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hello everyone here from the capital of iceland  reykjavik we've mentioned in previous videos that   iceland has always been a country that's been at  the top of our list at the top of our bucket list   for places to visit so we're going to have about  10 days here overall quite a lot of time and we're   planning on doing a lot of different things and  the place that we're staying carol got a good   deal it's around 88 a night it's kind of hard to  find anywhere cheaper than a hundred dollars here   obviously iceland is one of the most expensive  countries in the world to travel there's a nice   little place though a nice little apartment  so over here we have a kitchen so that we can   keep our costs down so yeah yesterday we  got some snacks here that we just had for   for breakfast like toast and stuff so that was  good and then yeah the bathroom here it's all   like joint together carol looks very ready for  iceland yes i've been waiting for this trip for   so long so i'm very excited yeah i think  this is like the place you wanted to come   the most out of everywhere yeah it was on the  top of my list and yeah we're finally here yeah it's real all right so just to give you an  idea of where we are uh reykjavik is here   the bottom corner so yeah that is all of iceland   so on this trip we plan on doing a trip  all the way around if the weather permits yes that's the place where  i stay in downtown reykjavik   apartments it's kind of snowing already or  there's more rain i think it's rain yeah rain   yeah check it out though full of ice and snow  everywhere so right now it's around like uh   zero degrees and from what i checked the highest  is like one degree and the lowest is uh minus one   so it's like the same temperature all  day hey carol i think we go that way   yeah the machine cleaning the snow yeah check  that out well that's the walkway they're walking   yeah yeah well we're walking in the middle of the  road right now yes i guess these guys pass all day   they also clear up the roads as well gotta  watch out when you're walking because   yeah it is very icy and slippery it's not so bad  though is it no i hope i won't fall we'll see the one thing that's guaranteed is  this is going to be the place where   carol finally sees snow falling properly i  mean look now it's all ready yeah a little bit   but i think you're going to see some real  legit heavy snow oh look at the park here colorful little park i haven't even seen snow  falling since i left uh england which was like   13 14 years ago and even in england in manchester  it would only be just like a few days of the year   but i think we're gonna see a  lot of snow around here awesome are you feeling the cold now  yeah thank you it's enough   it's enough already it's enough snow for  me back to brazil yeah back to the tropical   beaches no just kidding i i still think  this is so beautiful i mean all the white   and i don't know it's just a different kind  of scenery for us yeah yeah it's beautiful all right and this is the first attraction of  the day so i'm not even gonna try and pronounce   the name of this church right here but this  one of the main attractions here in reykjavik   and that is the tallest church in iceland  really unusual style right it's almost like uh   steps going all the way up never seen a church  like that before and it's uh 75 meters high   and in front of the church here we have a statue  of a man called uh leif eriksen or life eriksen   and it's been determined that he actually  set foot in north america in the americas uh   600 500 600 years before christopher  columbus so yeah he's a explorer a nordic   explorer nice and warm in here yeah  wow look at the size of the organ i think that's the biggest organ i've ever  seen yeah same that's what i was gonna say yeah   i like the song relaxing song yeah it's  different from what is usually played in churches all right now it's official this  is yeah this is the thick snow and hear the bears drifting around here where are  they at i don't know they're freezing today yeah   maybe they're hot they're hiding because it's very  cold and snowy yeah but i can't hear them singing   yeah chirping away i've liked the buildings around  here so far it's really colorful isn't it got like   yellow olive green reds blues there yeah a lot of  the buildings are colorful all the way around here perfect that's a cool looking store isn't it   yeah look at that little store there  oh check out this building as well it's the psychedelic building what is it like  a cafe yeah i think so wow that's one cool cafe   oh yeah look at that yummy what's the prices there fish soup 1890 corona   what's that burger 2 390 growner yeah we'll  eat something yeah in a bit later on yeah yeah   you go ice skating here yeah you want to  use the the health fixtures right i did so now we're on the seafront very close  to the church you can actually see the the   church back there and we're next to this uh famous  sculpture here so that is called the sun voyager   supposed to represent the exploration and  the dream of finding undiscovered lens   so it almost looks like a viking ship or something  pretty unusual i think normally you'd be able to   see a mountain back there but it's completely in  the clouds right now so i can't see much at all   it's not a busy capital is it even with traffic  no it's not i'm not sure if it's because we're   not in the like the high season but there was  a lady that told us that there's more tourist   tourists now than it usually has in in  february and because we're in the end of ever   but still it's not busy or it's just like a nice  amount of tourists yeah the lady that we met   said that february march i like the harshest yeah  the harshest time to come here yeah it's like   proper winter in iceland that's when we came yeah  we came to see the aurora borealis the northern   lights the northern knights i'm not sure if you're  gonna be able to see it because it's very cloudy   and snowy but fingers crossed yeah we have 10  days so i hope i hope we can see it yeah me too uh so regarding the entry requirements to enter  iceland about two days ago they lifted all the   requirements so right now there are absolutely  no covered rules whatsoever you can enter without   doing any tests you don't have to be vaccinated  you don't have to wear a mask anywhere now even   indoors so it's basically going back to how things  were before covert like in 2019 so this is the   first country that we've come to on our travels  since covert where everything is just back to   normal so yeah i think that might end up happening  to quite a few countries this year but this is the   first one carol's brought her new coat out yeah  because it's raining and this is waterproof yeah   your other one wasn't right yeah so before this  trip we went to a decathlon in portugal and we got   some like really thick coats this one apparently  can handle uh minus 10 degrees so yeah i'm feeling   pretty good my body anyway my fingers are a bit  sore and it was only 39 euros yeah 39 euros mine   was 40 euros 40 euros yeah decathlon is really  good really affordable place and good quality foreign so this area here is apparently a famous square  in the center i don't know how you say that so that's how it would have looked in 1820 just  like uh farmland i think that's the square that   we're on right now and that chair looks pretty  similar to the one that's still there right now   obviously renovated yeah was built in 1790 ah so  it actually has the the date on this church 1847   so yeah it's not the same one but that's  still pretty old porky pig keep it warm well this is a really nice area isn't it   might be the nicest area so far all these more  like traditional looking uh buildings around here   so this sign here says that uh these streets  here are some of the oldest in iceland   so it says this is where the fishermen will  have set up to sell fish yeah i think this   is like the shops that they would have built  i did read that online that there's some areas   here where it's like the old fishing shop so  i think it's all these buildings right here yeah so here in the harbour is where you  can do all the boat tours around here   puffin watching a cute bird whale safari i wonder if they still have the tours  in in this weather yeah it seems like   they're all open i think whale watching  is the main tour to do we're watching oh   the mix wow so the water is actually a  really nice color here didn't expect that   it's like an emerald color yeah  you want to jump in not really wow these ships look pretty cool   i think that's like the tow boat  there this will be for other things so to eat we've come to a convenience store here  called 1011. kind of like the ones you get in uh   asia like thailand like uh 7-eleven you can get  like little snacks and stuff so i got two hot dogs   hot dogs are actually famous here in iceland  and that was a 350 peach and carol got a big   slice of pizza and what's that like a garlic  stick garlic bread garlic bread and what's at   yes yep so i guess this is like the cheaper   food options around here so in another video  we'll eat at like a proper restaurant to see   how that is i know that uh fish is very popular  here as well like fish and chips just like the uk that's like ice there we go been a while so this right here is the  city lake as you can see it's completely   iced over right now the large majority of it  but there is this little part here that somehow   yeah it's not ice man how did they handle  it i don't know i have no idea it's crazy   yeah it's got loads of swans there all over  the place got a better view from down here   yeah how are these guys handling this all right time to get into our frozen rental  car and look at that uh suzuki four-wheel drive   that's carol's view for driving wishes luck so  we rent in this car for about 10 days and it   was with a place called go car rental i think  that's the name go go rental and it's about 77   us dollars a day and that's with some basic  insurance for like collisions and stuff so   yeah we're going to be driving around in this  thing every day and right now we're going to   head to probably the most popular spot in this  area a thermal pool called blue lagoon to warm up so this is some pretty intense first day driving  for carol the girl that's never seen snow properly   yeah i'm trying to be very  careful and drive very slow yeah   and it is snowing super heavy  at the moment 33 minutes to go all right here we go blue lagoon iceland   man this place is really in the middle of nowhere  isn't it yeah wow but the drive was beautiful   yeah everything is white yeah there's nothing no  buildings parking lot is packed so i'm pretty sure   there's going to be a lot of people here yeah the  drive here was basically just this all the time   although here's pretty unusual it's  like black rock almost interesting   even this already looks beautiful doesn't it yeah all right we are ready so right  now it's like zero degrees   just had to take a quick shower in  there first man gotta get in here asap oh man oh how nice is this man i wonder what temperature this is inside i  don't know maybe 28 or something no i think it's   warm huh it's hard to tell because the outside  temperature is so cold my face is still cold   yes i didn't film much inside because it was all  like changing rooms and like naked dudes and stuff   like that so it's not really appropriate for this  video but it turns out that it cost us like 185   dollars that's for the both of us not each and  when we checked online it was uh it showed 66   dollars so we thought it would be that but the  guy said it's only that price if you book like   weeks or months in advance but you don't  say that online it kind of tricks you so   since we've driven all the way here obviously  we're gonna pay it right now it feels worth it   anyway wow look at this though that looks so cool  with like the what is it like steam or something it's a huge pool as well like the place inside is   packed in the parking lot but i think  the pool is so big that you can't tell and we get some free alcoholic drink right  one just one yeah you can buy more if you   want yeah but i feel like 20 or something  i don't even know what price it'll be   and i think we got like a face  scrub like a mud face scrub it's actually raining right now as well so you  get like these ice cold raindrops but then all   your body is just like steaming hot it's great all  right well we've definitely found where the bar is   i think this is a big queue  right yeah yeah there's the bar all right so got the beer i  guess that's a iceland beer ghoul   and yours is what white wine yeah nice so i like  the beer taste as well really really nice beer the only problem holding the beer  now is that my hand is freezing   and i don't want to put it below because  uh yeah i don't know why i'm the bear   and then my other hands hold in  the the gopro so i'm screwed now so this sign here says that this well is 38  degrees geothermal sea water being channeled   into the lagoon from 2000 meters within earth wow  your face isn't like ice cold yeah my fingers too   like from holding the alcohol so if you go  underwater you can actually like hear the   the sound of the pump yeah yeah the pump's  right here so it's really warm this part   because we're getting like the beginning  well there's a bunch of pumps right yeah it is salty as well for water oh it's too  relaxing there's no time limit by the way   so yeah you can just spend however however  long you want the entire day entire money yeah   then it'll definitely be worth the 185 dollars yeah so they had three different  scrubs um i forgot which one this is   exactly lovely the beauty session okay got the  mirrors as well perfect thank you let's do this looking good carol and i look even  more beautiful after this i hope so me too all right let's cross yet another bridge so some areas on the edge they have like  little seats so you can just sit and chill   that's what we're going to do you said 10 minutes  right we take it off well she said 10 minutes   until it dries but i don't think it's  gonna dry because it's raining oh yeah yeah   we look like two clowns i  didn't do a good job of mine no yours is way more complete all right time  to remove the mask and reveal the beauty not sure about the second part you have some on your hair hello i look 10 years younger 10 years younger carol all right i think i got it all oh so we're back at the apartment now ended up  leaving uh that place really relaxed so yeah   that was amazing very expensive as i mentioned  but uh yeah still a great experience and yeah   you've probably seen during the day like the  price of the car and then the price of this   place and then the blue lagoon ended up spending  like way over 300 right and if we ate in proper   restaurants and stuff easily go over 400 a  day i think here in iceland and that's kind   of us doing stuff a bit cheaper i guess like  the car rental was a cheaper option that we   found and also this place is a cheaper option so  yeah i guess people spend i don't know 500 600   a day easy but we knew that even before we came  here we've read a lot about iceland and seen   many videos so yeah we were expecting this and  it's probably going to be similar on the other   days and tomorrow we're going to be leaving  the capital already to already begin our trip   around the island on what they call the ring road  so yeah we'll be leaving in the morning and there   should be some amazing sights on the way so if  you enjoyed this video just drop a like to support   us subscribe like see more videos like this one  follow us on instagram and we'll see in the next you

2022-03-15 23:01

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