First Impressions Kandy Sri Lanka

First Impressions Kandy Sri Lanka

Show Video

Good afternoon guys, and welcome back to another video here in Sri Lanka specifically in Kandy. And in today's video guys, I’m taking you guys with me for my first impressions of Kandy, got some nice gentlemen here. How are you guys doing? Right. Perfect, perfect. Istouti machang [Thank you, friend]. And so we'll be taking you guys with us. I’ve actually been in Kandy for the last two days already but I was just at the Theva residence hanging out as you guys might have seen in yesterday's video. And so now, I’m gonna be

actually going out and exploring for the next couple days here and we'll see what we can go ahead and get ourselves into. There's a lot of stuff to do here in Kandy so we will go ahead and explore as much as we can here. I’m actually staying at a hotel right up here the Sandrina- Sandriana Da Maro something like that and I’m actually gonna be walking down into the city but I figured might as well stop here at the viewpoint real quick because this is the pretty well known lake in Kandy like the whole downtown city center is all situated right around this lake. And so as you can see, it's much more populated in terms of people over here but the nice part is- is staying up here on the hill I chose this hotel basically because it has those lake views. You can kinda be a

little bit higher up, see more of the city and so it should be a nice place to wake up to every morning and maybe I’ll show you guys the hotel later or either in another video paying about maybe 33 dollars a night or something like that and so it's not too bad in terms of price, AC in the room and everything but we'll talk more about that later. Anyways guys, I believe the temple's right down there so probably at some point while we're walking through and sharing with you guys our first impressions of this place, we will maybe make a cruise down into the temple and see if we can take it for a tour in there. I wore my pants because luckily the guy at the hotel told me that you can't wear shorts to get into the temple so I honestly had no idea of that. Hello, machang [Bro] I actually like did not know that you needed to wear shorts to go into the temple. So, luckily right before I left, he caught me and he mentioned that to me but I’ll tell you it is so hot. It's got to be near 40

Celsius. I might be exaggerating because I was out of the hot weather for so long but I will tell you one day in the heat yesterday guys, I don't know if you can tell on the camera I got absolutely fried. So to be wearing pants right now, it's a little warm but I guess it's probably good for the skin right now that I’m that- I’m not wearing pants. So we're cruising down here guys.

Kandy is a pretty modern city here overall from what I’ve seen at least just driving around. There's a lot of restaurants and accommodation options and just a really comfortable atmosphere from let's say the last two hours, I didn't have this on video because I didn't have my camera charged but I exchanged some money earlier kinda was in the town for maybe 20 minutes. So this is like my first real impression though because it was a very quick trip down there guys.

So we're cruising down and once we make it a little bit farther I’ll update you. Alright, well we've got our machang [friend] here is gonna be taking us down into the center. How we doing machang [friend]? Whoa. So we can take me down into the center yeah. Yeah. Perfect, perfect what's your good name? I’m Chandan

Nice to meet you Chandan. Just down to the center. How much is that? How much to the center down near the temple? Temple. Yeah, how much is that? Alright, let's do it. Do you have change for a thousand? Yeah. Perfect. Alright, guys full speed ahead. That's gonna save me from- that's gonna save me from sweating already because it's a warm day as I was telling you guys, so cruising around. Hello machang [friend].

From the US and you? Oh you're from Kandy, yeah. Kandy's a beautiful city. Alright, guys as you can see we're starting to get down into the city here. We got a little traffic. We gotta sneak

our way in, and here we go, full speed ahead. We’re heading down into the center. I guess we'll turn into one of those days, we'll see what we can buy maybe, maybe get a little snack in the afternoon something like that.

That was one of the machangs [friends] over there. Alright, my friend. Istouti machang [Thank you, friend]. Thank you. Alright, guys we have made it down into the city center of Kandy. As you can see, it's a busy day so put it in perspective for you, it is a Saturday today so a lot more locals are out and they're you know exploring and things are going on so a lot of people. Hello machang [friend]. Good and you?

Subha udesenak machang [Good morning, friend]. Istouti my friend. Nice to meet you, yeah. Very good yeah. Yeah, yeah. So yeah, we meet locals that's istouti machang [Thank you, friend]. So we're cruising through the city just got down here probably gonna see if we can locate a place to get a cup of coffee, meet some locals and see how things go. Seems like we've got a new

friend following us. What's your good name? Ganu. Ganu yeah what's your plan today Ganu? Nothing to friend. Enjoy your holiday. Yeah. Very nice. From the US.

Thank you my friend. It's good to meet you. Thank you. Istouti machang [Thank you bro] Good bye my friend. Nice people here came to join for a quick vlog session.

Alright, seems like these streets are pretty easy to cross here. Oh we've got an old style mini cooper. I’ve actually seen a couple of these around Sri Lanka so far really seems like a nice one. That's a nice car machang [Friend], I like it. Alright, so we're heading into the city guys honestly don't know where we're gonna be ending up but we'll cross some streets and- and see what happens.

Hello my friend. Thank you very much. What's your good name machang [Bro]? Yeah very nice. machang [Bro]. Istouti [Thank you] From the US and you? Oh, you're from Kandy. It's a nice city. Very good.

Very good. Oh always. Yeah why you got something exciting to say? Let’s- let's hear it. See the round Kandy mountain- mountain. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah very nice out there, yeah. How long

you be here in Sri Lanka? Oh yeah, long time. I’ve been here six days. A little bit of a long time. Yeah. No actually seven days now. I arrived last

Friday so hopefully yeah so eight days, eight days, wow. One month. One month maybe six weeks, maybe a little longer than a month. You’re gonna go to the beach? Oh yeah, a little bit of everything. Yeah, yeah. Oh yeah and you too. Yeah I like to surf too. Oh, you like to surf. Very nice.

No thanks, I’m doing a little city tour right now. Right now? Yeah, yeah. Oh doing a city tour right now. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, gotta meet locals like you. That's how we do it.

Oh, it's always recording so careful what you say on it, might have to cut that out of the video. This is a PG video. Oh well, I gotta keep the camera rolling because I’m shooting the video boss. Alright, my good friend machang [friend] istouti [Thank you], we'll see you next time. Alright, guys then we are cruising into Kandy here and so it seems like the busier way is that way but we'll do a little lap around. We'll

cruise up this way actually this one right here if that's a mosque, I’m not entirely certain. Comment below if you know. That looks just like the red mosque over in similar architecture, not just like it but similar as the one we saw in Colombo if you guys saw a few videos back. Alright, let's see if we maybe take a left here guys, I’m thinking. All around here, seems like a bunch of different types of shops, phone stores, restaurants, a little bit of everything. Somewhere around here is where I went and exchanged. Oh speaking of exchange guys, since this is

a first impressions video I’ll share with you that. I’m embarrassed to say this well, I kind of knew it but I just hadn't really tackled it yet but you there's basically like the bank exchange right here which is 200 rupees to one dollar and then there's basically like the off-market, black market exchange which obviously fluctuates right. And so like today I exchanged money for 246 rupees to one dollar and so I’m embarrassed to say like the first 250, I’ve exchanged and when I’ve paid it a card. It's been at the 1 to 200 rate, so I basically had like a 20- 20% loss in the value of my money. And so today I went and exchanged a hundred dollars at a jewelry shop here and they gave me a proper exchange rate, thanks to a follower on Instagram who reached out and was like yo dude, make sure you when you come to Kandy, you can exchange it this place. They'll

give you a good rate. I know the guy so I got really lucky with that connection and so it was Lolita Jewelers. So thank goodness for that because like that literally saved me so much money and just an important point for you guys to know. So, if you're withdrawing cash out of the ATM, I believe you'll also get that exact, you will get the exact same hit that I had so just a thing you live and you learn but that's the good news is if you guys are subscribed to this channel, you'll get to learn from the mistakes that I make and that was one of them only you know not- not a huge mistake but at the end of the day if it helps you guys, I’m happy to make the mistake to fix it. We'll venture a little bit more into the city this way, see what we can come across probably somewhere to get something to eat or drink, most likely just to drink something to cool me off would be a good start to like a slushy place somewhere that would be pretty nice. Looks like we're in the hardware section. Hello machang [bro]

I'm gonna cut a left here guys. Fish market over there was a bit strong for me. Oh yeah, that was really strong. Oh alright, well we're cruising through here, kind of a side market a little bit off the beaten path here. It seems like it's more of a market for your general essentials you need here based on the smells of it almost smells like there's quite a mix of different grains in here, a bit of everything though. Seems like you could do a proper grocery run through this area and seems like. Oh yeah, all this area a few more markets in this area. Oh yeah, we got a fresh tuk-tuk coming through. Hello my friend.

Hello machang [friend]. Hi how are you? Good and you? What are you guys selling over here, new phones? From the US. Yes, yes and you guys Kandy? Yes. It's a very nice city. Yeah, yeah beautiful city out here, nice to meet you all. Istouti machang [friend] [Thank you, friend]. Alright, we're in-

We’re deep in the markets now guys, people here are very welcoming somewhat similar to Pakistan I would say where you can pretty much talk to anyone old timer just ran right into me. Alright, now we're coming up here. As you can see, a lot going on. You gotta watch where you're going if you go left or right, there's always something coming through whether it's a person, a tuk-tuk or something like that. Oh we've got a little bakery over here. This could be a spot for something nice and cold. Honestly, I could use one of these

umbrellas right now for the sun. That does look like a nice break, I’m gonna have even more of a farmer's tan than I already do. Get some fresh purses down there. Oh yeah, we're in the heart of it and on the left side here, we've got a huge clock tower that must mean we're pretty close to the center. I don't know why that must mean that but

I’m just assuming that at the moment but it's a beautiful city nice and quaint. You get a lot of tree coverage here in terms of like shade. As you can see, there's like kinda just trees scattered throughout the city here, shops things like that and a bunch of- bunch to just keep you busy like it's a great city for people watching to get a good idea of what the daily life is like and I must say I’m getting- getting my steps in after having so many biryanis in Colombo. I think we got a temple up there so a little bit further of a walk, we'll be able to show you guys some of the beautiful architecture out here in Kandy, Sri Lanka. And luckily I finally figured out how to say it correctly because you guys probably have seen the first 10 videos when I was calling it Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka and finally someone like gave me some correct advice that it's Sri Lanka and if that's wrong I’m gonna be like smh just smack my head but I think it's Sri Lanka but it sounds when people say it has it sounds like Sri Lanka but it's Sri so quite similar but same- same but different. We’re getting close to the temple right over there. Guys we just gotta figure out

how we're gonna cross this very busy street which honestly is going to be a bit of a puzzle because the reason why it's so complex here since they drive on the other side of the road. I always forget which way I’m supposed to look because I’m used to you know driving on the other side of the road so that like throws me off. I’m gonna- I’m gonna follow this nice couple. Oh I think they're going up though. I don't think they're crossing, are they? Oh yeah. Well, gotta figure out how we do with the locals way. Oh, hello machang [friend].

Guys I have bad news, I just lost the last five minutes straight of recording because it's pretty hot here so it overheated but you're probably wondering how did I just go from the sidewalk back there to on the bus, so I’m on this bus right here as you can see. Honestly, it was moving and past me. Yeah it looks like a cool bus and I saw some lady jump on so I was like alright, I’m jumping on so I hopped on and now I’m just cruising around the city and I’m on the second floor. It's actually a- it's actually a double decker bus and so we're gonna get a- a nice little city tour. So as you can see, we are pretty high up. I don't know if you can tell, it's a double

decker bus from here but yeah it's cool. It's like an old school type of bus and- Hello machang [Friend] very nice people here. Everyone friendly and says hi. We got a new machang [friend] here. What's your name? What's your name? Yeah nice to meet you. So you're from Kandy? Oh where are you from? Colombo. Colombo is a nice place.

This one probably not for 10 days. It's behind for security reasons. Yeah the garden's a good one. There we go guys. Looks like we'll be going to the garden, that's how we do it when you arrive to Kandy you're gonna meet locals they are gonna take you to places. I had a

feeling hopping on this bus was a good plan unfortunately though that video when I hopped on the bus, it was so good literally the bus was moving and I just jumped right on because I saw some other lady do it but yeah. Oh well, I’ll get some more good videos here guys don't worry. So guys this is the inside of the bus here, you definitely get your- your British style feel to this type of bus and it's nice though. It's funny when you're cruising through here though. The bus is so tall actually that the branches just scrape across so every now and then you'll hear it like smack the top of the bus, you're like whoa what was that but it's actually because like you see I was telling you earlier when I was walking around Kandy, there's so many trees in this area that they basically like hang pretty low and this is for sure probably the largest vehicle that drives through this area and oh so you'll see the trees. Oh there

we go and no it wasn't too bad there but some moments like up on the top of it. Guys as you can see, we're passing some temples this way and we're actually is this a river right there pretty long river? Oh crocodile's out there. Oh alright, so we're not swimming in the lake today or the river because I don't wanna have to wrestle any crocodiles today guys, it's not on the agenda. That’s beautiful over here though, we can just see these types of trees with like so many different like branches hanging from them, a beautiful set of mountains in the distance, busyness going on everywhere phenomenal. Oh I gotta keep those limbs inside otherwise I’m gonna get decapitated by one of these buses going by, definitely wouldn't want that guys because that would be no more daily vlogs. Alright, guys istouti machang [Thank you, friend].

Thank you, goodbye. Alright, we're heading this way goodbye my friends. Alright. Oh crap my mask just broke off. Istouti machang [Thank you, friend] This is good, perfect. Yeah thank you, thank you. I think you

need to buy you mask. That's alright. I’ll grab one later. Yeah let's do it machang [friend]. So we're heading over to the park here. What's the name of this park? Alright, Peradeniya and what's your guys's names? Subhoshan. Girijen. Alright, so we got the squad here and we're gonna do a little- we're gonna do a little park tour here guys we gotta figure out how we can cross these streets though. As you can see, there's a lot going on over here. Oh and the- the question's been answered, there is a boat so far you can do so maybe we'll have to get on a boat safari as long as we're not gonna get in by the crocodiles right there might be, yeah. Have you ever tried have you ever ate a crocodile? No. No, me neither.

I don't plan to. Oh let's see if they're gonna stop and alright, we made it across. It’s time to get those sunglasses on boys it's pretty bright out here, isn't it? Alright, I love the buses here. They're just so decked out and customized. It's

amazing. Uncomfortable, uncomfortable, I said. Uncomfortable you? That bus. Oh that bus, I think that's a cool looking bus. Yeah. Hello machang [friend]. Oh this is where we got to go to get a ticket. Yeah. Oh to enter yeah perfect, Let's see--. Alright, I guess there's a separate entrance not much of a line for the foreigners so that makes it a quick entry point and we are heading in. Alright, ticket counter,

ticket counter. Alright, we got the ticket counter foreigner right here. Alright, so I’m guessing the price is going to be a bit more expensive for us so guys just made it inside the park here, and I figured I’d give you an update for the prices so for a local to enter it's 250 yeah, 250 and so that's roughly a dollar on the black market exchange rate or just over a dollar on the bank exchange rate and I for me being a foreigner is about 2,000 to enter in this park and it seems like a massive park. Yeah exactly it is huge. It is huge looking out here we've got so many, so many roads. It looks like in the distance stretching way back out there, and a lot of people are just coming out. Seems like maybe even having a picnic, got a squad. Hello machang [friend].

Is that weird for Sri Lankan people when I say that? Yeah like no because no one talks to each other. They’re not used to it. Oh that's what makes it even more funny because people are always just looking over at me like what's going on. Yeah, yeah. Oh that's normal though. That’s the vlogger life bro, yeah you'll get used to it though. Trust me and an hour of this you won't even notice

people are looking. No, the difference is only happens in Asian countries. What- what do you mean? Like the stares like I’m pretty sure like. Anywhere I go when I have my hand out like this, people are just like- as much Asian countries I’m pretty sure because like they see it more often than us. No, they still stare because they're wondering what's going on like- Oh so here we go. This is where we find the crocodiles down here, yeah. It's new for me as well. The Sri Lankan pond.

No let's take a walk down there cut a left there yeah. So we both are clueless so we both have to see for the first time. Yeah exactly, it's first impressions video for both of us guys. Wow, are these bamboo wow so like bamboo I believe has like some crazy growth every single day they're growing like like a certain amount. I’m not good with my facts here guys but I do am familiar with- But they're pretty strong.

They are yeah, I mean look at they stretch all the way up there, and they're just such a- a magical looking type of I guess you could call them a tree or plants. You guys can see there's another way you can get around the park here, nice big old bus sounds like it's an electric bus because it's not really making any noise but I’m hearing that it's what two thousand. Yeah two thousand. So another ten bucks per person, expensive yeah. To be honest, with how hot it is I could go for an ice cold bottle of water sitting on that thing driving through the park right now but I should probably work off these chicken biryani's right there, see you know Colombo biryanis had way too many of them and paratha bread.

Yeah, I’m gonna need one. Oh wow, look at this. This is a magical forest. You wouldn't see this if you go in that [ __ ] you know. Yeah that's true. So he's anti-bus as you can see, even though I met him on a

bus so that's ironic. No because the bus sucks it's so slow, there's no AC. Oh. And some of them drivers don't drive slower. They drive fast. Oh that's a monkey right there. Holy. Wow, I think if you give a bun they would eat it. Do you ever think and they stayed pretty easy to show this before do they? Oh they they'll take stuff? Yeah and you can never see them again there's someone there. So should I watch out then? Don’t be that cautious but-- Oh yeah, those monkeys are pretty cool so you've seen a lot of monkeys before then? Yep. Yeah you didn't really seem as impressed as I

did. Yeah because I mean they I see them like usually. Yeah you see them in the countryside. Oh yeah, not in the city. Wow, what a mystical forest just right outside in the middle of Kandy. Machangs [friends] how are things? We lost you guys.

Yeah you guys did some nice exploring see anything good? We just saw some monkeys over here, yeah yeah I was pretty, pretty excited but then he told me that the monkey was gonna steal my stuff. So we're gonna see if we can find a water guys, there's not too many water stands around here. I mean let's go to different places. Let’s do it. I feel like here you get a little split so guys there's quite, quite a lot of different areas that we can walk around this area. Hello friends.

Foreigner central now. Alright, so we are the water's over here, or do we gotta go in and then go out see if we can find our- our bro who can hook it up with a- how do we get back in? We’re trying to figure out how we can get ourselves some water guys I think- I think I might have lost my ticket so I don't know if I can leave and come back in. Can we go? Well, we got our tickets maybe we can get back in. I’ll go back. No, no, no, no. I’ll go, I’ll go. They’ll let us in? Alright. Alright, so- oh over here that's fresh

cold water guys, that is exactly what I need. I actually might buy two bottles just because I’m so thirsty right now. Oh excuse me. Hello machang [Friend]. Hello, can I have two waters for me? You guys all want a water? Five waters and then an energy drink please. Yeah one energy drink, five cold water bottles, That’s four hundred. Five. Yeah five cold. Yeah and small? Small or large? Large nice. Oh yeah large yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah perfect.

Five. Put the money away put the money away. No, no, no. It's my treat for him. Istouti [Thank you] Thank you. Yeah, and how much for these? Perfect you get the 500 back. I pushed it dude no it's not. Oh thank you we need

a bag, no bag. Yeah no bag, no bag. Do you need a bag? Do you need a bag? Yeah, it'd be easier. Alright. Yeah. Oh yes, please thank you my friend. Whoa, we got a wild one down there. It's gonna be a fight. It's gonna be a fight bum, bum, bump who's gonna win? I don't know. I’m totally kidding guys I

don't condone dogs fighting. I didn't actually know what was happening. Hey, that guy's imitating you dude, yeah that's normal. Yeah that's normal. Do you wanna be in the vlog? Come on over. Let's get a shout out.

Yeah that's normal I- I even hear people say I- I feel like that's nice. Oh for me yeah no, no not at all people imitate because it looks funny like I’m talking to a camera. No one knows that I’m actually like filming like a video. Guys I finally got myself a nice cold water, I’m gonna slam this entire bottle ready. I tried to slam the whole thing was not possible. We'll save it for later guys we've got another spotting of monkeys.

Oh yeah. They look like they're going to consider stealing my camera. Hello machang [friend] that's a little baby machang [friend]. Oh he's thinking about coming after me. I’m getting out of here, yeah I’m getting out of here. They're gonna chase me aren't they? Yeah, yeah. I’m gonna regret that. I don't- I don't have a

rabies shot right now so- Maybe they might chase something. I mean they might crawl up to you as well I guess. I hope not. I really hope not. Fellow vloggers here. Alright, guys we're cruising around this way. What do you think right or left here? We go right. Right.

Alright, okay. This is nice. Oh yeah, this is one yeah and hold it up like that. Yo, what's up guys? I’m here with my friend World Nomac bro and we are here at Peradeniya park, and it's crazy. It's pretty cool as you can see, pretty good. Very beautiful. The first thing I got is we got- we gotta see monkeys. You don't see that [ __ ] anywhere else and you can see kids running here and there and locals behind us. It's pretty

crazy isn't it? Yeah it's pretty amazing. It’s his first time here too. Yup so we bought the foreigners to this place. Yeah yeah, Colombo native. Yeah, yeah but a Qatarian. Yeah, yeah you call that I mean 11 years of education and yeah pretty good. I think it's worth it because I gotta talk to this guy just do it pretty cool. I appreciate that. And yeah go check out and all of

the social media TikTok, Instagram. Oh that's a shout I like that and YouTube mainly, don't forget I’m in this vlog so it makes it 10 times better. Exactly so give him a like on the video yeah one like equals I get to be a tour guide for the next week one like equals one week of free tour guide from your boy. Oh that'll be a lot of likes then yeah 2,000 is how much? Yeah that's a lot of hours. It might be the next like two or three years. Yeah it's crazy. Yeah

so I’m gonna be a tour guide for the next 199- 95 countries. Alright, alright, so it's pretty good then. We’ve got ourselves a- a new vlogger here. He just did his debut vlog guys. Yeah, yeah he's ready for it. Yes guys. Yeah there we go, and he's the shy one yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Yeah he's coming out of the shell here people were staring at him while he was vlogging, he didn't even notice. Oh and guys, we're changing chapters in the movie. We're about to cross a bridge. I don't know what type of bridge it is but we're gonna make it across here. Hello machang [friend] Oh here we go guys, a very, a very narrow bridge and it's definitely a pedestrian-only bridge, and actually I’m glad we can finally be on a bridge like this because I tried to go on a bridge like this in Colombo but it was closed temporarily. As you can see, we've got some traffic up here so there's too many people on the bridge. There’s not really anywhere you can go. I guess you're not supposed to jump on it.

We’ve got some machangs [friends] over there down. there in the in the river We’ve got the machangs, [friends] down there. Hello machang, machang [friend]. Hi. Hello, how's the water, good? Are we jumping in? I’m pretty sure he

doesn't understand anything. He's just shaking. Yeah, yeah. How do we say, “How are you” in Sinhalese? [Speaking in foreign language] We should go swimming in here. Oh you can't swim. Oh yeah, then I don't think you wanna go swimming in here but we will yeah we'll maybe jump in the next time. I’m not gonna do it. Hello, hello.

Are we jumping? You want you could. Are you allowed to jump off this? You can’t. No. Make sure you hit the- Yeah, yeah maybe. Oh so it might be time to get a little photo down here, yeah. Whoa you're here. Oh this thing's gonna break guys we're on Sri Lanka's most dangerous bridge right now a couple of us can't swim a couple of us can, there's crocodiles everywhere and I don't know what's about to happen. There’s nothing in the water. Look at them, they're having the time of

their life. Machangs [friends] are there any crocodiles down there? Any crocodiles down there? [Speaking in foreign language] Yeah they're wondering what's going on here, aren't they? It looks quite peaceful here though guys, check that out yeah it looks like we can't get across here. They've got an interesting padlock here so wouldn't be too hard to get across but it seems like that's just the other end of the park maybe there's a restaurant over there that's where those guys are. Oh and we've got the- the police right here. The police man, how are we doing

little machang [friend] yes okay. Alright, you thought we were getting busted didn't you? No, no, no, no. I don't think it's supposed to shake it Oh okay. I think this- If that would have broke that wouldn't have been good. I think he's just crossing the bridge. I don't think he's

worried. Yeah. He’s got his- he's got his own agenda. He did call. Oh he did, yeah. No I think let other people go we have to do. Oh okay so we wouldn't hang out on

the bridge too long yeah. I think that's a certain amount of people maybe I think 10 people, okay. Yeah, this definitely doesn't look like a bridge that can hold a thousand people. So I think when we have five on there- whoa we've got some shakers this is definitely not me guys, pure beauty guys look at that tree just leaves hanging from every square inch of it and beautiful bushes on this side. Guys just look at these trees here. I’ve never seen anything like this. They just twist and turn like the formation's up there, you'd almost think it's not even a real tree and then you look over here and this tree is literally morphed in with this tree or maybe the branch grew down and then the roots grew there like it's so hard to tell but what an exotic setup and it's a good photo spot here. We got the machang [friend]'s getting some fresh photos.

There we go. Looks like that one even got maybe burned a bit. I thought this was a coconut tree over here but I guess it's not, some sort of mangoes or melons or something. It's called a cannonball tree.

Wow, can you eat these things? I guess you could. Cannonball and it's called korupita guyaneses yeah I don't know how to read that. That’s probably an English word too and I can't figure it out. Oh well, machang [friend]'s I said we keep moving yeah. I kinda feel like we're in- we're in Hollywood in California right now. This has the similar look when you look up in there and you got palm trees up there. He's eating something. He's got

himself a little burger there. Is that a little veggie burger? Hey little guy, how's that veggie burger tasting? Yeah oh and he's going. Oh he's showing us. Oh, oh he's about to jump. He’s basically saying no one should touch my buns. Oh we got another monkey coming. Oh he's- he wants him to share, doesn't he? Oh he ran away with his bun. Oh whoa, caught a bug. Yeah that monkey- that monkey's tweaking

out of it, yeah he's looking for the next bun. He’s not doing photos today. Oh he's gonna grab that thing, isn't he? It seems like the monkeys are attacking me. Have you guys ever picked one up? No, you wanna try and catch one? I’m just kidding yeah. I mean aren't they dangerous?

A little dangerous if they bite you they might have they might have rabies. Oh [ __ ] Oh this is the way. Oh we've got the lake over here, yeah. We're gonna go for the garden. Last and final. This will be my last and final garden tour and then I

gotta get to the temple by sunset so that's where we are finishing off our tour through the gardens here guys. I’d say it was a pretty nice time and now we're gonna cruise to back to the city center actually but I’m not gonna be taking the bus because it's not as quick and we're limited on time before the sun goes down. Oh yeah, we're calling it a day Machang [friend] how are we doing? Very well machang. Very good, is this the bus I get on to go downtown? You think this is the one? Oh and we're hopping on the moving bus and here we go.

Oh alright, hello machangs [friends] Oh the boys have made it on and we're going for a little cruise here. This is gonna bring us back into the city center. How long do you think about 30 minutes? Oh, sorry there machang [friend], how are you doing, good? Very good. This is a big pick up spot because it's the end of the day guys, cruising 20 minutes or so. I’m on fire right now. Alright, guys it was a quick exit. We're sitting here and all of a sudden,

everyone's pouring off the bus. It's probably gonna start moving again in a second so we gotta go, we gotta go and oh there we go. We're coming up and we have successfully made it off the bus. We’re back into town. Alright, yeah we're pretty close to the temples now based on from what I can see. Oh yeah, we're right downtown. Oh there's

the clock tower. We started this video near the clock tower so this is considered the center of Sri Lanka of Kandy yeah. Oh very nice. We’re back guys, we're back guys we're- we're parting ways now with the machangs [friend] here. So guys thank you so much for showing me around, really nice time with you guys and I hope to meet you again in Kandy. Hopefully, I'll look forward to the video. Good bye, my friend. Good bye. Nice to meet you both.

I’m gonna follow you this way though. Oh yeah, I’m walking this way too. See guys it just goes to show every time you put your stuff out there, talk to people then you'll make new friends. It was a fun time meeting those guys and doing a little tour around there, kept things interesting both for me and for you guys because you know got to do some exploration it's always fun you know more fun when you're with people so now we're gonna go actually meet another person here, maybe I’ll make this into a separate vlog. I don't know we'll- we're still

gonna figure that out but we're gonna do some exploring of this area, walk down this way. We've got the temples over here and even some oh some baked goods over there. I’m tempted but I gotta save my appetite because apparently the spot we're going to- to meet this next guy is up like maybe with a good sunset view or something like that so it's gonna be very nice. Guys, I think the last- the last thing I gotta do so if you know my last name is Candee so Mac Candee needs to get some candy here in Kandy. How are we doing?

Fine, where from you? From the US and you? USA, dollar? USA yeah, yeah. Yeah well I got- I got them in rupees now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You, you? Always filming I’m a YouTuber. YouTube, YouTube. Yeah YouTube yeah, yeah. Local market yeah but I need- I need some fresh candy here. I need to get some candy here in Kandy yes. Oh sorry about that so what do you recommend for some good Sri Lankan candy here? Candy. Yeah good candy here. Yeah, it's

all candy, all made this country. Oh it's all made in this country, yeah. So what do you recommend some like do you have like some, some gummies or something some like chocolate or gummies yeah? Oh it's good, getting busy. Bubble gum. Oh which one is that? Mall. Oh yeah, yeah.

You want? Maybe You- you- But maybe get some candy here first yeah. No candy here only import. This is import yes. Oh so it's not local. It’s all imported. No problem I’ll buy

some from here. What do you recommend? Oh no, I’m thinking do you have like anything that's like a gummy candy? Yes. Yeah samola, which one is that one? This one dinosaur eggs. Oh that's a unique one.

Alright, let's get- let's get some dinosaur eggs. Yeah, right we just rip it right off there actually. Keep it. I’ll rip it from the bottom yeah. Oh thank you. Oh and what are these things some sort of syringe? Yeah.

That’s a good one. Oh sweet, it's chocolate yeah, yeah. Alright, let's try one of those too and then let's try just a bunch like a couple things in here yeah. Take it. Yeah. Oh a couple of gold coins. Oh thank you so much, Just fill it up in a bucket here we get the get a couple gold coins there. You can't go wrong. Baby, baby.

Baby gold coins so we probably need one of the big ones, yeah. Alright, we'll get one of the 50s oh euros. Perfect, perfect. Yeah that's a good one then yeah perfect, perfect. And what else are you thinking what else do you recommend? Oh, oh yeah. Alright, alright, we'll get one of these fun pops, a big bomb

and alright, I’d say that should do the trick. They might melt in my bag though. That's the problem. Might be too hot to put them in my bag. Oh it's a little juice?

No, it's a- Powder? Yes. Alright, we'll try one of those, okay yeah. Alright, we'll do that one too. Yeah alright. Alright, this should be all there, yeah.

Good price yeah, perfect. Alright. Germany’s a nice country. [Speaking in foreign language]. We just got some candy guys 450 for a whole thing of goodies. I got chocolates, I got a couple suckers, a couple other good things so istouti [Thank you] my friend. Thank you very much, we'll see you next time yeah, goodbye. Istouti [Thank you]

Alright, on to the next place guys, I’d say Mac Candee got candy in Kandy that's a lot of candies for sure. Hello, machang [Bro]. Alright, so we're gonna continue to walking tour guys, got some candy here.

I’m thinking we try out one of those gold coins. One of those gold points gonna be pretty delicious to- to enjoy. Actually this thing's probably easier to get out. We'll try out the little syringe thing. Oh it's- it's like a gooey liquid. Oh it's coming out.

Yeah that's very sweet. That's nice though. I guess you're just supposed to- you're supposed to take it down. Oh it's getting kinda bright guys. I think you just take it.

Oh it's squirting out everywhere. That’s delicious but our guy was telling us in there that it's all imported so it's not local Sri Lankan candy but it doesn't change the fact that it is still very good actually very, very good. I have a little sweet tooth guys. Normally, I don't buy like a thing candy but I’ll say it for like the fourth time Mac Candee which is my last name if you guys didn't know Candee C-A-N-D-E-E spelled like that is in Kandy spell K-A-N-D-Y eating candy which is spelled C-A-N-D-Y so quite funny.

But actually guys, I’m gonna go ahead and end today's video here because it's gotten pretty long and I don't want to- I don't want to run this video too long because you guys might miss some great parts. So I’m gonna go ahead and end this video here guys. If you've enjoyed watching this video, make sure that thumbs up. If you wanna see more videos both here in Sri Lanka and all around the world, hit that subscribe button below and I’ll see you guys in tomorrow's video. [Music]

2022-02-24 16:13

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