of the 1710 city hall   dutchy side we have the statue of hermes  let us know if you know there you have it

2022-08-30 08:08

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