FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF IRAN! (Travel Iran in 2022)

FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF IRAN! (Travel Iran in 2022)

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welcome to Tabriz Tabriz is the nicest city. nobody allows me to record i turn off first stop in iran i'm in lalia park shopping mall  i try to get some money but the atms doesn't work   with our cart you know visa american stuff  thanks to her she is the informationist   she gave me some money she borrowed me  so i owe her some how much is it again okay 120 000 tumen so i will give her at the  end of the day hundred and twenty thousand tumen   started today like this if you come to iran bring  your reals or tumens before you arrive here salom Tabriz we are in tabriz i'm going to the grand  bazaar in tabriz i'm with waheed by the way   here in this place everybody speaks turkish so   i communicate in my own  language which is so good for me foreign one of the most famous poets   around this area in iran there is a local app like  uber it cost me not even one dollar eighty cents   to get here almost half an hour right  and i'm in the grand bazaar right now   where you can change money exchange it's hard to record here nobody allows me  to record i almost got a heart attack i   i went inside a bazaar where all people change  money i started to record but they said you   cannot record you turn the camera down why are  you recording and etc thanks to an iranian guy   who speaks turkish very well say it he protect me  they were about to beat me up inside so i'm alive   i'm okay i keep walking and i'm gonna enter the  grand bazaar and i'm in grand bazaar and trying   to explore every city this is one of the oldest  and the biggest grand bazaar in the world well   this place exactly reminds me of the grand bazaar  of istanbul it's quite similar to the grand bazaar   in the grand bazaar in this area you can mostly  find goals cavalries and etc this is a street   all the way with the golds and the german reasons mashallah well after seeing the grand bazaar i'm  going to the sod color pickles hello the thing is people don't like me to record them so i don't know i'm still in grand bazaar this  bazaar is huge i'm going out and going in again   different pieces so i mean another side of the grand bazaar   there are butchers some herb  shops you can find lots of herbs unfortunately they don't feel  comfortable with the camera on   i don't have the small gopro but they don't like  it so let's see let's see we are warming up we are   warming up in this table city this is the tabliat  street i'm heading to the saat tower uh saat means   clocking turkish so it's clock tower i'm heading  to there after grand bazaar and let's see how   interesting is that next i don't know i'm looking  for a place to smoke some shisha if i can find   some shisha and coffee it would be great for the  day all right let's keep walking to this tower i guess this is the main  street of tabriz like a square um there are crazy motorcycle riders here you have to  watch the motorcycles when you're walking in here oh he's carrying the famous  iranian carpets i guess well as there are not many  tourists here people are   looking a bit weird to me i'm  recording with the camera on and etc but i can totally understand next destination is the south tower south korea  and the blue mosque the famous blue mosque   you know we have the blue mosque in istanbul as  well let's see the tablizi would you mosque yeah   i'm heading there right now and see how south  south tower and the blue mouse looks like the history of the sod tower goes  really old back to the 14th centuries i love i love old faces old  buildings the interesting centers look at those carpets small huge iranian famous iranian carpets this one is huge look at this we have our home we have some of these carpets  in our home well this building is used to be   a municipality but last 20 years it's not a  municipality anymore so it's a museum so you can   come to this museum germans made this building  100 years ago no no no 100 years ago yeah 100   years ago germans built this building and now they  use it as a museum and yeah and from the above you   can see this building as an eagle you know eagle  is the symbol of nazis so they they made this   building as an eagle look from devil i visited  the city museum as i don't like museums a lot so   there's not much interesting things in the city  museum for me and only one interesting thing is only interesting thing for me is the  are the the carpets you can see the   huge carpets of that municipality used to be  it used to be a municipality and you can see   all the carpets the huge carpets in there it's  like turkey nobody stops when you want to cross   the streets so you have to  be careful personal street yeah and this one looks  really nice this is the beat punjabi it's the main thing how they make  sugar though and they sell it like   this i love i love trying the  street food so i'm going to try the beet the beet beetroot thank you oh he's charging over now huh this is so good i don't know if you've ever seen this this  is the beat how they make the sugar from   uh it's so tasty my mom was making sometimes this cost around 30 cents after the grand bazaar and the museum  it's time to visit the blue mosque   i'm heading to dublin right now just remember  about this at 2 00 p.m they closed the mosque   you cannot get to see it's five past two and  i said please please please i came here for   this mosque i don't want to live without  seeing this blue mosque and he said okay the blue mosque of tabriz was built upon  the order of jehansha the ruler of the   karakoin which is the former turkish  empire jihansha's wife hatunjam begum   established the endowment for the mosque's  construction however just a few years later   jihansha and his karakuen were toppled by uzun  hassan of the akunlu another turkish empire and   tabriz was taken jihan shah's daughter saliha  hathum was allowed to oversee the rest of the   construction work by the new rulers probably  you are curious that why they called it blue   mosque and why it's not all blue it's because  of the earthquakes in earthquake this building   is totally destroyed and when they put the parts  apart the blue parts are the original walls and   outside of these walls all were blue and inside  you will see it was all blue oh this seems so old there are many idiots also here   they tied some stuff on the wall stupid  people are everywhere look at this   and what is this building doing right in front  of the historical place okay let's go inside live iran has so many mosques displaying  ancient persian art and architecture   one of the historical and important  mosques of iran is blue mosque   it is a rare mosque in blue the reason it's  called the belumos or cupboard mosque is   the blue tiles used in structure it is  one of the main attractions in tabriz blue mosque is one of the valuable persian sites  its architecture is different from other mosques   people who allow art will fall  in love with this historical site foreign just right at the bottom this is the actually the place where the  graveyards are and this is the mosque over here have is oh this one was marble this is the original one so  after the earthquake most of them are broken and   they put these are like the fake ones and those  are real marble original one this is a fake one   and can you imagine these were all blue  stones but all of them are gone come on this is foreign just remember this before visiting the museums   they close at 2 p.m so just come between 8  and two otherwise you cannot see the museums   even this blue mosque because even this blue moss  is a museum as well so you cannot visit after 2 pm   you are not allowed to but somehow it was five  past two i said please please please please i   came here for this and then the guy just let  me in and i have seen the mosque on my own   i was totally alone that was just great experience  it was the best place i love in thai breeze all right guys i made it to a restaurant  i'm gonna have the cello cello which is the famous dish of this is the famous  dish of cambries i'm gonna have that now and i   will i will share my experience with you i'll  tell you my honest thoughts if it's delicious   or not literacy i love eating and i'm so hungry  now when here it's arrived with huge rice and   and shallow kebab and of course bon appetit and i'll tell you my thoughts of course we twice wow it's juicy you can taste the onion  in it and the rice is just plain rice there is actually butter here this is delicious i really love it  and i will share the name of the place   so if you visit hebrews somehow you can come here okay i returned make the money after  i get them after spending all day   after seven hours i gave her money back and i'm  free to go now i can leave tables see you bye

2022-03-30 04:06

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